WHEN CHOKER COLLARS AND POMPADOURS WERE THE STYLE Wilson's Bachelor was making a name for itself as an exceptionally enjoyable cigar. And now after this 25 year test . . . Wilson's Bachelor 1 00% Havana filler is smoked and enjoyed by more men than ither ten cent individually foil wrapped and in pocket packs of five w. ILSON'S BACHELOR ' ^^M^^^^fc * ^- Cidai* Still most for the money You will sleep more soundly than ever before in your cosy Third Class stateroom on a Canadian Cunard ship. Soft mattresses, spot- less linen, warm blankets, feather pillows, bedspreads, clean towels, lurge mirror and washstand, plenty of soap and water, cleanliness every- where . . . and trained stewards to wait on you. All this is part of Third Class service on this famous Line. This service means that you eat, sleep and play s you never did before, on the voyage over and back. Make sure you are going to enjoy the trip by sailing i'unarc/ to the Old Country. Book through The Cunard tins, j Corner ol Bay and Wellington I Streots, Toronto, (Tel. ElginJ 3471). or any steamship agent .Veekly sailing to Ply- iioiith. Havre. I..enil<>;i, Belfast. Liverpool ami IhtsRow, In conjmic- 'inn with the AiiL'hor- L> naldsun I. inc. CUNARD V *X CANADIAN SERVICE Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Facts of Interest A detachment of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, one officer and 24 other ranks, the pick of the force from the different divisions through- out Canada, Is en route to London, England, to take part In the Interna- tional Horse Show at the Olympia. This famous show opens on June 19th and continues until June 28th. The detachment of "Mounties" will give a display of horsemanship at every performance during the show. Each member will appeal in the red tunic and sombrero hat, by which members of the force are so well known. The R.C.M.P. is a force maintained by the Canadian Federal Government. There are I,fi09 publications Issued In Canada, of which 116 are daily newspapers, 966 weakly; 12 bi-v.eekly; 21 semi-weekly; 5 tri-weekly; 44 semi- monthly; 388 monthly; 10 bi-monthly; 28 quarterly and 19 miscellaneous. Of the, 530, 000 homes In the Prov- ince of Ontario using electricity,; 4,'!,- l!40 are farm homes. Total production ot the forestry In- dustry in British Columbia in 1929 had a value ot $90,000,000, of which lumber accounted for about CO per cent. Though those who talk and talk and talk This proverb should appeal: The wind that blows the whistle Will never turn the wheel. "I tell you golf is going ti/ be the salvation of the nation, and lengthen our days by decades." "But our an- cestors didn't go in for golf." "And where are thev now? Dead!" In Memory It had been a very convivial re union dinner, and when the time came for the guests to depart Wilson am Robert found that their last train to the suburbs had gone, and they wer faced with a five-milk walk home. About an hour later, and Just as they had passed a church which hac chimed out the hour of two, Wilson broke the long silence that had en- sued. "Does your wife miss you when yon are late on such occasions as this?" he asked. "Very seldom," his friend dismally replied. "There are still two large lumps on the back of my head where she hit me the last time." Sausages Too Short Says Scottish M.P. London When the House of Com- mons was discussing the Bill to set up a Consumers' Conncil to deal with unfair prices for food, the Kitchen Committee was solemnly listening to a complaint of a Scottish Labor mem- ber that the sausage: sold In the House were too short. Mr. A. McKinlay (Partick, Glasgow) made the allegation that the apples, toast and sausages sold in tile tea bar wore too dear. The committee invit- ed him to state liis case, and to the end promised to cotuic"er what he had said. When Mr. McKinlay made his charge the indignant committee sent out for a case of sausages and pro- ceeded to demonstrate one supposes with a tape measure that they were as long as any that could be obtained outside. "I must be getting all the short ones," was Mr. McKinlay's retort. The complaint that the apples sold were too expensive was also contest- ed by the committee, which will com- municate its findings to Mr. McKinlay later. to Second Thoughts The boxing-booth was packed overflowing. The gong sounded and the two boxers entered the ring. The fight began! The first, second, and third rounds were fought evenly, but at the end of the fourth round Bashem Bill showed distinct signs of weariness. "I can't go on any more." he told his second during the rest. "I've had enough." "Don't be silly," urged the other. "You've still got a chance." "That's all very well," panted Bas- hem; "but that last blow over the eye almost blinded me I can hurdly see Mm." "Never mind that," returned the second enthusiastically, '"it 'im from memory." WAS RUN DOWN NOW WELL AGAIN Nurses Wanted The Toronto Hospital for Incurables, > In affiliation with Bellovua and Allard Hospitals. Now \orlt City, offers a Three Year's Course of Training 1 to Young 1 Women, bavin? the required education. and desirous of becoming* nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour s/stem. The pupils receive uniforms of the School, a monthly allowance anil | travelling' expenses to and from New I York. For further particulars wrltf or I apply to the Superintendent. Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results In pain and ourness about two hours after eating. ,The quick corrective Is a alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective Is Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard with phjSldans In the 50 years since Its Invention. One spoonful ot Phillips' Milk of Magnesia lie trallzes Instantly many times its volume in acid. It : barm- . - , -^ .4 ..1 less aud tasteless and its action Is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts. Please let It show you now. Be sure to get the gee*'"-' Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Eiteh bottle contains full direc- tions any drugstore. STURDY CHILDHOOD The sturdy child the bright, active little chap is the one everybody loves. It is only the sickly, fretful ' lid who Is not attractive. It iu the birthright of every child to be sturdy and well to be able to make everyone admire him. Therefore, mothers. If yours is not attracti\e it's your fault, not his. He must be ailing and it is up to you to see that he ge- relief that he is given a medicine that will quickly make him well and keep him well. Baby's Own Tablets are especially designed for infants and young child- ren. There is nothing to equal them for correcting the Irregularities of the j stomach and bowels :' j cimse of ! most of the ills from which little ones suffer. The Tablet:; : e sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ** '" ' "" Slang Puzzles Paris Police There- is consternation among the j 1,000 Paris polyglot policemen who j spent weary months absorbing a thou- sand English words, only to learn that tourists do not speak the language of Shakespeare. The teacher of the policemen-school boys did not think it was necessary to provide them with a sideline of slang, with the result that they cannot understand the average British or American tourist, and the polyglot po- icemen are so educated in the King's Knglish that most ot the tourists can- not understand them. When they got their sheepskins, the policemen were put through another course of politeness. They were taught to smile so that all their teeth would show in the best American style as Paris sees it. They spent weary hours learning to bend without taking the eyes off the eyes of the person they seek to impress. They were put through paces which 2"lil S' ve liiiiii * l Ji2 French race the fantSTis tradition that aTl French- men are' of the "Alphonse and Gaston" school, forever praying the other to go first. That school passed out with the war, j and Frenchmen were far from polite I when the new High Commissioner of Tourism, Gaston Gerard, took it over. Takes Pleasure in Recommend- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To the woman In the home illness is almost a calamity. Man woman keeps on with her house' old duties when she is feeling ready to drop. Her head aches, she is easily tired, is de- pressed and nervous and has no appe- tite. In a word she is anaemic and badly needs help the healt -help that only Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can give her. These pills make rich, red blood which brings new strength and energy to weak, despondent sufferers. Con- cerning them, Mrs. Paul Rail, Coin du Bane, Que., says: "I was badly run- down, slept poorly, and awoke as tired as when I went to bed. My appetite was poor and 1 felt miserable. 1 took six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aud they completely renewed my health." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by "all medicine dealers or by mull at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. to BRIDES &GROOHS WHo\ie Mj vie invite, to BED ROSE TEA 101 "Lest We Forget" The names of 13,479 officers and ] men who were posted as "missing" during the War are recorded on panels in a me, orial which has been I erected by the Imperial War Graves j Commission at Le Touret military cemetery, near Bethune. and which is to be unveiled by Lord Tyrrell, the British Ambassador in Paris. This is one of a series of memorials of this kind, designed to commemor- ate those who fell in tin War but whose graves are not known. The names recorded here arj for one sec- tor only, and for the period up to th eve of the battle of Loos. The memorial is in the form of three solid walls enclosing an open court of rectangular shape. On the fourth eastern side is a colonnade, with a wall to the east of it. This wall and the colonnade extend outwards to the north and south to form a long gal- lery. Classified Advertising FOB SALE USED BICYLES. no UP. VARSITY *-' Cycle Works. 413 Si>a*lina Avenue. Torrmto. A -I 13ABV CHICKS WJfl HATCH liL> A.L 215. DUO last year In four varie- ties. Write for free catalogue. A. it Switzer, Granton. Ont. Bronze Horses of Venice ( The bronze horses surmounting San ' Marco Cathedral in Venice were made In Corinth nearly -0 centuries ago. They were taken from Corinth to Rome by Nero, to Constantinople by j Constantino, thence to Venice, and | then to Paris by Napoleon, being re- stored to Venice after his fall. SIN' LE COMB WHITE LEGHOHN and Barred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicks, wonderful winter layers. We have oeen hatching for 27 years. DelamcTe t'oullry Farm. Stratford. Onta. lo. "TRENT" MAY AND JUNE Chicks, always popular. Roclts. Wyandottt'j. LeKhornB. Free folder "Pin Money" *tescrltiea why their brcedlnn "tells In th __*__ ni'.ft. 1 ' Onli-r early and sir. e. Trent Electric Haichcry. Trenton, Qnt. OTjn.D'S Al CHICKS DOCKS. MAY. ISc; .11 .NK. ITo; LK'5- *^ Hi 'HNS. May. ]?<; June. 16c. nmM live delivery guarantee*!. Express pre- naiil n '-'(MI or more chicks, s :. .>1J pullets $1.40 earh anil vip. Catalogue fre<-. L. R. Guild and Sons. liox B. HI nk'.vnod. rntal in. heumatism^ years of rheumatism, now in perfect health," says Mr. A. Duch- arme. Thousands write rheumalia pains, neuritis, vanish liko miria with"Pruit-a.tivts". Consti pation,inai* ;stion eod overnight. Nerves quiet. ct"Fru--Uvc Ir Irish Immigration Rouses Scotland Edinburgh, Scotland The influx of Irish immigrants into Scotland was a question which agitated the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland recently. The matter was brought! up by the IU. Rev. John White, who was first Moderator of the United j Church of Scotland in 1929, Dr. White; describing the larse-scale immigra- tion as a "menace to Scottish civiliza- tion and culture." The problem was not conllned, said Dr. White, to the east side ot the counlry that facing Ireland but the western part was being Hooded by Irish also. The Assembly finally decided to ask for a Government inquiry Into the j question. I * Minard's for Insect Bites. 'Religion is caught taught." Dean Inge. rather than Learn Watchmaking Light Interesting Work Good Watchmakers (either sex) can earn good money For information write the CENTRAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Toronto CQ OVERNIGHT "Many Boils on neck. Doctor said lance. Tried 'Sootha-Salva' first; boils vanished overnight.'* C. T. Scott. "Sootha-Salva" stops pain in 1 minute; boils go ia few hours. At All druggets. "A Miracle!" Cripple nawuxilkswdl tltnnk.\ to Knimltcn " For n\rr finM monllit 1 'rat Iniil u)> <iilh rheuiniititin. inuiUr lo mw, irhen I inn ttdfittt In Irti Knurhcn .>''!//. It if almost a miracle, but u-Muiil il mini /if a lit I HIM aUr to b lii'.: it tn ilir 'unit iliiur in iff* than a icrrk .' in M nut tnlh :/;' '<,/> n! crulfhtt il/nl iJI >J >t:i''t time / Kilt rrnll.intf ll'fll. This if nut ij (inf-tiffk tettmtuituil, hut /<>/ \rtart. f . J f^ 17i-Li, ' " ' '''"' '"''"' >' mr "'"''' "'"' r nfr " frrl <* Let s uo r ishmg , /: < : ~ ( .,. ' {^ga** tS But not forget to taku Minard's along. It will tuko care of cuts, bruises or mosquito bite. . She "Where did you got that um- bri-lia?" He "It was a girt from sis- ter." She "You told mu you luindift any sisters." He "I know but that's ! what's engraved on the handle." Grimby "Does Brown understand the purchasing power of a five dollar bill?" Blinks "Yes; what troubles him Is the piiivhaains power of his wife!" i "China needs a Government like ( ours," says a writer. It would cer- , tainly serve them right. j o i Minaret's Drives Away the Headache. n fi" % of TOTAL * OFARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full detnllB apply: J. D. CAMEBON, Dim. Bupt. Colonization Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto BRITISH RE UNION ASSOCIATION DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are liabit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid hibricatir. ciils which only grease the intfsriiics and encourage nature's Machinery to become ia/y. A puily vt<rs'.>hlc '.vxativc sucli as Carter's Litclt Liver Pills, gfiuiy touches the. livsr, Mia Atarts to f.o>v, the bowels move ^iiitiy, the intcstmcfc are ihorov.fchljr omuued .v.:d c*>ijt ! .j.- tion poison* pass way. Yl.-e stomach. liver ar:J bowels are ijo 1 :*/ ic'lve and the system rnioys H r;-a! tonic efi'cxt. 11, iimt iiiintf tnfin loiaice u. i utit ci<*t mi/ huftna yuu U-M puUuh it '<* ttlur* In nr." --Mn. Wilh:i. Orlglfikl letter CD itle for io)(cUo<u Krusi-licn Salts Is obtainable fit drug and iii l.iTiiiiMit vrmi-i In r.'uu'i.i .it T.'ic. a buttle. A In'Ulc cviiitaiiu Kimiieli t<> Ini-t. tor 4 or 6 good healthier hull-u-aul dy USESPINKHAM MEDICINES Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood Medicine and Liver Pills BiHitown, Quebec "I live 13 miles from town on a farm, with all my home ~ 1 diitirs and churn- ing lo attrml to. At tin; Change of Life, I became nap* votis ami run- down. The Vege- table Compound helped my whole pystftn. My nerves arc better, my ap- ]H-titeisgoo<l and I am able to do ny work. 1 Imve also takt-n the Blood Medicine ami ; .l\ i.ivcr 1'iljp and they !ir'.;>ctl me. 1 from womtn All rsu fkg*. .