Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 23. 1930 THE FLESHER TON ADVANCE SPRING House Gleaning Requires a Right Paint to Paint Right SHKKWIX -WILLIAMS KKLIAULK PAINTS & YARXISIIKS 1IAVK. ALWAYS P.KKN 1-OKK.MOST I- OR. QUALITY Conic in and \vc \\ill help you \\ith your paint problems DAIRY EQUIPMENT S.M.I'. il;iiry pails, strainer pails, creamery cans, etc. WIRE FENCE & EQUIPMENT Invincible Farm and Poultry Kence. made from bitfh quality copper bearing steel to make it rust resisting and extra heavy galvanized: also barb wire, black wire, brace wire, staples. 1U-.ATTY WASHERS. Electric or Hand Power Wringers, Tubs. Irons. Washboards MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Cianleti Tools. Rakes. Hoes. Shovels ' Royal Purple Flower and Garden Seeds 5c. pkg. F. W. Duncan HARDWARE - FLESHERTON 10th LINE^OSPREY Our apring weather is quite wintry again. Sugar ;.nukinp and cutting wood ia the order of th-> day in this locality. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1'Vmvick bark to their home on the 10th lire. Miss Gertrude Wright is home alter suending the winter months in Mp.rkdale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldrick have moved to their new home on the 10th. A number of their friends and neighbors spent an enjoyable evening with them Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cameron atten- ded the funeral of the latter's cousin Mrs. Frank Taylor of Flesherton. Miss Pearl Sornberger spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Mort Sayr. Mr. Lome Wright is engaged in cutting wood with Mr. Les. Poole. We understand that Mr. Mort Say- ers cut 30 cord of wood in two arit ? Irlf hours for Mr. Dave Roberts and has row taken the contract oJ .utting one hundred cord for Mr MeLen.n of Fevorsham. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, Mr and Mrs. Dan Cameron and Mr Norman Parker snout an enjoyable evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Short. Iva and Hubert Sayers spent th week end with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Will McArthur o: Ka v enna. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wcldrick spen he week end with their daughter Mr. Jno. Rad'.ey of Singhampton. THE FLE8HERTOI ADVANCE Published on Collinpwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance 1.50. In W.M.S. Easter Meeting SCUTH LINE The Easter Thankoffering of the n'.s Mi.--i<>m-iy Society of the j I'nited church of Flesherton was j held on April, 17. Mrs. Scott open- : (d with order 01 service provided , fi-r the occasion. The speakers U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid wt ..,. ( jj..,. (Rt . o Smith and Mrs in advance $2.00 .Aider of Duiham. Mrs. Alder W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor " av< ' a renort of tnt ' Conference F. J. THURSTON - EDITORIAL NOTES. Assoc Editor * lc '' ( ' ' n Toronto <" n the finances of : the W. M. S. erdinjf with the state- "jment that our mom-v and -ill came from Cod and should he used for i Mini, al.-.o our (jiving-; represent our- 'selvi.i and no nne should he ashamed to -sk for help f->r God's cause. n'issions cf the chu-vh. their hen- fit tn th'ise they labored among, diieflv touching on the brotherhood of man. the you! in the mnn and not the color. There were re I -.resent- flives from Ceylon. Inislioge and Paptist church. Mrs. W. P. Brvco How many children in Flesherton and lurroundiiur district will be ,. twelve year, old this year ? All "S.1? 1 * ^ jjT^._* ,. the those who huve rea.-hed that age this year will ho entitled to a free camera, donated by the Canadian Kodak Co. of Toronto and these can be secured at any of the dealers of this company. It is an excellent chance for the children to obtain a camera ' :l " I; ' a vorv acCP P ta ''Iy. We ... n 'ere pleased lo havo with us Mr?. Thorn, a former minister's wife. The youngsters around town are wnn together with Mrs Hlarkbii'-n taking ,| U1 r- an interest in their a ,] UPt w ], it . h was much ap- lacros.i ick3 donated last summer predated. The meeting closed with after the OM Home Week celebration , ; S o< ial cup of ten and our thanks and have l.<-;-n busy learning the rudi- t n thn Durham Indies vho fnvorod inents of the handling of the-,e im- , with tneir ,., Th( , Thnnk . pluments of Canada's (national off ( . r i nR . wa ., g^o, same. Lacrosse has not been prom- inent in this part for a good many! Tim h^om rf Mr nml Mrs A L years and this handicaps the boya^incki. nenr Prireville, cnueht fire from receiving (. \-pert mstn-tions ( i,, ri nrr the nifht la--t week hut was (Last Week'.-; Items) \Vc have had two or three days o real spiinrr weather. Syrup makinj? . i-' full .<wimr. Misses Margaret Turner and Sadie spent an afternoon last week ,vith M -s. Ed. Dingrwall. Mis-; Kmma Oliver spent the week nd r 1 hor horn". Mi:-h . vmnalhy is expressed to Mr mil Mrs. Kavstedt and family in the oss of their youngest son un<: brother. Twin calves arrived at the farir if Mr. John Oliver one day the first <f >- w??k. Word came on Sunday evening hat Mrs. Robert Parslow was not so well. We hope to hear of better news soon. .Tas. Turner. Ed. Dingwall and A Mill.! >" had successful wood bees \"V\ 'op]<. Mr. .Tohn McDou^nH made a husi- ness trip to Shelpurne the first of the weok. ^!r. Donald MrDougall received word last week of the death of his -.ister in Algoma. The sympathy of he commnnity goes t him and other friends and relatives in their hour of HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. CLUB The April meeting of the Hold-' fast U. F. W. O. Grey County was' leld at the home of Mrs. J. J. ' Lyness, when 13 members and 2 visitors were present. The roll call was answered with birthday jems. The bulletins were read and discus sod. Mrs. A. Carson gave four re ipes for- cake icing. Mrs. G. Campbell gave a rea ding, "Proton township fifty years ago." Mrs. J. K. McLeod a reading, ''Sunday in the home." A flower contest wa.- put on by Mrs. Lyness, the prize beinjr won by Mrs. W. Beaton. Th? hostess treated all present to home made candy. Lunch was then served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss May Stew art. when Mrs. W. Beaton, R. N. will give a health talk and Mrs. D. Macphail will put on a knitting con- teat. Ladies please remember to bring your knitting needles. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound were in town fo<- Easier Sun- day. Mrs. Wm. Miller and daughter, Marion, spent .Easter with Mr. Mil- ler at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Patton ot Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy of Colling wood and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pal i on of O\ven Sound were visitors in town for Easter. A meeting of tho Flesherton Ten- nis Club will be held at the store of Emerson J. Bennett on Thursday evening, April 24th. at 8 p.m. to re- organize for the year 19.10. It is hoped that all tennis enthusiasts will make it a point to be present. CommunityDance & Presentation TC THE JUNIOR CHAMPIONS OF THE N.H.L. - in the ARMOURIES, MARKDALE Monday., April 28 The Music Committee has secured for this dance the popular six-piece "CHERRIO DANCE ORCHESTRA" of Brampton, featuring Andy Cuthbert, Gold medalist baritone singer at the Toronto Exhibition in 1929, who sing parts of each dance as well as playing a trumpet. ROUND AND SQUARE DANCES It is expected that this will be the biggest event of its kind ever held in Grey County and all are invited. PROGRAM COMMENCES AT 8:15 P.M. Gentlemen: $1.00; Ladies free. Free lunch served. . PLANT MORE TREES There are thousands of a-res of land on Ontario farms th?.t are Wild peesc have been quite plenti- ron-productive that might well be nil in thi< distri.t thi.-, year, while planted to forest, trees. Any on their way to their summer feed- 'lent in Ontario may obtain each inj: ground! in the north country, vi-ar free of charge up to 3500 trees Last week large flocks landed on for reforesting, an additional 500 tho farm of Mr. Angus McLachlan. trees ca " nls <> u be obtained for north of Priceville, and made them- windbreak. These troe, are dis- T . . , mooted in the spring only, to those selves n.uitc at home. It is stated , , iL ^ *,._._' ._. S. S. NO. 9 ARTEMESIA Sr. 4 Percy Smith, Stanley Magee Billie Hanley, Willie Fenwick. Jr. 4 Wes. Jamicson. Fern Magee Edith Fenwu-k, Lillian Magee(absent Sr. 3 Gerald Magee. Jr. 3 Irva Mafjee, Bennie Hanley. Sr. 2 Do-is Magee. H. M. Milligan, teacher. that the geese are hard on the fall wheat, v.hcn they alight in such num- ronto l>cr.*. <!i>vinirin<* th" rreen growth ' which would be a delicacy to them. The Canada goose ij being protected more and more each year and no! doubt the leadership came from Jack who apply to the Ontario Forestry Ilranch, Parliament Buildings, To- ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Miner of naturalist. Kingsville, that noted on the fine point.-, of the game. cxinguished l)"<V>re much d^mncc was donp. ,.,- t i ic Little Miss Norma Wyville- and v. hen '' """ l- - stlinl "y. "f Durham arc M'cnding Easter \v-ek with their graii'i|):irc-nts. Mr. aid Mrs. Win. Wyat. also their cousins. Rillio and balance lalam-e i ute rate I1C.1I K"vi rnmcnt "tin >;uiV sundrii , . 1H28 One year ago a dn-ni.i Women':! Institute camo true a doctor \v:is pl:u-i d at Tohcrmory at the top of the Bruce Peninsula to . '.V"n *irnf iiii.-*t i:i*(imnn. I minister ... the needs of the people >!ari( , lio Wv .., t _ >Spl . ipirhm- in that d:.,trist. Dr. Fisher has ' ,l>ecn in chui ri 1 of the medical work there and has been of very gic-at service tn tlmvc needing medical at- tention. l!nt (lie work commenced will be sl'-'rt -livid unloss more sup- jvirt is given t<i the experiment by tin- Woman's Institutes of the pro- vince and others intoresU :1. This community which is being assisted is about ';'> miles distant friini the nearest doctor and at time.- it has lii-i-n a ran- f<-r life or <loath for him to arrive in lime. It is to he hoped that the W. I. organizations can see fit to continue UK, rood work and assist those- who are r.uch a great distance from medical assistance. ( The placing of a permanent doctor. at Tobonmory would l>p a splendid memorial to the officials of the In-| Ktitutea, hwo did such valiant pioneer, flprvice in years gone by. ' * * A noted occurrence in navigation' circles was that of the opening of the new Wvlland canal, which has < been under construction for quite a number of years and which has consumed a large amount f money 'f. to compete the, work. The Jocks at Thorold are not yet complete, Oil Royalties No jiore are carefully chosen Oil Koya'ties looked upon as risky speculations. Hundreds of millions of dollars ;ir c now invested in them because they provide n degree of safety. :iml a rate of profit return, sur- passed in no othrr line of modern commercial enterprise. We offer you a 127r investment. For further Information see DR E. C. MURRAY Phone 20 Kleshcrton ABSTRACT STATEMENT of the Flesherton Public School, 1929 ui:n-:iiTs .1 To To To T/ To By DISBURSEMENTS 535 OR 1!2:J 80 :!dl 1 75 :;; ; > '-, ir> r>o 45:12 13 salaries 2 ^ 75 'I ' UU teachers' By o Hy fuel repairs equipment trrunt to school fair Hy hydro lor light and power By VANDELEUK (Last Week's Items Vandeleur Ladies' Aid held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. A largo number of members and visitors were present. Considerable business wad trans- acted and a good program was pro- vided. Mr. Ran Hutchinson is busy these days buzzing wood for the farmers ' here. Making maple syrup is one of the orders of the day. Messrs. J. T. Graham and son, have a host of trees tapped. (This Week's Items Rev. \Vm. Coutts of Cook's United c-hurch. Markdale, who has been taking the services here and at: Ebcnezer during the past few Sun- days, on ju-count of the illness ol' the pastor, Rev. St. John, occupied thge pulpit in Ebenczer church on Sunday,' afternoon and preached a fine ser- , mon. Special music was provided by the choir of Vandeleur church. Miss Lillian Buchanan of Sarnia is holidaying at her home here Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son, Clare, and Mrs Smith Sr of Meaford spent Easter with Mr. and Mi.;. Samuel Gilbert. - Mr. Peter Smith of Harkaway visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. D. McOee. Mr. David Graham of tho H.E.P.C and Mrs. Graham and family and Miss Annie Burritt, R. N. of Flesh erton and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham and children of Markdale i spent the first of the week with Mr.' and Mrs. J. I. Graham and family. Advertise in The Advance SAVE...! 61 25 387 '.)!> 142 00 13 75 17 91 By By Audited March nth 1930. C. J. BELLAMY, F. W. DUNCAN. Auditors. balum-u . W55 67 I but it JM expected they will be when the official opening of the canal is } held on July 1st. The largest lnk>- !! 1\ eighters will now bo enabled to *t) travel through to lako Ontario and { M. Lnwri-ncr Kiver points to dis- !! charge their cargoes. \Vhen the St. y Ijawrence River Cannl project i -j- undertaken and completed by tho !j> Canadian and United State* govern-, y inents, fii-cnn going boats will then, be i-n:iplc-il to reach tin- he:id of the X Tiakiv-t and will usher in a' new era ] of Momini'in prosperity. T'ntil thnt i t'-'ie roni<^; the m-v.- V. -Unnd Cnnnl X vill no!, l.i fi-.J.lcd (., ''-ilfil t!,.. j; f-vrnow tor which it v.ns construe-' '] ted Princess Theatre, MARKDALE Every Friday and Saturday at 8:15 Adults 25c. Children 15c. (No tax) "The Lone Eagle" Will feature our progrnm for this week. This thrilling story of Ihe udrentutes of an officer of tho Hi itish Air Force during the (Jrent War is :V.-diratrd to Lindbergh, the famous "'Lone Eagle" and is n littim: tiibule lo ;i'l lh;- lu-roew of Ihe air. Thrills galore, stirring nemos, remarkable flying und n fine cast all combine to make a picture well worth seeing. liu tvr jt.o-.Mi in 'llAVK 1'ATIKNCK" and Oswald tho lucky rapbit in "Siiiii'.v i-';nis.igen \vlil lound out this bi program. ''K:- On S.ittiru-i nij:bt the comedy presentation is repeated at the end of tin- feature, ^'m: may conic ns late :is s : :'.r, aiid still sey : I'liiiip't-li- Save, for Saving's Sake A Savings Account is an excellent habit. It strengthens self-reliance and eliminates future money worries. Save with this Bank. "BANMORO BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM: H. C. Francis, Manager MARKDALE: A. E. Hunt, Manager The BANK for SAVINGS 94.3 > SHINGLES Edge Grain XXXXX Extra Heavy Butts $4.50 per square Edge Grain XXX Shingles at $4 per sq. No. 2 XXXXX Shingles at $3.75 per sq. All prices cash delivered TRUCKING Long Distance and all kinds of moving at any time. Special prices for hauling stock to the Toronto market Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills COMPLETE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FLOORING. OUTSIDE TRIM, INSIDE. TRIM Gyproc, Brick, Shingles, Lath, Etc H. A. McCaitley, Prop.

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