Vol. 49 No. 45 Flesherton Ontario, April 23, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Propricto r For Your ^^^^^^^^^^^^I^IHI I Convenience We will be open for business every Satur- day night to receive cream and eggs. For best results and highest market prices sell your cream and eggs to us. Markdale Creamery & Produce Co. PHONE 66 MARKDALE PORTLAW On Monday evening of last week about seventy people of the com munity gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, who have moved to Flesherton. During tht evening, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were assigned seats of honor and presented with a cabinet of silver and tray, together with an address expressing warm appreciation of these worthy people, who have spent their wedded life in the neighbor- hood, and who were always zealous in promoting the best interests of those among whom they lived. Mr. Taylor 1 was born on the farm where the presentation took place, his par- ents being pioneers; and during his life he saw the forest farm trans- formed to a productive and attrac- tive homestead. Their removal causes a void that is hard to fill; but all wish them unbounded happi- ness in their new home. Mrs. Wm. Taylor spent two weeks visiting with relatives in Toronto. Miss Lillian Morton R. N., of To- ronto visited with her parents, centre line lately. Miss Johnson is spending Easter holidays at her home at Kemble. Mrs. Francis Shier has returned from a lengthy visit with members of her family in Toronto; and at>- gears somewhat improved in health. Miss Clinton of Toronto, a former tppK-hrr here, is spending Eastertide with the Meldrum families and meeting friends and former pupils, who are pleased to meet her again. Mr. Albert Blackburn visited friends in Collingwood last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker visited with the former's mother and othei kin over the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nuhn and family of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Hopps and other re- latives. Last Sunday service partook of the spirit of the season. Rev. Barn- ford had an Easter message that was full of inspiration. At the close of the service the Sunday School was partly reorganized and will open again the first Sunday in May. All are invited to come to Sunday School. EAST .'lOUNAIN (Last Week's Items) Mr. Carl Humberstone has re- turned home after a visit with his mister, Mrs. H. Graham of OHon. Mrs. B. Prentice and son, Everett of Dur.can were week end visitors .vith " . inH M r s. Clarence Smart. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fawcott and children of Epping spent the first of the week with M-.-s. T. Fawcftt. We 'extend our sympathy ti the sorrowing friends and relatives of M--. James Fawcott. who passed away at h ; 's home near Duncan after a limrprintr illness. Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRE-SAFE! PROTECT your family by making your Summer home draught -proof, dust- proof and fire-safe. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc, that does >iot burn will render you this service at small cost. Use it for structurally strong walls, ceilings and partitions. It needs no de- coration (when panelled) but you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, is a permanent asset, and is vastly superior to other building materials. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information on Gyp- roc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "Build- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario WODEHOUSE Cold north enst winds. Mrs. R. Fawcett is not improving in health as fast as her many friends wish for. Mr. John Clarke had tj-e misfor- tune to have his leg broken onTues- day morning of last week. He was assisting in raising a horse whch had been down in the stail, when the an- imal fell back pinning his leg against the stall His many friends deeply sympathize with him. At this time of the year it is hard lines to be laid up in that manner and we hope for an early recovery. Miss Lulu Risk of Epping is as- sisting Mi-3. WYn. Clnrke. Mrs. J. Cherry and Miss Verna Nesbitt visited friends in Kimberley Valley on Sunday. Much sympathy is exterded to Mrs. Bruce Carruthers hp-p in the loss of her father, Mr. J. A. P?.rker of Goring, who passed away in Owen Sound hospital on Thursday morn- ing following an operation for ap- ppndicitis. Mr. Parker wa^ rapd over-seer in this section, hence was widely known and a gene-nl feeling of regret is felt at his early passing Sympathy is extended to hii berea- ved wife and family of eight chil- dren, o.ll at home excepting the el- dest, Mrs. Carruthers. Mrs. Newt Hutchinson visited her brother. Newt Smith of Vandeleur, who is still confined to the hoase and suffering from the the effects of blood-poisoning, which he had in his hand some weeks ago. We wish him a speedy recovtry. Mrs. Harold Fawcett is at the par- ental home in Markdale helping to take care of the several members of the family, who are laid up with the flu, h-r mother with blood-poisoning m hei- hand. She has been in a serious condition but is nrw thought to be on the road to recovery. Word conic j to hand of the death of Mr. Boyle, who passed away Monday afternoon. April 13th at the home of his son, Ernie, from pneu- monia. Mr. Boyle has been in poor health for a number of years, part t tho time confined to his bed and beinjf at an advanced age he wa* un- able to throw off the disease which took him. The family moved here several years ago from Kimberley and thn nianv friends a-<] neighbors sympathize with the family in their IOLJ BesKles one son. Ernie, one daughter. Mr*. J. \ V . Elliot of Mark- oalc is left to mourn thn loss. Much anxiety has been f-.-lt abroad the <>ntire c-'tnmur.ity for Miss Ethel Heath, manager in th..- Markdulu telephone office, who has peen very low with pneumonia and diphtheria. She is slightly improved and now a little hope is held out for her re- covtry. For Sale by Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills . * , Flesh'er ton, Ont. . CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Snel! and .amily of Owen Sound spent Eajter with Mr. Luther Duekelt and family. Mrs. (Dr.) Pattei'son and two sons, George and Beatty cf Toron- to arc .spending EasLer week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. Mr. I. B. Whittaker : pent a day of the past week at Angus. Mrs. Allie Muir spent the Easter holidays with Toronto relatives. Mr. Percy and Miss Maud Hemp- hill spent Easter with Toronto friends. Mr. John Melia left Saturday to visit his son in Toronto. Mr. Will McKenzie spent Good Friday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of To- ronto were Easter visitors at Mr. George Arrowsmith's. Miss Mary McDonald of Dundalk, spent the week end with her par- ents. Mr. Ross McMullen of Smith's Falls was an Easter visitor under the parental roof. Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker were: Dr. and Mrs. West and two children of Angus, Miss Millie Whit- taker, nurse in training at Wellesley hospital Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Gee and babe of Vandeleur and Mr. and Mrs. J. Beatty. Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White of To- ronto spent Easter with the former's mother here. Mrs. White favored the congregation , at the afternoon service with a very sweet solo, "Alone." Mrs.. H. Piper, who hasbeen visi- L':IR- her dr.ujrhter at Lauriston re- turned home on Monday and was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Torrey rnd son, Jack. I M . Clarence Marshall was a week r/rl visitor at his home here. I<Ii.j. Neilson and son.. Bruce visi- ted her sistpr, Mrs. Jas. McMullen. ROCK MILLS The mill started here last week. It is nice to hear the old whistle again. There will be several months cutting, as there is a large stock of logs in the yard. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster fo? Easter were: Misa Jean Foster of Toronto, Mr. Jack Foster of Owen Sound, Misses Steph- enson, Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Dem- men:} of Corbetton and Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and Garth of Toronto, the latter to remain for thp week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Smith and son, Billie, spent Easter with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Win. Alcox, Toronto Line North. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell and family, spent Easter with her par- ents, Mr. and Mis. J. E. Williams, Eugenia. Master Stuart Foster is holidaying for a week with friends at Corbetton. The sugar making reason is over and many have gathered up their buckets. Mr. Rufus W'ckens and Mrs. Jno. Wickcns of Kimberley, spent <\ day last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Mrs. Herb Betts and two children, Hilda and Edgar, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stcddart, near Markdale. Mr.s. H. Wilson and Miss Dora Pedlar of Flesherton. spent Easter with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Visitors over Good Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard were: Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto, Mr. Fred Pedlar of Creemore, Mrs. Harry Patton and daughter, Win- nona and Miss Ida Fisher. EAST MOUNTAIN (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitehorn and daughter. Violet and Mrs. Burt motored over from Detroit and were visitors at Mr. Hector McLean's. Mrs. BuH spent the winter over there and will remain for the summer here. Miss E'ffie M'cCannel, Toronto is visiting with her sist'T. Mrs. A. L. Hi-.eks. Mr. Murray McMillan of the To- ronto Bank, Markdale, is having 3 weeks vacation ."t his homo here. Messrs Allie and Earl McLean took > tri'ck load of Allit 1 McLean's potatoes to Toronto <>n Thursday. While loading logs at the station vard on Thursday, M--. Bill Campbell had '..he misfortune to. have his leg broken. Congratulations to Rev. Mr. and Mr.s. Sullivan on the arrival of a daughter lfst week. Mr. Cook, nrincipal of the school here has purchased a new Ford coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean vi.sited the first of the week at A. L. EinckX Mi.'i.-.cs Donaldn and Rebecca v -Vhol. teachers .it Mclntyre and Rad.icros", spent the week end at tho' parental homes. Miss Dorothy Carson of Toronto, came home on Monday night, after hr-r recent opi-rntion and wo are glad to I-no-v sho is feeling mi"h better. The last freshet has again taken way a portion of the dam here to the west o the strong nier built lost, summer, -.ome 12 or 14 feet in width. It is planned to put a strong boom acro?i which ma" serve the purposes of power until the water gets 1-w. Mr. Robt. McConkey arrived home from Toronto after, three we"ks nbsenco, feeling much better after his operation. Sympathy is expressed for Messrs Harold and Kred Karstedf in the death of their brother, Jack who died in To--onto. A unanimous call has been exten- ded to Rev. Frank Sullivan to the | pastorate of the Thistletown and Ebenezer branches of the United church near Woodbridgn and will be subject to the approval of the Pres- bytery. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y. I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton J. W. BATES. R. MADDOCKS. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Robt. Richardson was a holi- day visitor with friends in Toronto. Miss Ethel Shaw visited over Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Shaw, Cheeseville. Miss B. Ottewell, teacher at Orange Valley, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents at Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood and family of Markdale .spent Sunday at A. L. Lever's. Messrs T. Sled and Bert Sparks visited with Collinprwood friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Messrs John and Win. Ycdall and Mrs. Geo. Yedall of Rocklyn spent Sunday at the home of R. Richard- son. Mr. and Mis. H. Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. H. McKee and family and Mrs. W. Davidson of Feversham and Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound snejit Sunday at A. Stewart's. Mrs. Miller of Eunhrasia is visi- ting her son, Mr. Alex Miller and fpmily. Mrs. Albert Stewart is visiting: with hei- brother, Mr. Chas. Perigee! and family at Delhi. Mrs. A. E. Sparks and little daughter spent a couple of days with Toronto and Hamilton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Alcox and babe of Priceville, spent Sunday with the Alcox families here. S. S. NO. 11 ARTEMESIA Sr. 3 John Boland 73, Violet Fitzsimmons, 70.4, Lloyd Boland 70.7, Mitchell Taylor 65. 9. J:. 3 Wilma Cargo 55, Hilliard Fitzsimmons 53.U, Elta Cargoe 48.4 Willit Bowles 47.2. Sr. 2 Bernice Harbottle 55.8, Al- lan Taylor 51.3, Archie Graham 48.1 Carman Sewell 35. 8. Jr. 2 Jean Wyvillo 72.7, Laurene Baker 69.7, Rhesu McLean 69.7. 1st flalph Fitsimmons 20. Primer Doreen Boland, Pauline Hutehinson, Hugh Wyville, Ernie Shepperd, Pat Weber, Evelyn Mc- Gee, Jean Cargoe, Delmer McLean, Joyce McGee. Evcftyn -Brown, teache.^ NOTICE Owing to the arrangement of new office, it is necessary for patients to come in by rear '-west" door. Will patients kindly co-operate. Dr. J. E. Milne. CHICKS AND EGGS Pure bred to lay Barred Rock chicks from hens mated to L. R. Guild Rock Cockerals from high producing hens. May chicks $15.00 per 100; June chicks, $14.00 per 100; eggs 5c each. Two of these cockerels are for sale, |2.00 each. Write or phone Mrs. Edgar Patterson, R. R. 2 Priceville. Phone 22 r 41. HARDWARE * $ Pails Tubs Boilers Whitewash Brushes $ % Caisomine Brushes Papering Brushes | Stove Brushes Harness Parts Curry Combs Eweat Pads, etc. C.ROCKRY SPECIAL | Campbell's Chicken Soup 2 tins for 21c. $ | A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store closes every evening at 6 p.m., except c", Wednesday and Saturday. Save on Groceries Fresh Tomatoes, Celery and Lettuce Our Special Tea uei - 1 D> 59 C> Orange Marmalade large jar 35c. Herring in tomato sauce large tin 30c, Oraham Wafers 25c 2 large Pineapples for 55 C ' Robin Hood Rapid Ooats p cr pkg. 30c. Watch for Aylmer Products Week commencing Week of April 28th H. FREEMAN Phone 60w- . FLESHERTON MAXWELL ^' _ i The Osprcy U. F. Y. P. 0. held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. Geo. Ross on Wednesday, April 16th. After the business was tiansa;ted the remainder of the ev- ening was spent in playing progres- sive crockinole. Mrs. E. Hawton and Mr. Vern Wright being the prize winners. Miss Artie Wright of Toronto is spending her holidays with her par- ents here. Mr. Wm. Kerton of 'Toronto spent the week end with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison spent Sunday with Mrs. Morrison's par- tuts. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stephen ^on. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison spent Sunday with Mr;. Morrison's aunt, Mrs. ^fcLean of Mclntyre. Grey County Egg Grading Station in the old Scully Egg House EGGS CANDLED AND GRADED BY EXPERIENCED GRADERS OPEN ON WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS COMMENCING TO-NIGHT, APRIL 16 Thomas Owler & Son Phone 55 Proprietors