Jungle Breath y Ben Lucien Burman THIS HAS HAPPKXED | try to relieve me of what I consider [plunged in and followed it with smn <lifrtcultj, the water occasionally ris- jitig past their stirrups. Here and there where the red volcanic rocks of the region formed a pool of clear water they could see curious flsh sporting; here and fiere a fat pond- erous turtle plodded along the bank. alligator lifted its !. -ad Once a Posing at times as a barber, at my duties and responsibilities on theja they passed, menacing them with ethers as Attorney Davis, Yilak helps his Cousin, Klise Marberry, try to solve a strange mysli TV at Porto Verde, Brazil, outiide of which Klise owns a coffee plantation. Several mys- terious *-- *-- ' -- J **' fazemla. I've taken orders from you in other things, but not there, that'* final. My sister's husband and I used to quarrel about the game subject and i I* s " I merely succeeded in making matters i deaths have occurred and Klise i ', ,, , , ,, ha-, been threatened. Vilak tells Lin- 1 uncomfortable. for everybody Let a coin Xunnally, aged chemist, that he don't you and I do it. I must go to believes (iaylord PrenlNs is inv>!vp.| in the dentlis. V !\\r, ycir-old nephew is kidnapped, Yilak tracks the kidnappers and finds the baby in the care of a band of Indian track labor- Villapa. Myself." Vilak tranquilly munched his cereal. "Very well. I won't argue with you. its red jaws. Vilak stopped to kill it with a well-directed bullet, for the creek was part of a fairly frequented highway and any of the gigantic liz- ards which strayed there were a dis- tinct danger. At length they left the stream and came out onto a muddy road again. The noise of their horses frightened a family of armadillos that evidently What New York Is Wearing BY AXNEBEU.K WORTHINGTON' lllvxtrnttd- DrcfKnuikinu l.rtiRoii t'ur- nithtd with Ei'rry Pattern But in that case 1 insist on going with had been quietly reposing somewhere are nt who hn Klisp. Nunnnlly nml 1 hn ;ikfa.-t when n iin s- < b)'-r comes to Klie ftnrn \Vi!snr, her ut Villii-m. NOW KEG IN THK STORY CHAPTER XX. put down the fork with which he toad been nibbling at an omelet. . him in at once, )>! aid h-;rried out. Jn a moment the dcKvr into !he kitchen opened again. A l-rawny half-breed Brazilian, clad in thi.-k heavy blue overalls and hip bH.is, stamped into the room, leaving great splotches of mud cm the floor at evi ry step. He strode up to V.\\f an<l, taking off his hat, stood awk- wardly bff'rie her. '"You have news for me, amigos?" she asked politely, when he did not gp< ak for a moment. "Yes, senhorita." He rubbed his thick fingers along his muddy trous- ers. "I come from your fazenda at Villapa. Meester Wilson have sent me. Tell me ride fast as cnn. He say tell you flood getting very bad Villapu. Say too he very stcck and can do not much, afraid much will be wa>h- ! away. Wants you come quick. He m>t say, but he very, very seeck. I, Miguel, all others, think he die." Elise rose from the table. "You'll have to excuse me," she said to her Ifuests. "I'll have to go out to Villana at once. It's been criminal of me to have left poor Wilson there ill and alone. Criminal." She called to Maria to have her horse made ready. "Just a minute, Elise," Vilak said ii. Iv. HP ga:-.en sharply at the mud- I'uMrir.l iin-.-srngi r. "An- ymi sure hap w ri.- on your fazenda?" H' r fori lu nd knitted into a frown. "What do yi>u ni(an? Of COU1 hi Works on Un- fazenda?" "You've -i"'n him?" She hc-iMtfd. then nodded. "I'm .. I'.i.- & * i; him. Srvc ral tiliii . Anyway, even if 1 haven't, what dif- '.il it make? 1 can't know i-very <>nc of tin- ~>iiO lai><>r.'in at Vill- npa, can I, when they chance HJ often? What on ear'h aie ymi driving at?" "Nothing, 'if you're sure you know your man. Only, it's faintly possible th:it this milage may not be what it appears to be, and that you'd better let me go to Villapa in your Mead." Her black eyes flashed, her breath came quickly. "Vilak, there is one thing I won't let you do, and that is you. Perhaps it's just as well that we do go, for possibly we can get rifles there." She shrugged her shoulders resign- behind the thick palms, for they dart- ed across the rond in such panic that it was only by suddenly checking his horse that Vilak was able to avoid edly. "All right. If you must. But 'crushing them. I don't think it's at all necessary. You The road rose gradually up a low ninke me feel lika n child." >hill, fell to a ravine, then went up a "What will you <lt> with Tinky?" short but fairly steep slope of another "I'll take him with me." hill. As the lidors rounded a bend, Vilak shookhis head. "I wouldn't. ; seven tnouiitw! soldiers came into view Seems to me an unnecessary risk. I 'on the hilltop They came slowly rid- WRIGLEYS Alt-rim- tcorci everywhere. Wrigly' create pep and en- ergy and keeps you alert. A 5< package may save you from goingtoleepat the wheel of your car. No wonder Smarifc Mower* ere o popular! Ttwy cut o easily nd wiih nich IU 1 IP "ptuli". Mottrfoland Worbmanthfp Gaon/nfeti AT I vt BV HMOWAht STORt _ SMARTS MOWERS JAMES SMART PLANT BAOCKVIIU ONt I "Take your hand away from your pistol, amigos. There are live loldiers in the bushes in back of vou as well as the seven of us in front." ISSUE No. 1530 think for tho time being he's siifcr in the house. Hannah can be ileptndt-il on not to let him out of her sight. I've talked to her. She's more than an ordinary servant. She can be trusted. Ami if anything came up re- quiring physical strength, she could do far more than you. I say absolutely that it's safer to leave him here than to take him along." "All right. I don't like to. But in a matter of this sort, I'll follow your | advice. Because you know. If you say it's safe, I'll do it. And besides, I'll have Schwartz come over and stay here for the five or six hours I have to be away. If I. could help it, I wouldn't leave him ev<-n for a minute. But I can't let Wilson die without lift- ing a finger to help him." Jn n few moments, Klise, Vilak and the old man were once more on their bur?!'", the chemist, to Vilak's sur- prise, having doggedly insisted on ac- companying them, though his weari- ness was manifest in his withered face. The half-breed who had brought the niessago rode ahead. Vilak set tho pace at a quick trot. Klise nervously touched her horse, which was lingering to chew a choice bit of grass. "I'm glad I haven't a criminologist's mind. It would drive me crazy. You suspect everything you see, a house with its window-blinds drawn, a broken match, a rusty nail lying in the rond. How you could put some hidden moaning into this mes- page from Wilson is beyond me. If 1 weren't your cousin, and palite, I'd call it fantastic." lie put a pellet of betel on his ton- gue. "I sincerely hope you're right,' hi- said laconically. He withdrew a bar of chocolate from his pocket and distributed it am- ong his companions as a substitute for their uneaten breakfast. He himself took none of it, contenting himsell with a second pellet of betel. Suddenly at a point where a narrow trail cross- ed the road, he looked down at the ground and pulled up his horse "Humph," he murmured. "There's that unusual hoofmnrk of Prentiss horse again. And there are the prints of two other horses running along with it this time." He straightenet up in his saddle once more. They traveled on in silence. At t.mes the chemist felt inclined to speak either to Elise or Vilak hut was checked by their expressions, one nerv- ous, impatient, worried, the other cool and grimly watchful. Their course for a short distance be- came a creek which the violent rains had flooded into a small river. They ng toward the Americans. Vilak's iushy, blond eyebrows lifted. As the soldiers approached, he saw hat they were garbed in tattered blue ind red un. forms of a design much ike th? f of tho gendarmes. They were !U-linguished from tli? li.tter, how- ever, by the fact that they all scc'ined white men, tanned by the equatorial sun. Their faces were distinctly un- pleasant, the eyes of this one puffy with dissipation, the face of that one scarred with knife cuts or the ravages of some skin disease. Nevertheless, despite their unprepossessing appear ance, they saluted the travelers ami- ably. "Good day, senhors, senhorita," said the leader of the troopers, a tall, sallow man, with a great bristling mustache who would have looked exactly like the typical Prussian offl- er had his haid been blond instead of Dlack. "You go to Villapa?" Vilak took out a cigaret and pre- tended to search in his pocket for a match in order that his hand be near his pistol. "Yes, amigos," he answer- ed, smiling. 'They say at Villapa the water is very high. Po they tell the truth?" The officer twisted one end of his mustache around his finger. "Yes. The water is most high at Villapa. Take your hand away from your pistol, amigos. There are five soldiers in tho bushes in back of you as well as the seven of us in front." (To be continued.) "The danger to Europe Is that too many people .-Ish to gain cheap credit by gilding one another's lilies." Sir luu Hamilton. Die Minard'a In the Stable. The smartest sports and tennis dresses show preference for sun-back neckline. This one is a be?uty. A Paris- Riviera favorite in white shantung. It concentrates its fulness in skirt at centre-front and centre- back in grouped plaits. The applied band of neckline, pip- ing of armholes and hipline are of silk crepe in fashionable nautical blue shad. Style Xo. 3419 can also be made with long sleeves and is particularly chic in Paquin red chiffon. Men's silk shirting, rajah, pique, linen, jersey and silk crepe appro- priate. Designed in sizes M, 16, 18, 20 years, 32, 34, 36 and 38 inches bust. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of su.-h patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Minard's 50 Year Record of Succets. A LIBERAL EDUCATION That man has a liberal education who has been so trained In youth that his body Is the ready servant of his will, and does with ease and pleas- ure the work that It Is capable of; whose Intellect is a clear logic engine, ready to spin the gossamer as well as forge the anchors of the mind Ine full of life and (Ire but whose passions are trained to come to heel by a rig- orous will; the servant of a tender conscience; who has learned to love beauty, hate- vllenc-ss and to respect others as himself; such a one Is in harmony with na'ure; they will get on together. Thomas Henry Huxley. ANY SEASON Is Vacation Time In Atlantic City ANY VACATION Is An Assured Success If You StH.v at the ST. CHARLES With the Finect Location and the Longest Porch on the Boardwalk Offering the ultimate In Service with Unexcelled Cuisine Add To Your Sumrner Home Enjoyment With a Cruisabout! (Richardson 1030 Sales and Service by T. B. F. BENSON, N.A. 371 Bay Street Toronto, Ont. No other Orange Pekoe can equal this in flavour TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Bug for Bug The Fri'iidi government Is convinc- ed that the present scourge of pota- to bugs which Is ruining crops all over the southwest of France can be traced to the arrival of American troops in 1917. Until then France bad nevor seen a .mtato bug, and since it is incapable of flying or swimming the Atlantic and .s never carried on potatoes, it must have crashed the gate in the baggage or on the person of the American dough boy. or so the argument runs. No doubt there are veterans of the A. E. F. who will grieve at this news, who, having thought they had paid their debt to Lafayette, will be cha- grined to learn that. In French eyes at least, they are still in arrears. But there are others who will consider this gift of the potato bug a fair ex- change for another and much chum- mier insect which they picked up on French soil; and some will even in-' sist that the bargain is all in France's j favor, since the potato bug. unlike. I the cootie, is herbivorous and flies.' I This makes it harder to catch, iraybe, } but easier to bear. In any case, one hopes the French I will look upon the trade as uninten- tional, if. Indeed, it really took place. ! Our soldiers are aot partial to ougs I of any kind, even to the wiiwd spud flps-royer and friend of the kiuhen fatigue. PLEASURES Great pleasures may bo rare, but It is the enormous variety of minor plea- sures that make up the happiness of life. "Let's see! Your nephew attained his majority several monlhs ago cMn't he?" "Yes," replied honest Farmer Hornbeak, "but it ain't a working ma- jority even yet." CI LESS CANADIAN GOVERNMENT A penniless old age is to be dreaded. Relatives cannot always help. 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The small bnw cabin has toilet and lots of hanging space for 4xU""i- ' v Mi. n suns,) KOlt TiagS and fishing tackle, ' This Day Crulsahom (priced at 13 6*5 at fac- I tory) and her sister -hips ar Illustrated In our catalogue. Write fir It BUY THESE BETTER STERILIZED TISSUES Fines' Sfari/i'zed Ti- lua. Strvd from sani- tary, duilproof cabin*! in nickel or porcelain finish. - - "DREADNOUGHT" A big value Eddy line. Seven ounces of Srer- ilizcd, creped tissue. COR ECONOMY AND VALUE FOR real economy and big value buy on* of these Eddy Tissues Every Eddy Roll contains safe, pure, Steriliied Tissu* of a quality worth/ of the well-appointed bathroom Eddy's is the Tissue that gives you full value for your money full weigh! full count Ask for it by name. - - "COTTAGE" Sterilized, wrapped Rolls. 3,000 sheeN, full count. - - THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULl - - CANADA EDDYS TISSUES CANADA'S FINEST "NAVY" 700 theeti of <r>, safe, Sttrilitod paper. - - - -