.Vol. 49 No. 40 Fleshefton Ontario, March 19, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprieto ROCK MILLS .Mrs. '^zm Croft wont to Toronto fe-'t week and spent a few days with fee i- brother, Mr. Ed. Holley, who is in a critical condition. * Mr. Colo ;:' Proton, is assisting Mr. Lorn? Atkinson r.t present. * Misc Vix'- Whits of Markdaie ^- .-iteJ recently at h?r home here. Messr-. Jim r.r.d Wai or Russell .went tj oWmKcvillo Saturday to see thtL- si>;er, Mrs. Thos. Black, who *i, verv bv/. Walter returned home the so.rao evening a:id,Jiin remained *ove; i\:- .week end- with his sister. Mr. Chas. Doupc of Saugeen is in this neighborhood buzzin? wood. Mrs. Wra Ale:x spent the week her daughter her?. Mr?. Wes. "Smith. Mi-. Ncrman Stoddart, who is -as- ' sistir.g Mr. Herb Betts for a while spetr. th" week end ?i his home * nenv Markdaie. ' Quite a ruraber from horc atten- ded the sale of Miss Tena Henderson in F!':sherton on Saturday. * Mr. Thos. Betts and daughter .-1 attended services at the Bible School, Proton last Sabbath und were guests at the home of Rev. 11. ?. Jackson. A number of neighbors ana iiier-ds spent a social evening at the , hon-- "i Mr and Mr-. Wm. T. Ped- lar on Te.'sday last March llth. tho occasion being Mr. Pedlar's TOth ' lirthday. A short program was , R-vt-n of mu-;ic, songs and recitations Miss Cdadvs Wickers of Kimberley, . srrarul-i!av.$:ruer of Mr. Pedlar gave -cveral fine recitations, which were cnjovcd bv i-.M. Mr. P-dlar sanp ' some of his old favorites assisted 1 ' -. his son. Lewis and Mr. Frank Belts with Mrs. C. M'-'ci-um at the rnran. A d-ir.'.v lu^ch was then :.ed srd at th- c' -sc "M formed in c:r"!e :'.TH! sar.sr "Auld ! Syr-c" and "H--'? "- .iollv good fe:- Mr. Pcdl"v is th" oldes: - this im-red-at" vk-ini'y and -. | b .--. h" may b - *r ir.nl t> soo r.'.any more hapoy birthday?. r-ruCEVlL CEYLON Mrs. Ray McLean spent a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and .Vns. \\ . '. ,'Eiiy *": Sh^Umrne. M s. Wra. Hincko spen: a ic\v days visiting h- 1- sister in Owen Sound, i Mr. J A- M.-Cuaig 1 and sister . Mary visited Tuesday with the liincks families. Mr. Archie McLean had a good d-\ Tuesday and a very large ! crowd at his. sale, when good prices j ',vc e realized. The sals brought around $3200. George Duncan waj j auctioneer. Then on Tuesday i nigh; Mr. ."".d Mrs. Il.-Lt-an and j amily trcuu J their many friends j to a party, when a large gathering V.-.-L-, prest-.-it and a splendid titr.e waa cnjovod by all. ^ r. cr.'i Mrs. Jack Hi.-.-^s of! E?rercont vir.t:d Thursday at iir. j David Hirck's. Mr arc: Mrs. Geo. McMeekin. Pur- haw visited recently with his bro- ther here. Bernice Cr.rscn is staying with her sister. Mrs. Art Richardson while he- mo'her is in Toronto. We are glad to report that Miss Dorothy Carson who underwent a serious operation ia St. Michaii's hospital on Monday is ir.ipr-.vln/. We %vish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Chss. McKinnon and son John L, returned to Toronto afier i pending a lew days here. Mr. Aivlae M.Caaig sper.t a few days in Ov.-en Sound recently. M'.-s. Geo. Ha-v iv Swinton Par'-; is visj in? her daughter. Mrs. Ja:k BORN" To Mr. and Mrs. LaBean (nee Edna McLeod) Red Creek, N, Y., the gift of a daughter at the Sayracuse hospital. Congratut- a'ions. Miss Margaret MoMullen of To- ronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr a^d Mrs. Aix-ru> M.- Mullen. . :e. ^"us Cala'mr. > Toron- 1 ) spent the we>k end with his L.ick . M-_ ":-. Ar.;:us and Arthur \Vhi;taker. MRL Jr.rvis Ha.'ard cf Fri'.-e- visit-c' Safirdav with her t'.irh^i. Mr. J'tone an i Mrs. Stone, who is a: present in v^ry poor health, and spent th-^ week c"d wit:'. >>." : - Eiiiri^y. -s Marjrare: Slncbir spent ..:,.. : n To-or.tr>. Mr. Rti) r: Par?! '-.-.- wsat t To- ' c". Monday. \-'--ro his v.-ife is ir> *h" Ceri-'-al h^svita! t'nd ex- pects to urder^o an opera" Mr. Robert Cook <r-.-nt F- \vi-;< Gknel^ fritrnds. '.Vi'.'.ii'.ri::. r - v_> . t S .- Times- OW-T Soin I.v in tew:-, er. Tr . ; CORN On March 12th 13-30 to M. . -r.ii Mr:-. Ernest Procter. giis <-;" a da : -2Titer. C onrritu'-ations! Y St. Patrick social held ia I :- United (.hu. . I-'riday ev:r.. - '-. ui:o oucvossiu!. Everyone > - .x-st i -'.; a, -ir: time i." ^on- ,j. c.:ch lunch was * irocoeda were i-i a:.; : - B Mr. Will Cirr.- Tvho has :.. Hiss Irene uu;s c ! "I'-'arvha".'. v \"o v:ish the you.-.jf . L] i prosp-.r _'' * - '--' ...-. . M - .i-;ruers : :p: . . Mrs. H. F tester. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y.I SERVICE AT MODEH/. .. XO EXTRA C:-IARGE__FO!^_TH^r< uF OUT; ?A ;:-i:i AVEME 10. TORONTO nil'NE: A'. Ml "-.'-. c'::.. . : F *' K. MAD DOCKS. '. WODEHOUSE he* . - \~~-i wish _ a speedy recovery. D - - . ho had . ~::Jn ago BOW. : oay or her . . recovery. i completely. SOUTH LINE rs. Av.drow W". = >n O'.nKwalPs tho first (Las'. Week's Items > Tho Onward club meetine "as held at Jas. Turner's with sroo nttem'.ari-' and an enjoyable time ".as spent by all. 0:io youns: >n eri'oyod hirr-olf ur.'i! if wa-- tinv t.i <> h"me, it was n?t - > funny when r-.' h-ul tn walk homo also find n wv b~mo for his lai'y fri'-r.d. Mr :^cl visual :'t K' or tho week. Mrs. Storv ~i' T-">rto ?:>-nt the week err- 1 "t Ja*. Turner's. >!-. an>l Vrt. J-is. Turwr accor.i- : l>;ir:'.\' Iv .Mr.:. Story, s;n-nt Sv.m.ay :-t W : 'l M "'>:'. I>lr. \Wlter Williamson Fie 1 " a few i ; 3 v 3 v 'i'.h his brother st llep- w -;lh. Mrs. J-s. Tu 'or and M"-. Ja-. Oliver sp-nt an afternoon with Mrs. r.ol>-:t I'-r-l'w lst week. They nls'< spent f ho d"v with M -S. M. Mc- Cnnn 1 '!. P*-~ton. Vr. and Mrs. W. McMillan visited recenty n> Rob-rt Parslow's. Mr. rnd M"s. Donald McKirmon r.nd Mrs. A. Currie spent n day the first ot' the wc-k ?? M.-Cannel's. Swamp College. M\- fix! Mr--. John Meads :-nd Mr. Donald McOousraH visited rt Mrs. M. MeCannel's. Mr* :Mv-Canncl is not improving very much. Mr. Alsx MuL'-an of Tottenham s;-c:-.t the ^eek --ad a~ his parental ^-' Miss Lsvir;'. Ronald sptr.: the week end with her sister Mrs. John SI rv.io ;>t Feversham. ". - Ma v McCuai;; is suffering with tonsilitis. Mrs. KM:-? VcAr'hur L-ft Tues- Niajara Falh t> vis;. h?r ?-!rs. i\ . V.L. ".-.- Glid t op r- '--.: Mr. Pav-., li'i'cks t< u;> nn.i rronrsd r-.Lrr.ir '.rer boing nl'int.-i ' the house s:' "forin;r with >rv-i i'.es. Mr. ML>\ :! ' - t !. Dromn-c i *h first of th? week with ' A. I . Hinck*. '' fa Mabel Parslow nf Tor.T.jo spent the week end a* her home. IN MEMCRIAM ?.' -I.ACML.-VX In l--inc ; of orr de;-.r n;,nher. Mrs. n. n Mc- I.'K'iih'.p. who fas-od a\v::-- on March L''-:h 1925. We a . 1 >iiely her'. 1 v, th.-.it y ..:. And sadness ir.srk.; our way. Tho world is net the same t-> u.-. Sm.-o you \vtre c:''led a\v:-.y. Sddly missed by the t\rv.'.y. : . -. Week's Ic e n:s> jfiaa A,:nt; M.-Pl-.s.i M. P. of Ottawa .-pent the w :ek end v. i-h her r:otlit : -. '.-.'.i..::^ Sur.viay ..::-.' . by t'or Brampton. y. . IVed Marshall visitou his son . :. :.-r:ci:. Or.t. ovor the ord. M.-. J. Wi.iianis moved his family fron- n.ar l"iesherto:i in: the re- : : dence vacated by M r . IfcWQfikms. Mrs. A. Sinclair visi-.od la.- 1 : weeV with T.'ro!:to ar.d Tr.-nton friends-. Mrs. Lcr : ' ,i-iv;hter of Torv-.Tit. 1 sen: a iVw .-ay; -.'^e pas: week %v:th her Mr=. I 1 . S- Mr. R-->:-:. Parslow went to To- - ^[c'^da^ *o -- e h'-= '.v ::"..' who ' : n the Ccnota! hx-rital and ex- - . icrs'o a second Mr--. ' ;-."d dau-chtor. Mar- " si '> re- latives in Owen ?cund. Mr-5. Cecil Ar.-hibald c-f Proton rent the 'veek end with h>r T-.S ;v-.d :-.vj s ---s. Lloyd ar.'i Har- vev. Mrs. Raney ar \ .?-iuhter. .Tea- Toronto "re vi*'t>i' -,\ ".''''pr. ''t'-s P. V<-PViH. A[r-. '. . F H-w >->. i i bosir - .,:.. ln r^n,},^ , >[,,-.-... p:- ,- :^ . :.:-;.. - v . ' >'- V T >' : -n ! Si ::er a v^lt J r ^ . :n di-ricc. n Thomp- ciarrv Lnerr-v _, . v, r t,, . . . . . _ M - du% . Had s^cessiul - ' - ' - Cu l ; -. Bus- with M r . . . ..n.ss. ..na r. - Jos. Tor- 6 - . 0. v; - s ent :ne . J. P.irs?r= -; - N rill of Marl :: . A. r. - ittended tne - ; - . - D m 'a on -ce.. \\. ex- '.[ r . '' . - . . -.. or CL.-.d -. ...-' -.h.- --.-:- - - . - been up . .--erai with ' ' ; .'.:e r'r- .' . -' ' i to then; rir.,; atrair.! Mr .- I M;s. Geo. ".i!-. a- i Mr;. ' -'.'- with :er. - "' .":'. AfCTION S.\LF< pleased to i A ere.! - t farm stock these daj nenta i Th. -.";;. - . ..-y these ... " "utfit. in- ... .-.is abou " "' ''' (tair y _, the stables. Messrs J ' , : - FI * <h - -. - - o-> Sunoiv . - . -- ' :V th* and . .- a^ ac- " ' v '" wh " * ;-c: .-<- 5^,^ - XV. K 'eer. told an auc- r i ' : ..: . - ' ' herds. Mr ar.J Mrs. .''.rs. . A Mr. B ' Mr. - v , - rev. - r - : - :: '- athisfc . . ,- . m ., anl - ^ S*m] . >iarv.-h -J- Ste W. R '.crts of 12th L;:' visited - -'- eon 9. Os- ' -V '-: . - ' ' im- furnitaNh auc- tha v\ it v . '3 --- '-' >-' -noon. ; neer. . ... . .- MAXWELL IN MEMORIAM - - ' " ....... - ----- VAKDELEUfi 7 . .. : ' 'A-:. S| .- '? . . - ,..... - -e who have dairy and nts injr vX-aso settle SAYKRS In loving memory o." our dear fathor. tJeorsre Savers \\,;> -d away otic year ago Dec 31st ll'JS s;".d oJr uiar mother, Elizabeth Sayers. who passwi away four years n K -o Miirch l-Uh l^v. Cod knew that they were suffering , And the hills werx- hard to climb. So He closed their weary eyelids And whisoered "P^ace b" Thine.' Sad!y missed by their three daugh- ters. NOTICE Mrs. Roll. Priestly and daughter, Jewel of Toronto, visited the past week with relatives he*. Mr and Mrs. Alex Morrison and family have moved to their new j home one and a half miles east of 3d*.\well, recently purchased from Mr. James Arnott. Mr and Mrs. Herb Poole have moved to their fai-m on the 3rd line recently purvhased from Eddie Seeley. Wednesday evening March 12th, the Women's Institute members and families and Bible class of the United Sunday school gathered at the home of Miss Mary Ross and, in view of her approaching marriage and departure from their midst, held p. double presentation. Mri. J. L. | Morrison read the address and Mrs. i R J. Morrison made the presentation ' of a fancy silk bedspread on behalf of the Women's Institute. Immed- iately following. Miss Alice Long read the address from the Sunday school and Miss Ella Morrison made the presentation of a handsome tea- po*. Miss Mary Ross replied in a few- well chosen words. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in games, music, etc., at the close of which the ladies served lunch. Subscribe to The Advance and send to a friend. It will be a welcome letter. ALL those having claims or ac- counts against the Estate of JOH.. 1'Al'L, late of the village of Fever- sham of the County of Grey. Agenc, deceased, are required on or before the 5th day oi" April, U'SO to send particulars of thei-.- claims or ac- counts to the undersigned solicitor to the Execu'ors. AFTER that date, the assets of the Estate will be distributed am- ongst those entitled thereto, having regard 'o the claims and accounts, notice of which shall have at thi>: time been received. C. C.M1DDLEBRO. Solicitor to the Executor? OWEN SOUND, Ont. NOTICE^^CREDTfORS IN THE ESTATE of ADAM HIS- ' LOP. late of the Township of Art- 1 emesia in the County of Grey, Far- ] mer decease^. TAKE NOTICE that all those having claims or accounts against the estate of the abjv?-nsmed de- ceased are required to pnd particu- lars hereof to the undersigned sol- icrtor to the administratrix on or be- fore the 22nd. day of March. 1930. After that date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto hamg regard only to the claims of which notice shall hxve been rtveived. Dated the 28th day of February, A. D. IMP. C. C. MinDI.KRRO Solicitor to Administratrix OWEX SOUND. Ont. (Lust Week's Items) A vcrj interesting <icba:e en :ho - "I-'es.nved -.hn: S-3.Ovf.00 to :i 01 e.^h'.^:: '.s rv- ... a an:.\ . .. v,:-.v.;::-,m, ' ..i hoi ; ;:i t!-. 1 >>:. ' . . o.i cvenlnj; M k ,-. 3rd. tmdei ; .-es of the local Farmer's Club. The affirmative was taken by :.Los..-rs. Xornuir Ueiuo a"d Chas. .'.u-l.e.in a:-.vl the negative by Messrs <.;.v>. Buchanan a"d W. A. Weber. All o: the spcukets brouitht fo-- wjirvl so:v..> strong arg-i-.'.ent in fa v or cf thtir coutentieji. Tho judges wore Messr^ H nva-.l O^'-.a-.i .i:ui i'H s. Shannon ami Mis.- MyrtU l''reetr.a:i, who dccV.d i: 1 . iavor 01 the rcia:ive. Th.- next meeting will be held on Morday evening March 17th.. When two tea:v.s will pu: or th urogram. h-h' o.:> hour beinff allow ed to eac^ -ide. Mi's. C-eorge Buchanan snd Harry Baker af> cntj>ins. Tho Ladies' Aid held their Mar.-n meeting at tho h <m of Mrs. Thos. Shannon on Wednesday afternoon. March 5h. A largv numb-r in !iu-:r.t-ers and \-isitoro were prvsen:. Cot\s:derable business was trans acted and d; -.cussions on various '.opies. The --11 c"tl was answered by a ','ke. A poem imposed by Rev. W. Howey was n>d bv Miss Brown, after which Mrs. Shanno: served ,-x sumpturous Inr.oh whii-n everyone heartily enioyed. Mrs. Will Heath underwent a oritica! operation in Toronto la.<: Thursday. Her ma"v friends hope for sp'-udy recoverv. A number from her" at tend nt the chantair'U!' c>nc-rts this week. ' ' M.-s. New; 2 'blige. . . .i '. - . ying - . - .he Cha '''' ' ' . the i \\as -. I l --- Mrs, C k .i . ' v.'M .> tr . t chair as __ i -. ^ic * i ' - - Mrs. i . Pi - .. . on T"j<-i.'.y . ' '. . - ' '.vei a:-vi ... Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Corn - - C. e, Chas. IHnV-. { K ^-erley called 0:1 the i - T-\ .fcv ; ' - Mr and Mrs. .. ;n . ,, n j URv .; tfi jj, an j ^ Irs ._ was at F - " '' " "''' each rria'e .-. , :>..rry on Thursday. : rx'p'.y exts!u:i:- : .: jj- i f j'aweett heir thank* fu] week ca the fur.e":ii .h '.'-.-cy had receivvi: I ad ! . ; c _ . . a '-.\criv!; to m in Mi-ses Ver ;- I i V, ' > thi'.r sew h-jme v.-h.re a hearty we:- | .-, r o!inc ClarV. were hoi-.-e froffl M B v/o-uli! a-ait them. Luac: . s. over the week end. '.vc rcr, TV:E CASKX AXO T CATALCCCE rj !>mN';ac I'o ' ' ''"' Mrs. J. Tarsons snd am' Ronald : We. year friends ar. '. V PA ;c.h':>v s have ;;. civ-bUxl he;-<-' : i this everi-!^ :.i spen4 a tow h.-opy ', 1 huurs with you 5 et'ore ycuv do- j ; pj- -turv s i.-om 'he Sth line to your !;> $ QUILTING HELPS rew b.ove. We are sorry w are J losing c:t'ic:eiit and valuable neigh- j X p j bo", fvo,v. our reiKhborb-'Od but!* g 3 "^ rtCf SlZC O X / S9c I we are happy to know that your < l>att>. SHUl:l sue J tor 25c . r-r>v-val is nut very far, :-rd wv ^ Fhltniclctto OM in. wide .... . 5 vut\U for 85c. will h.ivo the opportunity .' nve - > i>i i> > i j inp >vu , S ,in many times. Ue X ^"K^ ai *J ! >Uuk l P ' IU X1 11L Uuk% - P - v ^ ^ hav- always found you rvadv and ' "^ w>ll:n,'r to give us n assistuvr ' hand i'' -.-- >?ary. \V; h-v piev ' here at other times which were in- deed enjoyable and v" uro >:rate- fvJ for your hosoitality. A* wp ' desire 1 1 h nv >ur appreciation in some tangible form we beg you > Mr and Mrs. Parsons to accept this X in. wide Chint/ .......................................... " ........... 22c. Sateen. rt>. 50o. for ........................................ 29c. A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store closes every evening- at D p.m.. except c Wednesday and Saturda. S. S NO. 10 ARTKMKSIA 5th M'iJPord P-e- &:>. K. S:e\v- art 54. F. Collins^n of. 1>. Stewart M. L. Archibald 51. K. Or. >.. ;u. Sr. 3rd. S. Piper 6i>, O. Marshall 64. J. Chesney 64, H. Archibald 60 N. Ge^op 60. M. Collinson 48. E. Mathewson 48. A. Marshall 45. M. Haw SO. '. Whi'- 24(<b.^ Jr. 8 J. Marshall 91. M. Hunt S3, A. Chesney 70, L. Genoe 25. B. tet A. Haw &>. D. Marshall 56, L. Mathewson 49. J. Kennedy 46. J. Adams 40. Sr.Pr.-JX Duckett 6S, C. McWit- liam* 4?. Jr.Pr. B. Marshall 95. V. Kennedy :('. M. Stewart 40. S. L. Hare, teacher. yon Ronald please accept thi* pipe and case- and n---y all your troubles end in smoke. "Remembrance is a golden chain Which naught but death can sever W hope these irifts \v> piv- Will kc.'p us friends forever." We wish you Mr. Parsons and yovr estimable wif" ami Ronala happiness s n d pood health and may Cioi''s K-c ;*':: bo upi>r< von in yottx iew i>Kc.' abode. Sivrrsed on l-ehalt" c # your many friends ~nd neisrhbors. Jiv Po'-.cous. Chas Hanley. GarneC Ma<ee. ?irs. Wits-in i; spending few ii;y \vi h her daughter, M"s. Roy M: '>li"..'.;i. Msirkdale. Mr. ard Mr*. Parsons and Ron aid moved fr-'-.u th- I'arm Sth Line this week and are irettin settled in th-ir -.-'v home, th- "larce" re- s-dence. We wolcomc them to the ' village. Save on Groceries Our Special Tea . . v^ l>oxes Matches _\; c Oransv IVkoe Tea. rcK ^V. per Ib 80c. Salt fish and cured meats at reasonable prices J Cans of Corn 25c. Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins J5c. levies' Pure I.ard v ; !b. pa j| ^ ^ alt 75 cents per 100 lh< wwdhnga .... ... SJ.10 per 100 pounds H. FREEMAN Phone oOw- - Fl.KSHERTON