- WHY 'SHOULD HE suffer from rheumatism like this? IF ht would accept th ad- vice of thouaand* of men and women, be would find relief by talcing Dr. Wil- lianu' Pink Pitla. Rheuma- tijtn ii not a surface ailment that CM be banithed by rub- bing with liniment* or oils. Watery, poi*on-bden blood miut be built op and puri- fied before there can be aoar progTe** toward pertnaaeat recovery. Time and again, nffervn have proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli in the treatment of rheumatism. "For *ome yean," writes Thoma* Martin, of Novar. Ontario, "I wa* to badly troubled with rheumatism 1 could hardly walk and suf- fered great pain, I bad medi- cal treatment but did not get much relief. After tak- ing Dr. William*' Pink Pills for tome tinM the trouble diMppeared and ha* not ince shown the leaat aign of return ing." Start today to relieve yomr rheumatism. Buy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* at your nearest druggist's or, poftpaid, by mail at $0 cent* a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Broclrrillc, Ontario. s , Drfttlliams PINKMUS "A HOUSEHOLD NAMX IN COUNTUU" DO NOT LET YOUR BABY SUFFER Does the Worm Think? "An inadvertent step or shall we say motor-tire may flatten the worm ' JJahy's Own Tablets Are Just' f 1 ' t>f ? at ' ona '' st asks: Illation, with its accompanying social [effects, observes "The CongreKation- alist," is Dr. Henderson, and he states that "the situation is un.xious, and there are some who fcnr it is pa-isin^ out of our control." And ^o "The Con- that is unwise enough to take exercise upon the public way, ami next morn- ing some passer-by, noting the trag- the Help He Needs. At the cost of a few cents every edy, commiserates HIP stupidity of mother can add to her owu happiness the little creature In exposing itself :1I1( | , | ler children's safety, for, while to certain obliteration." writes Mr. tne ,, ost o f 's Own Tablets Is Shall the next few years witness the wholesale desertion <>f the Chris- tian Church by the native people? Shall they be forced to join the Com- munists, or similar organizations, to find that understanding; t-f their preat Extraterritoriality in China ' Singapore Free Press: Logically if Hie Chinese claim an abolition of the extrality they must be prepared prae- lically, and not simply in theory, to allow aliens that freedom throughout the whole of the country which is as-j Classified Advertising PUBS WANTED. Douglas Gordon in th.> cornhlli .Maga-l smil || t i, e T:l lue of these Tablets to |" unla " needs, that practice of brothor- zine. , j , ive ry home where there are little ones jhood, which they have heard so much ; "It does not perhaps occur to the j s exceedingly great. What mother does not suffer when \1 T A N T !: l"> VV II 1 T li HA'X-OOX. TT .Still" price. l!'>lit. UuriKelmitii. .:. M 'I, .. FOB SALE I HI t V'.'I'-KS. I'l.iKSK TO 'IL'Kl.l'H- * "* lilnra MiKliwuy. Farm and Dulhllngs in A i condition: posaeaaion other countries. At present foreigners Murcli i."< Write fur pariiuula:^. Jono.s are only allowed in certain places in i^ < LL'^l2 n -J: i """" 1 - i; "* 1 ^' nr " a '' i "- the country and practically on suffer- ance, that is to say they are not, un- freedom of foreigners in casual observer that the worm may her little ones they are undergi not have boen as stupid as It appear- ed, its death being merely due to live fact that motor cars never as much as entered in'o its sc'ieme of things; or that even an earth-worm, in its raUeriei , b , ollgut on by . .. own dim earthy way, is capable of con- pla fevers? what mother siderable shrewdness. If nne hap- pens to be strolling alongside .some :o7^d see^ so IRtie ;,;;; MS - f of in the Christian Church? If thi s '" !alms to sweep away all specialized "are" "^ufferlnslw^n * uni * a ^table epitaph to be placed j prmleses ' muft los ' cally " e prepllrei1 rgoing the tortures of j over the Si-aye of the institution which | , 1 1 ,. J :*...!*-* *. 1. . /~*L _. : j-ii. OPPORTUNITIES VOX. MEN WOMEIf 4 |, x KliTl.si.v.; AKT AND HAM'- an,1 pay from ll.vu 10 $3.00 per hour w:r-i- out nny eaimutvhiK on your parr. Apply [M 1'h.' A:i Lm-c;ur, 'JO College Street, Toronto. th. teething period; the agonies of i ^ heL^r^ ,-0^^ ""Possible ">r any such assurance to constipation and indigestion, or the i" 1 '". "L* Ot be irlven miseries brought on bv colds or sim- Ch lst - T h ^ sald ' but >hd *" t! or sim can sleep when her child does not sleep? She i-an banish these troubles, however. moist, mouldy ditch or bank about I and |n bani .,| lills ,, 1HIU she j, mahlll four o'clock in the afternoon, one may notice a curious thing. For no ob- vious reason, every worm and 'creepy-crawly' thing in the neighbor- a happy household, for the happy child makes everyone else happy. To banish childhood suffering Baby's Church i Christ 'They said, but <iid TV ;! General Smuts, to return to him, would ieave the native African to his own system. In speaking in New York pj.ertly on racial ]iroi>!<'ms in Africa, he maintained it is wrong to ensure all generalized privileges, at present at any rate, it is quite Minard's is Best for Grippe. ATENTS List of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Inrorm-ttioa Best Frea THE JlAMSAY CO.. Den-. W. 273 Rank St., Ottawa Our. make "an inferior European 1 ' of a na-| hood appears to be seized with a sud-i W '' ets *"" : lway8 " e ^hOme." Uenoral Smuts went on: '. n the home, rb-y are recognized the ,. Ther9 lfc a ffivv ^ of ^ , p i meralllre> , three U ours a we. . .- READING If young people only knew the value who is justly proud of hi'ing an | "f 'ueir youth:: A halt-hour .-ac-h day African. As quoted in the New York steadily pivtu to the vaiuiuUhini; of some real books in history acl den consuming passion for 'he open air. "Up they come, earth-worms, wire- worms, and grubs innumerable, issu- ing from their dark little tunnel- mouths in frantic wriggling haste, and the robin who frequently attends j the loiterer beside quiet banks and > hedge-rows has the time of his life. What ever, one world oer as an absolutely .safe and -fticient rmedy for little ones. They the African cul 'jr.> ;'> | one thing, the African For I more than twelve hours a nioir.h, is a Syciaii-f. ' more than twelve solid days of twenty- are a mild but thorough laxative a U d| AH ,., n t js OWHed ,,. comm . lt , / a , ; are < four hours eacll> a yea r. Whatafban act.on on the stomach most of thc caUl an| , e;u , h ; j |iu( Ule , nlsin(iM mau ;K .,., )ml) ijsh l.y nevcr fail to banish any of the minor ills of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. wo7ders7 'induct ' William.' Medici,,,. <' . Brockvllto. them thus to expose themselves to the dangerous daylight? The passing j rustle, when questioned upon the "TL^ I? a /MA I point, replies that it 'must be goins * C IxaClal to rain,' and the wonder is Increased at the marvellous keenness of such an intuition in creatures so low in the animal scale. "There are, in truth, no better . weather-prophets than earth-dwellers, whether animals, insects, or reptiles. The unattractive black slug, in fear i of which members of the more fasti- dious sex step circumspectly along ; the moorland paths, is one of the In South Africa run by a council of eUU rs n:ni a chL'f. ' such seizure of fragments of his time'.' It y-ju try to break UIA.M :hi- .system, | Oh. it the young people only knew it \3 very en;-y t<> lo T, but it is im-;the culture posible for them by such rX'S.sibte to substitute r European or simple means: And for evermore it : who knows who jets to be does, and to whom the : '>n the face "t the oaith. the Africa", durii-e for doing comes Merely frit- negro, and you make iiim a menace | taring newspapers and novel-reading; to the rest of the world. a youthhood devoted only to that. "Why should we staml;>nlize human-; how pitiably sad! No ships drift into; ity? That -nay be a ;ire thin? in th^;' harbor. Xo young persons drift into I r.:ted States. You want to make a 'and achieving manhood or woman ASTHMA FEEE TRIAL PACKAGE Of Dr. J. :i. ';iiilil'3 'Jr"i=n Mountain Asthma Compound sent on r-TR-st. '.tigin- atil in 1S69 by Or Guilil 6p>cialt9t In respiratory diso:ises. I's V'^as^^t smoke vapor quickly soothes and r- 1'eves asthma also catar- h. Standard remedy at .iniscists. 35. oer.:--. . ' rents an,l Sl.S'i. pow.ior r>r -. curette f.irm. ScnJ Cor PEE TSIAL K of <J eiwet' - Canadian Ti*tri- batora, Iinuani. L'cl.. Dept. CC2. 286 St Paul St West. Montreal. frt *p.- I-! V- GREEN kOUMTAIH Ur. tU 1 111 S ASTHMA COMPOUND any other system in its stead. By do : n^ is tiie man who so you bolshevi/.e. th>} 'r.ost liociie bein^ the maa who di Our Sister Colony Has a Big * rreat natl(>n ' and - vou are succeeding; Hood. Wayland Hoyt. D.D. P UJ I V*l T' J i but you can not do that with the h'i. : .-, Problem Little Under- : man r:lce . i n Africa you must build) stood in Canada : "" the African bandation. It has' . M created in hundreds and thou- A ri " K arouml tne moon means rain. COMMUNIST ACTIVITY !i - l ' ls l>f y ears - and l h "ve a very high ' As m ? f us know ; ri-spwt for any system of time, as I One roliml the fin er ot a glr ' r , . - - The nalive African is the :i: H; pa- have for all natural facts. Let there Ah - lhat meuas 1-e ' ?n also ' countryman's surest barometers. That, tient of all people, but imposin .' \v'i >- b? ditferences in type a? '. ing as they * however, is a sense or instinct, in [civilization on him, snys Or. .i;;n are ethically sound. An objection has be^n made to the which the actual 'mind' of the ani- Christian Smuts, former Premier ot "Leave them their villages, their use of "damn" and "hell" in radio mal pUya no part. : South Africa, can on'.y result in bol-J dancing tad their songs. In the past j broadcasting. There is enough of "In the given case of the worms, shevizing him and making him a men- we have gone astray in South Africa, that kind of language on the receiv- their activity is really due to an even ace to the rest of the world. I There have been misguided efforts on in-; , nd. more Interesting cause. Watch ths ' And from another source comes ( behalf of governments and mission- 1 . surrounding turf carefully for a few word that this is actually taking place, arics, although I do not in the least ~ii minutes, and It will not be long be- In an address before tho Natal Mis-: wish to condemn the latter, with whomj fore some slight movement becomes ; sionary Conference, quoted in "The ; I heartily sympathize, and we now j apparent, a curious little convulsion. South Africa Outlook." Ray E. Phil- have perhaps millions of Negroes who; at the roots of some grassy tussock, a lips declares that a large mimiM?r of have lost their native contacts, and ' miniature eruption of earth and stones, native South Africans are becoming no longer belong to their olc tribes. land the riddle is solved. A mole is communistically mincieil, and are in-' "Our system is individualism ; theirs going his afternoon round, and, while o^easingly feeling that the wronirs is socialism. The result of trying to j still yards away, his approach has done them by the white man can not be ' Europeanize them has caused so many ' been all to perceptible to tSe slimy, righted by peaceful means alor.e. They to be lost to their own people." ) squirmy, and. one would have thought. J are rapidly losing their faith in the! Any change in the African cultural IMPIE Actually See Them Vanish Punplrs ended so quick jy'Soothj ialvft you c?n actually see them d: y up. Many go orernight. Get "Sootila- Satvm"frctn druggist today. .\< akin beaut; tomorrow If/tf/ cipcrum nt iciilt unluiniliar loapt aiul latitatf Ciiticnra kM br.iRlit r. lirf and btppine** for tjflj ,**M - mltllona all over lb wurid OiounrDl ^5o. ud Slta. 1 . 1. ,.t>. .':.. ; scarcey conscious life of which h.3 ' Government, says Mr. Phillips, who ;.; system, General Smuts warns, should t . Jf IT- ' is in search. a missionary of the American Board, be made withou; violence. Hi? advises Snipers to Form Union 'Even worms, it would seem, are specializing in Christian social service that the native laborers in the copper The influx of tourists into Paris; capable of putting two and two to-. work in South African industrial' mines of Rhodesia, and other parts, during the past summer was so great j gether. The roar of an approaching! centres. "They feel that the mission- j be not allowed to take their womenfolk that it caused intensified competition engine conveys nothing to them, but ary has betrayed them, o." at least I and children with them. "Let them' among the persons of that city who, that faint subterranean rumbling, th| stood silently by while the uitscrupu- remain in their tribal ureas," he urgvs. earn a livehood by gathering discard- j brushing of soft furry sides along | lous white man has grabbed their land ! "Do not bring them to be contamin- ed cigar and cigarette ends. The re-; the tunnelled passages, the patter of ' and driven them to work; they see thejated by white civilization, which, after I suit was that there were many clashes ! horny toes, and the infinitesimal sniffs 'wide discrepancies in wages paid white all, is perhaps only an experiment, among these persons and now an et-j w j t h which the 'little Waek gentle- and black workers for thf samo work; i When we reflect o little on our own fort is being made to form thpm intoj man [ n velvet' punctuates his course, ! they see the utter cant and hypocrisy foibles, our wars, our tremendous, a trade^unUviv ! are sounds which the witless worms in the liquor laws, which grant to the ! losses of human lives, it may not be so ' "(understand perfectly. They know, v hite man unlimited rights, and pro- i fine. At any rate, the black soon! hibit liquor to the natives in towns." 'learns the vices of white civilization,' All down the line, especially in the , and they soon degrade him." When ijou need antj Circular saw- ForwoodormetaIgeta"SlMONDS n the specially tempered StccJ takes and holds wunderful edge. .4 :k your -Itdcr or u-nit our nc t:'. brdrtt.it. THE S1MONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTRCAL TORONTO VANCOUVER T. JOHN. N.S- ** Keep Minard's handy. It has proven invaluable for many cold we a ''.-. T ailmenta. : STOMACH TROUBLE "> j mor stomach bouble. Can cat anything," writes Mrs. E. Wtite. Thousands say inclina- tion, heartburn, (as ranisu like mafic with "Fruit-a-tiei". Constipation, sick headaches * ad overnight Nerves, heart quiet, sound sleep at once. Rheumatism flies away. Complexion clears quick. Cel "Fruit-a-tiTes" boo cUuuut tod7< DO YOU SUFFER FROM) CONSTIPATION? Countiess remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomc! and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in <4ie joints and cause aches and pah. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe; and leave a depressed after effect Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect All druggists 25s and ?5c red pkg*. economic field, says this worker, the I native feels that he is being unjustly discriminated against by the white in- Hut woman is only woman. And love is an empty shell- Am! poets are only idle folk With nothing much to tell. Joseph Hard in the Chicago Tribune. tion such "But," the missionary warns, "the gen- eral attitude which the Communists stand for is growing and is becoming " O v "! n\* 10 wr\.uiiu llli a , increasingly vocal."' He gives us this ^ ."* 'i^ ":" ^ _ b ' for Trouble* do* to Acwl .NO.OtST.ON ACID S Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It ban been the standard antacid Tor 50 years among physicians everywhere. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times Its volume in acid. It is the right way, the quick, pleasant and effl- olent way to kill the excess ac'd. The stomach becomes sweet, the rin de- too, the bent method of avoiding the danger, which they employ to such purpose that the mole, much as he dislikes the conditions above ground, is frequently compelled to come up for his dinner." Status Quo If woman were only lovely. And love were only true. There'd be some use of poesy And greatly less to do. vivid picture: CHRISTIAN FAILURE? "Attend a meeting of natives held on the Market Square, Johannesburg. Perl aps a thousand native men are ; present. The speaker is a young na- ; live man who speaks perfect English. If you see the world beating a (veil- Through interpreters he enumerate? worn track to anybody's door way { the wrongs of his race in South Africa, j He attacks the employer?, and the Gov- 1 eminent, mentions the low wages and the color bar. Then he pours scorn on the missionary and the clergyman white and black. 'Comrades,' he cries, 'we must kick out the missionary and the clergyman. I know, because my father is a ... clergyman. I know vhat I am talking about. What is the missionary doing for us? Nothing! He educates us and leaves us to starve ' He points up to the sky and tells us. by and by, after you're dead, you'll have enough to eat and fine clothes to wear! That's rot good enough for us! We want food to eat and clothes to wear today! Am I right?' "Back conies a thunderous response, 'Right you are!' Then kick out the missionary and th missionary's God.' "Are you happy?" asks a white speaker at another meeting, says Mr. Phillips. "Have you got all the free- dom that you want?" "No," comes the answer. "We are not happy!" "Well,* says the speaker, "if you will do what the Russian workers have done, and what the Chinese workers are doing, you will be able to secure freedom. We have got to be prepared, not merely with demonstrations, but Minard's The Great White Liniment Gene Tunney is rapidly rei-mvring now un'il the doctors cun hind back to the Jftwyers. him back lu the woods these days, it's a cinch it isn't mouse traps tho fellow is making better than anybody else. YOUR HAIR NEEDS LUXO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOVR BARBER "After Baby, Was Weak, Skinny. Gained 22 Lbs." Ironized Yeast did it, eiya Mrs. Benoit. Thousands aay S t j 15 Ibi. funcd in 3 weeks. Nervousness, constipation v&njsb overnight. Skin clears like magic. Gel Ironized Yeast tablets from druggnc today OUT Stomach parts. You are happy a;;:iiu in five minutes a ' so> '* '' P roves * b<? necessary, with Don't depend on crude methods. Em- fi ^ more drastic action. Build up your ploy the best way yet evolved in all i organizations so that you can take the'vears of searching. That is Phil- ! P^^s.on of this country." lips'" Milk of Magnesia. THEY SAW BUT DID NOT. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' The only man in South Africa who Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physl- 1 has taken the time and energy to look clans for 50 years in correcting excess | carefully into the native economic sit- aclds. Each bottle contains full direc tlons any drugstore. ISSUE No. 8 '30 When are upset Baby ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night. A sud- den cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea a con- dition it is always important to check quickly. How would you meet this emergency tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? There is nothing that can take" the place of this harmless but effective remedy for children; nothing that acts quite the same, or has quite the same comforting effect on them. For the protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind keep this old, reliable prepara- tion always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mildl regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria; the genuine bears Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wvapper. A Different Woman " i \iivt orfat pltatun in -f tfn^f) Kriitrhttt Salt* hart tcorkfti -t"H<t'rx r,,.r / Aiiiv bttn ii 'jrfat gttfftrrr / iiirr ttnti A;:i/jt'y truublf, ami tijtrrtrymff utit buttle I am J diffftfnt Hviiiiin. I 'uitl to yiff \tp my tcorfr. but 'Ain'.5 to K iiifhm $altt I <im Virt ,it front again, nui t gnf my son a little ti'^i invnun-j. -M / . . .' ' 'fa littlt fimpiiitntt Men- u/.i.'i a --'.(id rnf rally gtit. Me ** fnii>piff and kripUrr. h,nt *ncl<tnd ti tnap'thvt of son and tfif. / um 43 -jtiirt, boy 6 i/mrt. / shall <iiii-n,i f^ijhly rffvmtnfnd Knttctitn,<tnd I nonid H'tt I* them mytfif m a Hurry." (Mrs M l*. Orteiakl letter ^oflle ?nr 'op*.n,.a. ffninclKMi Salt* Is obtainable uf <ir f 1. .-"iu-Hf -tup"* in t'.viaiU ;' T.'u-. ; -. A ton He einium* ctiuiii:li t< 'ii*' ' - - > i iH'^itii lor liai; .*ceoi . *\ FREE TRIAL OFFER It you livi- ncvr tnl hnischcn tn il now at our rxi'cn-e. Wi> tmxe (liftrituitcti a urt-aG nuny -|HH-ial "filAXT" rrn-kan'-< which inaka It easy (or vim to piuvr .air .lalin inr vpundl. A.<k yuur druuiiist lor the ntw " til.vs I ' "Jo. packmii<. . This consists ot our insular 7, r w. b<nt:r tuB'-'lipr willi a separate ttl.il butili silttlruut ' one nvok. Or-n tlic trial bottle flnt. put it to the tr-t. ;i!nl thpn. il not mtln-ly OTavlmfil tlrnB KrUKhOII llo<< rrrr> t IlllIK we c'lllllll It tu -I". '.'I" rfunl.'ir bottir is Mill u ^ l .1- :i'"> bacii. Vo;ir Jruwlft i* uithoriMd ti' n " "I think Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful! I have had six children of which four arc living anj my youngest is i bon- nie baby boy now eight months old uho weighs 2j pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. I urge my friends to take it as I am sure dicy will receive the same help I did." Mrs. Milton McMuIIen, Vanessa, Ontario. Lydia E, Pinta's Vegetable Compound l-;it E Piflkhjm Mi ' Co ind Cnbourf Oh' nn. M j * u S. . C.tTdj