WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 193Q HIE FI.KSimRTON ADVANCE A Question of Age BOD AND GUN Following the recent announcement How old are you? The adage says O f the sale of the magazine Rod and that women are as old as they look' Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, and men as old as they feel. That the first issue of this national out- i is wrong. A man or woman are as door publication ha? appeared from 1 old as they take themselves to be. i the new office of publication at Gar- 1 Crowing old is largely a habit of I denvale, P. Q. the mind. "As a man thinketh in his. This January number is not only' heart, so is he." If he begins shortly i up to the high standard of past issues ;tfter middle age to imagine himself i but also indicates promise of rapid old, he will be old. To keep oneself development to an even higher stand- from descrepitude is somewhat a mat- j aril nmi>ng Canadian publications and ter of will power. The fates are kind ' greater popularity, to the man who hangs to life with The general contents of the maga- |HW**"e**0*^^^ the trans p ortation of I lV*m;uc ranrl lnfrrn<lf inn frr v, local trustee levy. Some of them' pupils from otic small school to anoth : l^ieWS ailU llllOrrnailUll lOl 5. . had balance in the bank of over er; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV- The Busy Farmer I$140C. They drew the Township and ED that it be made compulsory upon < it!'." "'rovincial Grants. The school school boards, where there are four ^QM^^^^^fl^Mfr^^M*^ boa.ds declined to take advantage of or less pupils in average attendance !the school Regulations by which the to closa the school temporarily and NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR One suggested remedy is to dustj f ew pu pii 3 j n onc school may be tran-j transport *he pupils to an adjoining sabidilla powder into the hair. An-, sported to the adjoining school. It school, unless they can satisfy the other is to dust in one part helle.iwas pointed out to them by the in- 1 Public School Inspector that it would THE BUSY FARMER A thorough cleaning of walls, and windows makes a big bore to six parts cement. Appli-' .'T-ciJtor that they would receive the be impracticable, cations should be made at ten-day! Towpship G -?nt and the Provincial This shows the burden upon the improvement in the appearance of! interva i s jf vermin has made its, Gra ^t if necessary, to pay for the school board. The schools would, i the stable. The cobweb-covered j a pp ea rance. walls ami windows are unsightly, to transportation, and they would not according to this resolution, automat- say the least. The organization of the Fourth 0. A. vuiw ' (therefore require all of those grants, ically close unless they can give good ftfhool boards hesitate to close reason far keeping open. It will be Short courses in agriculture, hor- both hands. He who lets go, will go. a e bright, interesting and well World's Poultry Congress by the' 'icalture, live stock, farm meats, I their schools, even temporarily, for interesting to know what r-iral trust- fear it would result . in depreciation ces think of this resolution. Govcrnmcnt wcll in hand | Death is slow only to tackle the ten- illustrated with a wealth of healthy. ^ J(J . wld , jntcrest indi( . Bte8 acious. Ponce de Leon searched in the! ur e z y outdoor articles. The silver .":>x lit partmi-n; is also very good, containing a full report of the show um| : draining poultry open at the wrong place fo:' the- fountain of youth. ] It is in one's self. One must keep oneself young inside; so that while the outer man perishes, the inner man is renewed day by day. When the in- ner man ceases to exert itself; when 'here is no longer an active interest in the affairs of life; when the human stops reading and thinking and do- at the Royal Winter Fair. that it will be better supported than Guelph Agricultural College Jan. 1 ever. Over forty governments have aru ] continue until April I'.CJO. In already decided to participate and almost all of the courses there are 24 of these have set up national r ^ f CJ3 O r other costs, except that Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver comm ittees for organizing their re-' the student pays railway fare and Fox News is published monthly by p resen tation. Rod and Gun Limited, Gardenvale. I Quebec. few months spent at the North- ing, the man, like a blasted t~ee, bo- ern Business College, Owen Sound, gins to die at the top. You are as old this winter, will mean a great deal as you think you are. Keep your har- to you in after life. Winter term ness on; your job is no*, done yet. ' begins January 2nd. When Winter Comes A "Snowmolvic" used in the Maritime Provinces D OWN in the Maritime Pi ovinces the Canadian Fords wear snow shoes. Here is a Ford "Snowmo- bile" all set for a hard winter. Pro^f that it will get over the "Toads no matter how high the drifts may be is furnished by Cap- Uin Donald McMillan, tin/ famous Arctic explorer, who was first to use a "snowmobile" in the Far North. With his Ford thus equip- ped he travelled nearly two thous- and miles over ice on one expedi- tion, at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. This, of course, is far better than dogs can do in or- dinary circumstances. The McMil- lan "snowmobile" has tread and runners. a tractor A Model A Ford, such as that ccrn in the Maritime Provinces. It travels regularly over a rough wood road at ten miles an hour. Another used by a large hotel, has accomplished a speed of twenty- five to thirty miles an hour with rase on well built roads on which, however, three or four feet of snow has accumulated. The "snowmobile" has skiia where the front wheels ordinarily would be. Heavy chains furnish traction for the rear wheels no matter how deep the snow may be. A Ford dealer has just reported that one such car regularly car- ries five passengers over a wood road to a lumber camp. I his own Loarel and lodgings. Thire must be one or more departments in THE LAYING HOUSE IN his chosen field of industry, in which IN WINTER jcve-y young farmer would like to be Pullets, to give maximum results,' proficient; and in what better way must not only be well bred and well can he attain that than by attending I fed, but must also be well housed, one of the courses named. ! The laying house should be dry, com- j GIVES THREE SCHOLARSHIPS fortable, thoroughly ventilated and. Thomas E. Wilson, a London I bright and cheery. Leaking roofs Old Boy, and now a leader in the should be avoided and the floor packing industry in Chicago, has j should be stificiently elevated above given three annual scholarships, , the ground so as to allow good drain available at O. A. C., to students of ! By all means use dropping the three London Collegiate In- 1 boan's under the roosts and clean stitu'.es. The scholarships 'are them off regularly. When the pul. morth ?'!00 eac!:. A preference is le:=t ice brought in from range in expressed for farm boys and par. the fall, ;hey should be given all the 'ticularly those whose parents are fresh clean air possible. I stock breeders. His generous gifi BARLEY ON THE INRCEASE | comes as a direct result of a re- According to the department's cent speech in Chicago by Dr. G. I. ; final report on crop estimates, Christie, president of the O. A. C., , there was a not decrease in the area in which he regretted that more of | devoU-d to small grains in Ontario the brighter students in the high | of over M>0,000 acres this year. The schools, anil especially boys from the greater part of this slump was due farms, whose fathers were stock to a decline of 300'flOO acres in the b eeders, did not go to agricultural area seeded to oats. Barley showed colleges and pursue their profession [ an exceptional increase of over (5,000 in a scientific manner. j acres. A backward season favored , , j the growing of barley as a feed A BIG INVESTMENT grain fa begfanta* to assert itself.; Thcrcarcin Ontario, according | In addition barley appeals to many t3 R w Wadc> director of the live | as a solution of their rotation prob- stock branch of the Qntario Depart . 180,000 . the value of the farm property. t might also be difficult, they say, I n Huntsville a toboggan slide is to re-open these schools. They con- bcing const ructed by the parks corn- tier ,t a step in the centralization of , , which win be one the best educational control. in the province. Che following resolution was pas- The noon rccesa of the Milverton !" ^y this convent.on: Continuation School has been ex- \\HERLAS there are many small tended b {ive minutes to enable schools in the Province of Ont. that . ., **. . , ., ._. are neither economical nor efficient; pupils at the far end of the village v<-i vx. vuvs jii i\-*t IIVSA CA*IVICHl>. , . . , i * . . , - WHEREAS the school Regulations to / et back to sch o1 m time for the a'femoon session. Small Advts. LOST OR STOLEN LOST Purse containing S37 in bills and some small change, between Graham's store, Eugenia, and Albert William's residtnce. Finder pKease return to Albert Williams. Farm For Sale BY TENDER. 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house and Reward, large frame barn with stone base- | ment. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- I ply to John Thompson, Agincourt. F O R S A L E I Ont., administrator of the estate of FOR SALE-Two good heaters and the ' ate . Geonte Thompson. Give a cook stove.-W. G. Kennedy, Flesh- i your best offer. erton. FARM FOR SALE Williams, Eugenia, Phone 43 r 41. thorn in the accompanying iM-a- trution, is used by a lumber con- J Jems, because it provides In one ' t d Agriculture, over FOR SALE Purebred dark red " . Shorthorn bull, 10 . months old.-D, About 100 acres of giod my loam , land, being lot 24 and 25, 2nd con. _ j N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a FOR RENT-A six roomed house iie from Flesherton Station, about . ... 80 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres with good garden, oppoute h'^' : in hardwood bush, five acres swamp, school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. Seven-roomed house, solid brick with FOR SALE Several good var- ieties of apples, one dollar per bag John Flynn, R. R. 2 Flesherton. FOR SALE A number of good tur- keys, both sex, bred from 1st. prize 21 r 11. ------- .. --------- , season, as no other grain crop does, farn , s ma i nta ining live stock with winners at London in 1928. Jas. an opportunity to clean up the land,' capital inves ted in this stock of Turner, R. R. 3 Priceville. Phone to grow a paying crop and to seed approximately 240 million dollars. down to the Lest advantage with a This investment is roughly propor- hay crop the following year. There tjoncd as follows: Horses, $82,000, i" always an industrial demand for 000 . cattlei $120,000,000; sheep, $7,- lall Ontario barley of Rood quality,' 000,000; swine, 514,000,000; poultry cellar under all, also summer kitchen roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, good spring well and good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton, telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE that is surplus to the farm require-' $18,000,000. Iment. The quality for manufactur-! D ' airy caU | e return \ ing purposes, however, can only bo tario farmers in the proceeds , produced by the sowing: of clean seed the sale of their products, . on land that is in good heart. It is surprising: how soon vermin nual sales of veal calves appears on some live stock after mate $3.000,000. it is established for the winter. These pests breed fast and cause much annoyance to the animals. to On- of approxi- $100,000,000 while the an. approxi- THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Mark-dale, Ontario OCR BUYING I'0\VER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY A happy and prosperous New Year to all our cus- tomers and friends. LOOK OUT For next week's Advance, when important announce- ments will be madr. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" NEW ORCHARD PEST This year another insect of the old world, '.he apple and thorn skel- etonizer, has been added to the al- ready formidable list of pests in Western Ontario. Cae;, provincial entomologist, has jund the new insect to be fairly common Ktween Oshawa and Niag- ara. It has aHo been discovered the O. A. C. orchard. The caterpil. hrs of the species are about half an inch and of a pale greenish color with black spots on the back, under a slight web FOR SALE 5 young pigs ready to wean. Priced right for quick sale. Robt. J. Vause, Proton, phine 32 r 13. FOR SALE new seven roomed house with all modern convenience*, Toronto St., Flesherton. Write or phone C. J. Crossley, 651 Annette St., Toronto, phone Junction 2161. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Wouild the Jpairty who removed the jack from John Run- stadleer's garage this fall please re- turn the same. orchard ' Prof. L.I FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac- res, lots 166, 167, 1 R. W., T. & 0. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ship of Artemesia, mile rhool. 2 miles from Flo , Apply to L. R. Thistlethwa Connor Ave., Toronto or W. lay, Flesherton. C,sl 110 acres in the Township of Aj> temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 X.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation. baJance pasture and mixed bush; barn 3(5x60 with T 36x46. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen house; 8-roomed solfd brick house with soft water cistern and furnace. This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered. s5*- - ' ? convenient to railwH" _ , school. Reason ft ..emng j s on account of poor health. For partic- ulars apolv on nremisee. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ter. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog CUib, the property of the Ontario Depart- went of Agriculture. -C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER F>r the County of Grey. Terms: I p*r cent. Satisfaction guarateed Dates made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB gnuw away the green tissue on thcitivation 2'i Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- uppc surface of the leaf. The moths' Flesherton. Good barn 33x40, new v j ce Sound. FARM FOR SALE spread in several states of the U. A. Although very little is known as yrt concerning the proper methods of t'xtorniination it is known that this! pest has not been found in orchards 10 ncres ' beinK lot 37> Colu 4 - which have received the calyx spray Artemcsla > 80 acres un der cultivation. alone. not returned I *UI be .h-nr? lull price. I - HAWKINS. Eafeida. TI1K ELIMINATION OF SMALL SCHOOL M1DDLE0RO & BURNS Barristers, etc. n ,, Oflces WCI Sound. Durham Good house and large barn with good and Flesherton. Flesherton M stabling and out-buildings. For fur- Saturday nffa rnoon anj . THE particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. According to the statistical reports of the Department of Education, there have been from 900 to 1000 rur- al schools in the Province of Ontario for the Inst fifteen years that had an average attendance of from 1 to 10 pupils each. These schools are considered to be neither economical nor efficient. It is impossible for the child to re- ceive such training as will fit him to FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm for sale or to rent with comfortable buildings and in a good state of cultivation. This CARDS Dr. W If. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. *; ', i, llI K t ' n. graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- e * Dr - E. C. Murray, Toronto street - *'eshcrton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F."""* co-operate with others, and play his'nundalk 62 r 4. part in life, when in early years he receives his training in isolation. There can be little if any competition in the class rooms, on the school grounds or in other activities where- is in the Township of Artemcsia, quite I - ..,. n. nu r i,oage, 333 A P A near Ceylon and Priceville. A real <jA.M. meets in the. Masonic Hall Arm snap for quick sale. For further [strong Block, Fleaberton every Fri- informatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah A ~" * " Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station, phone by the children learn to work togeth- er. It must be very disheartening fo;- the teacher to attempt to interest She FARM FOR SALE _ w ,* j x * ! day on or Defire the full moon. W. f, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaittlng, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe 75 Acres in Osprey, nil under culti- Farm and stock sales a specialty one or two pupils in a class. work to mke up for thi'Tek of com- thfi estatc ()f thc , at w H G i mon. llio teaching process be- vation; brick house and large frame Terms moderate, satisfation guar- barn with stone basement; half mile anteed. All arrangements and dates east of Maxwell being parts of lots may be made at the Advance office or 11 and 12, Con. 0. Apply to Dr. D. Central telephone office, Feversham 1 - comes a mere routine of imparting information. Pupils may lx> able to pass the entrance examination at n duly age, but wo must remember that mere palling of examinations is PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The Gibson, lot 10. Collingwood street, . Flcp.herton. On this property is a not dUCBthm, I comfortable dwelling house of A convention of school trustees of, rooms, wilh electric lighting. Barn Ihi' fi'tinty of C-irleton was recently .25 x M ft., with stable and driving held in the city of Ottawa, whero 'his bouse thereon, also a good well on matter \vns pone into very thorough- 1 lno "'einises. This nropertv is in a ly. Inspector R. C. Ro^i> called at- c ' 1 , 0<l '""Jtion and will be sold reason- lent ion to a number of schools hav- I,_ tl 1~ ...iL^. J. ing nn avonigi' u'tendanco of from 2 to T pupils. Jt was sing- Tcads, Flesher'.on, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE- ., . Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice Edgely Bright Vim. No. 99,996 Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Ciub. Terme, ft.OO -C. HINDLE, Bl'I.L FOR SERVICE . Durham Bull for sen-ice. $1.50 if before January, otherwise $2. , C. Akins, R. R. 3. Proton Station.