m WED. DECEMBERJJ5. 1029 1'HK FLESHERTON ADVANCE r ^ NeWS anft Information for i>CW;> ailU IlliUIllUUlUll lUl Season's Best Wishes It is with real sincerity that we ex- tend to our many gaod friends our best wishes for a Happy Christmas Season A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS BUSY AN UNIQUE HONOR feed Uyer8 varieg with the differ . jily and a spray from the neigbors, urday accompanied by bis daogbter, I and friends. ! Enid, who has been in Hamilton for i The pallbearers were his four some time taking treatment for her sons, Will, Fred, Levi and Luther health. We understand Enid ia feel- and his son-in-law, Will "---' ' and Mr. Thos. Betts. We extend our sympathy to the ... Dr. Robert Harcourt, Professor e||t scasong- j n wiirter when nights {family in their sad bereavement. ' tinocs. of Chemibtry at O. A. C., in recogni- arc lojjg and coldi heng need mor e "'" *" ~- "-' Hawkcns ing pretty well now and we are very glad to see her return home again and hope that her good health con. tion of his services to agriculture, o{ has bcun honored by the French Government with the Cross of the Knighthood of Agricultural Merit. The distinction comes as the re- the heat .,f orm j n g f energy-produc ing scratch Krain than i n - SO mmer. !i "In pastures green He'll flock lead his the next three months about one quart of scratch grains to 12 hens or 14 pounds to 100 hens suit of the visit to the college last shouij.be fed . TWs should be summer of a party of agricultural gupp ]j e< j an ), our before the birds students France. and faculty from Grignon, go to roost so to clean it up they will have before dark. time Do A \\'f wish our friends and customers Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the year 1930. May this Christmas be a joyous one to you. H. Freeman GROCERY : FLESHERTON WINTER According to CONDITIONS current reports of not feed any grain in the morning as the hens are apt to fill up on it ar.u then ..ill wait for it to digest agricultural representatives, win- beforc eating any maah and ter conations have ptevailekl the fgg buMing matc rials. thjouBWht Ontario dttring Decem- bcr. The weather has been satis- factory except that the water sup- ply is low. Poultry prices have proved disappointing generally, a", the height of the marketing season. wayg available . Many sideroads in all parts of the province have been impassable for motor traffic. THE SEED MARKET The clsike and red clover A high grade magh Bhould be kept before the heng a] , the time ne mote they eat the more Cgg8 it ordinar ii y means Grjt and 8he) , ghould ^ hoppcr fed and drinking water al- Supp i y gr een feed whcn you can SUNSHINE FOR POULTRY Hens need sunshine in their poultry ration especially during the winter months, when the sun shines 1 1 but little. Sunshine in the feed is as important as any one of the other ingredients in a poultry ra- Egg production, aealth, qual- seed market continues, draggy at un- changed prices and with very little moving at present from production districts. The ' export demand is re- ported unusually low and uncertain owing to' a large visible supply of American and European production. tion. gg proucion, aea, qua- Re , atively low priceB are being of . ity of shell, nutritive value of eggs feml to m and there is . up- feml to m tcnd for ^ en1 to hold their geed . The rcport from Toronto _ arly thjg month wag ^ about 2g t(> 40 per Qf ^ W2Q mf of algike and 5Q per ccnt of ^ rc(j c , over was stj ,, Jn the ^^.^ hands . dcmand fof M&}f& ^ - a good and hatchability are dependent on it. Cod liver oil or cod liver meal is the best substitute for the direct rays of the sun. Both are quite tich in the sunlight factor and available at a reasonable price. Cod liver meal also supplies liver tissue that helps to build up the i blood. The better poultry mashes i which you buy already .mixed either have cod liver oil or, cod liver meal , _-, i ~. 1 1 (tin ouc as one of the ingredients, so you can buy them secure in the knowl- 8 , ht , hjgher ^ than ^ year | edge that your floek^v.ll get all the ,, cserving fcf more attcntion in the sunshine they need in their feed. t<) ^ short mf o f\ ardy 8tra i n s Where living streams appear And God the Lord from every eye Shall wipe off every tear. Mr. Chas. Park is home from De- troit for the festive season. Work discontinued, on Sunday re- pairing and re.inforcing the Hydro dam here for a while. Messrs. Coyle, McNish, Crawford, Jones, Scott, Cypes and Pallister have, returned to tboir homes in Toronto and will not return again to resume the work Don't forget the play, "Footer Pig- eon" to be given by the Maxwell Dra- matic Club under the auspices of the L.O.L. in their hall on Friday even- ing, December 27. * Mrs. Thomas McKee left Monday to spend the holidays with her daughter in Toronto. .pro- until the weather is suitable bably it will be several weeks. Mr. Will Gordon went to Hamilton t Thursday. He returned on Sat- CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Wilson McMuIIen and family wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind- ness and sympathy during then; re- cent bereavement in the death of their husband and father. Small Advts. LOST OR STOLEN LOST Purse containing $37 in bills and some small change, between Graham's store, Eugenia, and Albert William's residence. Finder ofease return to Albert Williams. Reward. Farm For Sale BY TENDER. 9-0 R 8 ALB FOR SALE Two good heaters and i cook stove. W. G. Kennedy, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE Purebred dark. . red Shorthorn bull, 1Q . months old. D Williams, Eugenia, Phone 43 r 41. FOR RENT A six roomed house with good garden, opposite high 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house and large frame barn with stone base- ment. Lot 31. Con. 10. Osprey. Ap- ply to John Thompson. Agincourt, Ont,, administrator of the estate of the late George Thompson. Give j your best offer. I FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres of giod clay loam land, being lot 24 and 25, 2nd con. N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a mile from Flesherton Station, about year. Prices offered Ontario growers for good quality seed range 40c a pound. Timothy "Wishing you the fullest measure of happi - ness on Christmas Day and a very Happy New Year. Clipping the cow's flanks is a big factor du.tion of clean milk. thighs and in the pro- The cleaner fall and winter usually recqive. months thfln they Tho lifetime of school. W.^J. Caswcll, Proton R.R. 3. j 86 acres of cultivated land, 10 aeres in hardwood bush, five acre* swamp. FOR SALE A number of good tur- I Seven-roomed house, solid brick with keys, both sex, bred from 1st. prize ' cellar under all, also summer kitchen winners Turner, 21 r 11. at London in 1928. Jas. R. R. 3 Priceville. Phone the cows are kept the less dust and dirt is likely to get into the milk when being drawn. W. L. Morwood Shoe Repairing - FLESHERTON ; ' A good half-clay may well be de- ft I voted Bt this time to arranging im- 1 piemen's and tools properly in the j impl'Tnent shed;. Cultivating and ij seeding implements should be an implement may be prolonged and j the amount of power (required to operate it very much lessened by proper care. Most farm implements runt out rather than wear out. KIMBERLEY left f ' 4*1 I" at the front, as they will be the ones first required in the spring. FEKDING SCRATCH GRAINS FOR SALE 5 young pigs ready to wean. Priced right for quick rale. Robt. J. Vause, Proton, phine 32 r 13. FOR SALE new seven roomed house with all modern conveniences, Toronto St.. Flesherton. Write or )hone C. J. Crossley, 651 Annette St., Toronto, phone Junction 2161. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario The. Ladies' Aid of the United church held a very successful bake sale on Saturday at the home of Mrs W. L. Ellis. Holiday visitors in town are Mis- ses Rhoda and Evelyn Soule, Ora and _ Licssie Stafford, Alberta and Geral- The~Tmount~of scratc'h "grains to di c Webcr ' Iva an<1 Glad - vs wickens ' Myr'.le Cornfield, Edna Burritt, Tcna I Hutchinson, Marion Fawcett and Messrs Ellis Weber, Norman Burritt,^ Fred Ellis, Allen Ferguson, Stuart J Kllis and Kdgar iMcConncll. Miss Ahncda Weber is' spending the week end in Toronto. The Sunday School held their an- nual concert on Friday night. Owing to the recent snow storms the crowd was small but the proceeds amounted should MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Wou'ld the -Jp^rty who removed the jack from John Run- stadleer's garage this fall please re- turn the same. NOTICE Hunting or trapping on lets 158-59-60 and 161, 3rd range W. T. & S.R., Artemesia, is strictly pro- hibited. Trespassers will be prose- :. Lther Duckett. roof barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, good spring well and good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton, telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE 110 acres in the Township of Ajr- temesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bosh: barn ] 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x30, alae hen house; 8-roomed solfd brick house with *oft water cistern and furnace. This is H good rrrain and stock farm, well fenced ar.d watered. '*' * convenient to school. Reason f A J(l nn account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on Premises. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. FrJton Station. OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY . . A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR KRIKNDS AND CUSTOMERS ONCE MORE THK FESTIVE SEASON IS WITH US, AND WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUN- ITY OF WISHING YOU ALL THE HAPPINESS AND PLEASURE TO BE DERIVED FROM THE AGE OLD FESTIVAL. AT THE SAME TIME WE WISH TO THANK OUR ESTEEMED CUS- TOMERS FOR ASSISTING US IN MAKING THE PAST YEAR ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL IN THE HISTORY OF OUR FIRM. F. T. HILL & CO. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" to $20. Mtich praise be given to i:.. 1 public school teachers, FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac- rca, lots 166, 167, 1 R. W., T. & O., 611 ' * Agriculture. COAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkthfre Boar for eer. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Ctob, the property of the Ontario Depart. S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in to.vn- ship of Artemesia, % mile .r>:~: school. 2 miles from Flc.u<s"... Apply to L. R. Thistlethwa 4 Connor Ave., Toronto or W. (>al lay, Flesherton. -C. STEWART. Caretaker. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers and Mr. Carl . tivation 2>4 Carruthers for the excellent train- Flesherton. ing they gave Ihe children for GOOD SMOOTH FARM UK 73 acres best of land almost all under cul GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fjr the County of Grey. Tarns: 1 Per cent. Safisfactio Dates made at The miles north east of Good barn 33x40. new F R 8ERVIC > bul1 ' I decorated, well, windmill and program. ju acres orchard. Priced for quick ff*!*> :4<>JW< - Pm, ed, Bui The young men of the village put sale. Apply Lucas, Henry & Lucas, 1J "-078. lY>m Purebreds on a dance on Friday night. The Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dezell, P. R. No < *"<! 8 i iW>. Cow8 crowd was small but every one had 6 ' Owcn Sound - j ' > a good time. r Miss Lorena Gilchrist has gone to Bonnie FARM FOR SALE her home in Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Van- ( 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, not full pr ice. RAWKINS, returnee 1 Ofices Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. i ^ deleur visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Good house and large barn with good and Flesherton* Plewis. stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ! Saturday afternoon The recent storms have blocked ther particulars apply on premises, motor traffic between Kimberley and ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 8 (Maxwell. M1DDLEPRO & BURNS ***" Durilai * Thornbury. This is the first time for years that this has happened. CARDS The Late J. H. Duckett EUGENIA On Saturday morning another pioneer passed to his Eterna.1 home, in the person of Mr. J. H. Duckett. Mr. Duekett had been in failing health now and then for the past year or BO, but previous to this h had been quite hale and hearty. He a goid neighbor, an Anglican in religion and was a great conversat- ionalist. He was bom in Yorkshire, England, 88 years ago. He was mar- vied in EAfflaml to the late Miss Lou isa Yardley, who prc-decoased him n couple of years ago. He came to FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm for sale or to rent with comfortable buildings and in a good state of cultivation, is in the near snap S. ed *r extraction. Office at the real nce * D '- E- C. Murray, Toronto f . This --- i ?'**. Heaherton. Phone he Township of Artemesia, quite [ Prince Arthur Lodge, 838 A F~"* Ceylon and Priceville. A real A.M. meets in the Masonic I?in '*Lf for quick sale. For further itrong Block, Fleaherton -- * information! apply to Mrs. Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station. Dundalk 62 r 4. , Fleaherton e--ery Sarah 'day on or befire the full n , phone M, C. N. Richardson SecrWrv' A. McCauley. *' FARM FOR SALE Wm. Kaittbg, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Sime 7B Acres in Osprey, all under culti- Farm and stock sales a spe iah>r' vation; brick house and large frame Terms moderate, saHsf action nm- barn with stone basement; half mile anteed. All arrangements and dat east of Maxwell being parts of lots may be made at the Advance office 11 and 12, Con. 6. .Apply to Dr. D. Central telephone office, II. Guy, Newmarket, administrator of or by addressing me at Feversham or the estate of the late W. H. Guy. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT . ( - - - - - i rv .- 1 1 1 1 t JDUJ4X I w. y cot^ooif 1 '^ ssSL*} 3 vi v- On this p r vi. r ty i.r . r ^ y of s "*een Bacon The Cancda 68 years ago and spent most cf the time in Artemesia, settling down on tho 8th line, lator building ivrtd moving to the hom.3 where he at' Gibson, lot last resided. The funeral was hold Flesherton. on JT'irinv ftu- Ki'li Hi* pastor 'comfortable Dwelling house of 9 tl ., minWv in Mnrkdah- ffl+f* ^KJg^ ,* .orinon based on the 23 hoi: no theroon, also a R-ood well on l>..<-l:>i, at Ui3 hr>v-.'. , InU'nnont the i -ni'e?. Thi* nropevtv i; ia a look i '' '.- in the. fa- r :, Lr *? (l location and will be sold iva.-on- iMlen cemetery. ' The flowers v,-o*e beni'.'iful, a wreath from tMi f am- Moadsi FieahortonTou" T BOAR FOR SERVICE- v * .. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- Hog Club. Terme, $1.00 C. HINDLE, IU l.L FOR SERVICE Proton Station. ! < a f .\ -. .. .