Vol. 49 No. 28 Flesherton Ontario, DECEMBER 25 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprictcr i ' ' < v &fjaboto of (\)t Cross. I'.y the late John McCrae, author of "In Flanders Fields" Published by the Ryerson Press, Toronto A T THE drowsy dusk when the shadows creep ^ From the golden west, where the sunbeams sleep, An angel mused : "Is there good or ill In the mad world's heart, since on Calvary's hill 'Round the cross a mid-day shadow fell That darkened earth and o'crshadowcd hell ?" Through the streets of a city the angel sped; . Like an open scroll men's hearts he read. '.'..' In a monarch's ear his courtiers lied 1?? * v ". And humble faces held hearts of pride. Men's hate waxed hot and their hearts grew cold, As they haggled and fought for the lust of gold. Despairing he cried, "After all these years Is there nought but hatred, and strife, and tears?" < ; He found two waifs in an attic bare; ; ; A meagre crust was their meagre fare One tried to quiet the other's cries, And the love light dawned in her famished eyes As she kissed the child with a motherly air: "I don't need mine; you can have my share." Then the angel knew that the earthly cross And the sorrow and shame were not wholly loss. At dawn when hushed was earth's busy hum And men looked not for the Christ to come, From the attic poor to the palace grand 2 The King and the beggar walked hand in hand. - -- PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Win. Yates' little boy is still in a precarious state. Our sympathies go out to the re- latives, who mourn the passing erf the late Mr. Tucker Phillips. Congratulations to Mr. Stanley Blackburn and Miss Elvira Wilson, recently married. May their wedded life be fraught with all that makes for tnie happiness. Mrs. Wauehopc of Toronto is vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. Shear- down. Quite a large number of chilldren and grown ups of this part turned out to greet that great personage, Santa Claus, when he madu his ap- perance in Flesherton. Congrat- ulations to school in carrying off first pvteo for singing. We all feel like singing their praises. Mr. Wm. Blakey had the misfor- tune to lose a good cow last week. The Ladies' Association of Mount Zion church held their last regular meeting at the home of Mrs. James Pedlar. There was a large attend- ance and a good deal of important business was done including election of officers for the ensuing year. Our school concert came off on Thursday evening last and was a splendid success. Notwithstanding the storm and bad roads, there was a good turn out of the people. Mr. Fred T. Taylor occupied the chair and introduced a lengthy and varied program which was greatly enjoyed from start to finish. Miss Johns- ton, the teacher, is jusdy entitled to great praise for her efficient train- ing and the excellent program she and her pupils provided. Santa ap- peared near the close and distributed gifts to all his young friends. A nice sum was taken in at the en_ trance. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. Ross Alcox visited a few days with friends in Toronto. Miss Ethel Shaw who has been assisting Mrs. E. Wickens is spend- ing a couple of weeks at her home at Cheesville. Messrs Harold Lever and Clarence Alcox attended the concert at Ban-- head Tuesday last. Mr. Andrew Wickens, who was visting with Kimberley friends has returned to the home of his son, Mr. E. Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Alcox have moved to Priceville whore Wellie has started barbering. Mrs. Mary Irwin is assisting Mr. W. W. Trimble in the post office. Mrs. J. Eagles of Orange Valley spent an aftevnoon last week with Miss Gertrude Lever, who has been ill. The difference between a lawyer and a layman is that if the latter shields a criminal he is liable to so to jail. "House of Quality' Allow me to take advantage of the Christ- mas Season, to extend to you my sincere good wishes for your future happiness and pros- perity, my thanks for your patronage in the past, and the assurance that in the future, all my efforts will be devoted to maintaining our happy relations. 1 remain. f" Very truly yours, Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN ROCK MILLS Very cold and stormy weather con. tinues. Several teams are engaged at pre- sent hauling lumber from the Dur- ham Furniture Co's yard here to Ceylon, where it is loaded on the cars for shipment to their factory at Dur- ham. Mr. Laurie Betts of New Liskeard is visiting at his home here. Mrs. Thos Betts and daughter Ma- bel, visited for a few days with friends in Shelburne. Mrs. H. C. Deitz left last week for her home at Cleveland, Ohio. School meeting will be held this Thursday Dec. 26th, at 10 o'clocka.m. Unity U. F. W. 0. will hold their January meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Magee. A goodly number were out to the Baptist Christmas entertainment on Wednesday night, desnite the cold disagreeable weather. School closed on Friday for the Christmas holidays. The teacher and pupils had their program Friday afternoon. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Jno. Porteous is feeling better af- ter being laid up for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Croft and fam- ily are spending Christmas with re- latives in Toronto. PRICEVILLE Christmas Greeting = l ranted owm & to loss f , i 1929 crop. We are all in hearty sympathy For The Advance, with Christmas and the spirit it in_ I vokcs with its re-union of families, > its cheer and most of all with the joy | i cannot now beside you stand, it brings the children. It has been | And grasp and warmly press (To an Esteemed Friend.) VANDELEUR (Last Week's Items) The Vandeleur Farmer's Club held an interesting and enthusiasic meet- ing in the school house on Monday evening dec. 9th, when plans were made fov the winter months. A good report of the U. F. O. Conven- tion in Toronto was given by the club delegate, Mr. Howard Graham. The election of officers resulted as follows: Pres, Jim Cargoe; Vice Pres. Frank Davis; Secy. Treas, Chas. Boland; Directors, Howard Graham, W. A. Weber, Will Ratcliff, H. Mc- Gee, Chas. McLean, E. Warling and N. Genoc. All the new officers then addressed the meeting. A com- ittee composed of the President and 1 Messrs H. McGee, Frank Davis and Will Rateliff were appointed to ar- range the program for the next meeting which will be held on Mon- day evening, Deo. 30th. Big preparations r.re being made 'or the entertainment and Xmas tree in the church on Thursday evening of this week, Dec. 19th. The Annuol school meeting this year for S. S. No. 11 will be held on Thursday evening, Der. 26th. Master Archie Graham was^ suc- cessful in winning second prize in the dog race at Flesherton on Santa Claus day. FEVERSHAM The school concert held on Thurs- day last was a success and a good crowd attended althousli the iv.^lu was stormy and the roads very bad. The teachers have irone to th:ir re- spective homes for the Christmas holidays, Miss De:i!?--' < y to Stratford, Miss Warner to Bowmanvil'e and Miss Bradley to Toronto. The school concert at No. (5 on the 12th line three milj from here had to be postponed on account of the storm on Friday night last and will be held in the school on Friday next. They have a good program, so come and enjoy yourself for a couple of hours and encourage the teacher and pupils. Our mail carriers have had cold stormy trips and bad roads for some days but have made the grade every day so far. Miss Lilly Thompson visited with friends in Buffalo,, Toronto and St. Catherines recently. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Detroit is visiting with his brothers and other friends here at preseivt. Mr. and Mrs. John McQuay, an old couple who have resided on the 4th line have moved into the village and have taken up residence in the house formerly owned by the late Geo. Say. ers. .Mrs. Chas. Weldvick has returned home after visiting with Mrs. John Tyson for a couple of weeks. 'Mrs. J. A. Kernahaa i? visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Ja~. Legate ard family at Gibraltar in Colling- wood Township at present. Eh'ctii/:i talk is very quiet for Os- p-ey Township., but I suppose after the r "T.i*;.: IAI.I n \v :'k fV o n to-day the aspirants io th>: > ticsa v.-ill be .-iv.iuiu! '. : v..i- < :Hvrinsr. Y iv tor Jay (Suiub.v) v.-;; lac :'.r.-? 1 < : > ; ) itiful'.y aftci* .: >; 'jt'.h . .' cold, '.'. ' - celebrated ever since we older ones knew r.nyt^ing about it. Particu- larly a child's holiday so fr as the grown ups are concerned, aside from its religious significance and family gatherings. It is a holiday most enjoyed together by intimate friends. We wish the Editor anl staff and all its readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The storm is still raging and the roads are almost impassable to travel over. Mr. Innis McLean came home or. Monday night from Toronto_ where he was seized with another attack of appendicitis. Fortunately he had it checked again. Mrs. Henry Patterson is in Dun- dalk waiting on her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Coverdale Patterson who | very ill. Miss Wilda is home for the Christmas holilays. iMiss Anna Mary McLean will be going to Toronto after Christmas where she is engaged to teach on the rclievng staff. Mr. and Mrs. Art Richardson and babe of Swinton, spent the week end at the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean were | guests at Mr. A. L. Hinck's. The Christmas concert was held on Wednesday, Dec. 18 in the Mc- Kinnon hall and was very successful considering the stormy weather that prevailed that night. The hall was filled and everyone enjoyed a pleas- ant evening. The program was some- what abbreviated on account of the absence of Miss Kathleen McLean. It lasted about 2 hours. Mr. Herb Mclnnis occupied the chair and pre- sided in a very efficient man_ ner. The hall was all decorated and the Xmas tree was brilliantly re- splendent wiMi decorations and loal- ed with gifts The program consis- ted of many entertaining features. It opened with a chorus by the Sr. pupils of the school, followed by a Xmas scene of the Jr. girls of the ';-hool pupils of Miss McHugh, then tiicre we..e some humorous recita- tions and a pantomine by four boys. Arthur Sullivan_ Cameron McLean, Elvyn Mclnnis and Wallace McDer- mid and there were a number of sor.frs and drill. A fairy dance was ariven by the school children and a dialogue entitled "Uncle Hiram's Cold" which was well acted. Rev. Mr. Sullivan gave an address, which was much enjoyed. The program closed with a pantomime. Holy Night, which was given by eight pupils of he Sr. school, dressed in white gowns with crowns of tinsel, makinjr i beautiful picture. The program v.v.3 climaxed with appearance of Santa Claus, who greeted all the boys and girls and distributed the pro- sen.' s from the tree, then left a sack of candy and departed. The proceeds were_ $18.00. Mr. Alcox from near .Markdaie has started up barberijr in the village. We wish him every suc- cess. The funeral of the late Kenneth Mathewson, son of Rev. and Mrs. Mathewson, of Quebec formerly of Priceville was held on Friday aftev- your hand, Clarke-Morrison That the Trea- surer be authorized to reoeive from the Canada Cement Co. the sum of $306.80, being refund for empty sacks returned. Ciarkv-^ockhart That th4 Trrta- But take this way my wish to send surer be aphorized to receive the- To you, this Christmastide, dear taxes _ on lot 29 AW. P. 30, Con friend. owned by Harry Fletcher, less $46. 30 same being overcharged that am- The best that I can say or do ount owing to error in computing 1 Is just to wish the best for you; taxes. True friends to cheer you on your way Lockhart - Grummett That Gv To win fresh conquests day by day. ^Master be refunded $2.00 dog tax- To feel that though some clouds drift e8 ' near, Morrison - Clarke That Walter And lowering seems the sky and Lawler be refunded $2.00 dog tax as- drear, se=sed in error. The sun will glow, and by and by, Morrison - Grummett That Basil A radiant rainbow gild the sky. Sornberger be refunded the sura of _ . 13.92, business tax 1929. To know there is an arm with power To help you in each trying hour, Morrison - Lcckhart- That the Ono who best blessings freely sends, Superintendent be instructed to ob- A friend whose friendship never ends. taln pnces on snow fence5 and * te deems it advisable,, erect snow fences May all good things for whi:h you on roads that are badly in need of long, same. Wi'.h heart tuned high in cheerful By Laws No. 15 and 16 to pay song; ! Township Officers and to appoint D. And higher hopes that will abide < R . o .' s and Poll Clerks were read the, Be you;-s, dear friend, this Christmas-' require d number of times, signed > ide. Portlaw, Christmas, T. R. M. 1929. sealed. Miscellaneous Accounts, Muni- cipal World, election supplies etc-$20> 29; Arnold Hutchinson, Sheep Vainer, Much comment is being made in '$2.00; H. G. Burke. Telephone Acct. all parts of Ontario in the fact that * 5 -" : Enterprise Printing Co. Print- there are practically no apprentices' in 8: Acct, $10.72; Win. Scutt, wire to trades any more. This is an al- fence loans, $5. 92; Bank of Toronto. arming condition, and it is difficult Excise stamps $4.00; Municipal World! to solve. It used to be that apprent- Supplies to Treas, $7.37; Municipai ices in all branches of mechanics were Telephone System, phone in Clerk's plentiful, and boys were quite willing office $5.00; Christie & Beatty, Ser- to learn trades and accept what their V ' K * ' n Wetherall drain ?;J7.00; Dun- services were worth to employers. Jalk Herald, Printing Acct. $25.00; Nowadays it would appear that the Jhn Hale, Wire fence bonus, S6.24; only consideration of many boys after *" J- D. Spofford, Sheep value.$18.00; leaving school is wages, and they are ^ r - J- Norman, Sheep value, $3.00; quite willing *o accept the job offer- James Thompson, Sheep claim,$C.OO; ing the most money, whether they E. Hawton, Sheep claim, $40.00; New. have qualifications for such work or e " Robertson, Sheep claim $54.00; not. That is one reason why there John Grummett, Services re Wether- are so many day laborers and so few a" drain, $4. 50; G."Hrturke.~^ohooi mechanics in process of development. Attendance Officer, $7.30; C. W. ' Long, Wire fence bonus, $4.16; T. H. .Wetherall, Sheep valuer, $6.00; Thos. ; Guy . Room . for meetinK $300 . TIus _ j Hollingshead, refund of taxes $4.38; Maxwell Mrs. Dan Cameron, refund of tax- met at Osprey Council on Monday. Dec. 16, according to| CSi W . 63; Robt . Stock( reftmd of tax . adjournment from last meeting. All es , $2.00; Wm. McCutcheon. Wire members present. Minutes of " meeting read and confirmed. Communications^ David Ring, re i dog tax; Wesley Murhead, re damage last 'fence bonus, $15.24; Geo. McMaster, Wire fence bonus, $6.50; Geo. Mc- Master. refund dog tax. S2.00; Wai- ter Lawler. refund doer tax, $2.00- o car; T. H. Weatheral, re taxes on Davi(i Ringr) refuml do( , tax ,2^. Basil Sornbsrgor. refund busines r lots 42, 43, 2 N. D. R.; Prov. Muni- cipal Auditor, re Municipal Auditors; Dcpt. of Highways, re invoice; Chris- tie Beat'y, re Wetherall drain and bridges; War Memorial Children's Hospital, requesting grant; Esther Parsons, re taxes; W. G. McLellan, - | re Canada Ingot Iron Co.; W. J. Nor- . . . ! culvert, Si man, re winter work on roads. Deputations, John Stevens, re r.now fences; T. H. Wetherall, re 40 sideroad; Robt. Blakey, refund of taxes; Robt. Stock, re error in as-j sessmont; Geo. McMaster, re ref und i of dog tax . Lockhart-Clarke That T. H.Weth-1 crall be appointed to act as sub-over- j seer on the 40th sideroad from the 4th concession south to the townlinej until such time as new arrangements can ba made and that the Supt. ar- range with the different sub-over- noon. He was operated upon for { scers who hay e formerly had charge appendicitis in Detroit and never got J * this road, over the operation. The body came up Frday on the noon train to Cey- up Friday no the noon train to Cey- lon and was met by a large crowd of fiiends. The service was held in St. Columba united church. Rev. Mr. C umm|.t jMoi's ison That Rob*. Stock be refunded the sum of $2.00. this amount being an overcharge ow- ing to error in Assessment. tax. $3.97; L. 0. L. 1085, Foversham. Hail for three meetings. $9.00; Wes- ley Muirhead, Broken axle in cav, $6.00. J. Mullin, pay Roofing Co., 15; Chas H Robertson, jrra r'ilson, gravel, . 10; .Jam*: - J ,\ Radley, Supt.. $57.95; C. W. Lonfr. pa,y sheet. $19.20; David Ring, gravel $16.20; Geo. McDonald, pay sheet. $5.80; Basil Neff, pay sheet, $2Ott ; D. E. Seeley, Tile, $52.50; Mort Sav- ers, pay sheet, $8.00 Angus Morrison,. | pay sheet, $47.00; Harry Heatfaeot-*. ; pay sheet, $53.00; Thos. Beatty, pay $6.50; Emerson Grey pay sheet | $172.90; Geo. Courts, pay sheet, $8.4! I James Gillies, pay sheet, $20.00; Gu-. Robinson, pay sheet, $8.00 DsnM son, pay sheet, $17.30; James Patter-- son, pay sheet, $17.30; Alex Johnston-, pay sheet, $177.40; Art Wilson, pay- sheet, $66.90; Alex Stevenson, pa. Lockhart - Clarke That Mrs. Min- sheet, $12.75; Jesse Grummett, grarcf r . nie Cameron be refunded the sum of ' Sullivan preached a comforting sei*- 1 $4-63, this amount being an over-l . ' lte a ' 'charge owing to error in Assessment Long ' repalrs to grader ' $3 ' 5 : Chns - $25.20; John Lougheed, gravel, $3.71'; gravel, .40; C. N- mon. Mrs. Mathcwson's brother and their son-in Jaw and Kenneth's I Morrison-Grummet^ That Thos. tie & Beatty, Service re Talbot bridg- - $31.00; Christie & Beatty. Serrfc; * chum were present for the funeral, i Hollingshcad be refunded the sum c.' $4.38 this amount being an over- rc Parke " bnU * c ' $108 - 00: Chnstle & The remains were laid to rest in Mc- Neoll's cemetery. The pall bearers chc -jro owing to error in Assessment. were Messrs David Nichol. Angus Me I Morrison-Lockhart-That the Trea- ! $41 - 00 : T " I Beatty, Services re Wetherall bridge. , gravel, $J4.0> : Millan, Willie Mather, John Shovt- reed, Roy McLean and Dnn L. Mc- Arthur. Much sympathy is expres. scd for the sorrowing ones in their - . surer be authorized to receive fron- ! Iames Hudson> Rravel< r2 - 10: J h " r A. C. McDonnell the sum of $20 10 ' McLenn - delivering tile. $5.00; Jo!r, Icing proceeds of cement sold. '! McMillan, gravej. $16.00; John G-.-oir- Lockhart Grummett That the f'i bereav i iient. Treasurer be authorized to receive The United church Christmas con- ' Robt - Blakey 's taxes on lots 25, 26, Con. 1. N. D. R. less 25.8!) being the cc-t which was to be held Friday, 20, was postponed en account of the i amount of County rate. stormy weather. As yet the date ^**** < ?*< > < has net beon ar.nountvd. This being me't. delivering cement, $2.00; Ne- e'.l Robertson^ gravel. $2.55: W. Nbr.nan, winter work on roads^ { 25;. Council adjourned. :~x~>-M-:-:-v>'-">- 4 '->**^* > *' CARD OF THANKS \ Bates Burial Co'y- "/ft, Al.-x McRao and family wijh ^ to thank the brcthoren of Prince Ar- * thur Lodge No. 333 for their kindiies I .'> r:id :. i ':! .-* .",7ii I : husband ard falh the years of '.H- death of their *~ * . . TORONTO Phone:, Kln^sdalc 4344