Every tiny leaf is a storehouse of flavour ORANGE PEKOE TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Develop Poise . By JULIETTE FRAZIER Mothers n!iou!d foel It a vi-ry Im porlant part of the training of their iJiildren to make them calm, reason- able and helpful in pincrgr-Dcies and in case of accident. Kven very yout'p; children have boeu known to show treat i.resence of mind as a result of careful training. I remember 'ilicn the two iliildren of my nuighhor, Mrs iilank. were qi;i(e small, she asked my advice with regard to r i r behavior on several -. I'IH-II one ;hf vhen I \\a~ <-allinp on h^.-. It happenod that a caterpillar w.i-> .I'scoTfred on M^.rianV- <ire.-s. .Mr*. Hlanlc screamed and made ineffectual dashes at the ''horrid tbing", ami Marian howled like a Couinnchf*. 1 scraped ihe caterpillar on to a iiio;-e of paper and thr-'w it out the window. "J':'.rian Is so sensitive," said Mrd. Blank, proceeding to pet In r d.iui;!ri!r. "Wouldn't It be h'Mtcr lo have her gensible?" I asked sinilinir. "Tiioufih," J, 'jiHnsitIv<'iies is very d<; If duvolopcd in the ri.j'it di- reel ion. Is Ted also afraid of In- stcts?' "Why. no; he is a boy," .-.i:,l .\lr-. Blank. "Hut If an iii-ecl is uann'-rous, will it show aay respect lo sex'.' If It Is poisonous, will It not poison him :IH quickly as It will his sister?" "Oh, but it looks -o :i;;Iy." replied .Airs Hiiink. "Well, does Ted like tiiipleasant- looklni; liiiiiBn any bwllcr i':a:i Mar inn? Kxcuse me, Mrs. Blank, 1 think 1 Ihe trouble is that Marian Iris found , out that yon expect her lo Hhi-i.-I; a' the Insect, ami t'lat you rosard It as genlccl and quite becoming lo an em screaming at sight of all creatures of this kind, and this caused her mother Jungle Breath *y Ben Lucicn Bur/man THIS HAS HAPPENED: iis JJetto Ciwrrourf They're town char- To the queer little South American j^' Xot the on 'y ( ' utw P 60 ^ town of Porto Ywde, in west central ncre - Brazil, n town fringed by dark, for- He wrapped a towel about the bidding jungle, comes an elderly Am- other's face, then stood gazing reflec- erican, Lincoln Nunnally. An air of itiely out of the window until a move- niystery seems bo hang over the place. jment from the restless old man caused This impressions is a?centuated when j him to turn back to his duties. "Yes, the porter who handles Nunnally's) ye cust omer, vou'lj be through in a jri-ips hints of strange deaths thatlj ( T hone-roil i have occurred rnd mumbles gloomy Veniot Forecasts Speedier Air Mail Bank of Montreal Meeting prophecies. Xunnally registers here. As far as you're at the ram- concerned the story is easy. I noticed Montreal to Winnipeg in 12 President and General Manage shackle hotel and steps out on the bal- in the newspapers that you were one: ' Hours Seen by Post- master-General BIG THINGS IN 1930 Saint Jolin, N.B., Will Be Within Four Rours Dis- tance, He Declares Montreal to Winnipeg In less than 12 hours by air this is the promise made by Hon. feter Veniot, Postmas- ter General of Canada. - cony. A beautiful young girl drives 'of the delegates to the Pan-American) e B-omtoM that next year, that Is, past in a chaise, accompanied by a Scientific Congress at io de Janeiro, ' some Ume in l98 *' il - negro woman and a small child. To so I l, a( | the comp ny send the tele- the Americans' amazement she waves grnm as|tinK u to come here ... S*\ considerable inorMflcatioti soon after. There was a wedding at our church, by far tliu grandest weddlnc ever held , .sinister looKinv men waicn uie tf'ri.i .. in our town. \Ve were all Invited. | excnimf , e lnvst ,. r j<>us signals, then fol-;P Rlts ' TTn ' mentioned. Drmt low her. and Mrs. Blank, beautifully gowned occupied a front seat, with Marian, murveloualy flounced and beribboned. In the very midst of Hie ceremony. Murian espied a beetle crawling up cast to his eyes, spe-iks to him._ He her sleeve. Instead of picking it oft'. (then recognizes the barber as Vilnka they exist? Montreal to the west by Torouro would be established. It would tlien be posihle to mail a letter in Mont- real one night and huve it delivered j Ihe next day in Winnipeg. Aa much night llyini,- would he Another surprise is in store for! "Of course they do, rny dear Nanny. , him. In the barber shop, the barber, I never lie. There are too many facts) avoided, but it mljrht be necessary in a strange dark man \vith an Oriental ami statistics of all sorts to make ^ a few instances. Lishts were being or asking her mother to rlo so, she gave vent to unearthly yellK. which West, known to him as Vilak, u fellow American. He asks Vilak what he is (-,!' w*i WU umrwiiniT i i t in, ii i . _ _ rpl ,. startled everyone in the church, and <l<nR m PoH'> \*rd*. To h,s amax.- mon.^n.arilv l:altn,l tl, H marriage cere- Incnt - Vllak fays he hils scnt for him - Nf)\V HKC1N THH STORY. f'HAl'TKR II. A now wave of urprise wrinkled the mony. Only a radical change In the method of training could change tho habits of a child In-having In (Ms way -it seven, so that at thirteen she would display j ?kin ilroun< i Xunnafly's sleepy, gentle tha presence ot mind of a little Kir!j cyf , s . "You're jesting . . . jesting 1 1 saw in tho Yellowstone National) j was v .^^ j- or \, v ^, e er I Itrk las left to ta" brother, a child of three years, i ney ; ti()m . am , n)im ....,[ developments in this were slamliiig upon a wido labhvrock iaw .,;, :n ,,f the country. . . S. I've been i. I was st-nt for by the . . er . . . si summer. She had heen ' j, ()rt/( yei-do Development Company. ta*ke charge of her little' _ It owns )TU)!st <)f tho c<>ffoe p i an ta- wlilch overhung one of the natural hot springs, " hollhiK some, li'indreil feet bolow. The girl had been hold- big tho child'!! band but had lo go to run hack a liitle way for her bandlifi'i hief which she had dropped. The child, meanwhile, \\nlkr.! in wards tlie odgo of the rojl,. T!i" itold. I'vu thu letter er in my jpwket." He put hi,-, hand in his coat. vilak ( . hK . k . ed Wm ,. Don , t both( . r> rm the p (/rto V(J] . ( , p ,-,,,. pnny. In this case 1 anyway.'" When the other opened his mouth to protest. Vilak daubed his face with hither. "If I could liavt- us cll'ortive a way us would insure his 'lent u,-t : )ii. .-'lie this l< crj ho;i/ from asking grns:iPd a small Jar <<f ci!,i!y which she bad In her coat pocket, mid shoui- ing "Candy", poured its <: on the palm of Her luind. pan-oil and lool;c:d har-k. !!< not six f*et from dPMra-.-' io.i, many questions nil my life, IM he happy. You soe, my rousin, l-'.\\-s Mai-berry tho Ha; ting-Marbi'iT.vs if I'UIIlS Ollt , .. vr ,... () .. ,!yi>u know your New York social {>!. which 1 pr:iy you don't happens Imt the Put-to Verde C'-m|ianv. 'And what's my cou.-in's is mine." "But that tells me nothing. . . . er . Vilak . . . nothing. Why T' \'"u talk too much." Yilak \vab- cnulil not resist the livi. l.-ii HVV.-.-IH, and canm skipi' [ 'in back t > share' j them: lleii! was a "ii> lnst:iii'-h of pn-s nice of mind: seltcoiitrol whirh r" preed the dangerous -all or pur- "jo 'ther'i lips. 'l.i-t,.,, ^,1 III - ^Jfc^KfJSLftL"^: K <"*"*" im *Mn,;fc '[.- took advantage nf the stn>ni;i>Kt Im- pule of the fugitive In a Hash arnm-d out the ilniigers and probabilities of ihe rase, ind then acted on tin) in would laiiKh at him for sur-li Tolly, and so he shows common sense." .U that moment I saw ("-( ;ar c-iawlins hack i.p thr; window lejge and" called the child's at:>-nllon to It. "Scv. Marian, what a lovely silky coat lie ba.i. Jle is so iiHplem. you could easily hurt him. If you were KO cruel, hut he could not hurt you. Come, touch him. Some day lu> will Klin a cocoon anil go lo sleep in It until Mother Niiiuro awakens him. Mild ilK-n he will lind liiin~-.-if turm-d into a heanliful buttorlly." Marian was at once InU^n-sted M the caterpillar, aud she has never feared one since, Imt hf-i 1 training h:id mcotirageil :i illspoiition to frantic ** , "* P'-P''"-y , a! y abou '"', f^hc-r died I'"'' ami lu-r time, her sister iiml ju^t litvn married. slant when to dla v but a moment l ' Vl * r - v <U-i -I to come Science Notes young women and down here and take niu- or less per- sonal charge of the property, the elder bringing her now hu.<*banrl with her. AppllC'illon of copperas or of iron around trees whose green '* t''i'r:biy foolish thing . lVl ' U " J llllliatt ' m ' r(V ls ll "' leave* turn yellow daring the spring |-wtain phy-.i.rues and within a year 'and n half, both the htubatld and wile iy affectionately called Tinky and tlii:; enormous place crud lying necessary. They have found some ruanganesa deposits they will te very grateful to have you ex- amine. But I mentioned thi-m only to get you here. I knew that a duwiist o* your attainments would be much too infernally busy with your work in New York to be sensible and volun- tarily take a few days off for a much arranged for airports eu route, and when such details a these were ar- Re. by view the Great Strides r.':r.e Country. Toe annual meeting of the Bank ot Montreal, held at the Head Office of (lie Bank, was marked by interesting addresses by Sir Charles Gordon, President, anil Mr. II. B. Mackenzie, General Manager. In a comprehensive review- of tbe commercial situation in Canada, Sir. Charles remarked: "It should be kept In mhi'l tiiat there have Ven five years of almost uninterrupted expan- sion. In that brief period Canada has achieved a degree o( developaient quite unprecedented. Not in one or two directions, but practica'iy in nil, remarkable material progress haa occurred in agriculture. in many lines of manufacturing, in mining, forestry, trading, water power teduc- tlon, and building construction. needed vacation with an old proU'gx' and friend. ranged, tho \Vinnipeg-Montioa! mail would be a reality. Coast to Coast Service Mr. Veniot pointed out that No Inflation in Basic Commodities. Among the other favorable li-aui'es j in the situation, he mentioned tte i fact that there is no inflation appar- j,j s ent in any ot the great baii: corn- route to Winnipeg was o->!y a segment In the Montreal-Vaui'OiiTtfr line. It modities such as wheat, s;ifcar. cotton, steel, and other raw materials. was hoped to get through to the coast from the metropolis by air, and ac- Unfavoi-aMe features In tie fitua- tlon were, first, the small crop of the compliHh a savin- of > hours in so ' PraU ' ie p *'w* and the slow n, ive- "I'm awfully fond of you, Nanny. (lomg> OVf . r , !ie f ^j.. st m ..,,,, t halld . >nent of the grain toward 'he ea- .And it's been a long t.me, a very long ]j nK . board, and secondly the crash in the time sinco I saw you. It seemed absurd I The lines to Windsor and to Buffalo ! stock I1!arkets - Ijuilty for bringing you down to this beastly hole that I ad- vised my cousin to get out of, but I think it'll be good for you to get a taste of th<> adventurous siciu of life. coast, the south and the Saiut John N.ft., would !>e brought within four hours of Montreal soon, the Postmaster-(iMii^ral said, because peak than during the year jn.'.er re- ' view, or wieii tlo developed sources of our wealth were more wide and varied than they are to-day, an} never a tlma whe.i the earning power of And I know you've always wanted it. ton via Qnebec was |1Ui]el . t , olis - (lera . tlon. He hoped to stretch this des- be de- an air route to that point and to Monc- [ Ollr peop!e v . as su , tain e ( i ) n g ., u .any So you sec. there'.-i your c-iincidenco gone. .Annihilated." "But why sho'jld you he . . er . . . concerned in such unusual matter.*? And why . . er . . why are you a . . barber? Yes . . barber?" Vilak put away hi* razor. "Your two ic.-t ions come to the same. You don' 1 . ki ow, of course, that about two years ago after I left your laboratory for icthing more exciting that a chem- retort no, no, don't intrrupt me: 1 know that's i-xcting, but tha crimin- ology I d rifted into is still more MI. I.ove of problems, adventure, change, call it what you will, made me do it, I -i;;i|i<M'. Or perhaps it was the mix- ture of Tartar and American in my blood : the hustling Asurrican part of me reveling in the action and excite- ment accompanying investigation!,] patch to Halifax ultimately, dared. Mr. Veuiot also pointed out. speak, our view." In? of air mail service, that farthest of post offices, Akavik, was now- served twice a month by nil- instead of once a winter by dog team. Thus passes forever, another symbol of chaunels of production. We rust cot allow a temporary reaction, the re- sult of a purely speculative orjj !n the stock markets, undi.." > fllgtorl front lor days, fur never again will th dogs carry His Majesty's mail to this lonely post office near the mouth of tho MiicKenzie Hivr. There was a man cail.-.l Guy. And said he, "I'll blow sky-high All those gas-bags in rrli.inif nt, metit, ment"; So to aid him in his task He took a powder cask. ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT This thrilling war novel is the book of the year, over one million copies cold. "It has certain marks of genius which transend Nationality. There are moments when the narrative rises to heights which place It In the company of the great, nor are these always icenes of battle or horror, Herr Remarque is undoubt- edly a great writer." London Times. The Beaver Canada First, Canada's Greatest National Weekly, has made special an .mgrments with the publishers of this great war novel whereby they are able to make this most liberal offer "The Beaver Canada First" For One Year and "All Quiet on the Western Front" Both For Only $2.45 A Saving of $1.05 You must take advantage of this liberal offer at once, as we can only secure a limited number of copies of this great war novtl, Send In your order to-day to The Beaver Canada Firsts, 159 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. Remit by Money Order. or su miner has hocn found an olli dent rowdy for correcting tho con- llk>l1 ' l**VU)g a .Making it possible fur the tt4ttleurj*<* Kise to (l ' Uu '' ure "'' *<.ylid it i photographer to lako MiapshotH In iPxt^''"-'^ well. to... Marvel]. ..olor.-n npp.-l.il film recently has ap- f younjrHlo.-. tor that s al si,.- i>. ,,,,-,! on the Ilriihh inarUrl. , ...lly-liltl.- moiv than a child. ^ ->u Small town, and country Vood are w lll>r JWag hj thia afternoon. rnnre .iniiReroiiH than iim itreeU of She wanted to mert you a! the i,,;,., but I forbade it. I \vanU-d to vou first and sve if vnu .vould American barber; Hubert if large cities BO far as autODloblle accl- ilntits are concerned, aecordln? to n Btiuly made hy the Connci'ticut de- purlnient of motor veliiclGH Hardy microbe.-; Hint lived on woo. I ' nnd remained aciivu for more than you please for a very ddinitc reason; it's one <>f the best ways of getting information. There are enough Am- erican and Knglish the nearby fa- /.cndart that's what they call the plantations here to keep me busy even if the Brazilians didn't patron!/.^ me. which they do. I'm making my- .clf the fashion." "Have you learnod . . er . . ny- me." He stropped his ra/.or an instant, went on. "Klise was along hero without the slightest diffi km can of mines ill! I'llillII'U it* I I V t; lifl llli H C illilii ,, , . leu tv when, n few months ago, some : nuint is, probably auated in ihe ... i|ueer, almost uncanny, things began to happen. Tlirre <-f her workmen were killed in very mysterious ways; then, iK'forc long, she began to fee! formation of coal, Hclentists believe. adversely affects ihc- i-lllriency ot telephone' transmission, making nressaiy automatic devices lo control (thing through it?" "That's a leading question I refuse to answer. Instead I'll ask you wh^- thtr you ever stopped to think how a barber has opportunity to study indi- viduals and learn their character- istics and physical peculiarities better thai* any public servrttl, nut even ex while tho contemplative Oriental sid?j And straiu-ht down to \V..-tinii,^ter he of me rtvols in the deductions neces- sary to make clues valuable. That story of the Tartar strain in my an- is timlnuhttfhly truo. It explains a lot of thinps in my character. "At this moment I'm n barber an went, went. But his pals 'tis sad to tfny Went and RBVO the R,-ime away, And the haiiKinan made a nasty mess of (iiiy. (.!uy. (Juy. But could he see the lot Of pas-baRs we have n<>t. He'd resurrect and have another fry, try, try. hcrg(i , f ,,.,., MM , re . thn service, for j^ R inl in . uil>1| . )|)al h( . r U ,.,,. do not hpar butter iil'tcr >-ho Inn! nunU' an unvuceewful at- tempi to visit n rather extraordinary limn 11,0,,, of ordinary vision, hut Iliey , Ani ,. ri ,. nn who is liv - lnK in ,,, vMll ^ y , I listen harder, Inrei.ttgat0r of the Xa-, u clHlsistl ,j meri ., y ,, r ., o!l | Vl>r[n . tiouui Society for iho Prevention of^^.,.^ pl ., miri)i . Sh ' who ,..,. in h( , v own kitchen may dine .veil many a day.' It was speared to the kitchen in attempts to break world speed re- L^ w|th ., llnmr ,. r- Very subtle, eh? coniH dlscloaed thai iin-y all deflated revel ved at a rale of speed inll'-N :HI hour. Bltadneu have found. with iir,-s to be iied Well, I was rostii'K down in Ila- vanu, nfti-r a rntlirr shvtuious ex- t<) ,),.. l- which cost me "He liii>> ab><ohilf>ly tin soul for beauty." "Jk)w now?" "Yesterday, at the f mil hull K;IIII<', I pointed out. tliu relRiiliiK hfllo, and hu merely OOnplllntd Hint ho ohslruct- ] little while a^o this bit of my left ear, by the way and sh asked me to come down to Porto Verde to nee if I couldn't Htrnighti'n thinifs out a bit. I came, !of c'oursc, nnd instantly advised her to !pet out. Things aren't pretty lu-ro at jnll. They'll bnd cnouuh normally in | any of these 'Junple -frontier towns. Here hardly n liny (roes by without sonu'thinR violent taking placo, but K.lijic is n stubborn little vixen atlJ won't make the slightest move to leave." The ol<l man's face tiaidiMl with cxritt'iiient. He triod to lift his head, hut timl'iiitf this impossilbo s'lnmpej buck into tho chair in r "I RHW something . . er . . quot-r a oil his view of Ihe north goal posts." 1'crhaps it -*- Approximately mill!, in cubic may be connected in sotno way with your cousin. 1 would tell you if ynu would ISSUE Nc, 50 '29 feet of air will l> required a minute under niiixlmum uperatlni; conillllons, and a complete change will be model .|)0rmit permit to All i inhl. Two men (in ahead." . highly unpleasant dch ninety seconds. The power lay- . . . r . . unpleasant One hnd a out Is io arranged (hat any part oflpatch on his . : er . . cheek and an the equipment may be operated from Adam's apple enormously enlarged . . either the American or (.'ani.dlan side, enormously. The other had many . . * er broken teeth ;ind one arm. RpHicmhur tills: they that will nntiThay ere making signals to each other be counselled cannot be helped. If! whim your . . er . . cousin passed, you Jo not hear ruiuon, sha will rap Then they bejran following her your knuc.Kli's.- lleiijninhi Krniiklln. Minard's Liniment for Chapped Hands first is through the . . er . . brush.' "I know the chaps you mean. The and the other cepinjt n doctor, to a doctor For an individual only yearly, some- times never, while rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, all have hair and almost nil of them get shnvod. I'm quite suiv- -hello!" he broke off sud- denly. ''Judging by the excited way Joao, the stable boys, is running out there, we're rwvirjff-anolher one of tho pleasant incidents which break our monotony." He moved to the door. "Joao! Joao!" he called out. The boy turned and unwillingly trudgied toward him. He spoke in excited Portuguese for a moment, then ran on. Vilak returned to Nunnnlly, lilting up interestedly in the chair. "It's as I told you," he announced jrravely, "only much more serious this time. Another man's been killed. An Itnlisn, Tony RargHUi, one of the nest foreman on my ooiMin's fa/enda. t kney- he'd been having a feud for n long time with another i>ne of the fore- men, an Englishman named Potts, about some gambling debts, nd ap- parently tlu> killing was Hie result of thai. Krom what Joao tells me, Potts confe?-ti's that he committed the mur- der. Hit him over the head with a Hut it seems there's something Hieer about it, I'll (fet your face (fried and we'll go out nnd have n look." (To bo continued.^ Tho ttverago automobile Is said to contain "ii p:>undn of cotton, (he mat- erial heiiiK used in tires, upholstery, hrnka bands, lire covers ruhber tub- Ing, tops, carpets, paddliiK, etc. How i to Learn, AVIATION Internal tonal Avis: Jon Sc'u o.s havi Just opened In Toronto, a n^-T and highly modern Scnonl nnd la fqulopcM to teach Aviation In ill U* uu.i^i-.rs. under the galdarcc of c\-::;; ".mi itruiind mul Jlyinjt Instructors. Ihrit Ii a trriurtiiduus d*nu.tm for ti'ittr.et Aviation experts nt very high *>nlar* Ics. If you contemplate orliRVtf pl.Arx- iifd Aviation s your luf'n^'pryfc" 0:1. get In (ouch with 111 ft oner. F .'-.'* rmploym^nt service ivhilp lcarn!r:< ttnrl cnicl'.Latcs nA.st.stfd to liiRttly pa;u po*l-' tloin. Hsv mid* Ev<*n:ii|f r?as.v*s r.ow br.n.: :i!iiu-d. Call in person nr write INTERNATIONAL AVIATION SCHOOLS U7-1I3 WrllhigliiM Strrct Mi-vt, Toronto, (;iii:nl.l. General Manager's Add-est. In reviewing the business of the Bank, Mr. II. n. Mackenzie, general manager, drew attention to '.!;e fact that the balance-sheet sliowen a?set acgreaating $965.000,000 ag!a.'' $S73,- 000,000 a year a^o. an increase if $9C.- 000.000. He also pointed out tUt de- posits aggregated $772.000,000, an in- crease of $00,000. nun, (lopite t^:e tact that desposlts "after notice" r.dd de- creased $18.000,000, tbe last n reilec- lion principally of withdrawals for in- vestment In securities. The las: year had been exceptional in that respect, and the Savings Department would probably now ivsume i'.s nnal growth. Ample Ground for Confidence. Summing up, he said, "A review ot trade conditions in the various pro- vinces exhibits, upon the w'.iolo. not a banner year for Canada nor a quite c'.ouilless sky but sound basic condi- tions and, allowing for a temporary lull in business, anipla ground for con- fidence in our futuro growth and rros- peril y. The chief disappointment Is tho crop In the fi-alrle Provinces, bul toft much should not be made of on lean year. The West is a country ol proved asriciiltural nothing 1 nor dependable than richness nn;l over a rariM of years seedtime and harvest. "* KINDNESS Whorever there If a liini.i:: !>iiug there is an opportunity for IxinJi.<e!S. Seneca. Tlie Englishman who says Axerl- e.iiis iiave no imagination should reail tho newspaper story of the fire iu Washington which was 'Vaue<! t.y a ciga:- ; lighter." "Not many fellows can do thK" sahl the magician as he turned his Ford into a lamp-post. Tor Toothache Minard's Liniment. BEAUTY CULTURE School, to learn Beauty Culture. Refined surroundings, one or more subjects taught easy trrms. Inspection invited. MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE 12 Queen St. East Toronto. This Christmas, serve Christie's Puddings and Cakes. Their wliole- tome goodness will delight young and old. HurrMWehave ChriSlies Christmas Puddings MADE BY THE BAKERS OF * A ' 4 1 * \