i S YOUR APPETITE POOR? PERHAPS by di n Other nifint. rou ha been treating the fytnploma, rather than iK eaaae. Lam of mpprtttt, heartburn, four acotaach, arc aympronu that the Mood it impure. Th: explain* the nxrctuf ul nM al Dr. WUlianu' Pink Pilli in all mch ctafa, Hare typical exaetplo "I began to fetl tired," writa Mm Margaret Whit*, of Parry Soon J, "and when I aai down to a meal I felt I did net want lo cat. A doctor told m* I wai anaemic bat I BLidt little progrca* w.iii hit medicine. When I tartcd taking Dr. WtUiama' Pink Pilli I toon noticed that my appetite wai improving, that the hcadachej came lei* frequently and that I w.i not ao eaaily tired. Nerw By weight ha* incrcaaed, my cheek* are roey and every ach* *wi train k^ Start today lo jiea-r appetite. Boy Dr. Gami' Pink PtUi from your druBgiii'i or by mjii. poM- pejd, at 90 coats > box from The Dr. ITUHatnu Medicina Co., Brockville, Oatario. Sd for free book "What v Eat and How to Eat*. Neglect Takes Toll Of Tires of All Kinds III Health Causes His Return to Civilization PINK PILLS -A HOUSEHOLD NAB IN B4 COUMTIIIC9" England's Trade Goes Over Trade Throughout Uni Kingdom Maintains Steady Volume Despite Seasonal Increase in Unemploy- ment; Iron. Steel anH Coal Show- Gain Ixindon. Despite the seasonal in- crease in unemployment. British in- dustry enters the winter months wfth its volume of production steadily main- tained. From analyses made by the High and Low Pressure Variety Will be Injured by Neglect in Any Degree RULES FOR CARE Proper care ot tires has always been an important matter to the car owner even when the high pressure cord tires were iacu exUruaUci} \Ve find i:even more necessary now .,ince the balloon or low pressure tire has corne into existence. Althoush .here are thou- sands of car OWTV-S stiil running on high pressure tire-, and will for some time to come. prac*:ially all new cars are equipped with low-pressure tire. However, we find that the high-pres- sure tire can stand MI re ill treatment and nsglect tiian can tr low-pressure tire, which aceojnt* a great dea for its popularity. But the balloon tire is increasing ;n popularity And there are ^several reasons. It gives greater riding com- fort. One rides on a volume of air linstead'of the stiff carcass of the tire las is the case when IE ing high-pres- jsure tires. The baiWn ^ire, becaue of, its flexibility and lower pressure, [gives ir. to thj shocK et road obstacles, and absorbs the shock which would otherwise transmit to passenger*. The engine suffers, less from damaging i jars. All in all, the balloon tire is account. We for much jf the increased i pleasure of motoring these days. NEGLECT IS COSTLY. Although the low-press'ire tire gives r.:- re comfor>in riding it requires more care and attention in upkeep. An in- flation pressure is usually recommend- ed when purchasing a car. and wt> want to be sun.- that we raaitain this pressure at all times. Sometimes this pressure may be increased according to the load the car customarily can:.-;, but a dealer will give you advice about this. The reasx>n wh> it is so import- , ant to keep the correct inflation pres- jsure is evident in the following com- parison. A loss of three pounds from t pressure of 30 in a balloon tire is a loss of 10 per cent It woulu take a loss of seven pourds fror; a 70-pound pressure to equal the same loss in a high-pressure tire. 1'his is one of the reasons why high-pressure tires arc still so popular. Tire manufacturers used to recom- mend a higher pressure than was si- ways necessary for high pressure tires. bi-.-a-i-i motorist* were often neglect- ful and a drop in the pressure of thirty pounds would still allow for enough air to prevent, serious damage to the castin?. If balloon tires are run to tny considerable extent under- j inflated they are quickly cut by the , vims and ruined. A balloon tire j;au?c ; (calibrated in single pounds will help ir. ' maintaining the right amount of air 1 in tlie tire. HOW TO MAINTAIN AIR. A large automobile concern au its pjrchasers to check their tire in-' flation once or twice a week, and als" i to set aside one day every week for i tire inspection. It will not take long to I do this and is worth the trouble of being assured thac the air in . tires is at the proper pressure. Tiro inspection could be made a part of the regular routine visit to the filling s-..i- Dept. Of Health Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACAJTT Oue mau's food Is another man's vVANTliU W IlCtt, UlU Karn vvr.:< .arn- MOKB Jfi> *,-, ^ - =..-, -...v- ^ w - . 0r. easy wort Jiarn * > Ir.g Oarber trad* under faai-jus down to us through the ages; in our , ..merican rtan. world'i most a day people are not content with irabia a , o^oer school system \\ri- at call Immediately for free catalogue vt4r food supply which is simply DOC harm-, Barber College. 121 Qjeen Uesu '1 .- ;nto fu!. but insist on oue that is healthful I as well as safe. What Does the Farmer Eat? Of We Pay the Hignest Prices 'or DRESSED POULTRY Write for quotations The Harris Abattoir Co. Ltd. St. La'A-e-ce Markst. Torcv.: 2 A NORTHERN MISSIONARY AND BABY SEAL Dr. Samuel Stewart. I'ori'ed by Ill-health, returns to Eng!a:ul a!'*-r t'airty years teaching among Eskimos and Indians in Labrador. wise to have the service men check up on the wheel aligr.ment perhaps once ,ir f.vice a vear. Hospital forSkfc Children IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is there a bah or young children not be witrmt a box ot Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood ailments com* quickly and mean* ~hiiuM ahviy* b^ at baud to promptly tight them. Baby's Ova Tablets are tUe ideal home remeity: " They reeulate the bowels: sweeten the stoma.h: !>ni?h constipation anil indigestion: oreak up colds and simple levers in fart they relieve all the minor ills of little ones. Concerning them Mr*. Moise Cabot te, "Baby's remedy in th woild for little oues. I 6: COLLEGE ST.. TORONTO 2 December. 13i9. I>ar Mr. Editor. (sugar and starch class and should Your C:\vspaper joes to a lot of! su t>P ; . T about 60"^ of the fuel to sup- ; hearted people wio will be very; ply fhe day's energy. to learn that t'.:e a:.v country [ '3) Bu::<-r, ..-ream . i: : fat from meats the animal l.r -uould supply abo:- ' ilay'g fuel supply. "Protective fooi!>" are uii'.k and the .^tables. The?e must be IB- labor's euded, and the o'ibborn soil The farmer eats more thaa he re; ! Tht we hare striven with the quires of. certain foods (meat, sugar . whole day long and starches) and he eats too little j Yields now, and Ukes us In a soft of certain other foods necessary for caress, his health requirements (milk, fruit, And gives us quietness, and vegetables). This i.' not a wLM D.P. McGuire in the Sydney EilleUn guess on the part of some fod fad- ! ' rilst, but it tha true picture of actual food habits of farmers In a county, studied over a period~of years. I At the time tlie study was begun it ! was found that iu raany homes in the ! county, although the table was set three times a cay, the food was often the same old bill of fare fried mear. fried potatoes, bread, cake and p!e ' and coffee. From their own sta-e- mects many of the residents were ' going along from day to day. not sick- but feeling below par: headache common, constipation was reno-^d by a great number and in was ci-ise of annoyance to mu:iy of the farmers acd their w!-. BoCy Food Needs Man :-.~t?'!s food to supply the body (1 with energy to work. (.-> with ma- terial to repair worn-out tissues in the older person and to produce new lia- - '-owing clii.il. To meet these needs, man should i eat ev-:y ,;a\- tha food* which wiil ' result la ibis service to iiis body; in other words he slio-.i'.'i include In bis ''<- .utake foods from each of the following ill Meat, eg-gs. flsh. cheese about lO'o of ;he uel to supply tiiN euergy should come from this , .is which is called the proteins or tissue builders. i - 1 Bread, cereals, potatoes and otht>r starchy vegetables, cakes and other sweet desserts: this Is the P ATENTS List of "Wan:t: ; ar.d Fall Inforr-.ii.!-n .-c.:; F'ee - . THE 2AMSAY CO.. Dec'. W. 273 Bask St., O-tiTTi Oct. llVitf tolerate Rlarkhfads amt nattdrntTI Cuticiira and tutioura Ointment will .jj.. k!v uJ roeomi llT pu-if d nir OOWT CO ness HEAD NOISES e* uitt-msemr "" M) ""' L --Jk^EAR 1.25 ll Orrttntl Drxr.it, t ':n ;i A._p. LEONARD, Inc. .. N>w York City 7'> Fi:',h ! branch of the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, established last yer a few miles anay from the main bospU.il in . . ll .iillC?.l*iajla UU1 LUC .Jl** -H mum V\mt * ** -nto.-U producing reaults even - ,'er than :H mot: ardat support- ers a.T.fcip.'.tv-d when the ambitious project was mooted. So please pub- lish ibis letter a# pi*<~c of iro<jd news for alt friends of the poor little "Sick Ki.Is." Thousands of small saff<?rers from all pans ft Oi.-ai o. > ^. o the Hos- coune of a year. u every Jay's intake to make up for tbe lack o ci : ----ntials in cereals, tube 1 - : 1 meats. Growth elements .ire known as vitamins and it Is ab*oi;:' tial that tbese be suppled In the flash 0/2 Coughs & Colds A prJv. safe, proven n-mrdj for i-luldrrii jii.l adults. Buspjdiyis ^y~"of"rr"ieiid3 "thrJUfboutj' 00 ' 1 supply: -non source ;-= ' the Province has made possible : : expansion ha BOW Makamik Que writes- {earned for Ontario t".t? credit of tiav- Own Tablets are the best l n? th. fln e st_ hospiul m the world for little oue>9. wUere every known My bahy suffered terribly from iniit- ' |j O gestlon and vomiting, but the Tablet* cra-l right hild ailment and there is Top perfect health." The tablet:? are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at a box from The Hr. Williams' cine Co.. Brnckville. Ont. To Erect Statue Canadian Finds Electric Current in Earthquakes in regard to race cv M v.'real. Dr. Richard Ha:*r. pro- . .r of physics a; Acad.a I rli* information of yo;ir readers has announced the theory that con- siderable e'.ecrrieal disturbances ac- company earth shifting-. Ho states that these disturbances cause Iari>- electrical redistribution of r..v earth currents and transient -.: I it aiisiit be stated. ,u a matter of public interest, ttat !n rigj year ' 1913 the Hospital for Sick Children recorded 70.153 patient day?. Ln 19L'.". the total was 92.401 and in 192S it \vas 93.901. But in 1919. tha business ASTHMA QCICX BELIEF . Trough use o' Dr. J H. Oj'JJ'* ''T--*-n Uountalfl A^' .- \ C^:'mpoii"*l. Its pleumnt smoke. \.. - js acj . in lSS',i by Dr. - - atory di- rvllavfja ealarrh, - ..-: remedy at drugRi.<!s ;j cents. SJ - a~il $1 5'J. powili-r "r etgurt:e :.:-::i. T.I! for FREE TBIAX, ;;. i- F 1 : u--!. Cinadir.a Dla- rnbnt or*, tyman*. Ltd , Dept. CCI. 386 St Fan: St. W**t. Moatrea^ year ending September 30th. the tota: throughout the Mrth's crust. S ASTHMA COHMUMD To Bliss Carman OM - V . 41 . i increased to the impressive one! At the time >( the recent quake, h T' -i remarkable growth naturally to be Cut to Design Sketched bv the Poet carries it correspondingly large power electrical estimated that nearl' l>9 per cent, of tire trouble Is cau ed by under-infla- tion. There are a few points to took out! for in keeping th recummunded infla>! '.tl ex;>ens? aud as there Is a loss every day on the cost <-,f mainten- ance of practically every little patient, the deficit to be taken care of by big- runs into an enormous total Please arman. poet, is In New Brunswick in j ask your readers to tend a hand. ~ with a titrir.g memorial to Who Is t^.ere more entitled the poet. The orijririai idea of a simple share of the Christmas bounty than tonjbst(me has a , ;atu of Ule ., xtl , mlct! ^ inc!u ,| e rte -sick Kids'"' Tills year thre are Dr Pierce said many claims upon benevolent citizens, ec a , tion pressures. Tire valve mjulea in , Bliss Carn . an -, p. ave wi ;; be ma ; ke j bnt none stronger t^an that of the all casings should be tight and in good I Ji.'ar.i of Trade, the British equivalent ' condition. This will help. Also, thet to the Canadian Dcpt. of Trade and j rim nut on the base of the valve stem' Commerce, the following f nets emerge: i should be tight to prevent the tube ; Industrial activity In the United | f pom "creeping." The rusting of the! Kingdom in the third quarter if 19:.".)', tube to the rim in cases where tires j was 1.4 per cent, lower than the second j arc not removed for long periods of i quarter, but about equal to the first! time can be prevented by using flap*, quarter. It was 10 per cent, greater i Flaps have also been recommended to than in the third quarter of lt>28. (avoid the pinching of tubes between All groups of iruhistries compared j the toe of the tire and the rim. Flaps 1 \vith the third quarter of li)2S show | vary in width. !.nd the correct size is' improvement of between 9 and 10 per. necessary in order to get the bo<: > c'' : "- I result?. " T!: o volume of production, the Board j Small cuts in the tires are also to of Trade comments, would thus appear be looked out for. They can cause no| > have been more steadily maintained! end of unexpected trouble and btow- ' t-is yoar than last. The output of cor.l in the third quarter of uts when least expected because water; and mud and sand work their way into \ the same period of hist year by J these little cuts, rot the fabric, and! nearly 7,250,000 tons, the highest in- 1 bring about deterioration of the tire. 1 crease recorded since 192-1. Exports] Let the repairman give any such small! J>*otiied 4.000.000 ;ons of the increas- cuts immediate attention, or do it ed output. Compared with^the pre-jyourscif. vii'us three months' period,' tne present fiuures show an increased output ot 1.000,000 tons. Iron and steel production in the last three Tiionths increased by nearly 17 J*M- cent, over the same period of 19:28. Engineering and shipbuilding produc- tion was i). per cent, greater; non- ferrous metal production 4.3 greater. by a stone cut to a desigr. sketched by ti:e gifted so.i of N ing his lifetime. If present plans ma- j terialize. this will be supplemented i>; a statue. ''It i$ perhaps not generally known \ that Blis* Carman designed a simple! stone to be placed over his grave in I New Canaan." said Dr. Pierce. "The ' poet never dreamed that his native province and Dominicn should one day desire his ashes. Since the interment in the family plot at Freiiericton. and the memorial i service m the cathedi'a , some progress [ has beei. made to place over his grave j a suitable stone. Koa :z : ;-.jr that Bliss Carman's tomb will become one of our nationhl shrines, a monument has been worked out in careful detail, but in di- mensions more fittir,^ to so distin- guished a Canai!;:i:i." large number of afflicted children who oaa tlu he restored to the ben iri. !e community. Faithfully your*. IRVING E. HOBEKTSOX. C b:\irmaii ot Appeal Com: or sivics of surires. j from two ta three minute- be- fore the first tv-nwr until after tiio second. The speod of these surges is greater than that uf the trvr.i.-i-s ther.'- selves. and or. the : >..-. . -lie riirt"iv- ence In speed. Professor Hamer s.iys, he calculated the conttv <>f the disturb- ance as approximately 400 :> TnH) r from Wo'.fvilie. N.S.. before seismo'- ogists ha<: C"iv.p\'-.ed their records. He ; believes that reliable advance notice way ttr.i> be obtained of ?e' treni" Beware Infection Infcc'ion of cuts and !)r.iies ! lie^t preventf.i by Minird's. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Chemical anil 30.5 per rent. allied trades increased UNDECIDED (Interestedly) "And ADMONITIONS ARE OFFERED To the motorist who asks how he can add to the life of his tires, might be given the following admonitions: See that the proper inflation pressure is in j tlie tires at all times. When app!y:r.i,-! chains be sure that they arerfasteno.l loosely enough to vork their way around the tire. Spares should be pro- tected by cover casings. Avoid the severe strains which result from skid- ding, letting the clutch in too suddenly . I " or jamming the brakes too hard. Curate (interestedly)-"Aud what; Keep the rim touched up with spe- are you going to give your little cial rim P sint or shellac - c rr - v * P 01 '- brotlu-r for Christmas?" nble vulcanizer - blowout patch, chain .il.ttle Glrl-'I dumio yet. I gave tooU tire $le * ve - J ack - valv ca P' tire him ihe measles last year." frauge, etc.. to take care of emergen- ! cies. Proper wheel alignment is also I important and is worth consideration. I Misaligned wheels will wabble and run ' unevenly and cause rapid and uneven , wear on tires. A thirty-inch tire will drag 174 feet: every mile if the wheel is but one inch | out of alignment. The greater the ground contact of a tire the more in- 1 tense will be th* "drag." And so it is Parity and Prestige S:*:ry Huiiii!<.'stn in tho Ntw Slu'.i 1 --- inan il.V'r.iLm) : F:ir : 'y v ally is, ^-. '' Amorican side, t'ue synonym of r tige. American prestige ueiv.ands that the American fleet should be r?c-v as eo|9a! to the British flevt. P less British prus'Jsro vicmaruis Lhat :! American fleet should rot 'ue rejrartl'.M 1 . as superior to the British flee:. K-.;: if these conditions are ro-i it will be absurd to wcich a:- sure too First Football Player: "Yen say be Mocked the kick? How?" Second Ditto: "With bis block." TRUTH Methiuks a man should speak tlie. truth that Is within him. no matter i whether death or life be imminent. Cavelli. L U X O FOR THE HAIR Ask Your llarber He Knows A man who was alleged 4o have sworn at a bookmaker for twenty minutes without stopping was flued $10. U is not true that ou hearing the decision he asked the magistrate it he could go back and have another ten shilling!)' worth. Eggs in Three Day* ar funranteil by crush!:'*; "Magic Ft.-, Gland Tablet^'' in your teal*' dnnkins wattr or nu-li. or your money l>a'k. Aiv rich In .Itainins, proteins, ami ful, "Do you prefer any particular mouth to get married In?" "Oh, I like 'em all." "Do you know that your wife Is tell-j,^.,^,,, f , e< , lnrr<quirl j. Mr9 ing everyone you can't keep nr U I fwd, Ontario, writes: "Your clothes?" "That'i nothin. I've bought j v{-|f l I1 ^ei> re yo'lI-'i<fns 8 'jvlnK her home and can't keep her in t^ Kali an',i Winter. rea for that, either." 76 beats 36 ttni thta itiin.i.-rf'it ; v "cr from J man o( ?ft wh '5 " mom aottv than 4O rran aio," thanks to tha ' uali; tUmvlol " ot Kruivhra Be, " At a ttiHret of Mh tmA and rAninia tar iuiltwer Ml yntrr, I trim to aetMaMjaj Felt Tired and Miserable "I tvn>k LvJiu E. Finkh.im's \"c^ct:\bic Cr>nirn^iinc! for mis- erable anJ tired techruis an.J it s-ive me strength :.> Jo mv work. My nerves .ire horror and 1 reel ufll and stronv: and i'.avo a good appetite. I sleep well and am ia prc:ty ^ood spirit and able to work every day now. 1 recommend the Vege- table Compound and you mav use this letter as a testi- monial." Mis Dthvna Wal- lace, L-nian iJnvcr, \orth l:iKreJ!<-nts. Minrd' Lin ment for Cough*. <Mt-s by ousaiuts of farmer*. Kr*> Bull Mna ' th Rski-ifT. On blir box 61K:; two bi boxes $l.i"> v^st pl. I. Agents wsntnl. HellaMe stn.-k Fi>oU Co.. S3x Melita foi.iJ niXAtMa M mtinl'ittlu trrtain at Kntt->im >'iiil. Eptniit ami altitr Hunt* all Aar* thnr nrt'irt. bat alto t.',rir dnitrtiintf. KrujrAm fail* I a la fir /oiuirf. a.flw 4 trir or *Min of vtint tttrm, kart no jrtiu*vri> jnj HI* cv.i 1 , 1 '- -ffffi tftiatrrtr. I am 76 and mon ucf.it ;.'.d,-i 4U yean uti'." Knii'hca S*it li "b(inblr at drug sn<! Jr|-t;!-ru: itom In Ttnada it Tie. a bottlr. A buttle .!.!'> >nugh M last fur 4 urt moutlii cucii JieaitU lur b*if-a-ctut a <Ur. Lydia E, Pinktiam's Vegeta6fe : foiiipoun(! >i. Mm j s 1 ISSUE No, 50 ' .i