Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1929, p. 2

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Sunday School Lesson "How silently, how silenitly, the won- drous gift is given!" The announcement made by the an- gel to the shepherds declare! the child to be "a Saviour, which Is Christ the Ix.rd," that is the long-promised Mes- siah, the son of David, whose coming A Splendid View of New York Architecture December 22. Lesson XII The Child. na( ) I XM>U foretold again and again In a Christirn World (Christmas ( through seven centuries of Israel's Matthew 19: 14. ANALYSIS. I THf (HlUt AND THK KINCIK1M, Matt. IK: 1-H; Mark 9: M, '', -W; 1: 13-16. II. TI1K BABE OF HETIILKIIK.M, Luke 2: l-.'O. INTRODL-CTIO.V When all evil banihed from the world it will be- a safe ami happy placo for littlo chil- dren. In the new and perfect city of the golik-n axe that is to come, a prophet tells us that both ol.l men and oW *v, men shall dwell happily, and that "the streets of the city shall be full of Iniys and girls playing in the streets thereof," /-ecli. H: 4, 5. In the language of poetry another prophet tolls .,f a coining IIJJP of pence in which fierce wild l.ciists will be led by a littlo child, and an infant child will play with viiVty on the deadly serpent's <len. K>. 11: -. The Gospels show clearly that there. was a uarm place in tho heart of Jesus for little children. It will be remembered with what solicitous ten <leme In- responded to the request <>f a ruU-r to come and heal his little daughter. "Little pir!." ho said, "I am t.-llinp you t rise" (Jaonaw Truncation). Aft-r the memorable experience in the mountain, when throe disciples had a vision of his glory. h's fir.-t act was ajjain to have COtnDailiofl upfn, uni to heal a sorely- afflk-t.*] child (Marl; ".: '-"M'-!: ': 14- J7i. UK- cure nf hi- apostles in their earth, peace, good will to men." Robin's Christmas children ' 'What ;un I going to have for Christmas this year?" Hobin Red- breast asked his mother. "I'm afraid that you won't set any- thing, my bird." sighed hi* mother. "Father's been ill for so long tlmt wo have spent all our money aiul hnw I'm going to get you anything to eat on Christmas Day 1 don't kuow. for presents " she ehru?ed \\inKH to sdiow that they were out of] the question. "Now when Hobiii i made up his mind to do to help his mother. "How earu some money?" he said to him- self, and then he suddenly had a bril- liant idea. He decided to no out carol siuging. It was a cold, snowy day. -so put on bis check cap and muffler and his Wellington boots ami off he fley. Ho porched ou a bough outside a nursery window where he could sew some children and up h.- piped: "Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet', I weet - Whu they h.'itrfl him tha children rushed to tlie window. A NEW HOTEL BUILT WHERE LAND IS DEAR AND THE SKY'S THE LIMIT of New York's newest hol-l. -J5 stor.-ys high and comaitiiui? 2.^00 rooms, whldi opem their letters, 2 <>>,';-': ^ Epb. 8: time, v, !.!]! the of Bethlehem, and the boy nl "Look!" they cried, "a dear little robin singing in all this dreadful snow. they ran to the tea-table and collected handful* of cake and bread-crumbs which they throw out to robin. Lighting the Cross of Empire Trade ner of his muffler and flew off to an- 1 other bouse Kveryboiiy was MI pl> asi-d in hear j his cheerful slllgiiii: that when at lust j it was time for him to KO home, he j conl.l hardly lly. he had S'i much to ' curry. Nazareth, is full of adoration and thanksgiving. In him all childhood j He tied them up carefully in a cor -.iiitiful and sacred: It h-.'y child of Bethlehem. I ' rd to us we pray: Cast o ir sin and enter in; I',.- .m In us today. Phillips Brooks. I THE CMIMi AND THK KINiilm.M, Malt. U: 1-6; Mark 0: "(i. ."T, ; 10: 18-16. It was near the end i.f .!< us' min- istry .1. I'.alilt-e. He wa s,K>n to turn his fa'-* aKain toward Jerusalem and th.- '..-i- ttacic act in 'he brief drama of his earthly life. There had been much c'iitr<iver^y and m~j<-\\ hostility i by his rebuke of the insincer- ity and wickedness which he saw in . ?, and by his teaching of the iiitiiu'...! love of the heavenly Father as the central and all-important truth of religion, displacing the i.ncient law and custom which Pharisees had made central. Jeus finds lelief for Uin dis- tress <>t his own miml. and a lesion fur his ;i<rip1o.s in the simple faith of a little child. "Who is the greatest in the kmedom of heaven'.'" his disciples ask. :t'(l fie answers 1 y cnllinc to him a lit''" !?si!d, \vh.. care- nothing f r who is con.i'nt just to Mother Country's industries. Obviously there will be a serious ilittii tilty defining what constitutes key and Infant industries.. What principle can be invoked to nove.rn decisions here? Lord Heaverhrook is vague on that Any industry that has a key to pro- fits under lai ill protection is probably pivpared lo arKii.- that it is a key in- dustry. Kvety Industry hi Canada, except fox breeding. Is probably ready to nrgue -that it i ; an infant computed with Xritish indtisiries. There are some points of in- |eace .he. tievy cross of hi* >'-">I>"' e , tereRt whit . h will not be readily cle*r- | A Tour of the Dominions by Lord Beaverbrook Sug- gested for the F uture WILL NEED STUDY London is it.skiiiK, Will I.ord Roarer hiook carry in person to the Domln I n.-t-dn't tell you how K la.l his '. '' r ' ((1 ^ '"> nli>tt ""Pi-rial <'*" mother was to see al the tit-bits he. bad collected. SI,., had ,,! news for and fr..- trade within the,. him, too, for Father Redbreast was i v.-r so mmh better, and kind Mrs. Thrush had sent over a wcat big par- cel of toys for Robin and his brothers and sf inters. So afr.-r all th" Iledbn-a-" - had a happy Christmas. ' ed up unle.-s Lord lieaverbrook by a Kmpire. wueu it will not interfere ; .,., ,,. ( , f tho I)omilli()ns , ttllle with th... prnpor protection of key In- : ||( ( , () f o M t it.,1 ildlvi*. ^ ' faut industries? Some lit mberii of rarli.nuent in Hie old country are advising the Canadian at in -' hand. Throws New Light One fiood thing the Beaverbrook campaign appears to be doing in the Air Designers Seek to Muffle Noise of Flight Efforts to Curb Roar of Motors Held to be only Partially Successful Kfforts to eliminate the uoise nuis- ance in flying have been only partially Largest Fossil Found by Chance Tricks of Fate Lead Hunter to Fifty-Ton Dinosaur The warning whir-r of a rattlesnake led to the discovery of the largest prehistoric creature ever found; the accidental stroke of geologist's pick into a slab of sandstone disclosed re- mains of the dad-Jy of all se a ser- pents. How these luckly finds took place, related by Charles H. Stern berg, noted -hunter of fossil mon- sters, who, in sixty-years of search- ing, has uncovered more than three hundred specimens of prehistoric life. ' ''Once I was walking along the rim of a cliff in the Bad J^ands of Wjro niiug," he writes in the December issue of Popular Science Monthly, "when I heard, seemingly at my feet, the deadly warning of a rattlesnake. | I leaped to one side, slipped, fell, slid over the edge of the crag and came to a sudden stop sitting down on what apparsptly was a brown boulder ten i feet from the top. The 'boulder' was the shoulder bone of the largest dino- saur ever unearthed. It was nearly efgthly feet long, sixteen feet high at the shoulders, and probably weighed fifty tons or more. Had it not been for the snake on the edgfl of the cliff, that monster reptile, probably nre million years old, would have remain- ed undiscovered. "Such twists of fate make fossil hunting one of the most fascinating games in the world. Searching for prehistoric shells and other marine life on the one-time shore of a great ocean in Kansas, I dropped the geo- logist's pick I was carrying and the sharp point accidentally struck a slab of sandstone, flaking off a chip a foot long and half as wide. Beneath, dark brown against the pale yellow sand- stone, was the tootu-ll'ied snout of a huge llsh. Careful excavation reveal- ed it to be a Porthous molossus. a pre- historic fish fourteen feet Ions, prob- ably able to destroy any shark alive I to-day. successful, according to the aeronau- -Sometimes, the specimen a hunter tics branch of the Department of Com- , seekg ig rouu( , rignt at {he door of ^ merce, but the noise lias been co- . , ent as was tne case , n one of my ex siderably reduced in Home cabin j pedit | ons to Canada. Walled in by planes by tlm use of sound-proof ma- ! raia , n , he vallpy of a riyer ln A[bel .. terial in the walls and the rearrange- 1 ,_ T |, emoaned tlie fate that pl . evente j ment of ensiiius nn.l mufflers. me fvom searc . h i ng for fossi i duck . Big Appetites British Army and Navy to Eat peer to make an txiteiul. -d tour of the ! | (1 ,. ol ,,,ti-y it is In-luginE to the liKht ! cu-ut Ihpy must be so heavy as to add Sound proof walls Have not been j , )illgj ue ] nnK | ng to Ule family of hut!(3 found to be entirely satisfactory by j llel .|,h- roiis dinosaurs, aeronautical enginers of the Bureau ' nf Standards, because to be really effi- Yet, later the r\n had passed am 1 I stepped from my tent, I saw on tha face of a near-by cliff, clear cut as . i ^. VJL iv in: at 'i* j iiiu p t leal 1, U' vl. 1 ! m order to convince i- , ,,. (> . : . ,, of | nlcre: ,tiiiB informal Ion materially to the weight of tlie plane. w|U k , f th comp!ete an( , , f f* n,l i\.\l it f/-i-j nu t)i il t rl i T__t * t _i_ *_ , T..:. : .. 1 .. f _ .. ' >t**^ .- uu\ utu4v^>. dtiKtrialists and politicians that his HiiKi;esiions for promoting unity are soi'iid. , about Uritish industry and Dritish Airplane desiKiuTs have found, how- 1 perfect ske ietou of tho great and ter , trade calcinated to bring the old pol- ! over, that tho engine noise can he: icy of - calculated to bring the old pol- OV er, that tho enslce noise can he : ri , ))e Tyrannosaurns rex king of all :if ' laissez faire" Into disrepute: ma de less objectionable if the muffler ..,,,.;.-, ,ii,,, Th., -! i, i Aud certain politicians in tlie old a lot of information which ordinarily country who are skeptical of sudden ( escapes the vigilance of even trade entlin .tains to re-ornitni/" I h.' Kmpire and technical journals. is placed behind the cabin. Noise of (:arnivoi . ,| H are a-,kln<: lias Lord Reaverbrook made In- , lirook from responsible leaders of all shortly, massy" weather season Uioy lish fa!'- and to IOVP, compare I.uke 2'.i: 24-27. "Th- main purpose nf .lesus is not to talk of the child's reUti ... to the kinK- dom, hut of the spirit that his di- cipl.'S must hnve if they would enter tha: !.ir.jfdoin." "The disciples give ; ,a-' ir. for Jesus' word in their heir sclf-imixji-.ance. tbi-lr am- bitii.n."-- Hall. Tho Teachings .f Jesoa. It i< the linvpncitjr, frankness, and wil'.u Knc^ t') learn. tORefhei witfi the ; n a n parts of the world, is-tues a fw 1 5 Tons of Christmas Pudding London \Vhiii- Hritish soldiers ami |inr(|.--t lu th Dominions ami, If so, sailors In far corners of liie empire what ar>< tlinir views on tho subject? may uot bc> blessed with real "Christ ' It It current political uo>-ip thai a The rain had , washed earth and some stone from the propeller cannot be ; , f . u . of ,, lis wall> reveaUug . h(J | lessened by auystich dcvice-tho only: nftyfoot , }j!a .. d <lje . error Qf It will not be surprising if Beuver- 1 remedy so far discovered being the ; j l:il ,,i., s j n jt s ,|i:y on earth " the dtiriiiz Hi- fstivi- rnprcsentatlve of the Beaverbrook pa- assured uf r :il KMK- pers soiislit to draw out expressions makes a tour of the Kmpiro . heavy souiul-proof walls. In the case carrying his fiery cross of ; ,,t multi-motored planes the noise Kmpire Vnlly. Me might do a lot of j sometimes is increased by the over- Kood at that, although ha would piob- , lappinB of slip streams, musing the * : * ably not convert the Doniliiions to any I "l)eat" that cflininoii when oxtciwlve program of free trade with- in lhn Kmpire. liul ho might sliinu- 'of opinions from Canadian politlclau | late Kuipire efforts to meet tho intcn- Tlic Army, Navy anii Air Force Iu- 1 hi K h up In tlie councils of their party. ] sifled competition in the world mur- stitute (affectionately known as j TI IO nfo,-finenlione<l politicians sHld | ket all Uritish countries will have to "Xaffy" , which looks after tha can- teens of Itrltlsh soldiers ami entire absence of self -conceit Ml' pii<j.-. in o admirable in a li rhilil, ami M> worthy of imitation. To sudi an one i to sh:'v nil spirit t' off' iv 1 is to deserve -.everest nation, Matt. 18: l-. ThJ{J- tldei L nf th blBMing of litt'.o chil- dren (Mark 10: 18-18) occurred some what litter. Of such, hi said, is the | cakes will be made, kingdom of heaven. II. THB BABB OF BKTJIIXMKM, I.uke 2: 1 -L'O. ' It was in the reign of Augustus, the | figures which give hli'a of the lighting services' nppetito. Fifteen tons of plum pudding* uro bi'i r. cc made; tha puddltiK?. rant; ins from one to fourteen pounds apiece, will fill 110.000 pudding basin*. Twenty- five hundred decorated Christmas many f.f them adorn-'tl with regimental crest H in Ic- Ing. Tho that more hey would liko to know a lot about some of tho oli.-mre face from the United Stntes in the near future. When President Hoover Uon-.-m that. JMUS was born. >\ave been (H.<". "! *< A.M. ID, The exact dat .LI !!.('. t'. when 11,-. the Gi-eat was kins of .luden. ! iceM I" have be<n the custom m tii, saitem provinces of the unpin require people to lie enrolled i" their oricina! home. So Joseph il Maty had (.. return to Bethlehem, "tho city of fiavid." probably Joseph's birth- place; nr.,) (her.- .Ii'.su was born. His bn-T'i iritt r'.yally heralded bv an 'an^ gel of tho I/>rd, Tint", a muhitiide of tho heavenly host pniisinR (;<>il. the world thp most Importan i ',MI ihnt ni^'ht was the babe of Beth'.thd . Hut only "slu-pbenls ablil i-iK in the field, kmpinf watch ove H | :,w the VIM, MI, and hea i nl)ou , 7 points of th" Beaverbrook Empire pol- j gets Uis domastln plans designed to ward off a bii.-incss dejiression In full working order, he will undoubtedly turn his attention lo the job of organ- icing Ani"iican business for the ex- pansion of its export trade for an as- sault upon the world markets of a magnitude and Intensity surpassing even the pre war effort of Imperial icy before venturing to expres* an opinion. Particular Questions Some of Lord Beaverhrook's ans- wers to questions of par'Icular Inter- est to Ca' are so involved that it. is felt that a face-to-face explanation of his views will be nncensaiy to car- ry conviction and tuwke converts to Kix tons ot mincemeat will so lutoihla projects. Jars, while l.i'.O.OOO miucu pies will ha Ills priiif ipal paper, the I.nndnu Kx- ' r. :uir 101 <.)!. ;iunption. DoiiKlinlilH and! press, is making a great piny of how | Eccleft cakes are being iniidfi in taOUr|agrIoulurlstS In Dritaiu would benelil ] Hands. One hundred and lifty long of currant* will be utilized la various ways. Fruit, takes a prominent pbu e on this gargantuan menu. TUo flRiufts for fresh fruits have soared beyond calculation, while evaporated fruit salad is so popular that more than neveu tons have to be provided dur- ing the Christmas period. If, as in said, ovcry day's weather is Hi" Muni on the moon, what does tho man In 'the moon Imva lo talk from a duly on wheat coming from without tho Kmpire. The question hei-o is how can his Kmpire free tiade scheme bring important benefits to) the Urillsli farmer and at the same ' time carry mibstanlial benefits to the i Canadian prain growers. Can Lord Jieuverbrook have his Km piro cake and eat It too? Lord Beaverbrook has limited his , campaign for free trade within the ' Kmpire by the statement luut It Is not; proposed or desire.', to subject infant or key Industrial In tho Dominions to uiirestri. i. d conipelliioii from Iho; "Money talks." "Yes, but 'farewell' is the only thing it ever says to me." Blind Pensioners Notice of Great Importance to Blind Persons Mr. I*. K. Layton. Presided of tha Canadian Federation of the Blind, id desirous of obtaining information about all blind persons in the Domiui- on who are in need of pensions. In waves collide. This "beat" ran In- eliminated by an arrangement of the" engines which does not permit the slip streams to overlap, or by a change in the lilies of Hie plane's fuselage. The possible elimination of the ;ioi;-e of flying Is of particular interest to air transport operators who carry i sending in name and address the rea- passengers, a.s they must make flying ' son why the pension is required comfortable and convenient. Tho should be mentioned, with full pnrticu- transport operators also are interest- 1 Urs as to number of people depeu- ed in the work of engineers looking , dent, present salary, and any other in- to the reduction of vibration In the j formation that may appear valuable cabin caused by the vibration of the 1 H will greatly help to obtain the pen engines. , s-ion if reasons are given why blind The best Mines' i. .11 for combating | people should receive thla aid from the Ciovorumeut. The Canadian vibration Is that'tli placed on rubber engine should be j mountings that , would absorb the shock before it Hlind has been Federation of working hard for could bo transmitted lo the fuselase. long time to obtain pensions, and to Kngino manufacturers are making tho this end is eiuleavoriug to have a bill motors run more smoothly. London Traffic Signals London This biff town's lack of automatic trafllc signals gets many a laugh from visiting motorists, es , , pecially Americans accustomed to ' his r " !l support. introduced at the next session of tho Dominion Parliament. All blind persons and those interest ed in this movement are requested t: write to their local member of Par!k ment asking him to give such a bill tho traffic cnntru) towers of New- York. Few of them know that Ixmdon tried automatic Irutlic signals sixty As (here \vlll !>e n meeting of tha Hoard of Directors of the Federation '" Ottawa, early in January, full Infor- mation should ho sont at once to the one years ago. when Xe\v York w.-.s | headquarters. Canadian Federation of just Retting bark to normality after ' flu> Hlil >il- o;iso Sherbrooke Street the Civil \Var. i N" e<! '- Montreal. Jeff Taps a Gusher at 30 Cents a Gallon. I CATCH JVOU'U i Be IN |-OR Trie OF rv\\Ke, ^HATCHA I * * > - 1

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