Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11, 1929 nir: FI.F.SHERTON ADVANCE _ f Presentation IRecollectrons of Early I ancy here that can never be filled i -s 1 ;;.; ? " S ojoum - ' with uj we have ever found you to j j\ ll/'tl 1IJ F 1 I The citizens of Rock Mills gave Mr. ho a l ' iml neighbor and thought/ul , IjaVS With W. F. > and M-s. Jns. Dargavel and family a' frier ' d - alwa y K rcaj y " d willin * to j w J " " ' * * * BTpriM party on Wednesday evening Icnd a lu 'lP'B hand whenever the op- 1 of last week when they mot and pre- P or tunity presented itself. Our loss j Mondays Toronto dailies announc- Kentod them with an electric iron and wil1 b<1 anothev's Rain. Lj the death of W. F. Maclean in a floor lamp and fountain pens to So here's wishing each of you the that city. The Globe gives an in Master Robert and Miss Ethel upon best of health and prosperity with \ '.cresting synopsis of his carcc,', but w - cannot think of on? except our- ground, aiter a ssrvi. their departure from the community wealth and happiness galore! some of its statements arc scarcely st ; lve3 ' (!r P ^ tcar . for l . he man j United church. The to -e.sidc in Flesherton. The follow- t..t K.IU., ... .u W.H. :. The editor of f who ?*?* , l c r nlulate , the address was read along with the not for any intrinsic value, but as a Ths Advance was an employee of tho Npw I0r World in Toronto but whose, paid a high tnb presentation:- token of our sincere affection and Toronto World for five years during " t , lv ^ t , I ^., ! on , ly ,? re /l e . a ^ . sca _. fr _ u ! t " ol L*L ?? r ^ To Mr. and Mrs. ,Tas. Dargavel and esteem. family: Signed on behalf of your many - - Dear folk-It is with regret we real- friends ami neighbors of Rock Mills as nc ' M '^ as thc Proverbial h^ns' izc the fact that you are leaving Rock -Ned Croft, Richard Clark and Robt. u ' cth - W - F ' Maclea ' it3 founder with W. F. Maclean. He was T 1 ! I F f* I Thc pall bearers were Lewis Genoe, on of the hardaat worked men we 106 LHlC LuDICv uOrQOll John Campbell, 'Duncan Williams, ever knew all night on the editor-. Chains Turner, Stanley Campbell ial end of the paper and through the 'and Albert Williams. day from 7 a. m. until 6 p. m. dodg- The funeral 01 the late Eunice ins creditor-). | GbTdJnf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. PORTLAW SCHOOL REPORT Most of the old employaes of those Will Gordon of Eugenia whose death ' "cleai-, dead days" of long ago have was announced last week, was held Sr. 4 Grace Phillips, Clara Boyce passed over. At the present time on Sunday, Dec. 1, to Salem burial Dorothy Badgerow, 'Mary Shcardown. after a service at Eugenia Jr. 4 Wilbei't Fisher, Clifford service was Taylor, Delbert Fisher. Bert Hopps. New. conducted by Rev. Mr. Bamford, who' , Sr 3_Bobbic Meldrum, John Bla- tribute to the character happiness galore; We beg you to accept these gifts, in accord with facts. L- to me Gimracwr fc Jchn skinner Herb B lakey. young woman who) J p . ^ R ' tlic "eaVly hectic "days" "of 'its" existence " ntl who diccl without having accomp-, was cut off in the' bloom of her lishcd much that he hrd hoped for, .youth. She leaves to mourn her """* f 2nd Carrie Skinner, Gracie Jam- Vern Plantt, Marjorie Mills Your going will cause a vac- Crof*. Candies^ Nuts Oranges, Etc. Our stock (if Christinas Candies, Nuts, Oranges and Uananas is complete and of the choicest variety as fresh as can he secured. liny your Christmas supplies at this store and receive the best. Hot dotf, tea, etc., will he served in our restaurant on Santa Clans day. Make this store your headquar- ters while in town. GROCERY H. Freeman FLESH ERTON had placed in it all his small funds in the hope that it would pay the way i'ru.-n the start. In this lu was quickly disillusioned and added to his other trials were the endeavors to dodge his creditor?. The Globe Ilia Late Mrs. Coulthad Thff suckle"! death of Mr.s. H. Coul- says that when The World succumb- thard on Thursday morning Nov.21 ed it was not known that, any of his in Fcversham came as a shock to employees lost any of his back pay. iriends and neighbors. '.Mrs. Coul- As a matter of fact the paper at than! was i;t her usual health on Wed one time ceased publication for two nesday afternoon when she wen* tc weeks before its final sale. At that a mealing of the Presbyterian Ladies' time Maclean gathered his employ- Aid in Feversham. While there she ees around him and told them that was stricken with convulsions and nev- if thev would return to work he or regained consciousness. Every- would pay them regularly and event- thing possible was done to relieve ually pay off all the back salaries, her and on Thursday morning she This was only partially done and in passed out of this life. 1888 when we left The World every The funeral was held on Sunday, man was still owed from $15 to $25 Nov. 24 from her late home to the of that back pay. Presbvte'-ian church Feveroham. . . . TV- Boots and Rubbers For Heavy Wear At the Lowest Prices While we were employed by W. F thence to Bethel cemetery, service at Maclean an incident occurred which the church and grave being conduct- created a great deal of interest among ed by Rev. Moffa!, assisted by Rev. the printers and newspapermen and F- Dean. which n not touched on by the Toro- The deceased whbsc maiden name n*.o papers. "W. F." was a recent was Alice Healey, was born in Eng- graduate of Toronto University and land 53 years ago, coming to Canada among the students he had many in 1907. In March, 1912 she was friends. In his endeavors to get a married to her now sorrowing hus- ''scoop" on his big brothers of the band. Besides her husband she i daily press he put up a scheme with leaves to mourn the loss of a ' the University students. At that and loving mother, one step-daugh- I time a large cannon commanded the ter, Nellie a graduate nurse of Dur- cntrancc to the University grounds, ham hospital. A sad feature of the Abou!. 1 o' clock one morning we who occasion is the fact that Miss Nellie ! were at work were startled by a loud has been in the hospital since Rrad- j, I explosion which fairly shook the build uation suffering from a breakdown J* i ing. Everyone wondered what had and was not able to be home for the i j happened. An hour afterwards Mac- funeral. Three brothers and one sis- X j lean came in with the "copy" and thc ter also survive. ' cause was explained, some prankish Mrs . Coulthard will be much missed .t. | students had loaded and fired the big in the Feversham church where she At this time of the year Heavy Hoots and Rubbers are required to withstand the heavy % wear which they are subject to. We have ;, : cannon, which caused a great com- was a faithful member of the choir motion all over thc city. The other and Ladies' Aid morning's Globe and Mail came out Tho f , ora , tribut consisted f with big headlmos/'Mystcrious Expl- wreath from Mr Iohn - osion-Cause Unknown." The World lher) amj famjl r j JJ^ at! excellent line of loilff rubber boots, both X out h a ful ' explanation , of Wismer(sister-in-law> : wreath from P nnVi.,1 rirl,t * ? .Mischievous s tuden s had Feversham Ladies . Aid sp from C priced nght. ^ to ^ JjJfjJ l a h n e ftH Feversham choir; spray from Osprey \V (l <il so I in vi* <'ol( )*;li<'< lii'i v*\- c/ir-l-c t li'ii '!/ y i- Vt *u- , , U. F. W. 0.; spray from nurses of ^^-'*' 1 1 v. ti v j> 3wVr*v9 in (i i ti i v. w . tition, ^otnintr more wus ever h* 'i r<l T\ i. leather and rubber tops, that are priced ri^ht. /c also have goloshes, heavy socks that a offered at the lowest prices obtainable. ) put new rubber botton leather tops of yours. W. L. Morwood }' about the affair. AI1 X< Often the World was keenly put AllOW US tO put new rubber bottoms 011 those -j- to it to issue for want of white pap- X IT. The World's credit was not good. On one occasion Maclean with his '* drayman, it was said, broke open the Shoe Repairing Grey Judging Team G'-cy County's judging team stood $ storeroom of the Canada Paper Com- seventh among 2-1 +eams of junior far- is! pany and annexed a roll of paper to 'crs taking part in the comptition at |t* print the morning edition on. Later tn Provincial Wintr Fair at Guelph FLESH ERXON '!" ' n l ' lc ( ' ay no pa ' ( ' ^ or ' ll ' )ut t ' le P a P~ on ^""day, Petting 2,2.'!8 ponts out of X er company was very wroth over the r -t a ' possible score of 3,000. The ** In tho.-o the- individual competition with a total of 760 points out of a possible 1,000, loss her father, mother, one Karl at home; and three sisters Sr. 1 Lorene (Mrs. Melbourn Phillips) of Pedlar. thc 4th lino, Avtemeaia; Hilda and Jr. 1 Muriel St. Helaire, Sadie Enid, who are still in the Hamil'.on McKee, Louisa Boyce, Elda Pedlar, '.capital. Friends from a distance Mabel Blakey, Harry Badgerow. present at the funeral were: Mrs. Sr. Pr. Harold Phillips, Gaorge Victor Harding, Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Boyce, Alice Shier, Lewellyn Skinner. O. J. Walke", Mr. and Mrs. W. J. No. on roll, 30. Average attend- Gibson, Cataract. The floral of- ance, 26. ferthgs were many and beautiful. M. Johnston, Teacher. Small Advts. LOST OR STOLEN STRAYED From pasture of Hen- ry Duckett, cattle beast, color, red with white face. Alf. Partridge, R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. STRAYED From pasture of Henry Duckett, Eugenia, heifer rising two, / clip out of right ear. Information will be thankfully received. S. Mc- Mullen, Flesherton phone 45 r 12. FOR 8 A L B FOR RENT A six roomed house with good BY TENDER. 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house and large frame barn with stone base- ment. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- ply to John Thompson, Agincourt, Ont., administrator of the estate of the late George Thompson. Give your best offer. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. school.-W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. ~.~ " 6 ... " , ul tner particulars apply on premises. FOR SALE A number of good tur-i keys, both sex, bred from 1st. prize Phone 42 r 6 winners' at London in 1928. Jas. Turner, R. R. 3 Priceville. Phone 21 r 11. | ALB. BLACKBURN, Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres of giod clay loam FOR SALE Three- seated pleasure Iaml ' being lot 24 and 25, 2nd con. sleigh and set of double driving ham- N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a Apply to John Stewart, phone f m Flesherton Station, about ess. 32 r 12, Flesherton. 85 acres of cultivated land, 10 acres ! in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. FOR SALE 1 good robe, set O f . Seven ' roomed house ' sol 'd brick with single harness, also a Yfolin, will rtltftSSajfeggK "? cash Roy Arnott.R. Hesherton. FOR SALE A quantity of dry hardwood price $4.50 per cord. R. | J. Vauae, Proton. Phone Flesherton 32-13. This farm cheap for quick sale. Geo. E-JBanks, Flesherton, telephone 36 J. FARM FOR SALE ., 110 acres in the Township of A/- lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. FOR SALE new seven roomed house with all modern conveniences, ' w Toronto St.. Flesherton. Write or ' 36^6? Vith^T'sGx'^'."'^'!" with" 'stow phone C. J. Crossley, 651 Annette St., basement, in good repair, water at Toronto, phone Junction 2161. MISCELLANEOUS JOB WANTED Driving team for'^'J .vintcr Roy Arnott R. R. No. 1 Flesh- t or phone Feversham 4 r 13. Tin: STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY LADIES' WINTER COATS AT $16.75 10 only Ladies' WhiUT Coats, beauti- ful quality, well furred cuffs and collar. Mostlv all sixes. Rev. values up to ^.'?. > Sale Trice $16.75 LADIES' SAMPLE SILK DRESSES AT $8.75 20 only Ladies' Silk Dresses made from verv fine quality imported flat crepe in all (he new fall shades. Every Dres.-, just new in stock and worth from $12.50 to $15.00. All sixes to 44. Sale Trice LADIES' SILK CREPE DRESSES AT $12.95 15 only Ladies' I lij^ii-^rade Dresses in Silk Crepe and Silk. l>e;iuliful qual- ity; newest shades. Regular values to $22. 50- Sale Trice $12.95 $8.75 SAMPLE CLCTH DRESSES $5.95 15 only Sample Dresses in Charmcne Wool Crepes and French Flannel, flood assortment of sixes and ca"ily worth twice the price asked. Your choice $6.95 LADIES' JERSEY CLOTH DRESSES AT $4.95 IS only Ladies' Jersey Cloth Dresses. All the newest shades in all sixes. A real bargain. Sale Price $4.95 Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose 59c a pair Items of Interest to Thrifty Buyers Men's Yarsit) Sweater Coats, $5.00 value Men's All Wool Underwear 1.69 a par- for $3.4S each mcnt Ladies' Sweater Coats, rctf. $3.95 for 2.75 Ladies' New Kail I lats $1.<)5 each Ladies' Corselettes 95c a pair Men's Black < )veralls. re^. $2.25 for$l.f<) Men's Flannel Top Shirts $1- 39 each Men's Fleece-lined Underwear ()9c a gar- ment Ladies' New Kail dloves 50c a pair Women's Heavy Hose 25c a pair Children's Underwear 19c garment Men's Winter Caps 69c each Men's Wool Work Socks 3 prs- for... .1.00 "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" stood 8th in judging hogs and scored J , , 7:!: points, and Win. Hammond, also & S ' R '' and 161, of Thornbu -y, \\ho also scored 739 points. The Grey County team s'ood 10th in jmhrinK horses, 13th in beef cattle, llth in dairy cattle, 7th in sheep and 1th in hogs. S. S. NO. 3 AKTE'jyiSIA Sr. -1 Merle Allen, Wilfred Best*, Parkger, Delia Vause. Jr. 4 Marjorie Wyatt, Doris Wal- r, Harold Johnson 1 '. Artemesia, is strictly pro- hibited. Trespassers will be prose- cuted. Lthcr Duckett. ; bnrn; driving shed 24x30. also hen | house; 8-roomed solid brick house ! with soft water cistern and furnace. ! This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for selling is on account of poor health. For partic- range W i W " A ' MORTON. .R. R. 2. Proton Station. DOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for - vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cbib, FOR SALE Ott RENT 100 ac- re*, lots 16G, 1C7, 1 R. W., T. & O. ; tho property of the Ontario Depart- S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town- ment of Agriculture, ship of Artemesia, Vi mile from _C. STEWART, Caretaker. scluo'l. 2 miles from Flesherton. Apply io L. R. Thisllethwaite, 2-1 SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Connor Avo., Toronto or W. J. Bel- Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- lav, Flesherton. vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprev, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, BonnU COOI) SMOOTH FARM OF 70 Marquis 1-12,3 (acres best of land almost all under cul ni nva TO- r> EI.-IC White. Georpena Black tivation 2'a miles north east of JJ1 ',' 8 ' -, Ter s ~ Purebreds 55.00. burn, Pat y Heard. Russell Johnson*.] Flesherton. Good barn 98x40, new ffr f. , 'r' Cows not "' turned Pr. 2 Ruby Vauso*. I uaragc 20x22, Rood brick house, newly "'"' be chnr K< ! W price. Jr.I Billie Wyatt. Eileen Johnson*, decorated, 20x^5. well, windmill and! S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenli. and Everett Parker (equal), Irene' 1 -' "crcs orchard. Priced for quick - Doupe, Ivan Wi.llcr, Edgar DoupeJ *!<' Apply Lucas. lU'nry & Lucas, MiDDLE BRO & BURNS McMull.-n. I Markdale. or Mrs. S. Dentil, P. R. No i HarristerH. etc I Markdale, or Mrs. S. Dextll, R. R. No i Sr. Pr.-Uoy Best*, Lorene John- r '- 0wi>n SlH " ul - ron*. Jack Mc.MulIen. Lloyd Waller. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT present e\'i vv day. A good farm for sale or to re:it with comfortable buildings and in a pood state of cultivation. This farm is in the Township of Artemesia, quite B. Littlejolms, Teaohor. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday nffu,- noon an j COMING EVENTS Vi-.ndeleur Sunday School concert to be held Dec. 11) in tho church. Supper served from to 8. Admis- sion 35c. near Ceylon and Priceville. Sprinphill public school will hold the regular Christsmas concert Friday eveninir, December 20th. Everybody invited to attend. CARDS Dr. W T, Bryce, L. D. S.. D. D. \ real ' " c:lta ' iK'On, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer. snap for quick sale. For further infonnatioin apply to Mrs. Sarah deuce of Hr F " C Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station, phone ftreet, Flesherton. Dundalk 62 r 4. Phone 63. FARM FOR SALE Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. St ' A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm. .strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- 75 Acres in Osprey, all under culti- ^ y , on or befire the full moon. W. vation; brick house and large frame '' ' C ' N- Rl fhrdson, Secretary, H. Wm. Stock, lot 7, con. 4, Osprey, barn with stono baseme nt; half mile ! Al McC "ley. will hold a credit auction sale of farm cagt of Maxwo ,, bein(r pftrts of , otg | ' stock and implements on Friday, Dec. 18, for which sec bills, auctioneer. Geo. Duncan, 1 " d Con ' to Dr. D. BARNUM KNF.W HOW TO GET RESULTS Tho late P. T. Barnum said:"If you Auctioneer H. Guy, Newmarket, administrator of *"' " Ie to ">"es of Grey and Simcoe. the estate of thc late W. H. Guy. !, nrm and stock salcs specialty. lerms moderate, satisfaction guw antecd. All arrangements and datei 60 acre.,, lot 165 1st S. W. T. S.R.. ' S^l "!h * ^ J? ^ ffiCe ' * Artemesia, 35 acres under cultivation ,"' ,** I ** gW off!ce ' Feversham, FARM FOR SALE. j VM i mnjiiiciu, oo acres unuer cuivivaiion , .. have $1!) to use put $10 of it into ad-| with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood or hy addressing me at Fevetshara. vertising. I cnn out-talk any man but hush; rood bank barn 40x45, and dri- . a printer. The man who talks everyj^ing shed 22x80; frame house, five BOAR FOR SERVICE- week !o thousands of men while I am' 1 ' 00 " 18 - Farm is situated on the pro- . (Hiking to a few is the man I am a-! vincinl highway with public school' fraid of, and I want to be his friend. 1 3 " SL^?* and 1 '* milcs south Trade 1 with the men who '" * : " ' and you will get bargains ' advertise; and the worth of yoar money. Pn'ronize your paper as you would any other enter- pi i-v l-i-ciiuse it helps you. The loc-j al papers are religiously read, and nrel (lie very best av.'im.'-; t'cr impart i pi,' I In I'listnmers or producers simplp. but important infonuntij!!. Drig!; 4 ' Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer- .vice Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99.996 CHAS. BEST, Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog R.R. 3. Proton Station. Club. Terme, $1.00 C. HINDLE, CEO E. DUNCAN PUNDALK l.PCKNSKD AUCTIONEER Fir the County of Orey. Terms: per cent. I.L FOR SERVICE Durham Bull for service. $1.50 if Siitisfnctlon gu.irntocd P a 'd before January, otherwise $2. Dates made at The Advance office. Akin?, R. R. 8, Proton Station.

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