Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11, 192S ... . . ,.- - - - - I I ' 1 Prompt Collections AMONG the innumerable -advant- ages of using Jie services of the Can- adtin Bank of Commerce to make your collections by draft, is the ef- fisiant promptness with which you may clone transactions by placing the details in our hands. Owing to exceptionally favoragle arrange- ments wi'h cur various agents, we are able to handle collections at min- imum rates through our exclusive connections. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Santa is Coming in His Glory To Visit His Girl and Boy Friends | , _^ ^_ __ Sasta Claus is making his annual a:t *- n<I ^ uo - Brackenbury. A sub- g visit to Fbsherton this Saturday scriptiSn list was taken up in town | afternoon, when he hopes to meet all ; and a considerable sum was raised to . makc the day a success. Celebrated His 75th Birthday on Friday Postmaster W. W. Trimble was the recipient of the heartiest con- gratulations on Friday upon the cel- C.I'.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station U follows; Gomjf Soutk. Going North 8.08 n.m . 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33p.m. The mails clese at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. outh at 3.36 For morning train outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal the litde boys and girls who can come out to see him that day. He will | personally give each child a bag of j candies and nuts and in 150 of the ; bags distributed will be a ticket en- titling the bearer to a special n ; -i?.c ar.d the place v/here it is to be ob- tained will also be stated. Santa ex- pects to arrive in town about 2 p.m. but he has not informed us of the type of vehicle he will use. A big program of entertainment is ebration of his 75th birthday. Mr. being held for the boys and girls and Trimble is as hale and hearty as he $ following are the events with prizes ' was thirty years ago and the years Z to h-> awarded: (hang light on his shoulders. His $ CAT SHOW In the old town hall fellow citizens wish him many more ,j> White cat, black cat with small a- ' years of continued health and activo mount of white allowed, maltese cut, j discharge of his duties at the post .. cat with two colors, cat with more office. ' I 'han two colors, kitten not full On Friday evening Mrs. C. N. Rich- -J. 1 grown, cat with kittens, dark Per- | ardson, daughter of Mr. Trimble held g 1 sian cat, light Persian cat. Prizes a surprise party for him and invited I of 1st. $1.00, 2nd. 50c are being giv- a number of his more intimate friends X j en. Cats to be boxed with wire front to celebrate the occasion of his birth- i if possible. I day. During the evening they made "' DOG RACES-Boy or girl 12 years "Presentation of a fine ! and under; boy or girl over 12 years. * Ir - Tnmble Wlth the f Held Their Annual Meeting ! The annual meeting of the share- !:^ A^^- *?.!L c - ! ^ '^ c;;r; ag e-rcr^e:= Gifts for Christmas Electric Irons Toasters dress: Mr. W. W. Trimble. Dear Friend, Having assembled suitable for cold gather ta celeb - ate the seventy-fifth anniv- ersary of your birthday, we take this Prizes of ?1.50 and $1.00. DOLL DRESSING Best dressed bag to | Aladdin Lamps for the Table, for ng ad- .!. TT . f , T Hanging or for the rioor was held in the Munshaw House on Thursday evening last whsn the same officers were -appointed to preside during the coming season. Dr. E. C. wl Murray was appointed chairman of tho committee. The following arc the officers: President O. W. u j 1 .<,.,, r-- t0 be consldered - lst - *- 2nd 7 opportunity of requesting you to ac- : j cep " this small present as a slight ENAMELED PARLOR FURNACE HEATERS HEALTIFL'L. ECOXOMICAL QUEBEC COOKS A A pony : ' ace wl!l be held for bo ^ s token of our friendship towards you. > ! th prizes of $l " 50 and S1 and there It is our hope that you may be Phillips also be a leapfrog contest for boys in the di?'rict schools with three prizes of $2.80, $2 and $1.20, the prizj money to be divided between the eight boys in the winning teams. j This event should create considerable Se? Srnta Claus 01 Saturday. Only two week* till Christina?. Tln'er the guessing contest at Down's garajre on Santa Claus day. Mr. Wilfred Mc>f aster is in Toronto this week. The Eastern Star hold a successful euchre party on Friday evening. Mi-: end Mrs. Edgar Betts ami Dor othy V/hitehcad spent the week end in Toronto. Atv/ntor Kent radios can be sec- ured at II. Down & Son's prasajce, Fleshertcn. *h. Karold Spoffard was in Tor- onto hist week amending the U. F. O. ccr.ver.tion. Vice Pros. John Wright Sec.-Treas.-G. A. McTavish r.musement. Tho.e will also bs Commit -ee-Dr. Murray A Down, f0 t f catchi C. J. Bellamy, and T. Pindlay. on tfce ma ,. ket squa * Mr. Gordon darling was again ap- the prize to 'he lucky one pointed caretaker rmi was i-usy last A j t wri . week making ,oc dunnjr the favor- bot ,, b , , . ( al-le weather. It is expected tha bc t , ai ; c , ,.._.,, , ^ gj g the R.nk Company vrul have a real ( -, a _ an<i ,., ._ ^ a ^^ bo .. ' v,-h ; .ch v, ill ho placed on the street. spared for many years in health and st -enerth to enjoy the companionship Ij of your friends. Signed, Geo. Hit- * chell. E. C. Murray, M. E. Wilson. 0. X W. Phillips. C. X. Richardson, R. G. * Holland. F. E. Smart. Barney Welton. * _r \vp c \\'"< TOOLS HAMMERS FLAXES KXI\ EL- SILVERWARE FORKS SPOON'S TRAYS successful season this year. New Mill Frlaaager school concert and Christ- rr.aj tree rd!l be luld Thursday even- ing Dec. lEth. Admission 25c. Cornmunity auction sale of milch cows, yearlings and hogs at McVica's Hotel, Price ville. on Sn;u-day. Dec. 14. John O'Neil. Aurtionoer. Mr. Will Paul of Aneroid, Sask. is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Bentham of town and also with his father and sister, Mrs. R. Smith of Eugenia. The Presbyterian Women's Associa- tion is holding a c&ki sale on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14th, in Mrs. W. L. Wright's store. Mr. A. S. Thurston of Thornbury was elected \V. M. of Pythagoras Lodge A. F. & A. M. at Meaford last week. Give the family a radio Tor Christ mas. Call in and see our model: and terms offered. H. Down & Soi Fleshccton. The Railway Man's Magazine has been resurrected by the Frank A. Munsey Company of New York. The magazine was discontinued during the war. The December number, Vol. 1, No. 1, has been received. Mr. Howard McCauley is erec-ting a warehouse on his property at the entrance to the mill and will also have his office installed in the build- ing. Mr. H. Down is also busy re- novating: the flat used by Mr. John Runstadler in his building on Syden- ham st. and will make living apart- ments, where he will reside when completed. The annual election of officers of Grey Chapter No. 170, Order of the Eastern Star, was held on Mon- day, when the following were elected for the ensuing year; W. M., Sis- ter Campbell; W. P. Bro. F. J. Thur s'on; A. M. Sister Hazel Kennedy; A. P. Bro. E. C. Murray; Cond., Sis- te ;> .Margaret Muir; Astsoc. Cond;., Sister Beatrice Sinclair; Treas., Sis- ter Dargavel; Sec., Sister Kate Mc- Millan. In this age of car transportation it is very seldom thnt any long trips are taken with teams of horses. On Monday evening Mr. Clifford Mahoney of Heathco'e drove through town on his way home, tofter delivering m couple of sheen to a farmer at Alma, Ont. He made the trip of 60 miles to Fleskerton that day and was con- tinuing on his route to his home, an- other twenty miles. His team seemed * ,to be in excellent condition after the long drive, were big rangy fellows * and are an excellent road team. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Unit- ed Church was held on Monday even- ing when the following were elected for 1930: Pres., Mrs. J. Heard; Vice- Pres., Mrs. Gilchrist; 2nd Vice., Mrs. T. J. Fisher; Sec., Mrs. W. Moore; Treas., Mrs. Wes Armstrong ; Pars- onage Com., Mrs. Paton and Mrs Hickling; Flower and Sick Com., Mrs Mitchell. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. R Bentbem; Flower Com. for Church, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Wik-ock; Draping Com., Mrs. Holland. Mrs. "Miller and Mrs. T. Bentham. on the main Ail letters r.'.ust be place.i i there otherwise they- v.ill not be con- r ; ri (.!.. rod. Prize, will be offered 1 the 1 -est !c-t :r written by a girl and j ir .- r: i.-o- r.t 9 o'clock, when the cor- * | Announcement is made this week a ^ ! lr l -'" ^ e5t or -e by a boy, and j tcso will leave fr>r interment to take by .he Durham Furniture Co. of tho '''-' r-riio \vill bo 1st 31..":i, 2 n ,i 1.25 nUr? in ^ r acL:;a'i cemetery near change of managers at their mill at 3rd. $1.00. <!th. 7.V Frh 50? Cth 25c. in Walters Faih. Roc-!; Mills with the retirement of '"' 'i "..-e. A? the winr?r cannot b.-- M . James Dargave! after nineteen ''--idod that day tho n:i:v.c= and the years of faithful service to the Com- ' . t.L'ters \vill appear in r.oxi v.vek's pnny. Mr. John Fostei- of Corbet- isens cf Th? Aiiva.-uv. V.'e hop* 1 l ?n ha<= been placed in charge of the *''"' H the boys and girls will send mill and moved hi- household effects " letter t"> Parta ar-d post ^ in the Miss Jean Findlay Passes | Large Range in Chinaware MKRRY SF-.TS CKKAM and SUGARS CI-.LKRV SKTS P,i ).\ RONS CUTS AXD SAUCERS Jenn FircHay. si-ster of Mr. ":" Tho:-. W. Findlay of town, passed -T. ,(\M\\- at tho home of her brother o.i "'. V.'ri'.r.e- L'.TV n.-rninT after a lin 'orir.u > iess xvi'-h heart troublo", at th-.> :.'.- '.-. S i- -avs. Service will be held at -r- i'r . i'.o'ne of Mr. Firuiiay on Friday C C. M. SKATES :m.-l HOCKEY STICKS SKI -IS MITTS PUCKS S-NOWSHOES GLOX'ES there last week. Mr. Dargavel will ^re:-i::l ' " tha' nft^rno^n. confine his activities to the raising Eve j body is anticipating a good of silver foxes, which business he has rime with the kiddies in town on Sat- ccnducted for several years. Th;.; urdry and if th-: wonther i; suitable fall ho has built a new ranch on the a bigger crowd shov'.d be present than eastern outskirts of 'own that i< the that of the record breaker last year, last word in construction and lataiy No kiddie will -T home without a ba^r has Loen bu-.y moving the foxes to of cardL-s and r.-Jt~. their new home. We welcome Mr. Th. e old town hall was the only Dargavel and family to town. Mr. av aihu!e p'.ato to hold the show this Dargavel is also on the council board vear . jt w ;n be heated and if the in Fleshcvton this year. j uy j s cojj w ill be an ideal place to Mr. Foster is well known in this receive shelter from tha, weather, district having been employed by the The letters to Santa Claus by the late W. A. Armstrong as sawyer at boys and girls are to be written at his various mills which he operated, home ar.d pos'ed in the box on market Foster is now in charge anl the mill square. yard is now open for the receipt of A. prize will also be given to the logs. ; v rges t family coming the furthest . . distance. i An opportunity will also be given ' to the schools in this district, Flesh- erton school barred, to give any song \V;ic:(' at hu-band's notice- able beard) "Why didn't you shave? Hub'ov " I did." \ViiV "When?" .: Hubby "Just after you said you were r.earlv readv." IT J narawar* F. W. Duncan -:- Flesherton DID YOU EVER? Did you ever see a potato wipe its , ,-,, e , J they may have for Christmas enter- ^ tainment and their school yel.l for a Did you ever see a corn prick up substan .- ;1 prize . \ts c irs Mr. W. A. Hawken is chairman of Did you ever see n buH-riah out the Santa CIaas day , with F . j. T hur to watch a dragon-fly overhead . gtoj , Sccrcta , y Treasurer and the fol- Did you ever see a tree shoot or a i ow i n <? committee: Jas. Dargavel flower use its pistil? Mark Wilson, F. H. W. Hickling, C. Now, did you ever? J. Bellaow, G. B. Welton, Jas. Stew- Christmas Stationery That Delights the Eye The very best stationery for Christmas, at astonishing low prices. In all colors with or without monograms. Stationery suitable for all kinds of corres- pondence stationery to fit the individual needs of cv?ry person. Nothing that is not of the highest possible quality nothing that is not at the lowest possible price. C. N. Richardson Druggist - FLESHERTON tiggestions c. y f 3? AT EXCEPTIONAL PRICES Towel Setts, bcxcd 89o. to $1.25 Fe.rey Turkish Towels 39c. to $1.00 Ladies' Silk and Kid G!ow= 73c. to *3.50 Ladies' Rayon Vests, all colors ~3c. to $1.25 Ladies' Rayon Bloomers $1.00 to $2.00 Ladies' Rayon Slips $1-59 to 52.25 Ladies' Rayon Nightgowns $1.75 to $2.50 Ladies' Silk Hosiery GUc. to $1.95 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosiery 69c. to $1.50 Men's Wool Sweater? $2.25 to $0.50 Boys' Wool Jerseys $1.49 to $2.50 Ladies' Sweaters and Pullovers $2.95 to $3.95 Ladies' Fancy Garters 29c. to 50c. Men's and Boys' Cloth Caps 95c. to $2.25 Men's Negligee Shirts $1.50 to $3.50 Club Bags $2.50 to $10.50 Men's Suspenders 50c. to 75c. Men's Kid Gloves and 'Mitts $1.25 to $3.50 Men's Fancy Mufflers $1.50 to $2.75 Men's Armlets and Garters 25c. to 75c. i.Jen's Fancy Socks 50c. to $1.50 Men's Silk Neckwear 50c. to $1.50 Linen Luncheon Setts $1.95 to $3.50 Linen Luncheon Cloths $1.49 to $1.75 Ladies' Umbrellas $1.50 to $2.75 Child's Bead Necklets 15c. to 25c. Baby Crib Blankets 75c. to $1.35 Baby's Wool Setts $2.25 Wool Jackets. Bcotees, Mitts. Touques anil Pullovers Bedroom Slippers $1.00 to $3.50 Fancy Flannelette Blankets $2.69 to $4.50 A wonderful selection of Christmas Handkerchiefs in Fancy C.ift Boxes l,u\vns. Unans. Silks and Crepe de Chin.? in white and colors. Specially Priced from 29c. to $1.50 per by. Individual length-; in Duchesse Satins. Channelise. Crepe Back. Satins. Tuil- . ette, Fiuji Taffeta and Fancy Silks, also Fancy Wool Blankets. j Prices from $1.29 to $3.50 per yard- t { Crepe de Chine. Flat Crepes. Canton. Crepes. C.eorgt-ttc Crepes, Silk and Wool Crepes for evening v, ear- Ladies' and Misses' Fancy Slippers for pa-ty use- Xe\v season's shades in Holc- "proof Silk Hosiery, 75c. to $1.00 Splendid Assortment of China and Colored Glass Biscuit Jars, Fern Pots, Cocoa Sets. Berry Setts, Bon Bon Dishes. Xnt Howls, Cake Trays, Spoon Trays. Salad Bowls, Cream and Sugar, Fancy Tea PoU All Reasonably Priced. Open Stock Semi-Porcelain 97 piece Dinner Setts, choice of 12 elegant patterns $20.00, $25.00, $27.50, $31.50and$35.00 CHRISTMAS GROCERIES New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Candied Peels, French Cherries, Shell- ed Almonds, Shelled Walnuts. Icings. Mixed Nuts, Candies, Chocolates ^, Mince Meat, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries.Grape Fruit, Grapes _._ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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