Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1929, p. 3

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Buckingham Palace 1 BABY'S OWN TABLETS Banks Reflect The Socialist Journal "The Clarion" Giv^s Interesting Insight into the London Home of the Soverign if A HELP TO MOTHERS LITTLE CHEER Prosperity in Saskatchewan There is no other medicine of as great a help to young mothers as Short Crop Fails to Offset Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets Business Increases a mild ttegina, Sask. Banks reflect a big Saskatchewan buslneBs "IhaJ aocdour" MRS. FRED. PENNY, R.R. No. 4, Nor- wich, Ont., suffered from anaemia for over three years. Though, taking medicine all that time, nothing helped her till she began Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. **I had no appetite", she write*. "I couiti not :.!crp. My blood almost turned to water. I wa weal sr.d my heart would palpitate violent- ly. I am thankful to sav that in Dr. Willianu' Pink Pills I found the relief I sought. My color returned, my appetite Unproved, my weight in- creased fifteen pounds, and it * .! not long till I conld perform my work with ease.'' If von are weak and easily tired, nibject to headaches, re pale, without appetite, nd your work seenu a bur- den, lio not delay. Start treat- ment at once by buying a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli at your medicine dealer's or by mail at 30 cent* a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. t .. 7 These Tablets ' are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels; sweeten ( the stomach; correct constipation and j '""'ease hi "George Lansbury has been BO indigestion; break up colds and simple , ia year - sweet in preparing' the surprise for) fevers aud make the cutting of teeth Substantial advances have been re- the Prime Minister of a newly paint-' Painless. \\wrtet at Hegiua, Saskatoon, Moose- ed residence that he might now turn! Mothers who keep a bus of the Tnb-N aw and * Albert, four points at Constant daily testing and blending of the world's ciioicest teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable flavor and never-varying goodness. Every package guaranteed. 4 his attention towards Buckingham . lets in the house always feel safe which clearing bouse returns are > Palace. There can he uo more ram- 1 from the sudden attacks of illness ; mat ' e - shackle a residence for a ruling mon-jthat seize their little ones. If baby's! In tu8 case of Res'na the 1929 fig- arch than Buckingham Palace to-! Own Tablets r. re given on tbe first I ures aro Phenomenal. Complete fig- day. Its a case of all that glitters not sign of illness the baby will soon be j ures for 19 " 9 are like!y to suow Re ' being gold, for apart from that mas- 1 right again. Concerning the Tablets gina with bank clearings increased by sive monument to the monstrosities! Mrs. B. G. Carver, Lyndale. P.E.I., fro m ?40,000,000 to ?50.000,000 for the of the Victorian age at Its gates, which writes: "I always keep Baby's Own 12 months period, acts as an excuse for a traffic round- Tablets In the house and find them Banks have figured promiuently in about, all that tho public sees of Buck- \ a wonderful heln in keeping my baby! buil(1 tos programs of the larger cities Ingham Palace is grossly misleading. ! well." j M wel1 as m tlle development of the Behind that more -or less dignified I Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all northern districts, front lies a dilapidated palace whipD ! medicine dealers or by ma" at 25 ' A year ago there were, seen bank superficially appeal's to be crumbling, cents a box from The Dr. Williams' \ ''ranches in Regiua. One or these was with disrepair. ! Medicine Co.. Brockville, Out. "Krom the gardens of the Palae" ! the building is -ugly and ill-proportion-, ed, and the tops of its walls are ' strewn with hideous balustrades anil t statues which import a mournful air to this survival of a gorgaous ago. And iuside. Well, being invited only Where the Leaves Go Have you ever wondered what be to view the King's picture gallery 1 , oonu . s ot al , tne leaves tnat fa)1 ,,., saw in addition merely Innumerable! the many, muuy trees in our city, es- corrldors and staircases, all spacious- ! IH , (:ia iiy in public playgrounds, and In ly planned, cold and uninviting. Lugu-' ,, arks? When you p | ayfu ii y scufr brlous. heavy dust-collecting ma:e-, through , Uo gutterg aml run alonr the rUils hang from the casements and si(!w , valks and heai . lho swlsh . swlsh O f i ( ' s in the carpets on tbe floor are bf the| tlla , nia ,,y. ci ,| orwl leaves, have | the Standard Bank, since taken over j by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. To-day there are 14 bank branches i in the city including offices in all the 1 suburban districts. Unusual development is marked In j Northern Saskatchewan where rail road companies have been conrentrat- leg building programs and new re- cords have been made In opening up homestead lauds. In some cases banks have gone be- yond the end of steel to open branch- ^isdoodtea L <> RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Inevitable royal red. The furniture well Queen Victoria must have nlshed the palace. settlements. ->- ever , fof ft that they max be ] purpose? Empire Development Contemporary Review: The econo- sucu tut, UIU1U5B. "The King has a superb collection!, '", ai " St **** 't ami towns, all mic development of Empire is a task I rna IAA van .<<, t .,, anil nu t-i-u 1 , of pictures though it Is a pity no one' has ever hung them correctly. The! gallery walls are packed with many of thu finest School from in the gutters and parks I worthy of the greatest efforts of the are gathered every day by the Park j cooperative genius of our Common- Department men and are used to | wealth. We must approach it In no Belfish, or partisan spirit. Co- :ition and organization, not dicta- ,1 s are packed with many I ,. t esamples of the Dutch : co . v * r tlie b , ulb , S tlley pi;lllt (Illrms the m Rembrandt to Vermeer! wlll , t . r> a " H al " 1 s a FllbBtanc | for ? eratl I)r\\ilh PINKMLLS aim "A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN B4 COUNTRIES and Steen to Hobbetnma. but many cannot be seen without periscopes or j pot ting plants. They are not burnt and thrown in tho dumps as i lost of step ladders. One interesting thing i ; '" have Probably lion, must be the keynote of this super-economic organization. There must be no suggestion of exploitation of imperial resources, or of domineer- Gabby Gertie "When a man Is known to have* been forgetful it's silly to erect a monument to his memory." Feet Sore? Use Minard's Liniment. Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT MOHE MEN \VA.NTKD WUHJK. BIO Day. easy work. Earn while learn- ing barber trails under famous Moler .imerlcan plan, world'i most reliable barber school system Write ir call immediately for free catak'sue. Moler Harber College. 12! Queen West. Toronto. CAPTIOU8NESS Avulc-ar man is captious and peal* ous, eager and impetuous at but tri^ fles. He suspects himself to b Blighted, and thinks everything that Is said meant at him. Shakespeare. The minister was taking a class of boys in the Sunday School, and said, reprovingly: "John M'Tavish, youp mouth is open." "I ken'" said John, "I opened it masel." step ladders. One Interesting thing . ' . ., The exercise of erltVIsi alwavo about this collection Is that tbe royal fc ' very ">"* ' tlle fa " of the f lnipenal -"osources, or of domineer- aj^* 1 ? taste has apparently been for domes- i ^ - v ?" "* 8ea a n '" n "" of men tog over our fellows in SS/ VieSd^'uTtO rSJ?i thl tic scanes in preference to portraits. ! wi<h !ar 8 rakes out In the streets 1 "'" """ f '> *~ '- to pictures of BWryday life ot the i vaki " B " p the !eavH :i lllto lar e m ' Ies - peasants, for town workers rather' Aml h()W <I() t!lpv P k ' k tlll -' In P ? We "- than for royal persaiages or gentle- 1 " 1 ^ are P>'ovided with a special de- EAT ANYTHING 1 He dearly loved a lich tit-bit. The spirit tttui willing, but the ilesh wus weak. 1 Whenever he ate anything rich.liis boy* liscd to say, " Poor dad, he will pay the penalty to-morrow." Hcud the iiequel in his own word* : "Since taking tlie reifiilar dose of the vast undeveloped regions of In- dia or Africa. There is need to ap- proach this new task with all tho fervour and sincerity as if we were men of hi"h estate vlce which consists nf two poles. cou-| at war not with a foreign foe, but "In tba stately homes nf England ; Ile -- Prt .'>? *omo heavy nu.ipnal. like with primitive imtiire-for the right beauty by leading us to regard the work in relation to certain laws of ceation. The eye turns from the charms of nature to fix Itself upon Kruschen Salts it is qmto different, and tny boys enjoy themselves seeing in* cat wlmt I dare not touch, before. My eldest son iv:a the name, but since h Int.; tukcn Kniachcu Salts he can esk and enjoy wliatcvcr i$ put in front of the servile dexterity of art. Alison. An octogenarian was recently mar- piclurey ot royalty and regal scenes ' m * bag. They just lay this on top' ' a" tho children of men to pro- ; Hed for the flf(h 1)me always predominate, but here, apart ', of 'he pile and scoop them up. all in a ^.'^J^ 3 ^_**!?_ ?' n , e . U ^ I triumph of hopo over experience. from the necessary ancestral portraits : Jiffy, and put them into largo wagons I on the staircases and In the corridors. wit1 ' t! " (J l> bottoms and extension Airplane Routes FrM- !r#1nrl Tl-affi/'J d( """ sUc 8cencs abound. Is it that j wl K s - The leaves are so llcht that nji ICdCllIU 1 lalUC I e ren In our Ugtf! rol . pjHm-es we j, u . Ithe waymis are fiilt-d in t.-.vo or three i tray our deslro to escape from wh:,i "DlnutOB. t *' nat9 i ' 1 ' VC " 1 u f f ' , II ' 8 tho "** Even Northern Latitudes - are? Does the adolescent crowd] t whore -1,, tha 8 tore BO many of r ;," e . W , ;:,.' .',". al ;^. il , 1V e ^ at .; he Wh F Ab rl !lis w!llls wltl1 plctures r sparsely; them and why and -bow 7 might have life more abundantly. Im- perial organization and development viewed from this angle takes upon in two or three ! ltaoU tll<! suiso of a Rreat aml 1Jas " Plan Air Travel clad chorus s;ir'..s for Hie sa,nif n as moiiardis ill! their A.s you know, tbnre are n.any foun- call of the old life which demands to !>o renewed and re-ronowod. The ir rooms with pic- tarns ' ,,ul pomls in 'the parks and mio coniueat o f Empire, apart . , ,, , ,, -,- ,.,, . irom bL-ins the ultimata salvation ot ! momentarily: " " ^"^' '".orlors where dOgB each fall these are drained dry. mis, * m,l of ^il a >"I i-hic-kpn.- take pot luck with the 13 an excellent phu-e to store them T ceiami, ot an a m0 |. e permanent foundation the ino" iviiit;,m fanulv? and they are n'elghted down and also i in& a\iuLiou, t -M .ii 1 * 1 nf Ihfl wiirlil thn ralnri. of! "' !llink tlle Ki "8 i*. b " (1 'y In-atod.! wet. This work IMU-S pi,,<- .lay ' Copenhagen. One Is momentarily! tures of Dutcji lutcriors a little surprised that Icelan places should be 'bq^min^ >ut this is explained by the nature of, this mountainous country, in insuffl- If we mnst have- a King, don't let us ciency of other means ot co.nmunica- j be so sU " ey about " Lct B ? ck B- Mon and the lo'ng distance between ' liam PalaM be reconstructed as an the towns. The Iceland Aviation j examplo of modern architecture-. let L U XO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your fiarbcr He Unows him." " Modern artificial conditions, errors of diet, overwork, luck of exercise, and so on, are Ixmntt to have injurious 1 effects in the long run providing due precaution is nut taken. Krusclien Salts should be your safe- guard. Besides cleansing the body of impurities gently, surely and painlessly, they possess n vital power of giving new life "and vitality to theeouutleas millions of cell* of which every Ixxly is composed. That is wby physicians never hcbitato to rei oiiimend ivruadica iialts. to day until the Xnv. 30. :n.' Im ----- about! the loaves are all u;.t'i"i'"i| they aro wet down again, and left 1111- A man wei ' ' r o an uld-i-lothes dcLiler'a and a-'.ed for a coat. He put it on In tho s'lop and then bolt- IM|. The dealer dashed to his neigh- solely Intended for "landing water, are used, and all tho pilots so sold a fuw of those pictures that hans lcei ! lery no wie WojU(l learned , > , . j close to Uio ceiling in the picture sa!-j wa rm during tho cold winter months. as blanket-) and keep the plants "Shoot him in tho trousers -the coat to place implicit faith in aviation and to realize its tremendous advantages. By vessel from Reykjavik to Akurejul, for instance takes 3fi hours by sea- plane -three hours, aud the cost is bout the same. Flvo new seaplanes will b* put on, next summer and both pilots and meehauics will bo' Iceland- j ers, who are now being trained In j Germany. ,*, CHARITY 1 would dress myself In charily a.< my best raiment. I would put It on upon my faith and hope, not so as entirely to hide them, but as an up- per and more visible vesture. Dr. Watts. ( , } .^ the wiser and deal." 1 One unpleasant consequence of the *Bwtlled head is the cold shoulder. Mr. Q K. ChesTerton is fond of telling this story against himself. He once sent bis sf-vetary to protest against the noise, made by a factory near bis house. Mr. Chesterton can't write," said the secretary "I know he can't," agreed the manager. Bald so." "I've always they are 'frost-proof," old Jack Frost cannot reach tho tender roots of the bulbs when they are covi-rod by this leaf substance. Christian Science Monitor. P A TENTS 1. 1st of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent Free un R(-')iiest. THE 3AMSAY CO., Oupt. W. 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. Britain to Use "Lung"' for Submarine Crews London. The Government has re- ceived such favorable repot is on an apparatus somewhat similar to that already in use In the United States for rescuing tho crows from sunken submarines that it h-\s decided to adopt it in the British Navy. Reply- ing to a questfiion in thn House ot Commons recently, Albert Alexander, First Lord of tho Admiralty, said: "Very satisfactory trials are just com- pleted ot the appavauis which ;:ffovfls each Individual member of tho crew a fair chance to escape fruin a sunken submarine and reach tho surface. The apparatus Is know:! as the Davis sub- Lord Macduff, the young sou of I'rinno and Princess Arthur of Con- naught, bad just learned tho words of the National Anthem, and he tola his nurse that he wanted to see "our noble King." Ono day, when the Kflig was walking In tho grounds at Bag- shot with the Duko of Connaught, Lord Macduff was told by his nurse, "Look, Is the King, witli grand- father." "Oh, no," said little Lorn I Macduff, "that Is not the King. That Cttticnra Tho l :i!i\i(ix . Antiseptic Service for lilty yean Sop . Oiuimcnl > Talcum Shaving Stick 25r. rncti nl nil KritgglsU FOR. QUICK. HARMLESS COMFORT ChMmCiy Mt fW CCWTWmOM.WSHEA.i lYIHISMHtSS Catarrh Heat and inhale Minard's. Ex- cellent for colds In iioad, throat an:l i he?t. Yuleton: "Tbe moment I get talking ; merged escape apparatus, and Is de- about football I'm all wound up, don't' signed by Messrs. Siebe, Gorman, Ltd. you know." and it is similar in theory to Ihe Miss Cutting: "Oh, then there Is American 'lung.' Arrangements are nothing to keep you from going." When Food Sours About two hours after (.siting many pcoplo .suffer from sour stomachs. They call It indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. There la excess acid. The way to correct It la with an alkali, which neutralizes many times Its vol- ume In add. Tbe right wny is Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia just a tasteless dose In water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. It has remained the stand- ard with physicians In the BO years since Its Invention. It Is the quick method. Results coma almost Inntantly. It Is the ap- proved method. You will never use another when you- know. Be sure to get tha genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tionsany drugttoroi i being made to purchase a sufficient number of sets to equip all the offi- cers and 1 men of the submarines and provide facilities for training them in Its use. With the advent ot this ap- paratus, the salvage of the submarine i has become of less importance as U ! may be no longer necessary for the j saving of life. The problem is, how- ever, being, still further studied, and j experiments have been carried out with the submarine at Portsmouth and will continue as necessary." The ex-Kaiser's 70Ul birthday re- called an anecdote to H. A. Van Coe- nen, consul from tbe Netherlands In San Francisco. "In the days of his glory," Consul Van Coenan said, "the Kaiser during a visit to The Hague boasted at great length to Queen Wilhelmlna about the military equip- ment and skill and bravery of tne German army. " 'Do you realize', he wound up, 'that my Prussian Guards stand seven feet in their stockings?' '"That Is not tall enough,' said tha queen. "How do you mean not tall enough?' said tho Kaiser. 'When we open our dikes,' said tha queen, 'the water is 10 feet deep., " U Minard's Liniment In the Stable*. is my Uncla Georgo." For Instant Base From COUCHING fake Magistrate Tho evidence shows that you threw a brick at this con- stable. Burly One It shows more than that it shows that I hit him. "What a difference/ 5 says TORONTO mother "M Y f U ^'? dau 8 hter ! D 9 ris . Sl f- When bad breath, coated tongue 1VA fered from constipation until or fretfulneTs warn of conciliation M W A TooT-f'^r ^'"P* K ^' V - GivwSffie &, fife l *sS so^we S^SSSf^S^ Sdh e her rt0eat ' a ^ n0thitlg 5S"S!^S?V* agreed witn her. stomach and bowels are strength- "What a difference there is since e . ned> Appetite improves. Uiges- we've been giving her California n and assimilation aro assisted. Fig Syrup. She began to pick up Wcak children are strengthened, with the first dose. Now she's well. To identify the genuine endorsed lT and ,, happy j ^ a sptendid by physicians for 50 yearX look f or ppetite sad wonderful color." tfie word CoJi/omia onttw wtoS' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Weak After Operation g. "Aftci having m jpenttion, I ws very nuicrttble, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. I taw Lydia Ei finthatn'f Vegetable Compound advertised and cried it tnd believe it helped ir>e wonderfully.- i have no weak ipelU any moic, the pain have left me and my nerves are much bet- ter* 1 feel iak in laying L/dia H< Pinklvmi' medicinci have helped me wondertully/' Mft< \)7mi Hi Beechtelkr, Box 43i P<*H CbUxmic, Ontario) Lydia E, Piiiktan's Vegetable Compound di) E. Piflkhtm Mil C, . Lin- Mn- U, S, A ' lid Cftbiiuff' O.-:M C- ' t THB RICH. FRUITY IAXATIVB AND TONIC JOR CHILDREN ISSUE No. 48 '29

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