Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1929, p. 2

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Over fifty million pack- ages are sold each year. SALADA! 11 TEA Fresh from the gardens' 7H that it^ven el'jded Wise, who had been watching for it, antj Kent had convey- ed to his mouth a cnpsulo of deadly nnd i:istantan?ous poison. Aft r all, it was belt :. so. He must have been convicted his motive, thou, '\ born of his t.ffecti.-n fov his sister, would have seemed quixotic in th '-'yes of the law, and even if he had escaped capital punishment, long im- prisonment would have been a worse never arc." said Zizi, with an affec- tionate smile for the chief she BO adored. * , * * * * Kent's hopes were fulfilled. A year or so later, far from the beautiful but IK) longer desirable estate of Flower Acres, Nancy Finley put her hand in that of her husband and set forth on, a happy ami tranquil life journey with him. fute for Orry Kent. | "Dear Orry," she said, foftly, "his Kinley led Nan awy r.t once, and martyrdom made possible my present Wi'-ie called the household servants to assist him in the ncce-.sary procedures. "How did you siza up the rubbers so quick?" Zizi risked him. ''I half though*, they were Gannon's." "1 knew from the very first it had to be Kent," Wise said, slowly. "But I didn't know his real reason. I thought, of course, he just removed Raynor to save his sister from further unhr.ppiness. I see now how that real- ly high-minded man could bring him- self to do it. It as partly b-otherly devotion and partly a slight twist in his not quite normal mind, th-it pave happiness." "As your martyrdom was for the happiness of him and your father." "i'cs, dear, and now it is all past, and we owe it to their memory as well as to our own two happy selves to for- get the ,>ast and live only in the ra- diant present and the rosy future." "Together always together," said Finlcy, his voice frought with a hap- j j,iness to great for further words. (THE END.) We Want Poultry TOP PRICES PAID Write For Quotations The Harria Abattoir Co., Limited St. Lawrence Market - Toronto (2), Ont. BEGIN HERE TODAY Douglas Rayt.or is found' shot, through the heart in the early *.v> :.'.::' on the floor of the sun ro Jin of Flower Acre, his Long Inland honK-. Standing over the dtad mun, pistol in ' and, is Malcolm Finley, former sweetheart of Raynor'* wife, Nancy. Eva Turner. Raynor's nurse, stands by tho light switch. Then Nancy; her brother. Orville Kent; Ezra Goddard, friond of Finley; Miss Mattio, Raynor's Bister, and others, enter the room. Penr.infrton Wise, a celebrated detective, and Zizi, his frirl assistant, are called to take the case out of the hands of Detective Dobbin.'. Overshoes, tha print of which was left on the floor of the sun foorn, are found in the house, of Grim- fchaw Gannon, a servant. Nancy, at- tempting to nhifld someone, "confess- e..V to the crime. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "The mystery is a mystery no long- er," Wise snid blowly. "I know v.h-j wore this rubber nnd who f\\^. I) ! e.-cs wide with wonder, "to save mft! Bless him!" "Yes, he said if you were not to In- accused, he had no confession to make but if you were, then he would shoulder the crime himself. And I promised to tell him when I found out the t-ulh." "And you have?" Nan spoke in an ' owed whisper. "And I have. 7.\7.\, go yourself to Mr. Kent. Ask him to come here." /::'.! went and returned quickly with Orville Kent. He entered the room, white- faced and agitated, but walking with a firm step. He glanced first at his sister, and Bccnied glad to s-ee her in the pro- tecting arm of Malcom Finley. "You found the rubbers?" he said, as he saw them on a small table. "Yes," Wise 5-aid, "and they tell the. tory of the crime. 1 promised you, Illiteracy in India Times of ludia: The condition of i hi.ii the heroism needed. As to the ^i-ike-fomented agitation, extending rubbers, when I foun.: a tiny speck of f om Uie mUlB to tho WO rkors in t h e | | green paint on the print on the floor, I 'and when I learned that tho little ridge had been painted not so very long api), I couldn't help linking that tip with Kent. Then, v.x- had no proof >* the ** o'clock. As a mutter PI fa.-t he wasn't. Dolly I-'ay's watch was fast and Kent knew it. He'd been watching his chance, he took advantage of Dolly's statement about the time, and utilized it for liis own al-bi. He came up to the house fully live or ten minutes before seven, entered the sun room nnd shot i Raynor and dropped the pi: tol and again. Then lie removed the overshoes '' "Dolly said he did 1't wear any when he was with her," Zizi' objected. He did, though. Those slip-on affairs show so little that she didn't notice them, lie reii oved them after the shot was liretl, and hid them, -WHAT MAIM: VOL HI:ST THINK <>i- KKNT?" ASKED x.r/.i THOUGHTFULLY. las Kaynor but it w:i- not Mr Ilay- "Jt wa-n't Orry'' Nan crici "I asked Dolly Fii.v if he was liiM-f-rs that r.'--l.i and ?he sa.'l no. ,Sbe was on the bridge v.ith ! A great light broke Ul'-n Xh'i. ?< Nan bad be' --i trying to shield her brother? How bad she come ' j'M-t him? Hut Wise \i i- speaking. "I will tell you I mugl ii-'l yi'ti all I know," he said. "Hut I i .. n. y word to your brut.' .!, Mis. Rny- nor, that when I iearnul tin- ideniity <i f il.<- inurderer. ' v. ,'il ' of all. You may us \u-!l i.e told m.\v, tht Mr. JVeiit aho I'..M'. ..I lo 1 hi cnini) in order to save you, as Air. I-'inley did. lint ;inre you diiin't, do it, tlieso two ii- for sui-h ln'i n "Orry conf'-.-scd," sai'l N.v. her I'cr Year iiitfM lnlrrl in* IIURC* tliowtng I HI .in. nncl n I lull lit r >in linn. In > .1. HI/11, Hot-lion I .li.l.. pit- I. -mi inia l-tuil"l 1,1. ml*. 'I lii- ii - t ml. If | !> i B( II* hind |..r nil I lir I !' MMI OB EnhMM- .r* .-T.I iilln r ktiula i>l I ."i> * .... I n:tii>. iln. ( .11. I .uikliiir rfw-i|r ml nlhrr ....-I . -i . infiirniulion mini i. in ,1,1111,; lu the |iru tlcal h>ii'.- 1. ifi-. 1 lld-r iirr n;itiy tdltlnlilr tiling* for ill- nif t rai*ll. T3.UOO .. ,i. . i. nil -.-. I i..l.. -i. rrrri.ini; .n|iir rrKillarlVt why in i M.I. ' li. in. i I.. . i. c-o.nnnly \lr pryc I.|||I ...n - < i r .11 ll ft I II II id. Cut a<>i<r ' "Hi'"" "'"I '' i/i nnr I'Jf tii-ilay! ;OI(( Y I MHUillll! IIY JOUINAI. -, : || Sl. ( St , I , Mimtif.l / , ,i ; .. /: trnlt Ini on giar'i Ilibfctlpllin. 4ildrrl - ..... -. ....... - ...... ....-.,....... Pmtinr* ...... ............ - ................. ..... I No. 4729 Kei.t, I'd tell you lirnt of ai!. Nee I I do so'.'" "No," Orvillo Kent returned. "I'll tell myself. 1 shot Douglas Raynor, You knew it, Nan I think you have known it all along. J think you saw me that, night. )!ut you don't know why. Not to rid the worl ilof a Ix-a--!. and a l>i ule - although he wan those. Not. to nave my sister from a life of terror ainl ii^ony with a drug liend, thoui'h he was that. Not to t my sisti -i- free to marry the man she loves and who Irtvt's her- though I rejoice to know that will Some day he po- ihlc. Hut here is the true reason why I shot Douglas P.nynor. I saw Nan putting into his tea or eofTi-o Tim" and again I saw her do this. And al- ways furtively, stealthily, with a gla ice around to see if any one 1,0- iciil. Then I saw Raynor begin to \\ inpti in - df poi.Mitiing or nr- puiMinirig. I went to a st i .:n^e doctor in tho cily, and learn' d that i i'e Ilii" yiiiptom"! of ar>eniia] "ing beyond all doubt. I knew what Nan sniff 'cil, I saw the brute ireatin:' bi-r more and me. re t-hamr- fully, aii'l I u:;s foivi'd lo the conclu- ion that my dear sister, unablo to stand it any loiigi-r, had .siiccii.ulied to temptation to rid her. 'If of him. I did not blame her not for a minute but 1 wanted to save her from bcinj'. 1 a murderer .-o I -hot him for her. That is n'l." l\' Hi : :lt quillly, Hot twitehillg his liiie.ei-s "i- mnvii'g his hands now, but likti a thoughtful, determined aetor wh'> had linislied his part. "There is no more-," ho said, al'lej a pan.- e. "I'm not sorry--! ratlurr hated t<> own up .mil shouldn't, have done so cxi'ept in e:ist> of silppieion of an Innocent pev. on. Had there been niorn talk of an intruder, had the not 'hold bee:, exonerated and the matter left uiisoKed, I should have kept Ml-.Mit-e, for whr.t I did was not murder oiu> euniiol iiiiirder a IM ast. It was jn^t retribution for ilnv*. man's awful fraud on my ci.M. M- -I only learnt il of that lately. Hut, as I said, my r.iolivo was not murder it was to snvo my sister as I thought from being a murde-ror. Imagine my feeil- injrs when I learned that sho had not given him poison at nil but helpful medicine. However, the deed is donp. Now, Nancy, darling, don't, feel about it forget it all when yon run. Marry I-'inley, and let the years to como make up for all you have suf- fered. 1 mad a mistake nnd for that mistake I atone." A quick motion of his hand, RO quick U( Mlnnrd't Liniment in tho a*t>lel. n.j P1 , os jt s at Budge-HiidKe, and to the tin-plate wurktrs at (lolmurl, is pre- risely what these politirnl leaders de- sire. Jn the illiterate laborers, in- t-lined to turbulence and readily moved l>y mass sugRcstiuii, they have | precisely the weapon which'they want; for makini; thf task of riovernmeut as difficult as possible. They have at conimand a type of man with far more' physical courage than the average j Bengali. If they can harness the mil-! lion or so of operatives round Calcutta 1 to the political movement, tuen they | can make, a really Impressive demon- j .'.t ration in January by bringing about j approaching a general Htrike. The talk is still of "non-violent mm-oooperatlon," hut the men who! use the words with their tongues in I their cheeks know well that "non- ; violence"is not In tho dictionary of I HAPPINESS "Many people marvel when I tell them that I am happy," cays Helen Keller, the woman who has triumphed BO wonderfully over blindness and deafness. "They Imagine that my limitations weigh; heavily upon my spirit and chain me to the rock of des- pair. Vet, it seems to mo, happiness has very little to do with the senses." Happiness ia mainly a matter of the mind and heart. If we make up our jninds that tjis Is a drab and purpose- less universe, it will be that, and noth- ing else, as Miss Keller points out. But if wa believe that the world Is ours, we shall have joy. If we believe that we are born into this world for noble ends, life 'akes ou a new dignity for us. KNOWLEDGE Tho pleasure and delight of know- ledge far sm-passeth all other in na- ture. We see in all other pleasures (here is satiety; and after they ba but deceits of pleasure, and dot plea- sures; and that it was the novelty which pleased, not the quality; and therefore we see that voluptuous men. turn friars, and ambitious princes turn melancholy. But of knowledge there is nofatiety but satisfaction and appetite are perpetually inter- chargeable. Lord Bacon. probably in the shrubbery., Later, he th " me " wllom Iho >" re nTorlng hid them in danno- ' clo.-i-r. which '" !ittil - v - was a capital place if my lit'le Zizi hadn't !K?I n el-vor enough to look there. Ever sime, Kent ha. le:-n wait- ing to see if his sister shouUl lie really :iwusei), and as jmon as sbe was, he was ready. "When he did confess, I knew he was really telling tho truth. lu.t I pre- tended to think he was making up in order to test him out. Ho said at once that if Mrs. Kaynor was freed from suspicion I'e would rot confess, hut if she were accused he was ready to avow tho crime. A strang-e being, Good Loser Strayed or Stolen Sometime be- tween hedtiuie and sunrise one rooster chicken, one pullet and three liens I think they must hare been tolen | for they haven't evor done that way before. In to whosoever hands th^y f.iil care for them for they will pay you as tin y are good stock of the Uufl Orpington breed. The pullet was laying every day and | one of th hens layml an extra largo "What made you i.rst thi-ik <.fj?*K and (bo rooster was all I had of Kfiit'.'" a-ked Xi'/i thojirhtfully. | 'hat (render nnd there isn't anything "Fir-t, I think, when he said he walked up from the bridge admiring the Funset. There was no sun.'ct at the ho pretended to come up at seven. 1 loektsl up the '.veathiT r. c.,rd- most carefully. I knew he li.-d about tho punset, or cKi- he had come about 10 minutes earlier. At seven every vpstijrv of sunset aft'T-cffYct.s had faded from the sky. Tlr.M' r;rxl. Miss Turner said |x>Mtive!y that when Kent came in, a little after seven, he didn't look toward Raynor al all, Ii'.it only nt his sister. Now, In".' ver soli- itous for Mi-'. Raynor he may have wen, he would most certainly ha\v glanced toward the liend nia'i - i that ho had seen him before, So I knew that the si^ht of thy Ixuly on the floor left to trow for pelting up on lime. So 1 will mi.'s them. Have a few inoro hers left but thev got the best o-!".. \Vlioev(;r got. them was a good of chickens. MUS. NANCV SAN'DKKS. Kast Main Street. GOOD QUALITIES T have known some men pos of I'ood (lualltlcs. wliirh were very serviceable to orhers, but u.scloss to thoinaelvcH; like a bun-dial on the front of a house, to Inform thn ueiKh- bors and passi liters, init not the own- er within. LABOR \Vi' ran llud more happiness In" our was not a surprise to him. l-'rom then] work if we try to forsee how our labor on, I've only been trying to prove it' will atld to the happiness of others. up or pviivo myself mistaken." : Which you worn n-.t- which you I Minard's Liniment for Coughs. :\ ^v, Jfo&jL* S-.._ r __js* ain! Tlie man who wouldn't drive his motorcar linlf a mile whon It 's out at order, will often drive his l>r:iin all day with a licad that's throbbing. Sucli punishment isn't very good for one's nerves! It'a unwiwe, and it's unnecessary. For a tablet or two of Aspirin will relieve a head- ache every time. So, rsnumlwr this accepted antidote for pain, and spare yourst-lf a lot of needless suf- fering. Head the proven dhwttoM and you'll discover many valuable uses for these tablets. For head- aches; to check colds. To ease a aore throat and reduce tlio infwtion. For relieving neuralgic, neuritie, rheumatic pain. People used to wonder if Aspirin might be harmful. The doctors answered that question years ago. $ \ It is not. Some folks at ill wonder If it really does relieve pain. That's settledl For millions of men and women have found it dot*. To i-urc the cause of any pain you must consult your doctor; but you may always turn to Aspirin for imme- diate relitf. RIN TRADB MARK REG. O.A.C. Winter Short Courses - 1930 Livestock and Field Crops Jan. Farm Meats . Feb. Poultry Raising Jan. Beekeeping Jan. Drainage and Drainage Surveying Jan. Fruit and Vegetable Growing Feb. Floriculture and Landscape Gardening Feb. Factory Cheese and Buttermaking Jan. Cow Testing Feb. Ice Cream and Mechanical Refrigeration Mar. Creamery and Cream Grading Apr. Farm Power Jan. Farm Mechanics Feb. 6th to Feb. 1st 10th to 15th 7th to Feb. 1st. 7th to 18th. 7th to 18th. 3rd to 14th. 17th to 28th. 2nd to Mar. 28th. 3rd to 8th. 31st to Apr. 8th. 1st' to 3rd. 21st to Feb. 1st 3rd to 14th. For brief, helpful change of lun-oundlne.s; for th making of new acquaintances and for on exdianire of Ideas and experiences with live-Hire young men like yourself from iii.iny parts of the Province; as well r.i for very practical instruction by men of wljo experience, nothing: can beat cne of these shurt courses. Pick the course that meets your neeils: take a few days or a few we* '9 off nnd come on over to Guelpd to get acquainted with your own Agricultural College and Its practical, frlindljr (Hart of teachers. It will siv you a new lnt*rst In life nn.l Kreater Inspiration for your work. 1'ou will ami a welcome and a helpful hand U'o ore expecting you. Send for Circular Cuing Full Information. Ontario Agricultural College GUELPH ONTARIO Cold Charity is humiliating! You need never be compelled to accept it. Start now and protect your old age. Take advantage of the Canadian Government Annuities System and at 65 you'll have an income to last your life. Mak your old ape what ic should be peaceful and free from financial worries. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES Deportment of Labour, Ottawa HON. PKTER HEENAN, Minisltr Ma '' FREE HACKED DY THE WHOLE DOMINION AnnuitiM Branch, Dept TWL-l Department of labour. Ottawa )'!) end me rOMPLKTK INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annuities. Niimi 1 ....,..._.. ....__..... , 1'ruit Clearly "COTTAGE" The aristocrat of Tci- IctTisfucs. Cem- blcttly Rollj. 3,000 sheets, count. . - - A full we iglit Roll P/ of soft, sjfe, (taper. - - _ 1f one if these GMy rolls - That's tho safo w.iy to buy Tissue. The paper you buy for bathroom use j-lioulJ be ,i chemically pure miide from trcsli, cle.m material. .. That is exactly the kind of paper you get in a roll of Eddy Toilet Tissue. - Buy your Toilet Tissue by name. When you ask for "Cottage" or "White Swan" or "Dreadnought" or "Navy' 5 you arc cer- tain of getting better paper and better value. EDDYS ^- TISSUES ONL1WON Highest grik-o Toilet 'Tissue. SetvcJ from hanilsomc, compact fixtiuc a sanitary, dut proof Cabinet avtiUble in nickel or rorcclain timsh, "WHITE S\VA,\" A snowy ii'hite Tis- IVt. Ill ll t . I i't.l, dujtpux>/ Rolli of 7)0 thuti. ... "DRMD\CK'CHT" AbigvalueEddyline it\ crebed Tissue in THE E. B. EDDY CO. LTD., HULL, CANADA

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