Vol. 49 No. 24 Flesherton Ontario, November 27, 1929 \V. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor PR1CEVILLE a " anthem and Mr. Albert Morvey [ sang very sweetly "The Old Rugged (Last Week's Items) ! Cross." Then at the evening service Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol and ! the choir sang an anthem and Mr. daughters, Donolda and Rebecca, Sutherland gave a solo which was r.-.otored to London last week and much appreciated. Thanksgiving with friends ; 'Mr. David Hincks spent a week in (Toronto visiting with friends. On F'iday night the Onward Club me I at ;he home of Mr. David Hincks ir.d presented Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hincks, who were recently married, spent there. ijlra. Donald Stewart had the mis- fortune to slip on the floor and -have a s:nall bone broken in her hand. Mrs. Tom Macentae (neeJean Camp- bell) and daughter, Erma Ile-ne of Buffalo, is visiting her parent^, Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell. Buffalo, are visiting her parents, Mr. w th her daughter, Mrs. George Fish- ROCK MILLS PROTON STATION 'Mr. Dick Carter of Manilla spent ! W-> are certainly having a taste of a few days with his cousin, Mr. W. T. \vinter weather, but no sleighing as t> ye', at Proton Station. Cur public school teachers and pu- Pedlar. We are sorry to report Mrs. Albert Vv'ilkinson laid up with inflammatory rheuatism, but hope for a sjiccdy re- covery. A (roodly number attended the an- niversary services held in the Baptist chirch hcie 'ast Sabbath. The pastov with a carving set. Willie has been j R ev . .Mr. Wolster.croft, preached a; the President cf the club. The ad- D0tn morning and evening -services. Iress was read by Miss Beatrice Wai- ters and the presentation was made by Miss Jean McCannel Willie hanked them in a few well chosen Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMeekin. Mr. i word for :hcir Wndness. Excellent and Mrs. McLaujhlir. and Mrs. *** "as supplied by -Messrs Angus of Toronto, were visitors last WP* ^ rd * m - McMillan, John and Will Me- at Mr. John McMeekin's. .Messrs. John Sioddart and Lou Frook shipped a car load of stock to Toronto on Tuesday. . (Mr. Charles Tucker has purchased . his brother Henry's farm. . Mr. Thos. Hincks and daughter, . Marion, of Toronto, motored up and . spent Thanksgiving with friends here. Mrs. Wm. Smith and brother, Arden Whittaker, Toronto, visited with their father, who has been seriously ill ' and under Dr. Milne's care. A social was held in St. Columba church Friday night of last week under the auspices of the Mission Band, with Mrs. Harold Kar'stedt, >4isses Louise Watson and Lizzie Mather in charge. Mr. J. M. Mc- Gillvray acted as chairman and An- na iMcLean opened with a piano solo. .' Miss Alice ReiHy and Mr. J. Cook in a duet on piano and guitar. Vocal duels were given by Miss Louisa Watson and Mrs. H. B. McLean. Miss Anna Mary McLean and W. Ramage. Reading by Miss Sadie Vause and a whistling selection by Miss Mildred Sullivan. A chorus by the school closed the concert, after which views of Japan were thrown on the screen and description given by Miss Wat- son. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLachlan entertained Miss Winnie Duffle, Tor- onto and Mrs. Ethel Hudson, Ham- ilton recently. Misses Hilda McEachnie and Mab- el Waiters of Orangeville spent the week end at their respective homes. Holdfast U. F. O. Club meeting' was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Muir on Wednesday of last week. ' It was the annual meeting and 25 ladies were present. After the usual Kechnie, Allan Mclnnis, Alex. Mc- Lean, Beatrice and Jean McCannell. Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse Jr. and ],Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse Sr. of Mono Road, and Mrs. Gartley of Alliston were visitors the first of the week a* Mr. John McMoekin's. Miss Gladys Hincks spent a few days visiting her friend, Mrs. Howard McLean at Hopevillc. The members of the Guild present- ed Miss E. M. McCuaig with a cold meat fork in Adam pattern and a complimentary address before leaving for Saskatchewan on Monday. The United Church intend having their Christmas tree on Dec. 20, and :he Presbyterians are having their an- niversary on Dec. 18th. So keep the dates in mind. IM'essrs. William Aldcorn and Dan McArthur were in Toronto on Friday on business. Rev. Mr. Robertson of Saskatche- wan preached Sunday in the Hall. He is a splendid speaker and is preach- ing for a call. He just arrived on Thursday from the West. Mrs. Earl McLeod underwent y <erious operation on Tuesday night at her parental home, when three doc- ors and two nurses were in at- '.endance. At time of writing we are pleased to know that she is. improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Houston and son. and sister Marion, arrived from Pctei-boro on Tuesday night and s'ayed until Sunday. Mrs. Houston remained for a time longer. We all hope for a speedy recovery- The W.M.S. of the United Church held their thank offering service on Sunday last. A number of friends and neighbor fathered on Friday night at McCuaig's i nening exercises roll call was ans-j ir d presented Miss Elizabeth with a >urse of money before she left for 'H'!- home in the We-*t. Miss Kath- leen McLean read the address am Alma Hooper made the presentation \ Elizabeth thanked them in a few well-ch'-sen words for their kindnes ind thoaglitfJlncss. Keep in mind the community sale \\ered by "Sucgestions for next year's work." An interesting: letter was read from Mrs. Wickens, who was unable to attend on account of ill health. She offered some splendid for next year's work. Mrs. J. K. McLeod and Mrs. Richard Whittaker gave brief addresses on "Temperance and the municipal dec- | . the foui^h Saturday in each month tion" that will soon be hen-. 'Mrs. John Nichol presided over the meet- ing. The new officers were elected as follows: Pre .., Mrs. Dan Camp- bell: Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. Nichol; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Dan McKenzie; Scc.-Treas. Miss May Stewart; Delegate to U. F. O. convention in December, Mrs. Geo. t'is'iir; Alternate, Mrs. W. A. Beaton. The report of the year's work was read by t.hc Secretary, which proved very interesting. Lunch was s The next meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs. W. A. Benton on Dec. 1 1. ro \V was largely attended on Trhusda> Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess of Our- a t her hile residence. Rev. Mr. Sul- .;t A. J. McViear's hotel Strong wire netting has been placet >n the posts at the town line bridgt and it seems to be a fine structure Messrs. Alex. Carson and Angu Clark did the work. M". Dougald and Mrs. McDermii :if Co'.lingwood, Wilfred and Mrs. Wil son and son Currie, Brampton, vis ited at A. McDermid's and also calle- upon Messrs. H. Eckardt and Hug M.'Phail. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mor We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Tucker Phillips is in a very critical ondition at present, he having receiv- d a very severe shaking up when he e!l downstairs on Thursday last. Mr. hillips is over^ 80 years of age, and t was with very sincere regret *.hat learned of the accident that befell him in his advanced years. Mr. Chas. Phillips and Mrs. Sharpe if Toronto came up on Sunday to see heir father, Mr. Tucker Phillips, 'harlie returned to Toronto the same day, but Mrs. Sharpe will remain for a time. 'Mr. and M.-s. W. T Pedlar and Mr and Mrs. Lewia Pedlar entertained a ew of their neighbors one evening ast week to a pancake supper. Mr.. Joe Twigg of Collingwood vis- ted with his brother-in-law here, Mr. lobt. Croft and family. ,Mrs. Frank Chard of Kimberley spent the past week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Alb. Wilkinson. Prayer meeting will be held on Thursday night at the home of Mr. Wm. Pedlar. Everybody welcome. Miss Viola White of Markdale visit- ed at her home here recently. .. pils arc busy practising for their con- j cert on Dec. 16th. Please note the j dcte. Miss Johnson and pupils vary S-'cat'.y enjoyed tha fine box of candy d.-natsd ti them by the Fleshcrton al Society as first prize in the school parade at the fall fair. .I.-. a:ul Mrs. John Carson have re- turned to their home here after hav- Bates Burial Co'y 122-124 Avenue Ro :! d T O R O N T O Phone: KIngsdale 4344 J. XV. Bates. R.Maddocks : Y MAXWELL CEYLON The Woa-.ea's Institute held a so-, Mr-. John Kennedy attended the cial evening at the home of Mrs. R.' funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr njoycd an extended^ visit with , ^ Mo ; rison on Frjday evening last" David Dunlop, at Wiarton, which took relatives at the Soo and St. Joseph's island. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White are spending a few days in Toronto and minting the winter fair. The farm and belongings of the late Thos. Hodgin waa sold by auction last Thursday afternoon. It was purchas- ed by Mr. Richard Hodgin. M". Keith Lave cf Toronto, an ex- ceedingly interesting student mission- ary, occupied the United Church pul- pit here last Sunday morning. Mr. Jas. Vjnisc has returned home from Toronto and Mrs. Dunn of Al- aroma h visiting her sister, Mrs. Vause. sam visited recently Nk-hol's. ut ,'M'r. David ij v an preached a comforting sermon, bell, Angus McLachlan, Thomas Nich- The anniversary services were held Patterson, Alex. Carson, Dan Camp- here on Sunday, Nov. 17th. The day bell. Angus McLachlan. Thomas Nivh- was an ideal one and a large crowd 1 and Angus Clark. Interment was was present. Rev. Mr. Graham of , made in Flesherton cemetery. 'Much Holstein occupied the pulpit and de- livered two splendid addresses. At sympathy is expressed for the lonely husband, friends and relatives in their 'he morning service the choir rendered ; time of trouble "House of Quality" Christmas Cake Special Commencing November 23rd to Nov. 30 Seedless Raisins, 2 pounds 23c. I'll tied Raisins, 2 pounds 2/c- Valencia. Raisins, 2 pounds , *5C. Currants. 2 pounds pounds Dates, 2 pounds Walnuts, per pounds Almonds, per pound . 23c. 48c. 58c. OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey Council met in Singhamp- on on November 2nd. All members Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Communications were read from A S. Leich & Co., application for audit- torship; Lucas & Henry, letter re ar- rears of taxes on Little property. Deputations W. W. Christie, re brid- ges; Mr. Vv'alker. re Ada;s graders. Lockhart -Morrison That the Treas urer be authorized to receive the sum of $20.00 from W. L. Taylor, being proceeds of township title sold. Grummett - That all sub-over- seers be instructed to see that open injrs of culverts in their respective divisions are cleared out and free from anything that would obstruct the free flow of water. Grummet Lockhart That the Superintendent be instructed to rend- er accounts to municipalities which have not paid their share of Township work crd endeavour to have same ad- justed by the next meeting. Lc.khart Grur.imci. -- That the Treasurer be instructed to commun- icate with the Bailiff and make a de- termined effort to have all arrears of taxes collected by the date of the ne:;' r- ir.ilur mtfetinjr. Miscellaneous aocnun',3 were passet as follows: V,V:.Thomson, shtvp claim, Sli.OO Wiifs Xeff do. SIKH); \Vm. \\ "I 'h do.. $11.00; Robert Blakoy do., $17.00 Kli KoHnsi'M, stamps for Treasurer 10.00; .1. A, Kernahan, assisting Prov Auditor, So.OO: Geo. I'. Millo-, \viri fence bonus, SI 8.55; W. L. Taylor, se lectiiiK jurors, $5.00; Dougald Steph cr.. ; . selecting jurors, S5.00; H. G Burke, selecting jurors, S5.00; Eli Ro binson, stamps for Clerk. $10.00; H G. Burke, issuing tax bilK $25.00 Joseph Wright, wire fence bonus $9.60. Road Ac-counts W. J. Reid, iv.y sheet. $7-1.55; Art. Wilson, pay sheet, $63.40; Wilbert Poole, pay slice.- $8.55; Jaames Bleakley pay sheet, $31.50; 11. Ileathcotepay sheet,$55.25; John iMoore, pay sheet, $4.35; John- ston Bowens, pay sheet, SI 1 .' 1.75; Jas. Gillies, pay sheet. $14.25; Jame.3 Rad- io y. pay sheet, $32.00; Wm. Banner- man, grant, $15; John Trud^eon. rrr:n' $3.40;, Chas. McCarl,. g\(ant, $4.80; Waltoi- Akit\ Kraut. $10.10; Robert Allister, gruv.t. Si. DO; Mort. Savers, grant. $1.20; James Hudson, grant, $2. 2ft; Twp. Proton, half car of cement, $351.00; Dept. of Highways, 475 bar- rels of cement, $(575.00; Irwin & Mc- Kachin, balance on bridges. $688.31; J. .A Taylor, posts supplied to W J. Reid, $2.75. Council adjournoi' '<> meet at M i v - well on December 15th at 10 o'clock A. M . VICTORIA CORNERS Mcjsrs. Alfred and George Dougal of Toronto and Earl Robinson of Bethel called on Mrs. Robinson at Milton Bannon's. Lawson and Glen Lockhart are at- tending the winter fair at Toronto. Walter Acheson attended the wint- er fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walton and Earl and Mrs. Crawford of Vtntry visited a* Wm. Acheson's. Mrs. Robinson is spending a few- days in Tundalk. VANDELEUK M'r. and Mrs. Gazley of ..Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and Mr. Ed. W:\rlinfr of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling. Mr*. Will Ratclirfe and Miss Myrtle Freeman arc in Toronto attending the convention of the "Women's Institute u.i delegate from the branch here. Yandeleur Farmers Club held their first meeting for the winter months on Wednesday evening of last week Mr. Howard Graham was appointed as delegate to the U.F.O. convention in Toronto in December. The Orange Lodge treated them- ,-elves to a fowl supper on Monday evening of this week. SWAMP COLLEGE Our teacher. Miss Martin, and pu- pi! : :i.x- nr.ii;! isintj i'v .heir '. a:u' I);).-: social. i. Joe V.'iuso:: has double pnt-.T- oia. Ms;. M:h;e i^ in attcnda;ic-j M-. !>u:i McCuanell z:\d Jii:is Smith Lcachev at S\vi:i'.o-r. have also beer suk in bed. A goodly number was present. Af-i place en Thursday last. er a short program the evening was Mr.?. Heslop ,- : Eugenia is visiting pent in games. Lunch was served her sister. Miso Jessie McKenzie. iy the ladies. Mr. Kc'\ Bv..wn and Miss Anna Mi'. Fred Ross has returned from ; White motored up from Toronto on 'oronto af'ar spending the past weekj Sunday, i - eturn:n_ar the same evening, at the Royal Winter Fair as a guest'; visiting the la:t-ji-'s mother. the Department of Agriculture. The cc:;-.nr,ir.;ty was shocked when Mrs. Bamford and son Bobby are it wa^ learned that Mrs. Jas. L. Mc- pcr.ding a week in Toronto. ! Mullen, v. i:e of Magistrate McMullen Hiss Mabel Ross and Mrs. J. L. had passed away at her home here Morrison are attending the W. I. invention in Toronto this week as It-legates, of the local Branch. We are sorry to report Mr. John riestly under the doctor's care. We lope to see him around again soon. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Henry Coulthard in his sad bereave- mont in the loss of his wife, who died ast Thursday. Mrs. E. Buckingham is spending few days with her parents in Dun- dalk. Her father, Mr. Johnston, is 11 with pneumonia. Monday night, November 25th at about nir.e o'clock, after several months' illness. The advice of skill- ed doctors in Toronto was sought and all that loving hands could do, but to no avail. She was married to her sorrowing husband just a few years ago and before her marriage was Margaret Ferguson, only daugh- ter of Mr. Malcolm Ferguson and the late Mrs. Ferguson. She leaves her husband and aged father - o mourn the loss of a loving wife and daugh- EUGENIA ter. The funeral will take place to ..^-1 Tlesherton cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Royden Gibson, Toronto, vis- The Sunday school entertainment will be held on December 19th. Full particulars later. Mr. Percy Maprae has had a radio installed in his home.for the plcas- ro of his family. ited friends here the past week and was accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Snell, who has been visiting friends in To- ronto. Mrs. (Dr.) Patterson and babe of Toronto, who has been visiting her Mr. Chas. Martin and family moved | parents ' Mr - arul Mrs - D - McLeod, re- to the "Hoy estate 1 ' this week. ! turnetl * the city on Monday. A t.umber around this locality have' Jtrs - H - Pi P er . who has been visiting beer, laid up with colds and tonsilitis. Miss Ramsey of Toronto visited with Mr. anil Mrs. J. Williams. Ccncratulaticns to Mr. ami Mrs. Stanley Campbell on the arrival of a son at their home last week. 'Mr. Fred Duckett and Mr. Alex. Carruthers have each had the mis- fiirt'.me to have a horse break its lop recently. friends in Toronto, Oshawa and ether points, returned home on Friday, after a most enjoyable time. Mrs. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa and Mrs. Major of Toronto vi.-itud their brother, Mr. S. McDonald, the past week. Mrs. McDonald Sr. accompan- ied her daughter ba'-k to Oshawa to spend the winter with her. Mr. Thos. Genoe and daughter, Nellie, visited friends over the week end and attended the winter fair at Toronto. THE KING'S CAR As a motorist. King George sets exampli in economy, at the 'v'inir Then a i Manv peop: .< !'.,i~ only t r *"' appear- Or. A. Black had her tonsils roi!'.c\ v.1 a \vevk a-; i S.Uurday by Dr. ' .'oot cf Markdale and on Tuesday night sh.' took an heir.orriwgre. ' ho h improving fhough ti<:v.iy. Mr. Marjor- Grey County boys were placed 13th io Kim. 11 went to Toronto ar.d were united hi ;vii:-i:i;;e i',n Saturday by the Rev. Jan:es Corry in hio church. \V'c exte::d h -.r iie.st congratulations. A bij: crowd wa present at the presentation for Mr. a:ul Mrs. Win. McNalty before their departure from our midst. They were pre.senU'v! with a poi'se of money ami a ;sui*able address. Mr. McNalty made a fine x-ply. They v.ill reside in Kuphrns- i:i with their s.:n. Ti-.-ir-. Mr. ar.d Mrs. \Y:.;. Hay, Msesrs. Neil, AngU' and Dan McC'u:inoll nuit- (M'<i to Owen Souivl last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heard wore recent vUitnrs at Mr. \Vm. Hay's. Wo arc elad to report Mr. Jas. H-iv u 1 ) and around after his trying illne;:;. Messrs. Bob Watson, Frecl Kn.>:c ar.d John Lane had the inisfor.une to lose a horse. Mr. Lane lost two. .Mrs. A. L. Hincks spent ? visiting friends around this burg. EAST MOUNTAIN 'Mr. Haines and sisters of Heath- cote and Mrs. Thos. Smith and fam- ily of Duncan spent Sunady with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson and family. >!is= Hazel Flood and friend of Hanover spent a few days last week desire v.ith Mr. and Mrs. C. H. F:r.-cuU. BORN On Tuesday. November .1 , - I'. 1 -:', to M Rav !:r>'.--. a son. I-ii' e Mill!' .\,A Lilliu Smart sportt '' :!.:. thy \vith " iends at Duncan. umber from this vicinity attend- to en.oi.ra-r i -.diistry that he gav ..I the community dance in Kimberley ) v /y ' the i ". ten :itiui: ; iv.adr ,,., Fvidav. him and ordered a new one. The bu v - i"'in of the roval rar is by no mear the :=l-;ipl,> task it sounds, and it i; annual mooting oi the C,y\^ not -orelv a matter of u'oinjr into - I'. ; '. <>. i ';;!> v.-iil bo ht>Kl in the Tov.n- ia:-u- .-hew room and ehusing .1 mo.' hall, Thursday evening Nov. 21s1 el - '' '' ; ' *e nlan h first drawn o;i Mi-. Harry h:.ve 'been me,-. .... very little man: in for t*, whims. Tlu> Ki.-.irV last car was 1.1 Oliver, M. T> . !'. short ni'dress. Thos. at 7.30 for the election of officers for !', ! Kin ^ 'P*io. > . that :K. - ,rely usi ! -;-e:iu>ni:il occasions, asvm fro -. v.-ill irivo a rii..- opening oi ;M: ii;i::i,-iK. r.iar. Secretary. : c:i lures i ;!n- gilded . .'..h have t> ; ii into the design of th > rov:>! i;n- The windows are mai: iionally largo, so that the pu! !u ca:i see their majesties during processions. The liei" 1 *'- of the c:. too. mu^t be sufficient to allow th.* Kin" to wear the tall head-dresse '-:i; State occasions demand. Spar.; wheels are fixed on the side of th ' hood. The King's car does no* K- a registration number plate, but car- ries instead a shield bearing the Ro al Standard i.i the day time. At night a distinguishable blue lieht ' used to enable the police to afford i v precedence. - FOR EircTs Mackinaw Stocking Leg And Yarn GO TO H. Alexander, FEVERSHAM * I Gret the Rest \^P W L LI-IW' JLJ i Wik3L CHRISTMAS GIFTS AGood Line of Seaonable Gifts now in. While ploughing on Tuesday, OB ! his farm in Arthur township, Mr. Mcrvin Coi-mack had the unusual ex- rc:-icnce of turning out a mud- tur tie's nest. The nest was under tiio ground about six inches and con- tained thirty-four eggs. The cg.u;^ in stock judging at the Royal Winter are utmost the size of small plums. Fair, out of 31 counties competir!;. Tlu-y woro almost hatched as, 0:1 ;j; I'OK CHRISTMAS CAK1C - A in.od fresh stock of fruits, pocls and nuts tlic very best ;it the ri^Iit prices. J $ lV. OlC \V dfl ); Kair, out or 31 counties compeiinjr. rney were almost na:ene(i as, 0:1 .:. w w a j f^^"lj\ f\1^3 f\ PHONE 37 '" The team WaS co:ll ! v '' sr '' of ^"Slas breaking ene of thoiv, :i livo tur'.lo ':\ /\. C/. ll /\ Vv \^ tl/ I 1^ O lN , %J Al. ... X 1; immond, Thoi-nbury; AVm. Clubs' ;i;i v.n ; found. The ci'gs may be seen in -w,^,t WE DELIVER IN TOWN Hethcot, < 1:vk burg. W. . A*ntmg O* -.- of the- local department a<::-ieulture. Kntoi -prise. i: CLOSES TUES1XVV AND FRiD.XY at 6:00 P.M.