Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1929, p. 4

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I ; WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1929. THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE f m f "Ice Box i < >. Cookies** 1 cup butter ; 2 cups sugar; 3>^ cups Purity Flour ; 2 eggs ; 2 tea- spoons baking powder; flavoring ; 1 cup nuts and taisira chopped (optional) Make the dough in ft roil and keep it overnight in the ice bo* or i cool pl.ce. Slice ihinlr and bike in a quick oven. B. all Baking Stnd i 700 Rtcipt Cnk Bmk. Western Canidi Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toruo'.o. Bt Feversham Prize List fLESHERTON ADSAHGE Published on Collingwood sire-', Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Ciculation over HOC, I'rice in Canada, (2.00 per year when paid in advance ?1.50. In C.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2i". (\Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON - Editom. f. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. EDITORIAL NOTES Colil weather bring with us ,and election discussions in the discard, some oilier method of keeping- hot will have to be used. The Toronto police seem to have retreated ,from tnr-ir bir-f-fni'.ireed policy to the Reds in the Queen city, and arc allov. ing them ID .orate from street corners. No doubt the amnll boys and girls tire planning all l;in<ls of tricks and surprises to play on Thursday night. A little- juvenile fun this night is not objcctianablc, but we hope the boys will r.ct go tuo far and cause any property damage. * The deer hunters Irave the end of thir, week for the ar :ua! di'f-r hunt in the north<--n bush. It is a fine holi- day for the boys to enjoy c-ivnradcshin in the ramp away from everyday wor- ries and tribulations. We are pleaded to announce that we have thc manuscrip'. of "Empire Builders," f r oin thc pen of that tal- t-nted old pioneer of this place, the late Mrs. E. A. Pickle. Thi-i Y.US the last article Mr;. I'ick'e wrote before her last illru-s:-. and \va:< writ- ten especially f< Th" Advance. It will appear in n.--x vivk's i . * A fire in uny community is la- mented, but that one in Durham last week v. lu i a o -'00,000 loss was experience', eight lnriin<j -:> fi-ms : .faring through tii-? fiery demon, is deeply to be regretted, cs it will leave its mark in a l>iniiiess way on that fine tow.i for : <rnc; lime to come. In thc past few yeav.i Durham has experienced some disastrous fires, but that one cf last week was the worst in its history. It is to be hop- ed that before the ashes arc cold, plans will Le made to build larger and finer buM!ic:'..< lil,'ks i:i place of i those destroyed. Canada';} V.C.'s are now journeying tn Knglnnd to take part in the din- ner for the Victoria Cros.i winner.'), \vlii-h is bcin;,' iriven for thc Prince <,f Wales. Thi'i H the get-to- jfetht.' ever enjoyed by th .:.< heroes who won the award for val- <,r thc British Empire c:>u!.l bestow for conspicuous bravery in the heat of battle. Crey I, -unity is proud to hn\e two of those represent them at this dinner in the persons of Col. W. A. Wuhan, 'lie greatest airman, and !'>rgt. Tommy Holmes, thc young- est V, C, winner. It was with feel- ings of pride that they were wished fJod-specd to represent us at the Empire capital. HORSES HEAVY DRAUGHT Team, E. H. Boyle, Jno. Miller and Son; Syr. old, Jas. Ottewell Sr.; 2 yr. old, Geo. Fos- ter, John McDermid. AGRICULTURAL Team, John McUcrmid; 3yr. old, John McDermid, Kdgar Linton;Brood Mare, Clifford Bristow, Keith Robertson; lyr. old, Ranald Parsons; Spring Colt, Keith Robertson, Cliff: Bristow. GENERAL PURPOSE Team, W. Tulford, G. A. Gould; Brood mare, W. Ti-lf.ird, 1st. and 2nd; 2yr. old.Jas. Ottewell Sr., Levi Hctts; lyr. old.W. Tulford, Mrs. Jas. Ottewell; Spring colt. Garnet McGee, 1st. and 2nd. ROADSTERS Team, F. W. Taylor; Brood rr.arc, F. W. Taylor, Dave Ring; i!yr. old, Gladwyn Campbell; lyr. old Levi Belts. Gladwyn Campbell ;SprinR colt, Keith Robertson, Gladwyn Camp- bell; Single driver, F. W. Taylor, Geo. Will. in: on; Single driver 3 yr. old, Joyce Porteous. CARRIAGE, Team, Virgil Reid; Brood marc, Joyce Porteous, W. Ful- r ..yd; Spi ing colt, Dave Ring, Joyce Porteous; Single driver, J. H. Taylor, Virgil Reid, E. Hawton. Be 4 Horse, E. II. Boyle, Dave Ring, any class. SPECIALS Best pair of carriage ho:-o?, Virgil Reiil; Best agricultural Uam, John McDermid; Best agricult- ural brood mart-, Cliff Bnstow; Best pacer, Levi Betts; Best 1 yr. old gen- ernl purpose, W. Fulford; Best single driver, F. W. Taylor; Best 1 yr. old roai'.st- r, Lc.i Dt.>; Best halter broken show ring colt shown by bc-y under II yrs., Bil'ie Burke, Keith Rob- e Uo.i; Best farm team, G. A. Gould. CATTLE liCLSTELM )>!'. .1:1 heifer, Gar- ni ila.'f' i 1 ; Hi if or calf, Garnet Magee. PO.M.ED ANGUS Gull 2 yrs., . '. Mt'Gec; 2 yr. old holier, Gar- ni-. 1 . We-!' . SHORTil'tRNE Bull calf. Batty Bros. 1st. ar.d 2nd; Cow, Ja3 Oltewell t':'., 1st. and 2nd; One yr. old heifer, Jas. Ottcwell Sr; Heifer calf, Batty U.-us.; n:-st hc-:-d, Jas Ottcwell Sr; H' t bull a iv.' a-.'' 1 . Hatty Ero:;. KKRKOliL'S Bull 2 vs. Jas. l!i: : on; IJull calf, Jas. Hudson, 1st. ar.d ;;e:cnd; Cow, Mrs. Wm. Faddcn, Jas. Hudson; Heifer cnlf, Jas. Hudson Br:.t hc.d, Jna. Hud -.on; bull any a<;o, J.i;;. Hudson, 1st. and 2nd. .KTJ.SKYS Bull calf, Beatty Bros; C'.nv, Chester Long; Heifer calf, Chester Lonpr. Beatty Bros. GRADES Cow beef grade, Allen Mrl.c.m D. Stephen;; Cow dairy grade, F-cd Spofford, 1st. and 2nd; lyr. old heifer, Garnet McGee, Jas. Mail'lea; 2 yr. old heifer, Fred Spof- fr.rd, Ceo. Foster; Heifer under 1 vr.. Chester Li/nr. ('arm': McGee; 2 yr. old steer, .IBS. Oltowell, Sr, Garnei ?i-(ive; 1 yr. old stutr, Jan. Ottowell I her, J. D. Lougheed; female, Jas. Bar- currant and apple jelly, Geo. Ross; ber, Allen McLean. berry and grape jelly, Mrs. McCauley; SPECIALS Best pair of ducks, D. mincemeat, Sam Mullen, Mrs. Col- Stephen; Best pair of geese, Jas. Bar- linson; mixed pickles, Mrs. Collinson, b". , W. A. Hawken; tomato catsup, J. GRAIN j Smith D. Stephens; three varieties of Fall wheat .Allen McLean, 1st. and canned \Vgetablds, Mrs. Collinson, second; White oats, Allen McLean, ! Gladwyn Campbell; homemade candy, II. Heatheote; Barley, Allen McLean, ! Alex McMullcn, Geo. Ross. 1st. and 2nd; Large peas, Allen Me- j LADIES' WORK USEFUL Lean, E. Hawton; Small peas, Sam ^ .,. . . _, -rr ., ,, i Quilt, cotton pieced, Chas. Long, Alex Mullen, 1st. and 2nd. ... ,, , ... . . , ^UVA.V B-YHTRTTC: IT n \, McMullen; quilt any other kind, Mrs. 81USAJ &AHIuIla Fall wheat, i r- AJ M n /- IT ' J. C. Adams, Alex McMullen; Com- 2. Hawton, J. D. Lougheed: Oats. E. . . _ forter, cotton, Mrs. He-itman; com- Haw on, J. D. Lougheed; Barley, E. c ^ c ;- W rritr?'? Ug , e , ** bed spread, Mrs. JfcCauiey SPECIALS Large Peas, Allen Me- ,, . ' AH r r> i ". Cairns; fancy bedspread, any Lean; Cat,, Allen McLean; Best col- , o)her ^ A , ex McMa ,, w A lection of gram in shenf, E, Hawton. ,. . , , nnT Ax-n \nrr-nTADiir- ilawkrn; pmr sheets, hand hemmed, BOOTH AND VEGLTABLE.~> ,. . ,. . . . Sirs. Hindle, W. A. Hawkcn; hemming Dooley Potatoes, L. Hawton, Mrs. . ., .. ,-,,, _, . ., i on table linen, Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. j. F. Collinson; Green Mountain Pot- ,, ., , ., .,., ' . ! Spofforci; serviceable work apron, atoc?., Ella Morn.-ion; Potatoes, any lr ,, . . , , , T -,. ., i i!rs. Cairns, Mrs. Kennedy; Child s other orly \arie y, Mrs. Jas. Ottowell' . , ' I coat made from old garment, Chester i Long; men's wool socks, coarse, Mrs. | Adams; pair mitts, coarso, Mrs. , Cairns, Mrs. Hir.dle; pair mitts, fine, i Mrs. Hindle. Mrs. Adams; hooked rugs ; Mrs. Cairns, J. D. Lougheed; braided 1 rug, Mi-s. Cairns, S. Mullen; mend- I ing torn cloth garnipnt, Mrs. Kennedy I Mrs. Hindle; mending woollen hose, j Mrs. Ccllinscn, E. Hawton; Best home- made house dress, Mrs. W. Heitman; Wm. Kaitting; Potatoes any other late variety, W. A. Hawken, Dan Cameron; Mangolds, Allen McLean, 1st. and 2nd; Swede Tu-nips, Victor Wright, Allen McLean; Aberdeen Turnips, Allen Mo- Lcnn, 1st. and 2nd; Table Carrots, Dan Cameron, John Smith; Blood Beets, Allen McLean. John Smith; Carrots Er.i'il Horn, J. D. Lougheed, Sam Mullen; Parsnips, Sam Mullen, Mrs. R. J. Morrison; Onions from iUlD. IV. tj . IKW1IWU| V./1HVI*.? lil/ll. .... , ! , o n i. child s dress made from old garment, s?ed, Sam Mullen, 1st. and 2nd; Pot-l r. T,T .ir-i c- ii I Chester Long, Mrs. Kennedy Onions, F. W. Wiley, Sam Mullen; i alo Top Onions, Mrs. Norman Hir.dle, E. Hawton; White, Beans, Sam Mullen, E. Hawton; Butter Beans, Gladwyn Campbell, Mrs. Wm. Faddcn; Table Corn, J. D. Lougheed, T V. A. Hawton; LADIES' WORK, FANCY Centre piece solid white embroid- ered, Mrs. Adams, Mrs Collinson; colored linen centrepiece, crochet or tatting trimmed, Mrs. Kennedy, Ella Cabbage. Sam Mulle'i, V,'. A. I!aw!:en; Morrison; centre piece, any other kind W. A. Hawken, 1st. and i white, Mn. McCauley, Chester 2r:tl;Tomatocs, Mr-. Norman Hindle, j Long; 'able runner, embroidered, Mrp. All*, n Mc-Lean; Sqtiasji, Dan Cameron, .'Cairns, Mrs. Adams; table runner, J. n. Lougheed: Pumpkin. Allen Me- j any othc:' kind, Alex McMullen, Geo. Lean, F. W Wiiey; Citro-.s, F. W. \Vilcy, Mi". F. I). Cairns; Cucumbers, .Geo. Burke, Allen McLean, Celery, \V. A. ! T :".vkon. FRUITS T-'.lmon S\veet Apples, Reg Loug- P.-JSS; buffet scarf, crochet trimmed, Mrs. Remedy, Mrs. Adams ;buffet set o piejrs in white, Mrs. McCauley; L-uffet set 3 pieces in colors, Ella Mor- rison, Altx. Mullen; pillow slips, embroidered, Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. Mc- Kennedy's Grocery Men,s Wear Grocery Specials for This Week 2 Ibs. Ginger Snaps 25c. 2 Lantern or Lamp Glasses 25c. 3 Tins C^rks Soups 25c. 1 Pint Jar Peanut Butter 29c. 50 Ibs. Honey $5.00 Winter WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF NEW WINTER OY ERCOATS, FASHIONABLY TAILORED FROM | IMPORTED CLOTHS ENGLISH AND SCOTCH FABRICS W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 We deliver in town. liecd, F! ink Wiley; Wealthy, Dougald | Cuuley; pillow slips other hand trim- d, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Heitman; Su j-hciu- ; Du-hc-s, Jchn RoLinson, Mrs. Cairn?; Alexander, Victor j pair tray cloth- embroidered, Mrs. Col- Wright, Mr >. Wm. Faddcn; Wolf River] Hnson, Mrs. Adams; tea cloth anil 2nd; geraniums single, Chester Long, Geo. P.JSS; Boston Fern, D. Cameron, 1st. and 2nd; best six house plants, Chester Long, G. Ross; Asters, Mrs. Kennedy, W. A. Hawken; dahlias, W. A. Hawken, 1st. and 2nd;sweet peas, G. W. Ross, 1st and 2nd;3 varieties enriualr., Mrs. Kennedy, W. A. Haw- ken; 3 varieties perennials, Mrs. Ken- nedy, l-.'t and 2nd; collectioin of cut flowers, W. A. Hawken, 1st. and 2nd; hanging basket, G. W. Ross, W. A. Hawken. CHILDREN-S WORK Collection of apples, Marion Hawton SUED BROTHER-IN-LAW Riding with her brother- in law, Lavi-ic R. Munshaw of Alliston, formerly of Eugenia, Miss Vera Hay- es of that town was severely injured .vhen the car they were riding- in collided v/ith another ear. At the recent Assize Court, a jury awarded her $3.500 damages a.iainr.t her brother-in-law, th;| verdict carry- ing? coats with it. While the damages were awarded ujraimt Munshar.-, it is understood that he will not have to foot the bill 1st ar.d 2nd; coll. of kodak views, ; as he carrici , liabiHty insurance on Jean Ross, Muriel Bamford; names I his car LouRhecd. F. Wiley; Snow.Rcp' serviettes embroidered, Mrs. McCauley of members of Provincial and Dom-' Loujrhpod, Mrs. Cairn?; Russet", Reg! Ella Morrir.on; parlor curtains, Mrs. Lou^hoed, Goa. Ross;Spies, Rep Louf?-{, Mrs. MjCaulry.'; bedroom heed, F. Wiley; Pewaukce, Mrs. Cair-| curtains.Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. McCauley Won Cabinet, 'Manon Hawton; essay] on tea su;*ar or rice, Hindle, Marion Hawtan; penmanship, Muriel Bam-' Suffered Broken Leg A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- v.-ork, Mrs. Kc-.nedy, Alex MdMullen; 1 inmib, Is 1 -, and 2 id; handmade apron,' %vncn shc ran into collection of embroidery work, Mrs. I Hindle 1st and 2nd; best dressed ' ^ urnor ' s car the side of Dr. Orange Valley dell. Edith Hoitman, 1st. and 2nd;! <;cno * on Tuesi!a y afternoon. Dn. npplc pie. Annie Heatheote, 1st. andi Tarncr was com ' ln S ns; Collection of plums RCK Loughecd;! dresser and stand cover, Mrs. Col- j ford, Irene Parker; drawing 2 dom- Col!c?tion of pears, Reg Loufrhecd; I Hnscn; six table rr.pkins, initialed, | cstic animals, Muriel Br.mford, Don- Collection of fruit, Rc s Loii'zheed. [Mrs. Collin^on; collection of crochet r.ld Ban ford; dt-awing oui- school, Icy Foster had one of her legs broken 30 11). crock of butter, Mrs. J. F. Collinson; 10. Ib. crock of butter E.j [Kennedy; night dress, embroidered, Hawtc.i, Mrs. II. Hcathc-otc; Mb. dairy,' Mrs. McCauley, J. D. Lougheed; nitrht butter i". Ib. prints, Mrs. Heitman. j dress, lace trimmed, Mrs. McCau!cy; Ms. Heathcotc. Ghulwyn Campbell; ' Pair of towel?, embroidered, Alex Mc- Homo '-cndin-d l-i-.d. Mrs. Collinson; f Mullen, Mrs. Cainis; bath towel croch- Mnplc Syrup, Mrs. R. J. Morrison, ct or knitted ecl-e, Mrs. Ada-ns, Mrs. Mr?. Wm. Wrivrht; Honey extracted, ^addon; sofa cushion, embroidered, J. D. Loughocd. . Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs McCauley; sofa , mnde houge drcs ^ j , tne nu,,nrae. ^ne was .crc SPECIALS-BeBtlOlb. dairy butter cush.on embro.dered. Mrs. Kennedy, ( . h .. ( . s ^ ,he runmng board and knocked in prints. Mrs. Hi-nth'-ole; Best loaf M - M.-Cauley; sofa cushion, A O. K. north on the C id; one pound candy, Edith Heitman! hi !:hway and when close to the i crroup of youngsters the little girl hand lan a ' n - ost in front of the car but by 1st. :>nd 2nd. SPECIAL Ben business writ ing, Muriel Eamford. OTHER SPECIALS -Best home- The preacher drove up to a country home with a team of horses, and little Tummy mul him at the y.i'u- and askt-d: "Is both them horses i'ou.-a?' 1 "Yes/'rcplied thc Minister, "Why do you ask Cause ma said you were a one-hor:>e preacher." NOTICE TO iCREDITORS NOTICE is HF:RKBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or de- mands of any kind against the Kstate of Annie Hawkins, late of the Town- ship of Osprcy in the County of Grey, Married Wouan, deceased, who died on or about the 16th /lay of July, A. I). 1929, are required to file their claims <luly proved to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 1929. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the said Eatate having regard only to such claimes 88 they will then have notice of. Dated at Collingwood this Mth day of October, A. D. 1929. Malcolm Mc- Lean of the Town of Collingwood, County of Simcoe, Solicitor for the Executors. . . . - Sr.. r'rtil Spofford; Steer calf, Allen McLc-:ui, 1 ."t. nn-1 2nd; Best herd, Gar- net iilc'.lcc, Jas. Otcewcll Sr. SPECIALS IV'.st shorthorn bull calf, Bat y Mr<>s; Best registered bull calf any breed, .lu.;. Hudson; Best herd of grade cattle, Garnet McGee, Jas. (.'tcwdl :-r; lifi't halter broken coif : liown by boy under 14 years, Stanley McGee. SHEEP SHP.OS'SUIUKS All prizes to Bal- ly Bros. LKlrKS'lKK All prizes to Wm. Norman. OXFORD DOWN Ram, aged, Ru-.- cll i-'llis 1 '. 'ind ' ticcond; V.-arling ram, Kus::;il Kills 1st. nnd second; Ham Limb, !', 1 lipfffusd, Ku ..n'll Kllin; A^i'd iwe, Uusiell Kllia, i'nd S,ii,n',ird; Shearling (v.c, Fred Spof- ford 1st. and second; Ewe lamb, Fred fford i '. and second; Best pun, U,; il riii.i, l.t. -ind Bcjond . .srKCI.L.S Best market lamb, B.itty B:<>s; Bc>r,t I! br.-'udins ewea, Wm. Normrn. ^> SWINE BERKSHIRE Aged HOW, Goo. Fos- ter . YORKSHIRE All prizes to Geo. !,'< i!(I l'ri',1 Spofford. TAMWORTH All pri;;ps to Geo. Roan. POULTRY Br:ihmas female, Jas. Barber, Jaj. bread made from Co-operative Special W. A. Hawken, Alex MfMullen; babys flour, D. Stephens, F. Spottordj Beat Jacket ar.d bootf.s, Mrs. Adams; loaf of bread made from Osprey Farm baby's pillow nnd i'obc, Mrs. Kennedy; ere Milling Co. flour, Mrs. Heatheote, bely'a bonnet, Mrs. Collin-.on, Mrs. Mrs. J. Smith; Be^ deep pumpkin pic. Geo. Priestly; child's dress, Mrs. Mc- Mrs. Hawken; Best apple pie, Mrs. Cauley; child's rompers or piny suit, J. Cairns; Best collection of pies, Mrs. D- Lougheed; ladies' handkerchiefs. Spofford. Rlra- Kenne( 'y' Mrs - IMcCauIcy.speci- DOMESTIC SCIENCE I11en rnot ' ern cross stitch, Mrs. Spof- White brend, Mrs.' Heatheote, Mrs. ! f r(I - Mr ^- McCauley; specimen, daisy Fadden; brown bread, IX Stephens, 1( ">P nml frcnch knot - Mra - Aliams - Alex McMullen; fruit bread, J. Smith, Mr- Hindle; specimen filet crochet, D. Stephens; date bread, Mrs. Cairns, Chan. Long, Mrs. McFiuldcn; specimen ether than cotton, Chester Long, Mrs. Kennedy; baby show, boy under one year, M-S. Chris. Monaghan; girl under one year, Mrs. W. Hindle, Mrs. R. J. Whitenak; three healthiest boys of one family under 11 yrs. of age, laley boys; horseshoe contest, Ern Davidson. Jas. Pavidsorj; T. Eaton pecial, Batty Bros.; Robt. Simpson pecial, Alex M 'Mullen; best niar- hinp school, S. S. No. D, S. S. No. 7. turning toward the ditch he was able to avoid hitti.ig her with the front the machine. She was struck by away from the ear. She was brought to E. Ilawton; nut bread, Mrs, Cairns, kmi'cA lace, W. A. Hawken. specimen John Smith; buns, Gladwyn Campbell, hemstitching, Mrs. McCuuley, Geo. Al O I il 1 1 II , l* it i in, VT l nn vi ,y ll v {llll J^i'vli, Mr Mullen; linking powder bis- Koss; bead work, Mrs. R. J. Morrison niit.--., .Juhii Smith, Alex McMulliMi; (br.jThniit.i, Mrs. Geo. Priestly; plain cookicr. Klla ?.!-irrison, Mrs. Cairns; mi: !<;. 1 cookies, Alox McMullcn, J. M "- ; shopping ba<r, Mrs. Ken- Mrs. Cairns. , FINE ARTS OIL PAINTINGS Landscape, Mrs. Smith; ginger cookies, Alex McMnllen, Cairnn, W. A. Hawken; Marine, Geo Sur.i Smii.h; drop cakes, E. Hnwton, ' Burke, W. A. IIawke:i; Still life, IMrs Mr.i. Chas. Long; tarts, Klla Morrison Collinson, Mrs. Cairns. Langshan.t Jas. Barber, Jns. Barber; Plymouth Barred Rock mnla, Jna. Barber, Jus. Barber; Ply- mouth Rock Barred female, Jas. Bar- ber, J. 1). Lougheed; White Wynndotto male, Jas. Barber; Rhode Island Red male nnd female Jas. Barber, 1st. and second; Brown Leghorn hon, Jas. Bnr- bir lit. and second; White Leghorn mule, J. D. Loughcod, 1st. and 2nd; White Leghorn female, J. D. Loug- hecd, 1st. n:id 2nd; Black Minorca mule nnd female, Jns. Barber, 1st. and Bccowl Buff Orpington male and female, Jnst. Barber 1st. and 2nd; Turkey A. V, male, Mervin Mullen,J. I). Loughecd; Turkey female, Mer- vin Mullen, J. D. Loughecd; Tonloime Oop/e mule, Mrs. P. D. Cairns, J. D. LnuKhccd; female, Mm. F. n. Cairns, Allen McLean; Geese A. O. F. male and female Jas. Barber, Garnet Mc- (!eo; Duck Pekin male, D. Stephen, Jns. Baifbcr, female, D. Stephens, Jis. Barber; Duck Rowen male, J:ui. Bar- pr.npkin pie, Mrs. II. J. Morrison, D. ' i'hophcns; raisin pie, D. Ptr.phen?, Ak:< P/IcMiillen; sponge cake, Alex Mi-Miilltn. Mr-,. Geo. Priestly; dark layer cnke, Alex McMullon, J. Smith; li(;ht fruit cake, Mrs. Spofford, Alex McMullen; dark fruit cake, Alex Mc- Mullen, Mrs. Spofford; vegetable snl- nd, Rlrn. Cairns, Mrs. R. J. Morrison; WATER COLORS Ld*tca;i Mrs. Collinson, W. A. Hawken; watei scene, MIR. Cairns. W. A. Hawken animals, Mrr,. Cairns, W. A. Hawken Fruit grouped from object, W. A Hiuvkc r, flowers in vase or bowl, W A. Hawken; still life, Mrs. Spof ford Mrs. Collinson; Hundpaintcd china M -s. Spofford, Mrs. Collinson; Specia peaches rr.nncd, Mrs. Wm. Wright, j design for wall border, Mrs. Hawken W. A. Hawken; pe>ars, Mrs. Wm. i Mrs. Collinson; Pen and ink sketch Wrifiht, Chester Long; plums, Gliul- | Mrs. Kennedy, W. A. Hawken; Penci wyn Campbell, Mrs. Spofford; cher- ' drawing architcctu"nl design, Mrs ries, Gladwyn Campbell, Mrs. Spof- , Cairns, W. A. Hawken; Wood carvinj ford; irfrawVrries, Geo. Ross, Mrs.' Mrs. Collinson. McCauloy; raspberries, M'-s. N. Hindle i FLORAL EXHIBITS Mrs. Wm. Wrigt; stvawberries, Geo. j Begonias, Mrs. Collinson, 1st. and ROBS. Mrs. McCauley; raspberries, ' 2nd; Fuchsia, J. D. Loughecd, 1st <^*4^******< < ^*< M ^* < ^****** town and thc injured limb set by Dr. Brown. It was a close shave and only for the quick action of Dr. Turner there is no doubt that her injuries would have been fatal. Markdale Standard. IN MEMORIAM ' MUNSHAW In loving memory of a very dear wife and mother who en- Don't question your wife's judg- tered the Rose room of God Oct.23 ment look who she married. J 1927. The family. Here is Where Your $ Goes Farthest $1.00 for 1 Doz. Assorted Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 packages 26c. Matches, 3 boxes 25c. Steel Wool, 3 packagea 25c. Drudge for Scouring, it beata te Dutch, 3 ukga 25c. 3 !!:.< ; Salts, n-irnlii 10 centg each 25c. 8 Bars Toilet Soap, Lux, Palmolive, Lifebuoy, Lelya 25c. Jar Rubber liiny -;, S boxes 26c. Alladin Dye, 3 packages 2Bc. 3 Gold Medal Jelly Powders 25c. Eorax Powder, 3 packages 2Sc. A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at O':00 P.M. another cause of "LINE'S BUSY" ^ business lost a call com;s for a man at the far end of the office the line is tied up for useless minutes until he reaches the telephone. Anyone else trying to call is >told: "Line's Busy", but in reality the line is idle. An office with only one telephone when it needs tv.-o or three, or an office in which telephones arc poorly located, is a sure cause of unnecessary "Line's Busy", a sure time-waster, a sure business loser. "Line's Busy" is the chief cause of the million tele- phone calls a day in Ontario and Quebec which fail to get through. They mean two r.kllion minutes a day; wasted congestion of traffic constant irrita- tion a handicap to all business. We are making every effort to provide the best pos- siblt telephone service.* But it takes three people to coinpleta a call. Only through public co-operation can w rwch maximum efficiency. W wovld b glad at any time to. have our experts survey your teUphons facilities and submit a re- port.. It will davc time yours and other people's and it will get business for you which you are now losing through "Lir.e's Busy." *Ncw telephone plcuit cmd ser- vice improvements will mean (in outlay for 19S9 alon, of more than (27,000,000. ...

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