Vol. 49 No. 20 Flesherton Ontario, October 30, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor . I MAXWELL Sent i.i last week. The Maxwell Women's Institute held their annual grandmother's day Oct. 10th. at -the home of Mrs. John Stophtn. There were thirteen erand- mothers present. After the busineu vv'as transacted a gccd program was given, consisting of readings given by M.-S. Hall, Mrs. J. L. Morrison snd Mabel Ross; solos by Mrs. Law- ler, Mrs. Pedlar and Miss Florence Stc"er.son. The grandmothers were all given tokens of remembrance for tha day, after which lunch was serv- ed. Miss Mary Ross is visiting relat- ives in Georgetown, Toronto and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kerton spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Hugh Fenwick of Flesherton is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Herb Poole. Messrs Wilbert and Herbert Poole are up North hunting deer. We wish them all success. Keep the 4th. of Nov. open for the Osprey Farmers' fowl supper in Max- well. SWAMP COLLEGE We are sorry to report that Mr. James Hay's condition isn't improv- ing much, ha is in a very weak con- dition. Wedding bells are ringing plain- ly these days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love and fam- ily and Mi'. DougaU M~Can:iel of Dromore, were visitors teh first of week at Mr. Angus McCannell's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wells and son fo Egrer.icnt, were recent vis- itors at her parental home. Miss Kate McCar.ncl has gone to Toronto. FEVERSHAM We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Francis who were recently married and have be;ome residents of our village. Mr. Francie is manager of the Bank of Toronto here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Eby and son, Herbert were visitors with the former's son James in Toronto recently. Mr. Howard McKee and his mother attended the funeral of the former's aunt in Alton on Sat. last. A Hallowe'en masquerade will be held in the orange hall here on Oct. Slst. Prizes will be given and lunch served. Everybody come. There was a good gathering at the pie social on Friday last given by the Ladies' Aid here. Proceeds were 8110.00. A fair gathering of people greeted the speakers at Mr. Perdue's meet- ing here on Wednesday evening last. The Rev. and Mrs. Bamfo~d of Maxwell were callers in our village 0:1 Monday last. Mrs. Fred Taylor has been attend- ing her daunMer, Mvs. Lorance Wil- liams, who is ill at present. PROTON STATION Dever Bros, and Mr. W. J. Black bivn shipped two carloads of potat- oes to the United Farmer's Co-Oper- ative Co. Toronto. A number from Proton Station drove over to Durham on Sunday afternoon to see the ruins caused by the recent disastrous fire. i Mrs. Archibald spent the week end at Ceylon with her parents and her' sons. Mrs. Baguley and little daughter spent last week at Toronto and Alt-' on. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Poole and little daugh- ter of Toronto, were Sunday guests with Miss Bessie Shainsbjr. | A number from Proton Station went to Selburne on Sunday to hear the famous colored quintette of Cleveland. I ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carson, Manning Avenue, Toronto, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Frances, to Rev. George Doug- lass Kendall, only son of Rev. George Kendall, Fergus, Ont, formerly of Maxwell, O:it. The marriage will take place on the morning of Nov- ember 4th. at Deer Park United church - Refutes Statement of Miss A. C. Macphaii Editors of Grey County: In a re- cent issns oi" Fil?sherton Advance was a report of a political meeting at Eugenia. Statements made there- in are absolutely at variance with the trurti. hence this protest. The a.-ti'.-le stated "Miss McPhail mentioned the matter of a speaker from the Department of Agricult- ure at 'Markdale on the platform at Eugenia in the interests of the Con- servative candidate. She thought that the Department was free from politics and were particularly keen on keeping their skirts free". For the benefit of the public al- low me to say no permanent mem- ber of the staff of the Department of Agriculture, Markdale has ever cither in this or any preceding el- ection been on a platform at any political meeting'. Moreover, no temporary employee of the Depart- ment of Agriculture while in the service of the department has ever taken the political platform either. If any person c'ic! take part in the campaign and they may as I lave never been to one political meeting since coming 'o Gi'ey in 1920 it was after their employment had ceased and therefore were no longer subject to my control or the justification of the Civil Service Act. Mr. A, C. Stewart is only engaged for the School Fairs. He did not appear on any platfa'-m while these were in progress. Why were not these statemets made more specific. Why was the party not named ?Is it fair by insinuation to cast suspic- ion on the Department of Agricult- ure, Markdale, by making such gen- eral statements involving- innocent people? That such is the case is proven that already some farmers have intimated to me personally that my actions were very indiscreet and expressed surprise at my ap- pea~ing on a political platform. Is it fair to attack a person who, because of limitations imposed 1 the Civil Service Ac!-, cannot protect himself on the platform when he Is positively innocent? Is there any principle about such action? We leave to the fair minded people of Grey and I repose ajll confidence in them to decide for themselves. We want to be fair but I feel some pub'| c Tt ' v R'-tion should be made. This will not appear till after the vote has been cast, after the people have rendered their decision. Re- traction should then be made all over Grey County. I am. Yours very truly, T. STEWART COOPER. SHOOTING- MATCH A shooting match will be held at the home of Dannie Cameron, 10'h. line Osprey, on November the 1st. to commence at 1.30 p. m. Geese will be competed for. Shells sup- plied for shot guns. "House of Quality" Groceries WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH :" . GROCERIES. Special price on cooking- in sacks or 50 Ib lots Flour and Feed PURITY AND FIVE ROSES FLOUR &* BRAN, SHORTS AND SCREENINGS '"'" All kinds of Chop * * ., S i Jas. A. Stewart I ROCER1ES PHONE 37 'i WE DELIVER IN TOWN CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa are holidaying with friends here. Miss Catherine Muir who has been visiting friends at Collingwood, re- turned home Friday and was ac- companied by IMr. Mervin Baxter. Mrs. A. Sinclair spe^nt Saturday at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. John Cushnie of Tor- onto were callers at R. Cook's on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and two children of Holland Centre, spent the week end with their parents. We arc 2:ry to report that Mrs. Anna ileJIiilun has been laid up with a heavy cold but is now improving. Mr. Stanley White and daughter, Edna, who have spent the past two weeks here, returned Saturday to their home in Toronto. Mrs. Coleman, who has bean vis- iting with her daughter, iirs. F. J. Ccllinson, has returned to her home in Owen Sound. , Mr. Elmer Muir of Toronto is vis- iting with his parents. Word was received here the past week that Mr. George Deadman a nephew of Mr. George and Miss Jes- sie McKenzie, had died very suddenly at 251 Dovercourt Rd. Toronto, from heart trouble on Oct. 21st. He was born rear Richmond Hill 41 years ago. In childhood days he spent some time at the home of his grand- parents, the late Mr. and iirs. Don- ald McKenzie ''Cedar View Farm" and attended the public school here. His death will be a shock to other friends who remembered him. He worked in Davies Abbetor as an in- vector and had just been tranfered to Swifts where he was to have com- menced his duties Monday the Jay of hio passing away. The funeral took place from Tor- orto to the cemetery at Carval. The vicefl we -e conducted by Rev. Mr. Coulter, giving comforting messages to tho bereaved. The casket was cov- ered with beautiful floral offerings of tthy. He leaves to I'lourn his loss his father and one brothor. V.'jl- tcr. ;- ".d Hill, his mother and' only sister, Edith, havi-ij* predeceased him. The sympathy of this commun- itv is extended to the bereaved ones. il : - cou-ins, Mrs. J. Campbell and Mrs. Wilfred Magee of Eugenia, at- tended the funeral. s'r*. A' :<. Muir and son, Grant, who have bt-en in Toronto f:ir ^evernl wcjk:-., returned home Saturday feel- inu much better in health. Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns and dat -inter, Kathleen, motored to Tor- onto on Friday, returni. ; home on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. West and two child- ren of Anjrus spent the week end with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittakei-. iMr. Jas. L. McMullen left, Monday morning for Toronto, where his wife is very ill. 'Mr. and' Mrs. DavJd Brooks of Harriston were week end visitors at Mr. Archie Stewart's. Mr. Jos. Snell of Toronto visited his brothcr"Tierc the past week. PRICEVILLE ROCK MILLS Mrs. S. Glover and son Clark, of Gait, visited the pas/ Week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard ' and Mrs. Fred Bryan, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Partridge and other friends here. The hunters arc preparing to leave" this Saturday, Nov. 2nd, on their an- nual hunting trip to the Nprth. Unity U. F. W. 0. will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6th., at the home of Mrs. A. Cameron, when the election of officers will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the first of the week with relatives in Durham. Mrs. Mclllmurray and son Norman of Toronto, were visitors the past week with Mr. and Mt-s. Jno. Robert- son. Mr. Sam Holley left last week for his home at McKellar, Parry Sound District, after spending three weeks with his sister. Mrs. S. Croft. Master Freddie Partridge vinitec recently with h;p aunt, Miss Ettie Radley. Some of the farmers around here have thei-- fall ploughing nearly fin- ished. Mr. Ned Croft has finished thresh- ing for the season. ^ He has had a good run this season and the weather has been very favorable. Ri.-jht again! A thing of beauty you broke forever. Thia Monday morning is fair and cold, and since the heavy rains of Ir.ct week tha plow goes muuh bet- ter. Mi3 Annie Shortreed returned h:a:e Thursday from Toronto after spending two weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. John McMeekin and Miss Olive motored to Hamilton over the week end in visit friends. Mr. Thos. Johnston and lady friend cf Dromore, were visitors the first cf tho week at A. L. Hinck's. Rpv. Mr. Okell oi 'Mount Forest occupied the pulpit in the hall Sun- day and preaceu a good sermon to a full haii. He is preaching for a call. Miss Esther ZIcLean of Singhamp- t; n, spent the week end at her par- o:it".l hoine. here s M^. Dan McArthur is busy these i:uy truckis ct.ick to Te-onto. Mr?. Herb Mclr.nis has had her mother visiting 1 her lor a couple of weeks, and returned ho::i3 on San- day. Last Week's Items To-day, iManday is very warm and is wet ar.d damp. A shower would btf very wekv-r.x-, as the ground is very dry for ploughing. , Mr. David Hincks spent the week end \vith frieniij at Gueiph. M 1 -! Mephan and Miss Mephan, Mis'i Randle and Mr. Hobson of El^nnlton, were week end visitors at Mr. John McMeekin's. Mrs. Ronald McDonald and son, Douglas and Mr. James McConnell of Collrng-woed \ve^e recent visitors at Mr. A. L. Hinek's. Mr. Alex Carson returned home after spending a week with friends in Toronto. IMr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell and Bernice, and Miss. L-va Magce, Eug- enia. Mr. John Bell and iirs. Alex MoArthur of Paisley and Mr. and Mrs. Lcask oi Greonoeh, were recent visitors at Mr. Alex Stewart's Mr. and Mr-. A. L. Hincks visited friends in Holstcin the first of the .week. Rc\. Mr. MrConnell of Braceburg occupied the j-ulpit in the hall Sun- day arid delivered u line sermon. Mr. Ali'-ed Hincks spent the week end in Hamilton. A number from her attended the fur.oral of the late Mr. J. C. Adamr. on Tuesday last. The funeral was held at lib ihurrhter's. Mrs. Will Hooper and a la-ro crowd was pre- sent. Mr. W. J. \V-atson was the undertaker. Scr. ice was held at the house and conducted by Rev. F. Sullivan and Mr. Purnell of Drom- ore. Interment was made in Drom- ore Cemeter. , Mr. Sandy Stonjhou o had the misfortune to lose his barn on Sun- day night. It waj completely du- t:oyed by firo. It started about 7 b the evening. The cause is un- known. It i-- a big loss at this time of" year, with the season's crop. While Mr. Donald P.eiily and sis- ter Alice were driving to Flesherton High School on Monday morning, a truck load of gravel passed them and dumped the loai a short distance ahead of them, when the horse bo- came frightened and ran away. The occupants were thrown out of the buggy but not badly hurt. Don- ald had his eye hurt. Mr. Ross and son Fred of Tor- onto, were recent guests at 'Mr. Dan Campbell's Mr. and Mr:-.. Wr.i. McMillan and family, visited the first of the week with friends at Shclburne and Corbet- ton. The W. M. S. and Willing Helpers held their monthly meeting on Fri- day in the hall, with a good attend- ance. Miss Mae Stewart presided over the W 'M. S. meeting and open- ed with a hymn followed by prayer. Mrs. Jno. Nichol presided over the lesson. Minutes were read and ad- opted. Mrs. Dan Campbell ga'e a reading en "Thanksgiving" which was much enjoyed. Rev. Mrs. Sutherland gave an interesting talk en her trip to Scotland and how they kept the Sabbath day holy. It was decided to have a Thankoffering ser- vice in November The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Jno. Nichol presided over the W. H. meeting. After the usual opening exercises considerable bus- iness was done and it was decided , to have a fowl supper in the near future, after which a dainty lunch was served Rev. F. Sullivan preached Anniv- ersary services at Massie last week. 122-121 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: KIngsdale 4344 I W^Bates . R. Maddocks EUGENIA Donald cf that place, spent the week e.:d at his home on the 8th. line. Mr. Oliver U. F. O. candidate heldj --rge Graham, who has been a meeting in the L. O. L. hall on' visiting in Thornbu.-y, is visiting re- Mnnday evening Oct. 21 1 The're lativts here, was a good attendance although it V.T'.J a wet night. Mr. Oliver deliv- ered a fine address in regard to hydro, agriculture, etc. Miss Ajrnes M. P. was also present and PORTLAW I". .- t:nni v 'jr?ary sen-Ices in Mount Zion an interesting talk un her trip a week ago Sunday a large congregation, cfrj.r-.-ii out to Europe, which \vas enjoyed by all both afternoon and evening. Rev. present. Miss Achesoa of Giats-jj. A- Housoii of Corbetton, who con- wcrth also gave a fine address. : ,'ueted the services a year ago, was Reeve, Mr. Alex Cameron occupied ! a g a j n tne chosen minister on this oc- ;ho chair. Youi- correspondent lajcasion, and he and his estimable .je-y to say she cannot go into d- bettor half received a hearty welcome tail with Mr. Oliver's address as she v.-as unable to be present at the meet- ir.,7. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edv.-in Purvis of Toronto on the ar- from the people. A liberal thank- : :'^ was received, which places the officials in a position to meet obligations. The choir supplied snecial music for the services. rival of a fine baby boy at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn \Ve :.!(.' informed that the new baby's J ited with relatives in Toronto last nan-.o will be Robert James. This is week. Hi-, ar.d Mrs. Robert Purvis' first Frier.ds here were shocked to learn /n. I'll wager they are wear- G f t>o death by electrocution of Mj. ing happy smiles these days. Eh! v,";-.i. McTagjrait '-f Knowlton. Rev. Another Conservative, vote too. Mr. Bnmforei. who conducted the ob- Mr. Thos. Lever of Flesherton, sequir ; of his former parishioner, v.:; it "ing some coment work for Mr. ' was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Th- . Fenwick. 8th. line last week. Sheardown, who attended the funeral. :?: and Mrs. Thos. McKee in com-' M" 1 - (I - M'.-s. J. H. Walker. Mrs. J. p?ny with Mr. John Magee vi.nted w - Lyons and Mrs. 1 R. McKenzie. au timer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. visited some days with relatives in l-'atrick McKte, Nottawa. on Sunday. Toronto. The people of this part turned out in large f >mv {> participate in the dedication <u Wa-eham's new church and enjoyed very much the inspiring: Preparations are being made for u fow' supper on Friday, Nov. 8, in the basement of the United church. | ?,ir. and M/s. Chus. Quesnel of Owon Sound visited on Sunday with '.'. \ Joseph Sherwood. terry to report Mi'. ,1. II. Ducke.'. ...1 quite ill. \Vc hope ho recover soon. sermon-'. EAST MOUNTAIN .; I. II. Thompson has returne I _rom *he hospital, Toronto, where slv i Mildred Jo!- ...ton. teacher ati .-, n(!erwe!lt an operation. Wo ire i\ rtknv, visited over the week .-mi } rt>po .. t hc , in^rovvu; ui the Proctor and Latimer families. ), ca ;,i,. Mr. Ha old Lever of Fleshertonj Messrs. Walter McGown of Draca-i also his mother and .-=isu - am , RcR Smart of W indsor. spent th visitors with Mr. and Mrs Cha: . ; . s ,, ,,, e week at s H Smarts . Martin. \Vei'! end visitors xv.th Mr. ar ' i.\i.\ and Mrs. Roy Genoe '; Mrs. C. Fawcel were, Mr. and Mr=. -nt,., visited the former parents r Burnett aml f ami ] y , Mr .and Mr-. Jir. and Mrj. Thos. Genoe. R Laughiin of Duncan and M.-S. .'. Mr. Wiil Duckett is erecting a fine M ,y a ]] y anj daughter of Mark.!:' hen-house. w {, spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Mm. Harbottle Mr. Wesley Cooey visited in Eug- enia a few days recently. children of Duncan, spent Sund.iy Mr. George Graham of Thornbury with friends in this vicinity. visited relatives here. Mr cha= . Fawcett held a shooti r Mrs. Martin and babe arc on the m . jtcl , on Fritlay .Afternoon, sick list at present. Mi ._ Thompson Allen, Harry H ; ena-i and M.-. and Mrs. Thos. ~ (Last Week's Items) !Cullouh and children spent the week Mr. Wesley Cooey of Toronto spent L . r ,j w ith friends at Sunnidale. . v.-eck end in tho village. Mr. and M-s. Roy Heworill and ch'H Mi. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and ; - c : ,,f Revving, spent Sunday w: ': children of Toronto, visited over the ' >i r . ;! , u | Mr?-.. Thus. McCullough. week end with the former'.: parents, Mr. a:id Mrs. Robt. Purvis. V, a a-c pleaded to report Mr. W. E. Tlorgan recovering from his re- cent illness. Mr. an.! Mrs. .1. Gibson and -. rs of Durham were guests at C~ H. Mr. W:n. Thompson spent Sunc_7 with friends at Duncan. Miss A. Acheson. as usual spent A number from here atended t.'ie- the week end at her parental home, | fowl supper and play in Kimberly o.i Victoria Corners and Mr. 6am Mc- j Monday evening. ADVANCE ADVTS. FAY That Car of Yours needs attention for Fall driving... The motor trans- mission and differential need lighter oi! at this time of the year and we have it in proper density for YOUR particular car. Again the rough and greasy roads make it imperative that your motor be cleaned up to stand the "gaff" of constant gear changing and hard pulling. Have your brakes inspected often and make sure thev are right. We offer you our usual efficient, prompt ser> vice with courtesy. Drive in- D. McTavish & Son GARAGF. & SERVICE STATION "Where Courtesy is a Habit" Flesherton