WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Public Meetings in the interests of ' v.xi jl] j! ; ! Nelson Perdue Conservative Candidate for South-East Grey \vill he held as follows: Durham MONDAY. OCTOI1KU 21 Dtiiham, at 7:30 p.m., to be aildresH'd by Hon. \V. II. ['rice, Mr. Perdue, etc. Flesherton and Feversham THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2-1 Klcsherton ancH-evcr- sli;mi at S:iX) p. in-, to he addressed by Rev. \V. G. Mariin. Al.lM'.. ot" Urantl'orcl, M r. Perdue uud others All will IK- welcomed to these meetings and the women arc particularly and cordially invitd. Fred Sheppard Passes Ted Dixon Won in Public Speaking ! Word was received in town Monday evening of the sudde'n passing of Mr. Frederick E. Sheppard at his home 158 Evelyn Avenue, Toronto, on Mon- day morning, through heart trouble at tha age of fifty vears. The tie ceased leaves to mourn his widow formerly Katherine Bentham, daugh !er of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bentham. three sons and two daugh- I ers. besides two brothers and two 1 sisters. Deceased was n member i 01 Victoria Lodge, A. F and A. M. I The funeral is taking place this I Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 p. in., ! interment to t.aki' place in Park Lawn 1 cemetery. The late Mr. Shcppard was in business in Flesherton with his brother, Thos. and about twenty , three years a*o moved to Toronto ' whe 'c he has si ice resided. Small Advts. OST OR STOLEN ,! ,- i . P f offlce - A large number from this district attended the championship school fair held at Meaford on Saturday. Hon- , on in prizes were well distributed ca " throughout the county and this part LOST In Ceylon, on Sept. 17th ._ -iveu 'heir share. Master Teddy , dark yellow collie d about one Duon of Flesherton won the K?M ' old ta il bobbed. Information will be wait lor boys nubhc speaking, which' i j. . , ,,, was donated by the town of Meaford. gladl y reeewed.-Wm. Poole, Eugenia. ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITEMS S.S No. 6, Osprcy. J Jr. 4 Pansv Thomson 80, E. Max well 75, Robert Long 67, Ethelvne ' Hutchinson 67, Bt-rva Long <!7, Jean' McKi'iizii; 49. j Jr. ;{ Eddie Maxwell 48, Ella Jane absent. Sr. 2 Beatrice Maxwell 78, Burnice Lane 7'J, El I wood Dobson 71, Burton ' Sanderson 58. Tommy McKenzic 46 ' Earlc Maxwell :u. Sr. 1 Lola Thomson S8, Alison Douglas 72. Tk-lnia Lontr 22, Ttmi Jane absent. Sr. I'liincr Xoil McKenzic. Bruc: Jr. 1'iir-ur- Muivin Otti-wcll. .ii' above ;!> tin- :;> r:i,;e nmrk:i for tho month of September. Queenio Kaittin^. Teacher. Report of Springhill S.S. No. 3 for September. Sr. 4 Delia Vause*, Billie Parker*, Wilfred Best, Merle Allen. Jr. 4 Marjorie Wyatt", Dori.i Wal- ler", Harold Johnson*, Jr. 3 GeorgKia Blackburn, Elsie White*. Palsy Bt-ard. Ku.-iaell Johnson. Jr. 2 Ruby Vause*. .' . ! rilci-n Johnson', Bill Wyatt. Trt'iic Doupe. Evcix-il. Parlcer, Ivan Walli-r, Edgar Doi"" 1 I'limi'.- TJnv Rst I.nrone John- sou". .1,-. P : -. Lloyd Allen. Lloyd Waller. i cent attendance 8 f J.9'.i " |Ji-C3C!it every <!;iy. (J. B. Littli'john.-.tcachcr. Here is Where Yojr $ Goes FartLest $1.00 for 1 Doz. Assorted .'ugr Crisp Corn I hike, ;! pac-kngcs 25c Matches, 3 boxes 25" Steel Wool, .3 packajres .>5 C Drudge for Scou-inir. it l>cat:i te Dutch, :i ukgs ~>s c 3 Ba,'g Salts, regular 10 cents each 25c 3 Bars Toilet Soap, Lux, Palmolive, Lifebuoy, Lelys 25c Ja:- Rubber Rings, 3 boxes 2 5c Mrs. D. McTavish was a vjsitor in Toronto last week. M'iss Loreon Graham of Walkerton, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Fred Gra- ham wo;i the Carter Scholarship ai \Valkeiton high school for the past term. M . and Mrs. Geo. S'.c-.vart. Kendall and Jim Stewart. Mr. A. Woods and Miss Bernice Acheson, all of St. Paul, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish and other friends. Master Jack Large of Niagara Falls son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Large, for- r.vrlv of Eugenia, was awarded the Maasey Scholarship and is attending tiie Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. Mi--. I.. Brown and daughter, of To- ronto, who has been attending her mother. Mrs. Miles Thistk-thwaite, lui-itv' an attack of neuritis, has re- tTp-d to her home, after an absence of thrcf> v.'oeks. Thankoffering services were h<-H in St. John's United Church on Sunday I -I'-.; vhcn RPV. Monien of 1'rski ie Unitc-i' Churrh, Menford. ^irei'-heii vcrv 'inr sermons a' both morning ml nf'.cni'ion services. Special !< v::\- inioypd j) id in the morninc Mr. John W. Fleck of Sholburno gave ^..ll rendered solo. On Monday vcnin ' a me a* >i" s":ncf v.-ns held in the I'hiirch r-' 1 i! :'ftr> ",:!!<- < sl->orr. ^^r^t ,,-T^ pi'r)y*'l i" She pudi'.orium c < i\,,, i-j.^r.-i., P r \v'n : ch there wore SWAMP COLLEGE Miss Pearl Gibson took fourth prize i LOST New heavv in the public speaking contest for. I r j m 3 o x5 girls. Both the nubile speaking con- ! Flpih^rtnn An i, f'.i * . i i r.- 1 1 1 / LO n on tests were well filled and the achieve- ments of these two young pepole were well earned. In the school parade Sprip.Khill school, under Mr. G. B. Littlcjohns. took 3rd place. Anna McViear of P -iceville took second in the folk (Hnci-ig nnd Nathalie Patton of S. S. No. 17, Ai'temesia, was the T in the mouth organ contest. Prizes were well distributed through- out tho hall shiw. hut \ve are no" able 'o pnblish a full list of the winners in all the sections. THE WIZARDY OF RADIO There appears to bo no limitation to the amazing possibilities of radio broad casting. Proof of this was furnished liv an incident that occurred in New York la-'t week an incident that will *est the creduity cf those who are no* familiar with recent tremendous achievements in making the air a The Ne York Times, with which the Globe is associated in regard tn news serv- ice. is constantly extending its radio operation.? to all narts of *hn world and using it as an important auxiliary to the usual agencies relied upon for keying in touch with foreign events. The Globe's rlio editor nf.en' ! "d the meeting in New YorL of radio cdito- s from im~y cities, and took and and Friday. Sept. 20th. FOR SALE Talman Sweet apples Lew. Genoe, Eugenia, phone 43 r 31. Farm For Sale BY TENDER. 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house and large frame barn with stone base- ment. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap- ply to John Thompson, Agincourt. administrator of the estate of . i j . ,. .. .. uui., ttuiiimiAii aiur ui iim WMM ui ^t Wn, W T S p!'?i P ' eklT1K , the c tIr f e I ! 1 , Pl the late George Thompson. Give at Wm. T. Padlar^s gate. Suitable i b t ff K rtntro -rt I ntff^fnA C'^nn ~ *..! *^ * I, J "*** u'v.ov V..%,A * reward offered. Communicate with Down's Garage, Flesherton. FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, lot 165, 1st S. W. T. S.R. r , . _ Artemesia, 35 acres under cultivation i u ,7V ?" nlon ? rga . n ' 6 ! with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood Octave John McKech-.iic, Price ville. FOR SALE Young pigs, 1 month old. Jos. Radley, Phone 35 r 4. Potatoes Wanted Highest market of Flesherton. price. 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR. bush; good bank barn 40x45, and dri- ving shed 22x30; frame house, five rooms. Farm is situated on the pro- vincial highway with public school 30 rods distant and 1% miles south CHAS. BEST. R.R. 3, Proton Station. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE 10 or 12 youn? Ox-] ford Down rams, registered. Claude I Akins, Proton Station, phons 41 r 12. | ___ FOR SALE Three good reliable' Lot 32 ' Con - 6 ' Artemesia, one huh- nonies. broken single or double, tiuie: drecl acres, about 65 acres under culti- for children, J. A. Stewart, Phone 46. vation, about 5 acres of busn and 3 acres of swamp-; spring ereek running FOR SALE Four Ladders, Cabi- through pasture near rear of farfnj net, wheelbarrow and gramophone, abolrt 40 rods from s?ho ol. Good p==t hole sooon and bar. - bankbarn 45,59, frame hou< , e with g rooms, good wlhrr, good drilled well. FOR SALE Dining room suite in he . n P en and 8m * a11 orchard. Half oak, consisting of buffet table and six m '' e from Rock Mills and 4 miles A. Shackleford, Flesherton. .-tiairs, in first class condition. To from Flesherton, rural route. Will sell cheap. F. J. Thurston, Flesherton sell reasonably. FOR SALE-Five vearling steers and R. R. y o i~ WALTE3 RUSSELL . ;:dv:nH.go of the opportunity to spend one two-year-old heifer, all in fair somo time in tho "air" denartmen 1 , of condition. Duncan Williams, Eugenia. the Times. Thorp he leaned that :<ir.ft!:r.r r ft - c it v clV weird in its re had i'J.-t beep accomplished. The Times rndio editor lives some tv.-enty miles from '.he office, -ird 43 r -11, Klesherton. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 Oxford Down rams. About 100 acres of good clay loam catered, or.e 3 years old and one land, being lota 24 and 25, 2nd con. r. Fred Stuart, Flesherton. N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a , . while at his homo he was listening t.> FO R s\LE Younc- Oxford Down mile from Fle3nert( >n Station, about Commands, Byrd. wh wn, talkin , ,^*^, Jt?^ ^?,,^ ? ~ of '^ !and ' 10 ' j' T! yliii-u H al mo "-t completed in this burg. Visitors over the week end al Mr. Angus McCannell" wore; M<-. ana Mrs. \Vm. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. George Black, Mr.--. Sara Mills, Mr. a id Mrs. li-.iKild McDonald and daughter Do,-- oihy., Missc . Ma~''y and E&'ie Me- ' Cannell, Miss Ktht-1 Ilawkc and friend Mr. Randolph Malonc, all of Toronto. j Mr. Conic i McCannell of Dromore ' nrd M . and Mrs. A. L. ILincks oi Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Richardson and Kthc'l have moved to reside in Mark- Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Black viai'.ed ,, A. E. HAW CEYLON Ont I K&S* How " d McLcan and % ' *-*"* j, Mr Nei , Mt . Cnnnt ,n has vented Mr. A STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY a fi-nn P M X Win. McNally's farm and Mr. a:id -> _,. ' Mg * Mrs. McNaltv will move to Euphrasia ^0><^^^;^X^..xx-<-^-X-->^>>c.^^ < .. ><t< ^ XM9 , .. > . X .<-M..X..-~-..s.-A i-hortly . o^>I^MBOE^T*JBI JHtS.i "MIBfmfmxm^mf^ancmmmimm^^^-.^^^ tJP \ , , by code from the Atlantic to the ton Slation ph one41 r 12 ln ha rd'ood bush, five acres swamp. . Not wishing to be disturbed, ; Seven-roomed house, solid b'-ick with removed the receiver from his I FOR SALE 3 Calves, an aged cellar under all. aho summer kitchen Cut an emergency arose iam ram Iamb. Harry Patton, roof barn 45x46. driv- shed 20X40 ' in "^'^lSone ! '^n"oi^ m0 " ' *' F ' C3hc ^1- wod sprin,, well ,nd good SS2 ator rapo t. ! that the 'editoPs ro - SALE-Quantity of dry hard- Th.s farm cheap for quick sale.-Geo. er M'c-med to ba off and that ho V -' OC(1 -- J- Vause. Proton Station, h^jjanks. Flesherton, te!ephone^6 J. -odd not be reached. But he had to , L' hol:e l^hcrton 32 r 13. b, n-achid -and at or.:e. News- ~ Alladin Dye, \\ packages 25 C 3 Gold Medal Jelly Powders ..Z"!Z!" " 25c Borax Powdi-r, ,'! packages 25c ' I FGIt SALE Talman Swoet aaplea p&por staffs frequently are obliged to I MM ,. C ;. barrel cff tree Elm"- I net quickly, and the Times radio de- E! |^ Kiirberlev 110 acres in the Township of -\r- tcmesia. lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R., For Sale- -Axminjter Rag, 9xl2V:>ft. about 85 itcres under cultivation, ncerlv a? goi.d ai new. Phone 141, balance pasture and mixed bush; barn l.:n'!iic'it rose to the occasion in a ir.utiTK that hs Eot u;> >\ new record fcr resourcefulness and ingenuity. Byrd. down around the south pole, re- ccjvetl thio r.iessnjyo : "Please tell Dunlop, in Brooklyn, to put up his phone receiver; the office wants to call him " Ar.d immediately Com- mander Bvrd replied from among the ieelt'rK.s of the A'.lantie: "Dunlop put 1:0 your phune receiver; the Times wnnu to call vou Then the radio called the office; and the whole incident oc-cupicd only a few i-.iinuU-.-'. The Globe. ROD AND GUN Filled with seasonable stories and line SO.Markdale. 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone | basement, in good repair, water at 1-CR i.ALR Skx pigs 8 weeks old. barn: diivir.g shed 24x30, nlsa hen I' red Jamieson. Eugenia, pho:ie Fev- house; 8-roomed solid brick house creham 5 r_lL_ . with toft wa!<r cistern nnd fuma<-. iTh'i ii n good ir^ain and stock farm. OF. SALE Heavy Work Horse, well fenced and watered, situated will sell reasonably. Robert Crofc, convenient tn railway, church and ring -1 on 11, Flesherton. (school. Reason for selling is on For partic- n.uK-k sale; must be moved at once. Mr3. M. Jamieson, Flesherton. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & etUtd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY FOR SALE Sow and 11 pigs 4 weeks old; cow just freshened and 7 1 chunks of pigs. Jas. Sewcll, R. R. 1. articles, the October issue of Rod and Flesherton. Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. oer Our New Fall Merchandise Attractively Priced ADVANCKimT MODI-.I.S. I'l'ICI-l) Tl)i)|.-|'i;i) IKRI-;siSTllll,|.: VA1.CKS No Fall Coat will IK- smarter than your's if you choose from this l.^cly collection at HilP.s. We li: ' - - ' ' 'I tO| Mid- Ihc !.,.'.' i!ili-r.--ti M(r , ,,lrl . carh delightfully l.i.liiun.l in siyl,..H \,\,- V,,,-!; ha"J dKtated ihi.i fall. Mn.iy ;;:? t:ii| ( ,r,-l in Hlraight lire Bffeet, whfle Othoi haT0 stylish fln-i-i. Smiut, deep cuffs of fin, -nialii-- fur. Tl : .iilc shawl lii.--.ii hiili'.-lii-.", !,.-(' ainl >^pc :-ty|iv., fi ; nr dow i t the In-ill I'M.'. All the new ing <-(/l'ir.< an- M|I<,WM, ro|i|M-r, !-m nigiror, wine. iin-iii, Davy, (.lack. For Komutliinjc rval smart try Hill' . i iloor. MK\ \S\K\V I-AI.I, Si: ITS Tlii' fiiu-'l. raiiKi 1 "f NVw I-'nll Suits we \UVft c'Vi'r uhown. Tlu. M'li'i'l.icin of colors and pattern* h vc y ttractiv*. There urc greys, grey mixtures. Mue .-:crir-' H, l.lue with pink stripes, Hiirrle i,r t-lut;:. crcd stripc-il efTet. Thi-su suits are all hnnd tail- ored and wi'll stylid in model:! for men irid younger men. ninj^lt- d doulil" lireasted models in nil fiizos 35 tu 44. These Kiiitc. nro nil gunnintepd fast col- ora nnd the very le:.t workmanship throughout. Come to Hills' for your suit thin fall We can Bave you money. Now ready for your inspection. MEN'S WORK HOOTS S2.< A PAIR Men's Heavy Woidk Boots in tan nnd black, nolid lop.ther. Mostly all travellers' .. hence the reason of tho vi'ry low prico. All C to 12. Buy theoe anil save money. Special this week $2.!>K 1 CIIAMOIM.;TTK c-.i.ovi-s 50c, 5'A-, 75c, 85c, $1 ;ul $1.39 pair Our new Fnll weight Chamoi.-, tt, Olovw have >>:> l'.l:u-..l in rtoek. 'i| M .y i,,,-lu,l, u e.nnpleto '' i' ><: v (':! Giovw, ,,n ridea ,., ; ,i a ,' rL . ut wj.urv of hades, Riey , , priced to suit al at BOc, 5'Jc, ',5c, 85f, $-1.00 mid $1.31) a pair. MEN'S VARSIT^ S\\l-;.\Ti-,RS^.45 ./o-, e - A " lurt ' WO < ^n 38 to -11. ]<I. R . S S4.!S value. Sprcinl $;j.45. CREfE SATIN DRKSSl-S SI I. "'5 Just a.-rived direct from thfl 1 yl centra new Bmvt F ; ,:I DTOMU, all slylo. Ruitable for cither .isscs or Matronn. Colnr;, hla.-k. navv, wine and |.c-n l .lo|,. S.wii Hi to 20 , 3tf to -M. A rod bar- gain at SI1.'J5. I.ADII'.S' DRKSS SIIOICS A large assortment of all siy.os in kid or patent leather mi :-.ll MOW C| an or high lioi-l lasts Ui-f vain,' S:!.BO t.) $1.25. Special salt- nl $2.!>5. Another table of Special; a. above including n quantity of truvi-llers' samples at only $a.49. ( '.KOCKK Y DEPARTMENT Custilo Soap, 8 bars for ........................................ 25c. Aylmi'i- Pork nnd Beans, 32 or., tin, ner Hn ...... Ha, Kellogg'a Shredded Whole Wheat, per pkg. .... 10c! 2-in-l Shoe Polish, npocial per tin .................... 9c'. Cook'n Friend Baking Powder, Hoz. tin, per tin 8c! Pint Jnr Peanut Bu'.ter, special per jar ........ 30c. "Where Quaity is Higher Than Price" BOAK FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- Canada's national outdoor magazine," ' FOR SALE-Grade ram lamb 2 !?" by ^^M ^ . IIo Club * just to hand, will prove of great in- \ years old, prolific, from a nuro e P r P ert y_ of the Ontario Depart- trrest to those devotees of hunting , bred Shrop. ram. Price right. Phone mcnt ' Agriculture, who are packing away their fishing j 132rl 2, Markdale. i C. STEWART. Caretaker. tackle and getting out their guns at _, nr , XTn , I TT ' this time ' I'OK KtNl b roomed house ra ciinnTnnRV rn r r>rn ci?ntn->a The many article, l,y well known ' ^erton. nenr hi e h school garage S N CLLL FOR SERVICE outdoor authorities cover a wide field ? conveniences. Alfred Thistle- -moose hunting in Quebec, fishing thwaite. Flesherton. Marauis" in the maritime* and Ontario, goose KO R SALE - One span mares ris- Marquis 142381- Dam him mg in the western prairie lands, lrK 4 ycars also d Oxford Down 131 ^ ?g al ^ big horn hunting in the Rockies and lam B0!)d sto ck- ? etter. - Wm R. ill'l, "' .o V" trapping m Northern Ontario. In Mt , lds R.R. a. Priceville. phone 21r23. 2?/ 1 !* gf"; .S***"* addition are many practical articles -. will be charge full priee. dealing with th-j handling or arms ' For Sale Young pigs, Will sell sow S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia. nnd Chases of life in the wilds. The and li^er of nine. Cow for sale and Canadian Silver Fox New department horse wanted to buy. contains iitercsting information of, Thomas Fenwick, Eugenia Phone latest developments nnd practises in 5 r 1111, Povc"sham. 1 o 1-0,1 < Sire. Ofices Owen FOR SALE new seven roomed and F i es herton. the silver fox industry. Rod and dun nnd Canadian Silver Fox News in published monthly hy llolls <> wlth a11 "H-dern convenioni-cs W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock. | Toronto St.. Flesherton. Write or C. J. Crossley, 051 Annette St., Barristeru, etc. B , tnr aftcrno "n Some 300 claims for pensions from ' Toronto, phone Junction 2161. residents of Bru.-c County, were pvc- FOR SALE Two one year old Sound, Durham Flesherton evesy evening. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. Walkerton, which met in Wnlkerton 'lii.i wpek. .The larpp number of i?oit <5AI K - Sow wi' ten IPpUeatloilll re ,iv,,l by th, wrotary J3 PcdHr. Flesherton U.'. \e <\n: it. v.->-:-e fil.'d by the board r,,,- sale Climax r.inge good ai new A>M - m ^ s >n the Hall, Arm-. withouL gnitig into the merits of n'W.J. Moore, Proton Station Phone stronpr Blc.'<, Flcsherton every Fri- (.in- until a h'iv .e-AKJon, 41 r 32 ,day on or before the full moon W which i ' - I,.- held si-rtly rhni,- LEARN ELECTRIC ITY - Hydro - Wats ^, W. M., C. F Lawrence! nw ^--seTolniuv outlined In,- .nit.-. tL , t . tri cal development is procceUin^ Secretary On bOtrd and Unir be laid U-f.>ro the board. The coun:y Toronto. i'. is d.-.inicM would irsiiii pome $r>,000 , '~p OR SALE R RENT - 103 ac- trom lh,. GoTORUnwtt hy those boinfj = lo , 9 16|{ ^ l R w T< & o . granted, as tho money for their keep s N on N 10 HiK , nvay , in t3Wn . could pr, ^, the refuse and tho f ti , m ., from rtr65; D art8 r SM^'" i| * z niiica fr m F'"- >rto "- froni'tlu- iHiii.'k'inli'ty. ' A I'P 1 V U> T " R - Thisllethwaite, 21 from the INTENTION OK MuNlCU'ALITV TO PURCHASE LANDS Conmir Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel- lay, Floshorton. GOOD SMOOTH FARM OF 70 1'undulk ninl ' Knittin K- Licensed Auctioneer S U>C T""'^ f Gr y ftnd Simeoe ' Jmi and stock sales a specialty. Tormfl moderate, aatiafaction gnar- AH "^-ant, nnd dates "** '' Advanoa affice, or Central telephone fffre k BWertRajn, or by addressing nio at Fownsbsm. BOAR FOR SERVICE On November 1st, 1929, certain of acres best of land almost all under cul | . the lands of flie Township of Osprey , tivntion 2>4 miles north cast of aro advertised to be 'soldi by the Flesherton. Good burn 33x40, new' '" ' ' County Treasurer for arrears of taxes. ' garage 20x22, good brick house, newly Kegr?atred YorkahJre Boor for sr- In accordance with the Assessment ' decorated, 20x35. well, windmill and vteff Edg^ry Briflh* V!n, Jfck 99 996 Act notice ia hereby given that on' ' e rea orchard. Priced for quick l>op?rfy ol S'ntigccn Bacon ffon the event of tho aforesaid lands fail- 1 sale. Apply Lucas. Henry & Lucas, /.Ink Tk.mi. 11 nn . inir to Bell for the full amount of thu' Mnrkdale, or Mrs. S. Dewll. P. R. No " arrears, together with nil costs and 5.Owcn Sound. charges, it is the intention of the) Municipal Council of the Township of Oapvey, to redcpm the said Innda at any ndjournod tax snip which tho| Coiintv Treasurer mny fi:id necessary to hold. J. A. KERNAIIAN, BULL FOR SERVICE GEO K. DUNCAIT DUNDA.UC LDCEN8BD Fir the Connty ' of Qf>y 'Tenns: Durham Bull for service. fl.BO 1* 1 per cent. Snflrfe.yotl guarftteed Paid before January, othcrwige $2 " Trt-nsu'rerofo'sprey. DatM made at Th? Adyfttjce office. C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton Station! .' .-*.- -. Ph>lon StalTotf " ..'