: Every careful housewife knows it is the best. SALADA TEA 'Freeh from the gas-fleas' n BEGIN IIKKK TOMAY Pou/>la<< Rayi!r is found shot through the heart in the early evening: on the oor of the sun roo.ii of Flower Acres, his 1/otiK Island Ivune. Stand- ing oTr the dead man, pistol in hand, i Malcolm l-'inley. former sweetheart of Ka;, nor's wife, Nancy. fiVa Turner, by the light her brother, Kavnor's nurse, stands w itfh. Then Nuncx ; Orville Kent; K'/ra Goddftrd, friend of Finley; Mi 1 -* M:it;>. llaynor's sister, and other*, enter the room. Lionel Kaynor, son of Dougla." Kaynor by lir'-t marriage, conies t . claim his father's estate. Nurse Turrer con- fesses to attempting t" puis'ti Douglas Raynor for revenue. I'lnnington Wise, a celebrated detective, and his girl assistant, '/MI, are i-allnl to take the caso out of the hand* oi DeUrtive Pohltins. (iriin-lm v (i.-iniion tells Wise that Nancy married Douglas Kayn<-r because she wrongly thought fhe could save her ailing father from \ forgery charge. NOW CO ON WITH THK STORV. LS ] I apprit-intc the love anil affection thai it shows to have you willing to take evi-n crime on your 5hrwlders to lift it from hers. I know how black the case is against her I know how you have tried ti> devi.-w some means. nf g'-tting her freed from suspicion. And I know that now, when you can't help seeing that the in-t is tightening nmnd her the last ikubts (if her guilt slippers. Then, *he would thi:ik, tho clew wo-iltl be misleading, as," he louk- ed at Wise, ''as it seems to be." ''Oh, I don't know," suit! Wise, "have you noticed the direction in which this points?" "Well, it is pointed toward the place where my father fell, if that's what you mean." ''That isn't what I mean,' said Wise. And then, with a murmur of excuse, the detective left the room and went into the house. In the hall, he met Xi/.i and drew- her aside for a word. "Come with me, Xizi, to talk with Kent. And watch him. V,>u know when anybody is making up a yarn, if you pretend to believe him, ha will go on and elaborate his falsification until he defeats his own end^. Now, Kent is putting up a confession to save his sister. If we can persuada him that his sister is in no danger, he will doubtless retract, but 1 propose to let him think she In strongly suspected, and see him insist on his own guilt. Any way, wo must learn all he knows if he is so certain of Mrs. Kaynor's guilt, he must know more than we do." The two we.nt to Orville Kent's rooms. These were two sunny, pleasant rooms on the south side of the house. Kent received them in his sitting- room which was more like a studio, not a working studio, but th room of an art lover and dilettante. "Come in," he said, gravclv "Vou want to see me? Take a seat, Miss vanishing I know that in your u " pr j\vij O is it? "Thank you," and Zizi slid toward the chair indicated. "Oh!" she cried, pausing en route, "what a dear face! desperation you have concluded to avow the crime yourself and take her 'punishment. But, Mr. Kent, this is not so easy a matter to accomplish as it seems to you, and ''in going to ad- vise you ajrainst your plan. I'm going to ask you to give me 2-1 hours :tt least to find out the real truth." "Take your 24 hour*, Mr. \Vi<e," ai.l Kent, slowly. ( HAI'TKK XVI. Poiiiiinttton Wise was in the sun parlor studying the room once more. "A little late, for clew., isn't it, Mr. Detective?' 1 l,ion<-l Kaynor said, in a She took up a photograph, and Kent's eyes smiled ns he said: "That's Dolly Fay, a neighbor, and a harum- scarum. That's only an enlarged snapshot, but it shows her at her best." i... ., , 'time more jovial than sarcastic. I in .nchnei to think so, loo, sain , ,. \ ..Im.F lj.l/i rhmwh MAT ll Young Kaynor. ough not liked at first, iitil gradually made hiinsc-lf more R I't-n lington Wise, gravely. "All this! puts a new light on it. The fearful truth coming home to her, the n , bility of living with that man after she had learned of his perfidy, and then the added agony of seeing again the man w*hom she must have, loved before her marriage whom she sure- ly loves now- oh, what other theory i UwraT" lii.es her brijthi r iii.es Mr. Kent know?" Xi/.i a.-kcd. "I'm not MI re," saiii (liimii.n. "If 'n- dm"--, --he has told him lately, for sho has trii-il to K<ep it from him nil along. No. I don't think he knows anything about it at all. Hut, if course, ho knows of thu tr-rrililc life his si-tor led with her huband ami it hn. made him .-ail nnd ill. Um'le Kent is a i|Ui-er man, but he has n sound heart am! a deep aftVt ; n'-, for his .sister. She h.-i^ cared for him liko a niotlii r nil his life. (Jriin (iannon leaned hack in his chair as if he had nov si-ttled the affairi of the universe. He -carcely m-ticul hii i-.-illcrs' fa-'i-wclls, aril they left him drowsing j acceptable to Ilie family. HH had (|iiite'. , just a few words as to your somewhat startling statem-nt. "Mr. Kent," Wise In -gan. "I shall start out by saying that 1 don't believe you shot your brother-in-law, and that 1 do jbelieve you claimed that you did, in order to lift suspicion from your sis- ter. It. is better to tell me the de- tails, than ti rehearse them to the police tho-jgh if you prefer that" "No, no Orry's linx'Ti were working nerwu>l\. "Well, ihnn, let us start by n^sum- "111 KN I.F.T 1'S ASSI'.MK YOUK STORY is TKUK. WKY DID YOU KILL Vnl'H mjOTMKIMVI.AW?" DARI.1NC Co.\T DRESS. A jaunty little model fur girls of 8, 10, 12 and U yearj is illustrated in fcu.ther-weight tweet in beige anil I row n. A brown suede belt denotes fashionable raised waistline. The col- lar is of plain beige woolen which is repeated turn-back cuff: . It is double breasted, trimmed with huge beige and brown bone buttons. The entire effect is smartest ever. It is mr.'le at a small cutl^y. ar.d prac- tically only side and shouiuer seams to join. Th fronts are u.-iderfaced and rolled into revers with thy attach- ed straight collar. Style No. 713 will instu:illy apvea! to the girl with sophisticated jiste. It is most attractive too in navy blue wool crepe with vivii! red suede bell and matching bone button.--, with collar and ruffs of white crcpo do chine or of white pimie. Kashmir printed wool jersey in Copenhagen blue oolornp trir.imed with, harmonizing p!a : n blue jersey is very smart. Plain wool joisey, honiC4|.un, tweed printid silk, civpe do chine, velvet, cotton pique, linen nn ' printed cotton broadcloth ideal selections. IIOW TO OHDKK .'ATTEKNS. Write y,,ur name and address plain- ly, giving number and size, of such patterns as you want. Enclose L'Oc in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it can-fully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service. 7:; WVt Adelaide St., Toronto. 1'atVMi- sent by M; early i.,ai!. . ~ Minard'g Liniment for Neuritis. Protecting Health of Children Iti-Kiiia. Saskatchewan. -- Sixteen public health nnrsr.i are employed by Towser, Dog of Mine By GARLAND WEST Towser, Towser, dog of mlue. Wild the winds are howling ill. I can hear tho groaning plue AuU tlie storm rtoijg growling oh; But; in here 'tis snug and fine, Towser, Towser, dog of mine. Twas not so Unit night of dread. In the wild wo- ds lo.-it was 1. Darkness reigned and overhead Not a star was in tlie .!;>, And the pronllr.g wolf was near, And there was the sensi of fear. And those eyes! I see them yet. Gleaming from the fa'len tree As the great cat crouched and let Forth one cry. then rpraug at me, Sprang !o rend and tear ami kill, I behold fcer fury still. But she didn't c* unt on you As you mot her strength and rage. On the Instant then .she knew With what foe she must engage. Fight more sudden; fierce and. keen Seldom has the forest seen. She fought to protect her !i!r And her tawny oyung ones toe. You frught in the night out ther To protect Home one you ku-?w. Then you loosed the grip you had. She escaped, and I was glad. Still the storm's fond voice I hear. Hut it's ccsy here, old friend. With our great tire roaring clear. Books that peace and comfort lend. And your love, so true, so fine. Towser, Towser, dog i f mine. Vou Must Have Sugar Sugar is one of the much needed elements in a balanced diet. WRiGLEY'S supplies sugar in a convenient way. The flavor is an extra delight. Then too you know you aren't adding weiaht. Sugar is a fuel that burns UP needless fat. When tired or hun- gry, pep yourself with WRIGLEVS Montreal, Que. On every side the growth and expansion cf the City of Montreal is shown by the annual re- port of the chairm an of the Board of City Assessors. The gross valuation of property exceeds SI, 100,000,000, with a gross increase for the year of $38,505,612, and on increase of nearly $6,0(.'0,000 in the value of properties exempted from taxation. 'For Sprains Use Minard's Liniment. Would //?//rob>onr children? Annuities Branch Department of Labour, Ottawa HON. PETER HEENAN Afinutcr It is not fair to your children if they are com- pelled to support your old age. It is humiliating to you. Avoid the possibility. Take advantage of the Canadian Government Annuities System, and at 65 you will face the remaining year* elf-respecting and secure with a steady income for life. ANNUITIES Mail thu Cjujxm f.wLiy POSTAGE FREE Annuities Bronch, IVpt. TWL-1 Department of Labour, Ottawa Pla>e send m* COMPUTE INFORMATION about Canadian Government \onuitira. Print Clearly BY THE \VH> >LK DOMINION' ! Addret. over his old pipe. iwon the hear! of Miw* MaUie'.'he'got ! ! " K '/I!'/ *" lt< S r is . ", Ul \., Wliy dU1 i " lu Sask;l " '" >lv -' <:<ermnour. earl, ' , <in B the lawns they met Or- " " ; "' "- - iy U kl11 .V.>ur brother-in-law . ville Kent coming townnl them. "I want to (:'. iny .,clf up," b<- said. 'g sieiul.ly. but with a nervous tv, itching ,,f |,j s ],,(, iii, K r,. rS] [ \illedniy l.v.ither-in-lav*, I)o>it;;;is l!y- nor." Wi L'.'ive a i|uick glance at Zizi. "Mr. Kent." he said kindly, "I know you think this sacrifice of your?. ,f for (<! i- u right thing to do. Anil mi \v<-|| with the men, and except fin Nan, he was friendly nil round. l!ut IID was so positive that it was Nan who shot his father that, no arguments conld change his opinion. A to (he inheritance be was jaunt- ily confident in his present ownership of the whole estate, and re-erved any discussion of Nan's rights i r claims until the matter of the murder should be settled, one way or another. Orvillo Kent puzzled Wise, young man \v;i< so mnoily, as well as physically upset that Wise was inter- of whom p-.-c'ides o\>>r a rural "Became because he made my sis- trlrt. In this way the residents of life a liurilon." "Hut. he hail that for two "Oh, it was much worse <>f late. He was he was brutal to her" "Vi-s.-I know hut that equally ex- plains why she should kill him." "Oil, slit 1 didn't phi- m-ver coiilil - I tell you, Mr. Wise, my sistn- !; m- ,. [capable of such a dctd!" "Then she didn't do it-then c.'in'l l- convicted ivf it Jl"l.> . ,lll> V,,,.- I IrllBb TT iOV \%.l^ llllel- .. r I- -led in him a,ide from the matter m Mr ; K '''"' * '>' lln V "" luko "'" she thep then, V'TOST pcojib rely on Aspirin to make short work of their hcri'ladu-s, but did you know, it's just as effective, in the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu- matic naiiis too. Don't stiffen when 'Aspirin can bring such complete comfort without dclnv, and without hanii; it doe* not affect the heart. In every package of Aspirin you .will find proven directions with which everyone should be familiar, foi they can spare much needless SPIRIN ,.i i" * . i .-.,, rn eflnierco ID c>a>4i J2SUE No. 41 29 lvmil. Kent's strongest trait-- or. -.u it seemed to Wise was his alTuction for liis sister. He worshipped her with n iliimli, (loir-like devotion, often evident in his glance? ;il her, while he ,<aid nn woril. \\'i e was i;nl ;it i\ll surprised when Kent assumed the burden of the Kuilt. Ho held th;it there i.ro si-me natures not "!:1 i-ii|i;ililn nf n Ri'eat sacrifice for a loved one, hut who ii-ally if lory in it. It is the .stuff of which the early in.-irtyr? were maili-. After Kent had maiK- his .sudden I and impulsive confession and Wise had ,-islicil for ill hours' further search, thn oVtivtive was n very husy man. Ami si), Inter that evening, he was K'injf over the sun parlor floor again. It was this that Wise was studying although he Imd lonjj ngo aKreed that it was merely tl.o inipression of (hi) i i trlil side of tho rijjht shoe worn by some ono who had cn'ereil the room at sontif tiino. Wise looked up at Lionel Raynor's chnfT, and smiled u lit! !. "It's never too lain for clews," he said, "and this print is such n good on* I hate not to utilize it. To me it, is exn-iilinply indicative, and I am pi'i-Hy nearly rendy to slate it was li-ft In r" liy the nuinlercr himself." "Or herself," nmendoil l.innel. "I tell you, Mr. Wiso, a soon as you get awiiy fnun tho ono who is mi>st con- cerned, tho most interested in the ab- sence of my father, you jfiit away from the truth." "This overshoe is nf too lnrp;e n size for tho ono you have in mind," said \ViM-. "Nonsense! It is just the thinpr a lever woman would do put on the Mmes of a mnn, over her littl* and preti-r.d ID a eriine you never com- mit ii-dV" "Do you mean that?" Orry looked up eagerly. "l>o you menu my sister can't bo convicted if she is innocent'.' Can't she be wmnj*ly suspected and " "She is suspected, nf course* And thre is n stronrr tendency on the part of some to suspect an nulsider - on aivotinl of tliu print of tho overshoe." (To he continued.) Anpry Poet: AUri^'ut, don't print my stulf! My poetry will be read lonp; after my contemporaries are for- gotten! Weary Editor: Come and sec me then. Traveller (ns train is about to leave) Have I timo to go to the gate and *ny good-bye to my wife Cuard Cawn't tell, sir. Depends on 'ow long you've been ninrried, sir. tlie rural dlsiri. ts ar niveu p\i-fl|ent iieiilili services. TUe report of the Provincial Di-partinciit of Health shows that mi re than S2.000 pupils of schools were examined last year by these M Hi-Ken, and l.P.L'4 health talks were Riven. I're-scliool clinics were held at which :!,"i46 children were ex- amined. In addition, tho nurses vis- ited 9,!>:i2 homes In the follow-up work work in connection with child wel- fare and prenatal rare of mothers. During winter mrnths borne nursing (lasses sro held for adult women and girls of hlirh school age. Eleclrlcil.v travels nt the r ate of 11,600,000 mllrs a minute. You would! never guess it ran the street-cars. Kay Feature-!. ONL1WON HiRhcst K rade Toilet Tmue. Served from KinJomc, compact tij- ture-a tnitary, dust- 1 - : ' 'il'inct available in rjcicl or porcelain LEARN WAVING Fit noli rir fer n plenHnnt nml pv.ifttJ UHI. r.xp.-i-t iii-,iriirii.in in i'"i iii.'iifiit wavtni uiiil (Ingcr U;HUIK. Individually or In el;iss. un.l. T Hi,. i-i-s,,iii,| illn-eitoii of .Mr. ImiU. Wilto lur IMI (u-ulars. Day or .:VH!M K ciaitc* INNIS SCHOOL PERMANENT WAVING 243 Yonge St. Toronto Your Canary Needs a Well Balanced Diet You will li well ri-paiil In hh chftry ittog of cnlrful Ihanln if you srr lu il that lln sri-d yog nivp him It 'llnick'j" i selection ol Ihe worlU's choitcsl n-rilj In nc\\ balanii-il proppttiODt, Brock's u imlrirnl liy Drffilrrs and Fanclrrs. Thi-y know in value. Anil in every pmkagr o Brock's Blnl Serf u cake o( Bk' Hinl Trent a valuable tonic to keep yout liinl in prime rnnditirn. Why not send (or free Mmple, and note how It improves tlir plunuge, :..II. K and vitality ol jour pet. fJJ.ro your ttqutit la NICHOUSON K BROCK, LIMITED l>r|.i. nil 121 Citarga Slrttt Toeonla EI^DYS TISSUES yUrjimljittat Make a practice of buying your Tissue by n.tme Say "EJJy Tissue" ..n.J you ate certain to get a safe, sanitary rxiper.'a big value roll. - . . . EJJy Tissue is always soft, always chemically pure, always up to tint fine standard which ir..ik t x an EJJy Roll worthy of the well nppointeJ bath- room. ... THE E B EDDY CO LTD HULL. CANADA ' . EDDYS NAV "A'AVT" A full iwioht Roll o/ ijluility Tissue 7,.,) *ll(jl t>f JO/f. sell, .'iitutarv / A snouy whitt dNvd f R t"wf Rolls o) 7}o sheets. TISSUE "COTTAfJir "ne arutocrat of Toilet Titsutt. Completely tcrdp* pfii Rolls. 3,000 iliffti, full i ount. . ti ounces of quality crrpcd Tut in evtry Roll.