THE FLESHERTON ADVANCF. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1927 I 4 ' I The Service a Bank Performs FROM the very moment produc- tion of a commodity is planned u.;t;i, through the channels of commerce, it finds its way to the ultimate con- s'.imer. it must be fin need. In pro- viding funds to finance production and cis'ribution, banking renders one of its major services to the community. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE t u, Hi m/iic/l it oma/^amu/u.* 1 THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA jl Teacher's Convention Fiesherton Boy Held At Feversham ! Brought in Oil Well ! TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station ma follow*: Going Soutk Going North 6. 08 a.m. K.52a.m. 4.!0 p.m. 8.34 p.m. .11 p.m. 4.33p.m. The mails close it Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. outh at 3.30 For morning train outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the pronoun evening. D's. rid Deputy Paid II* A(Y* * 1 U* *i His Official Visit Local and Personal Hear and see 'he Frc'd ' radio at "Wilson's barber shop. Mrs. Elias Grey and Mrs Br:;k= <{ Toronto, spen 1 the ~ast we'. with friends in this district. Get your deer, moose and trao- pijj? licenses from Geo. MitcheK. Flesherton. Providence Ladies Aid will hold a chicken pie social on Monday. Nov. 11. Keep the date open. Mr. Walter Kerton and family mov- ed to Durham on Monday, where he has Jccu ed work in the Durham Fur- niture Co. factory. Mrs. W. G. Duncan, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Jos. Duncan, tor tne past two weeks, has returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. and I.Irs. Jack Cairns and fam- ilv . L luaciicr motoicu over anu spei.: 'he week end in town with the form- ers parents, Mr. aid M.S. F. Cairns. Ko.-. Morden and Mrs. Morden 01" Meaford were the guests of DJ. and itirs. t,. (J. Murra wnile here ovei- ihe eek end. Mrs. Clara Wiley and daughter. Hazel, of Markdale were the guests ot their aur. 1 and uncle, Mr. a "1 Mrs. ii. Bentham, over tnc \veek end. Mrs. Roy Neilson and two children of Toronto are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and M'rs. John Wright. Mr. Pe -cy Seraple of Lady Bank owns a ewe which cave birth to twins in February las' and last month gave birth to another single lamb. This is something u. -.usual. The remainder of the prize winners at Fleshe.ton fair were brought in on Tuesday mornin? too late for pub- lication this week. It will be pub- lished Li an early issue. Mrs. S. A. Taylor cj Sarnia and Mrs B. R. Coch -ane and two children of Martins Ferry, Ohio, were the Kuests of the former's daughter and Mrs. Cochrane's siste:-, Mrs. (Dr.) TV. D. Bryce, the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland attended Woodbridge fair on Saturday anu oent the week end with friends :n that district. Week end visito -3 with Mr. and M>-s W. P. Crossley were: 'Mrs. W. A. Bentham, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and daughter. Janet, all of Tjronto, and Mrs. Harry Quigjr of Harriston. Mr. R. M. Hutton o' ~etioit is spending this week with his parents I*Ir. and Mrs. Alox. Hutton. of the cast backline. Marvin has been on the police force in Detroit for several years and is making good in his chosen profession. A chicken pie social will be held in the agricultural hall, Feversham. on Friday evening, October 25th, under the auspices of the Feversham Ladies' Aid. Suppev served from 6 to 8. A 2 act comedy entitled "Headstrong Joan," will be given by the young people. Orchestra music between acts. Admission 50 and 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKechnie ana Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fisher attended the wedding Mrs McKechnie's brother Laurie Fisher, in Toronto, on Satu'.-- day last. The wedding took place i~> Memorial Baptist church, Richmond and Tecumseh streets, the bride being Miss Felicia Margaret McGec of Tor- onto. The young couple will reside In the Queen City. The thankoffering of the W. M. S. will be held in St. John's church to- morrow at three o'clock, t which all the ladies of the village are invited. Will all who purpose giving fruit foi the Deaconess' home in Toronto, kind- ly bring their sealers to the church and exchange for empty "wine" quarts. Mr. Jas. H. Hales of Owen Sound formerly of Flesherton, has received a substantial promotion in the- em- ploy of the Canadian Oil Comyany and has received the appointment of manager of the wa ehouse of thr Company at Trenton. Jim left the first of the week with his famib to take over his new clulif*. For the past three years he has been at the Owen Sound branch and delivered gas in town two rind three times a weetc rrd his short visits will be missed. Mis many old friends here wish him the best of success in his new position, A special meeting oJ Prince Art- hur Ledge No. 333, A. * and A. M.. was held on Friday last, Oct- ober llth. to receive R. W. Bro. T. .H. Carson of Owen Sound, District Dep- uty Grand Master, upon his official visit, Wor. Bro. \Vauerh, District Sec- retary and P. D. D. G. M. Percy Lts- ue, accompanied the District Deputv, besides other visitors from Meaford, Thornbury, Collingwood and Markdale lodges. The First Degree was exem- plitied in an efficient manner and the officer? "were conjratulated 0.1 the work by the D.D.G.M. The Fourth Degree was provided in the town hall and was catered by the ladies of the Eastern Star Chap- ter, who provided a banquet worthy of the occasion. Wor. Bro. George HitcneU acted as toast master and proposed the toast 'o King and coun- try, which was responded to with the Ni'tio .al Anthem. The Gra::d Lodge w;-.^ proposed by Wor. Bro. F. H. W. Hickl'ng und R. W. Bro. Carson re- sponded with an eloquent address touching on the work of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of io. Our Visitors was proposed by Wor. Bro. W. G. WKson -m<' re- sponded to by R. W. Bro. P. Leslie and VY%i\ Bro. Waugh of Owen Sound, Bros. Fred Lanktrec of Thornbury, A jhic Camnbc!! of Collinsrwood. and A. is. Thurston cf lodge. A toait was proposed to the Eastern Sta;- Chapter by Wor. Bro. T. Henry nrd responded to en tehalf of the Cliapter by Bro. Dr. Murray. The excellent meeting was then b'o' T h*. ta a close with the Junior Warden's toa~t. The annual convention of the East Grey Teachers' institute held in Fevtrsham continuation school on Thursday and Friday, October 10 and 11. On Thursday morr- ; n<J'. the devo- tional exercises were conducted by I the Hev. A. F. Bamford. In his acl- ; tire*-;. Mr. Bamford spoke of the i.i- j floence of the teacher on the charac- j tCi of the child. The minutes of tha ) last meeting were then read and ad- opted. The O.E.A. degates, Miss Helen Maynnrd and Mr. Glenn Jen- kins, 'hen gave their reports. Theso reports covered eve-ythi.iB of interest discussed at the E.A. Later in the day, the convention voted that a grant cf fih-e dollars be sent ths O.E.A. The roll call was taken by Inspector Morrison, who found an excellent at- tendance. Next in cider came the address of the president, Mr. Horace Cook, ajter which ths meeting ad- jj'irned for noon. In the afternoon Mr. W. L. Taylor, Reeve cf Osprey. and Mr. Hal. Sec- retary of the Feversham School Board, addressed the teacher?. Botii ecn'lemen extended a htarty wel- <-IP <-o all aid stated that it was the first time that the East Grey teachers had met within the boundar- ies of Osorey townshin. The chief speaker of tho afternoon wa3 Dr. McMillan, principal of the Hamilton Normal School. Dr. Mc- Millan took RS his subject the teach- ins of agriculture and showed the teachc-s how thsy might impart much helpful k.nowledTe by making a few sim : )l<j experiments. Inspector Mor- rison then dealt with some essentials of the teacher, stressing the fact that the teacher should have a direct aim To a Flesherton boy, Mr. Wilfred McMaster. sc.i of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMastc.-, goes the lionor of bringing in an oil well which he has been drill- ing for the Fuago Oil Company at Oyen, Alberta. A tremedous flow ot gas was cs'iniatcil at 18,000,000 cubi-j ieet. Oil was struck a. 1 ". 3,136 feet and when the well came in mud, water, gas and small rock was phot 200 feet into the air with a roar that could be hea 'd for two miles away. Sroitly af'erwards the derrick and surroundings were covered with 2 thick black coating of crude oil. The st iking of oil in this well is of creat significance to a few local citizens who have stock in the enterprise. Last week Wilfred sent home a small ucrtie of the crude oil and it is of a black oily substance that is more like grease than oil and would hardly ru.i from the bottle. Wilfred is to be congratulated upon 1m success with : this well, as the difficulties he eneoun- I t.creii in sidetracking 530 fact of pipe was immense, but we are pleased to kaow that he work. was successful in his Killed On Road Sidney Glover of Gait was instantly killed on the Garatraxa Hoad, south cf Mour- Forest, when thrf automobile V- was diivinir crashed the back of a steam shovel on Thursday night, while on his way to visit hi3 friend. Mr. W. J. Chard, who lives east of Flesherton on the gravel road. The accident occurred about 8 o'clock p. m. He was acorapanii" 1 bv his dog. which wa; also instantly killed. The urty Bread and Take a small Are You the Un- usual Hostess? Some Women make the afternoon tea hour a time to be anticipated- That's probobly because they serve Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Cut slices of P butter lightly. quantity of American or Pimento Cheese run through grater, add a little, butter and work until smooth. Spread this mixture on the Bread. Put two dices togeth- er and cut into triangles. Toast until delicately brown on both Finder's Purity Bread [A to develop the character of the pupil, car wr^ a comple:. wreck, the front of ; An ice creani manufacturer adver- tised that he would give a cone free to every boy who called at the plan: High Schiol Examinations FORM 1 GEOGRAPHY Dorothy wolstencrot't 83. Mervyn Johnson yO, Alma McLean 81), Joiu McMillan 88, Ita Pedlar 85, Lucy Mc- Donald 84. Kathleen Pedlar J, La- v'erne Pipci' 83, Jimmy Sinclair 81, Cecil Chard 7'J. Doris Bannon 78, Isa- bel McMullen 78, Fred Fawcett 77, Jessie Ostrander 77, Hazel McKillop 76, Star-.ley Hunt 75. Pass Phyllis Graham 72, Joe Gibson 71, Martha Ostrandpr 67, Burton Sled 67, Everett Talbot 64, Edward Patton 62, Bessie Cairns 61. Vera McMaster 61. Gor- don Patterson absent. FORiM 2 ARITHMETIC Honors Dorothy Otte^l! 88. Bill Patton 88. Emerson McKillop 80, Annie Akins 85, Dorothy Snell 81', 'srdun Mc-Master 80, Stella Marshall T5. Pass Ruby White 74. Edward I Ferris 73, Murray Stuart 70. Dorothy Jamieson CD, Audrey Warling 6J, ' Jeanette McLeod 68, Bob Phillips OS, Almeda Hincks 65, Mervyn Little 64, Florence Welton 63, George Allen 58, Jim Ba mon 58, Ellen Parker 58, Daisy McFadden 56, Eftrl Ottewell 50, Myrtle Moore 55, Rowena "Maeee 52. Jean Hincks 51, Macil Snell 51. Fail Margare'; Ferris 43, Neilbert >ic- Kenzie 26. FORM 3-LATIN Honors Evelyn Tu.-ner ( J3. Patric- ia Morgan 85, Irene Martin 84, Bert Morte-i 82, Harold Turner 80, Marie Fenwick 7S, Alice Reilley 78. Blanche Genoe 78. At"! ey Brown 78. Pass Marion Bibby 74. Muriel Cameron 7-i. Earl Johnson Cl>, Rvby Kerton 6S, Rita Fawcett 67. lola Graham 67, Jim Haw 37, Lola Blackburn 66. Jean McCormack 65, Lslie Ferris 60, Jim McFadden fifl. Clifford Allen 58. Fail Hattio MoRae 47. Do -a Stewart 46, Donald Reilley 46. Jackson Stew- art 45, E. Fisher 43, John Wilson 42. FORM 4 FRENCH (incomplete Pass Mareare 1 Si lair 71. Helen Heard 69. Beth Hincks 69, Jack Jam- ieson 66, Donalda Sloan 62. He als-j stated 'hat it was the privil- ege, as well as the duty, of every teacher to attend thx- convention held within their own inspectorate. Ques- tions asked by many teachers were p iswered by M iss Bradley and Mr. Holland. Durin? the afternoon a prar.d mix-up was staged, giving the teachers a chr.nce of becoming ac- c.u.iir.ted. Mr. W. S. Moffatt conducted the ('.ov iticnal exorcises on Friday morn- i.-.f. spcaki.".^ to the teachers on the subject of coir-age. A prima.-y class \v?; then tauglu. a lesson in phonics, followed by a discussion on the nhonlc method Dr. MrMillan again rddrcssed the teachers on achieve- ment tests The **emaindcr of th-j niorni.:g wa? taken up by discussion on the; teaching of geography and crumma. 1 . In the afternoon questions \\\>-'_' answered by Air. Graham and Inspcc or Mor.iscn. 'lhi> tcach:/.g <>: s-'cari 1 class arithmetic was also tak- en t.;i. The rsmsinder of the time V.T.S taken by the elation of officers r^ fallows: Hon. Pres., S. A. Morrison, I.P.S. Pre... ?!v. G. B. l.ittleiohnj:. It Vice Tr::., Mrs. M. Bellamy. 2r-.?. V'.r; 7.\", J.ias G. Bradley. r:.\-Trea;.. Miss Aleda Brov.-n. Auditor?. Sliss Dorcthy Walker ar.d c::M Helen B.-a'-ington. O.E.A. Delegates, Mis-? Bu-roujrhs .-.:.J Mr. C. Chappie. At intervals during the convention ail joined in singing with Miss M. Wardtr as pianist. The eonventio'i decided on Clarks- burg as the centre cf the 1930 con- vention. Although Feversham H a comparatively small village, the teach- ers wish to take this opportunity of thanking them for the splendid en- tertainment Thursday night a~:d the excellent accommodar.ii-m urovided. the ca.- being crushed by the heavy impact. Mr. and Mrs. Chard attend- ed the funeral which took place on Monday afternoon to the Gait cem- etery. Zhc late Mr. Glover was 38 years of age. Live Poultry Shipped ARTEMESIA COUNCIL _ Ship your live fcwl through the and brought along his dog. One dog Cooperative Company. Have them i was reported near collapse after as- at our store each Tuesday and Thurs- day by 5:00 p.m. Crates will be sistmg all the boys in one neighbor- SU p p ij e d free. hoed to obtain the cones. OSPREY & ART. CO-OP. CO. The Council mu~ at the town hall. Flesherton, on the Urd uay of October 192'.). Present A. Cameron, Reeve, and Councillors L)avis, \Vhittaker anu Mcldrum. The minutes of the last mecti.-.g were :-yad a:id on motio.i v.vrc adopted. Claim .s for sheet) killed were pres- ented bv C. Doupe $7, \V. R. Meads $10 and, certified bv valuers, were ordered to te caid. H. Patton. road iucc-ir'cr.ihnt. presented his 10th re- ;:.:r* rn read expenditure, having ex- i r..'.L'd $2198.33, which, on motion, r.(!o;itcd and payment ordered. Uy-hnv S80, to authorize change of '. : -.'.it: for ;->n .lie-ipa! election.-., the roiiiinati m to be on the last Monday in Novemc:-r and the election, if any, - *-h" first Mo/.day in December, waa ir.troi / -d, ead and nassed. also by- l-'.v; SSI. to appoint a Treasurer and his dutie nnd salay was passed. Council adjourned. Baptist Church Services REV. J. R. WOLSTENCROFT SUNDAY. OCTOBER 20th FLESHERTON 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. Harvest Thanksgiving Services. 11:00 Subject "The Joy of Harvest." 7 p.m. Rev. H. Crickington. 7 a.m. Rev. H. Crickin^ton Rock Mills Sunday School at 2 p.m. Service rt 3 p.m. Auction Sales Le.i Pallister, Lot 5. Con. 7, Osprcy.' near Maxwell, will hold a credit auc- tion sale on Wednesday, October 23. \Yatch. ft;.- bills. W. Kaitting will be the r.ucti^nppr. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 1 Belva Genoa, Mditlid K?torf. l Jr 4th Argyle Martin, Bernice Campbell, Earl Russell. Verniee Fawcett. T'eddie Campbull, Ronald Middleton. Sr. 3 Annieta Turner. Ruth Rus- sell, Herhic Fawcett. Jr. 3 Verda Genoe. Sr. 2 Douglas Morgan, Ilene Rus- sell. Hazel Tu-ner. Jr. 2 Leon? Duckett, Jean Tudor, Percy Graham. Jr. 1 Evelyn Campbell, Winne'.a Margin, Carmel Martin, Rody Gordon, Ree-gie Fawcett. Sr. Pr. Doris Fawcett, Mabel Elmer A credit auction sale 01' Cattle and Sheep will be held in the Price- ville Stock Yards on Monday, October 21st at 1:30 p.m., when the following will be offered: 2 Cows, supposed to l^f in calf; 2 two-year-old Heifers, supoosed in calf; Purebred Durham bull, 1 year old: 14 Heifers, 2 yearn old; 12 Heifers, 1-year-old; S> Shear> Puckett. Elwa-d Campbell, ling Ewes; 4 Steers, 2-ye.trs-old; 14 Colgan. Ruth Gordon. Yearl'/'.tr Stee -s. 1 Oxford Ram. 2- ycars eld. These cattle are all good breeding Ontario cattle. Everything must bo soM. Terms: Time up to C! months will bo given on approved joint nc L es bearing interest at 6 per- cent. John F. Stothart, Pi-op. John O'Neill, Auctioneer. Jr. Pr. Murrav Williams, Rete Gordon. Sylvia E. Acheson, Teacher. Now is the Time to do your Fall Painting . 9 . . S.W.P. Outside Paint the old reliable covers most, looks best, wears longest. Marnot your floors before cold weather comes. AUTO ENAMEL SHER-WIL-LAC Stove Pipe Enamel. Brushes, etc. TtT.S. BOILERS. WASH BOARDS, FRUIT JARS. R1XGS. RUBBERS, PRESKRYIXG KETTLES, etc F. W. Duncan Hardware -:- Flesherton <* ; > | On Friday nijfht, the 20th of Sep- tember, while returninsr from a very enjoyable visit with some friends, Mrs. H. McCann. the mother of Mrs. du>Vv> Harrower. formerly of Flesh- erton. was taken suddenly ill and died a few minutes later at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John King, To- ronto. The funeral took place on i'MonHav. Sept. 23vd to Seatbora Lawn cemetery. See D". Russel about your eyes at Armstrong's optical parlor this week. Ho will advisa you as to the condi ;oa of your eyes. IN MEMORIAM Report of S.S. -No. 17 Vrtemesia Rock Mills. Sr. 4 Murray Fisher 92. Nathalie Patton* 90, Jack English 88. Jr. 4 Leo Patton 84, Julia Croft 83. Laurie Russell 52. Sr 3 Leslie Seeley P3, Leila Clark 74. Jr. 3 Mabel Shier 90,. Jack Mon- aehai 85. Marguerite Croft 83. Lula Russell 82, Ethel Dargavel 75. Iva English *and Robert Clark equal 71, Laurence Philips* 69, Lloyd Part- ridge* 67. 2nd Elsmour Shier 87. Mary Clark 84, Roy Fisher 82. Ruby Monajjhan 77. Fred Partridge 76. Loreen Fngl- ish* 72. Fred Betts 66, Myrtle Croft* 64. 1st. Russell .PhiKpe* 92. Gkto Croft 82. Bessie Pussell 78. Sr. Primer Edna Croft, Cecil Shier. Jr. Primer Edra Part'-idge. Ches- ter Sh'er, Gordorifchier. A Cl*s Arthur Bet's. Ted Croft. ll&r-y Fisher. Phyllis Partridgei. Number on roll 37. Average at- t?nda-;ee 32.9. The numbers are per- poritao-p. Those marked * missed one or more tests. Mrs. Francis J. Seeley. teacher. BORN MacMlLT.AN In lovino- memory of Annie C. who departed THlFATTnFAU At H<rkdale. on thi life, October 10, 1921. i Sunday October Cth. 1S20, to Mr. "She ever lives in our memories."' r-rul -Mrs. Frank Thihivdon, :>- Father, Mother. S'ster. dau<rhtor, Frances Evelyn. For Cool Weather Blue and Gold Sizes ,35 to STAXFIEI.D'S UXSHR1XKABLE UXDER\VEAR-- Red. Label Qualities. Single garments and Combination Suits. ALL REASONABLY PRICED. Hatchway Winter Underwear BUTTOXLESS Xo more trouble with buttons brushed cotton and wool all \vool. Priced from $2.50 per suit. Full range of sizes. Fleece Lined Underwear Fleece lined Underwear for Men and B iys Shirts, Drawers and Combinations Men's Sweater Coats All-wool in all the new colors and color combinations all sizes flt all comers Priced from $2.95 to $6.50. Men's Felt Hats and Cloth Caps New season's colors fine fur felts- ASPECIAL PRICE of $3.95. ^ ' *^jj* New Shapes new colorings Priced from $1.00 to $2.50. -<* -*- .? NOVELTIES THIS WEEK IN LADIES' NEW FALL HATS (Priced Right) F. H W. HICKLING - Flesherton J