Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1929, p. 2

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This unquestionably Is the finest green tea SALADA' (GREEN) 'Fresh from the gardens* 656 P.EGIN HKKK TODAY Do I K , as Raynor i? found ibridge at se%en. exactly, and he start- shot et ' to walk up this hill " through the heart in the early even- ing on tht floor of .he sun room of Flower Acres, his lx>ng Islairl home. Standing over ihe doa-i man, pistol in hand, is Malcolm Finley, former sweetheart of Raynoi's wife, Nancy; her brother, Orvillo Kent; Ezra God- dan!, friend of Finlcy; Miss Mattie, Iti.ynor'9 sister, i.nd other.* riiter the room. Lionel Raynor, son of Douglas Raynor by first marriage, conies to claim his father's estate. Nurse Tur- ne confese to attempting to poison Douglas Rayno out of revenge. Pen- nintrton Wise( n celeb: :-t<-d .Ictective, and his firl assistant, Xi-/.i, aro called to take the onse out of the hands of Detective Dobbins. Wise nnd V.v/.\ be- gin to suspect (jrims'naw Gannon, a hire nan, of being implicat'd in the murder. NOW GO ON WITH THK STORY "You got a lot from a little caves- dropping!" "Yes. I did," 7.izi looked omplucent. "Now, .vou'-o to take that inio-mation nd set- if it's worth anything. You see. Pen. that old Gannon is an ideal villain he looks for a.l tbe world like murderer, e\cn like a pirate or ban- "Don't be foolish, Hiz your imagi- nation is runnir.g away with you." ''Well, It will bring me back. Oh, Penny, do look i,l the viw from here! And there's a bridge I suppose that is the bridge to which Mr. Kent walk- ed with the neighbor that night " "It .nust be there's no other bridge ncaroy. Yes, see, he Com<* on down ot. the bridg;, 7r/.\." The two went down the gentle in- cline of sloping lawn to the pretty little bridge that spanned the noisy, tumbling brook, whose rnu'ical ripple had been aided by judiciously placed stones in its course. "Now. Xiz, take it in get the pic- ture. Mr. Kent stood here, with the neighbor girl, at the time of the shoot- ing. You can't 8ee the house from here look, you can sec the roofs of it, but not the doorways." "Yes, I sec that, or could you hear shot could you?" "1 doubt it. But that doesn't mat- ter. I'm getting at tiifc time. Al! the people at the house are hazy a* to the exact time I mean, to the minute, of the shooting. They all ay little before seven or near seven." "Except tho nurse." "Yes she fixes it definitely but, is she truthful?" "Why not?" "I don't know I've not quite sized up that nurse yet. Of she would know the time, and if she did tell the truth- it seems totally with Kent's account. He was here at this Now, jcc here, Gannon what tlo you ki ow of Douglas 1'aynor's past? 11 you'll come across wil'i that, I'll let jp on the will business for the pre- sc nt." ''What do you mean hi* past? He never did anything wrong" "Oh. didn't he? We!!, I say he did. And, furthermore, I sr.y you know all about it and you uim' tills kno-.vledge for" "Don't say it!" Gannon p'Jt up his hand as if to ward off a blov/. ''Don't .iiy that word it ian't tru-'" Wise saw at once the old ivan n'as afraid of being ac.' i.*ed of blackmail. He believed ti at G.innon ru.d been persuaded to atcal ilte will by n stronger nature thar liis own Lionel Raynor's of course and that Gannon evi-n now regretted '.'.. Hut it had to be proved, and Wise set to work to verit'v .is opinions. By the ditu of careful an 1 adroit juestio.img, by judicious hints of "the aw," and by means of soino help here and there from Zizi, Wise finally drew 'rom him the disgraceful story of Raynor's life in so far as it affected tho man's widow. "Yes," old Cianron r<K-apitu!ated "I knew he lied to Miss Kent, a.i she was then. I knew he made up that yarn about her fa' her being a criminal .1 forger I knew he made her marry him because if she didn't he'd split on , ... *. 11 ' unit DVOUM H snt* t::un i nt' u spin mi "Hard v a hill. Penny, jusi n gontie , , her father, and she .| lie disgraced and rise "Well, this gentle rise, than. I. take tho rise nrs^lv long it takes.'" I her falner'd be put ir. jail, nnd her . I hrother'd die of shame and, well, an J see how . I Kayr.or put it to that girl in such r ,1 iS' " ,'' , way that she couldrft get out of They walked up the slope toward . . marrying him unless ibe brought her the house. "I'm thinking now about an in- v cder. 7i/.i. You see. it *- 48 pretty rac ^ triio' truder, much dusk at -jvtn o'clock, and Kent _ skulking away from the house, if the person took pains not to be seen." whole family down to the dregs of dis- <1 it wasn't true it wasn't true!" The oH man wn-ced furious i.ow. "I know the truth! Douglas G'JO Ladies' and Mines' slightly bloused dress with openinr on left shoulder, collarless round neck, dart- fitted sleeves, attached two-piece skirt with attached two-piece circular flounce, trimming pieces arc provided for houldcr amf hip, width nt lower j serious obstacle, for *-ou can buy the roots at small expense of seedsman and other defers*. You can very eas ily increase your supply of rhubarb by divid ; ng the larger roota, either in the spring or in the fall. They are gross feeders, arid need a liberal sup- ply of manure worked into the ground round them every season. FRENCH ENDIVE. Th? ->opular French endive of the rosta-irants is merely witloof chicory. If you grow the plant- in your sum- mer gaiden, and in the fall plant them in a boji of earth, with two inches of sand over the top. blanched shoots will be ready for use in a few weeks. Cut them off rather high and new tops will spring up; with a little care you can make the same roots supply endive all winter. Roots for forcing tan be bough . for a small sum. Mu.itard anJ gar<'en cress, both of which make cxcelhnt salads, can he grown 'apidly by placing a few seeds in a box of earth and watering them freely. It is bst to have a few holes in the bottom of the box for drainage. In a cellar that is warm you can grow excellent beet greens from beets left ov.-r from the garden. Plant them in a box of earth, place them near a window and water freely. Also make a few holes in the box for drain- age. Turnips can be forced also for greens. If you dig uj. well-established dandelion plants in the fall and re- move the leaver, you can force them easily in a warn, ci'llar. By covering them with an inverted .box, or by using a certain, you can make plants produce golden-yellow leaves of a FOR your bakin,wse BAKING POWDER Mode in Canada - No Alum ! ; MAGIC BAKING POWDER delicate flavor. Chrstian Monitor. self! I know it! "And MM hl'v if the ol > server hi,! U ' nnd Raynor ' rev ' kn >w it! That>s 34 ' Sli - 38 ' 4 ' 42 inche3 uff h nf'lookm,* out for a criin- why hc Knve me . this ^^~^ HOW TO ORDER P r.o thought of looking out for a criin i; al, and if the observer was. as Mr. Kent was, admiring the sunset g!ov." "That's all so and you agree money let mo have my own way! That's why he was afraid of me and hc was afraid of ine! He used to beg me riot to tell his wife of his fraud on that if an intruder entered the sun parlor, just, before seven, and shot Douglas Rayno:*, he could make ar. easy gelawav in the deepening twi-, light without being soon by Orvillo I and cr:uvl and ** for nierc - v ' her " "Did you threaten So do so?" "Ys, I did! To see Kent riming r<long where we are now." "All true but you've no trace of a marauder, except in ywir Imagina- tion." "There's the overshoe." "Oh. pooh, the eve-shoo!" "Don't snilT at it. Xi/; that overshoe means a lot to me." "Maybe it was faked" "Maybe it wasn't." "Well, all right; now. Penny, I've trailed over this part of the historic WIIHK a cold or exposure brings arlir- ,vi<l jiains that penetrate to your very bcmes, there is always quirk relief in Aspirin. It v. ill n;;il;c short work of that ]IIMI|:I.-!IC or any little pain. Just jt- i in live in the more serious tui! riii)- from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism or lumbago. No ache or pain is ever too deep-seated for Aspirin tablets to relieve, and they dun'l affect the heart. All druggists, with proven directions for various iifcs which many people have found iiiv:iln;ililc in the relief of pains and of many kinds. \SPIRIN had no intention of telling hr but I loved to scare him!'" The old man ?hok with hy.'tericn! (motion, that was between laughter and anger. Then he sobei-e.! down, suddenly. "But she l omul out," ho said, aim.jsl in a whisper. "She found out -not through me but she overheard some words we said one night, an.l she gathered that he nad deceived her ' about h_>i- father." "What did she do" /izi asked, breathlessly. "She went straight to Raynor and taxed him with it. He denied it, of course she couldn't prove it so she could do nothing. But after she knew I for on. don't biame her for killing him." "Hush!" Wise said, sternly, "we don't know that she did kill him. Tell me exactly of what he accused her father." "Why, he told her that her father had committed a forgery long ago. you know in his young days. He said that he, Raynor, was the only one who knew the truth, tha unless she mar- ried him he wojld ex,x>se her father's guilt, and that if she would marry him, it could remain hushed up for- ever." "Didn't she ask her father about it?" "Xo; he was an invalid really very The shock might kill him Ray- 1've always known | ladies and mis <:*, I", 18, 20 years, bust PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 21)c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 Want Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early mail. Fresh Vegetables Grown in Cellar Oh, Eventide New I lay me down to sleep. Long and hard naa boon the day. 1 have come a weary way Since life's morning, but at last Night Is i.ilKn-r. sweet and fast. Now I lay me down Jo sleep. I pray Tbrec now my soul to keep. Overlooking Lima From any point near tbe edge of in platcan-ilke top, the Morro Solar of- fers an outlook which is genuinely magnificent. Under the northern steep U a broad beach of rino sand at which, during summer afternoons, pic- nickers and bathers arrive by every car that winds down through the tun- Science nels and the dunes.- Beyond, is the tilled iil'uvial plain that extends to the purple, i lomifleked mountains, with Chorillos. Barranco. Mlraltores. ami Magdalena looking like' toy vil- lages built by children. Against the ridges in tbe iiorlh lies the metrop- olis, conspicuous, ns always, from Its church, spires. Offshore you sea Sun Lorenzo end-on, aud many outlying rocks, all veiled in fog on '.hei- wind- ward sides. To the south wan! stretches an interminable white heard backed by the green, swampy mead- ows of Hacienda Villa aud by the des- ert upland of Luriu. while at the right of these and fur away, In an expanse which, under a clear sky. is as blue as ii Treasurers have slipt fast ft way - -z .. n "i From my keeping, day by -'ay. Forced and Kept to Prolong | And l shrink from coming III. Many Vegetables Can I hav tried, alas. In vain From the world's dark soil nnd stain I'Yee to keep It. \Veak and worn. With my streiiKth all overborne. ffm. , i , . i , 1 1 . i> i - .. I:-... .."... ia as KI UQ ii a pray 1 nee _ Lj-rd. n,y soul to keep. Medlterraaeall . the ,, rigllt . two . It I should die before I wake. aummUted islet ot r- acuacam L 8lanUl like a marble cathedral. One September evening I waited upon tbe Morro Solar for the Hitnset, "Don't .say that word it isn't truc!"| i or told her. Also, he said, the dis- . . rr vo/in ii-milil HI! f\ ...!'' ,v I.' ,,., -j grace would kill Orvllle Kent, who fs ground with you now, you come with O f a proud, sensitive nature, and deli- me. "Where?" "To Grim Gar.non's house to find out what hold ho had ovor Douglas Raynor or Raynor had ovur him." "Going to ask him outright" "You are." Grimshaw Gannon sat on the little porch of his unattractive old house. "What do you want?" he growled. "I don't know anything about the Douglas murder!" "Then you surely reed feel no un- easiness at sight of a detective," said Wise, cheerily. "T\\n detectives," amended 7.m, seating herself on the porch railing. "Yes, I'm a detective," she addsd. "I'd Hke nothing belter than to have you show me your collection and ex- plain it to me." "Do you do you like that sort of thing?" Gannon recovered his poise somewhat as his thoughts wero sway-! cate os well. So, to save the bunch, she married that devil " "Without proving his story!" cried Zizi. the Summer Season with- out Having to Use the Can Opener Wh) not take more .jf your garden indoors this fall? It is possible in this way to hava your fresh vege- tables at Christnins. For instance, rhubarb, Brusvsis sprout*, celery, ilsndelions, etc., may be kep". green and i*risp. If you made a big sowinp cf Brus- sels sprouts in the spring, there will he plants, no d^ubt, from which you liavo net gathered th sprouts when frost corr.t-s. By digging thoni up and setting them in an airy part of the cellar, with plenty of soil round the roots, you will insure yourself a crop that will last for several weeks after winter has set in. I i> celery such as Giant Pascal, leaving as much earth as possible adhering to tho roots, can bo packed in a coiner of tli cellar where the temperature will remain above freez- ing. If the fella- be dark, the celery will blanch all the better. Pack the roots close togviliet and cover them with fresh garden soil. If you make This thought boldeth joy's glad thrill. If 1 should die before 1 wake. I pray Three. Lord, my soul to take. From all iho sorrow it hath known. Slu and loss and tear and moan, To the dear ones gone before, To Ihy presence evermore. I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take Tbis 1 ask for Jesus' sake. Name atona that can prevail, Anchor hold fflthln tha vail. Every other plea has down, Worth or merit 'lalrn I none, This I ask for J sake. His Hearing Restored The Invisible eardrum Invented by Vlose to tue ground. A. O. Leonard, which resembles a ( tho heights of the Morro Solar, I miniature megaphone fitting Inside i heard a burst ot remarkable, metallic and for u long lime it was hard to choose whethe- to look toward Hie ocean and the orange sky above Kronton and San Lorenzo, or over tbe darkening valley with 'ho pinl; topped cordtllera behind. \Vlicn Ilia sun went under as a fiery disk, the toani ot Ilia long rollers that broke upon Hie rocky shore turned front white to heliotropa and most of the colors of both sea and land as.sunied indescribable rich- ness sud depth. For 11 brief lime mora the birds could be seen flying over tha bay, but the short-lived Iropical twi- light very quickly followed. Aa I re- turn ;d to Uhorillos around ihe eastern shoulder of the headland, ilia night- hawks wero hunting, al moving south- ward ar Mist the wind, silently and Suddenly from the ear. entirely out of eight. Is help- ing the hearing of a great many peo- ple. Mr. Leonard Invented this drum to relieve himself nt donfcnss and bird calls, which seemed like random staccato notes .n the middle octave nt A piano. It sounded like ih-j Hiistalu- ed singing of a single iilnl. and head noises, and It does this so suc-'cuiild imagine no songbird capable of cessf ully that no one could led us Is producing such volume and tone, a deaf man. A request for Informa I Again and again tbe calls rang out 437, New York City, will a prompt reply. Advt. ;- ' Idols could she? She had no one to ask but her own family or this suitor." "And she was in love with Mr. Fin- ;<?y at tha time?" asked Zi/.i. yes to Raynor, they were married very M>on and settleil clown here at Flower Acres. Her father lived but a short time after that, and she put up with her brute of a husband for nearly two years before she discovered what he had tone to her. Then well, I'm in- clined to tbjnk she took matters into her own hands." (To be continued.) find it desirable to surround ii. with boards to keep the soil in place. On j cement floors a covering of several i j inches of fine anil preferably some- 1 j what moist Carder soil is necessary - O f yesterday out of our recollection. Before you set ths roots in place, and will, Intiirn. be supplanted by Trimming- tho ragged otltsiilc leaves | his successor of to-morrow. Wash- ington Irving. Men are like postage-stamps. They have to stick to get anywhere. Day- Ion Journal. wiu hc , to kep , cc!e in Iconditicn. Under favorable circum- . - That I cant say, but they were j stances CL , lcrv so pa( . ked wi , ; bst unti , acquainted, I know. \\ hen she sa:cl wel , , flcr Ncw Y car' Day. A Mother ml to his beloved work. "Adore it! But no time just now. j As you say, Mr. Gannon, you know nothing about the Raynor murder, and that's just why we want a little talk with you. . . . We can't get anything out of people who do know about the crime they wi>n't tell." "You know who they ire?" "Maybe maybe not." 7.i/.i was in her most flippant mood. "Any way, you can tell us i thcr things and don't you refuse now, >r I'll have the Irtw.on you!" As she had fully expected, Grim I Youth fades; love droop 1; (lie leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hnpo outlives thorn all. Day. RHUBARB EASY TO FORCE One of the easiest vegetables to force in the winter is rhubarb. Late in the fall dig roots that nre several years old and leave them in a pile out of cl.iors until the lire frozen hard. After the first of the year bury bury them an inch or two deep in moist sand in boxes or in the cellar floor, ' nnd keep them watered. If the cellar be dark, then stalks will he j liprht colored with very small reddish j leaves. A blanket hung across the| ivrocr of the cellar will keep the j light out. or, if there arc only a few Stop Cold* with Minard's Liniment. reached tho base of the hill, th was divulged, for a flock of twelve ibises, singing a loud, harp like chor- ns, flew out as crookedbillcd silhouet- tes against the evening sky. Tn ibises appeared to be clrc- f tho mount for seemed Instru- rather than vocal, would grow fainter and fainter behind mi. and then, after an elapse of ten minutes or longer, indistinct uotes would herald the comlnf, of tbe birds from the op- posite direction. From "Bird Islands of Peru," by Robert Cushman Mur- phy. Real Ityes are easier to use Self-Interest Our Virtues disappear when put In competition with our Interests, as Rivers lose thi.'mHelven In tho Ocean. La Rochefoucauld. Holmes. : plants, n ventilated box set over them] will serve the s.tmo purpose. The stalks will be renJy to use in from four to eight weeks. If .'</u wish to force rhubarb more rapidly, dig a trench a foot deep and Great Men Great men aro tliey w!io see that put a layer of froi'h horse manure at the 'jottom, and cover It with two inches of loam. Roots set a foot apart .n such a trench and carefully packed with eaith will grow so y that you can mane a cutting in ('iannon's face paled at the throat, i spiritual Is stronger than any mate j three weeks. :nnde fearful b; the low tense voice.! rial force; that thoughts rule tUflj Many gardei.trs who have hecn success; ul in forcing rhubarb, do not realize that aspi.ragus can be grown in the cellar jus', as easily You can lU-Rin to force aspar -^us as soon as Weakness We never show our own weakness ;so plainly as when we exhibit tmpati Aiuilu Jiutd* aid the piercing gleam from the black world. Emerson, 'yes- "What do you want to know?" Gan- non blurted out, At a glance from Zixi, W'se took up the questioning. I "About the will," he said, in a low,! nc9 for the we"*"'** ' lhert. ven voice. "Where i It?" * "I don't know I haven't got it." V news Item tel;s of a Boston man "You had the copy the little Fny 1 who slapped kla wife 3 lie slept. ,'irl found it" I Men ara Betting bolder and bolder "Yes but I haven't the will itself Greenville Piedmont. fl*A tfvnjwl mill " the signed will." you \vih in the fall, foi freezing the r>>ts is not neceisary. Follow the same p'an as in the (.pse of -hubarb, except that i* is not necessary to darken the -.ellar. Roots that are three or four years old yield the best returns Once you have force,! them, however, they nv worthless. Lack of a-ipar.pus and rhubarb ISSUE No. .*0 '29 I "All rigl* tun I kno* Jrbo h, [ Spralnt U Mlnard's Liniment P^nts y ur garden need not be a DIAMOND DYES are used by practically the same method as any other dye. They go on easier, though more smoothly and evenly; without spotting or streaking. That's because they are made from real .anilines, without a trace of fillers to injure fabrics or give things that redycd luok. Diamond Dyes contain the highest quality anilines that money dm buy. That's why they give such clear, bright, new-looking colors, which keep their depth and brilliance so remarkably 'through wear and \vashings. Next time you have dyeing to do, try Diamond Uycs^-at our risk. See that they are easier to use. Then rompare re.nilts. You wilt surely agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes. The white packaye of Diamond Dyes is the highest quality dye, prepared for general use. It will dye or tint silk, \yool. cotton, linen, rayon or any mixture of materials. The blur package is a special dye, for silk and wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with) results equal to the finest professional work. When you buy remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. The tvhite package will dye every kind of goods, including silk and wool. .Your dealer has both packages. Diamond Dyes Sun Proof EASY TO USE-BETTER KESULTS ALL

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