- WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery Men,s Wear Grocery Specials for This Week 3 Boxes Matches 25c. 12 Bars P. & G. Soap 49c. 3 l.bs. Pure Lard 59c Royal York Oraneg Pekoe Tea, H> 70c. Valencia Raisins, per Ib 15c. O'Canada Flour, per bag $4.40 Men's Overcoats WE HAVE ON HAND A FULL LINK OK MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS. It will pay you to look them over immediately W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 We deliver in town. HHE fLESHERFOH ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherion, Wednesday of each weak. Cictflation over 1100, Price in Canada, f2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A., |2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. 7. H. THURSTON Advertisement Hydro For the Farm f. J. THURSTON Hydro for the farm is an issue in this campaign. has p -omised, if j to cut the service charge of hydro I practically in half. Thev are not J promising drastic reductions in hydro Editor | for tne farmer - because of any great " PROTON STATION The chief topic of interest at present is the coming proviacial election. Mr. Farquhar Oliver M.P.P. and two of his lieutenants, Messrs. McPherson and McKee, addressed a full house on Tuesday evening in the interest of the present member who is again in the field. j An accident which may well be termed "A close call", occurred last Friday night at Copeland's corner I j near Dundalk, when a car crashed into ' ; a horse and buggy driven by Lome ' i Hodgin of Proton Station. The ! ' horse was injured so badly that it ' had to be killed, and the buggy was ! destroyed. Lome was thrown out but with the exception of some bruises I and a bad shaking up he was pract- j , ically unhurt. His companion, Miss j Bessie Stansby's head was caught in ' the wreckage of the buggy and her ! I face and neck quite badly hurt but ' no bones broken. She was uncons- I 1 cious for some time but is recovering nicely. Another step or two would have meant death to them instead of the horse. | ; A large gathering of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope last Thursday night and presented them with a mis- ' cellaneous shower. A pleasant even- ing was spent in games and dancing. Bush fires took on a serious aspect on Sunday afternoon during the high winds but no damage was done. . Mr. I. Stainsby and brother Mr. J Stainsby of Toronto spent the week end with the former's family here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dennys and son of Palmerston and Mrs. McFadden of Beeton, were guests at Mr. Hugh Hod- gins. Mr. Arnold Hergott has returned to his drties in the Eaton creamery, Toronto, after his holiday at his home , here. i Mi-. Lloyd Lyons is holidaying at tho parental home. I Mr and Mrs Vause visited the lat- ter's si'cr. Mrs. Turner. MARRIED In Toronto on Sep- J. N. PERDUE Conservative candidate in the presen political contest. A RARE TRIBUTE F. R. OLIVER Political Meetings | Political Meetings in the interests of F. R. OLIVER, United Farmer candidate, will be held as follows: Monday, OCT. 14 Massey and Walters Falls. if Tues.. OCT. 16 Webster's School- { Wed,. OCT. 16 FLESHERTON. Thurs., OCT. 17 Chatsworth and Williamsford. Sat., OCT. 19 Nomination and Hanover. Fri., OCT. 18 Ayton and Alsfeldt. All meetings will be addressed by the candidate, Miss Agnes Macphail, M-P., and others and will commence at 8:00 o'clock harp. Awt. Editor. Letter to The Editor The Government tember 28th Miss Muriel Bull of Hoi- returned to power, land Centre, teacher at Proton Sta- tion, to Mir. A. W. Johnston, Toronto.; Mr. Jack Batchelor and sister. Miss Ila. soent the week end with friends n' Hilbburg and Guelph. he agricultural arc acting because public opinion forces them to and full credit must he given to the farmer A Close Shave merrbers in the last House for giving hydro questio-.s its uresen*. status. Mr. J. I. Graham of Vandeleur had remarkable escape from serious in- Farmer members have consistently jury, if not death, at Markdale fair on Mr. Editor, From the first notice advocated more reasonable hydro rate Wednesday last. A colt which he given to the public through your for the fa-mers. They carried on was driving knocked him down and valuable paper, The Advance, to the 'he fight so vigorously that they at stepped on his nose, injuring it so bad- present time much very much last awakened the Government from has been said, talked, written, thei- lethargy on this question. visualized about our "Home Coming" mers are (roinsr to get hydro chcaoer which has passed, or is passing, into and it would be in their interests to , ( , eR . , ress my erati tude i ks. However the town of Hesn- Jarm t n nnce he farmer can af- , th m f r -, t . n ds who supplied on its institution*, homes schools, f.,-J to pay. s math and ex- history. I was not at any lime a resident of Flesherton, I had a steady residence there a: one time, of six weeks. rton churches fraturnal organizations, its professional men its doctors, edit- ors, lawyers, merchants, etc. were close neighbors of ours on thc farm South and Kast of the Village. When a lad of y years I shared the Com- munion .Services with my loyal fath- er in thc old wooden Church building that Mr Strain speaks of in thc late edition ;.f your paper . Th-- present people of y ;ur viMve ara masters in the art cd the The program from beginning to last nusnl . { was iv.-.nct ntui with friendship ^nri sc -vie?. Question: Vvhere :.nd when did the 'V *hat he was unable to attend to his Far- duties as judge of fruit at Priceville fa ' r on F'-iday last. It was certainly a very close shave. aec that the membe'-s who forced '.his regular issue to the froit arc returned to the floor of I ho House, where they may ontini.o the fight for hv,l- > for HIP CARD OF THANKS Thr- Owen Sound; Sun-Times, which has a Liberal leaning, eom- rr^ents on Premier Ferguson a- fol- lows: Even his political opponents mus x . admit, however grudgingly, some ad- miration for the political leader so high in the regard of his followers that 8,000 of them will pay large sums of money for the privilege of jamming into the crowded banquet halls to pay -tribute to him. There is no doubt much in Mr. Ferguson's career as a politician -which <Mis not appeal to many of the citizens of this province. Hundreds, nay thousands, who support him as an \dministrator. disagree with his liquor control policy and regard it as a blemish on his record. Yet such is his hold on the affection of his followers, attained through his personality, his leadership and his administration that they have ac- corded him such a tribute as has never been given a Canadian poli- tician before. Mr. Ferguson may be classed as one of the greatest poli- tical leaders this Dominion has known. Report for September, S.S. No 8 Artemesia, Portlaw. Sr. 4 'Grace Phillips. 'Dorothy Badgerow, *Clara Boyce, *Mary Sheardown. , Jr. 4 Wilbert Fisher Delbert Fish- er, Clifford Taylor, *Bert Hopps. Sr. 3 Johnnie Skinner, Bobbie Meldrum, John Blakey. Jr. 3 Florence Boyce. ' Sr. 2 'Carrie Skinner, Giracie lamieson. Vern McMullen. Roy Chap- man. Jr. 2- Marjorie Pedlar. Bernice Plantt. 1st. Muriel St.Heliare.Sadie McKee Louisa Boyce, Elda Pedlar. Harry Badgerow. Sr. Primer * Ruby v ates. Jr. Primer Alice Shier, 'George Boyce, Harold Phillips. Llewellyn Skinner. Thos marked * were present every day. Number on roll 28. Average attend- ance 23 36 M. Johnston.Teacher. Report of S.S. No. 9, Artemesia Sr.4 'Stanley Magee, Billie Han- ley. Willie Fenwick, 'Percy Smith Jr. 4th 'Lillian Magee. Edith Fen- wick, *Wes Jamieson, Fern Magee (absent) Sr. 3 'Gerald Magee. j r . 3 Bennie Hanley, *Irva Magee. Jr. 2 'Doris Magee. * Those present every day. Helen Milligan, teacher. ftl IW F. R. OLIVER. HINCKS - STEPHENSON | flowers, expressed sympathy, and ex i tended many acti of kindness during ] the la'it illness and passing of my i beloved husband -- Mrs W. A. Arm- Very quiet but pretty was tho mar-' About 10,000 trees, ranging in Huge on Saturday, September 28th r.fre from one *n t- n y-a-s. were des- "J hJKhnoon at Annesley parsonaxe, troycd by fire i at Orangeville ^arkdalc. of M Bry I s l ay> youngest rrc . ontlv in thc reforestation niot of daughter of Mrs. Stephenson and tho r amp . A r.imtronir The nl >t -ns | : . , M,. \ Vm . Stephenson of Mark- Ja ' AnnrtronR. plo f c">.Ttainin; th-,y handl- dale, to Mr. William John Hincks ,T *??' " f . , hc pla ' "? T at in a major v.-:;y. , r;11 O f Mr . alM | lhe Iatc lMr . 1(avj( j Idylwyld P'irk.home of the famous Hincks of Ceylon Dr.fferin lacrosa teams, and cnch Thc ceremony was perfon)icd by yea- Mr. Armstrong had planted n ^ v A N Sl j,^.^ Markdale. The ll000 tl-ees - Rnys had a sm ' !l flre n bride wore a smart and becoming a c rnl>r f tnc f' e 'd nd it got out g.-'herinp of the "Home Corners" gown of pi -i-winkle flat crepe with of con'rol. When the fire was notic- reveal liat anil other accessories of matching fd nothing could be saved, blue and <rnv Thc hriil via ' Royal Guardian Mutual Life Assurance Co. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT Sirkness and Accident Assurance Children's Endowmenta FuM Deposit with Government Assets over One Million Dollars Representatives: W. J. Martin and Angus K. Bolton, Flesherton T. Ness Jack, District Manager Here is Where Your $ Goes Farthest $1.00 for 1 Doz. Assorted Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 packages 25c. Matches, 3 boxes 25*. Steel Wool, 3 packages 25c. Drudge for Scouring, it beats te Dutch, 3 ukgs 25c. 3 Baas Salts, regular 10 cents each 25c. 3 Bars Toilet Soap, Lux, Palmolive, Lifebuoy, Lelya 25c. Jar Rubber Rings, 3 boxes 25c. Alladin Dye, 3 packages 25c. 3 Gold Medal Jelly Powders 25c. Borax Powder, 3 packages 25c. A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 6:00 P.M. : DE FOREST CROSLEY RENOWN COMPLETE i each iU hiKhrst level and its strength?. What was ihc charm, thc beauty, the immortal hope of it tended by Miss Gladys Minoks sister all?. I, with my brother William A, O f the groom,, who was attired in had the privilege of sharing the pale blue sfc-orgct'e and radium lace. morning service at the United Church. Thi. >.;room v.as sunoo u>d bv Mr, The large conffrcKatitm, home comers Koher: from many Stat<?.--, Provinces, Cities, | )( j ( | : ,. On November 1st, 1U2U, certain of Ktephcnson. brother of the tnc lanils of tne Township of Osprey The groiun'.j gift to the Bru advertised to i.t '.<ol<t by in e after an absence oi 20, 30, 4U,and bride was a sapphire cut crystal County Treasurer for a treats of taxes. 50 years, their ii'liK'ous experiences , choker and drv.s.s fob, tnd to thc ' n accordance with the Assessment not chilled or made negative hy the groornsmn '. a white and green Act notice is hereby given that on J contacts and experiences of the ab- K0 ] ( \ waldema chain, after which a tne event of the aforesaid lands lau- sent years, thc hunger for the house v/cddinr luncheon was served ut thc '">-' to stl1 for tn c full amount of the homo iif the bride's mother. a'Tonrs. together wi'h all costs ami ... _ ... .1 .... _ happy couple left of Gr,d. the 'hirst for worship, the overflowing friendship, the old hymns of the church, the cospel of the _Son to by motor uml other charge:;, it is the intention of the , Municipal Council of the 'i'ownship of i to visit friendl at >iuskok'i urn) other t>wnsmi> of God. to be with God. to be like Him > point3> W(J ' joU in wjshj {h - Osprcy to redeem the raid lands a: to share in His service. I his is long and happy wedded life. " ny ""Warned tax sale which tho the charm, the beauty, the major poss- essions of life. When a rural vill- age like Flcihcrton sends out into tho world such a large number of re- sourceful men and women to bless it in the Christian way. thc battle for righteousness ia not lost. J F HUTCHINSON Flat Rock, Michigan ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY County Treasurer may find necessary to hiilil. J. A. KEUNAHAN, Treasurer of Osprcy. CAN YOU BKAT IT? Recently a resident of the south side of Kirkland Lake had cause to ^ make a small addition '.o his home and, in course of so doing cut a hole through the floor to provide a place' for keeping perishable provisions | cool. Through thc hole came a toad, which after a general survey of his' surroundings decided that one of the residence. The householder however had other ideas on this point and car- ried M.-. Toad outside. The next day he was again found in the bedroom and again carried outside. Not to; be denied the toad returned again and | yet agai-i. Not desiring to kill his visitor, nor willing to allow his lodg- ing space in the house, the owner determined to take him so far away from the house that his return would be improbable, and accordingly car- ried him from the house, across the nearby creek and into the bush a dis- tance of about a quarter of a mile. Four days later Mr Toad was back in the bedroom as happy and hoppish as ever and wearing the same happy and contented smile. While quite well pleased to have the toad in his bit of garden as a guardian against j the destruction of his plants by snails and other enemies of green stuff the] householder objects quit strongly to, being flouted by Mr. Toad and plans to take him still further away. Will Mr. Toad come back? Northern News. . i 4 t Treasurer's Sale of b.rd in Arrears for Taxes TKEASURKR'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN THE CO JNTY OF GREY BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of Grey and authenticated by the seal o: the said County, bearing date of the Seventeenth day of June, 1920, and t) me directed, for the collection of arrears of taxes due for three years and over, upon thc lands hereinafter mentioned and described being in the County of Grey. These are therefore to give notice that unless the said taxes, together with all lawlul costs and charges bj sooner paid, I shall on Friday the 1'irst day of November, 1929, at the h >ur of two o'clock in the afternoon at the r urt House in the City of Owen Sound, in the said County, proceed to sell !.y public auction the said lands or as much thereof as may be suffi- t0 di3ch8rc CUch 8rrua " f " ""d c "f *"<i ^^ges incurred. Lot VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE (Township of Artemesia) Conceeaion Acre* TODAY Your Old Radio is WORTH MORE On a New De Forest Crosley Renown RIGHT now we're offering a better trade-in allowance on your old radio as part payment on the new De Forest Crosley Renown than we will be able re give at any later date. Each week, until the end of the year, your old set a depreciating in value. It's costing you real money to keep it. Get Radio's Finest Model When It's New Don't wait till the marvellous new De Forest Crosley Renown is six months old before you buy: Get radio's latest improvements while they're NEW An Opportunity You Can't Afford To Miss . ,; , if Lot tf Tory St. North >.* Lot 10 " ^ Lot 11 " i^ Lot 12 " vi Lot 13 " ^ I-ot 14 " H Lot 8 Durham St. South H Lot 9 " % Lot 8 Kincardine St. North H Ix>t 9 " <4 Pt- Park Lot 6 If Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Not Patented TOWNSHIP OP OSPREY Lot 9 2, S.D. Rd. BO Patented Lot 10 2, S.D. Rd. 50 Patented Lot 18 1, N.D. Rd. 60 Patented Lot 14 1, N.D. Rd. 6n Patented Lot 75 2, N.D. Rd. 60 Patented Pt. 7<! 2, N.D. Rd. 25 Not Patented W. Pt. 76 2, N.D. Rd. 25 Not Patented Lot 77 2, N.D. Rd. 50 Patented Taxes 8.29 8.20 8.29 8.29 8.28 8.24 19.46 19.45 19.46 19.46 96.88 256.06 256.06 294.23 294.26 91.11 45.40 45.41 91.14 Coste Tuxes 3.40 11.69 3.40 11.69 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.66 11.69 11.69 11.Q8 11.64 23.10 23.10 23.11 23.11 5.55 102.43 9.55 265.61 9.55 265.01 10.50 304.73 10.50 3C4.76 5.45 96.59 Down Thirteen Month* to Pay die Balance You caa f*Y for litt Mv D* Fmil )wu *nj|r to Oi Petot CM*- m m titmt dun MMilt- M for IW o rlglH tnr Mm THESE SPECIAL TERMS FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY 4.30 4.30 5.45 49.70 49.71 96.59 WA, Music Dealer,- Don't let your old radio depreciate in value another dollar. Begin thi week to enjoy radio as it really can be. And 0*9 a radio which u backed by the Largest Manufacturer of Radios m th Brimh Empire and th resources of over 5,000 famed radio engineer* he 19)0 DB Foiwt Ctcslty Renown. Own a radio which t halkngei comparison with any tadw or phono- graph you can heat. A*k for a Demonstration NOW I HAWKEN Advertise in Thc Advance The County of Grey Treasurer's Office, Owen Sound, Ontario. JOHN PARKER, County Treasurer. Flesherton