â- &\ » 5 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCR WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18th, 1929 i Sending Money To Distant Points YOU can send any amount of money to any point in Ca lada at a minimum of expense by using a Bank of Commerce AT-jney Order. This method is the simplest, safest and mcjt convenient vray to send remit- •'ances by mail in the Dominion; if the mail gze-, astray no loss is sustamets. Should you desire to send money to a point outside the country, a Bank of Commerce draft will serve your pur- pose for forwarding money to foreigti places. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl I Oliver Again in Fight Some More Views <r><r<^y>'>^.'<r>>><f<f^^><f<f<^><f^^^ CA'A. TIME TABLE IThirdLiae Barn Burned Trains leave Flesherton Station Mi _ . â- .. _ . XI _*!. I •'^ frame barn belonging to Mr. Gom« Soutt GoiBg Nortli , r^^^^^ gj^^^y^ g^^ ^^^^ Artemesia, 8.08 a.m. T 1.52 a.m.' 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails cIm« at Flssberton as Durham's town hall wa s filled with | delegn'Co from all parts of South! G-ey on Wednesday last for the U.F. O. convention, when Chairman R. D. Carruthei's asked for a standing vote for all in favor of Mr. Oliver j £.3 .indidate. All rose of one ac- I cord ar.d made him their unanimous choice. Seven other nominees re- tired in his favor, all assuring him of theiv time and talon's in making ' his election zure. Those nominated were: Anc -ev,- Derby, Hanover. Henry Metcalf, Bentin:k. Dr. Leeson, e.x-M.P.P., Varney. R. D. Carruthei â- ,, Maritdale. Chas. Boland, Artemesia. Alex. Cameron, A'-temesii. Miss Myrtle McKessock, Holland. F. R. Oliver, M.P.P., Priceville. Each nominee was allowed a lew niinutes time and each spoke in praise of Mr. Oliver and 'hi manner in which he had carried out the wish- es of the people. Mr. Oliver said that -ow he felt he was owing this riding his best se'vices and was only too willing that he should render of his best for the coun.''y, which he was prepared to give. Mr. Leslie Oke. Lambton, and W. A. Amo5, Palmerston, were speakers alor.T; with the candidates. Mr. Oke thought no candidate-elect in the last ten years had so promisi :g a future. or Early Settlers | In our recent reminiscences of early days we a.e reminded that sev- eral of the early pioneers of Flesh- X ertcn and district were not meu- y tioned. A friend supplies us with i some data from which we arc able X to glean the following. Both Mr. ana ♦ ctive in church X follows: For ths north at 11.00 a.m. south at S.30 For rooming train south mail closss at 9.00 p.m. tiis prerious •veniny. Local ani Persiiil There is a fall smell to the air. Quite a number from here attended Hanover fair on Thursday last. A number from around here attend- ed the camp meetings at Clarksburg. was burned to ':he ground oi Monday: He had not lost his head nor fallen evening of this week. Mr. Blakey into any of the pitfalls laid for youn? was in the mow putting down hay, politicians. He was a man of strict when he upset the lantern and the morals and sound judgment. Mr. barn was soon a mass of flames. Ail Oke considered the Department oi this season's crop and a number of Mmes well managed, but was not hens were burned. We have not leam-j satisfied with extravagance tn the ed whether there was any insurance,' Department of Lands and Forests, bu": the loss will be heavy in any when our debt was climbing higher event. ' ^"d higher. He thought it a on; man rule in Queens Park. Prime Minls- A HIGHWAY LEGAL DECISION ter and Cabinet did not consider the people at all, when they legislate for Prominent i mong those omitteU were the /, Wright, Bentham and Campbell fam- ' * iiies, all among the mos- .espected f. and influential citizens of early days, ^f William Wright was one of the X earliest storekeepers in Flesherton. •> I-'orty-one years ago we remember % him as keeping store in Mr. Wm. ;^ Moore's building, with his home au- a joining, where Dr. Murray's res!- v donee now stands. Mr. Wright was a philanthropist in a marked degree, and as a conseqv.:!nce of his great •> kindness of heart did not amass a X great deal of wealth. Mrs. Wright were and Sabbath school work. They or- •> ganised the first library in the Meth- X odist Sabbath school. He was on the 4* church board, a Sunday school tea- cher, a class leader, etc., and aiways gave freely of his time to helping I;I along any church work. He was ai- '^ ways interested in the welfare of X children. In the fall when the freeze- *' up came he examined the ice, and the young people did not use it lo' .^.kating until he proiounced it safe, o He passed over to his reward at the *? early age of 55 years. The last acL % of benevolence which he performed % was to guarantee payment for a bag ^> of flour for a poor man's family, f, and tha" same night he met his Ma An important auiomobile collection « ^7 »"^ ^"""^^^ *e rest, as for ex- case was decided by Judge Sutherland ^"""^^ ^'^^'"' ^"'* government control. in the Division Court lat Durham I last week. It was that of Mcllraith i vs Watts, arising out of a road ac- i •â- ident near Fleshe ton last year. , Evidence was given by plaintiff Mc- Mr. Austin Shackleford spent a few Ilraith and defendant. Watts, and by days in Durham last week. Messrs. Su|tton hnd Johns, garage Mr. T. J. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. h.""^"' ^'l"^ was conflicting testi- Patton and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy were' T''^ °" * u '=°"'^'"°" "^^^J """"^ " in London kst week. I ^^^ «?" ' ^?}-^ P^l"' ^^^ '^" * I scrptch on the road 8 or 9 feet long, Mrs. Graham is spending a few angling across the road in the direc- weeks with her son, Mr. Graham. hydro Mr. Amos was proud to speak for Mr. Oliver, a young man we need not be ashamed of. He was watching him closely as were other members in the Toronto Hov-.e. He was surprised at the Provincial Treasurer saying that we h.ve the people's money and we must spend i% since ou- debt was not decreasing. He felt that all speakers were too mild in condemn- ing government control of liquor. He was opposed to it in the past and Charles tion of' the ditched car and both sides ^", ^f^' Government control meant I claim that the scratch was made by ^'^"*"°' "^ govenment with liquor m The apple croD iT the Georeian Bav' t''^ o*'^^''- The Judge gave a lengthy '^"J^';' â- ,.,â- •»- iiic cipt^ie Lrup n iiie ueorgian Day tt„ ^i,i Hvdro wa.-: also not administered districN despite the drought, promises summing up of the case. He did to be more than an average. | »ot charge duplicity in any witness I but gave decision in favor of defend- Lctters of congratulation on the^ anf-. counter claim of $110, fnc ie- succcss of tho Flesherton Re-union fendan'-, to pay costs of May and continue to come to hand. jyjy courts. The work of gravelling the roads is i being rushed through at present, tak-j ing forty loads a day. Mrs. Todd and Mies M. McConkey' visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber ove-' the week end. High School Field Day Fkshe" "on high school is holding a ' ; field day on the agricultural ground • i on Thi.'sday afternoon of next week, Mr. fi-.d Mrs. F. W. Duncan and, ScDtember 26th. at 2 p.m. There children are on » motor trip with the; will be events for both boys and girls .^ junior and senior classes and the former's uncle of Paisley, to Bloom ington. 111., and For" Wayne, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling and Mrs. W. J. .-Armstrong attended the funeral of the late Joseph Armstrong' in Markdale on Wednesday last. Miss Velma F-yer of Port Colbome left for Collingv.-ood c i Sunday aiterj spending a week with her aunt, Mrs.| .\lbert Blackburn, 4th line, Artemesia. Mr. O. W. Dynes, who is on the [ staff at the State University at Knox villo, Tenn,, ac.-ompanied by Mrs. Dynes and children were visitors at the Hickling home last week. Whooping cough is prevalent in some of the adjoining cou.ities, and because of it the manager^, of the school fair at Holland Centie have postponed it indefinitely. | Rev. James Ward, rector of St. I John'-: churvh, Wodehouse, is retiring! aft:r half a centu:-y's service. Mr. j Ward is row 85 and rightly reaches! the decision that he is entitled to ai well-ear ;ed retired life. I A number of residents in this dis-| trict visited the camp of the Christian" Workers at Clarksburg last week, and report enjoyment and profit from the services. The camp closed on Sun- day and was, as usual, a success. i Miss Nellie A. Gardiner, Dundalk, Supervisor of Music Dundalk and Shelburne public schools, also teacher of vocal, is reopening her class for the fall term. Pupils prepared for^ Conservatory exams. Phone 24J. ; We print another interesting letter from Miss McPhail this week, but we have something extra special from; her pen for next week's Advance. s'udents are practising ha -d at the present time to excel in their ath- letics. Everybody welcome. Si. John's United Church Rev. W. J. Scott. M.A.. B.D.. Minister. FLESHERTON in the best inte'ests. cs he was a farmc- and rnnst riy too "lurh. He has it in? ailed and niys ninety (foll- "rs yi^.vs service and juice. Were !â- "â- on the other side of the tnwTi fence about one third would do him. M". Oliv?^ r-\vo the bf=t address, "hort but to the point. He claimed th*^ ffover^""'pnt would have l:oen ten million doUr-s more in debt wpre it not for liniior firitrol •\rn\ ^ hydro rr'-irn, "'â- • thev (^nly hnd around 'wo T-niilion fr'^â€" 1 hydro all of whi^h WS'^ j,j^p,t jjg .p.^g jj^ fawr of tot"l prohibition â€" 'd was still a hearty s'.-inorter. He 'h'5'len<?:ed ? staLe- ment mp.do on "he Durham platform " fev^ wppV". ago when it was stated *l'nt t'-'" I. (^ B. had made thines bet- tor. M â- . Oliver litated that hp wouTn debitc the ouestion nn any nlftfnrm â- â- â- tho ridine.lettine the ne^nl" deniiT,^. w,-, •(vpp Drcr)r>'''pd to work r~ before to do o'-ery possible 'â- hin" tn b in^ ^ho'it ''onr''tin"'5 a> w'O would have them in Sr--'Vi r.-pr- TVio >"ot-i(;j- 1] Anthem closed ? most i-tprp'3*"'»>"* conventior nf '^parlv as iranv vi-omen as men in attendnco. When Daughter Gives a Luncheon % Nothing will please the girls more than delicious Fruit Sandwiches. They'll go in ecstasies over theni. S Fruit Sandwich % Wash y> cup dates. Yi cup of figs, % f^ cup of raisins. Remove stones from ^ dates. Cook or steam until the fruit \i | soft. Add juice and grated rind of the v orange. Cool and spread between thin y slices of X ' ^nrity Bread { BRE-\D IS YOUR IDE-\L be .>.-.- ker face to face and heard the "Well . .».^^».u^. â- ^â- ^Kj^'t.AAAi^ done good and faithful servant." '>><r><^<f^<^>>^>>><f.><r^^^ Probably not many of us have been * % quite as useful to our fellow-men a-s was Wm. Wright, and his memory is worth keeping green. Robert Trimble was also one of the early merchants. Richard Bentham was an early S settler on his farm on the outskirts y of the village, now occupied by his •> son Richard. He was a fine example % of the old-fashioned Christian and •!• led a veery pure life. i % George Lowe Wright came to Ar- 'J* temesia in the spring of 1849. The ^ family came from near Ottawa in the •> spring of 1850. Thorpe E. Wright, % Martha Wright (Mrs. Wm. Wrigh/,, * Elizabeth Wright (Mrs. Pickell), % Mary Ellen Wright (Mrs. W. Brown ♦ of Markdale), were the member's or X Gsarge L's family who remained m •> Grey county. Martha was the firrt t-t teacher in the Dinwoody school, ana '> Mary Ellen was the first in the Mil- % ler school on the gravel road neai ••• Markdale, opposite the old Miller •> place. j -> Richard Campbell came to Grey Co. •;• from Da'lin?ton in 185.3, soon after X George L. Wright. He was Interes- •:♦ led in getting a school startea. X M . Campbell taught school in his •> house, one aid a quarter miles iror.i *jt Flesherton, at a sala-y of S80, or ♦ S20 more than he had received Ti '^, Darlington. That year all the town ♦ ship gran'' was civen to No. 3, r-.s .> there was no other school to give y it to. % \ Now is the Time to do your Fall Painting . • . . S.W.P. Outside Paintâ€" ..- old reliable â€" covers mos t, | looks best, wears longest. <♦ Marnot your floors before cold weather comes. 'I Advertise in The Advance SUND.A.Y. SEPT. 22nd L>.4j a.m. â€" Su iday School (Classes for all r.ges.) 11.00 a.m. â€" Subject ''Like a Refiner's Fire." 7.00 p.m. â€" Subje:t, "The Quest of Happiness." Tho Young People's Society meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mid-week meeting for prayer every Thursday at S p.m. Services at Ceylon &l 2.o0 p.m. each Sunday. Keep in mind tlie three SPECIAt, Si nday-â€" Rally Day, September 29th, Sacrament Sunday. October 6th, and ^^^.^, (.ov,-,p]ij.(i with Section Harvest Thanksgiving, October 13tu. Be a booster and talk for our fair, not against it. VOTERS^ LIST. 1929 Clerk's Notice of First Posting .fof Voters' List for the Township of Osprey. NOTICE is hereby given Icd Cream & Candies HOT OR COLD DRINKS ALWAYS ON HAND - also - FANCY GOODS .\ND SCHOOL SUPPLIES H. Alexander FEVERSHAM, ONT. that I of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Feversham ; on the 17th day of Sept. 1929, the ' list of all persons entitled to vote In ; the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immedvate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for 'ap^eil being the 8th day of October, 1929. Dated this 17th day of September, 1929. â€" H. G. BURKE, Clerk. The Truth About Your Eyes Is about the most important inform- X ation you can gain, ana they may no: ••• be at all like you think. If not, -ser- .j, ious result.! are almost sure to follow •{* and these results will be more serious •> as time goes by. AU the facts about *^ your eyes are revealed liy hnving ••. Dr. J. G. Russell, R.O. J cf Hamilton examine them when he '?, will bj' here from ,••' October 14 th to 19th ♦ , , , - at - X Hardware Armstrong's Optical Parlors *i^x••>♦^•^•x••:-:">-^•>x-^•:••:••^'»• AUTO ENAMEL SHER-WIL-LAC Stove Pipe Enamel, Brushes, etc. TUBS, BOILERS, WASH BOARDS. FRUIT JARS, RINGS. RUBBERS, PRESER\'IXO KETTLES, etc <- % t V t F. W. Duncan Flesherton •!~:~:~:~!~5>.v!~:"!- her pen tor ne.xt weeK s Advance. » . . . » ^ ^ . «. .^â- (_».<kA.vA*~J>^ Don't miss her article on the opening' ;^H^^^.>.^.>X-X~>^^.>♦«K>♦♦♦^♦*^^>•>>>^^X">^.>•>•>•^♦><-^^^ ^> of the great convention at Geneva, which will appear next week. Dr. and Mrs. Murray, accompanied % by M vs. R. Bentham and Mrs. W. H Thu'.ston, motored to Lions Head on respec' to the memory of R. W. Shaw, Friday to pay their last tribute of who had passed away the previous x day. Members of the family here * attended the funeral on Saturday. X Flesherton cemetery has been well Y looked after this summer. Plot hold- ^ ers, now that a good beginning has X been n-ide. will no doubt continue to i -! "House of Quality'^ Bags Bags We have a quantity of Seed Bags at a very attractive price. Anyone wanting the same "would do well to see these. p- lend cheerful assistance to the trus teeT in the laudable work of decently |^ maintaining the grounds. 'X The death of Mrs. Mary Amelia Y Lazier, widow of the late W. J. Mc- \ •^ Fa 'land, merchant, Markdale. took ?* placo at Toronto on Friday last. I '^ Mrs. McFarland was a sis'^er-in-lnv *:, to the late Matthew Richard-i^in of , ^^ Flesherton and had many friends in t;' this district. She hf.d re.iched the "*' ............... .^*«jkjk-»..v.<k.«^'-A.^vA.--'..v.<kA.%A.vA.^.v.v^.%A.\.s,iA.^^^ mature aee of 88 • 1 .,5M.>.^.X>•^<•♦<~^•^♦<^•>♦•>v•^4'^J^♦i><"^•^♦.~.".•^"^^•^*v<K~?<i".•s"?♦?•>?♦^ ?'?v%~> Jas. A. Stewart ROCERIES PHONE 37 WE DELIVER IN TOWN September aiiic 5aie 15 p.c. Reduction from Regular Prices All Silks, DacKesse Satins, Crepe de Chines, Georgette, Canton Crepes, Fiat Crepes, Crepe Back Satins and Habutais are included without exception. Regrular $1.25 qualities for $L06 Reirular $L50 quahtitfs for $1.27 Rejjular SL95 quahtics for $L68 Regular i5^2.50 quahties for $2.12 •\S REDUCTION APPLIES TO ALL SHADES CARRIED IN OUR LARGE STOCK, A FULL RANGE OF THE MOST POPULAR COLORS IS AT. ,_ YOUR DISPOSAL Twa Extra Specials 36-inch wide Black Duchcssc Satin 36-inch wide Black Duchesse Satin, good lustrous finish, fine soft draping heavy quality, made es^jecially for us quality, reliable black, regular d»l IQ with our name on every vard. ^O J^Q $1.50 'for f l.liF f„iK- guaranteed, reg. i?3 for ....T*'*^*' SILKS IN SHORT ENDS AT BARGAIN PRICES. A large number of useful lengths in ai) kinds of silk in a big variety of colors offered at Special Cle<uring Price. All perfect goods. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO