"WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE One's Old Home Town | (Hy JOS. T. (I. AUK) X Mi-. Joseph T. Clark, cditoriul wri- . life. NothitiK is now seen of the ter on the Toronto St:ir, visited the| romantic mind that once kept the nieHia," I said. He had never been there, he admitted, but he had heard a Krcat deal of it and knew something ofi t3 reputation an u seat of learn- ing. I said I wa-) proud of itii rec- ord. He ia probably still fienrthinR I the world to find it. I saw it the othiT (lay. It used to be S.S. No. 5, township of Arteniesia. It Krieved scenes of his chiUlh.KKl last week, and P'-'f^^'l "fht-^ gleaming in his eye. He ,„^. t„ fj,,,, ,hey are now using it as lis quenched. He has .spent his life^„ ^..,,, p„^.^i„^ p,^„j enjoyed the v.s.l to the last ''''^'ee.l ^^^j^^ ^^^^^ ,,,^j ^^^.^^ .^^^^„^^,^ ^.^^^ After returning home his men'^l ma-j^as owed him. But he is a sound chinery was so stimulatod that he citizen, .solvent and respected. Clear- produced the following very fine i 'V »" vur <''«! schoolmates have done I well â€" the averajcc '.is astonishingly | 'good. There is none of them who piece of descriptive writing: Homie Week Visilors (Continued From Inside Pase) ,„..,„ ~. „, . o. .gives you the uneasy feeling, after, I'onto; Fred Bellamy, Collinfrwood; <Reprtnted from The Toronto t'tar) I ^^^^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^,j^^ ^^^,^,_ ^^^^^ .^\^^^. ^,_^, ^^^ ^, g^^^^ ^g^;^ pj^ij,. Several towns and villages have, would be prudent to count your fing- ips), Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. T. Brooks i>e«n welcoming home their old boys ers. They are all right, a good lot. aid Ml^s Vera, Clarksburg; Mrs. and girls and some of these events You would pive a good deal to break Iddle, M •. Frank Iddle, Clarksburg; liave been extraordinarily enjoyable down the barriers that time has erec- ' Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Brandle, Jack and to all concerned. As an old Flesher- ted between you and bo as fond and Dorothy, Neville, Sask.; Dr. P. A. ton boy I have just been through two' intimate as in the old days. But it and Mrs. Beattie, Toronto; Mr. and or three of 'he best days of my later is impossible. Youth alone ij cap- Mrs. A. Beattie, Toronto; Miss Thel- /fe. I able of it. When a man. after an absence of ^^ y^^ ^^^ .^^ ^^^1, ^^^^ ^.,^^ ^^^ many years, returns to his native , ^.h^^^. y,^ ^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ village at any ordinary t.me the emo- , ^^,„„^^.^ .^ ^^^.,, ^^^^^ ^^^ ^j,,^^,.. tion-.i of pleasure and pa.n are about ^j^^y ^„^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^i,i^^ ^^^..^^ ^^._ equally mingled. , The people he seesjy^^^.^^ ^,^^ ^^^j, ^^ ^j^^y ^^^^^ ^, are not his in^oplt. The old fa-niii^r j^^, ^j^^^ ^^^j^^ ^^.j,^^^ y^^, ^^^ j^^,^ places are occupied by strangers. Helj^ |,jrj'3 net- feels mu>;h a.< a Frenchman niu-it have ' and go back later and , , , , , . . .,, I find it hcj petrified by the action ef felt when be .saw hu, native village, ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ,,^^j,^ , „j. j.^,.^ ^.^^ occupied by the Germans. It is nol. <|uilc as bad ^!' that, but in a mild •way similar. The house in which you were bo^n may be there, and the now ancient tree Ly the gate may be the one you knew so well â€" the one that almos'. t'llkcd to you with itj leaves in the morning â€" but the house and garden have forgotten you and adhere to the strangers who now oc- cupy and command them. A lonelin- ess comes upoi you as you walk the old w-ays and nobody calls you by name; you a:-e being gazed at by people who don't undevstaml. who make the error of supposing that you are the stranger, while you know never got a petrified nest out of that sP'-inc. but you put nests in it in the full confide" ce that they would pet-! ma Bell, Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs. B. Brooks (Cla a Spence); M. B. you ^•â- o"'*^, Bai-rie; T. A. Blakely and Qg Gordon. Toronto; Miss M. M. Binnie and Miss C .0. Bi-inie, Toronto; Mr. .tnd Mr.'. David Bate ?. Niagara Falls. X.Y.; n. A. Brown, Toronto; Mr. ind Mrs. Thos. B ady. Toronto; Mr. and Mr'. II. Blac-!<!i-ji-n f Charlotte Boland) Port Credit; .Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brint- I noli. Toronto; Will Bi'-nhcu'r. Ed- |nir)nton: Vv. J. Blair and fiir.ilv. Fort I nu.:ic -dale, Fla.; Mrs. John Brown, big, the Do ; Fovcrshani: Mr. and Mr'. E. Brow- Brown nrH Phyllis of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. nnd Mrs. E. I Clarksburrr; InUk.'ly. Corbet'or; Mr',. Geo. Blok- I ely. Proton: Mrs. G. Beaton, Mnrkdnle ] Mr. and Mij. Jack Bayson (Nellio ;RT?rO Elorr": Mr. end Mr?. R J. : Bhokbinn, Violet ard Pomld. To- W. J. Beaton, Markdalo; Mr.*:. TTnm- ilton; A. M. Brown. Toronto; T. G. n'-ou^rhton. Islav ad Muriel, C'>»-on- infl Bert rify.) Do they knov/ of the stone on Pap's hill that has in it impression of an i-ifan'.'s fool? they know tha; if y^u fo!lo-vV the v.-aters of the village stream on and one you come to a deep forest with high rocks and a cave in which you may camp for the nightâ€" -jnless asi darkness falls the youngest of the'''""^"-„ „ „ . , , „ , party begir.i to cry and demands lo^' "" ' ^*-""- P'""'''-^" ^- '^'"^'"•'' go home, to the vocal disgust but secret relief of all present, who .icurry out of there so fast that the younge;:t o/ the party can scarcely keep up? yourself to be .supremely the nativc.^,o they know that the village pond It IS difTeront duiing old bomo ,vhich once seemed like one of the -week. Then you have not only the !egs,.r Grea' Lakes is now a mere old familiar places, but all about you pond, or does it seem to them one in are the friends of your youth, and in the chain of great lake?. Do they your ears are the name., you knew ^ know that place east of the village ^o well and have not heard for so ,vhere they can pick raspberries and lonif. P IS a home commg in earn- blackberries by the pailfull_or are est. such as one, going there alone, the berries, like tho.se who used to ^an never meet with. The very pj^k them, 'here no more? Do th«v buddings seem aware of the occasion kn„w where the speckled trout hide. and look thc.r friendliest. ^ It tu-.-ni from adults and bite only when small ' '""«*' ^^"'''e'"- ^^^^''- Richard Clark, ©at. as you h.-».d not susnected. that boys come? Gore Bay; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cross- the seeming strangers inhabiting the, ,, , ,". ,. . .. I l^v ird Janet, To or'o; R. T. Corn ntion, Alta.: Mr Broiicrhton, Rnvpnna • Gf^rr-.? Brnv.-n. Band Head; Mr". D. Bbir (Mary Heonh Toronto: R. G. Bnatty. .Mlen- fnid: M .1. J. Boaton (San C'-ilen^ M'.rkdiilo: Dr. r.nd Mrs. .S. Ball of Newmarket. .Mrs. M. J. Campbell (Miss Hooper) Atchi:-o-i. Kansas: Mr. and Mrs. A. Cairns and Mi -. J. C. Cairns. Manor. S'aFk.; Jas. Clark. Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. T. Cha d and Ruth. Toronto; .Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Clark and Marg- place arc not strangers at all bu*' ^'^ doubt they know these andjfipi.i. Toronto; Mrs. Cun'.iingham, Walkerville; Geo. Frank and Nelson Cronin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. O. Clipperton (Lulu Mitchell) and Mary. Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Candle-- and daughter, Janet, New Jersey, U.S.A.; Mrs. W. Col- (luotte (Lila Alexander) Owen Sound; Jos. Corkill, Owen Sound; J. C. Crane. Owen Sound; .\rmour Carson, Toronto R. C. Cockburn. wife and family. To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Connor. Toronto; .Mis.i E. Jones; Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers (Rebecca Turner) Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Coleridge (Muriel McTnvish) Kingsvillc; W. I. Carroll, Mitchel; Mrs. Alf. Caiier (Mary Murphy) Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chard. Mr. and M 3. Wm. C. Davis and family of Toi-onto; George \V. Duncan. Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Cirncah Davies. Toronto; Glenn Davis Toronto; Ernest Davis, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Dudgeon. Port Credit; Mn. Wm. Davis, Toronto; Don E. Dana, Lynbrook. N.Y.: Miss A. Dp vis. Markdalo; Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Dudgeon. Marjorie and Dorothy, Pcterboro; Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Du"-- I rant (Florence Thurston) Dorothy I nnd Helen. Milchrll; Mr. r.nd Mrs. I Thcs. Davidson. Toronto; Mr. and , Mrs. J. T. Davidson. F-versham; M -. •ipd Mr-;. R. Dov.-n. Jack, Florence and Bc'!y. Markdnle. <io>don J. E.-igor Enst linton: W-i. j Er!rlisii. Parm.T. Idaho- Albert Eii- w.nrd.-:. T^-ortn; 71rs. rdni"nd.:, To- jronto: Bella KIl':, Toronto: M"-. Beo. I Ftl-.crine-iiin (Mnv GiUr-snie) Toronto: I Mr. .-'.nd l\Tra. H. J. T^nj^ Pmvassan: I Mr. and Mrs. Eln-er Klli-, Kimberley: I Mr. r vl Mrf!. W. T. KIH.- -T' < .'-"ffwai-t I Kii-nberley M â- . and Mrs. A. T Eng- "sli, Iijr-'iltcn: M'«^. li'.a Ij I'son. To -orfo; M'--. R. T. FodE-son, Mary- port, CuP'.berl-ind, England. V/m. Field. Toronto. B. Eugene Field, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Field (Ray Spence) and Br-ace; Mr. and Mn-. W. H. Fenwick and Miss S. Fenwick, Torcnio; Mr. and Mxi. J. E. Field, Mui-iel, Olive and Audrey. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. N. Frewing, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Frew- ing, Toronto; 'Mi', and Mrs. Herb Fisher, To onto M. A. Fogg, Winni- peg, .Man.; Lieut-Col R. C. Ferguson. Thornbury; John Fish; Mr. and Mrs. John Fenwick and Ei-nie. Toronto; John Fisher, To- onto; A. Falder, To- ronto; Mr. and .Mrs. T. P. Foster and Vesta, Ailiston; Mrs. W. Flaven, To- ronto; Miss Ida Fisher, Toronto; Alex. M. Gibson. Edna and Ruth, . Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clinton; sound and legitimatp members of the """"^ "'^^er things that one after 50, finrk. Toro-'to; Mrs. Ogle Cooper village family, rejoicing with you in y**" forgets or never knew. j ^Xetti- Clark) Toronto; Miss Mabel « lonp- sought re-union and commu-n-' On one occasion I was bored stiff j <^l«!"k, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ion of sentiment. by a man who would have i' that 1,1 '"rawfr-d and Helen. Sarnia; Mr. and ^ Half a eontury works much chantre too. was a highbrow. He talked in-j^V. D. Camnbell and W. R. Campbell. m the schoolma'es of one'.? youth, terminably of the small college in the Toronto; Arthur H. Clark. Toronto; ')no of th*m here and there may look I western sUtes from which he had M â- E. W. Comely (Maggie Canip- pretly much as you would have ex-i graduated and to which he was theni ' "^ Cberrjdale. Va.: Mri Thos. pected him to look after such a lapse returning as a professor. No effort , f^'ayton (Eva Spence) .Tack and Joy. *" '^""'\- "P '-â- ' the same boy grown, of mine could induce him to discuss' Toronno: Hattie Cole. Toronto; Mr. ' 'I and n bit gray. But most of I 'rout fishing, toothache or anythingA-iid Mrs. Allan Cameron( Almcda them change beyond recognition, of sound human interest. He lived -â- â- -â- â- •- •• -I are n.koH to guess -"heir identity, in an atmosphere of trigonometry and I>ut are unable to do so. The slim ! decimal.,. At a pause he asked me •hlrr^l ,"?^'"'"'^ ^"'^ "'"v now be I the university from which I had grad- i»eery. bald, resigned to hum-drum ' uatcd. "The University of A.rte- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. Toronto; Mr. and Mi 3. H. Genoe, and LcGarde) Norman, Bobby and Donald '\amoron. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Thos '^ulleii and Homre. Toron'-); Mr. and Ml'!. W. M. Crawford (Lois Wclton) and Whitney. Toronto; Dr. R. W. and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Genoe and Sammlc Owen Sound; J. W. Griffiths, K.C., Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin, Toronto; Stanley Gamey, To- ronto; Mrs. F. R. Gamey, Toronto; Mrs. G. J. Goldsborough, Robin and Diana, Iroquois Falls; Mrs. Richard Green, Heanhcote; Mr. and Mrs. W. Glass and Arthur, Owen Sound; Mrs. Wm. Guest (Lucy Richardso:i) Elwin and Rcvella, Brownville Jet., Maine; Jlr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin, To- ronto; Eh.'ood Genoa, Toronto; Thos. Godfrey, Toronto; Mr. and Mr.5. Har- vey Garner and Irene, Toronto; Rev. F. D. and Mrs. Goff, Clarksburg. Wm. Heitman, Feversham; W. C. Mrs. Allie Lehman, Toronto; Mr. and Mi-s. H«rb LeGarde and son, Picker- ing; Ida LeGarde, Toronto; J. E. Large, Niagara Falls; H. M. Litle, Powassan; Percy LeGarde, St. Cath- arines; Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGarde (.Mayme Meldrura) Toronto; Eliza- beth A. Little. Owen Sound; Johns to-.i Little, Owen Sound; Ida Lever. To- ronto; Mr. and Mr''. A. E. Little, Owei Sound; E'hel Logan, Toronto; Roscoe Ladd. Mono Centre; Hilliard LeGarde,. Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Mel- drum, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Toronto; Mr. and Mrj W. J. Jamieson, Toronto; F. J. Kerr and mother, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Newt- on Leeder (Ethel Fisher) London; Agnes Lever, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. P, Leeder, Misses Jean and Dor- othy Leeder, Toronto, (Continued Next Week) \ HEIFER RUNS WITH DEER ' Nathan How of Con, 12. P.-oton, inserted a small advt. in this week's- Herald, -.itating that a heifer of his had strayed. Before the advt. had an opportunity to appear in pri it Ihe heifer had been found. It had been travelling in strange company â€" for a heifer. Deer are quite frequently seen in that neighborhood and the heifer had taken "French leave" from home aid gone with the deer. Birds of a fea'hsr can flock together, but apparently the domesticated beast couldn't stand, the p^ce for it was quite thin when disco-v-ered w-ith its strange friends. â€" Dundalk Herald. LOST â€" About August 7th, white pig abou!^ 50 lbs. weight. Finder please otnify Cecil Monaghan, R R. 1, Flesherton. **4"X-M~»«W">«<»<"><-X'<i<~*<-x-c~X":><-:'4-><">«<^~x«<"^^^^ Small Advts. •X":»<^XK-x-:'<«4><'-X"XK-x~:~:«^'X«<~x-:«<~>^<"!'«:~x~:««X"X«<~:"X~x~X":'0'>- LOST OR STOLEN , p^j,j ^q^ jj^j. LOST â€" At the United Church in F'eshei-ton, Sunday, August 4th, bar 'no acres in the Townsiiip of Ar- pi.i with Masonic emblem. Finder temesia, lots 77 and 73. 1 N.D.R., please leave at The Advance office as about S5 acres under cultivation,, it 13 valued as a keep-sake. balance pasture and mixed burh; barn .__ ._. . 36xC0 with T 36x45. all with .-tone- LOST â€" In Flesherton Station on ;-a---oment. in good repair, water at. Saturday Aug. ;!. a child's orange °-\": '^^'""^'^ f"^ .^f 30. .abo hen sweater with while lri::iming. Find- ^°T' ^:"°'f^ .^^="' ^'-T^ h"''^* „. r,ioo-„ _, f.„„ ( A u- o- 1 • "'"^h soft water cistern and furna"". er plca»e return tu Archie Sinclair, ^his is a good grain and stock farm. .•\sent, i..ejion. ^^.j,,j fenced and watered, situated convenient to railway, church and' STRAYED â€" On or aUout August school. Reason for selling is on 2nd liom lot 12. con. 19. Proton, one p-ccount of poor health. For partic- star on face. "'^""^ "'"^'^' °" nremisos. PkasQ notify Andrew Watson. Proton ^- â- ^- MORTON. R. R. 2, Proton Station. Hack yearling Please notify A. Station, R. R. 1, Phone 62 r 6. FARM FOR SALE . ' Lot 32. Con. 6. Artemesia, one hun- witn jij.gj acres, about 65 acres under culti- FOR SALE FOR RENTâ€" 6 room house. ,,,„,„, . ";'"='=' „ â- -.â€" urea acres, aoout do acres unaer cuitl- 1 1-4 acres of ground. â€" John Melia, „„^â- „ „i » c * u u j .. Ceylon ' vation, about 5 acres of bush and 3 ' ' I acres of swamp; spring creek running FOR S.ALE â€" Cow, 6 years old,' through pasture near rear of farm; with calf at foot. â€" Joe Thompson, Singhampton about 40 rods from school. Good bankbarn 45x56; frame houoe with 8 rooms, good cellar, good drilled well, FOR SALE â€" 50 bushels of fall hen pen and small orchard. Half wheat, 1928 crop.â€" J. E. McKee. R. mile from Rock Mills and 4 miles R. 5, Markdale, phone 29 r 5. 'from Flesherton, rural route. Will __. [sell reasonably. -WALTER RUSSELL. Flesherton... FOR SALE â€" Montmorency and English cherries, red currants ,now ^- R- No. 1 ready), also berries, black currants, plums and tomatoes in season. â€" Mi-s. E. Bell, Duntroon. FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house BOAR FOR SERVICE. school ,_. .. Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. Reeristered Yorkshire Boar for Mr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clab, and good garden, opposite the high , '*=• "^ Flesherton Bacon Hog caal^ d1 in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J. '"e property of the OnUrio Depart- jment of A^euiture. I â€" C. STEWART. Caretakav. FOR SALEâ€" Bran $1.70; Middlings, $2.10; low grade flour $2.25; Chop, I' ' " $1.25 per hundred; also oats, barley, ; 8D0BTH0RN BULL FOR SEEVICB wheat, etc. Phone 38 r 3. â€" A. C. â- Muir, Ceylon. j Registered Shorthorn bull for THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Savings Another big .sliii^nicnt of Ladies' Summer Drc.s.scs, very new and exclusive and at prices p.uioli below what you would expect to pay for .such (jiiality dresses. 10 dozen Ladies' Silk Hose, full fashioned and ex- cellent quality. .-Ml shades , f.-I all sizes. A real special at V â- choice, ])er i)air, lor oiiJv ... „ $L39 Grocery Specials ()ian^;es, sweet and juicy, 2 duz 35c. (".r;inulated Suj^ar, 10 pound for 53c. rtanut JJutter, rcg 10c. , 2 for 15c. liaker's Cocoa, re}jf 10c. , spec. 2 for 15c. L.iudry Starch, per pk 9c. iMjr Uar Uiscjiits, per Ih 19c. Seelless Kaisins, 2 lb. for 21c. Puritv Rolled Oats, larije pk. 25c. Snider's KcLsup, rcg. 25c 17c. I "Where Quality 'i igher Than Price" "ill. neicman, reversham; W c^PP^^ ** ^- ^- Thistlethwaite, 24 Hopper, Toronto; C. E. Hopper, West^^"""*"" ^"^'*-' Toronto or W. J. Bel- FOR SALE OR RENT - 100 ac- ' m!!.o!, J" M^ ??; ?ic°'^^' "i**"^ rc-3, lots 16C. 167, 1 R. W., T. & O. SaZ . Ii2 ,«il^"^= ^^ITi ^"""'^ S. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town-^lX' "F^' ^"-^ ^^i^^^ ship of Artemesia. \ Le ^ror. l^^Z t2'Sr' ^Z^^tTtt^"^ school. 2 miles from Flesherton. wiU be charge full nrioo â€"S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia. Toronto; H. Hooper, Toronto; Harvey Hunter, Toronto; W. H. Hemphill. Ken and Jean, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard (Lita Partridge) To- ronto; Wm. Hayes, Oshawa; Dr. and Mrs. Henderson and Helen, Toronto; S. J. Halbert, Markdale; Mrs. S. A. Harmcr. Southampton; Jlr. and Mrs. J. H. Hales (Allie McMullen) Owen Sound; Mrs. C. Hawton, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodpson ( Ethel' Trimble) and Barbara. Islington; Ray Henderson, London; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hopkin.s and Winnifred, Me-iford; .Mr. and Mr.\ T. W. Henry, Dorothy and Jack. Dundalk; Mrs. W. Howard, lay, Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED â€" Young man for bakc- shop. â€" F. Pi-nder, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" All parties are warned against trespassing on my property lot 27. con. 12. Artemesia. â€" C. E. Turner, Eugenia. GEO B. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Temu 1 per cent Saflsfsctioii ri«nitM4 DatM made at Tba AdVtu ee offlca. MIDDLE0RO & BURNS Barrtetcn. etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy WANTED â€" Two young Calves,. .««.«â- «„ r â€" Albert Blackburn, Phone 42 r 6, Saturday afternoon and evening Flesherton. BUSINESS CARDS' WANTEDâ€" Man for general farm , work, for balance of summer. â€" Rossj Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D D Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hender- Alcox, Markdale. R. R. 5. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- .son, Misses G. and Aaileen. Toronto Mrs. J. W. Hc-'.derson. Hanover; John. Clifford and Earl Hutchinson, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hamil ] versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ton. Oakville; Mr. and Mr«. G. E. E- Best. Fleshei-ton. Hen -y. Berkley; Miss MaiaRret ~ IlolnKi. Win.-hcjter; R. K. and J. A.' ^^ RENT â€" For hay or pasture Hemphill. Vancouver; Dr Mr:;. Memierso !, Ivan - „ â€" â€" .w..«w. uoa auiiillllSLer- ROOMERS WANTED â€" High | ^d ^°^ extraction. Office at the resi- school students to either board or i ''*"*=^ "^ ^^- E. C. Murray, Toronto room. Opposite high school-^Mrs. ^J'**'' F'eshcrton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 338, A.F. * A.M. meets in the JIaaonic Hall. Arm- D^R "lVind -"« half acre lot in EugeniaVor w~ould '^171 T't'f ^'t*'*^, """^X ^' rd Frl. ^, ''^ll «•»"«. For particular apply to-'^'^ °" »' ''!.^"« '^e full mooh. W. :,l,i,Vj. ^uJ'" Ed. Hillock. Maxwell, 'phone 42r31. ?' ^a^*"". W. M., C. F Uwrence, EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et prices wil be paid in cash. â€" Jno. Runstadler, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. ' HOUSE FOR SALE lonto: Mrs. W. Hill. Markdil«; Chas. H. Uoinitin .Toronto: Mr.-j So;il-.=a (CampboU) Hamillon, Oxoi Hiil MkI • Mrs. W. H. Hnll, Port Pc: v; J. P. Ilut.hinon and N. A. Hv.cbin.son of M-h.; Edm Hay. Mount ForcU; R. J. Iluinn. Toronto; Mr. aid Mrs. H. Herod. Mimico; J. Hutchinson, Thorn- bury; Mr. and Mrs. A. Harpell. To- ronto; N. J. Hown -d. Owen Soun.l; "Ross' IIown>(!, Hnnove-.-; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hawley and son. Toronto; Mm: G. E. Hewson. .Tid C Eliz.ibe'li H-v:,on. Delia. Alta.; iJJt:i llnnev. To- ronto: Mr;=. T. Howard (Julia Sc-\n- lop) Owen Sound; l\Iuri-ay Inkster. Iir.iii. Mv. Jamie.<;< 1 of Toronto; Mrs. K. Jamio-on a-.d R. P. Jamieson. To- ronto; Mr. ami M,-.,. r. Johnston, l.ileen nnj Jean. Shelbuinc; Mr. and Mrs. C. Jamieson, Eleanor and Audrey •Jf Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. H. Jaokson, Owen .Sound; Mr-.. F L John.^ton. Dundalk: Howard Johnston". \Ve!.ton; R. J. W. Johnston. Mark.lale; Mr. and Mr.-;. Earl Jenkins (Lett? White) HamiRon Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar (Ten--. LeGarde) and Kenneth, Toronto; Mi's C. King. Markdale; Mrs. C Kennedy. Betty and Winnif*>fl of Mount Dennis; Mrs. M. Kennedy (M. Rrbert-on) Mis, K. Kennedy, and New Bnnuwlcli White Cedar. 5 C. h. and Master K. Kennedy. Toron- to 2 Inches. Extras perfectly clear to; Kathleen Kelk, Toronto; Mr. and of knots and aapwood. Clears 6 in Ml -. Dawson Knott, Clarksburg. cle'-- nr* up. Mr. and Mr.^ John I..atinirr (Josic Pho"* vour orders: 13w. Richardson) Toronto; J. A. LcGarde, Toronto; A. C. LeGarde, Toronto; Secretary Lucas & Henry, Bi^risters, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Slarkdalo Lucaa .Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Dyrham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- „ , , 7 , , '^"'"â- ^' ''^''- 0"iccs Groy and Bruce House, could be used for store and Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank dwelling combined. Has water a-.id Block. Flesherton. (Saturd-.Ts ) W modern conveniences. It is situat-'p. Telford Jr J v I n- â- ed in this thriving village (Horn-! ^''""'^^' â- "^- J- F. P. Birn ie. ings Mills) on tho main highway and i \v,„ v -..- 7^ T in the centre of one of the most', ," l^aitting. Licensed Auctioneer p -osperous farming districts in On- 1 ^f '"° counties of Grey and Simcoe. tnrio. six milcj north of Shelburne. r'"'"'" ""'^ ^^°'^^ sales a specialty. There is an opening here for a live- Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- wire using a truck in connection with ' »nteed. All arrangements and dates a general store business. Price 'r'ay be made at the Advance office, or «600.00 â€" T. J. O'Flyn. Shelburne. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS Lots 140 and 147 3rd range E. T. & S. R.. and parts 231-2-.1-4, hunt- ing, fishing and tresspassing strict- Central teleplione office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feveishim. BOAR FOR SERVICE , â€" e., -". B -..« v.vo.^i^.oouig ni.in.-i.. Registered Yorkshire Boar for «er« ly prohibited.â€" R. J. Meggitt, Flesh- jvfcfrâ€"Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,999 «"^on- â€"Property of Saiigeen Bacon Hw Chib. Terras fl.OO. . SHINGLES ~C. HINDLE, *1 Proton Station ') BULL FOR SERVICE â€" , . ,„ I I'urham Bull for service. $1.50 i* W r ARmStRON^A snv ) ^\^^^''% January otherwise IS. " W. A. ARMSTRONG A SON. [ C. Akins, R. R. s, Protoa Station! ; 5ff"