Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1929, p. 8

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L^_l 1. Willi •mm^imi^^n^^mfr^mmmmmmmm mmm :WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th. 1929. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -o' FOR the first time, the bu^er of a low- priced car can now ciijoy the advan- tages of real Sbc-c^'Iinder smoothness and performance . . combined with the beauty and luxury of smart, roomy Bodies by Fisher . . plus foot-ccntrol!cd tilting beam headlamps; ridi upholsteries; adjustable driver's scat; smart, distinctive hardware and trimmings, and scores cf otiicr features. Come in. See the cars at our showrooms, and 1st U3 give ycu 2 practical dsmonstraticKi. Alex. Morrison Passes After a leiiKthy illness Alexander Morrison passed away on Friday ev- ening, May '.Mth, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mor- lison, of Osprey Ttownship, in hla 44th year. The deceased had been a patient sufferer for gome time and four months ago underw-cnt an op- eration in the Toronto General Hos- pital and wa.s later taken to the Durham hospital, where he was nursed by his si.ster, Miss Kthel Morrison, R. N. When it was seen that he could not i-ccover he wished to be taken lo his parental home, where ho paused peacefully away on i Friday evcnirR. While at home lie I was pursed by liia sister. Hazel. I Fifteen years aifo he whs married I to Miss Mary Brown of Dromore. j who survivci<. and to them were born ' nin, children, seven of whom arc j now livinpr. Besides his wife and I children be is survived by his pap- I cnts. eijrht si.stcrs and two brothers: Kllii (Mrs. Findlay) Owen Sound; Emma, at home; Ethel, in DurTiam; Tcna (Mrs. 1>. Hecny) Toronto; Lizzie (Mrs. Kendall) Osprey; Mln- ' nip (Mrs. Turnbull) ,Sniiley, Sask.; Elsie (Mrs. F. Barber) Flesherton-. I Wv./.cl Olrs. Mijdic) New Yo-'k; John, Vancouver, and Ernie of Os- nroy, all of whom, with the except- ion uf Minnie and .lohn were home whtn he passed away. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. May 27th, when Rev. Mr. Mills of Mclntyrc had charKO of the short service held at his parc-nta: . home and also at the graveside. In- terment took i)lace at Amos Ceme- tery, Dromore. By reriuest two of his favorite hymns were sune: "Hold Thou My Hand" and "What a Friend \Vc Have in Je::us." The pallbearers were: Alex Find- lay. Wm. Kendall, Fred Barber, Tnos. Brown, John Bi-ow.n and John Me nary. ( The floral tributes \vere beautiful and were presented by the wife ana family, parents, sisters and brothers. Meiiary family, of Toronto. Durham hospital staff. Mr. and Mrs. Standon of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sims of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Seelev, Ow- en Sound, Annie Keith of Toronto and .loan HeniT of Florida. A larprc number of friends and rel- atives from Toronto and other points assembled to pay their respects and sympathize with the sorrowin<r rel- atives. Interesting News of Ottawa I position. N. J.; Misses Lila and Aileen at Doings . Mrs. Corbett is visiting her dau^h- home. â-  tcr. Mrs. Jas. Lockhart. | The body was conveyed from Lynn ,_] Mr. and Mrs. Will Ludlow and Mass., to her former home at Mea- [S I children of Woodstock and Mrs. , 'ord, and service was held at the I Morrow visited friends in the neigh- ' residence of Mr. Henry Richmond, in- borhood. terment takinK Place in the family A varied menu was offered at the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson at- P'ot in Meaford emetery, on Satur- Commons this week, as is always ' tended the funeral at Durha'm of the <lay afternoon. May 25th. Many of the case near the end of the session, child of Mr. and Mrs. Hero Atkin-l her school day acquaintances were â€" let us hope that it is near the end. son y/h^ i â€" i-:ii...i :- _ ., â€" [ nro^ant ai «ka r.tnovoT We were to bo throuKh at Easter, ' cident. then by May Ist, later by May 24th; i We were k.s-»„« some optimistic souls now say that we' Prosser with us again, will finish by June 1st. I have no' The congregation at iiiibi,okc was; hope of getting away before June S. • favored with a duct by Mr. Uyji%]-\ e case near tne end or the session, child of Mr. and Mrs. Hero Atkin-l her school day acquai let us hope that it is near the end. son. who was killed in an auto ac- ' present at the funeraL Wo uforn in Ko fiirr.ii.»k at Vaaf,,^ I «i.i»_» j The florsl trjbuteg were veny nuni- pleased to have Mr. "ous and beautiful, many of them us again. being expressed with the body by her I have no • The congregation at Inistogo was i friends at Lynn. Mass., and arrived ivorcd with a duct by Mr. Mui-ti-l'" » very fresh condition. If private business weie organized I mcr and Miss .Sinclair of Toronto and *''"• *"d *^*'*' W. P. Crossley of as the Commons '". and took as long | a solo by Mr. Mortimer. | town. Mrs. C. J. Crossley of Toron- to get things done, everybody \vouia • Mr. and Mrs. Ardis and two child- *<>• M*"- ^nd Mrs. G.. Welton and Mr. be bankrupt. Fortunately private rcn. Miss Brown and Mr. Herb Mc-' ""'^ yira. F. J. Thurston attended' Clure visited at Mr. A. Sinclair's^he funeral, and other friends. D. McTAVISH & SON Flesherton, Oat. .1 .z»c Lusiness uses sensible methods The number of questions and orders for return regarding tb.e liiiuor traf- fic between Canada and the United Stales k'ad me to believe we wiii ^â- oon have a debate on the subject. Questions U-ugurding fish traps In \Vc?ter:i waters; the tabling of papers regarding the dismissal of Mr. Cooper, vv^arden of the New ! Westminster pcniteitiary reminds ua that B. C. is on the west coast. I reid the 55cnate debate on the dls- missal of Mr. Cooper. It is a most aniusi:iK tale. Coone.- seams to have been a good official, but W' wife and t!io v.i'e of the deputy warden didn't like caeli othex". Tho ladies qua'- icllcd. 0.":e wouldn't take cake when the other pas.scd her a plate of it at t?a. but took u piece of the same c!il;e later when .«nmcone else served it â€" :<') Cooler was fired to keen the neacc. I must watch that I take cake fror.i tho right person I nevor ronli/.ei the imivirtancc at- ta-'hed to it before. Isn't there an old adage "A wotpnn is privileged to change her mind?" \Va.- reparations are to be paid ill fwll to tho.':c who lost up to fifteen thouta-rid dollars. In some cases boats were lost, in other luggage, and in still others, relatives. Fifteen thousand dollars seems a fright oi a lot of luggage, but not much for first class relatives. The debate is not finished yet. Tile Government introduced the payment of claims four years ago PRCD'JCT OF CENTRAL M0T02S OF CAi:.\D.\. LIMITED MANY THANKS! I would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking all my former patients for their patronage and tho confidence which they have always placed in mc. I bespeak for Dr. Brycc, my suc- cessor, the same support and frier.d- ship that has made my work here so pleasant. As I would like to close my dental books as soon as possible will all those with outstanding accounts j pkase settle at your earliest con- ^''^^^ cenience. very sincerely yours, â€"DR. E. C. MURRAY. Nephew Killed In Airplane Crash Particulars were received last week ' b-.- Mr. Wm. Caswell of the death of hi^ nephew, H. A. McCallum^ o Calg;irv. which occurred on Sundav. May r.Hh. The deceased met death 'a.:c,v- v.itli N. R. Stevens. i'-hen t"p â-  pla:-.s in which thev were f'-mg crashed to earth followin- a loop- the-loop, when about five feet of one of the wings were torn off bv air prc«ure. Both victims were mem- bes of tho Calgarv Aero Club md flying one of the club'.i planes. Advertise !n The Advance I THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES iViarkdalc, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY The Late Mrs. Aikin Feed ard Seed! Announcement was made in lasti week's issue of tho death of Mrs.; J. W. Aikin of Lynn. Mass, which j took place o:i May IDth at hc».homc.! Tho deceased, whose maiden namej was Eleanor Richmond, was an adopt- ed daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ' Samuel Richriond of Meaford and, v.-as a sister of Mr. W. P. Crossiey of town and also of the late Mrs.) •Jas. Sullivai. She passed peacefully; away after an illness of eight days duration, suffering from a paralyti"' stroke. She was born at Meaford 6.T years ago and s;)ent her carl,' life in that vicinity. | Besides her hus'o?nd sha h snr\'ived by four children: H. R. Aikin, Nov.- BRAN $1.60 per cwt. SHORTS S1.70 per cwt. .MIDDLINGS S1.90 per cwt. LOW GRADE FLOUR S2.10 per cwt.. CHOP S1.25 per cwt, WEST. WHEAT ....S1.60 per cwt RED CLOVER, No. 1 G.S. SI.l per bu. RED CLOVER, No. 2 G.S. S13..50 per bu. We also have Oats, Barley, and oth'er feeds We are now tak- ing orders for best quality nut coaL Price SI. 3.00 per ton off the car Terms; CASH A. C. MUIR York; W. E. Aiken. Perht-Anrboy', CEYLON 'Phone .38 r » I Small Advts. i % FOR SALE-Young 'general pur- '^ARM FOR SALE posp horse.â€" Herl) Corbett, Proton. but they were violently opposed by > _, „„,.„ â€" Mr. Meighen and his followers. The/, f"^ RE.>i iâ€" Gar.igo, Conservatives are this year support- •'"''"' """«♦-""<"â-  â- e\^'=^ ing it. Mr. Jacobs, the witty He- brew mensbei' Jfrom Montreal, was rather bubbing this fact in on Fri- day, and in doing so treated the i-n-. ^Kfv^ ^ , * no acres in the Township of Ar- X'Orv SALE â€" Good potatoes.â€" temesia, lots 77 and 78, 1 NDR Dav,> McDonald, R. R. 3, Priceville. ?^°"^ ^^ ^='"63 under 'cultivation' i o?'^"/^ pasture and mixed bush; barn FOR RENT-Gar.igo, in town. -^"^^^ '^^\ T 36x4*. all with stone John Runstadler, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a s tack of hay. â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia. ... ... >.v...B cu iiu-..i>:u w.u , FOR SALEâ€" Barred Rock Chicks, House to the following bit of subtle ready to deliver May 23 and June 3 sarcasm:- "I should like to read to Mrs. C. Hindle, R. R. 3, Proton Sta- the leader of the Opposition, (Mr. tion, Phone 32 r 31. Bennett ) the views of the then â€" :; â-  â€" leader of the Opposition (Mr. Mei- j FOR SALE â€" Mammoth Clover ghen) a man who. I think, at that j Seed. â€" Chas. Doupe, Proton, 'phone time had the confidence of the 32 ring 14. gentlemen who sat behind him, to News Items of Interest to Shoe Purchasers ^>-^. We now have many styles uiul widllis in the ever fainous "Kniprcss" shoe. Widths .\. !'... C, 1)., E., l'".L',H, citlicr in patent or kid leather. Our prices are right on all hnes from the smallest child's to the largest men's. Our chain store volume buy- nig makes this possible. We assure you a p»:r- I'ect fit and .satisfaction guaranteed at all times. Remember, tliat ill fitted shoes are the chief source of all foot troubles, including bunions, crooked toes, callouses and corns. We also have a complete stock of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl's appliances and will do our utmost to cor- rect any troubles already developed by ill fitting shoes. Men's Work Shoes of oil tanned leathers, with either rubber or leather soles, at prices from .$2.95 to $3.75. This price represents the better line of shoes. Ladies' Dress Shoes of many different styles and lasts from ^2.2') to S3.<>5. Childre'n's and Misses Strap Shoes, si/es 5, 7'/2 98cts. to $1.69; sizes « to 10;4 for i?1.40 to $1.95; sizes 11 to 2 iur J^L.SO to $2.50. Men's Work Boots of many grades of Icathci Manv pairs actually worth $3.95 to $4.25. Special Sale 'Price $3.29. GROCERY SPECIALS - 3 pks. Corn I'Makes for 25c. Sliced Pineapjile. 2 for £9c. Oranges, sweet, reg. 50c. doz 30c WE SAVE YOU MONEY 2 cans of I'eas 19c. 2 cans of Tomatoes 25c. 2 cans of Corn 25c. "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" the same degree that the present leader cf the Opposition has." Fenny stocks wei'C by tho Budget this year, more heavily taxed than high priced ones. Mr. Robb has levelled it up a bit, but according to an illustration given in the House, if one had a thousand dollars to spend in stocks, and bought pjnny, ;ha', is low priced stocks, the tax ,vould bo twenty dollars. If he bought certain high priced ones the tax would only be eight cents. Mr. Mak'olm Lang, Libera! member for Timiskaming advocated an ad val- orem tax, a percentage of the money invested, whatever the market value of the shares. The committee oi the v.hole divided three times on it.'. In each instance I supported Mr. * Liing. Later Mr. Bennett moveaS an .in-.ondment on 3rd reading to tofi-r tho matter back to the Com- mittee of the WTiole with instructions to "icetion four. This would have I'limiaated all tax on shares. I be- lieve in taxing directly, but I war.: i; cvcrily spread. To support Mr FOR S.'VLEâ€" Quantity of hay at McKinnon fan.:, South Line, Price- ville, $10 per ton.â€" Jos. McKee, Mark- dale R. R. 5. FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house and good garden, opposite the high school in Flesherton, â€" Mrs. W. J. Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. FOR SALEâ€" Cow, dne to freshen in June; can be seen at the farm of Chas. Doupe, or apply to â€" Mrs. Eph. Doupe, Clarksburg, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" Hatch of Barred Rock baby chicks on June 10th; anyone wishing to order phone at once, 15 cents each. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, R. R. 2, Priceville, Phone 22 r 41. basement, m good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen house: 8-roomed solid brick house with soft water cistern and furnao» this IS a good erain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated convenient lio rail-way, church and school. Reason for selling is oit account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nremises. W. A. MORTON. R. R. 2. Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey Bull for service on lot 127, 2nd range S.W Terms- S2 and $3. _ B. A. Hargrave, Markl dale. BOAK FOR SERVICE. Rearistered Yorkthire Boar for •««. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clifb, the property of the Ontsrio Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. snoRxnoRN bull for servicb FOR S.A.LE OR RENTâ€" 100 acres. Registered Shorthorn bull for s«r- lots 166 and 167, 1st ranee west of vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey "Merry T.S.R., Artemesia. For ull partic- Marquis" No. 170,135; Sire' Bonnii ulars apply to W. J. Belhmv. Flesh- ] Marquis 142.381; Dam. Red Ilutterfly erton. Ontario. j3i.o78. Terms - Purebreds S grades $2.00. Cows net returned will be charge full price. â€" S - R- HAWKINS. Eugenl*. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR SALE â€" 2 .Shorthorn bulls, age ten months, eligible for registrat- U "'V;',-' "' â- , l' â€" >•â- -â- â€¢â€¢- -â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ ion, color red; also Trobi six-rowed Bonnetts amendment seemed the,barlev, vields from 50 to C!,", bushels only way to protest acainst the pros- â-  . acre.-Donald MacMillan, R. R. 3 ont unfair tax. I used that method, p^;,;,, pj^ ^^ j .Mr. Lang wa:. the only Liberal wno ' supported the amendment. j â-  Milton Cnmpbell of ' MISCELLANEOUS started a .lehate >=" British prefer-', w.ANTK;0_Calf of beef »(;pe.-.', ^"" ^'--^ County of Grey. Tcrmw once. Ho claimed that _ the change j. ., ^.j^^^^^ p,^^.,^ 32 â-  13. * P" <^ent. Satisfaction guarr.teH mads by the Budget of la^t year vc- i,uiring 50'; cf tho vakij of the pro-' iiiu-ls entering under British preier WANTED â€" Maid, to help v.ith •â- "-" f. - ,....--- housework. â€" Mrs. A. Fawcett, Fev- tn?o, to lie of Empire material and crsham, phone 8 r 41. laboui-, lather than 25',; as formerly â€" I'.ad not helped, but hidorcd Empire PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for fii'.do. Mr. Campbell quoted tiie pasture, 100 acres of pasture, well Canadian Textile Journal to prove w.itcred. â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia. ihat the Canadian manufacturers ap- â€" rr,T,:r-rrr^T3zr „. . : r iiroved of the change. ' EGGS \V.A.NTED - Highest mark- ••This increase in Empire content ^^ P^x^es wil be paid in cash.â€" Jno. is due to tho repeated demnnds c: Kunstadler, Flesherton. ui,. Canadian manufactuivrs.- NOTICE â€" Chopping done on 1- .i''?';v. ''H "' ''- VV"- *° "'" Saturdays only.-Graham Bros. Eu- heve that the change woull increase ^pntn Empire trndo. ••...:_: _ Wednesday cven-'tr I snc' vc v NOTICE â€" Special in chick fe"^ pleasantly in the home of Dr. and also flour and fer on hand. Can Mrf". Newton MacTavish. Dr. M.ic- bo secured at the Park Hotel. â€" Tavish is one of the three Civil Ser- Harold Spoffard. vi,o Commissioners. The party was _.„_,â- __ r; â€" -â€" ,^ in bnnor of Mr. and Mrs. Hector B. | PASTURE â€" H. Pedlar has his MacKinnon, who have been recentlv 50 acre farm offered for pasturCi married. Hector MacKinnon is well which is situated on the 8th Line, known in Southeast Grey. He was Artemesia. Communicate with Geo. raised at Priceville. and for years r-- .„.. n^,.^^^ di,«.,„ <n o wa. nn th. staff of tho Globe, be- F'«tve â-  Ceylo". Phone 40 r 3. c-niing city editor. He is now * ' â€" â€" ^ ?Pcrotary of the Tariff Board. The] "lacTnvish's are artistic people Dates made nt Tho Advance offic*. MIDDLE BRO & BURNS Barristeru, etc Ofices â€" Owen Sound. Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton evei-y Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson. W. M.. C. F Lawrence, Secretary SHINGLES Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K, C, W. D. â- Henry. B.A. Offices. Markdale Liicu Block. Phono 2. Branch offices at Dundall; and Durham. They have a collection of pictures,) \'ow Brunswiclt White Cedar. '5 ftatiios and hooks, which their home! to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear (lix'ilrvs to advantage. | of knot^ and sapwood. Clears 6 in. Wc snent a wholesomo, inspiring de-- ar-* up. old-fa-hioncd rvoninir â€" no bridge, no : Phone your orders: 13w, dancin?. Conservation, music I >v. A. ARMSTRONG & SON. readings from Canadian poets and ^ hnnic going came surprisincly soon, j BULL FOR SERVICE It is cncouragintr to know th.nt con-j i o. ".wiocu nucnuneer vcrsation hasn't become wholly aj nurhnm Bull for service. $1.50 if 'T the counties of Grey and Simcoe. loEt art. I paid before January, otherwise |2. â€" ] Farm and stock sales a !»n«i»i«Hw* Ottawa. iJT^^TinS ^»^^^"-^^-: ^- -^'-'"-' ''â-  "• '• ^â- â€¢"^^-^ ^^»"""- JTerms moderate. satisfactioHuar- Telford & Birnie, Barristers, solK citors, etc, Offices Grey and Bruc» Block, Owen Sound; Standard Banb Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr.. J. F. P. Bir nie. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer VICTORIA CORNERS PROPERTY FOR SALE anteed. All arrangements and dates- I may be made at the Advance office, or The property of the late Ella Central telephone office. Fevcrsham-, ., , , „ IV.,, Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street. 'or by addres.Mng me at Fevetsh'in Mrs, Louie Bannon and children picherton. On this property is a ! rever3& of Dimdalk vis.todat Mr. Th09.Ban-, ,„,.,f„,.t^l,le dwelling house "of 9, BOAR FOR SERVICP no,, s for the 2 th. . I rooms, with electric lighting. Barn «"AK FOR SERVICE Mr. Jno. Robinson. Hamilton vis- „- „„ , . . _. .*;_ ". , . , . . ited nt Milton BannoVs, ' hou^n ;\.,;'in „^,o „ L„^ n " ' Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser. Donald Robinson, Dundalk visited ,'l''"'<' theiein; also a good well on vJce-Edgely Brisrht Vim No <?« OOB a- Milton Binnon'a. I '*"^ premises. This property is in a i p "?*'' Bright Vim, No. 99.998 Wo cmcratulnte Miss MargMerite P"o«' '"^t'"" and ^vill be sold re.<»son- |~"°P*"iy ->' Saugeen Bacon Hoe â- Stitv.on on taking -nch good mi"-Vs ""'y. For further particulars ap- ^'u^- Terms fl.OO. en hor evams. She tops to To- ply to tho administrator. â€" W. J. â€" .C. HINDLE, * ronto to-day (Monday) to secure unpads, Flesherton, Ont. 1 .• ,^2^,. â-  Proton Stati«m '

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