l* WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1920. THE fLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColliriKWood street, i'leshertoii, Wetlnosdny of each week. Ciculation over 1100, I'rico in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance 51..")0. In U.S.A., ?3.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. xm'nsTO.N . Editoa. f. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. THE FLESITERTON .^.DVANCE The Lale Mrs. bucks ^Is ly enjoyed by all. The bride's trav- lObtume was of n'ivy blue icontine with inoliiio collar nnci " rosj hat and scarf of contrasting' After safferinK intensely for the shades, pui.. iL-n montlis iUis. h'iiny Louckg Those attending the v.'eddinj: fror.i j.ubsui awfty at tier huniu ut Chats- a distance wove Mrs. K. Warlinj: o; woriii on inursday aiiernoon of last t'oburg. motht'r of the bride, Mr. and week at thu ace of 08 years. She Mr*. \Vm. Learii and Mr. and Mrs. hi'.d betn sutierinjt hince last Sopl- Jds. Leach of Toronto. The best lir.fcr ircm aittiritis ar.d tti.'macii wishes of their m.T.iy friends go trouble and desidte all that could pos- with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, who, on sibly be done she passed i>eac.;iuily their return from a short trip will away on ihursuay ailcrnoon. reside in (^obur?. iiie luntrui ij^k pia.:e o.i ianday " aln.^ii.uv.1, »er\ii;e beini; held in liiu ^•<.«x»X>*X">*X*<":-X»:»:->'>X'<»X**><fr'* L.11UCU ciiuixii, Cnaibwortn, wiiicii f TWP. OF ARTE.MESIA ROAD NOTICE was v.eii iiiiea wun a nu.n ox m , WHO iiuu Kuii.eri.u lo pay llie.r lusi 4 BOY STKALINC tiRAPE.S MAY LEGALLY UE SHOT ( Inspects tj a iritnd hinmy rejruiUcj % Policemen who shot at and killed '-•' »"• luierineat looic piace la ^^ a runaway vajfrant suspected or ser- in-sucilcn ComeiWy. me puuueai- ^^...j.y.^....„v...-^....^„.^.„..........„.^j^.^-„.;5. Letters to The - Editor - AN OLD RESIDENT WRITES ious crime, having; been found not *•'* \^ere:- ititasrs. i'. Ji. \> . fiicK' guilty of manslaughter, a demand Is ''"K. \^'. •>â- Sltwart, \V. lalbu, John made that the law Koverninc the use iiin'iilton, i- t-oiuns, N. uiciineni. of firearms by officers of the law 1 1 He iloia tributes weie very beauti- gjitor of Fleaherton Advance:- ehould be mere clearly defined. | ful """ consi.steU of Uaies AJar, the jj^^^ . gjj. j ^^^^^,^ ^^^^^.^^ ^j- ^^^ ^^_ Few people know just what rights i"'""y; toskei trom the grandchild- unj^,,, "pf the old boys in Fleshcrton are possessed ty policemen in this ren; oasi^et Ciej. Wilkes u!ki laniiiy; j^ AuRust. reheard. :\ study of the orovisions ."^iJiay, iwi. anu iVlra. v.urti:is; spiay, " j y,,^n,|.\i. jf i],,...e y ,j- jiyp, on^ of fho Criminal Code, of which J t. and i.ua. I>,icr.olas Loutks; spray contemporary with myself of tho.<-e most folks ari.' in ignorance Lecause, | -"'• "^1 i*!'''- Hiiriy tJeli. early years. If there is I would probably they have always believei! i Ihc late Mrs. Loucks accompanied Ijko to* hear of or favor such a themsolve.';, f.hows some c-xtraordin- | hei nusuanu lo Jfiesiiuriun loriy- person. ary enactments. .Senator Lynch- , two years ago, and settled at the lii- Our home in Arlcmcsia was locat- Staunton of Hamilton, finds in the tie i.:iii two miles north of Fleshcr- cd in IHl'.i, the family settled in May Cotle a provision that lejralizes the ton. Seven years ajio Mr. Loucks of 18.50. shooting of any boy who mav be sold his property there and moveti j ijvod 6.5 years in Artemesia and cauKht in the act of stealing frrapesl ^ to ..laiKuaie, wnere he lemained loi lotain a great interest in the old The late Sir John Thompson, who, ' iwo years and finally moved Co pJace. as Mi-nister of Justice, spent a lone I i !iai..-,wi.i-tht whtLe he purchased a One of the boys of those early period i-i revising the criminal law!, garap.e anu had associated with him, days who shared the work of clear- and to whom we owe the code, must nis to.i, Cecil. 'ihe late Mrs. Loucks in^r the land and made a financial have listened to the comnlaintof an was a devoicd Chiistai:: and was a success of life in aothor country, apjrrieved fruit grower before he mcinbci' of Chalnier's Presbyterian wrote me not long ago and saiii, consented to this rpactincnt Ordin- I cnurtli, ilci.ai.rton, while residing ".'tiomotimes I '-"g for the smell of arily. Sir John was regarded as a here and upon the consu'mmation oi burning bush or loghcaps." Such great lawyer and a man of humani- union was a member of the Unitec. are the memories that remained with tariuni in convicts, and ""e wonders Church. him, and others of pioneer life, not why such a harsh provision should j Berides her husband she is surviv- ff toil and hardship, but of a life cd 1 â- â- three sons and thrcf daughters f"" ^^f e'liTPV- courage, hope, good viz: Walter, Britisli Columbia; E.:- ^^calth and wholesome living, win of Flesherton, Cecil, at hDme; I ^•"I'<^ f'^t there will be a good Bella, British Cnluinbia; Stella (Mrs. -iltenrlaive iir.d a joyous time m the Wvvillc) of Vandtleur and Vera ve-union and that the old pioneers (.Mrs. F. Cutting) of Markdalc. An who in early fifti-s started the work cnly brother, Mr. Martin Fetterley, «^ w'"" t-arricd on by later enerat- rc.-ides at Russell, Ont., and visite^: with l-.cr a fcv.- days before her death. 4 Frit.ids from a distance" who at- tended the funei'al wore: Mrs. Thoo. Ilislop, Gshaua; iMr. Ceo. Wilkes, Francis Wilkes and Mr. and .MVs I to the place of bef^innins;. I Description of Part of Lot 132, Range Notice is hereby given that the! '• ^•^•'^- ^ ^- '*"**' Municipal Council of the Township! M"- Alcox, Owner of Artemesia will after one month â- ^11 and singular that certain parcel f,.^^ ii,„ fi-oi «.,i r „t; _ I , . or tract of land and premises situ- Th I- J i^n "^T^ V "t= lyi"K '-•"'i beinK in the Town.ship fhe Ilcsherton Advance Newspaper, „j. Artemesia, in the County of Grey. (the date of which first publication .^nd province of Ontario, containing is the First day of Jlay, l'.>29) pro- by admeasurement One One Hundred ceed to pass a bylaw establishing the and Twenty Fifth Of An Acre (.0075 undermentioned deviation of road, in Acre.) be the same more or less be- the said township, being a deviation '"K compo8ed_ of_ part of lot 132, of 130 sidcroad in the first and sec- Raiffe on concession north cast of the To- ronto and Sydenham road therein ac- havp been made law. But our aston ishnient is greater when we consider in all subse<(Uent revisions of the statutes the law has remained un- changed. We do not favor the taking from our police offictrs the right to carry firearms. In our country, peace lov- ing though the overwhelming major- ity of people are, there are times when self defence from the attack of bandits ani other dcstardly crimin- als absolutely retjuirea that the of- ficer of the law should be able to .-.hoot promptly in self deren.o. Hut. assurdediy it should be shown that only at such a critical time Ls shoot- ing to be tolkrated. The Hamilton's Senator's proposal that the carrying of g-uns by policemen should be pro- hrbitod goes too far; but he has shown a good cause for the issuing of a warning to all those charged with the administration of the law that only in such extreme cases e.s is here in- dicated should the officer shoot to tailed kill. We have recollections of a declaration by an encment. judge that manslaughter should never be restor- ed to except where the officer had reason to believe that his own life â- would be taken unless he first took that of his assailant. I other words if the suspected crimial, guilty prc- snjmably of a inino â- offioo ran away ions, will ni.t be forgotten. - Mrs. E. A. PICKELL. WOODWARD â€" SPROTT A very ouiet wedding took place ill Wesley United C'lurch. Montreal Lincoln Wilkes. Toronto; Mr. and on Monday. May l.'ith when S»die -Ml.'. Clifford Loucks, .-Vlex. Loucks ^^-^ younger daughter of Mr. V.'m. and sons, Jim, liiissell and WiUnir.i, Snrott, of CoUingwood. became the .Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Loucks. Mr. and '^ride of Cyril Frederick Woodward Mrs. Edgar Loucks, Ephriam Loucks, of St. Catharines, younger son of -Nicholas Loucks and .Mr. and Mrs. ^'r. and Mrs. A. Borthby Woodward Frank Loucks, ail of Mcaford. of B" idge House, Hemsby St., Y'ar- The many friends extend sympathy mouth. England. to the sorrowing husband and family Ihe bride, who was given away by in their great loss, they have sus- her brother, Mr. V. D. Sprott, wore her travelling costume, a hydrangea blue, trimmed with broadtail, with ARNOLD WARLING 'grey hat shoes, gloves and hose. Her , â€" I corsage was of orchids and lily ol ,^ , ,. , ' the vallev. The wedding music was A very retty v/edd.ng was solemn- .-endcredby Mr. J. G. Kendall, organ- cording to a survey and plan de- scription made by Robert McDowell Esq., O.L.S. dated the 17th day of April 1929. â€" said deviation is describ- ed as follows viz-â€" Degcriptlon of part of lot 13.3, Range 1, N.E. T. & S. Road R.;;lcrick McKcnxie, owner Al! end singular that certain parco' or tract of land and premises situ- ate lying and being in the Township Ol Artemesia, in the County of Grey, and province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement Six and One Tenth Arces (6.1 Acs.) bo the same more or less, being composed of part of lot 133, Range 1, N.K. of the To- ronto and Sydenham Road in sail? township and which may bo more particularly described as follows that is to say:- | . Commencing nt the north westerly ' angle of said lot; thence north 3y j degf. 30 mins. east along the north-' I criy limit of said lot 50 chs. 48 Iks., to the north easterly limit of said lot; 'â- thoncc south .50 deg.s. 30 mins. east ! along Paid limit 88 Iks.; thence I pouth 44 degs. 40 mins. west 9 chs, ,, 61 Iks; thence south 39 degs. .30 4" mins., west Tchs. 79 Iks, thence Y south 54 degs. 20 mins. west 4 chs. «5 88 Iks.; thence south 39 degs. 30 f mins. west 28 chs. 20 Iks. to the A south westerly limit of .said lot; y thence north .50 degs. 30 mins. west X along said limit 1 ch. to the place ♦ of beginning. 2. N.E.T. & S. Road ; Frederick Russell, Owner .All and singular that certain parcel cr tract of land and premise-s situ- .ntc lying and being in the Township of Artemesia, in the Count.v of Grey, and province of Ontario, containing 1. N.E. Toronto and Syden- ham Road in said township and which ma.v be more particularly described as follows, that is to say:- Commencing at the south eastery angle of said lot thence north 50 degs. 30 mins. west along the east- erly limit of said lot 12 ks.; thence south 44 degs. 40 mins. west 1 ch. 33 Iks. to the southerly limit of sala lot; thence north 39 degs. 30 mins. east along: said limit 1 ch. 32 Iks. to the place of beginning. R. McDOWALL, Ont. Land Surveyor April 17th, 1929. And further take notice that the Council will hear all persons who pet- ition to be heard in favor of or op- posed to the opening of the said road on or after the fifth day ot June. 1929. Dated this first day of May, 1929 _W. J I BELLAMY, Twp. Clerk. Build Up a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. At! investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12',. Payable 1% monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 2Dth of the previous month. FOR FULL L\FOR^L\TION SEE ^ Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton '>>'>'>'>'><^><r><<-<r><<<-:<r>><r^^^ »• A by admeasurement Four and Two Fifths .'\cres (4.4 Acs.) be the same more or less, being corinoscd of part of lot 13.'!. Range 2, N.E. of the To- ronto and Sydenham Road in said township and which may be more ^, particularly described as follows,! A that is to say:- I •> Commencing at the south on.'iterl.vi I^ angle of said lot; thence south 39 Glean-Up Price on second-hand FURNITURE â€"A real £!rood Daby Carriage, nearly as good as new at a closf. •i)rice. â€"A Sidebord. slightly used, but in good shape. can hardlv tell it from a new • â€" A Davenport one. degs. 30 mins. west along th north-' X -"SERVICE" i::ed at the home of Mr. and Mr.s. i.-t of the church. Jas. Crowthcr of Cherrywood. sister ,<•. ,i ... of the bride, on Saturday, May 18, ^V'^^'" ^ cei-emony, which was 1929 when Miss Ethel Amada Pf-f.-^rmcd by Rev. B._ R._^Brown, a Warling, daughter of Mrs. K. War- small reception was held at the home Our Motto is always the same Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer -:- Funeral Director he should not be shot <lown, but sim- Un^ of 'Coburg, was united in mar- "^ ^'•â- - /"."' "'â- â- "â- V- ^- ''^P'-^." ply followed up. EDITORIAL NOTES As motKy in a newspaper office .iage to Mr. John Francis ArnolC, .^^.^^"^ ^^â„¢''' '''"'^ poom will spend ro, of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Arnol.i their honeymoon in Kngland, sailing of Oshawa. Rev. D. B. Langford ^^^l^' S",', T,' ,J*'*' ^- ^- '^*^'^''"'"^' offici.iting. |-l)undalk Herald. 'I he bride entered the room to fnc is a scarce article, we wonder how it strains of Lohengrin's wedding march was possible for Editor .Secord of the and stood under an arch of spring Mcaford Express to enjoy a ride In blossoms, and was given in marriage a Moth airplane, which visited Mca- l)y her brother-i.i-law, Mv. Jas. ford recently. j Crowther. ' She looked charming in a gow.i of It is with thanksgiving that we shell pink georgette crepe and car- welcome E. A. Duncan, editor of the ricd a bouquet of Ophelia Roses and Wiarton Echo, back to his task of fern. Her s'ster. Miss Alice War-'.ii directing the destinies of that newsy Trng, of Coburg, acted as liridesnnid journal of the Bruce Peninsula, af- 1 ndn looked charming in a gown ot ter an eventful vacation of a month maize georgette, with a bouquet of on a farm near Wiarton.- W.? are | ro.ses and maidei hair fern. The also pleased to know that the doc- I groom was attended 'hy Mr. John Royal Guardian Mutual Life Assurance Co. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT Sickncs and .\ccident Assurance Children's Ent'owments Full Deposit with Covernment .â- \ssets over One ;\Iillion Dollar.t erly limit of said lot 12 chs., thence' >?• to the south westerly limit of said |i* lot; thence -south 50 degs. 30 mins.j •:• east along .said limit 1 ch.; thence, *:* north 39 degs. 30 mins. east 43 chs.j X I 03 Iks. to the north easterly limit ot' y said lot; thence north 50 dees. 30) X X mins. west along said limit 1 chs. <^><-><~H"V>««W-K~X~>'H~:"X~>«><-X~V>«XK~X«<'<">«X~X~>.>.>«^^^ ? I Y Y tor's prescription accomplished il.-" j Cockburn of Coburg. Following the Rcprescnttaives; W. .1. Martin and objective, that reducing excess avoir- ' ceremony a sumntious weddinn: dupoig, seventeen pounds were lost Whether Editor Duncan's experiment will cause a back to the farm move- ment among the corpulant figures, is not knjuii at present, b.itnadoub: it would be a great a'd to n slug- Kish constitution and enable one to enjoy life to a greater extent. • « * In nn editorial in its last issue the Durham Chronicle discusses can- didates to receise the conservative nomination for this riding for the next Drovin'?ial elections to take place probnbly next year. The Chronicle advance.) the names <.f V/. p. llenrv and A. E. Cobran of Markdale, T). .McTavish f'f Fleshcrton, vlio is now president rf Ihe Con-^c: vative As- sociation of Southeast Grey and Herb Brighani of Hanover. Another iirosnect to rer-eiro favorable mention i'! Nelson Perdue of Holland. Mr. Perdue has been nominated on form- er occa.^ions, but refused to stand. Ho is a pronii^ieiil farmer of his town whip, returning officer at the last Dominion election is a man o; outslandinf nbilit.' p.ml integrity, and would stand nn admirable shov*' to redeem the lidin^' to the Conner- v.'itive cmme. If. h not known whether Mr. Perdue would accept the Tioniinakion. kut if he dill fo would be a ma:i who woiJd conscii'^tiiriu»lv •nd honorably reprc»ent Wie riding. '" BEEF IS ADVANCING breakfast was served and thorough- .Vngus E. Bolton, Flesherton T. Ness Jack, Di.strict Manager. The s»ari«ty otf good be f animals has seat price", scaring and a roa^i at present retail nri"c.-. is a luxury. Thpre has l-ecn fiuit<> a tendencv in T'cent yea s t-o v.;al t'ne calves ar.il Ihi's was bomrd to hav;e its eff.-.-t on the number of r'vtured aniniflrts. A (jpod calf afif"" six wtks or two â- •Tionthi will bring up to thirtv dol- lars and fhis >p. rnnsidei-'rl nui.-l; re- 1urns and easy mono" but vo «•»« wow s€<> (be reeiUf. Beef cattle are "csj-ce and are likel» to !>o rotifinue. The trend »or dairying has caused a stampede awav f oni 'he heavier :»>ii»i>als. Rut it now shows sign."! of a re-action. The bcif breeders hav« been r,i\ a lean pasture for a few ven'^s. t'rci'i'^erKs "â- •iiiMr brijlht- er for the Immtdlatc firture. Poi'ltn- Ih'evrh "iinvn fcr-e" Kimv Tipn'- Durhapi. A Mock of 37 were 8to)ei on« night last week. We have them â€" Long-ndleagc, trouble-free tires • . V7"OU can liave tho tire you want. •â- ; And,>bcttcr etiil, al the price you •â- want to pay. IN'o matter ivlial size or J tyi*** you re«iiiirc, you can get it from < us, because we are Goodyear Tiro Specialisla. "S # We bring Goodyear quality wiihin reach of everyone's pnrsc through better selling methods and better ccr^ vice. , Look over our stock â€" it's extensive. And every Ti^e a Goodyear, Iiackcd by Goodyear experience, .^Goodyear resourcesâ€" and by our ocrvice, - D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. Baj'Ini at home mran« orrvlce at home. All Ford Cars Have Shatterproof Glass Windshields 'I'hc shattcrproit l;1;iss used for the wiiul.'^hickLs of all Ford Kir-s is an iiiiportant .safety feat me. It is stroiij.^er than plaie glass of equal thickness and is flexihle under impact. Be- cause of its special construct- ion it will not shatter when broken. Tf therefore reduc- es the danger of flying glass. tke cause of 65^( of automo- mobilc iniurics. The use of this glass for the windshield as standard etpiip- nient is just another indicat- ion of the quality, regardless of cost, that has been built ino every [lart of the tiew Ford. Come in and arrange for a demonstration. You will get a thrill in driving this car tkat has set new standards in motoring pleasure. H. DOWN & SONS I FORD DEALERS -?• FLESHERTON : OUR TIME P.WMEXT PL.\N IS MOST ATTR.\CTI\E