â- m THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1929. > r 1 i I Judge a Bank By the Clients it Keeps DURING more than Fifty Years of constructive banking the Bank of Commerce has establisheda loyal clientele from Coast to Coast. Our ability satisfactorily to serve these clients year in and year out is the foundation upon which our continued progress is built. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl CJ*Jt. TIM£ TABLB FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Trains Imt« Heaherton Station m (ollom: GoiBf Sontlt Going NorQii B.08 «jn. 11JS2 â- .!â- . 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. r&ll p.m. 4.33 p.m. I The maila cIm* at Fleiherton aa| CoUowb: For the north at 11.00 a.m.! â- eotli al 3.3d For niomMs train I â- oath mail dosee at 9.00 p.m. 'the frerloua eveninf. Local and Personal Mrs. (Dr.) E. C. Murray was a â- visitor in Toronto over the weekend. Children's haircuts are 20 cents et Wilson's Barber Shop; 25 cents : • charged on Saturdays. \ Mrs. J. J. Thompson had the mis- fortune last Wednesday to fall and break her collar bone. I Mr. Thos. Barber, the Meaford f oundryman, died 'Tuesdrvy of ilast week at a Guelph hospital. j Mrs. Ed. Best is in Toronto un- j dergoing another operation on heri ear, from which she has been suf- ' fering for some time. Mr. T. J. Fisher and Mrs. Harrv Patten attended the funeral of Lheir aunt, Mrs. Jno. Brothwell, at Port Hope en Saturday of last week. Dr. M. Runstadler, B.A., of Og- densbarg, N.Y., is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Runstadler. Flowers â€" Mother's Day,, the second Sunday in May. Place your j order early for flowers to avoid dwappointment. â€" W. A; Hawken, I We wish to announce that ojur j store will remain open during Thurs- | day afternoons the remainder of i this month. â€" F. G. Karstedt. I Farm work is very backward on account of the wet weather and very | little seeding has been done. Fall | wheat cropsi are fair and a heavy ! yield of hay is forecast. | (Mr.. Russell Wilson brought his i family and household effects from] Dundalk on Monday and are residing , in apartments n. Mrs. McDonalds , residence. | Mr. and iMlrs. Wm. Meads, also Messrs. Robt. and A. B. Fei'ris at- tended the funeral of the late' Joseph Ferris of Thombury, which was held at Markdale, on Thursday of last week. 4th â€" H. McKillop, J. Gibson, E. Patton, L. McEachnie, E. Tatbot, R. Plester, C. Thistlethwaite, E. War- ling:, E. Kerton. Sr. 3â€" A. Lawrence, H. Bibby. K. McFadden, P. Gibson, A. Tumey, B. Welton, B. Bellamy, H. Croft, E. Brown, W. Littlejohns, D. McRae, G. Boyd J. Kerton. Jr. 3 â€" B. Murray F. Lawrence, D. Stuart, V. Fisher, E. Burnett, T. Dixo" D. Smith, G. MacDonald, J. Alexander, C. Plester. Sr. 2 â€" M. Duncan, N. Thistle- thwaite, G. Gibson, H. Love, E. Croft, F. Patton, M. Miller, W. Whi;.e- head, E. McRae. Jl*. 2 â€" Elma Dixon, Verna Gor- rell, Fred McTavish, Roberta Lea- veil, Betty McDonald, Ben Leavell, Doris Kerton, Dorothy Kerton. Sr. 1 â€" Doris Lawrence, Audrey McCrcken, George Loucks, Clifford" Saunders, Doris Warling. Burton Bellamy, Athol McKillop, Ivan Mc- Eachnie, Jack Welton, absent. Jr. 1 â€" Fred Gibson, Bob Stuart, Muriel McMuJlen, Norman Loacks, Tom Banks. Sr. Primer â€" Emerson Plester, Ev- elyn Leavell, Doris Pedlar, Jack Loucks, Gwen Gorrell, Stewart Mc- Rae, Dorothy Welton. Jr. Primer â€" Jack McMullen. Wes- ley McCracken, Oly McDonald, Ben Bellamy, Joe Banks, Betty Teeter. Plans Are Made For The Contest The High School principals of Southeast Grey met on Saturday af ternoon last at the Public Library in Durham and conferred with Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P.. with regard to the final arrangements for the essay and public speaking contests. Several changes were made in the original plans to meet the various views expressed. The essay contest will be con- ducted by the staff of each High School, or Contliiuation School, on the subject, "Agriculture â€" its Prob- lems." The essays are to be not less than 800 words and not more than 1,000 words, and must be the work of the student. The students win- ning the first three places in the local school are eligible to take part in the public speaking con- test to be held in the auditorium of the Flesherton High School, on Sat- urday afternoon, June 1st, at 2.30 o'clock on the subject, "The Solut- ion of Agricultural Problems," the speech to be not less than seven ) and not n»ore than 10 minutes In I length. Mr. Hamilton, principal of the Hanover Hic-h School, has charge of the judging arrangements, and M.r'- Lawrence, of Flesherton, is arrang- ing the programme for the after- noon. Miss Macphail will present the winners of first and second plac- es with $100 and $50 respectively. **<-»<^"»**'>^*<->««*««**><~>4"»«<-«>«-fr*«>«'><»*«^ ♦<-»<^-M-»*<»«**»****** W. r, OFFICERS At the regular meeting of the W. I., on Wednesday, May 1st, at the home of iMrs. Bentham, the follow- ing officers were elected: President â€" Mrs. H. McCauley. 1st Vice.-Pres. â€" Mrs. Cargoe. 2nd Vice.-Pres. â€" .Mrs. Boyd. Sec.-Treas. â€" Mi-s. Ed. Best. CEMETERY MEETING A meeting of the plotholders of ! the Flesherton Cemetery will be held j in the old town hall, on Friday ev- : ening. May 10th, at 8p.m., to consid- I er further improvements. Full at- j tendance is necessary. â€" T. CLAY- TON, Secretary. ENGAGE.MENT McKINNON â€" WILSON Mr. William Sprott, Collingwood, Ont., announces the engagement ot his daughter, Sacjies Margaret, to Cyril Fredrick Woodward of St. Catharines, tho wedding to take place in Montreal in May. Justice W. H. Wright and wiie spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. John Wright, in town. Justice Wright was on his way to Walkerton, where he presides at a corrt this week. j A special meeting of the W. I. : will V be held at the home of Mrs. _ McCauley on Wednesday, May 8th, i at 8 p.m. to arrange for flower bed.' Every member please make an effort to attend. . | Reeve Findlav, Councillor McCauley ' and Mr. F. R. Oliver, M. P. P.. were in Toronto on Monday interviewing i the Department of Highways with the view of the Department assum- ^ ing the maintenance of the connect- | ing link on the provincial highway through the village. j Mr Dave White of Owen Sound Ts occupied with moving the pavilion in the Memorial Park to a site chos- en on Sydenham Street side. The building will be brought out by the Park Hotel and will be taken along the road to the north side of the park. A negro troupe of entertainers, calling themselves the Southern Cot- ton Pickers, gave a show in the town Jiall on Monday evening, which was stated to have been very good. It has been some years since the last appearance of a negro troupe to town. ! Iliss J. C. Smith, Po-wassan Gov- ernment speaker, will address a meeting in the town hall, Flesherton on Thursday, May 16th. at 2.30 p. m. Maxwell, Vandeleur and Dun- dalk branches are invited to visit the local branch of the W. I' and help with the prbgramnne. Lunch will be served. Everybody weleome. Mr. H. G. Neabitt, of Markdale, was in Toronto last week attending a meeting of the Boaid of Directors of Standard Royalties Limited of which he is a member. Mr. Nes- bitt reports the Company is making wonderful progress and it is expected another divitlend on the Common share."! will be paid for Ih? Second Quarter of 1920. A very interesting wedding was quietly solemnized at one o'clock on Saturday afternoon at St. Luke's -A.n- glican church, Ottawa, of Phyllis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Aldham Wilson, of Brandon, Man., to Hector Brown McKinnon, son of the late Neil McKinnon and Mrs. McKinnon of Toronto, formerly of Priceville, Ont. Rev. J. E. Lindsay officiated. The bride, who was unattendetl, wore a charming ensemble costume of navy blue with touches of white and a hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. ' Lerle Johnston, accompanied the young couple and acted as witnesses. I Later a wedding breakfast was! served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon! leaving later for Montreal en route , to the south. They will take up! residence in Ottawa on their return, j The bridegroom was formerly city | editor of the Toronto Globe and was , a member of the parliamentary press gallery at Ottawa for a nunnber of years. Latterly he has been with the tariff board. \ ADVANCE ADVTS. r.A.Y BUY YOUR DIAMOND RING THIS MONTH â€" and consult us about your plans in June We. have an unexcelled stock of diamonds to choose from $10.00 and up W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON, ONT. Read the Small Advertisements. Edge Grain Shingles Won^t Cup or Curl CARLOAD TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK SPECIAL PRICES OFF CAR or DELIVERED ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING HEAVY GYPROC at $40.00 per M. LIME AND PREPARED PLASTER Flesherton Planing Mills H. A. McCAULEY, Prop. Delicious! COME in and visit our new Ice Cream * Parlor. You will be more than delight- ed wi'th our menu and service. ICE Cream Bricks and Esgimo Pies al- ways on hand. WE also have a full line of Bulk Choco- lates, Bars, and Fancy Boxes for your Sweetheart. , . - W. G. KENNEDY PHONE 37 ^ FLESHERTON, ONT. After you buy the car . . what will it cost? y" Running expense is a big fea- ture always. The car that will stand up to continuous driving clay in and day out, goes lightest on fuel, and knows no repairs is the car yon are looking for. The reliability (^f low running costs of the Ford car are no long- er matters of conjecture. Ex- perienced garage men and me- chanics, larg industrial concerns operating fleets of Ford cars, and officials of Drive - It - Yourself companies, all of whom are in a position to keep day by day cost figures, submit similiar reports that leave no room for doubt. You save money when you buy a Ford car, you save money every mile you drive.an d your depreci- ation is lower than in any other car. These are motoring facts worth considering. In addition to sound economy, the Ford car gives you beauty, speed, safety and driving comfort. We shall be glad to give you a demonstration drive at your con- venience. y y ♦ t t H. DOWN & SONS FORD DEALERS FLESHERTON OUR TIME PAYIMEXT PLAN IS MOST ATTRACTIVE y ? T y t t t V % i I .ADDITIONAL LOCALS i Arbor Day was observed in town on May 1st, and many trees planted. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton and lit- tle daugter of Durham, spent the week end with Mrs. H. Wilson. "Promoting Romeo,'' will again be given in Vandeleur Church, on Wed- nesday evening, May 15. Admis- sion 35 and 25 cts. Commencing on Sunday, May 12 for the summer months the sei-vice will be held in the St. Mary's church at Maxwell at 7.30 p.m. every other Sunday instead of 11 a.m., as form- erly. The funeral of the late Joseph Ferris of Thombury, who passed away on Tuesday of last week, was held on Thursday, May 2, interment taking place in Markdale cemetery. The late Mr. Ferris was well known in this district and his passing Is exceedingly regretted. Build Lip a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An investment in Second Standard Rovalties Ltd. yields 12 '"c Payable I'/c monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 25th of the previous month. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton ^! 'M. Men's Ordered Clothing Come in and let us take your measure for a new suit ! A wonderful selection of entirely new patterns to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed with every or- der. Every garment individually cut and tailored to your measure. Suits With Extra Pair of Trousers AT $25.00 AND UPWARDS Ready-to-wear Millinery New selection in Matron's Black and Colored Hats. Stylish designs in large head sizes. S^pecially priced $3.95 to$4.75 Ladies' Holeproof Hosiery All the new Spring Colorings, in prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 - f - $1.00 Silk Hosiery "Sub Standards" 150 pairs at this price, including blacks, greys, gun metal, and the new sun brown shades so popular for spring. These are "sub-standards" from the reg- ular Dollar Line of one of the best mak- ers, and can hardly be distinguished from the regular qualitv. Sizes 8^2 to 10. PRICE 69c.' a pair Men's Holeproof Socks New Spring Patterns, 50c., 75c. and $1 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON» ONTARIO This Store Closed Thursday Afternoon '1i#~ ^; F^