Fir â- rpof lett > thics of â- ion o»t certa nit* outlii > standard » writers l ral has bet t, H. G. Wells, Shaw. They n which their responsibility to the public ! judgment of iso and sound- field of letters :h these three » defir.e their estimation of 1 and interna- d through the 'oodnian Bur- }at department ondon. UTHOUS «n was that al- iher great com- > able to retain alent and best ihitects, techni- he professional ; had the real their amazing ;ation3, and the in general pre- as these great ible of present- wrote to ask if pens in such a , and in their und a standard 3 a noble state- 1 lesser writers Replying to the iter is a skilled lid place his tal- ; commercial ea- jid: SERIOUSLY Lhat, rightly or â- takes himself lat. In his heart with the artists, i and the priests may be an old going out of fa- C horde. New Yi, some 32::,. the April Isi- The pells, bo. so much as the li.- wearers, though the ol allied to the ether, the malu . being the elimination of stray cats ^- a menace to birds. Says the article. "It Is the unwant- ed, homeless, hungry cat that is the menace of bird life. ^\'hat Is .true in the environs of Greater New York is equally true In every part of the inhabited "nited SUtes. The number of birds devoured by the stray and homeless cat la beycnd computation. The house cat gone wild and foraging in the country for its own living Is by no means a helpless, puny animal. '' Its evtraordinary growth and strength Indicate a nabucdant food supply, a great part of -.hich is birds. As for cats, being, kept to kill i rodents this article discounts the claim -that a large cat population is necessary to. control the increase ot rats and mice, and urges that the proper rare and storing of foods , which are at'ractive to rodents and 'the avoidance of scattering loose food around stork or poultry will do more to discourage the breeding of undesirable rodents than can be ac- complished by any n.-imbei ot cats. â- ourfcenera ins, th«*i^r ;eneration, only e the reader: ers and we don't I, we feel, an im- between writer flfect." . his refusal ^''h treme^drtr i"^' 3 •Kken place in Is since he first the use of th' lent aside f' shed reputa Community Art Action Needed i Lee Simonson Says Towns', Should Get Together and Head off Ugliness III a joyous dialogue concerning cul- ture in the April "Forum" between H!«vey Wiley Corbett. William M. ^A, Henry Goddard Leach, Vachel UndWav, Ldjvls Mumford, Walter Pach?%atle4 B. Pitkin, Alfred Stie- glitz. Har»V-yVM. Watts. Art Young and Lee Cimoiifon. the latter remarks. "We need a deivelopment of commun- eaort. If ^e are to get anywb- .J, gr-« - • vcb<»''<'»ure. '^'• W Oif.ii-.ils and ivreckf-is of the C..\ il. No. 3. This picture was taken immediate; line for traffic. ..t;. . .lis "•'J i-'llliOS Ot r before the task. was co Indian Tribesmen U. S. and Englanc Favor Britain On Northwest Border Will Have V Says Ru Government Intervention In-j^^ creasingly Sought in Pure- Tribal D-'- Bomb?- of t^" Calling the United States and •S CUSTO ^^ at the iter a ve>- iresent' [bias. Is, Ih li. lo jlii lid ]'>' ^.Pt, »dv. Irth- Ion M Iwhom it cv>.. • lave made, lie is that public |iot jet ripe to of responsible whom it has tin any scheme Utcial concern, public opin- jit thfc opinion ht it" lh« short time f