'«~*?»"«r'^PW!W mmm "W" THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27th, 1929 It X New Stock Car ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•>«>«>**«:«*<>**«;nM««{M5H.>^ f Health Service I - of the - % CANADIAN MEDICAi. ASSi ♦K»»x><>*<-:->'>*<«*«>«H"X~:'«x»<-:":'*'j> DISINFECTION , jA stock car equiped to faciliate loading of stock and safe transit of same was used for the first time at <xrand Valley station on Tuesday of this week. Messrs. Bennett and Sounding:, local drovers, were permit- ted to use this car for portions of their shipment via the C.P.R. It re- quires the minimum of time to load the car, and cattle, hogs, sheep, elc, are separable, and each kind of stock partitiontV off with •ita'ong gates, this assuring safety in shipment. For- merly the shipper had to make the partitions of poles and this required considerable time and trouble and when the car arrived at its destinat- i«n the partitions were out of place. The new car has a track up near the roof, in the contre, and running the full length of ilie car, from which gates subotantiaily constructed from I nature's methods of destroying these iron frame and plank are suspended, enemies. Dark, damp corners de- These gates act on a swivel and canli^y nature's action. iation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered by letter. Quest- ions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered. So many inquiries have been made concerning the disinfection of a room or house after a case of communic- able (fiseasn has occurred, that the matter is chosen for the subject of this article. The objective of disinfection is to destroy the gorms whihc cause dis- ease. Disease germs grow only in- side the human or animal body. They leave the body of the sick in the discharges and secretions of the body. Once outside the body, the germs die off â€" most of then very quickly. Dryinp: and sunlight are be turned in any position by stout ^ j. . j, . . , bolts passing through slots in the Concurrent disinfection is the term side of the car. The slots at the "^ed to mean the disinfection that . to and botom of gate are eighteen 's carried on during a disease. It inches apart, so that compartments aims, by prompt disinfection of the of the required size can be made in- body discharges and secretions, to stanteously. It appears to be a big destroy the disease germs they con- improvement in the way of loading tain before there is any change of and shipping stock, and should prove their coming in contact with some popular with the drovers. Contained well person. The eating utensils are in the car which was loaded here on disinfected to destroy the germs in Tuesday were 16 hogs, 16 cattle, 6 saliva that is left on cups, spoons, sheep and 3 calves. The car was etc., by the diseased person. Concur- loade din exactly 2% minutes, the rent disinfection is most important loading leing timed by Mr. Giles, of and must be thoroughly carried out the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, until the patient has recovered. This speedily oduipped car is the •,.••-..â- • .. . outcome of the recaommendations of terminal disinfection is the term the Eastern Committee on Efecient "^^d to mean the disinfection after Handling of Live Stock, Ottawa, and recovery of patient. If Concurrent the Dominion Live Stock Branch, tiiej Disinfection has been properly ob- thc membership of which is made up h^^^ed, there is no need of Terminal of the representatives of the Domin- Disinfection, because all the secret- Ion Government, Packers. Stock Yds., I 'ons will have been looked after. •Railrad and rep-esentative shippers. | This is the point which needs to bo One or each ha sbccn equipped forlcleaj-Iy understood; p-oper care dur- the C.P.R. and the C N.R., the lat-jing the disease prevents its spread. ter working out of Montreal. A. | To try and l:ill off a few germs that v. Giles, traffic manager of the Un-|many have survived in a room, after ion Stock Yards, Toronto v.-as here on; the recovery of a patient, is a inat- Tuesday in charge of the new invoa- ter of practical! 14,000,000 Trees For Disposal This Year To the Editor of the Flesherton Ad- vance: Dear Sir: â€" Readers of our paper will be in- terested in knowing that the Ontario Government, through the Ontario Forestry Branch, is continuing its of- fer of free trees for all residents in the Province who wish to plant up waste areas on their farms, or to ^- tablish a windbreak. For some time now this programme has been earned on wth increasing interest on the part of the land owners until last year nearly .5,0no nnrsnns accepted trees from the Government. With the steady increase in apnli- ' cants the numbo â- of ti-'"^T ha:; nc t - 'sarily increased until this year the-'-o are 14.000 000 trep-? available for the various reforestratinn projects bein,T carried on by the Forestry Branch. In reminding your readers of thi strong financial backers and were en- tario is contributed by Robert James, i D. A. Jackson of Markdale pur- tirely unnecessary in this democratic! ^n addition to .such fine stories, the "'hased Dr. Ego's residence and will country. The Bill was given a stor- conient.s include the usual special ar- ' ^^^^ possession immediately. my discussion and the speaker. Rev. tides on shooting and fishing subjects ' ' W. H. Smith gave the ladies in the ! ^y Bonnycastle Dale, C. S. Landis, gallery the privilege of voting upon W. C. Motley, G. P Sladen, J W .Win- it as well as the members. When i son and others The Canadian Sil- ver Fox News Department the vote was counted by .Miss M. Lennox, the Clerk of the House, the 0))position led by five majority, whereupon the Speake;- called upon the Government to resign office. â€" Durham Review. is full of unu.sually interesting and authoritat- ive articles on this great industry. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthlv by j W. J. Taylor, Limited. Woodstock, Ontario. i work it should be made clear that all such trees are sent out for the two purposes mentiorwl above and nre not intended for decorative work such as lawn and hedge planting or for planting along fences. Each resident of the Province can ffet 4,000 trees each year by naying the express from the nearest Goveriv mcpt nursery which are situated in Norfolk. Simcno, Durham, Prince Ed- ward and Gronville counties. Or. if a pe -son nrefers to do so, he may call and get the trees at the nursery. In .qome cows men are planting more th.nn the free allotment each voar •"â- 'd for such work ndditiona! -•â- >innt!t'"T nre i:upplied at ^A e:ich per thousand. jt mav be of intarost, to you and your readers to know that last year Information pertaining to reforest- ation, either for private planters or for municioal work, as well as an- nlication forms fo'- trees may be had from the Ontario Forestrv Branch Parliamor.t Buildings, Toronto. ROD AND GLN Vivid pictures of life in the Canad- ian outdoor are contained in several splendid articles in the April issues of the national sporting magazine, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News. Among these is a ro- bust story of the experiences of a trapper-guide in British Columbia un- der the caption "Life on the Front- ier" by Frank D. Kibbeo. Another entertaining story of actual exper- ience on the trails of far northern On- 1 MUSKR.\T TRAPPERS It is now permissible to trap muskrats. There have been a num- ber of inquiiies as to when this fur- bearing animal might be trapped and for those who take out a license a recent order permits them to trap muskrats from the .5th of March to the 21st of April, 1929. both days in- clusive. Some neighbo"s will borrow evorj'- thing, including trouble. a?! MOCK PARLIAMENT DECIDES AGAINST TITLES tion.â€" Star & Vicdette. THE DWINGLING BATTALION OF '^""^'"'^ '^^ '^""'"^'^ °^ ^'^^ '^'^'^'''^ PIONEERS I I The harvc-^t of deaths which Crim Reaper has garnered in Bruce faction, County so far this winter is startling! ly heavy, v/ith particular reference' to the toll exacted from among tha 1 ranks of the old people. From cv-' cry town and village from every hamlet and district the passing of pioneers who were the history-ma:;- crs of Bruce has been a matter of j almost daily ccrarrencc during the i past few weeks. The influenza epi- demic causfd an appallin? rise in the mortality rate among those who ha.l passed the proverbial three score and ten years â€" a rate that has not been approached for man years past. It probably is the way of life that, out side of the immediate family and close friends of the battalion of elu erly persons who recently have passed | away, their demise is looked upon' merely as something that was to i;e expected in the natural course cf e%-- ents. But. sifter all, there is some- thing actu^i^.• s.-.d and contem- i plativo about the departure cf tko:e j sturdy, oak hea -ted snuls who clear- | ed the forests, created the farms,; broke the trails, and built up tlie | commerce and industry that maXes t Bruo; Cour'Ly tfie prosperous and ', modern conimunity that it is to-day. i The Sarnia Ob.=;ervcr say: â€" It v,-3uld take a large volume to ts'.l of the j trials and hardships, the adventure and experiences, the visions and satis- factions of those • constructive pion- ; cers v.-ho no more will tread the paths 1 of their youth. But their toil and perseve-ance has left an indelible mark for the well being of posterity that time will never efface, and thev have well and truly earned the richer rewarct'i to which they have been called. Running The Town •There are always a few peool" in every village or city who complain that a certain set of men -•'nt to •run the town,' says the Mumcial World, which adds: "But those who Trick most are usually those wh. do iithing to assist in the cmc w^rk .ot their communities. ^^^^ '^^ :„»er aUend . public '"e^tmg nor ev^ ^take the trouble to vote, will stand :;'£:et corners and critic^ i^ j Terminal Disinfection has been dis- j continued in many cities, and all the tile attention given to Concurrent Disin- A Bill to restore titles in Canada, no importance con- was brought in by the Government, led 1 y Premier Harold McKechnie. St a Mock Pa -liament by ICnox Mens Club in ti:e church schoolroom Tues- lay night. Ho was supported by Dr. .Alex. M. Boll in speaking for the )iU and by several other members, pared with the need for dsr.truction of the millions of germs given off Questions concerning health, addres sed to the Canadian Medical Assoc- includinp: the only lady member. The Opposition wan led by J. A. Row- 'and and he and Peter Ramage spoke n determined opposition to the bill, â- ontending that if it passed, titles vould bo given to party stalwarts or >• ^^^r. «ore active and patriotic neighbors who try Kunning "- - . „.^^^ ^^ ^ho try to get necessary th«gs_don. the town is not such a del Ghtfurnastime as some imagine, ~-- ^ose who are dissatisfied with the.r leadership should get busy and give a hand, instead of criticising from the side lines. W. J. Johnston of Meaford, Ba'Tcd Rock King, is shipping hatching eggs to a customer in England. Builder of 50 Million Tires THIS is F.A. Seiberlingâ€" the greatest figure the rubber industry has ever produced. Seiberling All-Treads are the result of his experience gained in building fifty million tires. For instance, experience taught him that greater strength was needed in the side-walls. So Seiberling All-Treads have an extra heavy tread extending from bead to beadâ€" thick ribs of tough rubber protectuig against wear on curbs and ruts. Call in and inspect these tires. Their extra value can be seen. You'll be surprised at their low prices. BRACK'S GARAGE Flesherton, -:- Ontario SEIBERUNG ALL^TREADS Tune in on WEAF for the Seiberling Singers every Thursday at 9 p.m., Eastera Standard Time A 30x3 H Seib. ertlng tltc cottt only $9.50 Herbs, all Herbs, Gallagher^s Keeps You Wonderfully Well Take it. Eat better. Sleep, work, play better. Motlior N.iturc's own good herbs, rich in iK'allh-i'ivinn power, these are what miiko Culiagher'H Tonic and System Builder s ) good. It really works wonders for people whoainconstipatcd, rundown, nervous, folk who havo skin disi'ases. Even drendcd Kczeina yirlds lo it. Try a botde. It will keej) you dear of cold weather ills. Sold, as olher Gal- lii"her llabai Household Remeuics are, by 32 C. N. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. t9 Easter IV|illinery This Week we place on sale our first showing of Ready-to-wear Millinery for the spring season. You will be pleased with the distinctive styles and the reasonable prices. New Shades in Holeproof Silk Hosiery â€" All Sizesâ€" $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95 Just received frcm maker.^ this week. Fine fur felts â€" new correcc shapes â€" new range of Spring colorings. Full assortment of sizes. Specially Priced at $3.95 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO i^ 1927 â€" Cheviulet Coach. Its appearance speaks for itself. A real buy at 1475.00 1925 â€" Chevrolet Touring, duco finish. Mechanicallv 0. K. Do not miss this one. $295.00. 1925 â€" Ford ton truck, equipped with Starter and Ruckstell gearâ€" $175.00 1922 â€" Ford Coupe. A lot of service in this one yet. $125.00. EVEN at ordinary prices, a Used Car gives you more miles of automobile transportation for your dollar tiiaii you can get in any otlier v/ay â€" be- cause the original owner has stood the heavy first- year depreciation. Now, we oflFer you a double bargain . . Good Used Cars, at phenomenally low prices I We want to dear out our entire stock of. used cars to make way for new Chevrolets coming in. It would cost us money to carry them and store them until sum- mer. So we're turning that money over to you ; tnaking it worth your while to BUY now. Look at the cars . . and the prices . . and youll agree you've never seen such values in UNUSED « TRANSPORTATION. It's an opportunity that you may never get again. ge-aa.a.att D. McTAVISH & SON Flesherton, -:- Ont. fCrDE/UL CAR