immm liOTJII immmmrmmmmiimmmm wmwm mmew^m t â- *i :( i -y 'I } iO^C 1;^} pVOCTORS tre busy '-^ during March. lU- nesa u rampant. Long Winter months lower vitality, blood becomes watery and the body grows susceptible to coldis and illness. March, however, can be made a vigorous, happy month. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are a genuLne aid to health and stamina. Microscopic tests show a remarkable increase in the blood count after treatment. This world - renowned remedy, discovered by a Canadian doctor, defin- itely enricl'.cs the blood and ensures more oxygen for the tissues. Increase your resbt- ance to disease â€" bring back your strength if run down. Buy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to- day. At all druggists and dealers in mcdii:ine or by mail, postpaid, et 30 cents, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. |.,| "a household NAM! IN S4C0UNTniCS" Scotch City Has Fine Women's Club Body of Death Men always go to war among them- aelves For all earth's mortal feuds me civil war; Not waged among, say, Martians and the elves, What North and South have known S c:\v-hat they fought for, Stafe's; rights, or slavery? Was there ''^ever quarrel Well .. understood by gray or russet : " "3 juirrel'.' Itall.^were one; Sedan or Waterloo, Austerlitz, Gettysbutg, Ypres or the Marne, Border vendetta, or an intarvicw On lines disputec by a colonial barn. For any feud on earth, be'.ved bro- thers, Must be a civil war; there are no others. SIMPLE WINDOW LOCK. The Holdfast Adju.stabl^^ Window Lock Xrlll huUi â- •iinl lock any size of whuiow tpiju or oloseil. no u'l-lsiits requli'ed. : tofi.s ill lattU's una drauKlits. - Auy- lajy can In.stall one in live minutes. .\t I'MCLntr Haidare anil large Dfpt. Stores, or send l5o (not stanii-'.'i)- Jloney back it not tatislud. GoUtBUiith Co., 11 Sandaa St. Wes . Toronto- Aberdeen, Scotlandâ€" Tile 'frwnen of Aberdeen seem to tave oen parti- cularly successful In tiie'r achieve- ments lu 192S,' particularly the Aber- deen Business Women's Club. This club is unique lu Great Britain, out- side of London, and deserves the ad- miration it has arous<^d In other Scottish cities. Its ex.n.niple may well be followed liy .Aberdeen's neiKli- bors, ns tlie need is great. Miss Bet- tiua Clarlc, tlie warden of the club, welcomed nil inquirif.s, and Miss B. AVallier. who was its founder, was entiiusiastic over its possiliilities. It was felt, Clarl< said, that Aberdeen had .nany youn:; business wonu-n who needed a .social center and resiiienllal dub, but the difflciilty wa.s bow to set it financed. Help has flowed In from all sort? of (inarters, but the chief support came from the Y.W.C.-V., whicli generously supiilied tiie initial sum of £2000 at ii small rate of interest. Two beautiful ->ld houses in one of tlie best squares In the city were purcliased, and on these there is a bond of anotlier £2000. Over 700 business women have joined, which gives the eUiI) i'S'.O in subscrip- tions alone. Tlie letting of their beautiful dance hall also is a source of income, and altogether the finances of tile cUib are in a most satisfactory position. The residents have charm- position. The residents have cliarm- ing rooms, and pay for room and full board only £1 a week for a north room, and 22s. a week for a south room â€" whicii seems unbelievably cheap In these day«. Everything, however, seems to work out profitably in such a large famiiyâ€" the restau- rant Is charming, the food appetizing but all help the venture to pay Its way. The girls. Miss Clarii said, were keen on having the club free, and are constantly devising new ways and means to clear the debt â€" a splendid Aberdonian trait, as t!ie visi- tors remarked. "What Is this?" Miss Clark was asked pointing to what looked like a model of a Norwegian saeter. "A present from one of our work- men." she replied. "At the timo of our sale In the Music Hall we were touched and pleased to receive from every man who had been employed on the reconstruction a cootributlon made by himself. This beautifully made model, presented by a joiner, was won by a well-wisher wbc return- ed it to the club as a gift This atti- tude of the workmen was typical of the interebt and goodwill our venture aroused.'' In 1928 Aberdeen, also, appointed her* first policewoman, and during the year the Soroptomists appeared on all city's horizon. Aberdeen has also one of the best industrial women's clubs in the country â€" the St. Kather- iiie's Club. In addition, tlie Cowdray Club caters for its professional wom- en in the city and in tho country the Women's Rural Institutes have had a wonderful year of prosperity. Alto- geliier at the present moment the women of Aberdeen seem to be lead- ing in the club movement In Scotland, aud everything points to real growth and development in the Granite City. OWL LAFFS BY O.W. u. (ON WtTH LAUGHTER) J. riimlior would like to be rich for just one rea.son. He would carry a inei'lianic along with him to keep bis cigar-lighter ih trim. The dentist was telling about his phiikiesi. patient. "Ho came into the surgery and be- gan to tell nie he had no fuitU In gas, ether or cocaine. "The tooth's been giving an awful lot of trouble,' he said, "and all you've got to do is to hunk it out â€" hunk it out.' 1 con- gratulated him on his pluck, and ased him to sit down ju the chair. 'Oh, no!' he e.\claimed. "It's not for me- lt's for my wife. She's in the wailing room." Blending Red Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the flavor and full-bodied richness required years of experi ence. Every package guaranteed. «t is ^ood tea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good TOUGH LUCK Bill Smith, he filled the stove with coal. And then he closed it tight: Poor Bill is now without a fire. His stove blew up that night. Broke Record Frank Dupuis established a world' ; record but lost the race. He estab- I lished his record when on tlie first L day he covered the initial 41 mile lap of the Eastern International Dog Sled ' Derby, at Quebec, In 3 hours, 22 min- ! utes, 42 seconds. On the two succeed- I ing days, however, Seppala, veteran ! Alaskan musher, succeeded In over- taking the lead and carrieii oif the . honors, but Dupuis' time for the first , day lias never been excelled, A DANGEROUS MONTH FOR THE BABY Several of Toronto's flappers are wearing heavy man-size suspenders. The only way we can explain this fad is that the girls realize the desperate need of anchoring iu place what little raiment they still wear. At Manchester, the guard, finding Isaac without either ticket or money, ' grabbed him by the arm and put him ; off the train with a well-placed kick. j At the next station ho found Isaac I again, and repeated the expulsion, ac- centuating the force of the gesture. I At the third station the conductor was completely astounded to fliid Isaac j'et again. Bending low, Isaac attempted to jump off quickly enough to escape at least part of the violence of the attack. "How far do you think you're going to get like this?" asked the guard. ".' s far as London," re- plied Isaac, "if my constitution will stand it." AMBITIOUS At a family reuuiuu, a benevolent uncle, who had made his money In hardware, asked his young nephew; "Well, Johnnie, what do you want to be when you are a man?" "Oh, I've made up my mind, uncle," the boy replied, promptly; "I'm going to be a retired merchant." The scientific results well warrant- ed the hardships. â€" Commander Byrd. Mothers Always Dread the Blustery March Days. No month of the year is so danger- ous to the welfare of little ones as is March â€" the month of quickly chang- ing weather. One day is fine, the next cold and blustery. One day dry. tbe next wet and disagreeable. In spite of all precautions the little ones will take colds and these colds often lead to more serious troubles. Mothers, when the first symptoms ap- pear â€" sneezing, redness of the eyes, running noseâ€" Baby's Own Tablets should be given at once. They will rapidly break up the cold aud prevent the more serious complications. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the home always feel safe â€" just like having a doctor in the house. The Tablets are a gentle but thorough laxative that sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus driving out constipation and in- digestion aud relieving tlie baby of the many childhood ailments which are the direct result of a clogged condition of the bowels or a sour stomach. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' !\Iediciue Co., Brockville, Ont. The Accused: "Judge, it ain't no crime to be poor. Besides, I work mighty hard sometimes fiudiu' jobs for my wife." The Judge: "You're right. It is no crime to be poor, but it Is to run an employment agency without a license. Twenty-five and costs." tlGHTNtNG (bU(;HSYRUP 75< For children', 6roncW and ckes^ fliZmen«s-no finer '^^l*** *^*^ Veno'» Lightning Cough Syrup Children love It. V.IW Yours for the Asking THESE bullecins and pamphlets were prepared and printe<i for your use. They contain a great deal of very valuable information- worked out by the ttaS of scientisti employed by the Dominion Depart* menc of Agriculture. If any or all of thenv would help you in your work, or in improving your home surroundings, you may secure copies without cost â€" simply by marking with an "X" the ones you would like, filling in the coupon below, and mailing this advertisement to us. No postage it raquir«<l. PbmpU« No. 79 "Producing Oun Milk"â€" practlcil â- imI livlpful loforoMiioa fot evtxy fUifyoun. BuIImw No. n " Manures uid pcn>lil«rs'* ^ (4 psa«« of Ucts sbouc bamfsrd sunure, grtan nunuro snd commardsl fetliUB* •r»- â€" lomliior focogtisnds ri ons fW sit stwuU>4 cnpSk PuUIcatieiM Branch • DEPAKTMENT OP AGMCULTUU, OTTAWA VUtm send me, ft«« of ch«t!g«, tlit btUlMin* (or pamphlau) wUclj I h«v« markwl widk an "X", NAME. „ R. K. N«...„ ClKulat N» «2 "MosquiN) Control In CuMda" â€" tolls how to mat iho brMding elacoe of ifaoso pests so thoy cannot Muliiplf . luUetb Ne. «0 "Annual nowsrs**â€" Uitf and do. scriptiona of all the annuals that will grow in Canado^rariadas iscom mandad foe 4UstaM escdooib Judge: Before I pronounce sen- tence, have you anything to say?" E.\-Barber: Ves, your honor, I'd like to shave the prosecuting attorney just once more." A made friend is better than a born one. Gert: Did you get your husband a surprise on his birthday? Sadie: I'll say I did. You never saw a more surprised man In your life. Gert: What did you get him? Sadie: Breakfast. Flying for All London News and Westminster (Lib.) : One of the most valuable .e- sults of the establishment of flying clubs has been an increase in tho num- ber of private; owners of aircraft, and il within two years asituation can be brought about which will provide land- ing facilities within 15 m.les of every house in the country, then, indeed, we may look for the dawn of the flying age. The provision of private hire services, cheapeneti and speeded up, from one end of the country to the other will not only appreciably add to the public amenity, but should have a benelicial effect upon busines.s. In a few years, indeed, if this scheme is successfully carried out, as we hope and believe it may be, there should be an enormous development in air travel. What is now bnormal, an infrequent luxury, may become no more unusual than travel by Pullman. If you don't believe surgical opera- tions pay ask tho undertaker. Progress or no progress, men will always prefer the Womanly Woman to the Manly One. "Is your wife an e.\cellent cook?" "The best little can-opener in America!" Ever hear of anyone kiiocUiiig an inferior? V\'hat to Do in an Emergency: In case of an earthquake, jump into the nearest airplane. "1 have been on the train for seven years," proudly said the conductor of a slow-movhig train. Passenger â€" "Is that so? Where did you get on?" Some fellows asked Si if he was run- ning a truck farm. Si replied: "Aw, quit your kidding. I'm not very smart but I know they don't grow trucks on farm.s. Thoy make them in factories." Announcement that tbe Prince of Wales will keep the horse that never threw him disposes of the popular idea that there was no such animal. A Washington wife shot at a wo- man i.nd hit her husband, but a hus- band has to expect little' mistakes like i.hat . "Religion by mail" Is offered. How much of It will go to the dead-letter office? FARMERS Requiring British helpâ€" Single .' WQmen or families, to issiat with farm work, should writs Rev. Alex. MacGregor, 43 Victoria 8t, Toronto. Theae people will bs arriving after March 15. BOYD*S ICTGLBt AVMwnnuon Tlf«a. Coaster Brakee, WbMle,Iiin«>T^abaa, Lampo, â- alia, CyclonMtara, Saddles, Bqulpment and partaol U- eyelaa. Tauean buy yur lum- Aaa timm ue at whales Ji #ri«a a. i^talsiua lk«^ A bright little miss, who always has a ready answer, started in to take a bath the other evening, when she dis- covered that the soap was missing. So she climbed out of the tub aud, dripping wet aud without stopping to throw over her small body even a bath robe, pranced downstairs to get some soap. When she returned, her older sister took her to task. "That's a pretty thing to do," said she. "What it the minister ha dhappcned to come if the minister had happened to come "Well, I'd have pointed my finger at him," replied the youngster, "and I'd have said: 'Mr. ' you just look the other way. This is private,' " â€" Rochester Courier. Minard's Liniment prevents Flu. « A few days ago a lady went into the glove sdepartnicnt of a large store and askd for a pair of gentleman's gloves. When shown a pair, price'l half a guinea, she said, "Oli no; 1 want a good pair. They're for my fiance." She left with i. pair costing two guineas. About half an hour later another lady came la and asked for a pair of gentleman's gloves. This time the aaleswoman produced tbe two- guinea gloves first. "What! two guineas!" said the prospective pur- chaser. "No, no; I want something about Ave sbiUings, They're for my husband!" British dramatic critic saye where women dominate an institution tbey ruin it Indicating that man Is some- what of an institution. Classified Advertisements B.AUUliU UUCK CnCUKl'.Ll.S t'Hij.M ciuaiitied Record of rcrfoniiunuo uiid Uegistered breeders. Ctnuda's olj- I'Et hiirh luyiniT strain. Unri-iliBrecd. $3. $4: I'edlRreed. $5. 56 25 years a breeder. HatchinB Erb Clilcks. Clark Cedar l?nw Fnrm. Cainsvllle Hnt. IVIinard's Liniment for Coughs, Colds. (A medical writer pleads for the ut- most care and control ot sneezing.) In these glum influenza days. When I with dumb-bells, jerks and such. Contrive resistance so to raise. As will defy the thoughtless wight In restaurant, carriage, lift and street, Who dares to cast to left and right. The germs I strive so hard to beat. My glowing health, which I'm so pleased at Is not exactly to be sneezed at! â€"Daily Chronicle. A _1 BAUY CHICKS Wli HATOH J\ i- four varieties, price 9o up. \\ lite for free catalogue A. H Swiizer. I irjinion. Ontario. EMHTITCIIING ASD PlC(; atuiuhintiits. (its any maU'i of ma- chine, price 75«. Instructions with eiich attaeliinent. M. ICinread. 31 Spruce Criurt, Toronto. WHAT DO YOU W.V.NT? HEST .\nuricaii Illustrated self-lielp maeazino you ever saw. Send 10c for 4 months' trial. The Balance. 52C .No. Claremont Ave., Chicago. WASTED â€" C.\.NAD1.\N POKTAcJQ slainiis. Eest prices paid for Vic- torian Issues cm or oft covers. Collections and Olid lots bought. U. I... Thompson. S Broadway .Avenue. Toronto. P AlENTS •.-ist ot u unied invtiiillons" rtiKl KuU Inf'M ..iulum Sent Fre» on Request, THB HAMSAY CO.. Dept. W. 973 Bank St. Ottawa. Ont. OKiMil] Box K75. ^UR tifTMl^n are t-rcd for lu(la r^ T1.19 I rghorai. lUrrrd ind \ Tockji, R 1. RrJt, Anionaa, lUath MmonUi, Dufl Orrinftcn*. WtuK WnxkJocus Cc' â- imJ bp. tOO% ii>e •Icltverr tv*iMitt»A, Wrue todsv fcf FBl£ CllKJV. DOOK. SCIiWECliR'5 HATCHERY. Huif;iln. N. V, BBIDGEBUBG, ONT.. CAS*. When i/our Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at times. .\I1 your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do â€" what most physicians would tell you to do â€" give a few drops of plain Castoria. N'o sooner done than Bal)y is sootlied; relief is just a matter of moments. Yet you have cased 'your child without use of a single j doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable. So It's safe to use as often as an in- I fant has any little pain you cannot pat away.* And its always ready for the criieler pang'V of colic, or constipa- tion, or diarrl.ea; effective, too. for older childre.l. Twenty-five million bottles wGYi'. bought last year. Clear J*otiv Skin at Ilisflgurlug UIciiiUliM Use Cuticura Simple So»p, Ointment, Tilcam free. Adartat "Cuticura," Box 26\6, Montreal, Canada. .j...^...... .If - ' A Health Saving Reminder Don^t Wait Until you get the Influenza USE Minard's Liniment At the first sign of it. its Healing Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE Acts Like a FIas.i In Relieying Colds Thai's why so many people buy "Buckley's" to end Coughs, Bron- chitis ond ail Throut, Cheet and Lung troubles. It's instant, picusant* KU&rantevd. You'll note its uiiiqua powers in tlie very fir.-t tlosi' â€" nn-l there are 40 doses in a 7&-cent boltiet Ask your drmjgist lor "Bucidey's". W. K. Buckley. Limited, 142 Mutual i^t., Toronto 2 k: M IXTURE Acl5 Uke a fiuihâ€" â- • iiQElc sip ptuvcl il 7.)c and 10c 511 J>*- 4 Feeling Run Powi]? Over 400,000 women and Riiis w ho were weak, 'blue,'' nervous, run- down, and unable to do their work properly, have iini)roved their health by taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's ^'ogetablo Compound. By accurate record, 98 out of every 100 report benefit. You can be almost certain thac it will help you too. CA c T r\ D i A HM Lydia E. Pinkham's A^^ I U K I A II Vegetable Coi^pound Reduce r;^PHIlLIPS2 INDlOaSTlON ,^,D STOMACH MBAnfTB"*'* MKADACMI OAMSNAUStA the Acid ISSUENo. .12â€" 'i? Sick stomacha ,80ur stomachs aud indigestion usually mean excess add. The stomach nerves are over-stimu- lated. Too much acid makes the stomach and Intestines sour. Alkali kills acid instantly. The best form is Phillips' Milk ot Maguesia, because one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume In acid. Since its invention, 60 years ago, it has remained the slaadard with physicians everywhere. Take a si)oonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in Ave minutes. Then you will alwaya know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake. It may save a great many disagreenbia hours. Be sure to get the genuine PhilHpt* Milk ot .Magnesia prescribed by pbysl- 1 clans for 60 years in correcting exceet acids. Each bottle contains full dir««> Uonsâ€" any drugstore. f