Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1929, p. 10

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"^ iâ€" y* >â- <>•»*>,â- . /. WEDNESDAY "MARCH 2Q, 1929 , ^XHEFtESpERTQN ADVANCE' ^sas 4" CuttiDg Of Melons ( By A. C. MACI'HAIL, M.P.) divi- Ottawa, March 22, 1929 What happoned to the Sun Life Bill? 1 cniuircU of u member of the Committee. "Ifa shot." Well he dill not stop thotv. I will. It isn't acconlintf to Uoyle to «o on, but one luust admit the clarity of the explanation U Itescncd, by not Kivinjf all his words, yharei I'for one and they pay divl- benchers in both parties made it plain demis *oii both. This is known as to Mr^ennett and Mr. Malcolm that Rlicii .C the melon. Fine for the thty were goinjf to vote aKainst the Bhariholders, but poor business for adjournment. Thinjrs looked bad. the policy holders, who have paid en- Hastily a conference wan called. Mr. ough ill premjuma to force the Malcojm, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gar- f'ruwth of the melon to the slicing land conferred at Mr. Bennctt'ji desk Would Mr. Garland call off the vote if u full dross debute was allowed next day on tbo whole (cradini; bus- iness? He would, and so stated from his place in the House. The vote wa.s culled off. The Budget d<t)atc wa.s set aside next day, and the Grain Business jfiven the floor for two dayj<, and the end is not yot. ^ize and then continue to pay en- ough to allow n substantial dividend on the doubled capital. Th.e Bell Telephone Company Bill has passed the committee, but the in- t^rist of the public has been pretty well safcguar led. Before the Com- The Sun Life Bill was founRht in "^""^ 'i*" *'"*"'' ""^ '*^'^'^ "' '""*' ^^- the two sessions- "previous to this. So S."'!? '"® permission of the Board of trreat was the onnosition to it that "f'"Wav. Commissioners as to amount the Bill was talked out Now the '" ^^ '«~'"'* »"<' ^^^ ^^••"'« «'«' con-; MUST SATISFY THE CONSUMER Sun Life Company has withdrawn V/l""" ^^^ "*""?• 'â- ">"' ^^avd of| - the application asking for the priv- '^^''way Commissioners is the body i Simcoe county newspapers are dis- ilego oi increasing their capital from ^*'^' .-illuwi the Bell Telenhono Co. cussing the potato situation which is two to four mtUinn dollars. They ^ ehartft; a rate which will 'yield 'an cau8inf» j?rave concern among the ag- are now Koinn to the ('oiirt.s to tea ^ ''.'"'" '"'^"t- dividend on thj investwl ricultui-a! fraternity. That Simcoc if they h»ve not the right under their '•'â- ''''»';. "^ would now woik some- county irrowers have to take 30 cts. <;hnrter, to increase the capital as thing- iil.o thi : Th'> Boll Telcphono a b-ig tod.ny wljen potatoes from New Companv rtoek hastiurt now .t maxkct Brunswick af^i^llinE for a dollar a value of S170 a rharc. Th^ par bnu is evidence of somethinK radic- vnlue of t}i.-> ^^Je*k in |100. Tho ally wrong. ^T'L'^'f\ "!'"% *''" ^°T°7 ^ : To discover the reason for the prei- ho'derf? tin" •',nTl" ''^^T «='«"'-^ ^°^ t"*"^" ^'i'""' the Maratime Mt /k . ,1 â- â-  ir ^u"'' '"^'•^ iprovincos a v^.sit to the kitcbLa of a n.l Tllon^'!. : 'm ' rV "'-'' ''" ''"•fi« "ty hotel is at once conWncin«. ;nel Telephone would only be roquir- ihe Herald was shown how potatoes nl 'rfiC'', ^ 'â- :-,-<-'"-L"" the par vM- a,e cookad in one of the down town W *U" t ?° /Company would hotels in Toronto. They are pooled , ly-. nnO t-^ lue for I'xtensio.i and |jy « niachinc that tuke.s the hid= off . >ip.-veir.-^nt<-_ ti,o r."Mic would pay U hundred in a minute, f.)r the use of the $100. j ^.^i,,, j., adjusted CoBunittees For Old •^POOR THftd^" SAYS AGNES i Miss Agnes Macphail, M. P. for S, U 117 \ T\ * ^' ^''^^' '" ^><^iting a letter to the nOID6 fl66K l/3yS '"***"' '^^'P*"^" of her riding, says she attended a social function at which wives of, the cabinet ministers were hostesses. She adds: "Two ministers desired, without tho conaont of Pari- lament. The Sun Life Company was once two companies with a cap- italization of two millions each. One of the companies lapsed. They now want .to revive it. If they can they wil give tbet;( pharcholdcra two "^^liQim^ "^tlQ \Vc have new cMKpIetcd the inlroductlo:' of our ncv/ plan of rendering telephone i.ccountG. Notices accompany the Epccial accounts now being mailed to Ijcal ei:bscriber3. The/ e.".i)Ia::'i the cliange.i made end (five full details of all chargcB. Our Uusincss Ofiice people \vill be plca::cd to e:.7>]ain more fully th: features cf the ^)lan. The ma- , . - pctl a potato It is fashionablrnow for companies ; "f "• certain ."^izo and if a small pot- â€" when their dividends get so large ! iito gets in it is not peeled; if a that they «â-  e positively indecent, to '-"'t'C one ir, fed in tho machine, the j split the stock, giving two or three ; potato i;; wasted. Here lies the reas I or ovi-n four shares for every one. ' "" ^o'' grading the ttibers. Tho West- I held I)y tho shaielinlder. Tli^ Mas- orn Hospital usefe a car load of pot- '; spy Ha-ris Company. The Fleishman atoes in a few days. If they are i'oast Co., C.-uiadian Ford Co., Inter- not graded ',heic is either a wapts of nntions! Niik'ln we:;- .•^monh' thoso time sorting them and adjustinir the .present at the melon slicing party, peeler or there i:; a great wa.'te of The division bells rang; and the ' '""^*"^^- ^" '*"- '"Jn^umers insist aiciabcrj ctinie rubhing in and then J^" f<^"""a'e grading and not being a")- the vote wjis caled o\t. Even Pari- , '" ^""^ Ontario potatoes graded iament can change its mind, though f7 ''"-^'^ f a''"^''"^' Potatoes cr.rc- h never had in iwenty years, until ^""^ '-'''''*'*"'• 1 a few day.^ ago. Mr. Rohb, -'Finance Potatoes for hotel EXECUTIVE â€" T. Findlay, chair man, Maik.WiUon, G. B. Welton, C. have not a wife â€" poor things." Now .N. Richarson, H. A. McATiley W. G. there's Agnes Macphail. She hasn't Kennedy, V. II. W. Hickling, Mrs. W. a husband and yet she won't likely Mooro, Mrs.T. Findlay. 'describe herself as a "poor thing." â€" ADVERTISING â€" C. N. Richard- 1 Meaford Mirror, .son chairman, F. H. W. Hi^kling, h â-  .i^^^^^yy.^rf.^:f^,^^y^,;f^^^^^^ W. Duncan, W. A. llawkon, P. .l.>'> Thurston. ,X NOTICE I am prepared to do ift kinds of windmill and pump repairin^^, I am. also agent for new mills and pumps. New and second hand^ engines and pump Jacks on hand. â€"A. B. SORNBERGER. Phone Fevershara. MAXWELL. i Small Advts. ^ LODGING -- G. B. Wclton chair- man, A. B. Ferris, Mrs. Findlay, Mrs.i.^ Hickling, Mrs. M. McDonald. 1-5 . . DECORATING Mark Wilson ' <<''>'y>>'>'>-'-><'<f<<'<'<'<''><^'<'<''>'><^'^><^^^ FOR FOR SALE- ham Bros., Eugenia Minister loid me th.U never before in hi.s time, had a division been c.ilk^i oft after the be!I.<; rangr. And why now? Mr. Fred Kay, Chairman of tho -Agricultural Conimitteo, asking the House for "extra poweis for the consumption be all of one variety. These big consumers cook their vegetables in deep v.-ells in clo.'trla r.^nKt.';i. They put probably a b!i;.'fiil in a well and turn On the current. V.'hen the top potatoes are cooked the current is Committee, or in Parliamentary Ian- turned off and the water drawn off. guage, "powei- to widen th|subject of 'i h>.> potatoes on the to.') arc firm anj refcrer.k^e.'-' This motion whs debat- '-'eely cooked through. BMow thcni is able. John Kvanj of Hosetown, a mixture of inuiih, firmly cooked tub- Spsk.. spoke and made charge.* agfiin- er.s and ronio h::lf cooked ones. This at the Hoard of Grain Conmiission- '^ what comes of mixin,'; varieties, era. The Western Fa'-me:- hud lo»t Th:; big consumer v.ill not take niixwl confidence in the Commissioners. He vjuie'ies and not l^iner able tn per believes thev work with and for the 1 Onfari.i of one variet.v he ?}-3in trade, and not the grain grow- 1 1^-'-*^' potatoes, and sets :r. He asks that they be dismissed ^^'â- "â- ^ guan-.nteed to be all of one var- â- ir.d a nev,' and larger Board appointed ' having one member resident in Sask- atchewan, or in Alberta: tha ttho whole ^-ading business be investigat- ed, ana that the power of the com- missioners to enforce their rulings be made clear. Hon. Jamei- ilak-olm, under whose Department Ifr.i.^ matter falls, crossed the flooi-, consulted with Hon. R. B. Bennett, and then moved the adjourn- ment of the Debate. E. J. Garland How, River acting for the Farm and Labor Groups, said he v/ould not sup- |"r* .â- â€¢(Ij lurnmcrt. .Many I);irk lety. Tho heavy con.'^umar knows the var- ietur- jt!-t as well as anv potato grower knows them. " He has his preference; too and so far as The Horaid could gather the Dooley Is thi I'otatcc that gives the greatest snti.sfaction. It cooks up firmly and when it i^ mashed it is forIn.^ti^•? not I'Mi' ' little as our in- aavs " mashed potato and 1." He s.iys that even adding a jat!e milk to it do<M , not break down its firinne.-.7. Thoso con«iim- Ci"? are not averse to any varioty IH.talo .so lcin,-r u , t'-. ^ 'Ehipmont of THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. * CH.AIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVR.t; VOi: A LOT OF MONEY prmg Opening I M1I.L1NI:RY DEr'ARTMENr In (;ur larfte and cni.iplcte stock ef poijula:- pric- ed Millinery you TVill find JL. t the kiiul cf ilat.^ thai cxnreis tho style trend for Ea-^ter. I?iclv.dc I in thiii ffllJcinnt.nt; display are bnti rf .'hacr iri- CQt Strayi, f.n<i ri • • ;U!. !!: le Haku •-â- â- :*>. uliO '.•â-  U e.. â- â- -rt. < â-  •hai i-i .»vnv i<e.\„ -.i â- â- ' >."! l-i.i.;,, , : .. „;jV , .,ir r.pijng. Ji-'^\ i^ging from ?l.'Ju to $5;'.!;-. JtBADY-TO-WEAR DEPAUTMI^NT l.iidlC;;' and M'HSCs' Coat-- A biic s- le.'tiop II-' Ladle- 0«i- aiU'^iyrj^r.HjRj i»f lude.-. th; and Mii^^c's' Goal.'?. very lateist styles for this sei»Wi'.*f>voar. ThcVinotcrial consists of-Pofr- et Twill, Cli/'metn, Tricotifle and Tweeds. Prices lango fron: fia.Uf), ?ir..75. $18.50 to ?27:50"i' end Mistes' l>roi!8es f*r Spring In Spring limc.i merric:;t oiond are these gay ."â- â€¢ilk Frock*;'' d«<veli)pcd in the most approved mat- I riula and the faJK'inating new ci^lor . Whatever your taste â€" conservative or youthful darinsr- yoU' new frock awaits you hero. Come in and look ov- er our large r.ingtf of drcR-scs. You wJU be nurt: ti) find ju-(t what you want and at "ri ••< li-.ver thrfn you woulfl tjrpect to pay. MEN'S AMI HOYS' DEPARTMENT The New "niilsdale" Suitn Are Here Knthusiasm runs 'hi.'-rh in our M.'n's Suit Dcpaut- mcnt. Smart eorttlngents of blues, stripoa, groyn and niain'j. Ytiur suit is he;-e in this diversified groupâ€" it's v.cll tailored â€" it's wool and incorpornt- os exceptional tjuality and stylo at impressively low coit. Come in and nee it. Thc' search,' .".'jr a good new suit at nioderte cost will, without doubt, end in the choice of a Hidsdals suit. It ij <:ur aim that Hillsdale merchandise shall be nt all limes the lest regutur value obt:'.inable in iho ;;tore or elsewtfercrâ€" in other words more vaiue for r.'.ir money than yoa can get r&gularly clscv.hcrci. They coM Vou 825.00. . Boya' and Youlg Men's Suits Na«i Spring Pattorna and Siiado.i UoyS'-Mul Young'iien's Serviceable Twc:;;l«, hardy enoB(fh for school and flrC'.'Viiy enough- for best wear. Thcy'ro well tailored from ;;tur<|y . wool tweeds' in the p<ipuhr i''iut)led breasted styleS.j Now Sprint: patterns in rfistini-tive weaves, brolcfen fancy (hecks. Each sbit ,ha:> 1* pair of tongs and 1 pnir of bloom- ers. Hizci 30. to 30. Scj. (ithor Huitj. .Special ?8.75^ %{tM,' SlCHiO Rrrfer ('cats â€" E»;tr:\qriiinnr>' \niue $2.9.5 Smartly tailored from navy Cheviot serge in reg- ulation styles^wlth, :doeV"e omblom- and brass colored buttms. Frliy lin-il. Siaes to 10 years. Bie: Special for >2.f5. GROCf.RY SPECIALS t Condensed Milk, Uot^en and Esglc brand, tin 2li-. Tiger Catsup quart bGltles, per bottle 2r>c. Se.idei's Cptiup 8t;u<ijird size, per boufto lt)o. Fig Bar Biscuits, in-r ponnd IDc. Mixed- Biacultn, per pdnnd 2.".;. Sunki't Ornrgwi, per dozen ,....4â€" v â- ''''>â- â€¢ Mix<<d Candies, 2 yoxitti for .,. 2")c. 10 bars Pearl Nanlhn Soap for ,'JUo. chairman, A. Down, S. Sutton, Wm. Turney, E. McKillop, G. Brackenbury, F. Mathewson, A. McKe;hnie, H. Gorrell. SUNDAY PROGRAM COM.â€" Mrs. W. Mi.ore chairlady, Mrs. HicklMig, «>y«f- ^ill^<^ Dr. Murray, Mrs. D. William.-.. Mrs. Advange' office Crossley, Mrs. D. McTavish, Mr. G. BeoLToft, Chas. .Ste-wart, W. Stewart. MUSIC £i CONCERT â€" H. A. M'jCauley, chairman,' Wes. Arnnstrong 0. ftioTavish, Dr. Murray, A. E. PVeston; Jas. Wilson, C. J, Bellamy, T. J. Fisher. RECEPTION â€" F. H. W. Hiikling chai'-man, F. G. Karstedt, D. McTav- ipli, W. H. Thurston. J. A. Heard. T. Clayton, Jos. P.lakely, Gea. Mitchell, John Wright, Dr. Ottewell. W. A. Armstrong, W. J. Bellamy, Wm. Moore C. W. Bellamy, H. Dowt, W. W. Trimble, C. Stcv/art. W. P. Cross- ley, W. J. Stewart. .John Bellamy, John Pedlar. Robt. Fisher, John Run- st:idlcr, A. Thistlethwaite, L. Fisher, F. Cairns, .Io3. Field, Mark Wilson Dr. Bibby. Robt. Wallor, li. Bentham, T. Bentham. LADIES - Mr"?. F. H. W. HUk- ling. Mrs. F. G. Karstedt, Mrs. John- Heard. Mrs. J. Rlukelv, Mr-. Go. M;tcliel!, M;-s. J. Wright. Mr-,. J. P. OttewcH. Mr.s. O. W. Phillipr., Mrs." V/. A. . .^ r r.) - '. r n i^ g, Mrs. t;'. J, Bellamy. Mr.«. If. Down. :iTr». W. jf. Tlvjr-pto?. M.-". Chas. St. v.-iirt. Mrs. W. P. Cro>=ilfly. IWr<-. V/. Stewart, Mr,'!. J. B!p.''W)urn, ATrs. T. Rup«:tadler. Mrs. M. Wilson. Mrs. T .\. VhhfV. Mro. A Thi<;t!( thwaite, Mrs. W. Bovd, Mrs. F. Cairns, Mrs. Jos. Field, Mrs. J. Pedlar, Mrs. R. Fisher, Mrs. (Dr.) Bibby. Mrs. M. .lamic^on, Mp,s. Wni. Wileock. Mis. R. Bentham, Mrs. M. McDonald. SPORTS â€" T. Findlay chairman, Bert Snark?. H. Freeman, T- Mor- w!-od. Dr. Milne, J. Dargavel, Wm. Mill'." PARADF â€" Dr. E. C. Murray chMN-'tt'^-. (J.- -11â€" /-kcrh'Ty. D- Mc- Kili.^.v'o A. MVTavlsh, J. Nuhn, l'.;;Li,"i^ L. MeCrac'-^n. LOST AND FOUND LOST â€" On Tuesday, March 12, ibelween -A. Shackleiord's house,- in , town, and Dave Adam's, canvas horse FARM FOR RENT Farm io rent or lot on shtofB, _„ ^^ ^'â- â€¢â€¢^ .-T-the Robt. Graham farm. Finder please" leave at The , 'o* 23, con. 12, Artemesia; hay and. straw for sale. Apply to M, K. Gr*i- ham, R. R. 4, Markdale; 'phone 31 xi 6, Flesherton. LOST â€" Small carrying case for motor car license, etc.. also chain for car late in the fall near F. J. Collinson's. â€" Finder please return to H. Gorrell, Flesherton- . SALE Spy Apples-Cra- j basement FOR SALE â€" Good younj; cow, due in April. â€" John Wright. FOR, SALE -- 11 Oxford Down ewes and a 3-year old- colt broken to harness. â€" Apply at this office. FOR SALE â€" Two-year old colt, and steel tire buggy, nearly new. â€" Dan Cameron. , -,.. â- - FOR SALE â€" Heavy horse, 6 yrs. ;ld,a goad one. â€" Frank Collinson, Cey- lon. FARM FOR SALE 110 acres in the Township of "^Ar- temesia, lots 77 and 78."' 1 "N.D.R., about 85 acres under cultivation,' balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 86x60 with T 36x45. all with stone in good repair, wate^jrat barn; driving "shed 24x30, alsotlfei*^ house; 8-roorced' solid brick itouse with sofi. -water cistern and fuma'«». - j This is a grood grain and stock farm. j well fenced and watered, situated I convenient to railway, -church anif i school. Reason for soling is nn I account of poor health. For partic- • j ulars apply on nremises. i .-W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2, Proton Stat ion. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR salt: â€" Horse 9 years old, good v/orker or driver. â€" Archie Mc- Kechnie, Pricoville. FOI; SALE â€" Duck eggs for hat'-hing. EC cts. per. setting. • â€" H. Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" A sow for 3ale, due March 31st.â€" Mrs. Jos. Croft, Mas- well. ' â€" • 1 â€" FOR SALE â€" - Good seed barley.â€" J. E. Cargoe, R. R. 2. "Phone Flesh- i-rton 31 r 32. FOR SALE â€" Light Sussex eggs for hatching 75 cts. per setting. â€" Jas. A. Stewart. 13 acres of land, mostly seeded to, alfalf-V with good frame house, frame, stable, _ orchard pnd drilled well. This preperty is situated in the, \nl- lago cf i^ugenia, on the main r^ad, and is the estate of the late Mrs.Al- c::. Hoy. For further pai-ticulars and terms of sale, apply to Alex. Cameron, e::- ecutpr of the estate. Eugenia, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Presentation FOR S.-\LE â€" Cream separator, 'just run one season. â€" E. Fisher, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" Two Rood bronse torn turkeys, bred from London prize winners. â€" Jas. Turner, R. R. No. 3 Priceville, 'Phone 21 r 11. Wc are pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. John Plestcr and family of .Swinton Park with us as they moved into town on Wednesday o' last week. Mr. Plester is agent for the Interna- tional Harvester Co. Prior to their dopurture from Swinton Park Mr. and Mr.'3. Plestcr wore visited by thi.'ii neighbors .".nd friends on two differ- ent occasions and prcsentation.s were made. The following were tho ad- dresses which accompanied the pres- entations: Swinton Park, March 12, i;i29. We , your friends and neighbors,, ^ have gathered hero to-night, to showjP^^ ^^^'-^h""^- Q"^ o you^ pQjj ^-..K-LE. â€" Ford Coupe, 192C ^ I 'iiodol, first class condition, original our apprec-iiitton and convey future welfare FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house and good gardon, opposite the high school in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. V.'. J. Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. -' FOR SALEâ€" Two building lots with hen house, in block B, Flesherton. Write to â€" Mrs. S. L«2a!nby, .^trath- roy, OntaHo. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of sap buck- ets, galvanized lid and' spouts ccm- I -ilete. Prices ri-jht. â€" Geo. Shortt, • - - - * i^ 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, cAi.''6, Osprejv' situated en County road no". /, 52, 160 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. First clans grain farm, well fenced, bara 48.x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly ' new, gooti' cistern, telephone, well and wind mill water piped to tho barn, 60 rod* from school. Priced rjasonable. r. C. PEDLAR, SINGIIAMPTON, R. B. 1. 'Phono Fcvcrsham 1 r 2-y. SUOBTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB your Vj.u will be greatly missed in this *""03 toininunity, as you have always been ready t-> oiler a helping hand and we alwayn found you very cheerful and congenial nei(?hb.->rs. Wo wii'h you to accept thin purse as a token of our good wil! and best wi,'.he-<. Our sincere wish i,? that you havc hoaltli. lu-osperity and happiness in your new homo. Signed (111 behalf cf the community in g.ood shnr.e â€" -Walter Phono U r 6. Flesherton. Akitt. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 100 acres lots 106 and 107, 1st range wsst of T.S.R., .Artemesia. Fo>- ull partic- idars annlv to W. J. Bellamy. PJesh- erlnn. Ontario. Registered Skortliom bull for a«r- vice at lot S, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds fS.OO. grades f2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, EuKenla. MIDDLE BKO & BURNS Barristers, ete. the ^^l!l con. of Proton. Jas. liardy, Mijs .M. Smith, Jno. Coulter. PT.HlLL^^^'^ ' -M IWarkdale We, your friends take this opper- iunitv to bid you good bye and wi.ib you evciy hapriine.-ss in your new home. Wc will gre.^tly niias you, but feel that our loss will be others i;ain. May we hope to see you of- l;.i and wo feel that you wili long be remembered by us so wo would .".j;; yi)u to tipcept thi.-^ purse a;. .". tokc.i of our friendship ar.d apprjoi.illra. Signed on hehnlf of th-.- iS^h .?o;i. frio'id."?. â€" Lawrence ?:•' . :-m '.^â- â- â- . Walter Knox is all of One var'iety. They like the (V.Lblei-. but state thai it i.-i not so) fiim a CQofcer as the Doolay. The varieties that arc liable tg go to pieces ill the \nM under the weight cf other potatoes' arc not v.-:inted. la a dealer's warehouse The lUrald was shown thousands orbaR,"! of pol- iii.i â- â- . one pile a bag was taken and emptied into a box. Every tuber \wi\; tho same size and not a bit oi dirt adhered to thMn. These were New Bruni-.wick potatoes. in contrast, a bin of Ontario potatoes was pointed out. All these potatoes VvC're av.-iilins .Trading by the dealer. At tho back of the wareh'^use was a pile of dirt which came off several cnrlcnd.A of Ontario potntoe.-?. Not only does the dealer have to grntle and clean, but he niilst pay a tnick- ini' ronip.'inv to remove the dirt. â€" Alliston lleiald. • Elmira is one' FOR SALfc: â€" Chinchilla Rabbits, 525 buys 28 Chinchilla rabbits and pens for o.uick sale. Must sell as 1 1- n»-ed tho room.-â€" \V. J. W Arm.-itrong f' Flesherton, 'Phone 13 r 11 FOR SALE â€" nred-to-lav Barred Rock eggs from a flock mated with cockerel.; from high pr-.>ducing hens. Price 5 cts. each. â€" Mrs G. Campbell, 'Phono 22 r 2 Oficos â€" Owen Sound. Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evory Saturday afternoon and evening. R. R. 2, Priceville. FOR SALE -~ Pure Maple Syrup weighing over fourt.^en pounds to the r-ailon. Syrup will be delivered to ^Ipshcrton Markdale. Oundalk, .Shel- '"'ne and OrRngevillo. â€" W. Akitt. Rock Mills. } OR SALE OR RE.NT -- House :: ! three l.its, in tr.e vil'ui'o of l-cvershnm. Frame stable and ^ood well. For prlieulars apply on the premises, sham. R. Alaxandor, Fcver- MISCELLANEOUS WANTED â€" Goose, or would ex fch-uige for male â€" Bert^agcc, genia, ^--j NOnCE â€" Chopping done Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. ' gfiiia. Eu- ♦on Eu- GEO E. DUNCAN DU>JDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER F>r the County of Grey. Terms: I per cent. Satisfaction guaratfed Dates made at Tho Advance off-ice. " BULL FOR SERVICE ^•"or service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-|2 if paid before January 1C21», oth-.-rwise ?2.50. -DUNCAN WILLIAMS. ^.,ge„ia. BUSINESS CARDS SHINGLES Dr. E. C. Murr.-y, L..D. S.. dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto and Royal College of Dental Srrgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & A.M. meets in tho Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Pri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary Shingles to arrivo the first or second ' Lucas & Henry Barriaton. ss^i-i^" week in April- both Briti-ah Colum- 'org „.« , "[y' "a^'stett, SoHcK- bia and New Brun.-.wick.- -Flesherton \\Z'J^.\\ n// "'"' ^- ^' ^' ^' ' lM-.,ning .Mills. « "f"'^' J^"'^' O^f'^-S Markdale Lucas = _ Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at . iDumlalk and Durh-im. BOAR FOR SERVICE town at least that Registered Yorkshire Boar for -set- ' Telford & Bjrnie, Barristers â- â-  H pays its town con.stabjo a fairly good 1 viceâ€" Edgcly Bright Vim, No. J)f»,996 'cit9rs, etc. Offices Grey and B * nnla-y. At the la.^t meeting of the |â€" Property of Saugeen" Bacon H-'tf, Block, Oxven vSound; Standard 3^"^^^ niock, Flesherton, (Saturdays.,) W. ir. Telford, Jr.. J. F. P. Birnie. was in- 1 Club. >^ council hiJ annual, stipend crenscd to $160©. " V7e take subaci-trtlons for all daily part-r-s Olid periodiculs. Y'oii don't need to do b">>ino£.-i of. this kind with slrnngers or go to tho trouble of .â- â- .endhiK by mnit. Pay u.i and we will be responsible for getting your daily paper to you regularly. ADVANCE APVTS.:pAY Bacon Terms §1.00. â€" C. niNDLE, Proton Station BOAR FOR SERVICE. -^ ( Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer ( for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction rwar- , All arrangements and datep^ Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cldb, ' antee<l the property of the Ontario Depart- j may be made at.'the Advance office, cr ment <>' A^''^"*^^"- _ ^ '* .'central telephone office, FevershV. j^, -^. STBWABJ, 9KoUif«r. or by addressing me at Vi^AfKa!> '^L. M^A JM.

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