Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1929, p. 1

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%i[)t fimi^nim %hnmu Vol. 48 No. 34 Flee^erton Ontario, February 6, 1929 W. H. Thurston &c Son, Proprietors Inaugural Meeting Flesherton Council Held Friday Evening Chairmen of Committees and Village Officers Appointed â€" To Consider Holding Old Boys' Re-Union in Summer The inaugural meeting of the vil- lage council was held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Friday evening last, when the members were all present, Reeve Findlay presiding. The main business way the appointraent of chairman for the var- ious departments handling village a-"- fairs; appointing village officials and the selecting of a committee to com- municate with the business men In relation to an "Old Bojr's Re-union" this year. On a motion of Richardson and Mathewson the following accounts were ordered to be paid ;- Fyr-Fyrter Co., fluid 114; O. W. "Phillips, ex- press on fluid, 75 cts.; P. J. Thur- ston, School Attendance Officer and Poll Clerk, $7.50; Advance Printing Co., account ?27.60; Municipal World,! supplies f 16.20; John Wright, Deputy! Returning Officer, f8; Mark Wilson, I Poll Clerk, $3. - ' Welton - Mathewson â€" That the { accouBt for insurance on hail, of $75, premium on $5,000 be paid, anC 'the company be requested to add a clause to the policy permitting use of hall for concerts, including oc- casional moving picture siiov,-.-;. | Carried. j The subject of a cap for the Chief j ol Police was brought up and the { Council was of the unanimous 0|<in- ! ion that Ihe Chief needs somp auirk cf distinction. The Clerk was in- structed to write for prices on the le.eraiia. By-law No. 161 for the appoint- ment of the village officers was read the required number of times an passed, as ft)llows:- Assessor, Jno. ( V.-iis^ht, salary '25; Auditor, Â¥. W . I Duncan and C. J. Bellamy, salary of . $8; W. A. Hawken, Member ox Board j of Health with F. W. Dune in as j Secretary; Sanitary Inspec'or, Jos. Field, salary SIO; Dr. E. C. Murray, member of Ki^h School board; Fence- viewers, .\. Gilchrist, Jos. Blakely and W. J. Bellamy; Poundkeoper, H. Down; Sheep valuator, C W. Bel- lamy at $1.00 for each val<:ation. A delegation was present from the Women's Institute with a proposit- ion â-  in regard to 'Old Home Week. Mrs. Murray was spokeswoman a.d sugjsested that a week end be held to welcome the old boys, and sug- gested the date as the firsc week end in August. She urged the coun- cil to ponder the question and appoint a committee to confer with tho busln- CES men as to the advisibilty of ?uch a proceedure. Tiic committee from the council is composed of G. B. Wel- ton, H. A. McCauley and the Reeve on the motion of Jlessrs Richarcson and Mathewson. Richardson â€" Welton â€" Thatjhc (Continued on Page 8) PENNY POSTUE IS INCREASING MAILS Penny postage, inaugaraled ac Christmas, is working well and bring- ing about n notable increase in letter mails from Canada to Great Britain, ascording to information received at the post office department. The vol- ume is steadily growing, and there is reason to expectc that in the course of a year it will be such as to off- set the $200,000 estimated reduction in revenue. Stimulus will also be given the British move for similiar reduction. It is a well-known fact that even before the penny postage rate was re-established, the number of letters coming from G -eat Brit- ain to Canada wa.^ much less than what went the other way. SCHOOL GRANTS IN GREY THE SECRET OF EGG PRODUCTION He's a cracker- jack to sneeze! It runs in the family. Dui- ing the big storm last week he went to feed the hens for his better half. They were all clustered about his feet when the paroxysm suddenly seizm: him â€" "Ya-ya-heeve!" and fifty pullets spontaneously wer- heavenward, while three roost- ers schreeched as if captured )r a pot-pie. Results. â€" twice as many eggs secured Uhat afternoon. His wife is i;i • ducing him to feed the poultry every day since and discreetly sprinkles pepper over the mash. TRIPLE1JALVES Mr. John Meihm, who resides in Derby township at what is known as Penner's Comers, is the proud pos- sessor of a handsome Holstein cow which he considers the most vuK: able animal in the herd. It is not unccmmon for a good healthy cow to give birth to twin calves, but on Tuesday of this week this Holstein cow brought triplets into the worla. much to the surprise of Mr. Meilim, and they are all well formed, normal calves in every way, and on Thurs- day morning wero reported as being as lively as cricketj around the place with every promise of devel- opinfj; as well as any other calves on the farm, while the mother cow is also in splendid condition. Tv.'o of the calves arc red in color with a whits star in the centre of the foreheads, while the third one is grey. This is accounted for by the fact that the sire was a Shorthorn, and this puts the calves into the grade class. Tho arrival of the triplets has brought many visitors during the last two days to the farm of Mr. Meihm. and much interest i'J being manifested in their growth and development. â€" Ex. CEYLON Mrs. Wm. Hyslop of Eugenia spent a week with her sister, Miss Jessie McKenzic. Mr. A. E. Haw attended the f unci- al of Mrs. Jas. Aldcom on Thui"s- day, who passed away at Corbetton, aftera lengthy illness. The remains were taken to Shelbume for burial. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents. Mr. Henry Gohcen of Proton visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson. Miss Agnes Mcphail, M.P., who wns at Buffalo last week speak'n;^ re- turned home on Saturday and leaves again this week for Ottawa for the opening of parliament. Mrs. F. Marshall and Mr^. A. Sinclair were at Owen Sound on Sat- urday. Mrs. D. McLachlan Passed Away In Durham Hospital ROCK MILLS Priceville Correspondence PROTON STATION There passed away in Durham hos- pital Saturday after several veeks of suffering, Mrs. D. McLachlan, a: the age of 56 years. Only three years this coming April her husband passed away, and there now remain., only one daughter, Jean in her early teens. Since the death Everette White of the Junction has been legally appointed assistant mail courier of route 1, Proton and has been informed tha^ he is giving fine service. It is a responsible job anij we feel that Everette will make good at it There are a lot of logs coming in- ' to the mill these days. j Our deepest sympathy is extended jto the Akitt family in their recent I bereavement by the death of their I father, the late Robt. Akitt, who pas- jted away on Monday, January 2Sth, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. Field of Toronto. .Mr. and .Mrs. John Wickens and daughter of Kimberley visited recent- ly with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedlar. Miss Elsie Sewell is with her fath- Mrs. Archibald and Roy Hergott of Mr. McLachlan deceased has "been ^P^°* ^^^ "^^^ ^""^ "^^^^ ^^^ former's jer and sisters hero at present, employed on the Public Teaching- 1 P^f*"*^' ''t Ceylon. ] Mr. Baker cf Proton had charge of staff of Priceville Public School - I '^^^" ^'^ ®*^'" several sick in and j the Sunday evening services and del- position held by her before her mar- \ """"d this village. We are sorry to j j.-cred a good sermon from Roman.s riage. In the late fall she became | ""^P*""' ^^"^^ "^''"^^ ''^'"" ""'^^'^ *'"^ ^^ and the ITth verse. The meet a victim of the flu. and was other- ] "doctor's care. Her sister, Mrs. Tur They called on Mr. .ATidr?\v wise in a run down condition, chief- 1 "^' '^ nursing her. Kennedy, who is a patient in the ly due to over work from household I ^ P"""'"" Station broomball team G. & M. hospital there and presenteu , as well as school cares. Shortly be- I P'^?''^ '^^'^ ^*"* ^^^^ °^ *^^ ^^"^"^ him with a treat of fruit from the fore the Yuletide season was usher- Ladies' Aid here. ed in. One day she was found ly- Mrs. H. Piper visited her mother ing unconscious on the itchen floor. I the result of a stroke. Nurse Al- lan of Owen Sound was .'-ecured and she was cared for for a couple of weeks. Later the patient was re- moved to the Durham hospital, she has since been a great sufferer, relief that death's DeceaKeJ was at Orange Valley the past week. LADY BANK The order of the day in this com- munity is saw-logging. Many of the teams are crossing the Hydro i**"^ '*• ^^'^^ ^ Pond and report the ice in good con- P^ace stole upon her. dition. bein'T 17 inches thick, and formerly Alice Ross, only daughter oI smooth, with verv little snow. the late Taylor Ross v.h,, -v.-.s an The bear didn't see his shadow on early Priceville pioneer. Iho funer- Saturdav, tho 2nd, although Friday j^l last Tuesday was largely attended,' .-ind Sunday was exceptionally bright, and the remains were tenderly laid with Jack Frost keen. I >n McNeil's cemetery. Rev. J. Corrr last Monday night against the Flesh- erton High School team on tho Flesh- erton rink. The game resulted in a tie. Seventy-Two Inmates In Grey County Home and Mrs. Norman Hindle of 1 and Rev. F. Sailivan had charge c .. ir. Banks rpent a few days last week with j the services. Hymns wer.? old neighbors in this vicinity. (Lord's My Shepherd" '-Rock of Ascr Miss Adell Roberts and Janie "Safe in the Arms of .rosiis." Mrs. Semple returned ti their positions in ' A. L. Hircks and Miss Oiiv; MeMoe- Toronto, after spending-a few weeks! kin sang a duet, '-Whou th-i Pear.y at their parental homes he -e. Gates Unfold." The casket was cov- Miss Beatrice Poole is the guest of .ercd with beautiful fiorai tribute?. Miss Iva Izzard and Mrs. Friends from a distance wero Mrs. To the County Council of Grey Reeve .\cheson of Holland township, presented the annual report of Alex. Smith, manager of the House of Re- fuge at Markdale. This showed sixty- six inmates of last year's report; nnm ber admitted for the first time, 11; number re-admitted after an absence. I^b^i 1; number ot deaths 5; number of inmates in tho home at the presen' time, T'i, (30 niale and 30 femalo.t During the year offe inmate was rd- mitted froni Bentinek. one from Sul- livan, three from Durham, ona from Shallow Lake, one from Neustadt. ing here on Sabbath evening will be at tho -home of Mrs. Thos. Belts at T:,30. Everybody welcome Mrs. F. Field of Toronto spent a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. Walter .A.kitt. Mr. George Hargrave and Mr. G. Thompson of the west backline vis- ited Friday last at the home of the former's uncle, Mr. John Hargrave. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. T. .\tkinson is very poorly at pres- ent, but hope to hear of a change for the better very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoddart and son of Markdale visited with their daughter. Mrs. Herb Betts recently. We are very sorry to leani thac Mr. Ernie White has not been so well again lately, but we hope to hear of some improvement soon. Miss Doris Pedlar of Flesherton 'spent the week end at her parental home here. SHOOTING FATALITY AT WILDER'S LAKE PRESERVE her cousins. EUGENIA Durir.T: tho past week or so we 'â- ^ave had ve -y nice weather. We hope it continues so. Miss Mildred Johnston of Portlaw visited over the week end with Mr. ind Mrs. Latimer and other frljnds. Mr. Gibson, Dist Supt. of the Postal Service made a businc3.<; t'ip to the village ono day last week. Miss Acljeson. teacher, spent the week end at her home, Victoria Corn- er's. We are sorry to rrport Mrs. John Williams laid up with pleurisy a: present. We hope for her speedy re- covery. Mr. Henry Tudor, who accompanied his brother. Thos. Tudor to Toronto, has returned home again, after a few days' visit i« the city. Mr. Sam McDonald of Victoria Corners spent the week end at his home, 8th line. â-  We are pleased to report Mr. Elijah Paul able to be around again after Ihis attack of pleurisy. Mrs. Badgerow and son, John, 4th line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley CamiibcH. Mrs. Atf. Partridge and son. TJoyd of Rr-k Mills visited at Mr. E. Part- ridge's on Sunday. Glad to report Mr. Wm. Frwcett â- xvd son. Wellie, recovc ing from an ittack of the flu. Mr. P. Munshaw has his ice har- vested, having nut in about 350 blocks. Mr Cardwell Graham is busy gettine his stored away now. The ice is a very good quality and is about 16 in- ches thick. I four from Owen Sound and ono from Wm Tyler at present. | Meyer, siste--in-law , and son inlav.. j ^^tg^jesia, fifteen in all. The total Mrs. W. T. Ellis of Kimberley is i of Buffalo. Mr. Bobs and Miss Elua ^j ^^^.^, ij^ard for inmates from Ow- the guest of her dauehter, Mrs. L-s- j McKinncn of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. ][f McMullen at nresent. ! Smith and Mrs. John Burgess of Dur- Mr and Mr?. Wm. Bewell of Maple ] ham. The whole community sympa- Grove were the guests ^of Mr. and j thizes with daughter Jean, rj sorely Vrs Melville Douglass here. 'bereaved of both father and mother.^ I On Friday night a parlor .-oc'.ai n the was held in tho Manse, when over (Continued on Page S) Twerty-fiv" rinks took part bonsniel at Shelburne last week.. Motors Run Between Kimberley and Thornbury on Valley Road en Sound was 0.859 from the county 18,233. Th'.> exnenditura of the in- stitution for the year amounted to $12,298.94, with a deduction of S6,- ^32.69, making the net costs of the heme amount tJ .'55.«;6.25. The net cost per inmate per week am- ounted to $1.51. Produce on the farm amounted to $2,493.13. stock and implement? $4,570 with real pro- perty and house furnishings amount- ed to a total of $82,200.00 The report was adopted upon motion. Kimberley Correspondence VANDELEUR IN MEMORIAM The county council of Grey coun- ty has authorised the following grants on account of maintenance for high and continuation school: Clif- ford Continuation for 1927, |424.88; Clifford Con. for 1928, $4*0.97; Crec- moro $28.41; Chatsworth 1651.68; Thornbury $2,031.64; Hepworth $1,044.24; Singhampton, $283.54, MeafV. $5,458.88; Dundalk $2,674; Flesherton, $3,618.91; Markdale, $2.- 416.29; Durham, $6,459.36; Hanover, $3802.49; Chesley $1,803.21; Shel- burne $88.06. > . ..Ifer. jOTTEWELL â€" In loving memory of I our dear mother. Mrs. Philip I Ottewelt. In a little church yard, ] Yonder there's a lone ^n.l silent 1 grave. Of one we loved so dearly, •*; But one w« could not save, The cords of life were broken, And she was called away. To the glorious City up yonder,^ Where all is bright and fair. â€" Sadly missed by the family. Messrs J. A. Stuart and H. Ellis' Vandelcur Farmers' Club held an motored to Kimberley, via Thornbury, interesting meeting in the school or and report the roads in fair condit- Thursday evening of last week. Mict- ion for a car in winter and did not '.Agnes Mophail, la.P. was present experience any trouble getting 'rand gave a splendid address. Mrs. through. If the new road keeps to' Frank Davis gave a reading and tho the low lands it will be a good win-| string band supplied th3 music and tcr road for motorists. 1 several numbers. The mooting was Mrs. E. Norwood and Miss Ruth|wc-!1 attended. The next niieting of Au ora, who have been spending! will bo held on Monday evening. a month with Jlrs. Morwood's par- 1 February 11. eut3 here, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawkins, j ^^.^ _^if_ pu^iop is somewhat im- rcturned to their home last week. proved in health, but he is still We are sory that Mrs. Plewis is 1 very ill. Nurse Burritt of Kim- still on the sick list from the flu. j bg^lev is in attendance. Mrs. S. S. Burritt returned homei ,, ' . t u . i a*- ti , . , ! Mrs. L. Johnston r.nd Miss Thcr.-.- after spending a couple of weeks i , . . j.„.„„,. '^ 7 . „ . , , son spent the week end with Iricnas with her mother in Be Tie, who has]. bean quite ill with the flu. We are j glad to report that Mrs. .Vbercrombie j is somewhat improved in health anC ' Warling, on January 2-,th, tho gut able to be out of bed part time. IN MEMORIAM In loving mmory of Duncan MacMil- lan, who departed this life Febru- ary 3rd, 1928. also of Clark Mac- Millan. who passed away March 27, 1925. We shall all meet again at the last roll call. â€"Father. Mother and Kate. On Monday last, Dr. D. B. Jam- ieson and P. Gangon figured in a shooting at Wilder's Lake, whither they went with mischief intent. Of the" herd of four buffalo in Dr. D. Jamieson's natural park for animals. tho youngest of these has been act- ing rather bumptious of late for its older brothers. The latter meekly stood it all and would take no oi- fensive stand so the only thing to di> was to put an end to the baby buffalo for his bad acting. .Accordingly on Mondav, Dr. Jamieson fired a siio; at the "offender that shortly had the desired effect. There were _ Durhim Reviev/. no mourners Several barns in St. Vincent town- ship lost their roofs in the recent wind storm. IP' " II Mary has a little skirt. So neat, so b=-ight, so airy: It never shows a speck of dirt. But it surely does show Mary. ^|r^Up-to-date ^SERVICE ADVANCE .\DVTS. PAY ^♦♦•:->->.>.M~:~:-:">«>->«>.>.>.x~:~;":":~:' AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BA RBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. g in aiarkdale. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Elnic Mr. J. R. Fawcett went to Colling- wood to spend tho balance of the winter with his sen, Herbert. Mrs. W. T. Ellis i* visitin;- wilV her daughter, Mrs. L. Mr-Mullen, Fev- crsham. We extend cur sympathy to Mrs Saul Fawcett. in tho death of her sister, Mrs. Foster. Mr. C. Thompson and family have moved to the old homstead near Flesherton. We a -e !!orry to lost them as they have been good neigh- of a daughter. Mrs. Frank Davis friends in Kimberley. is visiting Statisticefon "Flu" Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: Klnj^sdale 4344 J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. •>4^>'KK~><~XK~K»^<>**<>^<~XK~><~:~K«^<'^->*«X"><><-<KKK*<<<»<><"fr<->^ Forty per cent, of the population of the province of Ontario have bee.: stricken with the "flu"' du-ing the epidemic that has just been stamped , out, according to figures secured at ; * the provincial department of healti. ^ •^K~:~;~K~K~:":'^<~x~>:"X~>«x~>'K~:~:~w~K~:" 1^ "House rf Quality » bors also kind and obliging, lendin.: at Queen's Park. Many districts | ^ a he'lpin- hand to every pood cause. ; in the province have had one hun- ^ Th" amnial meeting of th? Com-ldred per cent, of their population!* munity Hall Board met for election o: stricken with th.> epidemic. Tiie ^ trustees last week. The trustees fo- department estimates that fitfy per | i 1929 are Mrs. W. T. EUi.?. Mrs. .A F I cent, of the peopie of the city of To- ! ^ Myies,, Messrs Geo. Proctor, A. E vronto have .suffered from influenza.^ Ellis and D. L. Weber. Plans were "The number of cases is diminishing ! X made for social and educational ev- 1 daily but the death rate for the num- ; X enings each week throughout the | her of reported cases is still incrcas- \ ^ winter The first social eve nt waj jjng," Dr. Bell, deputy minister stat-^ â- (Continued on Page~4) | ed. Toronto, he pointed out, has | ^ .1 1 ., ^^i^^a «-i«oM oM.r «fh«r centre x Hans Stevenson, auctioneer of Shelbume, died on January 14th, ag- ed 38 yean, from pneumonia. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. F. N. Field and Mr. Walt«!r Akitt wish to express their apprec- iation of sympathy extended to them upon the death of their father. I ed. Toronto. I had more cases than any other cent ' of Ontario, but the percentage of the , ^ ' people who contracted the "flu"' Is S Rlir'E TO.M.VTOHS ORANGES CHI.ERV I?ETTUCK LKMOXS H.VN.VNAS GRAPE FRLHT lower than in many sections. W. J. Stewart & Son? We've been wondering if anyone i <& has seen any signs of Spring yet? ) ^.jm>^,>^^.»>Oh>«.>«***<h><m^^^.>^.>.>«.>.>.><mo..>.^^

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