Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1929, p. 2

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And Its flavour is the finest in tlie ivorld. n SALADA 11 TEA *Fresh from the gardens* tit J5. &&£ By CHANNIN^ VOLUOCK lUWtTHATlft BKGIN HERE TODA^. held a yellow slip to Jerry, it!" Jerry read "Pearl ain't here. "Read W€ Hon. Chas. Stewart Reviews Progress During Year 1928 Advances Made in Many Lines Clare Jewett, jn love with the Rev Daniel Gilchrist, marries Jerry Good ,kiiid for his money. Daniel is dis-'tiin't seen her. Ain't she home?' from the fashionable Church Gilchrist heard, then turned to of the Nativity in New York because Hcnnig. "^ I""! ""f J^''-'*' sermons. Gilchrist is -'Maybe she i.s," he said. sent to the coal mines by Goodkind i ••v^.i, icn^ar «ho nin't " ciiirJ To<» favo,.ab.o than for several -nior and wires that a big strike is ^ „^a "whaTTf to ::'\Ll^f £^t settled. A delegation of strikers comes ; want yo"*" leavings." do you say , , 7 . ,, , , ,, 1 J north to interview the president and Why c ion 8 Inherent y sound and ts lead- h:i.o,.»„..o ti,„.. .„ '"^ .J"";"*^"" """ U-, . ,â- ' . ' „ ,, > Oiiectors. 1 hey ore received m Jerry s Daniel cal M are, I am sure, quite capable of home, first Stedtman, then Hcnniff^ "Ain't I .... n.asterin*; the .lIBIcultles which tern- and Umanski. They do not meet with ' her'' Ain't I Iioiarlly beset them. Optimism must much success. is dissatisfied ' .^.-hen I came ' lu-ovail; we are exporting more news- v.'ith results. Clare is angry because :i^ that?" asked are mor« yeurH. The newsprint industry tliough suffering from a period of overproduc Uu.. .» ...u^.^ufj, =„...,u u.,u ...-, .u»u- directors. They ore received in Jerry's Daniel calmly. .M are, I am sure, quite capable of home first Stedtman, then Hennig; "Ain't I seen you downtown with found you with her home unexpectedly? I of Activity replied set our print than all other countries com- \^^ dinner party is interrupted by j biti.j(l; cur plants are newer and •'<''''"y'« business meeting. "The slpnilicance of New Year \n ' e'lulppod with more modern machin- ^OW GO ON WITH THE STORY bouud up with the traditions of our'«»y. '^cy have recess to cheaper "Don't mention it," he race; at this season It is appropriate Powor and more ample pulpwood suiv scornfully. that we review the achievements of P"'"'' "'^^^ ''"V «' ouJ" competitors. "I'm very grateful, but^" .She the closlns year, take heart from what ''"'if'"' fiivorablo factors must in time spoke haltinglv. has been accomplished, and in the "jrlnK the desired result. "But what?'' "The well being of the Indians and "Never mind, we'll talk about it Eskimos ia b"liig furthered by every some other time."' possible means. They are being en. Jerry moved toward her indignant- couratjed in the practice of certain ly. handicrafts similar to those practised " '••We'll talk about it row " he said by other native races, tha aim btinp with nn jiir of finality, to promote health and indus-try which can only bo had by providiiij; conve- foj- the door nient opportuniiy for ^:i to engage in -Xo you won't." said Jerry, turning pursu !s for winch they are adapted on him. "You made a crack about by nature. Large areas have been set niy leaving 24 hours before you did. a.Kldo for the benefit of the Indians -^w how do you know when I left?" tanJ I'^Bkimos and senous considera- He turned to liis wife. "If that's tlon is being given to the establish- what you're sore about, for heaven's ment of domesticated reindeer and sake drop it. I'm sorr-; you've been conservation of musk-ox. alone and I've sent you a handsome "Tourists holidaying in Canada gift as an apology." made expenditure cstim.'.tot at $276,- "J don't want it." Clare put the 000,000, which was well distributed ccarf back on the tab'e. "I don't among all classes and addnl consider- 1 want to be paid for shutting my eyes ably to the general prosperity of 1&28. to any insulting thing you choose to This contribution which our lecrea- do " tional resources make to the natioual I'And I don't propose to be made a said light of past experiences course for the future. "The rising tide of pro.'sperlty dur- ing 1928 has been based on the devel- opmei:'. of extensive and varied natural re-sources, and over more than half of the total area of the Dominion thesv are .idminlstorod by the depart- ment.s of Ilio Interior, Mines and In- dlaji .-XffairH, luukr my responsibility. In all partis of this great country the pulsations' of economic prosperity are bediig felt as never before. "Al no period in the history of the Dominion has such marked activity been evidenced In the development of our mineral resources. The last few years have witnes;-od tl\e increasing expansion of the mIninK and metal- lurgical industries In the established mineral-producing provinces and the extension of these industries Into en- tirely new areas uf unfloubted impor- tance and promise. During the same period the standing of Canada among the mineralproducing nations of the world has been considerably en- hanced. "All previous records in mlrteral producing jn Canada were surpassed Id 1927 when the value of the total mineral output rose to nearly ?;2.")0,- 000,000, and it Is more than possible that this impressive total v.ill itself be surpassed when the final llfures for 192S are completed. It is gratify- ing to note that our mineral output is Increasing in variety as well as in quantity and that the list of minerals now produced, both metallic and non- metullic, ccjmprlses all of those of out- Ktauding induotrial value with a few exceptions only, some of which may yet be attended in the Dominion. Drillfng for oil In the westorn prov- inces Ih bilng attended by very satis- factory results. In Alberta the in- creasing production has now reached approxinirticly 480,000 barrels of crude naphtha per year. Uecent discoveries and developments havo attra<'te<l world attention to Canada's extensive deposits of copper, nickel, lead and «Inc. and to the possibilities of in- creaKcd production of the precious metnlM. These and our established reput'.iiim In the pro<luctlon of non- metalilc minerals. In addition to petro- leum, Indicate the importance of the Domljiion's 'mineral wealth and fore- casf ciiiiilniied prosperity for lis min- ing and allied industries. "Our well distributed waterways leem to have been placed by Nature knew you wras stuck on her, and I warned you to stay away â€" didn't I?" "You were mistaken," said Gil- christ I warn you?'' persisted income is, in fact, greater t*an either blackguard before strangers." the value of oiir inineral or pulp and Jferry~angri!v. paper output. Its influen(e on the balance of trade and on the financial structure of this young and growing country Is enormous. "On every hand there is just cause for rejoicing and at this season as we find ourselves knocking at the portals of the future we can take confidence In the knowledge that never has a new year opened so auspiciously for Canada, and seldom, if ever, In the histoiy of mankind has a nation of our numbers attained suih material prosperity In so short a time or dared to attempt such bold enterprises as we have undertaken.'' "Intellijgjence Is On the March" "In terms of the lon^- r?rspcclives "Didn't Hennif. "Y'cs," said Daniel frankly. "And you come again â€" didn't you?" "Y'es." Jerry turned scoffing eyes on Clare. "Every man â€" but one!" he sneered. "I went first on your account," said Daniel, his eyes on Hennig and with no ear for Jerry's scorn. "They told ,„, „ . ^,., , .mc you were in debt â€" and I went l\\ go, put m Gilchnst. starting! j gain because she asked me to. This disappearance looks queer, I admit, but people do get lost, or hurt, and taken to hospitals, and aren't identi- fied." Gilchntt's calm had sent the thought well into Hennig's fever. "Y'ou think â€" " he started, with a trace of conviction. "I think your wife's all right, Joe," Gilchrist resumed. "I don't think you ought to accuse her puoliely until you're sure she's not." "How'm I gonna be sure?" Joe >iuericd rather helplessly. "Suppose we ask the police to look for her," suggested Daniel. Jerry saw the situation slipping. He was quick to step in. "What'.'; the use of str-ri.'ng a hul- STANDARO OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS HOME:BAKED BREAD IS BEST OFALL "Dan isn't a stranjcer. And I don't want to make you a blackguard. Only â€" sihce you've insi.-ted on the truth â€" Dan, when did ir.y hus'oand 'cave Black River?" "I haven't seen him since Thurs- day,"' said Dan calmly. "As a matter of fact, I wasn't in Black River. " "Oh â€" â- ' broke in Jerry. "Where r were you?'' "At the mines." "Is that the truth?'' a.sked Clare. "Of course, it's the Inith," said Jerry. "And if it wasn'tâ€" I elon't see that you havo any right to ask cjues- tions. I haven't done anything that wasn't in the bargf.iii. I haven't done .'•nything every man doesn't do." "Every â€" perhaps â€" but one," Clare said v, istfully. "My (ioil. Now we've got it," ex- ploded Jerfy. "Gilchrisit! If you'd "No you're not," he eaid gruffly.) "You're going to keep quiet. But you wanted the truth and you've got it. I've known it all along." He turned to Clare, arogantlj-. "Now who do you think is lying?" "I don't know," she said, bewil- dered. "I don't understand." "Oh, yes, you do â€" " flung Jerry, " â€" but you won't admit it." "I suppose that's it," she said re- .^ignedly. She picked up the fur- piece and started for the music room. Daniel's eyes still followed her. "Clare!" he shouted as she reached for the door. "I don't care what any one believes but you." â-  "I'll believe you, Dan, if you'll only explain." "I â€" *â- ' X>aniel was struggling again. Should he speak or not? Jerry saw a lire of honesty come into his eyej. He steppea up quickly and menacing- I forbid you tc spe«ik :o rny wife!" he said threateningly. "(Jo on, Dan," urged Clare. "I forbid you to rpeak to n)y wife!' Jerry was clofe to%im now, his- f.ace flushed and his eyes r.ashinp. Dan turned on him heatedly. "If I hndn t anybody to think altcut but you I" he said, flashing an^gfr and determination to go en now to his vindication. Jerry read in Ihoee eyes he faced the danger to himself. They were like two graven adver- scries. (Continued in\ Our Next Issue.) â€" 0,:- Australia's Example ?-i?.ncic';tfr ITveL'n- N'. -^ ieniion ought to be directed to \\ suit of the election by wl-.iB'.i re- Mr. ia"ua-loo!" he shot. "You don't w«nt the woman accused publicly. butl„.„ , „ ... . . ^ .,.. . 1 *v ' .. ,^:Staniey Eruce ar.d hj* KJr.-.ster? have you re willing to spread the news soi '^ . . - ...v .», once more b^en enrustpu with the "I ^[destinies cf the Conisicnwealth. . . . The Bruce who has just defcastd a powerful Labor oppcnert deserves a place in the school be eks scarcely lees prominent than t-at cf the Ensce.-ho of history the ten year.- sifce tlie '*"'^' "'«'"'"'<^'l ^'P'- "^'^ Koodâ€" because World War are more sigjiir.ant t'nan those of the war itself; for ;-i '.hiv decade the world has come to grip.-=. .- last with a problem much more vital than tho rea<ljustnient of European empires," says Pn>fesFor Jame.9 T. .Shotwell of «:olunibia University, ir the New York Herald Tribune. 'The way is slowly opening before u^ by which the field of international he says so. You should have been here a minute ago â€" when tho coni- rnny detective warned us not to men- tion Gilchrist to Joe Hennig." "You mean â€" '' Daniel started, sur- ^ l)ri&ed. I "I mean Pearl Hennig," Jerry said ^nieringly. "Pearl Hennig?"' Gilchrist was roused. "Why you â€" " He stopped studied the habitu c! spiders; &e- YGUTi;â€" GKAC.:: The youthful drar-^d siiVcj.:.:- 'as cause of the defeat of thi'-- orpcr.cEt.i "â- â- **'^'*<^ *^^ daytime m?f? cs trated ir, ncvelty sj\ crope in ccm- I'i.'iaf.on with pia;;-. â-  'i •: crepe ia Stvie No. ?.4S. The scrik-e:l but because of his part in ',h» ts::>. ng of the nev,f AusfraUn nwl h's re^-ard for Australia t- future. . . . Ot the de- claration or ;.:v return to power he ''^**f' vogue of .Pai:. treat nn -.1 is in dri-'Sfs oJf said he l.oped that "until that trien- semi-sports characte:- that are so rua tragedy, the general election," j*"*'^*''^ serviceable. 1 be f\Y:::he'J hip- came apiiin ail p.trties would sink 'â- ''"« makes it, especially suitable lor tlieir" political differences and try tc '>v<»n:en of average f r.;-'. ftgur? It jj flud a sohition cf the great problems '^''T «-ffect5ve, Ko^\ in pricted rayon eonfronting them. Our own general yflvet, lustrous crepe .satin, oa-.tcn- eleeticn is still comparatively far off, and we need not pretent t,T rrophesy the result, bat when it is i ver we I phonld like to hear the Frime Minls- I ter, whoever he be, e"cho those words. j Why should all parties in Oreat Bri- tain not combin*: to Bupjl.v iireut Britain's needs? n» „!,„ .. 11 1 1 i ., find locked to^vard Clare. " â€" you an airs will be opened up toi the same . ^ , ,^ kind of political action as is used within the Btatc to en. ure both pro- gress and tho maintenance of rights "It will not open all at once; it will open first when nations' inter where their abundant tnergy would be <;st„ ,„„ together; but the thing which moHt convenient for tho development | makes these interest.^ develop is the of bfdb primary and secondary liulus- | very thing which has changed the try and for the comfort and urban nature of war. .Science, in it.s control »nd rural populations dependent „,,),« forces of nature, is breaking thereon. The past year ha.s wltncsn^d . down tho world-old barriers of time the addllluu of 550,000 horsepower to our total turbine iniitallatton which haM now re.icbed the Imposing figure of 6,;t2S,000 horse-power, with a further l,20fi,oOO hors power of now development in va^ou.•^ stages of con- r.nd (.pace and making us interested in the maintenance of pence between other nations. "The futun» will increase thi.^ pro- cess; nothing can .stop it; statesnian- Khip is blind if it resorts to tho bnr- Bfrucllon. The outstanding develop- baric^nstrumenl.s of the past when inentf have ta'riin place in Quebec, m Ontario and Mi>iiiioba. "Our lountiy has been richly en- dowed wltii forest resouiccH. The not ! niiiuial value of the prodiicts ot our foret.ts reaches about 1475,000,000 and (ondllKinh In the lumbeilng imliistry Used Pianos Sale the new forces are at the ilisiwsal of nations â€" forces that work more mightily for pence than ail the long- I inpu or hopes of men thems«-lves. For it is intelligence which is on tho march, and r.ooncr or later it will sub- Ktitiilo for the passing armistice of nntinns an enduring peace." » Empire Industry llail<n (lueht in the Nineteenth < cntwry (London! Tho industrial i position in the Kmpire Is that most induHlrb^ are concentrated In Great luitain, but others are springing up In Tunadft, AuHtralin, India, and elue. ow that's jiot true." "I know it's not true,'' put in Clare. "Oh, do you?'' said Jerry doubting- ly. As he spoke there came sounds of voices from the stairway. There was anger in the tones. "Now liiiten â€" l>ehave yourself" Stedtman was saying. "Behave â€" hell!" shout.d Joe Hen- nig angrily. Jerry turned to the door. "Ask Stedtman. Ask Hennig," he continued. "And before you make up your mind where I was yesterday, ask where he was â€" " Joe Hennig flung the door open as Jerry bpokc Stetltman tugge^I ner- vously at his arm, but the stock work- man advanced menacingly. JERKY HERE." READ: "PEARL AIN'T[foi frostbite use W.nEid's Llnltnent. where In in<llH<riminato competition "**' '^â- '' ""' 1"'''^ ^^"^ f"'"^'*"" with (ireat Hrilaiu and with each "'''?'' ''*'^ J""^ haven't," uotD PIANOS lleinlzniun it Cohipdiiy I'prlpht. thorniighly cvi-rhauled, firwti iatm rondlllon, 7 1 ."< oc'rvoh idee tone, regular price $100, fpeclai at $27t;, efiKy itrms. Thin Sn juKt a itairiple :>r ibe many Bar|;iilij>) )u IWej I'lunoi) on hnnd, VS'ritH fur Pelect«d Liht HCINT2MAN A CO., ISSUE No. 2â€" 29 CHAPTER XII The l/>l<i)witrrcrf Chargr Hennig jerked himself freo of tho restraining arm and strcnio straight for (lilchrist. Daniel turned to meet him, bewildered, but with that calm Wk of unafraid in his eyes. Jerry waited uncertainly and Clare looked on with tense interest. "Youâ€" Gilchrist," stormed the irate intruder. "Whero've you got my wife?" ^ I "I haven't got your wife, Hennig." Gilchrist'.', answer was as dispnssion- ied with (ireat Hrilaiu and with each "" '""' •>"" ""»vi. ., " nhouted other. The amount of C(mipetlilon "'"""'»<'• at pri'Hent Is not great. Lut unless the t-'J^hrist turned quickly to Clare. diHtnbiitloM of InduHtues is planned "You'd lietter go," he said. .'. will become greater in the fuliirc, •'*">' """ '"^"â- *' *"'"*' "^ himself and might, tlieorelicHliy, he as great '^*'^- as that b.-tween Oreut Britain and any "' *""•• ^"' *"* »t«y." l** intercede*! foreign .uduHirml nation. It would *'>''"'y; "What's all this about, Stedt- seetn, llieri'fore, wortli while bringlug '>»«"?" the niaitor befi.te tli,, nojt Imperial "^'"" *" an search me," was the an- Confercni., when the ijui-'tlon of In- '"â- '"'^- "Uinanski stuck to us all the vlllng Knip're imluHlrinllHtH to â- â€¢onsid- ^^^^ home. When he left, I went in • r the queKlmn at an Kmpire Indus- ^' ^•^'' * '""^ ^*'''^' J*'*^ aloneâ€" see? tri«!> ijonference could he dlHcusned. Thent was a telegram and ho rend it For it would be to t<> tbe AdvantngQ ^^^ â€" " of tho Emplr»> fls a whole, and to the "A"'^ 'â- ''*'"<' ^f** ''^ "'''^ Gilchv>«l: InduMtrien of tbo Kinplre. that there 'Where's my wife?"' Hennig put in. should be the maslmum of cooper- "*^*'* '**''* '"•" '**'<' *'"'' ("''ng to her atlon and the mliilmXim of Rvolrtable t'ster'n," Daniel answered co.>liy. fiKium. I "She nin't never been rear Yu-r «.is- â€" » Mer and you know it," raged Hennig. Minarii's tinimfnt It grod for eolda. ~1 juRt (rot this from her (ii»Ur." He Hands Across The Sea this mnn'll be nshamed to g^l back heme. We all know th« facts in the case, and the least said about it now the better." He turned^to Joe. You've found her out. I^t her goâ€" and for- get it." ^ "1 don't think he ought to forget it.'' It was the first time Clare had spoken. She had been surveying it all thoughtfully, doubtingly, uncer- tainly. "No?" queried Jerry, eyebrows firched. "No," said Clare. "I don't think he ought to drop it nowâ€" until we all know the truth." "Right," sai(( Gilchrist, nodding. "I got to know the truth," put in Hennig. "I been crazy about her. Maybe that'.s a good idea â€" the police. I got to know the truth.*' Again Jerry felt tho peril of the situation. This time his action had. man is 'a neighbor of miiie.'-Tudpf to be iHisitive, not just negative. "All right," he cut in. "Stedtman! | '~ Where were you yesterday?" "At the mines,'' answered the be- wildered Max. 'What part of the mines?" "AH over." "Did you see Gilchrist?" "No." Daniel was flaring nt Clare now, watching her eyes and swing the light of confidence chungo to the glare of disillusion. He was rtghting w>me- thing in his heart, something selfish. After all, he thought, her happiness transcended his "When did you Ree him las^t?" Jerry pursvied. "Thurit â€" " Stedtman saw his teati- niony wn.s favorable to hia qu««ti<iii«r, Ho bwame bolder, '*'Yes, it was Thursday." "Where?" "In Black River." "Alone?" "No." "With whom?" "With Mrs. Hennig." Stidtnuin auHWered emphatically, but he shifted uneasily* Joe had started at the words. He moved toward Gilchvist. "1 knew it," he sh« uted. "I'm g<^I1n8 'nill you." Jerrv .stepped between them. faille crepe, crepe Roaiair.f. p:c;n trenspaj-ent velret ar.d wad tr.-ce. It is designed m sizes 16, 18. 2n, S6. 88, 40 and 42 inches hast. Fcr tho 86-inch size Z\ yards of 40-1 r.c'; n-A- terial with '^ ycrd of £7-:r.:'., con- trasting is sufficient to eapy i: exact- ly. Pattern price 20c in fir-rcj-s or coin (coin is preferred). Wrsp coin carefully. " â-  • HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your adi'.-f.s pialjl- ly, giving numl>er and size cf such Major Llcyd .'ones :n P:.ii.i.r..a patterns as you Enclcse :;0c :n (London); We are. and there is no stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap reason to believe that we shall net , 't carefully) for each number and rema'u, on friendly tenni? with the address your crior to Wils.m Pattern great n.-ition on the other side of tho l?ervic.>, 7;i V.'e.M Adelaide St., TorontoT" Atlantic; mdeed, it is probably n | J'«'tt«'-''^- sent ly t.r. early nrii'.. truism to say that today the Atlantic ' Is narrower than the English Channel, so far as similarity in ideas is con- ccrnetl, and if the two great English- speaking nations decide to insist on arbitration the probability of another call to jirms ueed not sprieu.xly be considered by this generation. ^: The Why cf It "1 bo^iglit a new.jLar, and traded .n my player piano as first payment." "1 didn t know they accepted pln\>: pianos as payment on new cars." They don't usually, but the saKs- Local Agent Wanted An cl.l estiiblislicU Ten i^i :r\».-t. mrnt Houst wishes ip .uld to ito organisHtiou u full or i>art lime liHal rcpivsewulivo ct good stanillng I'ul net Tico»s»;,riIy wliii \i:cvlou.s e\v.,r.- Ifiice. He Will Imve »'Xclusi\o tt-rri- loiy. Unds, litera'.ure and ».vfrv a-sMstance, pvrn.juient cijnn. lUn :i;i.! an ex>flj?nt Income from fMrgvtic ;rfi rt. Issst'E.â€" A i'r«ifci»«-.d -.^criiriiy tunv l«)l!)»; a sulwtanflul rm.tauiv itUldriul AH ifi.ln's tretited id;-?!". ;'.>-iit:i>;ii- und shouU) t'c udd.-tssKi to Bevt B, K. J. DIKQKAN » COX ?A?:--- ll,v» st'iK't;! Kttl;kffii Utntr&l 80111110;, : t ToroB'o IF YOU ARE GOING TO Bl'ILD IN THE SPRINCi NOW IS THE TIME TO HAIL YOIR BRICKS AT A LOW COST OVER WINTER ROADS. Ail Kind* Cf Textures in all color* and shades for all purpcsei. Send for Irtt Colcfd C«talcgue and Samples The Cooksville Company, Limited 26 Qnvm »t_B.. TOBOirrO. OUT. uu ThiliiT* K»c». VOVT&SAI, FO rinn 8171 WOBXS: I.»ncii»t»r 7S90 ' Coctuvlllt. Muton. C)>*itrBliam. D«l«cn. SINpNDS SA\. CrosK-cut, Crescent Ground, vill saw 10% more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other made^^This guarantee has never been challenged, SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED. •». *iai*T«irT 4»e acchn aviavl. MONTMIAL. •«â- . KANCOUVCW.B.C. TORONTO. ONT. ST. JOHN. N.«. *»« 1

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