Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1928, p. 6

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i t 'i -•l^ t " ' !" The GhiWreivV Festival Uy i:. V. I.UCUH CUriblmus. inoHt of uk remark hom<v wh««r« aliDiil ml<i iH-c'inlxT, "ionii« onco a >x;ir. and when It irtmnn It wh**!! Ib» "Id t.iitiv.y ClirlsU"tf7 wiMif out us wlKMi th- ii->w humlil ClirUlmuH ciim.i ill. All (lata on wlil<;h our coii- f.-ptloii of tli<! old CtirlHtiiiiis in toiiiid- . , ..,.-.,. ....^.u^r i"l l'a^'« •»*'<"' Providodoltlur by paliit- liiings Kood iluM'V ; )>ut <»o »p-<.v,*r ^.^j- jj^.-^.^ierK; '^d-'JuU poBslljlo to _ look iiixtn l»oth !iK aa<Mote,d lo tUo«o n):ikliiR tliLs uMUiiul virllatlou? At tho lirht roaollou tlio answer would lie. 'Kver hIucc tin) death of tin- Koundff of tlio Keast"; but that wouW l*e wroug.; for {Uo evo-^ lution of Chrlstmns us wo know It •eemn to havo hcen verx sradual. Tho actual date of t-'hrlst'd birUi ^ jj^ ,^p (/h^,^f,^„j, ^.j^rts thoro iH ftlwWR was indeed not fixed for many year*. „m,^y „„,i j„.toro Bome.onc'dlscoverwl, Various daitii! woro suBge«t(Ml art more j^^^, „,!„„,„ ,,artlrleS Df 'ulaas' 'W r<^ appropriate <h^n December 25. In )lio d„i„tfrlou« to tli«,« oiM-nitlvcH" Vl>'^ Latin tract a.^R ourHolve.H how IoMk it ''"J,;''^;;;" i.,ok .u,K.n both „nd .-nklnailnrr ^y,„,„^.j,.,,.^., j,^.^„,, „„„f^,n th« Is father to the thouKht. Hut alto- K-tln^r nml y<iur own WashliiBtoa IrvliiK I'i by no means tho luast of •^li«m lliey have act up a wonderful and very rordlal tradition. In tho artlst.s' pictureH there la always (n»ow year 2*3, for example, a was iKHued iflaintaliUpg .tl"»t >U^<^^ -^ wan the true natal day. SprluK, tho author polatud out. luul thuu iieKun; the world «ru<« nhw; the equinox pre- vailed; tho moon was full. It happened to be a Wednesday, and It Uaed even to bo frost that nctufllly sparkled. In the Blorlofl there Is al- wajs snow; In I'lckwhaf, nt DlnKley Hell, there was ice tor Mr. WInklo to fall to skate on. Santa Claus has Im- memorlally arrived In a sledge drawn by reindeer; Father .Chrlslinass fur was on tho Wednesday of the ftr«t. ^^^^ Is^eovored wltlj- flakp,J. Hut I week of all that the sun and the moon gp^aji o^\y for' ISttgUodâ€" I wonder wore created^ and w^s not Christ tho ^^g xaiclattaas evcV coia? pid snow Son of RlKUteou.<n««8? V ; gyp, fM at that time? Was there nut In spite of all this ini;enlou.s sVatlng or aUdlng-? \, â-  â- ,â- â-  special pleading Decepiber 25 won. jjy tw) vlslta to America havinf/ Some of the Early Fathers were i,e<sn iq the Bummef, I have no notion against any commemoration of it even. i,^. (jhHstmaa Is eotisJ[deicd there, | then; Orlgen for one, protested. Rut.jjQ.^. j(_ comparea &h. a ro»tilar festival by the fourth century tho celebration y,\^^ Thank«glvlnK Day or the Fourth of Chrlat Mass on l><?eomber 25 was „t j„,y J^^^^ j shajl alwiytj consider a I )>ocomlne general. Yet not until tho -ntuo i)opk by John HurrmiRhs, called year G34 did the Uomans make it a winter Suushlno. one of tho bentj SECRETARY TO PRINCE - s. private secretary to the.' Lady TI:ouias, as lie left Canada for home nfUsr a two-inontl:»' racation. ANDY FIX-IT â- â- â- â- â- -a - Kor arcnit ««Pb. 1»f"r« CU»l..tmas , 'Jl.?.t he went on . ^ '.^"':^;^''"J^; xw that nceSpd ttx eV..>rvbu<Iv In Andy's family was , . , maki... little gifts. Hta sl.ters, Nancy of tl>« j ''»«« ^^^J" ,^,„^ ,„„ ^„, ««<1 Nell, made pr«tty little sachets, "8. t 7* ^^it wantTa Hack brt«.s, cushio,..-, h.n(lk.rah1et^..»lll>P<.r tUlnga Ue ^"''"'» 'f^^f lire or' «. Iron iToVcLr.. doll .iresses and ar.ortH of ''^ '^"^'^"'^ "'/„J^^**;^''" "^i"^^'; of dainty thing. Ills bro,^.r O-ota^da o^.H - » -^ 0-^-^ ITnS ^n bonlfeiids au.l no eii<l of attractive -^ancy » """V" ii,m« ./.hair ne'eded a,u.f ,.sefu. thlng.s with hi. scroU .aw "-.•"^^./^g^^^.S ieS u '^"".rr' ',"n\,d:lor worlT'^t nu His motlSreaSn^ la«.i> h«.l r'^r^d" ui^rtoX;";" fS a s<..w miss... -«. -"^-^ '&'â-  '- r'^-^US-a'^r^ we" Te'rer lllnrV;?. S It"^*;;:.- K 1^ wan makluK. Mother « rtfts weie "" to be a HurprUo for everybody. â-  j ''^J^^l' ^^^^^ ^^ ,,p„,,„,, ,u, ^n, of JIul what was Andy going to make.- b.gement. When BicU Lho ..ueBtltm: He ha.1 a fine , |^_^^K» ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ chftBt of tooln and knew how to "«« 1 ,^„„,,ea, he tied a card on "It .md IHijt was the queBtlOtt." iham. but strange to say he had never: ^^^^^ ^^ ,^ ,„ o,j trunk la the favth- licon lDtore.<ted In making things. He est corner. Then the last fan* <lays dtos tton, or bank holiday, as wq in KnRland would say now. In Ilritalu for centuries it was New Year's Day as well as Christ Mass and was a sea- son of joviality until In 1644 tho Puri- tans killed it. .With the Merry Mon- arch's return tho old high spirits came in again, never to be much impaired. Another problem ts tho meteorology of Christmas. At some period it must have been cold, snowy, frosty, a mld- votka on^.iho ope* «ir ever *'"'"*^''>J RefutYges â- riiKal of other American books"; _,«* , I Reach N.Y. on Way to Canada Ix>ng pe chiefly novels, has lauKht mo that tho sacrlllce of a turkey is as necessary to the pious celebration of Thanksfiir- , , ,., . , ., lug ds of our Chrlstma.s; but what 1. ^e^' ^ork.- McemK f.N>m pcstil- do not know is whether you slay an-l«^'^^' ^^''^'j "1*' *•'"*;s of other Turkey for Christmas too. Nor , ^'••"•;""*?" i" the' unproductive larm do I know whether Americans say, as vii Tcry much interested, however, in I ^^^^^^^ Gbrlatmas he mend, d th& oh ptitting thlugH right and In repairing ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ jj^,^j, roomj-when tJitfagH. ile wan always mending some- j ^^ ^^^ ^^^ looking. I'eople warp too thing about the house or yard. So ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^ gqueak in a door and when his mother would ask one of the ^^ „otlce,that » ^creje had been re- Mher Chi Id ron. to fix something, they ^^^^^. but they would noticft these often said: "Oh. iet Andy fix it." -And ^^ Christmas morning. Andy wi?s go- hi^ father, too. wonld sometimes say: j^„ to make wire pf that. '^Let Andy fix It, .Hojlkea to t.ttAer. j,^^.,^ ^^ Christmas morning he uh ?'"'*'* ""' ' â- " "'"''•" ^° ^"^ ^"^ '" «liPP^<l down «**'«• and, put each of Sir GodfreS 'J-lKinias. private secretary to the. Prinee "f Wales., witn tj,e habit of caUlng him "Andy Pii-it. 1 1^„ tended articles in it.s proper4)laop ' ' ' *'~" Ifna Andy Uiuehed for he thought it I ,,^,j ^ ^^^^ attached whirir'-''"': ja great Joke. . ......,_.-..... .. . - 1 'fjin-istmas OTe««Dga From Andy Fix- mm *i. > D I 'C* I AmJ I tj.ajl» I "^'e". • can't mend an egg-beater ; jt •• Then he put a similar card on IVlennOnite S DSLCK 'Oir J. /\liru OCaOo land c4U th^t »omebod>'s Christmas i-(,q,>» skates where ^e had replaced rp II £U| J V* ' O J* _. /^_-^«^5««J^>ri PJ'eiJftBt,"' saltl Andy, toLhimself a's he 'a nut, on the doors that had squeaked. leil or riarClStlipS , IveiaiO V^OlIUlll»»lW*»] sat trying to tWnk ot something to ; on Nancy's doll house door, on hU ' L i . - .'^wak*.' ' '"â- , . â- â- â-  j mother's reading lamp where the of ' ' "And why "not?" a voice seemed to , Kcre*. had been missing, on ever.v ask right Inside him. "It would bo : thing In fact which he had repaired. rom Paraguay . Will Investigate Merits Private and National Broadcasting I lands of the Menr.onite Colonies of . ijoyal Commis.sion to inv BO many people li, 'KuVlJurd ''dr'that I P^'"'»»"">^ ^^"'^''t ^" '^''I^'^'T ' ^^^^ question of radio different and It might make people j And Andy's Christmas gifts were I just as happy as having something ^g welcome as any received that day. I new given to them." J Kvoo'body was so happy to have their I The Idea was so strange and new tUings in order again. But how tliey .... . I that Andy had to turn several hand- did laugh when they first discovered Ottawa.â€" 1 he appomtmeiit o^ « Bprlngs before he could go on with it. tho droll little cards dotted all over k-estigate .The more he thought of It the better the house, where Andy's clever fm- broadcastinjc, ^ ^ .^ ,..T\. u„»„i i,„j _„j» jmâ€" -.-^f TO TOUR ABROAD It It seemed. At last be gave a whoop gers had made things right. (hoy personally dread Christmas be- ^^- """Tti, Mo „ r. wWe -n ' '" .'"'''' •''=" "",T * • Tr^rLl^' ""id «" to the basement, where there ' "it was a dear, sweet thought. An.l winter festival, or how could there be cause it is so full of ghosts-and more ^V '^ff''"' **'« Mun.son linoi Westein cons.Fts ol Sir .John Aird, Toronto,, ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^,^ ^^^,^.^^ ^^^,^ j^^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^^^,. j^^^. such a persistent tradition to that ef- than ever now after the war,-but I ^°^1''- They narrated n-.orc talcs of , president of the Lank of Commerce ^^ repaired. Andy looTted them ' pier." his mother told him with a big foot? in America, I believe, stich that "for tho sake of tho children" ,t thM,ad.^hip.s have Ix^fallen some „, ,ha.rnian; Charles A. Bowman ,^^ ^^^,^ ^^^^^ j^^^ ^j bracing Chrhtmases are habitual; but be kept up. ^w. "aftor aU; wo I -.<><^â„¢^"'l'«'",»^ their ^'''^t. who m>- editor of the Ottawa Cttir.en "d , "^at tetCght he could mend. I can asaurl, you that in i:.>gland add. "it is the children's festival. Isn't ! K':»'«l/':"" ( anjuia two .vcans ago Augustin Krigon. director of the t ^'t Ire thougn^ he coum meia Christmas -has become n very differ- it?" Do you say thal(.I wonder? i '"''^'^ *''*' ^^ ''^ <'."^'"*f and develop- KcoIo Polytcchn;que of Montreal. now It Is with us a genluno sontlment. ' "•« extensive fertile acre.s in Para- inter but it does not e.xpress the wholo Fis-its." ent season. Christmas with us usually mild and moist; while proper, sucli as It Is, does not , I in truth, for, although we may dread until January or later, and it > ften Christmas and honestly wish It over, goes on long enough to spoil the yet we value it as the ono day In tho spring. It )mn even been known, the year when families unite. Tho chlld- spoll-yport that It Is, to encroach on ren may servo as a preto.\-t; but their the summer. elders, for all tho heartjiches, aye not I want just as eagerly to know Korry for the occasion. to Join Parley on Liquor Issue Seek New Wheat Grading Process Saskatchewan Growers Want Present Visual Test /\bc«u!oned The Nativity (Tlie two rhophets come in:) 1st I'rophet yir, now is the time come, And the date thereof run Of his -Nativity. The Uadio Comniission appointed by Q^j-aja /ksAcj^d guay. 'the Government is to inquire particu- '^-*»"«»««a •«^«» *'»- Mrs. Kmniii Harder declared that jj,,.ly into the relative merits of broad-. she had lost her, husband in the Mt-"- ' cnstinff by privately owned stations or; i.(.rute colony. His death si;." ultribut- ' ^j.^. stations operated on the ba.^^is of; C(l to mal-nutrition and malaria. She • n,»tional owr.crship. j r.ssertcd that he had shared his money. TIUP TO EUROPE. [ "~~~" with the starvinKnvembersof hia sect, I j^ .^.,;n consult with the provincial Washington Seeks Confer- nnd recalW that she borrowed sevcri ,,,,y^.rj^n,ents and alfo visit the United' ^yic Suoorcssion , I poos from William S. Grant, purser of citates, KnRland an<l France, although c r\ ' 1, P ^ tho Western World, in order to defray ;t is not anticipated that this will take Ot L»rinK CJCport the expenses of herself and her seven „pj.y j^^j, -j-yjp commission will be Ottawaâ€" The United States hns| children, who returned with her byl^^,^]^ ^^ report durinfj the session of , a,^(,(i Canada for a conference to, the liner. Before disembarking from p.irijan.pnt. In Canada 60 per cent. conyt<],,r an extension of the border! tho ship she was tendered a pur^*- of ^j ^,,p ,.j,(iio ^cti in operation »« op-eemcnt of 1924, for the purpose Air Mail Service to Pacific Coast Experiment Will Be Tried at End of Present Month and Service Will be Ejc- tended if Test Proves Suc- cessful / I Kipling, .-^askjrilM'iin^onniont of tl:e present visual test and tho institu- tion of a new process of grading wheat based upon protein values was recommended by witnesses repre-, HOiittng the iigricullural inl-rests of southeast .Saskalch<!Wan who appear- ed bofore tlie Sa.skatchewan Itoyal ' Ornin roniniission, in lis inltia' pro- r vlnrlal session. | Tho farmers' representutlves. who; were selected to represent the dls-j trict at a convention licdd recently alHO rGconiRicnd(>d nbKoltttc 'ubaud(H>- mont of mlxlnt: In every form anil I the establlshniont of some additional i grades, viz. four frosted or live rust- j ed, to take care of grain too good toe grade" Np. 5 "id not <|uito goj^ en- ough fof N6. ♦â-  ' \ ' .- ^ Witnesses testified that In this section the milling valiio of this year's crop is very high, thni, is lho protein quality, but grades are low because of appearances and "off- weight" and color. Several swore they know, by tests as well as fact, :hat local millers are tnaking a fine quality of flour out of number six. This mill product Is sold In this terri- tory. Thomas Porter, of Kelso, testified that the grain growers feel very strongly over the manner in which I thoir grain Is degraded, as ho term- 1 ^''|_, '|'|^|'""'/ cd It. by lake-head mixing houses. "This Is our wheat. It goes Into the private tertninals without our con- nd Prophet Yet I beseech you heartily. That ye would show me how That this strange novelty Were brought unto youV Moutroal â€" An air, mail service be- _ _____ tweon Montreal and Vancouver ie $'_'50, which tho va<;aeng»rs had collect-, "y^l^^^'j^* jjpjj ,0 p^.,. cent, rural. There! of'"i,"^ore" o'''«'''t«"lly suppressing tte promised by tho postal authorities 11 cd upon hearing of her pliKht f'""' ^^^.^ ^.g j^j.p„,|p.,j.^i,j(, plants licensed by |iiq„o,. n-afijc between the two coun- an experiment they contemplate car- the Dijrser. This sum will enable her ^j^^, Mii-.ister of Marine. Thirty-two; '^,5^, Although reports have been rylug out from December 19 to 29 I to VctUm lo her friends in Ciiiui'Ia. ; provide an intermittent service of low pir„,,jyt,,j {„ the effect that Canada proves successful, Victor Gaudet. j The purser al^o collected ^I'^-'J '^^â- â€¢'"^•^ ,,f,wcr of purely local operation. ! jg belug asked to prohibit tho export postmaster for the district ot Mont was Riven to Anton Schroeder, an-: -phe comniissi.»n will inquire special-' <jf ]iq„or, or else refuse cleavance:) real, told members of the Chamber I other destitute Mennonite aboanl the^^ .^^^.^ ^^^^ following questions: [to iiq„or cargoes obviously destined of Commerce recently. The In.iugru- [liner, who was borne to HI. Marys: " j._/j-j,p ^.stalilishiv.ent of one or more f„,. tjj,. \nited States ports, those ' ration "'' such a service between here I Hospital, Hol^.ken, sufferintr fr<>m =[ ; jj^oupa of hiRb-powered broadcastinR reports are only guesses, respon.i;ble and t^e Pacific Coast would take 24 serious attack of malaria. ^''''''1'^"='' stations oporatlnj: ns private enter-' pniciaM here declare. ' ' " "" " ...-.- fold 1st Prophet This other night so cold, Hereby upon a wold, Sliophoiils watching their In the night so far, To tlieni appeared a star, And ever It drew them near. Which star they did b.diold, HrlgHlrr thoy say a thousand f6M Than the sun so clear In his midday sphere; And they these tidings told. d Pi I 5nd Piophet \\:jiat, secretly? 1st Prophet Xa, nn, hardily, They made there of nn council, For they sang as loud, As ever th(!y could, I'ralslng tin.' king of Israel. 'Jnd Propliei. Vet do I niarvcl, In what pile or castle. These Iiardsnien did him see. sent and Is mixed without our per I mission and the mixers extort a huge | revenue from that source^" said Mr. j Porter. "Then It goes overseas and j it is not the samu grain wo delivered | at tho lake head. The ultimate buy- j er won't pay tho price that ho would , have paid had It been tho same wheat that started from our farm, than the price he Is willing to pay is the LIv erpool quotation and that quotation on our degraded wheat overseas comes back to Canada and sotit the level of prices in turn that the wheat Isi here is sold for, minus tho cost of de- livery nt I.lverfool It Is an endless I chain and vicious circle with tho ; farmer getting the worst of It and' the mixing ho'iisn owners alone of nil concerned reaping rich proflla." Neither In hnll.«, nor yet In bowers, I Porn would ho not be, i Neither In cnstles, nor yet In tow- i trs, j Tliat Bcoinly W(;re to see, t nut at his Father's will, I The prophecy to tullll, Petwixl ail ov and an ass ' Jesii this king born ho was; Heaven he bring us till! .sums were supplied to the nine other.^. "The least worn the soonest mend- ed," as the lady of the revue remaiU- cd the other day. Some husbands give their wives kisses by th.> bu-hel. Others ine con- tent with a "peck nd I'lophet Sir. all! but when these shepherds had .seen him there, To what plai e did tlu-y repair? hours oft' the time now required to de- , prii^es with the receipt of a govern-, ^winiam rhlllips, United States liver mail to Vancouver. 'ment subsidy. ' •' 'Nlnister to Ottawa, has been in In-j Mr. Gaudet emphasized the inten- •J â€" Tho establishment and operation | yf,r,„ai rommnnlcatfon the tiou of tho Federal Government to of .such a system of st.ntions to ne own-: pfi,„j. jHuister, who Is aI'«o Jliuister use this service a.s a factor in bring- ed and linancod by the Dominion Gov-j pf Kxterual .Affairs, and his sugges- Ing all parts of tho Dominion into cnunont. i tlons are now before the Govern- closer communication. The Govern- I! -The, estaldi.'-hrr.ent and operation nient In CouucU. but notblnK has been meut luid committed itself to a policy of stations by P rovincial Governments , mnde public as yet. j of" providing an ftlr mail service to It would simplify the situation so settlements which are practically cut far as the United States l.i concern- off from outside communication dur- ed if all export liquor trade was stoj)- inj? the winter mouths, he said. i pcd. Put siich a drastic stei) cou'.d \ The speaker contrasted tho differ- 1 only come through an act of the euce in the manner mail is delivered Canadian Parliament, ns at rrosent to tie island of Anticoall and Seven such o.\!icrt'I<< entirely legal. Islands since the air mail service has The Hnuor. it is assorted, is not been introduced. Formerly, these only made bore, but sold, delivrreil sections of-the country had to be scr- and raid f<u- tore, and th'- r'.i">bascr yed by dog teams, which took 15 as.siiijies whatever risk Is attached to j^ys to cover the distance nu airplane attcmplwl sliii)ment across tiio bor- completes in a few lours, der. This valued for th« Inst 12 1 Starts December 19 months at nearly $28,000,000. A: .starting Deceniber 1!>, the author! ', large i)ici;>ortion ot It as whisky li,,^ ^,111 give temporarilv an air mall ' destined for tho United States. Wnile service from Winnipeg to Ueglna; j Parliament may think fit to do a from Kogina to Calgary, aud from , neighlJorly act and prohibit exports caigary to Edmonton via Saskatoon. I be arKueil tliat there Is no such pro- jy j,,ij, manner a letter mailed here ; vision la tlie Inw of Oreat Ilrilaiu. i,ef„,.,. 10 o'clock on Mondav. leaves ; Franco or other cuntrlos. which are f,,^ Toronto by piano at 11.1.-. a.m.. I exporters. No reply to tho sug- .^,^,5 j^ ^^ Winnipeg by train on Wed- I gested conference has been sent as „psj„j. ,„omlng. A half hour later I vot. but Canada Is expected to agree j^ j^^^.g^ j^^ ^^^^^^ ^j. ^^j^, ^^^^ ,^ to It. there before noon. It reaches Cal- I Tho chief pn.vtslons of the treaty ^,„,,. „j ^ ^5 ^^ ^^^ ^^ .^^ Kdmonton ,as it no« Kt^iu.l.-^ Is for tho notmca- ^^ ,^„j. j^^^^ ^ g^^.,^^, ^j j^ I tiou of clt>aranocs ot Ilquor-ladcn vcs- !,,,„„ results. ' scls and the refusal ot clearances. I ostensibly to foreign countries, ot \ uioldrbouls which obviously could j not wcHllnr the conditions of the 1 higii seas. Chinese Student is Hanged in England Manchester, Eng. - Chung VI Mtao, Chinese law student from Now York, was executed at Strangeways' jail for the murder ot his bride, Wal Shoung-Mlao. Tho young woman was found Htrangled to death In a wood near Keswick, England, last June shortly after their arrival on a honeymoon tour. Most men are quick to erobrHco an opportunity -when It's wearing frills. went, and glad they â- â€¢i' I'ldplii I Forth they Were ; Goinn Iliey diil slug, With inlrlli and solace, they made "., goi)(l «'h(!t>r. For joy of illat new tftlng. And after ns I heard them tell. He rewarded Ilium (ull well He granted them heaven therein to dwell. In are they gone with joy and mirth, And tlieir siiug Is Noel. (There the Prophets go forth.) â€" From Ibe Covennv Play, Fifteenth Ci'iituiy.. ♦ M:niy a woman dni-sn't know what trouhle 1.-^ till sb" has married the man of her elmlee. The First Christinas Box As regards the international mail service which commenced on Octo her 1, Mr. Gaudet Is unable as yei to produce figures, but at present Ii Is being more extensively used bj tho inhabitants of the United States than of Canada, American Penetration . â-  La I'rcsse (Ind.) It Is no more hoU- I , ,tlay iiyr a little, visit of goodwill that While we all use the phrase Christ-. -^I'- Hoover has goUe to make in South I mas box a hundred times at this nea- Anniica. The new President has son of the vear. few are aware of its sone to get information on the spot j origiit. I it was. in the first place, a real box, or riilher, a jar of earthenware in which those who rei'eiveil llp.-i stored them for the Christmas holiday. aiul at first-hand about tho advantages and economic resources of a continent, the commercial relatlon<» of which the I'uited States have assumed nn ever- growing Importance since the war. . . In a dictionary of tiie year 15S5 wo '^Ve nmst not lose sight of the tact I lind Chrislnias b<>\ dellncd n.-» "« mony ] box niadn of poller's clay wherein that these very, preclou.^ advantages have been obtained chiefly to tho de- Co'-'' worils. h ' aiised by hot ENGLAND Wav': breaking o\i r the pier ;;t I'.r!..' ; .i; :!i mast from Land's End to Uuver and spread rr.ln c.i Kngluitd, the '•.â- â€¢ laiH-red the soutiuru hii'f o.' boves put their monv to koepe, Huch trinient of. Lalln-Amerlcn Itself and :)s" tliev bans in shoppes „„ toward "1^" "' <'tber nations, principally Brl- I C'h'i-t'.iias ' ' '"'" "'"' <^<'''â„¢*'>y' during the War ol I Th.>- famous lJi,!iop Hall hioiitlons ' T»t4 l!)1,'«! Our netghhorp. therefore. ; thon> l)o.\os III .«)Jie of hi-.i sermons, ;• â- â- '•ijT thai 'I W3« "h shani''' for a rich (."••rlstiaii to be like « Clirlstnias bo.\ '.bat reeeivei all. bii' Moitilni; can bo jjol <>'.:t till it bo brokctt u pieces." have not mnch justification to claim thnf they got of the gre»if European struR<;le. Their economic gains In South Amorica stand as proof to th* contrary.

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