rmmmmiu â- *» » â€" r v trntf t r \ ®I)je /kg^M0tt aitKtnw Vol. 48 No. 29 Flc»herton Ontario, December 19, 1928 W. H. ThurWon & Son, Proprietcrs LADY BANK The order of the day in this neigli- borhcDd is wood cutting, bees tnd picking fowl. Mr. and Mrs. George Dobson and â- on, Elwood, spent Sunday with Kr. and Mrs. Manuel Dobson, town line, CoUing-wood. On account of sickness in the nei- ghborhool the Ladies' Aid have not met for some weeks, but will meet at thfe home of Mrs. Dave Roberts on Wednesday, the 19th. All members please attend. It is of importance. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenae Semple and two children, Fred Semple and Boss Patterson of Islington, accompanied ly Miss Janie Srniple of Toronto spent the week end with their par- ents here. Miss Janie remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sutton, Flesh- crton spent Sunday with Wm. Semple and f am fly. Mrs. John Dobson is visiting friends at Whitby and Toronto. A great number of this neighbor- hood made their (Way out to Flesh- fi-ton on Saturday last to see dear old Santa, who surely has a gooa big heart. We all join in wishing him a Merry Christmas. Mr. Josiah Cooper of this neighbor- hood had the misfortune to lose his house by fire on Wednesday morn- ing and had a very narrow escape from being caught in the flames himself, the fire started about mid- night and Mr. Cooper is quite dear. EUGENIA We wish the Editor, staff, and readers of The Advance a Hcrry ' Christmas. Don't forget our school concert on Friday evening, December 21st. A number of ladies met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith on December 4th, and spenl an en- joyable evening, playing games, elc. The occasion was the celebration of Mrs. Smith's 74th birthday. We wish her many happy returns of the dav. Mrs. Wilson has gone to Markdalo to spend the winter months with her daughter. M'rs. Roy McMillan. Miss Reta Genoe visited a few days recently with Miss Kathleen Pedlar. ONCERT AT EUBENIA Come to Eugenia on New Year's Eve, December 31st, anJ be enter- tained by W. B. Craw. B. A., of To- ronto, c'.outionist and entertainer, and others. Concert given under the auspices of the United Church rhoir. Programme to commence at 8 p.m. Admission Adults 60, child- ren 25 cts. ___. What Are Your Brains Worth? In normal times and under normc". conditions, the av^-agc uneducated working girl earns $400.00 a year- The average educated girl, tinishe>. with the proper training, earns $1200 t vear. Considering then that the average business woman has a career of sev- CT years, she has increased her eam- "•^"e car-acitv to the extent of $5000 at least. This is not counting m- ie-o^t on the surplus. When you consider that our aver- tige student completes a Sec^tariai Course in 150 days actual attendance she receives a cash dividend of $^": per day, every day she has spent in school. These might not be exsH figures, but we believe that every dav a stud- ent has spent in Our College will pay her « dividend of at least $40 per day. Worth making a saci'- •'cc for. isn't it? And the sacri- fice once made will not have to bo made asrain, because the in-ome wi'l ?row bigger every day from that til"" on. Glndvs Torrence of O'^neevili'5 romnlcted her Secretarial Course tn ' 1 1 Hays actual attendance and rec- eived a lucrative position in Toronto. LuHla Johnston rf Orarceville. nfter a short course with u". incre.v«^^ he;- carnin" cipncity bv 300 per cent. Apply ♦he above f isrures to a youn.-: mn. a"d *on''(If'' that thf av b'â€" rlucated working ms^ earn'' $200«'5 rer annum, with a b""'"'""" ---<>•<-' ^- '' least 40 years. He has increased 1 â- « r-rntpf rapacity tn the oxtent of .•SO.POO. Without such t-n^nin-.. .^ vviung man or woman has little chance to compete with those who have. if you are af -aid of your own aV 'litv. you do not e"'en nc^d to take .- r»ii>T«»e '"" vo'ir'"^'^. • If '" â- >" "'"> «><ow us that you hove r fai- hie^i ••"hf"! o<<ii."ntion, nnd will «rive us your unquab'fied attention, we r.TTARANTEF t**"*. you will be soTe^'f"' «"'' '^'^ â€"ill (!(.'« von in a nice position in a fev7 mo»»*hs' tim«. WHICH WILL PAY «»f faihire? If th'> *'>'~no- ^-r">r :'â- â- > Wcl'*" Bus''"'ss C'>''-<^. r>" n(jo''*il'.-'. r:- tM'"^~ J"."?. Winter term opens WELLA" ''"«rvT''S<! roLLZGC Crcrccvillc, Ont Bowes Gives Weather Forecasts For 1929 Following arc Mr. J. B. Bowea weather forecasts for the next year: January â€" Very cold, especially latter portion of month. February â€" About 10 days of stor- my weather. Middle of month quite warm, latter part cold. March â€" Cool and likely wet. Las: week windy and wet. April â€" First half of month coo", and calm. About 10 days of ver^ strong winds, then turning wanner. May â€" About 10 days quite cool About the 14th very persistent and strong winds, then turning quite cool. June â€" About the 9th strong winCd and cool, then turning quite warm. About the 18th very strong winus, quite cool, turns quite mild almost to end of month, then cooler. July â€" Quite cool, calm and dry. Last week, strong winds. August â€" Quite cool, windy about the 24th, balance of month milrici. September â€" . A very cool r.oi-.lli and likely quite wet. October â€" Strong, cool winds for the first week, turns warmer for a few days, last two-thirds of monlu real cold. November â€" Fore part very cold and strong winds in the last week. December â€" A good chance to be a record breaker for very strong, persistent winds. Very cold at first then turning very warm. 1930 â€" January and February â€" Both very cold months, but compai- atively calm. ROCK MILLS Your correspondent wishes The Advance staff and its many readers a very Merry Christmas. Most everyone from around here spent Saturday afternoon in Flesh- erton, which was Santa Claus Day, and several were fortunate enough to carry off some of the first prizes. E. Robinson of Bethel was a recen; visitor with friends here. Misses Iva and Gladys Wickens o2 Kimberley visited recently at the home of their grandparents', Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar. We are sciTy to report Mrs. Heit) Betts sick and under tht; Joctor's care, but hope she may soon be bet- ter. Mr. George Hargrave spent a day the past week with his wife here. Mrs. Hargrave's condition remains very much the same. She is not progressing as we would like to see her, but we hope she may take a change for the better soon. Quite a number from around here have bad -olds at present. The Baptist Sunday School held their Xmas tree in the church on i Monday night. : M •. and Mrs. Jno. Hargrave and i Fred were visitO' 3 with the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Hargrave, of Ware- ham. PROTOTf STATION Wc wish The Advance staff and readers a Merry Christmas. This is th> chiidern's '.vc^i. There is a public scool concert in one ol the near by sections every nigrht this woek. except Satuixlay. Proton Station school is cntcitaLniag thcr parents and the general public on Tuesday night. Here's hoping they will have good weather and a gooc audience, and wc feel sure their au.:- ience will not be disappointed. Mrs. Thos. Quigg and daughter, Elizabeth of Highvalc, Alta., anlv- ed on Monday to visit Mrs. Quiggs mother, Mrs. Shcarson Sr. Messrs Batchelor and Acheson took a car of live stock fom tht:r own stables and brought back a car load from Toronto stock yards. Mr. Edward Rutherford is speno- ing a day or tw^o at Hanover. We are glad to report Mr. H. Cor- hitt, Dcp. Reeve of AtemcWa ic- co\-€ring fiom a serious attack oi pneumonia. Mr. McDonald, a student from To- ronto occupied the pulpit in the Un- ited church on Sunday night. Mr. Clark of Hairiston is in charf.; of the night operatins at the C P. R. station. Miss Kathleen Hut':hinsoa of the Dundalk Business College spent tUe week end with friends at Proton. ' Hearty congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. Frank Middaugh and his bride, nee Miss Irwin, of Dundalk. VANDELEUR A Merry Christmas to Ye Editor and all readers of The Advance. Big preparations are being made for the Christmas entertainment which is to be held in the chuch on Wednesday evening of this week, December Pth. Supper will be ser- ved in the basement, after which a splendid program will be served tn he auditorium of the church. The principal item of the programme will be a play entitled "Mrs. Stubbins' Book Agent" which is being put on by the young people. Ebenezer Sunday School are having their entertainment to-night, Monday December ITth. Mrs. Andrew Graham and three sons. Jack, Gordon and Archie have arived from Saskatchewan and are taking up their residence here Mr. Graham, who was taken ill on t::o way down, is expected to arrive soon. Vandeleur Farmers' Club held an interesting meeting in the scboc*. hou£>| on Monday evening of las: week. December 10th, which was lagely attended nd a good progran- was provided. Mr. Will Rat:lif-e, who was the club delegate to the TJ. F. O. Convention in Toronto gave aT> exeo'lr-t report of the proceevT- ings. V'iolin music was supplied by Messrs Will Hutchinson and Sam G,I- bort. Miss Verna Boland rave a reading and addresses were delivered by Messrs Ho-n-ard Graham and I". Davis. The president, Mr. Otto Baker presided. Lunch was serve*! by the ladies. The next meetinr; will bo held on Monday eveninj-, Tanuary Tth. and Mrs. F. Davis an^: Elmer Warling were appointed to c-- ranee the proe-amme. The Club I- using the pogrammc prepared by the South Grey U. F. O. executive. Portlaw Resident's Sernas Accident Mr. Thomas Taylor was the victim of a very distressing accident on Thursday la tswhich nearly cost him his life, and from which he is yet in a critical condition. He was using his sheep shears working with his flock when by some means he fei: on the sharp point of the shears, which entered the lower part of c'tie left lung and coming out behind ihe shoulder. Mrs. Taylor was near him at the time and as soon as she coulu leave her prosterated husband went to the house nd called their son, who lives opposite their home, and together they removed thi- injured raan to tlie li< use. Dr. Carter was soon in attenu- ance. He found t'lat there wns con- siderable internal hoc^.orriiago from which there was danger of infection and other complication.-, wore liablo to arise. We are all glaj to hear, however, that the crucial point seems to have passed and the patient is doing as v/cU as might be expected. ♦»»»♦<^o-o^'»»♦♦♦><0"a"»»o<'<<"»<"»<"^♦^^"^<<->»»^^ Christmas Greetings We wish you and yours the many happy things that befall us at this joy- ous season, and prosper- ity during the New Year. GRAHAM BROS. General Merchant EUGENIA FALLS FEVERSHAM P-ja. Artemesia CohdcII Held Fisal Session The Council met at Flesherton en December 15th, 1928. The member; were all present, with the exception of Mr. Corbett, who was reportod iii. The minutes of the last meeting were read and passed. Communications presented from W. McLelland. Mount Forest, thani.s for patronage. 1928. F. Russell, re 150 side road diviation. School attendance, officer report for Itater part of I'J- 28. J. J. Lyness claim for shtep killed and report of Roy Piper on same. Hydro for lighting hall $9.3J. County of Grey, half cost of main- tenance of J. Sloan and Gordon Sic- Rae in hospiUls $109.50. The fol- lowing refunds were read on accoun: of errors in assessment â€" J. McMulien $1.63. Maria Kennedy $2.67. CIia.«. McCutcheon $2.00. R. MeKenzie $-, E. Morgan $2 â€" By-law 810 to auth- orize the Reeve and Clerk to cxccuLo agreement with the commission, re e'ghth line fill was introduced, rea* three times and ordered to be sign- ed. Orders were issued on Treas- urer for the following: Hyd.o $O.SC;. School Attendance Office-, balance of salavy $10, J. J. Lyncfs, shcop kiUed $15, R. Piper, valuing sheer- $1.50. Purvis â€" WMttalccr â€" That the Tr:asurcr bo instructed to receive from M. Stuart $5S 50 raised froai private subscription for wc k done on town line, A. and M. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Whittakcr â€" That tlie Road Superintendent report, shewing expended $420.10. as shewn en pay sheet 10. be adopted and ar.'.our.ts pai(? â€"Carried. ' Whittakcr â€" Purvis â€" That tiic following bo paid. Davis com. and telephone $8.50. Vvhittakcr, tel 50, .3 Purvis tc!. 50 c'.s., the Reeve tel. ars com. $0.C5, the :Ierk, postage anu o::- prcss f.-^r 1923, $12 00.â€" Carrie !. Whittakcr â€" Davis â€" Tiiat O'J members cf this council sscemlijJ, desire to cxprc.'s our rcsrrets tiial ;-• colleague, Dept. Rc:ve CorbcU. i.s:, through illness. be;-.i prevented frorj attending the final ir :cting of ti.e year, ve arc pleased to know, h:v.-- evcr that the crisis in his illnccs has passed, and he is row on the way io rccovcty. VOr trust he n;ay soon be restored to his usual health anJ activities to hi> far.iily cr.d ti-o c:u-.- munity.â€" Carried. Purvis â€" Davis â€" That the thank j of the Council arc kindly tendeed :3 the Recvs for his undivided attention to the affairs cf the Municipality during the year, now closing, and ex- press the hope that he may be long spared to sevc his native township. â€" Carried. The Council adiou nod. We await daily with anxious hearts the news of the condition of our sick sovereign. King George; and the oft- .rc-peatcd prayer becomes more tiie language of our herts as it devoutly ascends "God Save Our iKing. The big bird has brought another little girl to the hDme cf Mr. and Mrc. W. F. Shier. Mr. and 5f-s. Walter Croft have :::oved to their new home near Cor- Lettcn. The good wishes cf their old neighbors go with them. Mr. .4.. Blakey held a very succes- ful auction sale last Thursday of farm stock and effects. Good prices pre- dominated. llr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns, Mr. Harold Lever and Mr. R. MeKenzie cf the Orange Valley com^nunity were visitci-s last week at the home of the latter's brother here. At a meeting held recently in Mt. Zioa church a Ladies' Aid Society was organized, with a good membership. Mrs. R. J. Fisher was elected as Pres- ident. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. J. H. Watson has been confined to her home through illness, but glad to knew- that she is a good deal better. Mr. Louis H. Sheardown was in Toronto lately as a delegate to the U. F. 0. Convention and at the same time visited with city friends. Mr. Edward Ferguson of Toronto is a visitor at the home of his cous- in, Mrs. Thos. Taylor. Mr. J. A. Thompson was in Owen Sound last week as juror. '. enjoyed by all. I The congregational meeting cf ilie I United Church will be held in tke Come to the concert in the Fever- ! church Friday. Dec. 28th. at 2 sham school en December 20, at S All interested in the church are o'clock. Songs, dances, etc., will Le quested to be present. given by the pupils and a play "The, Butler's Wife" will be given by the' young people. j Mr. James Conn of Buffalo visiteij with friends here over the week enil. i Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan and Miss Demesy motored to Kitchener cr. Saturday and returned on Monday morning. Mr. Ivan Alexander returned ; o Owen Sound where he is employe 1 in the elevator, after spending two weeks' holidays at his home here. A number cf people from here at- tended Santa Claus Day at Flesher- ton on Saturday and report a iarg: crowd and a good time. MAXWELL ' : by- Quite a number from here atter.dei Q V the Santa Clans day at Flesherton last Saturday. ^ Miss .^rtle Wright is holidaying at. her parental heme here. The young people cf the United Sunday school are busy practising for the concc-t to be held on Christ- mas Eve. The sausage supper and play in the Orange Hall under the aiispcei? of St. Marys .\ngiican church ".'a,? a decided success. The play "The arri- val of Kitty," by local talent, was Herbs, aO Herbs, Gallagher's Keeps You WcfLderfuI^ Take it. Eat better. Sleep, luork, play better. Mother Nature's c-wa gcTd herbs, riel» in hcalrh-eiving power, these are what make Gallagher's Tonic and Srstenk Builder so go^xL It really woriiswonders! for people who a.-e constipated, rundown, nenrous. folk who have skin rfiawtapa Even dreaded Eczema yields to it. Try a bottle. It will keep you clear of cold weather ills. Sold, as other Gal- lagher Herbal Household Remedies are, 3* Richardson, Flesherton ^ Bates Burial Ca. I ^^ Up-to-date SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHEBTON BARBER SHO P G. H. WRIGHT. Propi Toronto man got out from serving one term in prison, and now goes down for the second because he at- tempted to break into a butehtr shop From porterhouse to prison-h.iuse. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: KIngsdeile 4344 J.W.Bates. R.Maddocks. Sl>*♦•H^^A^K~^4<->*«♦<-:~M-e-0-K•4->♦<-^>X^<^^ 't^?^^ ,c?. '^i %c^,. ^y^ â- >- "â- "^ 'I. â- '"<''• V?' >'fty Send a Message of Love on Christmas Doa â€" GIVE OUR CANDY You can give no irrcater testimony of your affection than a box of our candy. We have special Christmas selections, in plain, fancy and holly bo.xcs, that are the last word in confections â€" wholesome and delicious, temptin.ar and healthful. Our candy is made of the purest ingredients by experts in candy-nir.king . . 'just try some of o::i- czndy and be convinced. All cur prices are low. You can obain anything here from a siiig'.e bon bon \:> a five-pound box of chccolates.'at the lowest prices prices in town. Everybody likes candy â€" and besides it's a healthful, delightful i"cod. KIOKA â€" Strengthens the nerves Get a bottle to-day at Richardson's. KIOKA â€" ard Goanna Oil used in ronjunction wck wonders in cases ot rheumatism, at Rkhardscn'3. W. J. STEWART & SONS Groceries. Confectionery, Flcur, ard Feed