Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1928, p. 8

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^ i • { 'WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. ir2S THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE fi' His Visit to To\in; Santa Claus came in his splendour AMm»rmMa»wtU»c^SaAmmicDSOfamiiMuitnEDiysu*aa WrwlMd flMm oo« of tta* MaritlBM ProvlDcea wk* caixM to Ontario, marrlwl and mmit bla horn* bar*. Want Id for BomBMrcl«l flablnf, but ba aajrt Uta wlatar work bar* la vwa mora Irylnc tba (oca and Ice floaa or |D( crouDda. U( courae, ita waa worklns bardar bacauae there afUr irending Mven or eight *o«k» I C.-,»g» Clttaam^ M J taking treatment in Toronto end feels ; l)aul8 VlaQSc lHaUV much improved in health.^ The Guild had a very success ful social on Wednesday, when ^bout 60 were present. The program consii't- ed of music by Messrs. Colin McLean, Wm. McMillan on Violins, Bradey "" Saturday afternoon, conquered the | Irwin on gruitar, accompanied by MtB.« hw'rts of many children who never. Jack McMeokin on the piano They' ^"^* •'''" before and left in a couple f responded graciously to an encore j **' hours after his arrival, for distant » Readings by Stewart and Ja^k Carson '**•''"• I^® *»» '^t« •" his arrival so) Margaret McDougall, and Sus'c ^^- ^^°- Brackenbury motored east. McDonald. A debate was givi-n by <>' ^ho town with his big truck and! Misses Sadie Carson and Margaret •"*' Santa, rushing; him into town* Nichol; instrumcntals by Mias Gladys j"*'*h •»•» â- â€¢^igh and reindeer seated' To Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' Hincks; quai-tettc by Miss Jean Mo- 1 *•»"«>*>"• ^e arrived midst the| ^ â- I^B*^ Ms oid fliabl ware now two paopia depandent on Mm. Aajrway, ba causbt a »9VT9 «oid wblch brouaht on pleurlajr, and baeaata ha la a tturdr-wtllad Cana- 4laa lad ba woaldn't alva up, but foaabt on, at boma, for OTar a rear. Mo uaa! Tha doctor flnaltjr aava him «p and aald ha would have to take Mapltal treatment â€" bla only chance. So kara Petar Is. In tha Kuakoka Kospltal tor ConaumptWea. where Aoetora and nuraea of akill and ex- verlanea are trrlna to l«ad him back <a tba ware of health and uaefulaoaa ' I. A Ions road, but better thta the fate that uaad alraoat In- as.^ iVltablT to overtake the conauraptlve I would you not like to help aubaertptlOB In •oor. Would you not Ilka to hei tbia rreat work? A ai voald mark rour Intereat. Saoh may ba aent to Hnn. W. A. Chariton or A. B. Amaa. »S Colla«a Toaoato t. Ontartn. PRiCEVlLLE We wish the Editor, staff and read- ers a Merry Christmas and a Happy Ke;w Year. BORN Tucker on Sunday, December 16th, a daughter. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. John Burgc44 of Dur- ham were week end visitors at Mr. Angus McLachlan's. There were a number from here at Fiesherton on Saturday to soe Santa Glaus. There was a large awaiting his anlval. This is going to be a busy week-' taking in the concert Tuesday , P*'*"*'' J°^ ""^P^f night 13 the O.D.K. concert; Wednes- day Top ClifF; Thursday in the United Church and Friday in the McKinnon hall. There is considerable sicknesns ar- ound. Mrs. McLachtan ha^ been ab- ,^^^ ^„ ^^^^^ „, pneumonia. sent '«»«» -fhool for three vveeks | jj.^ ^^^ ^^^ ,„j ^^^ ,„„,,;„„, owing to ni health, f^^'^^/^.'^ "''S to the last. He always gave a be held again until after Christmas ^.^j, ^, ^.^ ^^^^ whenever he Mr. Pet« Johnston has re signed ^^^ ^^^ • ^^ ,^^^^3 ^ ^,„^„ ^j, as teacher here and a new one has,^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ homestead, Mrs. been engaged m the person of Sir. ^^.^ McLean, Mrs. Fred Runciman Lean, Mr». A. L. Hincks, Bradey irwin «•»««" <>' hundreds of children, who| and Murray Nichol; reciUtions by :^«''« «'â- <• ^o see him once again,! Marie McLachlan; solo by Mr*. A. L.I waving his hands as grcctings.l Hincks; violin solo by Angus McLacli-l H* at once set to work distriljuting Ian, accompanied by Colin McL-an on candies and nuts to over seven hund the piano; violin selection by Archie red and fifty kiddies, and was assist McCuaig, accompanied by Mrs. J. "^ '" »*»« """^^ •>y several of the McMcekin on the piano. A contest Cook of Acton. Mr. Dan Campbell retumel home. ^^^♦♦<< â-º »» »»»»»»»»»»»»*»»0»»»»»00»»»»» I Let Us Supply Yoiir Xmas Needs .-Fresh, Choice Prunes, Pccls> Oranges, Candie.^:, Nuts, British Columbia Apples, Grapes, etc. Eveiything Clean and Freih Yours for belter service, Perkins & Freeman Phorc 60 GROCERS citizens of town. Santa held court was then enjoyed. Numbcs were «* ">« "'^e °' Mr. A.Down's resid- passed around and each secured their, «"«<> *"«* ^^^ « pleasing word of An enjoyable greeting to each of his little friends ' evening was spent by all. j «s they securqd their candies and Mr. Andrew Milne of Elmwood is walked past him. In some of the visiting hia. son, the Doctor, here. | hags of candy there was a piece of It is with sorrow and regret that Paper denoting that the recipient was we report the death of Mr. Archie entiUed to a special prize, and over Ferguson at the age of almost 80 140 of these were given out. Santa was hoping that none of the boys or girls failed to receive their bag ol candy as the supply ran out a couple of times and more had to be secured. One of the largest crowds to attend an event of this kind in town was present and we are sure that every- one enjoyed themselves for the Tun they would get themselves and the jo y of seeing the little folks happy. In Do\vn's garage Mr. T. W. Find- lay had his cat show and the entriet for the fowl exhibit and the doll dressing contest, but he is unable to supply us with the names of tlie winners in three sections. Over eighty cats were in the cat show and there were some lovely felines or exhibition. The"e were quite a number of entries in the dog aces, but a num- ber of the dogs did not finish on ac- count of the large crowd watching, but in tlie race for boys or girh unuer of Toronto,, also Miss Mollie of To- ronto and Sara at home, besides many other relatives to mourn his loss. The sympathy of the entire ccmmunity goes out to the sorrowing ones. Mr. nad Mrs. Art Richardson of Swinton Park visited Thurs(4»y ^^t Mr. Alex. Carson's. Plan to Spend a Few Months This Winter Im- proving Your Education - AT THE â€" OWEN SOUND -:- ONT. Winter Term begins Wednesday, Jan. 2nd -1929 For information regarding courses of study, terms etc.' write to C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound ^ Send The Advance to a Friend This Xmas CONCERT AT ROCK MILLS If you want a real treat come to j the Christmas Concert, to be given | by the pupils in the school house on Thursday, December 20 at 8 p.m. Drills, dialogrues, songs, recitations, acrostics and pantomines and a one^ 12 Lejna Patlon won fiirst and Slan- act play, entitled "The Five Fifteen" jgy Magoo scoured second prize; Musi; will be supplied by tha Rocit j xhc race for those over 12 years waa Small Advertisements LOST, FOUND & STRAYED FARM FOR SALE ROBE LOST â€" Between Maxwell | and Fiesherton on Sunday, Dec. 2nU, 200 acre farm in the township ot Finder plr,fci8e leave at this office or Osprey, 100 acres under cultivation remainder good pasture and excellent bush; 2 frame bank bams, one with communicate Maxwell. with Orwell Parker hard water, fine spring creek; 2 frame LOST â€" On November 12th, feiralc ' houses with hard and soft water. ^ Hound, white body wfth laree black spots on back, brown face with white strip, answers to name of Micky" Information gladly received by J. S. Doy Box 477, phone 561, Collingwood Mills Harmonica Band. Admission Adu'lts 23ct3. and children lOcts A ro-man scientist tells the woilu thr.t food can be made from wooii. I That wns d-scovcred long ago in this -lounl • y by the breakfast food manu- facturers. «->*«-»«-1-0«**«-»«*»<-M-&«^>*4->4<-9'«***>4*«-M»<9«**4^^ Advertise in The Advance SIX HILL STORES We bay together in order that o«r castomeis In the •li caouMinitica aiay nat- •rially bMiefIt indWidif â- Dy. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Marfcdafe, Onterk) TII£ HILL STORE A Store everyone inatin. lively aasociatea with high quality merchant*' - at the faircat pos' Xmas Bargains DO NOT KAIL TO COME. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEAD QUART- ERS. EVERY COURTESY SHOWN WHETEHER YOU VRE A CUST- OMER OR A VISITOR. Imported Linen Luncheon Cloths, $2.Z3 $3.95 and $4.25 Imported Luncheon Cloths in fancy patterns, assorted colors. Will make an ideal Christmas Gift. Special _ „ $2.25,$3.93, to $l.Zb Men's and Boys' Wear Deparment In tlsis department you Kill find the largest as- Bortment cf Mon'a and Boy's Wjar eve.- shjwn In Markdale. Come in and inspect our stock. You will be surpriccd at the remarkably I:w prices. . Indian Dressed Dolls 59 c. each This is a wonderful doll, dressed in different Indian costumes, unbreakable. Regulaly sold for 85 eta. to $1.00 Christmas Special each E'Jc Nicely Dressed Dolls 69c each This doll \i dressed with a nice Gingham dress bonnett, rhoes and stockings. A nice size. Christ- mas Special each , 6Sc. Imparted French Papetries 25c., 3Sc., 40&, SOc, 65c., to $1.00 Imported French papetries, nicely boxod. Price- od at 25e., Zbc^ 40c.. COc, 66c., and fl.OO Spedally Priced for Christmas Laiiies' and Misses Department Imported French Scarves Beautiful quality Scarves. The newest matcriats imported direct from Paris, Franco. Prices ran^o Pure Linen Lunchcon Sets, $2.75. $3 9: frcm fl.85 to 14.59 1*^-^ ,v.* and $4.50 Ladies' Silk Bloomers, 98 els. each ,„,p„,t„j ^^^^, f^„„, i^^,^„^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Ladies' Silk Bloomers, beautiful quality, all sista of 4 and G Cervicttos and one Luncheon the newest shades, assorted sizes. Very Special Cloth. Nicely boxed in Christmas boxes, very price, cadi «8e. Special $2.75. $3J5, and 14.50 Mama Dolls $L69 Large Mama Dolls, nicely dressed with Bloom- er Suit, Hal, Shoes and Stockings. Regularly sold for ?2.75. Christmas Special while they 'â- 8* $1.69 Unbreakable Dolls 39c. each Nicely Dressed D0II3. A very serviceable doU for the little folk. Christmaj Special each .... 38c. Hancflcerchiefs I.adica' Linen Handkerchiefs, assorted colors. Christmas Special, 2 for 25 eta. Another lot of Handkerchiefs, 2 for 35 cts. Nicely boxed handkerchiefs, Christmas boxes, P**" •«»« 35 and SOc. LINEN DEPARTMENT Imported Pure Irish Tabic Linen, 70 inches wide, nice patterns, beautiful quality. Christmas special per yard $1.9i Colored Bordered Table Linen 95c. a yd. Imported Irish Table Damask, color.! border.) nice patterns beautiful quality. Christmas Special Pw yard 95c:s. won by Kobt. Dargavel Eduie Patton second, and in the i-ace ior Jog teams Stanley JIagee took first prize. Mr. Seldon Myers deserves great credit for his work in making the Santa Claus day a success, as he gave libe''ally of his time in colic '.t- ing donations and in decorating the town for Santa's arrival. The other members of the committee who also assisted were T. W. Findlay, W. G. Kennedy and Jas. Stewart. Tn% d A L 8 FOR SALEâ€" Nine young Pigs. â€" E. J. BOYD, Fiesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Oat chop, $1.40 per hundred weight â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" ^Pair of good heavy team sleighs. â€" H. Down A Sons. FOR SALE â€" 2 light driving horses â€" D. McTavish k. Son, Fiesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good driving horse- Geo. Hutchinson, Kimberley. 1928 Chriatows SmU ,J«^ 1»J« Chri.tma* Seal!, in aid 01 the Uuakoka and 1 oronto Howl tal^ for ConiiumptlVM. have ioat^beet ^J"1u The.. h%n<»«>me SiaJi. h^" Ing the 4ouble-barred Had Croaa « 5Si^J°!£L'^ with conaumpUon. Bvarx ^ S2m "f^^S"*" .through their aal* I '"S9 *o' the malateaadce of nattanta tin?? W-tlonal Sanltirtum iuVS?!.. tlon lain n..d of funda to ctrry on indlt'wS.'.i^ •'^"*'» '" """i^ofS S?i. i_ w*"'°?- ^"^y not bny thaae ?S5 Jr."2IL2' "theraT Not onlrVlll you v«t Kood value In return hot diitAJi. * '"''' eomeona tn Look fop the double-barred V.*A NOTICE FOR SALE â€" Quantity of mixect alfalfa and timothy hay. â€" Goo. I. Graham, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Durham iBull. "j months old, will exchange for heifer or steer. â€" H. Patton, Fleshertoa, Phone 42 r 6. jpa^iâ€" â€" â€" â€" â- > »j»_L- ^â€"â€" y M1BCM.LANKOUS NOTICBâ€" Choppiag done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros, â- agcaia, Ont. Phone. â€"JAS. McKENZIE. FEVERSHAM. FARM FOR SALE 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, Osprey, situated on County road no. 52, 100 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. First class grain farm, well fenced, bam 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly new, goo<k cistern, telephone, well and wind mill water piped to the bam, 60 rods from school. Pric«»d reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR, SING HAMPTON. R. R. 1. 'Phone Feversham 1 r 2-y, 8B0RTHORN BULL P€« 8EKVICB Registered Shorthorn boll for ser- vice at lot 5. Con. 9. Oaprey, "Mfrry Marquis" No. 170.1S8; Sin. Bonala Manjnis I42.S81; Dam. Red Butt«rflT 131.078. Tenm â€" Puvebradi IB.M. grades 12.00. Cows not returned «rill be charire fall prlea. â€"a. R. MttPDLemO A BVRNS k. S. R., Artemesia. HeMnllea, PlesiMrtoR, R. R. 2 All parties are hereby notified that ,„ , , I all trespassers on lots 24, 9th Con., We have been apopmted as a re-^ ,5 jg .^^ y^^ ^„ gouth street nortn cewmg station for the Markdale ,„t, 15, lo and 17. on St. Arnaud s:.. Creamery during the winter months.' ^o^th, and lots 18 and 10. on Ragla.i Leave your cream here. 3,^^^^ ^y^^^^K^, will positively be pro- â€" W. J. STEWART & BONS secutod. NOTICE - No tresspassing, hunt- °"!?' rf^*" ^^"^ ^^"^^ ... .». «- .» •"" Fiesherton. Flanhrrton ever* mg or trapp.^ on lots 154-ro-66, a.,„^y ^^^^ XTVZ^T 3nd raaffe E. T. A S. R., Artemesia. . . ^ " " ^ .. CBOE.W71»CJ« DUNDAUI LIDSlfSSD AUCTM»fBKR Fw the Conaty of Grey. Ttms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction gnanrtcad Dates made at The Adraae* ofTtea. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS -J. H. DUCKETT. FARM FOR SALE lot 192 and 193, Con. 1, Proton In the matter of tha citato of Ei:.» Gibson, late of the \i''>^o of '•V-v,. joton, in the County of Grey, V/i.l.w township, S. W. of Highway no. 10, I deceased. joo acres of which 95 i« already Notice is hereby givon, pursuant! cleared and workable, good build- to Section 61 of the Trustee? .Act. R. S. O. 1927, Chapt. 160, that ail F. T. HILL & Co., LimHed, Markdale creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of i.:ie said Ella Gibson, who died on c. about tha 19th day cf November, !D- 28 at the village of Fiesherton in the County of Grey, are required on or before the 16th day of January 192;>, to send by post, prepaid, cv deliver to Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for the Administratcf of the Estate of tae said deceased, their Christain nsnicr and surnames, addressci and doacript ions, the full particulars, in writing of their clais, a statement ofthe.'r 1 accounts, and the nature of the sc:- I urity, if any, held by them. ' And take notice that after nich last mentioned date the said Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the \ assets of the said deceaied anions j the parties entitled thereto, having j regard only to the claims of which he I shall then have notice, and that the ' faid Administrator will not ba lialte for the said assets or any part there of to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at Markdale this 14th day of December A. D. 1928. LUCAS A HENRY, Solicitors for the saidAdministrator. ings. 9 ROOT. R. LEE, PROTON STATION, Phone Duadalk 83 r SI. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 80, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Term8:-$2 II pakl before January 1929, otherwise IB.SO. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE Lot 13, Con. 12, Osprey Township, 100 acres; 70 acres good arable land, balance hardwood bush and pasture. Good bam and driving shed, log house, 30 rods from school, good well and windmill. Teleph^^ available; rural mail delivery. Apply to WM. L. KAITTING, Feversham. or H. W. KERNAHAN, Maxwell BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., denUl surgeon, honor graduate at Toront* and Royal College of Dental Srrgeoaa of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Ctffice at lesidene* Toronto Street, Fiesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, AJP. * A.M. meets in the Masonk Hall. Arm- strong Block, Fiesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M.. C. P Lawrence, Secretary ..BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser. vkeâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 09.996 â€" ^Property of Saugeen Bacon !!•»» Club. Terns fl.OO. â€" C. HINDLE. Proton SUUon BOAR FOR 8ERVIC& Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc.. I. B. Lucas, K. C, WD Henry, B.A. Offices. Markdale Liicaa' Block. Phone 2. Branch officn at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors. etc. Offices Grey and Braca Block. Owen Sound; SUndaid Bank Block. Fiesherton, (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr., J. p. p. Birnie. Wm. Kaltting. LiseenMid AoetkwMt tor the eonntiea of Qx«y vul Tvm and stock Mlea • nu R«C(at«nd Yorkshirs Boar for wr- Ttnna moderata., MtMkatka vk* by IlMlMrton B«eoB Hog aab» { may be ltd* at tha Arfvaaea Offlea. m tha jpiop«rt7 af tba Oitnrlo DtpuV/OHitrtl taUpkMM iMmi â- Btat â- > AgT kamwrm, 'w bf "

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