Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1928, p. 7

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^^mm^m :; I I til to il at t. le r- :t IS id I- f i •' â€" ' j-r ' ->:- -i»&- ST. VnUS^ DANCE - A Trouble That I su; !iy Attacks Youii{( diildrcn St. Vitus (lance is the name gener- ally Klvfii to a (liticaHe <lencril)fil by meiliciil men as chorcu. TliLs trouble nsiially attacks young clxiliheii, ihounh older |>f»oi)!i! may be aflHcff-d with If. The most i-omrooji .symptom.-; ur«t a twitrJilnK ot I Up face, and Ifmha. As the <lis(.-'a8e i»i-o.icreHij''!j lli^ t«IC(,bl'.\K (ake.s thefoi'iu of .xpasms, in wliic-li the Jerking mution may be lonfiiuMl lo the tace or all the limbs may bo affected. Fpequeutly the patient is iinaMe la hold anythhiK In tliS: Uajn!:v or walk steadily. In severe cases Lhe hpeevh is'oftpn r.ffi«rtc(l. Jlie 1.1 due to debility of the nerves alid relief comes through an ' enriclied', ')Iood supply, l>r. Williams' I'ink' I'ills have been motit succx-ssful' in '' rgac h iagâ€" thin 4roulilu thxough, tUiii.ilI epeciSo action on the blood, whicii ii pnrlclle.s and purifle.s. The foUowin;;- instance proves the value of l)i-. Williams' I'ink Pills in this trouble. Mrs. Thomas BoiveD, Hath, Oat, says:â€" "Dr. \Villianls' Pink "Pills I have been in use in my family for years and always with rootI results, I believe they sav»j<L the life of my only son. At ten years of ago he ' grew very nervous and tho trouble developed into St. Vitus dance. I lis legs and amis would jerk and twitch, (hea hia .jipeech,, was. attecleiL^aivl ; his condition was pitiable. ,Just ih<'n ' there came to me a little book' tell-' ins of Dr. Williams' Pink ' Pills' jiud [ decided to give thfm to him. By , tho lime Uvp bo.xes were ust^d there was au improvement in his condition and by the time six b().xes more were! taken ail traces of the tmuble had i . disappeared, and he was well ami strong. I have also given the pills to : my growing girls, and F know ot no better strengtheniiii? moiicine. 1 may add that the .>ame applies to srowu-' lips as well.'" You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or l)y mail at 50 cents a bo.x from The Dr. Wil Iiam|}' Mrdiciue fit.. RrockViHe, Out. British Firm Aids Workers Who Lose Jobs A RtmembersAice- Tablet â- 1 -.Cm Il Im't YdOr Townâ€" it's You It you want to dwell la a town that's swell, .\nd th" kind ot a town you like; You need not pack Your «-lo(hes' on your back, .\nil go for a fnrewell hike, I For you'll only tlml j What you've loft behind; TUero is nothing that's really new, i It's a knock at yourself i Wheu you knock yyur, town:" It isn't your town- iHSYRUP :s^.6UM I4ICIIT COUGHS BRONCHITIS it'd you. ^ 'til â- ^'*'' â- 'if- • IjOSt somei Yoi\ us are not "taarte men afraid one else get ahead. When everyone works And nobody sliirk.s, an lift a town from the dead. Aiul if while you. make Your personal slake. Your neighbor can make one, tpfl. Your town will be What you want It to lie'"' it isn't' yoiir town- IT'S" YOI.*! FAHILV SIZE 7S< TDIAt. Size 3S« UK •OTTK SaS^wJ ASTHMA For Chinese Women | Punjab Sample Organizing for j Train Starts On Advancement j Six-Month Trip Girl Sues for Share of FLstate ' Exhibits Display Objects of immm w hothurs -Anot'y .Asks Release From Child Betrothal Peiping ll'ek.'ng; -â- With ihe < I Art and Utility Produced in India Similiar to Our Ontario Train Hombtiv- Tile Punjab sample train. TRANS-ATLANTIC FLIGHT RECALLED The taMet depicted above has been erected at Ver-Sur-Mere, F:aii ) recall where liyrii landed after conquoring tho Atlantic. Old Customs ^ StiU Obtain New Archbishop Takes Oath in Quaint Function at London t!i2 election, were the Bishops of Lon- don, Winchester, Rochester, Norwich. Bristol, Worcester, Lincoln and Sali.s- buiy. The newly elected archbishop is the ninety-seventh of an unbroken line from St. .-Augustine in .â- V.D. 51)7, which contains such fainous names as Dun- I Stan, Thomas a Becket, Stephen Lan.:r- r^„j^ n /-• r- 1 T *^°"' Thomas Cranmer and Wi!lia:iK I/ondon. â€" Dr. Cosmo Gordon Lantr t i ti- i i i . i t^ „.,.„„ (â-  , . ,,.,','*• Laud. His predecessor has held of hce was confirmed as Archbishop of Can- f, i<.o-i ..-ii i,- .• * i «â-  ,„_, - . ^ r^^ -r^ , ,, from ItfCJ till his retirement ear v tills terbiiry in succession, to Dr. Randall .i. • i i • i . -- • l Tu, ,„ n -J V • /•"""'"' month, and his voluntary relinquish- Ihc las Davidson. A Dicturetaue i. c j .-I iJM.Lujc,.ilui^ r„gnt of tjig pogt J,^^ created a new cer: -,ony took place in the Church of St. .'^lary-le-Bow, Cheapside, where, as 1 Archbishop-elect, Dr. Lang knelt be- fore the Royal Commission of Bishops to take the oath of allegriance. Then, : strmding, he pronour.ced the custom- ary declaration against simony and the declaration of assent, after which he si^ed the oath and the declara- tions, using for th-s first time his new- title, Cosmo Cantuar. . precedent in English church history. Make Them Comfortable Itnhy's Own TableLs Are the Ideal Remedy for Rabies and Young Children â-  Canadian nio'liers are noted for. thu cnre they ::ivc their little ones â€" the lioylth of the baby is most Jeal- ously sliarded and tho mother is alwi'vs on the lookout for a., remedy which is efficient aiui at the same time absolutely .i-afe. Thousands of ninth, r' have found such a remedy ill Huliy's Own Tabl'ets and many of them use nothing for the ai!- ; mentn of their little ones. Among j them Ifl Mrs. Howard King, of Trnro, N.S.. who says: â€" "I can stiongly re- commend's O-wn Tal)ti?ts to mothers of young children as I know of nothing to eo'ial thera fur little ones." • â-  ( Baby's Own Tablei's are sold by native of the city as president of the m.^dicine dealers or Ivy mail at 25 organization is expectud to insure cents a box from The Ur. Williams continuity of its programs 'i-ircafler. oneouragemenc of liie N-ationaiist • {overnment. the women of China â-  are now rapidlv emerging from their ' "•^»<''' ^'^ •' ^"''^ success last year, ajto-old see-Uslon and are busily or- ; ^'•^'^ ="«â- *''" ^"""^ equipped ami will gaiiizing themselves for fun'.'ev ad- "ndPiake another Journey of, six vancemeut i D'"°''i-''. visitlug ?;' stations In differ- ' The Peining- Women's Higlits A.<iso- ': ^""^ I"»''t^- °^ '"« Punjab. Besides a eiatloii was recentiv inaugurated 'â- '"««''^ ^''i''. t«<^ ''"K"^ carrla«rert are here, and at it^ first meeting a con- ''<'*'»S run under the auspices of the sfitution was adopted ami J?, depart- ' '»'""'*'*e» Dopartmenr, two under £2 -i: I Special attention should be taken 'to make the guest-room a homelike six radio channel?" under the "geutle- i plate rather than just a room where men's agreement" is ri^'priTfid' to have Tu„ „ „ I- u -it. 1 the family friend may sle6i> when vis- refirsed to discuss the -allocation -of ,^'?.^:i'?ul'^.'"^A.fe" '^.'^*^"'^'"â- iit^ng. Here are some grievous errors short waves unless it is assured 50 channels.) may be easily corrected. "Many homes have only one bath- controversy, Canada miehl have been '.,... c ,, , „ , , room which must be shared by the content with from 20 lo 23 per cent. "^L^l'^!^?u!!!J.^„'i"u.^?;'"^,t'!:l^_'^f^'»i'y =»«'! the guest as weU," she of the short waves. I' this says. "I think nothing is more awk- change of attitude is a -.vafhing t'.:at ward for a guest than to li.sten and somi'thing must b.> 'h-w. and done wait, wondering when it will be the quickly, about revising lhe "soutle- best time to make the break for the men's agreement." It 'i.s' obvious that bathroom, unencounterod by some a los:; of Canadian co-'operation would a -Week Paid Toward . â-  , .u • .- â-  .u \Va2«S cf EmDlove»S ',"1 ^f ! '"^-e^tigation in the ves-|„^j^ ^y unthinking, housewives that per cent cf t!te availal,! v\ dsjeb i^i i^iiipiuyc^s try of a number of protests, which,! Displaced by Ma- i'^'he by one^ w-ere turned down by thej Commission of Bishops. It is under-' ciiinery Londo% â€" "â- A N'orth Uritish nianu- election <^n the eround that the resign facturing concern, having to reduce .-tion of Archbishop Davidson was staff through the introluction of canonically invalid. Another,, subnill- labor'-saving uuichiiiery. is prepare<l ted by the Protestant .A.llianc3, (jbjecj;- :o pay £'J per week touai-d' the wages edto Dr. L«ng's att+tttde- towawl the of each displaced worker employed now Prayerbook f)roposals, which Par- l)y ,re»iitable liruis^ for. , one year- at iianient rejected last summer, and de- not less t'-'aii r>">s, per week. This dared, "He dees not ssenv fitted to be mental chiefs were elect.^d on an ' "'•'t "' ^^« -^griculDira! 0.>panmcnt, orga.-iization plan similar to that of «"J a''<"Jier under tio Veterinary the .Nationalist Oovemmtnt!f. ? i«'P"'''nient of the Punjab Govern- Tho association, according to its con-"»en!. Each wUI exhibit samples of stitution. is for the purpose of pro- 1 ''"'•'f <'"»â- -' '»' t^« various instlf.itlonB motins me r'^Ula of women, and ""''''=' •^overiTment. complete poli-i al and .social equality | T'"? Industries Deparcment's ears wit hmen is to be sought. 'â-  "'"tain the latest hand-worked fly- The Peiping Iuteriialioii;j; \i.'om-' '^""'"^ '""™» '^*'''* Fo eminently en's Cab. which was i)rgniiizedj>«r»: ^•'^'^'^ for the cottage Industry, pur- a few vears ago to inttoduce^wSmpn T'-'^f-V '" "'^P'a<» tlie primitive room. of various nationalities to one an- ^ Hosiery, dyeingr. calico-priutlnit and other in this cosmopolitan' city, ha.s '♦'"""''• "^^^rkine machinery and ap- iad great saco«*,wif.i it.s series 0* .l>li»u.;es f ill be weratedlin the ear meetinafS. " The *1«4(oii' tli.U year of i »«« a l*y'will sho*-1lo«-5t;U=Jiet an^ cane-work can he a 'ennineimive oc- cupuiion to supplement the incntn-s of the labor da-sses. .Vmonsj other exhibit., will be luc- (litered and inlaid ol^jeots. elegant i'iiiiuture^ beautiful vases and orua- niente at brass and iv<iry. Thes«? are an-anged side hy side with cases coii- ttiining arlij;!es of greater utilitarian value, such as dispatch boxes, sport."* paraphernalia, carpets, scientific ap- Ho ciii-kung, the nev. mayor of ' r-a"»-:'ln-=i' 'â- â€¢ud household tieeessaries. Peiping. i.s particularly interested in T'.ten there are textile goods, men improving the staiius ot women. He • as tapestries, damask, silk suitings. Had it not been for th," broadcasting ],.,;. prohibited the old trafnc iu e*''- ^"™« produced by the Gnvoru- ment ind'.istriu'. scU4»i;l.s for women i!l M-dictn» Co., Brockvilie. Out. The Radio Controversy ', Pililadolphia Ledgni-. (Canada, dis- satisfied with the a^lotm'eni of only Chinese wemeri are alsSo becomJilf! increa-singly iM-oniinent this season in other clubs whic'ii- were originally for foreigners. Til« Mothers' Club. the College Wonioti's Club, the Things Chinese Society, and tho Institute of Fine Arts all Save Chinese women now as active member-'- children. wl^L-reby the daiis-lefs oCk' . . poor men iKftrSMioU a4 "ifer«aats tpjandftrte ^iidbth^s {« factories or in wealthy families, and he is entorc- *^^ •»«»»« "^ weavers. The agrjcul- ing .lhe;oi:^ej-ag;linst foot binding, l""! '"ars area cotnr! H(> has also attacked r>. of the ancient lU'-to-date oqv system of concubinage and has for- ! -^ '"""* '^^ "*"~ bidden meS to talfe-" secoadiiry wiVes 'â- '"' lago'; \\ iUi . is a. sRlepdid ou;H.l't.i.uty for ,a new the church's guide m this perilous, i,y ,^y,. ^,^^,. ^any. abhuious. The. coucernto.Siecure.Mba:- duriug early crisis of Its history. | thoughtful ho.,tess will make this' deuMopjiM>iit^.. -, . ...... •/ j Jn accordance with time-honored; ea-»y for her gue«:t She will «how ' .I.biS ,advei:tis«meat-4irneai'UiK.- in custom, all objections had to be sub-|euc!i guest wJiere the bathroom Is lo-l vS,(viie,o£ the lil.g Pi'.PYimvial daiUes.has mitted in whiting by the previous .-a^e.I. on which rack are the towels.' caused a coiijidcrab! ... - ~ - _. . te ' Itcreafter. Marriages from now on 'ase";^ ! member of the household, or to lie grewHr •conrpliauta jflie^.tiislc of 'coun mns'''^~^*ft<i*St>*<nI: 'ouTV '-'*flifci.5te;«ii^*^ji<Vt-'; awake for hours in order to awaken ; trolling the radio sit^tntinu in -'his ,.^„,<;p„f brtheln-ido and Vooman.r •*""â- â- Â»" "'-'•--' .early enough to get ahead of the fam- countrv. Th«jS8[ wiii. t<!ii34'.t!iin the vd- are for- Mr Hoover and the Water- 'way Toronto Star (lud.U Tl\e election unions between strangers â- ''^"'*'"'l- . '<t . .* â- ./ . :ii lliiB, t-oiifJ^'iiou the wonipn of i'eipiugare watching with interest two novel law .4iiU5 now before ! Uncanny Is' Right "Did you ever infotlceho-.v very ingclx alike one sardine is ti)-aualher-?." ;•' -Ye.'», indeed. 1 think it'.-* pa-sitiyialy caused a considerable .amount- «^- in- afternoon. On the previous Monday, and then -<he mav -easilv sav 'We' '""'"'" ^''" ,^""'-'' ""^ eiecuon (eVest in bus.iuc-''«-?u.a Utdtistria! con- sit- John Hanham,' .Vpparirof:G?rieral h vo S a arg^fLirv amroniv one "f ^''- """^â- "" "^""-l ^.''!'"^'^ *° T' cerns. . . I of the Pr-tylrfr^ „f.-C^f*r!H.rv dolv" ^Z..! ' k.. ..!!..",.-...''...•..,.!. P'a^e where a great decision must be Till lirm of the â- Pr<Mrfce of Canterbury, duly^ batlu-pom, biu we ougj.t^.o be finished; „,^^^ ^i,^. President-elect of the eco- the steps of tlT^ churcl, tl^e prdclama:,: your- Zn- 'd't'lU' Umf 'if !-<!i, desire!'^'"'"''' *"''' '* '''â- ^'' '"' obligation in question wa>i ide'ntifiod appareled in wig and gown, read from 1 -vvith by many students of Shanghai coijrts. Jn one a girl _ uiicuuny." â€" Judge, is usii«a:" -kftv bri.)tUer*.afor aii equal ' share i)f her father's rich estate, which 'is cou'rary to old t.'hinese law. bv v.hlch a daiig'-ier rec-ived a The most cautions man ot our ac- quaintance is thiuJiir.g ot takins a little ocean voyage if te can tind a ship that hasn't been goverument-iii- Classified Advertisements jgtng itiiector of a big lionurry concern and' also as mm. of an industrial welfare research â- t'olninithie. â-  .Seebohm lUiwiitree. author of '"Hqw the Laborer Lives," t^tc, is Rroposing to jiut ijutj practice Mis leaching that, while iabor-saviiig ^machinery in t.-^ long run creates pwductive labor, yet in the (TPalive period those benetitinft 'by the rcduc- ^ f*;*^" . famous home of Bow bells, was chosen c.iair- £m, ^jjg ceremony, because it is x-hjef of \ the City of London'^ 13. "peculiar" churches, that is to say the churches formerly falling under t'.te direct jur- isdiction of the .A.rehbishop of Canter- ; the stiougev sex. One trembles for burj-, though situated in the .dJo«.-ese j nig ,jn,p „.|,en ihey will have attained of London. f„ii strength. The Ecclesiastical Court of the ♦ 'â- â€¢ ,„ ,.f ....,„ „ . .,.. ,, 11 1 , .-Vrchbishop of Canterbury has bcsn | Herr Stresemann tas renew;ed his .ion of wage costs are morally bound , ,* .^, ^, , „„„ , tu •â-  .i . .. . , ' ^ held there for over 1,000 years. The! suggestion that the watch on Reva! Commissioners, who confirmed Rhine needs a new movement. An .Muerican physician. Dr. .Malt'ord. great advantage to Cana.ia. If tiiis now joins in the experi approval of ;countr:-' is not interested ho . will presotit-day women's dress. an<l says - proceed with an alternative plan tliiit. that by their healthy habit of scanty ; -R-in be detrimental to Cauadti and clothes women are rapidly bottoming particularly to the Port of Montreal. STOCKIHQ YARD tho tcnipor- to find subsistence for arily displaced laborer. â- J Presuming that the new luachiues ' dispose ot the work of 50 men, fact t annual cost to .the lirm lo be paid iiil v.ages to some concern over which I they will have no managerial control, j will 1)0 over £5000 a vcar. i .J. j Peace and Pirep'aredness j Washingtou l»o:,'t: Ti".< Kellogg ! treaty should bo pioniptly appro\e-d,' bv.t along with it im-st ro imidentj naval precautions against possible ag- gression. Tho-Se - who took for ratlfi- j :tatioii of the Kellogg treaty and j • abaudonmo-ut of nava! defence are iu i 'or an awakening. Tho United States ' will not expose its .i.hips on every sea I to the tender mertie-s of foreign bel- ! Itgerciits who have cast off the Kei- i r logg treaty and all oUiei ".aws oii Ood ' and man. The spoils of the I'nited I States are not availuble to atiy for- ! eign pirate dispiiise-i as a bollig«'reiit. 1 Without wailing for intolerable out- 1 . rages to spur tl^e Nation to defend Itself, defeuces will be provided now, J • so that outrages will uo; be. attcmpt- *--.- ?d. the A Period Building Stranger: "Is that your new public school over there?" Citizen: -ifes, that is. our chaiuhpr of commas." â€" Life. P British Premier Opens New Town Hall Marlon Talley: "It is the esserttial \Nhol»>f<>iiieness. the naturalness, ot farm life which niiikes me pr<'fer it to any other." Just, lo make it appropriate, a soe- ver trophy was handed to iht- winners the other day in Kurouc h;. dene Vutmcy. â-  -• > The automobilp had brought form- er distant places closer and closer together, iiicludin^r our house and the poorltouse - .. *-• ' IHnartl'f > in intent for Chapped Hands, j Big Navy Propaganda i Saint .loliu TeleKi-aph-Jounial I Und.i: Is the building program of the Uuiled States Na-vy to. be com- petitive or is it to be basfltl solely on tl;e needs of tho Hepublic toprbtect ""â-  ' its seaborne trade'.' From Great Britain 'one has delinile assurance ' that naval construction unrestricted: by the Washington treaty wil! be in ; , accordance with tSieat , Rrilirin's ^ needs to protect Itritish commerce, ' aiiti «ill not complete with the United , i States. The Cuited SUiles bas a' ; perfect right to build as many chuis- | ; crs as she desires, and Great Britahi i docs not intend to let that affect her j own, judgment of her needs. • So , ! let the United States go ahead and ] i build w. atever she cati 'convince her ; people is necessary, but her big naiy i people shiMild, not confuse 'he issue ' SI' I i> .â- "•â-  -.iM:i,les ffiO. Si- ~,i.'. Ni...^ l>.Mit. '.. <)i:ili;«. '.â- ".â- . :.N- 1' V- ..:.S ^ ATENTS l.lst ot "WaiueJ Invcii'.iiias" ;ir.l Full 1-nfuis.ia.iKin Sent fve* TKB KAMSAY CO.. »»lit W. a7G Bani St.. Ottawa. Ont. 1' 111 ii* lira ^loaifi IV more fhnn a iine so«rp Il in vRnuliTr. auliicpltf AniX n«»l nnlv , (#.m>**». but lir«lM irritmion* and rralore* rbr m.: iu«i â- rljua oi thr jinrr* /or 'tO ^rar» lhe uttttidard oj t:tc*itt>:,m w. Co2d Relieved or Money BacK ^ PREMIER AND MRS. BALDWIN AT DUDLEY Lord .Mayor of Oudley entertains the British Prime Minister with Old time customs at opening ot a war The Memorhtl Town HalU (by attempting to convey the idea that . ! there is an agreement between the ] i nation to limit any but capital ships. ; I and ihat t-.e United States is lagging' I behiiKi on a non-existent ratio. | 1 If you want to succeed iu tiie^ » j world you nuisf'inake your own op- ; ' portuuiti'e.s as you go on. The man ' j who waits for some sevt ntii wave to I toss him on dry land will lliid that \\\vi seventh wave is a longr time ^ I acoming. "^'ou can commit no great- ! er folly than to sit on . -t-'oe . roadsidu ) j until i--"nKone conies aloiig atid in- j vites .vou to ride with him tQ vvealtl* . and iiilluence- J*diii B. Gough. ' ; Life wottld li>c very dtill it all the ; newspapers sai«l the same thing, but It is not often that oue tliids such a conflict of testimony »» is h«e o*- ! tered:â€" Where the lava has once pass- • ed the ruin is eler!ial as It is complete. No living thing that yieldn food for man or beast will grow In Its fell path. The destroying lava, when cool- ed, is a great fertilizing ageu;,t. The most fertile vines, the richest fittk tre»>s flourish just below â- 'th'.- i>.ifirei^ slopes of (he monutalit I -^ ( Mlnard't Llnfmer»t for Grifpe* i'\i.ry\4 here .-ritn. ^iJTTicn ii::il chi'.ilr^n «;•.• flndinj inaMnI ri-Iiel irom t'iiURh* *hU Onlda I'f all kindi hy taking B.;.:lt- Isr's Mixtur*. KverjwhT? dnimiijn ap» â- ellius "Bucls'.cy'a" undfr pwiiive n.iaj- antee. Tlie flrsi dcjc ijr.)vM how dif- ferent it is â€" and th4»r* arc 40 dow"* iri » 76-oent bottle t Never (m witllout tilia provtn comjut-ror of colds. W. K. Bncmer. LImltf-it. 142 Htiiual St.. foronto 3 ^ MIXTURE â€" .Acls \iV.e a llastiâ€" " • iingic lip provot it /J ~i>i: and I Of Foot Ills i'"i>; achii.g teet.fer chilblains .uid bunions, rub with Min- ards. .-V sure v 1:> ''. [ " " ISSUE No". 30â€" 'ia"

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