-"r •â- â- 4i' ft wAiioweD m R.^A/.^/^^^t<lHH.» 'and immettiaU action in a surprise attaclc Thi^y spoke in one joyous breath, and with brevity, j "Sure," ifhid Mr. Leffler. "(Jet in," Raid Mr. Greenljerff. I Hop-o who was close behind Charlie Upranp into the Greenberg car; and New Fabric Termed One of Unique Fair of Artificial SUk Opens in Britain! That piquant, imllaw smoothiMts af a Una Japan Urn cannot ba appreclatMl unlaw it It tried In tlia cup. Try this delightful frean tea. poll 'he pii'i 0- .1. "We O'lii't wumI to the hoircidniinj; with liim " •'(;<i(i(l I.<ir<l!" rhailii' spoke irrit- tal)l.v. "That.s thp ont- tliiiij? that'? hcnn 'irioM-llohiniT me nil the way, the IVar tlial wr iiiiKht fall into the hands of ;th«> Ijiills. '"FiKure it for youi-self. Tieiiti'iianl at desk looks up. 'Why, this'." Thoy while I'm ahout it. Wo ilon't want to , : taied^ovpv attract such attention as he't) love to mirror at CHAPTKR XXX. The stracjrlinpr prnce««i'Mi of Main ?tr»'et, which i.s the Merrick R-^ad, was almost ended; that white' ribbon of nincarlam ami oystei'-shell. with one villnpe Fhirred on to another as it follows the win<iinjrs of thv .South Shore was about to fray ot.t into the : ^j^,.,.,,,,,,, HiKKins,-what asphalt threads of the city. ^,, ^,„,^^. ^j,,, rhnrllc's mercurial fririt was over-. "'I'm. had an awful time. F-ieutPn- casi with mlKjrivinffs, fhadowod I'y the ant/ say.s Bill. 'These three lunatics perturWn? claims of his responsibility, oapturr'". nie by a trick, and have boen "Jamaica!" He jxiintefl to n hill- MuE:;.'inK me all over Long Island. The .'ide ahead, with .scattered lights oper \vo:o;in thinks shes the nii.ssing Hope it. as he turned back to Hoi)e ami i Ranger.' What's thcresult? Wo three Kelsey. "I'm jroinjr to stop here and are locked up. Hill calls a taxi and teVphon". .\nd you'd better ca? Wil- ^ •. id-.s away.'' li.im the Silent there, and sit on him, I lie gave a convulsive start, and Hope's shoulder Into the the side of the windshield, create, if he had half a chance." I "My Cod!" He whirled on Kelsey. Chnosinc an inconspicuous place to ! "What are you doinff back there? â- =top beyond the Peace Monument,' Can't you see the old devil is play- < harlie drew up to the ci rb and hnr-l'nP 'possum on you? He' been sipial- I ied into a drug store. After an inter- ; -• val. he reappeared, much of his cus- t< mary jauntincts restored. "You can draw your own conclu- Kions. when I tell you I was exchan?- inp a few remarks with a lawyer who?" rame begins with H." Charlie was back in his ;.cat atrain b> this time. "We've got to be on our way now." But when he attempted to drive on. the .starter wouldn't work. For several minutes he fussed with it. following various suggestions from Kelsey and Hope: but il was plainly "ut of order, and he was anxious to avoid further oelay. Muttering anathemas on the balky device, Charlie clambered down again. a..d went to the front of the car to crank up. His experience at crankini had Iv^n hitherto confined to fliwpTs. He did not reckon on the superior horse-power of the limousine. On the sx-ond rovo lution the engine backfired, hurling ^ him into the middle of the street. He picked himstdf out of th" mud. j .Ml his debonnair complacency had . ing out of the window with his hand, vanisixed. He stood bcidp the run- Didn't make any dilference to him nirtg Ixiard. his face twisted with pain, ; which way we came. Ho can raise a I Charlie and Kelsey, aided by Mr. I.«f- (Icr, drag-ged out Higgins, a dead weight on their hands, and hustled him in after her. Kelsey followed, and C^arlie scrambled up beside the driven ^p^,„,, ;„ Manchester, represents an H.gg.n« stretched out his hand and i^p„,.ta„t milestone in the history of Great Achievements of the Chemist An artificial silk exhibition recently I II SALADA" clawed at Charlie's arm. "A hundred and fifty thousand a jiiece, if you let me go." "Why, Bill," Charlie spoke in pain- ij,nd. ed purpiire, "you're a piker after all. thi.s industry, being the most compre hensive demonstration of the fabrics that has ever been assembled in Kng- Many leading manufacturers contributed to the display. The range Our price is just double whatever .f fabrics and colorings was striking, you ve got i . . JTAPAK TKA Fratb from tha Gardena Creenberg swung into Fifth Avenue, ' ^y^^^l*!^ -ThiTimluXT haSTotne t ''"""'' rT*",'^!^ 'f 'T'^ '^T'^^^ RePO*-** Revivcd .., A.L ,= J . • ^ . , â€" . .^ '"'" ""'"• '"'R muusiry nas come to ,ungs of a big ladded, then get into "^ Death and f harhe d ow h s first long breath „„y ^„^ j^ „,„, ^^^^ .^^ ,,,.^,.^ uponi.ackV and race 15 yards to the finish smce they had started. Also, for the t^e world. And we are not alone. 'ifJi ^^ ^"^''^ ^ *''* *""*'^ first time m his adventurous career, other countries have got this fine arti- 1 ... he felt a warm, emotional regard for fip;.,, ,„,. ,,usinesR. I see that Japan ^^K'^^ere sprinkled up and ^oJ^'i;;S"^2^t:!:'^i;:^U':^^^^^^ '" '°- ^^"" ^^ the thoroughfare, guarding it for sev- . .. , , „. . , 'U' i«atn. â€"Keats oral blocks from the Ranger home. ,„,„,„ ,„ ,,,, ,,,,. ,,„,. „,,„ ,„ ,„.,, ,„„„ . The long strain was over for all of iTi'"".'.! "":"*â- "''''''I".''' ..'"f. """j: ' 'â- •'•ve seen houses lone and desolate them. Kelsey, sitting beside Hope, felt a vast relief and at the same time an ,„„, „„,„ „„„„„„ t„,„,. ,:,.,, ,-^,,y Of "White Indian*** and tlipy employed .35.000 workpeople; Japan is do:ng one-fifth of that now, nd those of joi who know what Japan is and the power and enl â- •prise of It the same time an | thm little country know il.at thov will infinite sadness. I develop it The curtain wa- J«'''"^'' ""'^ J^^^' BRAZIL STARTS FACTORY heart ached. She was sate among tloso who loved her, a great heires-S| Brazil has started manufacturing flipping into another world than his. ' •'"â- ti*it''a' =^'1^. They imported it up to Be was an unknown, poor young man. | >»st year, but now they are making it Already the car was drawing to- ward the sidewalk. "I want to say goodbye before you reach home." His voice was shaky. I She loved him; so immediately she divined his trouble. "Cer>rge!" She looked at him with a <|iaintly mischievous smile. "I didn't know you were shy. Are you afraid nt' my father and mother?" It hurt, that light tone. "The ad- VI nture's over," he said, stoically calm. "I couldn't take advantage of your â€" yourâ€"" Her lips brushed his cheek. "Our adventure is just beginning," she murmured. "A beautiful one tl)is -time." (The End.) :, "(lur aiivenliax- is jii.<t bf^jiunmu," she murmured. gingerly holding his right arm. Iiunch of guninon any part of Unnoticed by either of the men, 'town. Hope had slipped past them and run "Look back and soe if tlures to the from of the car. She grasped one after us!" • the crank which had proved so viciou.* But before Kelsoy ( to Charlie, and with a deft turn or two whose eyes were on the minor, had caught the spark. Now she came a cry. back. j "There's a touring car full of men "I'll drive the rest of the way to jusl turned in f.oin Rivington Street." i town," she said. "We'll get along per- any could (]â- > so, Hope, gave ftctly." With the car once more in motion. and the difficulty apparently smoothed awa.v, Charlie In'gan to talk of his own accord. "You see. Pill," kindly, "if you're counting on any one having listened in on my talk to Higby. you're going to be fooled." Their prisoner rousi'd up at this, and bent forward. "How's that?" gratingly. "Why. Higby of cour.se wanted to know just where I was, and how long before I'd arrive, and how I was com- ing, and all that. So, just to be on the safe side, I am doing exactly the op- posite of what I told him." He Hardly stirred again; but all the way through Brooklyn lay in that state of collap.se, one arm hnrring limply out of the window. .\nd now the skyscrapers of Man hattan loomed before them across the river. Soon they were over the Wil- liamsburg bridge; and through the F.ast Side streets-. Hoj)e drove towards Fifth Ave. Spying the green lights of a pwHce station, Kelsey calle<l Charlie's atten- tion to them. "Lot's get rid of our passenger," < HAI'TKR XXXI. .Steadily, surely, the gunmen's car was creeping up. At Washington Square it had been more than the width of the park ahead; miw, the distance was le; s than two blocks. An she came abn-ast of the Library, the colored moons of the traffic tower a*. Foi-ty-second street Hashed froi ' yellow to red to green. She had lost the right of way. .\ll over now! It would be madness to think of trying ti' dart through thai closelocked line of cross-town travel. 1 (Charlie had a sud<len inspiration. ' "Feel in Higgins' upper, left-hand, vest p<x;ket," he shouted l)a< k to Kel- sey, "and see if he hasn't got a police card!" t^uick to catch the <iie. K(!s< y leap- ed at Higgins, and rifling him. thrust SMART FOR CLASSROO.M themselves. Norway, where we get the wood-pulp from to make artificial silk, has started to make it herself. Little Greece has got an artificial sillc factory. Great Britain is not going to bfe behind in this great av€ and the fabrics which are on exhibition I think cannot be surpassed in the whole world. In opening the exhibition Dr. Pick- ard said: "Speaking purely as a scientist, I can only express wonder at the results that are on exhibition here. On perusing the various ex- hibits it is extraordinary how the fabrics, both those composed of art silk alone and those composed of more than one textile material along with art .silk, have improved within the last twelve months. TRIUMPH FOR CHEMIST. "The industry of artificial silk is one of the achievements of the chem- ist, at any rate the chemist made the initial discoveries, but we must not lose sight of the achieVemcnt.s that v/ere noces.'^ary before the industrial development of the factory could pro- duce the results which we now .see be- fore us. When you realize all the properties which go to make an accept- able fabric not only the lustre and the appearance but the 'feel' and the way in which they can be varied with the extent that is possible, one is lost in admiration at the success of the w-ork- ers in this field." Mlnard's Liniment for Grippe. Seniors or Juniors Play These Games They Add Fun to Field Day Sports Several days ago. Pearl Poirier of Plantagenet, one of the senior Corner members, wrote for a leaflet telling of interesting games which might be played at her school's field day sports. Since we did not have a leaf- let all ready to pop into an envelope, A cunning one-piece school dre- of "''"' *""* *" ''<' 'l"'*^ " '"'^ "^ romember- wo<d jersey in new ru»t shade for the''"« ""'' hunting up. In case other smart young miss of (!, 8, 10, 12 and 14 [ ""''â- *'' """^ nephews are interested, we years. The Peter Pan collar is of """^ driving below part of the answer to cri.sp white linen, with tie of dark blue ' ^*'*'''' describing games, novelty races, grosgrain ribbon. Style No. 9.32 re l^''^- I two or three square bits of paste!)oard quires so little time to make, and is I W.\LKING RACE IS FUN. WRIGLEYS p. Ki LCHEWING SWEET in Here is a treat that can't be beat! nenefit and plea* sure in t;eneroua measure! ciw n cpparmint Flavor i,.5oL No. 45â€" '28 through the front window. I Shuffling them rapidly, Charlie : sang out in triumph. I "I've got it! Keep on movinig, Sis- ter." He held it out to show the signature o'f the Police Coninii><ioner. as an angry traffic cop came bellowing to- ward them, and as if by magic, the way opened. ".^nd now for home!" breathed Hope. "No; this wa.v out!" Charlie waved imp;Matively to the left on Forty- fourth street. "Don't think that Hill's Sunda.v school class will bty down as easy as that. I'll bet that the te!e- I)hone wires are bizzing right now to the uptown bunch. There'll lie a gang at either end of the bUnk where your father lives, waiting for us. I'm going to lake you to s> nv people I know on the West Side antil I'm .«ure of a clear track." So, under his direction. Hope drove j Patterns sent by to the apartment on Central Park West, which houseiilthp Cireenbergs. Mr. and Mrs. Greehlierg, the Prin- cets and Miss McCarthy, the ladies in gay evening wraps, were disappearing I through the dcors, while Mr. l,effler was holding a light to the cigaret of Mr. Dave Creenberg. who was just about to drive the family car to the â- garage. "(Jreenberg! Wait!" Charlie hailed; and jumping from Ihe Hmousiiin as I Hope drew up, rui^hefi toward the two men. "Listen fast, l)oys," he said. "We've Mot Hope Ranger here, and want your bus to get her home, fireenberg, you drive us. There's a crowd of gunmen 'after us. Leffler, are you game to scoot our car four or five blocks away, any- where, and leave it?" For the rest of his life Charlie re- tained an inordinate respect for those two young men. They took the situa- tion standing. No running around in circles of excitement. No fool ques- tions. They had been in the war, and YOUR SKIN can be made perfect by the daily use of RKCIIERCUE Cosmetics "Fuv Ladies who care." One 2-ounce .lar of VanLshlng -Cream ' and 1 Box of Face Powder mailed, to any adilre.ss In Ontario for $1.00. i BOBEBTSOK'S. ! 383 Tonara Strae* - • Toronto Para, Brazil. -Reports of the pres- ence of "White Indians' in the Ama- zon Valley have been revived by newspaper dispatches published here telling of the diocovery of such In- dians in the Arayguaya and Tocan- tins regions. • Regret seemed still to linger at the Brazilian natural scientists in Para door; j are planning to equip an expedition Windows were eyeless; all ash-strewn, to explore the region for the purpose the grate; of learning about the White Indians. Wliile trackless gho.sts met 'on the | ... dusty floor. But I have seen faces that Death left smooth From wrinkles dug by Care Where did he find * The twenty years Time lost some- where since youth, So that forgotten features came to mind? And I have thoughtâ€" if thus the body fare. Death to the soul of man a good must be; All stains removed, â€" what beauty must It wear; Wliat shadowless peace enjoy, when It is free! And at a door where Doubt stood with a chill. 1 found Death left a smile upon the sill. â€" Alexander Louis Fraser. $23-25 OCEAN FARE TO CANADA for the Wives and children of British Subjects who ar- rived in Canada prior to June 6, 1928 Cliildren under 17 years â€" FREE Apply at once to : : CANADIAN SERVICE : : Cunard and Anchor -Donaldson Lines Cor. Bay Ohd Wellington Sts., Toronto. â€" or nearest agent Ciliftiniia this winter SUNNY land of fruit and flowers, where living is a joy the whole year 'round. Variety andbcauty! Mile-highmountains . â€" smooth beaches â€" • orange groves, pepper trees and palms. World citiesâ€" quiet retreats. Every sport *â€" every day» all so serviceable. For the 8-year-old, 2! Are you having a "walking race"? yards of 3()-inch material with V* yard I One of the most amusing races I ever* of 20-inch contrasting is sufficient. ! saw was a "walking race" at my Uni- Two major parts to pattern; front | versity Field Day Sports. Those tak- shirrcd on shoulders and along lower 'ing i>art were unusually tall students, slashed openings at either side at , Of course it is against the rules to waistline. Navy blue wool crepe, print- ' break into a run, but it is a great eri jer.sey, printed velveteen, plain I temptation when backers of your jersey,^ in lovely French blue .shade, 'rivals run along beside you, pretending nile green chambray, printed sateen, i to hurry you up, but really tempting candy striped cotton broadcloth, green ' you to break into a trot, pique with white polka-dots and plain! DIVING THROUGH BARREL tan gingham are attractive. Price 20c | Another race with lots of laughs for | oin (coin preferred). I the spectators is an "obstacle race." ! In the one in which I took part, the i contestants were obliged to lie down I with bodies away from and hca<is on starting line. At tho signal "Go" we sprang to standing position and ran , 15 yards to barrels. We were expi'ct-{ ed to "dive" through these. We r;in 1 five yards farther and crawled through I a large net. Five yards ahead we had to climb over a pile of sticks, etc., which made a great bonfire after the sunset for the campfire sing song. We continued 15 yards â€" with our scratch- "California Mid-Winter Escorted Toursâ€" 21 days- expeiiie. '^•* •â- â- - t_j, _. . . -, . ^â- ' Phoenix, Feather _ , . ^_. _, „.,,„, and Denver. Leave Chicago SZturda:^'7antZry*'s"w, February 2-16. March 2-16, 1929. Ask for tUtaiU/ P. 5(M "T. IIcndr.T. r.en. Agent. Santa Fo Ry : Iransportation BIdg.. IK-troli, Mic'h. I'lioiie: ttaudolph ST48 '^^ Aren't the water? Yes luftderstood the value of quick thinking, have their legs out of sight. stamps Wrap coin carefully. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enckise 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferrtHl; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern Servic •, 7;i West Adelaide St., Toronto, return inail. -•:• Minard'a Liniment for Asthma. ^ « Good Deeds Ho Is good tliat does gooil to others. It he suffers for the good he does, he Is better still; and It he suffers from them to whom ho did good he lis arrived to that height of goodness, that iiotliing but an increase of his suffering can add to it; it It proves his dealli, his virtue Is at Its summit â€" it is heroism complete. â€" La nruyere. A vice-presidential candidate does well to present himself as prominent- ly as possible. Whether his ticket succeeds or not, he is rehearsing for a long silence. â€" Washington Star. Solomon's 777th wife: "Sol, are you really and truly in love with me?" Solomon: "My dear, you are one in n thousand!" girls delightful in Ihe and what n relief to HEIMTZMAN & CO. PI.fi N) When in Toronto, cah .it our Ware- rooms, to see these wonderful Instrument* â€" Uurlght â€" Player â€" and Qrand Pianos â€" or write for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List HeintEman Hall IDS Yonge St., Toro.nto J SPIRIN The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know that there is on!\ one genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are culds. and the pain that goes with them ; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirinâ€" at any drugstoreâ€" with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Aspirin la tli» Irmie ni«rk (rejislTnl In CmiaOul ln<l|i'Htliiii H«'-«t Mnmif^i-inre Will* It U w»n known dial AnT'lrln inm » Iln.ni- uinniiruiture. lo iiH»iir.- (ho nil,lic iiralnvi luu.Lj. tloBi, tli« T«bl«iii will bf »;«iin)«J wlHj tlioir "Bver Utw»"' usdcauik. *"" ' ^ .^^.