)^ â- Ol WJ^WfP'^!' Vol. 48 No. 20 Flesherton Ontario. October 17, 1926 W H. Thurtton & Son. Proptietors. Mrs. A. Hoy Layed To Rest Thursday ' ^^ eugEnia A deep gloom was cast over the vicinity whsn the news spread that Mrs. Alex. Hey had passed away to her Eternal Home on Monday night, October 8th, in the Toronto General Hospital, where she had been admit-' ted only a few days previous to re- ceive treatment. For a number of years Mrs. Hoy had been subject to asthma, but it was only a month or so ago that dropsy set in. She was under the doctor's care at her home before enuring the hospital. She bore her sufferings with great fortitude. Her actions and her say- mgs at times led us to believe tha; she knew her time on earth was 15m- 'ted, yet she littie comnlained. On Saturday, October 6th, Mr. Hoy was called to Toronto owing to Mrs. Hoy> serious condition. On Monday ev- ening Mr. Hoy was mformed by the hospital doctors that he could re- turn home for three or four days, *^hat his wife seemed somewhat bel- ter. By the time he arrived, he re- ceived the sad message that his wife had passed away. He immed- iately returned again to Toronto t)y motor. The remains were brougtiT up on Tuesday evening and were talcn to her late residence. The late Mrs. Hoy, whose maiden name was Miss Ethel Mildred Parlia- ment, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parliament, was 42 years of age. She was very in- dustrious, at times her ambition was beyond her strength. Service was held â- in the Unitet: Church, where the remains w.?re tak- en on Thursday afternoon. Her pastor, Rev. Jos. Harrower officiat- ed at the church and grave, preach- ing a very comforting sermon. The choir sang .the beautiful sacred hymns "Asleep in Jesus" and "Rock of Ages." Interment took place beside her mother in Mount Zion Cemetery. The floral tributes, which were numerous and lovely, showing re- spect and love for the deceased were Wreath from husband and daughter, wreath from her four sisters, wreath from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips and fam- ily, wreath from employees of Thom- son and Norris, Toronto, wreath from Eugenia friends and neighbors. A sheaf from tha three aunts in Buf- falo. Sprays from Mr. and Mrs. Will Code and family of Toronto, h?r aunt, Mrs. J. Biakey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy, Mrs. Smith and little son, Bert, Mrs. D. Weber and Mrs. Arnold Lawrence, Kimberley. The flower bearers were Cecil, Earl, Florence and St?lla Tuohy Clinton, Stanley and Fern Magoc ana Bertie Smitli. The pall bearers Messrs Garnet Matgee, Emerson Sim- " mons, Lawrence Lyons and .\ngus Tuohy (4 brothers-ir. VAw) Messrs Thos. Childs and Robt. Biakey. Friends from a distani'c wore her three auntLi, Mrs. Lcechbury, Mi's. Lebert and Mrs. David, and her neph- ew Harcid Tuohy form Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. E. Simmon^! of Drayton. Mr. Chas. Hoy of Toronto, Mrs. Biak- ey and son Robt. of Wareham and the Tuohy family of Meaford. Besides her sorrowing husband and daughter, __Mis3 Mabel, she leaves in sad bereavement, Sarah (Mrs. A. sad bereavement, four sisters, Sarah (Mrs. A. Tuohy) of Meaford, Mao (Mrs. E. Simmons) of Drayton, Myrtle (Mw. G. Magee) 8th line Florence (Mrs. L. Lyons) centre line, Osprey. Two brothers. Earl and Stanley, sacrificed their lives Tn the Great World War. One by one earth's ties are broken, One by one they -ire linked above Some day there will be swccr reunion Once again with those we love. Our profound sympathy is extend- ed to those left in sad bereavement. PRICEVILLE A large force of men are patting n the cement floor of the handsome new bridge and filling in the ap- proaches. They can't be too quick about it for .the water and mud are getting too (Jeep to go through it much longer. Rev. and Mrs. J. Corry and BCrs. A. L. Hincks and Miss Gladys Hincks motored to Toronto on Wednesday morning to visit friends, and returned home Friday evening. Miss Irene Ring of Mclntyre and Miss Irva Magee of Eugenia spent the week end at Mr. David Hincks. In preaching on behalf of the W. M. S., Rev. F. Sullivan spoke not so much on missions, as upon the influ- ence of women in all ages, in biblic- al times as in modern times. Their power for good and assistance they have given to their husbands and their sons, with their acquisition of the franchise greater power will be given to combat all evil to their cred- it, be it said, as announced at the ev- ening service he preached on 11 Com., a new Com. "I give unto you that you love one another." A strong stir- ring exposition, showing the need of greater unity in spiritual things, citing the foolishness of so called Christain Nations engaging in the Great War against each other, and • many other forceful examples quotet*. I Workmen were busy last week pUT- ting in the new front in the hall, un- der the superintendency of Chas. Wat- sen a master carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. John Macmillan of Ceylon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee of Eugenia Sundayed at Mr. David Hincks. Mrs. (Dr.) McFarlane of ArtTiur spent the week end at Mr. .A.ngiis McLachlan's. Mr. Alex, and May Stewart visltec recently in Paisley. Mrs. Bell ac- companied them home after spending a month here. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McLean and Jean Sundayed at Mrs. D. McLauch- lan's. Mr. Neil Norman Sundayed at Mr. Colin McLean's. Mr. and Mrs. .\. B. McArlfhur spent a few days in Toronto. Mi.ss Mabel Nichol visited on Sun- day at Mr. A. L. Hincks. Miss Bradley of Berkley spent the v.-^ck end with her friend. Miss Dor- alda Nichol. Anniversary Services wHl be held in the hall on October 2Sth. U a m. and 7:30 v>.m.. when Rev. J. C. Ross of Waterdown will preach, and on Monday evening Dr. Banks Nelson oi Hamilton will give an address, fwlloTr- ?d by ',"'ntorn slides. Inspector and Mrs. Morrison of Meaford visited on Sunday at Dr. J. E. Milne's. The Willing Helpers will meet in the hall on Friday at 2:30 n.m. .A.11 are cordially invited. Lunch commit- te? are l\Ir% D. CampbeK. Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn, Miss May Stewart. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Lea of Erin will occupy the pulpit in the halt. Some from here attended the Ann»- Mrs. R. J. Carson Died oa Saturday PROrOtf STATION Another of the few remainng pion- eers of this district was laid to rest in the Flesherton Cemetery on Hon day in it he person of Mrs. Margaret J. Carson,, who passed away on Sat- urday afternoon, October 13th. Mrs. Carson, whose maiden nante was Margaret Jane Henderson was bom in Vanghan, 82 years ago and came to Artemesia with her parents when eight years of age. Siirty- three years age she was married to Mr. R. J. Carson and three years later came with her husband to the farm on which she lived until her death, bravely cheerfully, enduring the hardships and toil which were in- evitable to the lot of pioneers, sixty years ago. She was the mother of eleven chili*- ren and lived to mourn the loss or four daughters and also her husbanc, who died sixteen years ago. Her sons, John and Robt. remained wiir. her and were the comfort in her old age. Present at the funeral besides those in the home were her son, Ar- mour Carson, his wife and family ot Toronto; a daughter, Mrs. Miles, husband and family of Allen Park; a daughter, Mrs. Cairns, and husband of Forest and Stanley Carson of To- ronto. There were also present the deceased's bi-others. Dr. T. Henderson Dr. Robt. Henderson, Mr. Samuel Hen- derson cf Toronto and Mr. Jos. Hen- derson of Maxwell, and her sister, Mrs. Paul of Fcversham and Mrs. Johnston of Dundalk. Many a time was Mrs. Carson a friend in need in days gone by, whev, such friends wera badly needeil. Beautiful tloral offerings were en the casket. Rev. Mr. Pogson, the -â- Vnglican Rector, conducted the ser- vice. The pall bearers were Chas. Lyons, Wm. Lyons, Sam Batchelor, Robt. Acheson, Jos. Park and Thos. Wauchope. BAAXWELL vcrsary Services at Durham Suncia;-, also the supper Monday night. Mr. r.nd Mr3._iVp.gus McVicar spent a few days in Ti>ronto. . Mr. John Nichol has purchased a ncv; Chev. coach. PIT YOUR THOUGHT INTO IT Whatever your work, do not try to get out of thinking. I; is true thai some work can be dispatched with very little thought, but when done in this fashion, it helps to turn us into automatons, whereas if done with thought, it is educational. The work- er who uses only his hands, never gets far up the ladder. Many a one who started as a manual worker, however, but who made his brains go into partnership with his hands, is now a prominent figure among those who count. One of the secrets of success is do all the thinking 'pos- sible instead of talking the more pop- ular way of getting along with as little as possible. Harvest Home Services were eon- ducted in the .Anglican church here on Sunday last by Rev. Mr. Pogson. A large congregation attended. It is regretted that Mr. Pogson is leavin.a: for another field of labor and will preach his farewe'.I sermon on October 28th. The Ladies' Guild held a successful sale of work on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Ed. Stinson is spending a few days in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong of Toronto were Sundav visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A<;heson. The Anniversary Services will be held in the United church next Sun- day, October 21st. Morning ser- vice will be held at 11 o'clock and the evening service will be held at 7:30 pan. A Fowl Slipper will be held on Nov- ember 5th. A play "Just like Per- cy" will be given. More particulars later. Congratulations to Mr. Emerson Parker and bride (nee Miss Bernice Essland of the 10 line, Osprey.) We wish them much joy. We are sorry to report Mr. Levi Pallister under the doctor's care, but hope to see him around again soon. Mr. Leslie Poole moves this week from the 10th line to a farm recent- ly vacated by Mr. W. H. Guy, one half mi!e east of the viHage. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Poole and family to our community. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. R. J. Morrison. After the business part of the meeting Mrs. Geo. Ross gave a paper, "The essentials in a girl's education." Mrs. R. X. Mor- rison gave a humorous reading. The hostess then served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly an>r daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Long and Miss May Linley of Dundalk were Sunday visitors in this commun- ity. Owing to the Harvest Home Ser- vices at Mount Zion the evening ser- vice was cancelled here last Sur-- (Ja.v. Quite a number from here at- tended Mount Zion. Miss Margaret Hawton of Favcr- sham spent Sunday with her friene. Miss Mabel Ross. The C. O. F. held a card party anC social evening on Wednesday last at Mr. Thos. Guy's. A very enjoyable evening was spent. LADY BANK CEYLON Mr. Chas. Irish and two children Mr. Joshua Dobson had what who have been on an extendede visit might have been a more serious acci- ' left Wednesday for their home in To- dent on Thursday of last week. He ' ronto and was accompanied by her was climbing what is known in this ' sister. Miss Reta Hemphill, who will neighborhood as "Pinches Hill" with remain with her sister for a holiday, his threshing outfit, when the sbear-j j,r. and Mrs. Rob. Rutledgs and ing outfit on the engine broke, let-'t^o children have returned to their go back- j,j,^g ^^ Roderick, Ont. ting everything attached, go back wards down the hill. Willard Benson' engineer, jumped clear in time w! save himself from serious injuries ' or perhaps death. | Beautiful weather at time of writ-] ing with our stately maples in their, dress of the golden shade. I Miss Winnifr'?d McMuIlen of Toron-i to is the guest of her mother, sister and brothers here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMuIlen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis at Kimberley. Miss Janie Semple is spending a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushinie, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crosking of Toronto were week end visitors at R. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith and daughter, Joanne of Toronto spens the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. I Arrowsmith and family. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. McMuIlen, Mr- I and Mrs. Roy Piper motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. I Mrs. Bell, who has been for some I weeks visiting her brother, returned I the past week to her home in Pais- , Iwy and was accompanied by her bro- I ther, Mr. Alex. Stewart, and Misses ROCK MILLS FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mr. Burton Carruthers left by mot Mr. A. F. Pedlar spent the first of ', or on Monday for Sault Ste. Mario, ths week in Meaford. [ after spending the past month at his Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Weeks and two â- parental home. children visited the lattcr's sister, I Mrs. Mather of Lodon. England, i.* Mrs. Alex. Carruthers, for a few days | visiting at the home of Robt. Pur\ • the past week. I Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Carruthers of ^ Harisburg, Penn., moto||d over and r.'r. R. S. McGirr has relumed home froM the hospital in Toronto, whove ho has been for the last six wocks having uiulovKonc three sei-ious oper- ations. Sorry to report that ho is not much improved in health. Nurse Burritt is in attendance. Mrs. John Paul received th > r -ws cf her sister's death, Mr.-. \\'n\. Car- son, of Proton, on Saturd.iy last. The funeral was largaly attended on Mcn- dav to Flesherton Cemetery. Sorry to report lh.it Misj; Mary Speer i^ under tha debtor's care, at present; wo hope for a 'speedy rec- overy. . Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby attended flie wcddin.er of Mr. Eby's niece at Pais- ley, on Wednesday last. Miss Edith Sample of Lady Bank spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Hazel .''Jexande.r here. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Mitchell of Flesher- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Girr on Sunday. Mrs. Karvey of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. McGirr at present Mr. Jos. McGirr a-.id f.-imily of Boe- \ nor visited on Sunday with his broth- er, R. S. McGirr, who is very i'.l at present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley and son Cecil motored to Toronto and called on friends. The Durham Furniture Company finished cutting out their large stock of logs at their mill here last week. Now the old mill is silent once more. The company have a large amount of lumber in their y^rds at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hargrave of Wareham and Mr. and Mrs. Job Small and son of Alliston wore visitors re- cently with the former's brother here. Mr. Jni. Hargrave and family. Messrs Clayton and Kenneth Betts motored to Parry Sound and spent the week end with friends there. A good crowd attended th? Harvest Hon^.o Services, which were held in tho Baptist church here last Sunday morning and evening. Chas. Newell purchased a driving horse last week. Mr. Baker of Proton Station had charge of the Sunday evening sor- vicc at Salem church. Thr>re will bo service in the church next Sunday at 7.;?0 r-ni. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferris and daugh- ter Isobel and sojj. Howard of Toronto visited on Sunday v.-ith ^Ir. and Mrs. i Robt. Croft and family. Quite rt number from here .attend- , cd the funn-a' of the late Mrs. A. H'oy of Eucenia, on Thursday last. Wc extend our sympathy to the bereaved ores-. few weeks in Toronto at present. Miss Flor^ce Freeman of Rob Roy ' Mary and Doris Stewart, is the guest of Miss Edith Sample! j^^ ^^^^-^ McPhatter and two this week. daughters and Miss Moffat of Owen Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson spent I Sound visited at Mr. Fred Wright's a day last week with the latter's par- and called on other friends the past ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sayers, town week, line, Collingwood, and Osprey. jj^. and Mrs. Knell and family of Providence Ladies' -â- V.id held their | Owen Sound visited the first of ttie October meeting at the horn" of Mrs. week at Mr. L. Duckett's. Wm. Sample. The next meeting re jjj. ^^^ j(,.g Lyle Mathewson. Mr. be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Mc- ; jj^rry and Fred Mathewson and Miss Kenzie on the Uth. Members please ] g^^f ^f Toronto motored up for the attend and visitors welcome. ; ^^.g^j. g^j ^^ jjj.. Wm. Mathewson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SampTe snentj jj^ Hickman of Toronto is night Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John ^^^^^ ^^^^ f^^ ^ ^^^^i^ ^f .veeks dur- Lougheed. at Brovster's lake. j^^ ^^e extra rush and delivery or Master Bert Roberts had the mis- g^ajn from the Owen Sound elevat- fortune to get his knee jammed while or. working in the bush one day last| ^^^ ^^^ jj^s. Gordon Jackson ana we hope he will soon be. ^^^^^ j^^j^^ ^^^ y^^. Grapemyer or : Dundas were week end visitors at week, but well again Mrs. .Arthur Hoiroyd spent a day recently with friends at Nottawa. , Mr. Jas. McKenzie had the mis fortune to lose from his pocket two five dollar bills and a ten spot in Feversham last Wednesday evening. If anyone should be so lucky as to find this it would be worth more than a little bit of money on the day c» Reckoning to return it to the owner. Miss Jennie Izard has returned to her home here, after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Paul of Feversham. Mr. Donald McLeod's. Mr. and Mrs. John Whittaker spent the week end with their brothers, Messrs .A.ngus and .Arthur Whittaker. Mr. Will Campbell and Mr. Russell Purdy visited the first of the week with friends in the vicinity of Eugen- ia. Born â€" On October 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir, the gift of a son. Congratulations. Mr. Norman .Archibald. Miss Ros* Malard from the west, Mrs. Sarah 1 .Archibald of Hanover spent the week end in this vicinity. HOLDFAST L. F. W. O. Walter Buchanan, a pupil in th? Miiddle School. Thornbury. has th" distinction of obtaining four firsts in the recent examinations â€" ^viz . British Hi.story (this year a difficult subject.) Chemistry, Latin .Author-, Latin Composition. Owing to the busy season there was a smaller attendance than usua! at the Holdfast U. F. W. O., which wa.5 held at the homo of Mrs. Geo. Fisher. It was decided to have a sale ct home baking in Flesherton on Octob- er 27th. Mrs. J. K. McLeod gave a paper. "That the city gives a better oppor- tunity for developing the mind thaTr the country" and Mrs. A. Stewar* gave one. "That the country provides a better opportunity for developing the mind than the city." The next meeting is the annus? rr.cetir.g, and wiil be held at the home of Mrs. Peter Muir. Mrs. W. A. BE.ATOX, See. I ^y^. Up-to-date ^ sIrvice AT ALL TIMES FLtlSHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. ^. IC^ Bastist Church Servicesi REV. M. SAINDERS. Pastor .•^TIND.AY. OCTOBER 21st, 132S Flfsherton 1 1 a.nv and 7 p.in- Rock Mills 3 p.m. Rally Day. Ordinance of Believers' Baptism will be administered afternoon and even- ing, Rev. H. Criokington in charge at 7 p.m. Bates Burial Co. 122-121 Avenue Road TORONTO Phone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. 5 .A weil-equipped still was discovcrci^ ' on the farm of Charles Stainsby. in Culross township. Stainsby made a get-away so the cops arrested his wife. -*r. spent a {f\v days with the former's cousin, Alex. Carruthers and famity of Mountain View Farm. 'Wc are sorry to report Mr. Thof. Genoe ouitc ill. A nurse and doctor are in attendance. We hope he maj soon be well again. Messrs Russell Purdy and Wm. Campbsll visited on Sunday at Mr. A. F. Pedlar's. Miss Ida Bowerman of Toronto vis- ited with her aunt, Mrs. McMuIlen. For opening a carton of beor while enroute from Walkcrton to Hanovc.-, Alvin Rachcr o." the latter place w.is fined $100 and costs of .'$8.75. M. Lee ot Dundalk is disposing of his store goods and will .shortly leave for Toronto, where he intends opening a stpr? on Dundas st. A woman v.-as fined $2.00 and co~».^ in Coilingwood police court for Stop Look Listen An item, re â€" Born to Mr. an4 Mrs. assault which arose over her milk- Basil Carruthers, a daughter. W? ing her neighbor's cow which has were misinformed, the baby is a boy. strayed upon her property. Blac^ and his name is "Donald Lewis." eyes aiid bruised arms bore the test< Sorry this error was made, imony to the heat of the conflict. SALT We will have a car at Ceylon within a few days and are selT- ing at the following special prices off car:- 100 lb. bags $ ..70 140 lb. bags 95 200 lb. bags 1 2.'> Barrels, 280 lbs 2 20 Pressed Blocks. 50 lbs 40 Iodized Table Salt 10 Fine-n Quality. Also have smal- ler bags, coarse salt, etc. TERMS â€" CASH A. C. MUIR <l> _jl^ 'Phone 38 r 3 j_ ("^j Mr. Farmer and Poultryman:- ^ This i.s iho time to feed your Stock and Poultry a. tonic: just when you are putiin.ix them in the stable for the lontr Avintcr months. It is choajior to feed the best, ha is why you should toed Dr. Hess Tonic. ^ We carry a lull line, consistin": of the following Poultry Pan-aCea, Instant Louse Killer, White Diar- rhoea, Heave Powder, Roup Tedblets, Stock Tonic for Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep â€" A Conditioner anC Worm Expeiler. ^ ,^^ W. J.S tewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont ^