errr: II n SAUDft Ntv»r beffire has such care been used In preparing ^ teas for the public. Never before has such a blend of high quality teas beer made, as In '«SALADA". This flavour, this unfailing dellcicusness Is bring- ing pleasure to millions. Amateur Talks to Africa by WALioweD m MR».Wll.bOM WOODQOW ^ uiimiurT»'» my ' BE(JIN HEBE TODAY. Hi tb« uncoMdons Bristow, KelMyj walked out of the office and locked the door behind iiiim. There was no on* aLoat. Even the chAuffeur was not in sisrht, havi.iir left the big, gray car in the roadway, while be strolled oround to the inde of the house to engage in bandinage with one of the attrrdants. Kolsey's eyf» swept the lawn. Hope was nowhere to ie seen. For one "All riwht. Mias Susy, called tb* ^^^_^j^ ^^^^ ^^ jj,^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Hope Ranger, daughter of Tx)ring '"""*\ _â„¢ won t speak to you. 1 11 „ up-*nd thfln he saw her. She Ranger, is missing and a reward of a-i •»<'/'>f'it there and protect you. ^^^ clinging to one of the porch pil- hundred thou^nd dollars is offered by She turned to the girl on th» bench , obstinately^ng all the ef- her wealthy father for her safe re- "Now y.ull sUy here, dear "ntil I ,^^^^ ^, ^,,^ ^^^ ^^ ^j^ j^, turn. Asmsting in the search for [cwne for you, won't you t" Then she ^^j ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ and the nurse saw 'him "Do help me. Dr. Kelsey," she beg- Hope are her father's two friends, i hurried away. Lustice Higby, attorney, and Juarez I "There's only one thing that bothers "^ A^iommanTcoTe. from Hope's J\Z" ''r'-"Z"lt^Ay.fa:::^l\ gedr""r'^n'?k;;«.Thrf's ^ ductors for Ranger to deposit in al^^*^'â- P'^" '."** ^^"^ ">'>«' 'J""'^^" ?*^ ! her. She's usually so amenable, but specified plax.e a hundred thousand ; '•™«- . They force us to go m «t six;^^ ^^ refuses to go in. I've sent '^^ °** f or her sister; but maybe, if you'll I dollars worth of bonds. This is done ! o'^l'x^''. VO" Imow, and you may according to in-structions At Dr. Bri.<-;to\v'g sanitarium a friendship arises between Dr. George U !• Ol* Kelsey, who is detained there, and IVaQlO r^HOTie vera Copley, pationt, who is register- led as Nur?e Anita Copley's sister. I ^ _ ._,. , Alderman Higgins is making his home L. L-arter Converses With! at the hospital and Dr. Morton is an Station at Cameroons, as^'^tant there. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. at Cameroons, C.A., on Picture Send- ing Set Tor what 1h believed to be the timo In the history of radio, Ul commuaicallon by rudio talephoim \^r^^ nonscnfe. able to do your part so soon. If not, I must stay behind." "I will never leave without you," Kelsey declared firmly. They talked a moment or two longer, and then Kelsey. giving a start as if he had just awakened from a reverie, got up and walked back to the house. ~ His sleeples.s night, the full realiza speak to her, she'll listen." Kelsey waved the woman to stand aside, and laid his hand on Hope's arm. As if yielding to a superior will, she ; let go the pillar; and with the man- ner of soothinig her, he led her along the verandah. "Now!" he said when they reached the steps leading down to the drive; THE BIFOCAL YOU HAVE HOPED FOR It removes the hazard of stairway*. It allow* freedom of action of the eyes. Gives greater comfcJrt In reading. Does not Imprison the eye behind a blurred field. A British Invention. Ask Your Eye Specialist. She was sane. He knew it He tion of the dangers that threatened ! ^^^ catching her hand, he rushed her could not be deceived. The idea that j Hope, the feeling that he wjis about, ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ,^^^ ^^.^^ nrs r. person of her i^elf-c-ontrol, her clear ; to embark on the m<,st momentous ad- ^^^.^ ,,j ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^^ root perception, was harboring a delusion l venture W his kfe had left him hag- .^^ ,^ ^^,„pH t.h« Rt«<r Wpr And if she said she ! gard and pale. was ostabll.,hed with Central AfrUa ,,^3 Hope Ranger, it was eo. He be rTackTn the office again, he worked j ^^-^^^^^"^ ^.'?^^!^!^ r.tHUIy v.-cn jrank L. Carter. Long . 1;,,,^^ her. He required no proof ne- steadily for a few minutes and i\^on\.J^ZTJ!^lrT^J .^tZ^Z V^^^ I'-Ianil Cltv Np^' Vrirk- nnmtpiir nick- i i. â- i j di,w.i..ij .y. » » j > • v j 1 llower-Defls anfl lov/ shrUDoerv, head- I. laml ( lt> , N<^ York, amateur, pick j.„„j ^er .simple word. [ dropped h.8 pen ar.i pressed his hands , .^^ ^^^.^^^_ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^ ^.^j, (To be continued.) 0(1 III) the microphone of his shorty Doctor-like, though, he kepi men- 1 to his temples with an uncontrollable wavo transmitter at 4.30 p.m. day.,t^j,y buttressing his decision with ' groan light llnio, and carried on a - . . . . . "> flon for a solid lioi:r with station rQPM, located at Cameroons, Central Africa. Operathip arguments from the books, and it I "Something the matter. Doctor?" .struck him that he had read only a nristow's secretary, who was work- ' day or two before a passage which l ing acrofs the room, looked up sym- seemed to have a direct application, j pathetically. i „ ... ,. „ , .. „v„v. . I IJf^ reached over to his book-shelf to "A touch of mV old enemy, neural- witli the ca 1 letters. 2X1 N, gran ed ^^^^ j,^^^, ^^^ ^.^,^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ,nd pa." Kelsey answered. "I slept in under a special license the Federal Radio Commission especially for experimental work with picture transmission, Carter, who is a member of the Institute of ftadio Knglueers, is seeking to perfect a metliocj of transmitting "atiU pic- tures" on fchort wav« Icnpth.^. The , , , , j l.^ â„¢<l ! . .» ., . ^.^ t l j chanurl prantod to him for this work l^J^^A.^l" '"".^*L^^:t"Lir.^V ^^^^ ! these notes off this afternoon. I had or approximate- as he did so, a folded, yellow piece of , a draft last night." newspaper dropped out â€" that frag- 1 "Why don't you lay off?" urged the ment of Sunday supplement. He had ! eecretary. "I'll explain to Dr. Bris- thrust it in there as a bookmark. tow." Spreading it out on the table, he | "No," said KeLsey drearily; "I'll studied its array of portraits. There; stick. It's rather important to get 16 20 A Smartly Simple Frock This one piece (ruck i.<! an extremely tm.irt and casilv-fashiciied style. There are tucks at c.itn shoulder, a convertible collar, Ion? dart-fitted sleeves, i^r short slcivcs with cutis, a belt, and a front bam! adorned with buttons. .NO, 1620 it in fijes 16, 18 and 20 years. .Size 18 (36 bust) renuirrs VJ yards .W-inrh, or 2-% yards 54-iiirh material; H yard less 39- inch maten'al lor short sleeves ; 1 ),; yards additional 30 inch contr.-istinK is requin-d for View It Price 20 cents the pattern. HOW TO OKUKR PATTERNS. Write your name and adJicss plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in jtamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address yotir order to Wilson Pattern (•ervire, T.', Wost Adelaide St., Toronto, rattcrns ecnt by return mail. The Mexican Muddle New York World: The next best thing to a i-loar utidcrstamllnK of a political situation Is tu realize clearly that you don't understand It. For our- ^elvo,^, wo do not understand the conrun of ovoiits in Mexico City since Ihi) asHUHHlnatinn of Cenerul Ohregon. Tho corri •^pondonts hifvo no doubt done thoir best, but It is plain enough that thoy do not understand It either. This Is not surprising in view of tho fact that, as In Italy, there la no in- depondoiit press to which correspond- ents ran turn for news and Interpre- tation of events, that tho real leaders of tho ObreKori party were away from Mexico until Wednesday attending tho funoral, that President Callcs Is diffl- cult to Interview at a time like this, and that Mexico (Mty Is a whispering gallery of rumor. I:; ou S.lfiS kllocyd'. ly 36.6 meters. , ., ,r o i . ,,-â- ,,,,„„ ,,,,, ,. , „ ,. „„ i„ ' were the same as Verna Cooley s I'lnutng that the .'Icg'aph code i - ' was a df Iriiiieiit to the quick response i i;eces3ary in making a<ljustinenta 1 hair was arranged differently, but the ; n pretty had twinge just now, but it features, tho contour, the expressions CHAPTER XIV. from reports received when communi- cating with stations while experi- menting with the transmission of pic- tures, Cartor installed a microphone in order to use voice transmission. Ucporta on the tremendous strength Throughout the night Kelsey sat in his chair. The thought of going to bed did not even occur to him. On only one point could he think clearly, or come to a decision â€" he must Eee the girl without delay, at the of tho carrier wave station, 2XBN, earliest possible moment. He must indicated that staiions within a rea- ' warn her to be on her guard, to ques- Bonablo rrdius would have no trouble tion every move or suggestion of those undoislanding the radiophone, but ' about her. after the installation of the micro- ^ As the day broke, he eagerly scan- phone, the results exceeded Carter's , ned the morning sky, and thanked greatest expectations tenfold. | fortune that it was fair. If the wea- Oiio Sunday at 1.30 a.m. In the early ' ther were rainy or threatening, she morning, Carter succeeded in "rais- ! would not be allowed on the grounds, ing" a French amateur near Paris j The sun, though, was rising on a whoso call letters were given as mo<iel June day, rare enough for any FE-&EST, and after requesting the poet's forolguor to stand-by, ho plugged in j He knew that there was no chance and asked. "How are you receiving of her appearing before ten o'clock; this radiophone? Can you under, i and fo after breakfast he went to the stand what I am saying?" Tlie, office and pretended to be deep in his I-'rencbmau's report astounded and 'research work, although his eyes were pleased Carter so much, that on the 'constantly seeking tho clock, same day. In the late afternoon, when j On the strfike of ten he hurried out, tho BlgncL of a station signing j but only to find her closely attended KQ-PM wore detected, ho turned on ' by the nurse who had been with her arm transmitter and sent a cull HoctlnK ^ the day before. The same thing was true at eleven, and again at twelve. But when he made his next recon- naissance, his heart leaped. Hope, as ho called her by now, was sitting alone on the stone bench where ho had talk- ed to her the day before. She was may pass away. But again and again d.uring the afternoon he writhed in unmistakable pain. After the secretary left at five MInard's Liniment for Blistered Feet. British Broadcating Earns $2,000,000 Net London â€" Tho British Broadcasting Corporation's report for 1927 shows a total income for the year of $4,508.- 130. of which $4,004,796 was received for licenses. The sum of $2,438,640 was spent on programs. There were 68,000 hours of trans- mission during the year with only about twenty hours of breakdown. Mustc occupied two-thirds of the pro- gram. An Increased Interest In educa- tional broadcasting is shown, the re- port says. Four thousantt schools were known to listen to London and Daventry alone â€" double the number of thg^ previous yecr â€" and about 1.500 adult educational bodies co-operated in the distribution of the sessional talks program. The total number of listeners in. creased by 217,000 during the year to 2.395,174. The flve-mlnute charitable appeals on Sunday were known to have realized $200,000, thoiigh the actual sum was considerably larger. TONGUE TWISTER A glowing gleam, growing green. The wish that was wished was very. well wished. Five fine flsh for frying. A big mixed biscuit tin. A big beadle placed a body in a big black box Wilful Winnie went warbling to Wembley, when Wily Willie wiiacked Wilful Winnie well. Peter Parker patted poor portly Percy Patrick; portly Percy Patrick panted. -•\ KeLsey snatched the hypodermic and drove tho needle into Bristow's across tho ocean and into the depths of Central Africa. The African Im- mediately responded, saying that he was almost overcome with surprise at tho novelty of hearing a voice come filtering out of tlie air calling for him from such a greet distance, writing on her pad as usual, and the instead of the usual telegraph signals.' Other stations who have been com- municated with recently and advised to listen for the picture transmission from 2XBN are OA-5DX, In Australia, halfway around the earth, who was In touch with Carter's station at 2.30 p.m. New York time, while the after- nMin sun was still high In the sky here; and un amateur signing GI-A8, nurse had turned her attention to a more difficult patient. Kelsey sat down a foot or two away from her and pretended to watch the men pulling down the wall. The girl went on scribbling, her face turned a little way from Kelsey j but as he seated himself she began talking low and fast. "Ijet me talk first," she said, "I've who gave his location as Qdytlvken, ^ to make clear to you my plan for South Georgia Island, which is more than 1000 mllos oa-st of the souther- ly tip of South America. Using the {;(M)ley system. Carter conducts his picture IrunsinlHsion ex- periments every Monday, Wednus. ""Vvi" |';y'""y «^^'"'"R "i »"«""">» I ;vtho m;;eti7g wkhourfaiT." at 3978 Bliss Avunuo, I.iong Island City, on the 36.6 met<!r wave. Sev- eral other crys-lals make available channels at 37.5, ;j'J, 41, and 42.125 meters. ' getting away, while 1 have the chance, Dr. Bristow is going to town this cveninig?" "Oh, yes," he answered. "I heard him on the telephone this morning telling the chairman that he would be Fast, Light Craft Lead French Naval Program was on fire with it "Then we can manage it!" There was a thrill in her voice. "Listen." And while she scribbled, she un- folded to him a plan so simple and yet EO supremely audacious that it took his breath. Before she had half finished, ho had caught her idea and WRIGLEYlS H^B^ More ^^H H^T your B^ HB money â- • â- m* and ihi best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money Pails.-- Iiifonnadiiu obtained at the French naval ministry has disclosed that tilt' niival program, designed to give FraiKi! a powerful modern (loot, will bo atigmentid this year by tho construction of throe IO,000-ton cruis- ers, lw(!lv<' notllla leaders, eight do- stroycr.M, twenty-nine submarines and othi-r craft. The flotilla loaders of the destroyer type are tho largest afloat. Two cruisers built last year have recently proved by tests to bo tho fRstest ships of their size In tho world. The war-tinu! French fleet, almost obr^olescont at tho armistice, Is being replaced with ships that are fast, light and economical, ships destined to guard tho 36,000 miles of sea com- munications between the homeland and tho empire overseas. Sixty mil- lion people live In these colonies and the area Is many times that of France. Ho drew his cap down over his eyes, and clasping his hands behind cmi Kmployer (to butler) you BO late?" Butler: stairs, sir." "That ought not to have taken you very long." IC8UE No. 32â€" '2a MInard't LInlmtntâ€" A rtllabi* flrat aid his head, stretched his feet out lazily The nurse came toward them, and Hope, with a swift movement, slipped her pencil beneath her on the bench. She loolted nervously aliout and then as tho woman stood before her, she glanced up with troubled appeal. "I've lost my pencil," she said. "I was writing a beautiful story, but what can I do without a pencil?" Kol.sey, as if ho hadn't noticed her before, took a pencil from his pocket and handed it to her. She thanked him and began to wTite again. "She'll keep that up for hours," the nurse smile<i at Kelsey. "Not a word cut of her, and never moving from the spot Lucky for me, too. Her sister is on the sick list and I've got charge of Vema, but my hands are full this afternoon with Miss Suay Doane. She's seeing mashers peeping out from "What made ' behind every bush, trying to flirt with "I fell down- her." She was interrupted by a scream. The patient she had just left was' backing away in terror from a los- ing gftrdtnMT. o'clock he made hardly any pretense at writing, but sat with his head in his hands, twisting about in his chair as each fresh paroxysm seized him. At about ten minutes to six Bristow came in, wearing a cap and a motor coat over his evening clothes, ready to start for town ; and he at onco noticed the condition of his collaborator. "What's wrong, man?" he asked quickly. "You look done up." "One of my ghastly neuralgia at- tacks." Kelsey tried to suppress an- other groan. "I'm afraid I haven't been able to accomplish much this afternoon. The darned thing has been growing worse all day, and although I've tried all my usual remedies, I don't seem to get on top of it I'm wondering if you will give me a shot of morphine â€" a gootl stiff one?" "Surely." Bristow laid down his gloves, and passing into a lavatory just off the office, prepared his hypo- dermic. At last the doctor was back. Kelsey had already taken oft his coat and rolled up his shirt elceve, and now he apathetically extended his left arm. But as Bristow bent ov^ to apply the neeille, Kehoy's riglit shot up in a Quick, wicked smash to the doctor's jaw. A good boxer in his college days, ho had never driven to the but- ton with a better aim. Bristow's head snapped back, and lifted f.nirly off his feet, ho went back- ward to land across a leath;^r couch reveral feet away, where he lay dead to tho world. Kelsey snatched the hypodermic from the floor, and jerking open the cuff of Bristow's shirt, pushed it back and drove the needle into his arm. "There, I guess that will hold yoii for a while!" As he straightened up, the clock was on tho stroke of six. This was the hour when the nurs f : and at- tei'.dants would be shepherding in the patients, and the verandah would be deserted. With one vindictive glance Interviewer (to big business man): "I have called to learn the secret of your unparalleled tuccess." Big Bu.=i- ness Man: "Just one moment, please. Are ycu from the press or the dis- trict attorney's offlce?" NEW A.NI) SUieillTLV USED, Kat. 11103 .x»rs no IT, blill plug I'aUI. Write for Latest illustrated ;yL'irt.< and Aci'es.^or- iesFRKIJ CATA- LOflUE. Paerlaas Btcycl* , ,'( Works, \<::ji/ 191-3-S Dniiams 8t. W., Toronto. NURSES knovi/, and doctors hav* declared tliere's notking quite liko Aspirin to relieve all sorts of aclaea and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin the name Bayer should be on the package, and on every tr.'akt. Bayer IS genuine, and the word g^.iuins â€" ^in red â€" is on every box. Yoa can't go wrens if you will just looii at the box: la tho trade nicrlt (rMtaterfd In U«';a(1.\) Indlci'Jnj BtTtf UaKuftcf-ire. While « ft vrell , 10TO that Aspirin ra.ja-j3 Uojor m»n\*. WHEN IN TORONTO Stay at the Royal Cecil Hotel Cor. Jarvli and Dunda* Sts. Every Room With Private Bath Rates II.SO up â€" Garage at HottI 1 Minutes Walk to Shopping Diatrict. Q-,, Uu&Wrapped^W ^ -ler popula.r EDDY TISSUES 'C0TTAO8* The Sneat TlMu* (hat money can bay. ]ooo tbcet*. Areil |oo4 Roll fall wtlghu 70C •Imcii. ghu TOO •ONUWON* Keat, hai.dioir..*, «on*^act, lltfScat tfMlc t i tatie. n-cilwo thtelt tt a nine. is more economical / EVEN on the straight issue of price you pet more for your money when you buy WHITE SWAN TISSUE at 1 5c. a toll The big WHITE SWAN ROLL gives >-ou more paper â€" 750 sheets, full countâ€" mote than tluee times as much as the otdinaiy }c. toll. Actualtf one "WHITE SWAN" at 15c is a more ecoa. omical purchase than three average 5c. toUs. And when )'ou putcliase WHITE SWAN you are getting a paper of teal quality, a tissue wonhy of your tine hatliroora appointments. Every roll o{ it is completely wrap^ied, protected against taint •nd dust, guarded fiom all uiuieccssaiy handling. Ask yout ilnlct Cot WlilTE SWAH the Tissue of iBinuculaK cleanness aoJ big valu^. EDDY'S ^oUetj TIS8USS riNEST VALUES IN CANADA E r.B. tPOV'CO.. LIMrTEO, MULL.CfcMAPA. M