WEDNE8DAT. JUNE «, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Bverything Needed For Plnishlng Your Garden And Seeding HOE RAKE SPADE SHOVEL WIREâ€" 1 and 2 inch meth Chicken Wire. Black and Galvanized wirtf 18 inch Rower Bed Wire. SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS CORN RAPE TURNIP MANGEL A. E. HAW, Ceylon store Closed Tuesday and Friday Evening. Health Service . of the • CANADIAN BIEDICAL ASSOC. TYPHOID FEVER SCHOOL REPORTS Report of S. S. No. 3, Sprinsliill Sr. 4th â€" Elsmore Fisher*, Kllen Parker*. Billy Fisher*, Jean Beard. Sr. 3rdâ€" Kenneth Orr', Merle Al- len*, Willie Parker*, Delia Vauso, Wilfred Best, Doris Waller. Jr. 3rdâ€" Harold Johnston', Mar- jorie Wyatt. Sr. 2nd â€" Patsy Beard*, Elsie White* Jr. Pr. C. â€" Eileen Johnston, Lor een Johnston, Lloyd Waller * means those present every day. G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 14, Osprey Sr. 4â€" Violet Udell 67. Sr. 3â€" <}race Thompson 63. j Jr. 3â€" Grace Sullivan Sr. Pr.-Georgina Blackburn. Eus.l^V"*^^^ Sullivan 71, Golden W. 86, Clayborne 65, Hazel sc-1 Johnston, Audrey McCracken*, Walter Russell*, Doris Fisher*. Jr. Pr. Aâ€" Ruby Vause*, Everett Parker, Ivan Waller, Billy Wyatt, Reginald Orr. Jr. Pr. B â€" Irene Doupe, Doupe. Edgar Softyi Season Opens! Small Advertisements Jr. aâ€" Wm. Radley 77, Sr. 1â€" Beatrice Sullivan 84. Part S. 1 â€" Margaret Radley. The marks represent percentages CLARA M. SHORT, Teacher. Advertise in The Advance A Few Specials Pure Lard, 1 lb. prints 20c Pure Lard, 3 pound pails 50c Corn Syrup, 5 lbs 35c. Corn Syrup, 10 lbs 69c. Fresh Date Cookies, per lb 2Sc Try Watson's Bulk Tea Nu-Jell, 3 packages for 25c DeLuxe Jelly Powders, 4 for 25c Call and see our new line of Hosiery and Men's Shirts. A. W ATSON We Defliver. Phone 60. Typhoid fever is usually caused by using contaminated water or milk. The most effective and practical way to prevent Typhoid Fever is, there- fore, to safeguard milk and water supplies. To do this, is, without ques- tion, the responsibility of every mun- icipal government. To do this is also the common-sense procedure of the families who have their own water and milk supply. If this care is taken, there is but little danger of contracting typhoid fever as long as no other water or milk is used. Durinij the summer many go out into the country on short and long trips. It is at such tims that water and milk, which are not safeguarded as to their safety, are frequently used. Amongst those recovering from typhoid fever are some cases who continue to pass out the germs of the disease. Such persons are known as "disease carriers." As to whether or not these carriers are dangerous depends largely on their occupation Carriers should not be employed in the preparation, serving or handling of food. It was demonstrated beyond quest- ion during the Great War, amongst Canadian soldiers and those of other countries, that the use of typhoid vaccine gives practically a sure pro- tection against this disease. Because of these facts wc aJvse inoculation aganist typhoid fever for anyone who is at all likely to use water and milk from sources he does not know and who is not prepared to boil, or otherwise make safe, the water and milk before using. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered by letter. Questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB POTATOES GRAIN AND SEEDS A. C. MUIR CEYLON. ONTARIO 'Phone 38 r 3 Ft>K SALB FOR SALE â€" Five head of young cattle, 4-year olds and one 2 year old. H. Patton, Flesherton, phone 42 r 5. FOR SALEâ€" Singer Sewing mach- ine, like new, price reasonable. â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the six rommunities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdaie, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Final Clearance of Ladies' Spring Coats We are ofering^ our entire stock of Ladies' Spring Coats at Special Clearance Prices. The policy of the Hill Stores is not to carry any line from one season to another; so we have grouper our stock into two groups: Group No. 1 â€" Coats up to $27.50 Clearance Special $14.95. Group No. 2â€" Coats up to ?18.5C Clearance Special $9.85. Millinery Department You will find greatly reduced prices in our Millinery Dcpartjnent. Wondjcr- ful assortment of Matron's and young Matron's, Misses' and Children's Hats in all the newest shades, stvles and materials. Regular $4.95 to $5.95 Re- Regular $3.95 to $4.!50 reduced to....$2.95 MISCELLANEOUS EGGS WANTEDâ€" Highest market price will be paid in cash. â€" John Newspapers Praised By Publicity Man Supreme Factor in Advertising C. N. E., Says Elwood Hughes FOR SALEâ€" Good Seed Barley, A.C. â€" Lawrence Lyons, R.R. 2 Proton Station. FOR SALEâ€" A quantity of bees. Apply to â€" Mrs. A. Conron, Fversham Ontario. Centre Grey Softball League is' LOSTâ€" On Saturday night, one away to a start. The first game of (Ancona hen, in bag, between Snell's the season was played last Wednes- Corner and Flesherton (via Lever's day night between Flesherton andjsideroad.) Finder please leave at The Rock Mills and resulted in a score _ Advance Office. of 14-10 ii favor of Flesherton. Sat-. urday night games were postponed' LOST â€" Between Ceylon and Mark- on account of the weather conditions I dale, via Flesherton, around May 2H and will le played this Wednesday , traveller's grip, owned by Sherman- evening, so the line up for this week j Williams Co. Finder please leave is: Wednesday night, at 6 o'clock,* at or notify The Advance, Ceylon vs. Victoria Comers, follow-' ed by the Onwards and Flesherton. Then on Saturday night at 6 o'clock Maxwell vs. Flesherton, fo-llowed by Vandeleur vs. Kimberley. The mer- chants of the town are standing be- hind the lea^e and already quite a number have offered to donate priz- es during the summer. It is expect- ed to take three months to run the league off and the prizes will be most- ly run for a month at a time. Mr. Farquhar Oliver, M. P. P. is donating a photo to each player of the team, winning the league. This will be a real good prize and be much appreciated by the members of the winning team. Mr. T. W. Findlay is donating to the team showing the best sportmanlike manner during season a free admission t'!ckct to the Fall Fair concert. Judges will be wat- ching the actions of the players dur- ing the sason and award a decision at the end of the season. The following are the prizse for the month of June and different of the other merchants will follow in July and August: F. H. W. Hickling wfll donate a pair of hose, value at fl, to the lady making the most home runs during the month, also a pair of hose valued at $1 to the man making the most 3- base hits. Ken Kennedy will donate a tie valued at |1 for the man mnking the most home runs; also a b-.x of choc- olates, value of $1 to the lady mak- ing the most 8-base hite. W. A. Armstrong & Son will don- ate a string of pearls, valued at $1 to the lady making the mo^ 3 -base hits, also flashlight to the man mak- ing the most 2-base hits. Admission to games 15 cents. Following are the teams who have entered the league:- Ceylon, Onwards, Victoria Corners, Vandeleur, Rock Mills, Mlaxwell, Flesherton and Xim- berley. SHORTHORN BULL FOR 8BBVICV Registered Shorthorn ball lor Mf^ vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Oaprey, "Mntf Murquia" No. 170,135; Sire, Boanit' Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Batteiflf 131,078. Terms â€" Purebredi |8.0t. grades |2.00. Cows not retamed< will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eiifwia. BOAR FOR SERVICB. Registered Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cbx\,. the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretakar. BOAR FOR SERVICE . No. 92-77530. Also a young York- shire pig, both bacon type for service- on Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R. Termsâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. FOR SALEâ€" Purebred Jersey Bull 7 months old; also 100 acres of pasture for cattle. â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia FOR SALE â€" ! Good Seed Barley, Manchuria. -' Fred Smith, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE^House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, well watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc Millan, Ceyloi>. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 80, Con. 13, Alt' emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad NOk 178,773. Terms:-f2 if paid befoiv January 1929, otherwise $2.60. â€"DUNCAN WILLLAMS. Eagenia. Runstadler. Flesherton. tf. ..BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€"Property of Saugecn Bacon Hoff Club. Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Pioton Station Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesis NOTICE â€" Chopping done on urdays only. â€" Graham Bros, genia. Sat- Eu- WANTED â€" Good man for farm work, at once. â€" Apply to T. J. Stin- son, Proton Station. NOTICEâ€" Will the nirson who bor- rowed a pipe wrench from my place return it at once. â€" John Heard, Flesherton. NOTICEâ€" No hunting. Fishing or Trapping on my property. Those found thereon will be prosecuted.â€" Thos. Bemrose, R. R. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" ^The property own ed by the late R. J. Pedlar, of Eug- enia. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. H. E. Tate, Hillsburg, Elwood A. Hughes, Publicity Dir ^"*""''- ector of the Canadian National Es-j Pasture To Rent â€" Well watered and hibition, was the speaker at the lun-Lhaded, or will take in limited num- ^K.«„ .f tfco vi„«„i. r-i„». „* T„ *^^^ ^j ^^^jj^ ^^ Lo^ 22, Con. 12, Ar- temesia. â€" Robt. Graham, R. R. 4, cheon of the Kiwanis Club of To- ronto at the King Edward Hotel ^ duced to $3.95 Scotch Ginghams, 19 cents a yard 500 yards of 32 inch width Scotch Ginghams. A large assortment of patterns; fast colors and a good wearing cloth. Values regularly to 30 cents per yard. Very specially priced per yard .... 19c. YARD-WIDE PERCTLE. 29 c. a yard 1000 yards of these materials, fast colors, ex- clusive patterns. A very serviceable cloth to make Aprons, House Dresses, etc. Very special per yard • 29c. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR WOOLâ€" BRING US YOUR WOOL AND GET A SQUARE DEAL LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR Boots and Shoes for the family -- Visit our boot and shoe department. Our values are the best obtainable. There have been several advances in the price of leather since we made our season's purchase of boots and shoes. Here you will find a collection of footwear un- equalled anywhere. The prices too, are based on the manufacturer's cost which enables us to sell boots and shoes at a big saving to the purchaser. Give us a trial and be convinced. Grocery Department Sugar, granulated, 10 pounds for 65c. Garden .Seeds, 6 packages for 25c. Ginger Snaps, 2 pound for ^^^^ 25c. Pearl White Soap, 10 bars for '.'.". 47c. Pure Lard, 3 pounds for .T 60c. Tomatoes, 2 cans for 26c. VESTS 89c. BLOOMERS 89c. last week. In th.-; course- of an in- teresting and informative address he emphasized the fact that, although there was issued through his depart- ment in the neighborhood of 5,000- 000 pieces of literature of different kinds advertising the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition, newspaper adver- tising was still the supreme factor in attracting the vast crowds of people, which annually attend the big fair. He paid a high tribute to the manner in which newspapers not only in Toronto, but throughout the Province, carry on the publicity work in connection with the C. N. E. Reference was made by Mr. Hughes to the many schemes which are ad- vanced from time to time for increas • ing the attendance, and the g:ood was always selected from the bad in the matter of attractions. Markdale. ton. 'Phone 31 r 6. Flesher- F.T.HlLL&Go.,LimHed,llllaH«lale Concert at Priceville A play, entitled, "A Southern Cinderella" was given in the base- ment of the United Church here on Thursday evening last, to a delight- ed full sized audience, requiring 9 benches from the Agricultural Hall in addition to the 106 chairs to ac- commodate all, with many standing. The play was given by the C.G.I T. girls from Wesley Church. Shel- bume. Rev. J. A. Leece, one time much appreciated Methodist minist er here, gave a descriptive synopsis of the play at the commencement, and also renewed many old acquain- tances. Mrs. Leece was chaperon to the party of fine looking girls. tJc- tween acta Miss Grace RamaKO and Mrs. Harold Karstedt entertained the audience with piano snios and duets. The best of order prevailed throughout. The sweet old grand- mother of the play was the lucky young lady who won the prize over some thousand competitors for the best essay on the advantages of ns- ins Alberta coal, or something of that sort. We were glad to meet her. WANTEDâ€" Five Thousand Market Gardeners to plant our hardy field gfrown cabbage and Bermuda onion plants. These plants will produce veg- etables three weeks earlier than home grown plants. It is no evperiment. We guarntee results or refund your money. Strong, f ield-grr wn, tough- ened plants ready to sit in open field. Will stand temperature twenty degrees above without injury. Bermuda onion plants and all leadmg varieties of cabbage plants shipped promptly. 200 plants postpaid $1. 500 $1.75; 1000, $3. Ship express c^lect $2 thousand. Catalogs it- and testimonials sent free. Carlisle Plant Farms, Windsor, On- tario. MIDDLEBftC & BURNS Ofices-Owen nound. Durham «?«.. J *!**'"• ^J^sherton every Saturday afternoon and evenin- and TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to June 25th, for painting the exterior of SprinehiH Public School, S. S. No. 3, Artem- esia. Particulars may be had by ap- plying to the secretary. George R. Blackburn, R. R. 3, 'Phone 45 â€" 5, Flesherton. FOR SALE OR RENT In the Village of Flesherton eight acres, half in alfalfa, other four in pasture. Would divide for ready sale; no incumbrance. â€" S. HENDERSON 82 Millwood Rd. Toronto, Ont. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE GBOK DUNCAN UCENSEO AUCnONEKB For the Coimty of Gray. Taau 1 per cant. Satiafactioo cuamla^ Dataa made at The Adranea ^^^ HOUSE AND LOT F«R SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electrie wired, soft water cistern, ceUar vm- der whole house, large verandah od two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of land and good sUbljfe. An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG" & SON, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALB OR RENT 76 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Ait. tTu\!t^ Sangeen Junction. M 1^^ ^.:^^^ ^ 30 by 82. ceSS stabling throughout. Large craZi veneer house. Sroomed. Si SS well watered small orchard.â€" W J Blackburn. Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford BuH for tm.' S!k« ^"â„¢V»2. payable tha flrt* fg Pekniary. after that data UW wS be chained. â€"EDWAR D LOUCU. BUSINESS CAiDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto and Royal College of Dental Srrgeoas of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333. A.F. 4 A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Ann- strong Block, Flesherton eveiy Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. S^ec^t'.:^"' ^- **•• '• ^ ^«â€" . For sale at once lots 6 and 7, Peter Street, Flesherton, seven room house, with hard and soft water, large lot with apple trees; good bam. An excellent location to own a home. Apply to â€" â€"JOHN PEPLAR, Flesherton. Lucas A Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W D Sr^' »:^- ^''""' Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham Telford £ Birnie, Barristers, soll- bI^"^ Offices Grey and Bructt ml' £r? ^*""'*'' Standard Bank P. Telford, J,^, J. F . p. Bimie, Wm. Xaittlag, LUemawl Aaatha^ for tha cmratiM ^ Gray aiid BbmZ '^VB sad stack aal« « apari^Sk rnmis BodamU.. fMktmel^trSi may ba hda M Mm AAvaoea OttfiTaa Of by mUnuting m* at BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Hereford Bull, Duke, No. (65,411, for service on lot 80, Con. 6, Artemesia. Terms are |2.00, to be paid by February 1. Cows should of baseball In Markdale on Thursday * l>e returned regularly.â€" Jno. Porteous, evening. Rock Mills. FARM FOR SALE. 126 acres at Kimfcerley, good cement residence, good bam, cement flooring; weU watered, and in good stated cultivation. Bargain for quick LS: -GEORGE A. HUTCHINSOnT Kimberley. 1 March PASTURE- Cattle wanted for pasture on lots 22-8-4, 3 S. D. R. Artemesia,â€" Mrs Wm. WiUianuoik, July 11 R.R. 3. Priceville ^^