Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1928, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1928 ^: 3 Banking and Profit Wherever ^oods are boug:ht and sold Banking has a service to render â€" a service which simplifies transact- ions and renders them more profit- able. During: more than Fifty Years of constructive banking pract- ice the Standard Bank of Canada has built up throughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned to rely on this Bank's service. THE SIANLAia) BANK OF CANAIA .^TABUSHED IV)^ E. A. PRESTON Manager, FUsherton Branch | Fair Prices Received For Purebred Cattk I A largo crowd ya» in attendance J at the auction sale of purebred short- horn cattle held by Mr. Edward Lit- tlejohns of the West Backline, Art- emesia, on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mr. Littlejohns had a very excellent accredited herd of short- horn cattle that he had built up dur- ing the past few yeai's, and each fall were to be seen at the fall >>xhibit- i ion in Flesherton, where he carriid off many prizes from single apimah to the best herd. Mr. R. J. Amos of Moffat, Ont. was the auctioneer and received excellent prices for the an- imals. The prices ranged from $40 for young stock to |285 for an im- ported cow. Messrs Jas. Douglas of Caledonia and W. A. Dryden of Brooklyn purchased the animals, while others who purchased were: Majority of 42 For > Town Hall By-Law NO KIDDING NOTICE TO CREDITORS Welter's Business College, Oran- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that gaville, is the best school in Canada all persons having any cUims or <to- of this kind. We proved it at the mands of any kind against Datud recent speed contest held at Massey : Sullivan, late of the township of Os- Flesherton now has a town hall of HaH. when Miss Bemice Smith, of j prey. County of Grey, Farmer, deceas- which it can be justly proud. This Shelbume, broke the world's novice ed, who died on or about the first day was decided on Thursday last witn record by maintaining a speed of 72 ! of May, A. D. 1927, are requested to a vote of 65 to 23 by the ratepayers, i words per minute, and we are proving forward their claims duly proved to on the by-law to purchase the build- 't now by the quality and position of ing and lot, formerly known as ChaU' our graduates. Margaret E. Noble, mer's United Church, and which was' Coming's Mills and Jean Graham, built by th Presbyterian congregat-' Arthur (both gold medallists., grad- ion in the year 1883. The price of i"»*^ed on Saturday, and took positions the building is $2,000 and $500 ex- '" Toronto on Monday at four figures tra was voted in order to make the P«' annum to start. Misd Luella needed alterations) to comply with *'o'^"s*o"> * student of this College, concert houSe Regulations. Debent- received a pearl emblem for speed ures are being offered for a term of typewriting. Miss Johnston typed ten years and each year the sum of i^* * "*** â„¢*® °* '^^•^ words per min- $331.67, amount of principal and in-i^te* '°' ^^ minutes, terest, is to be raised. the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of June, 1928. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after said date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the said es- tate having regard only to such claims as he then will have notice of. Dated at Collingwood this 18th day of May, A.D. 1928. Malcolm McLean, Drawer 20, Colling- wood, Solicitor for the Administrator. The need of a public hall in Flesh- erton has been felt for some years', as the present township hall, which] CPJL TDIB TABLB Trains Imn Flnherton Station ai follows: Gofac Sontb. Oolnc Noirth °~S.68 a.m. -4.10 a.m. $-68 p.m. $.81 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For tSie north at 11.00 a.m. Moth at 3.30 For morning train flonth tnail closes at 9.00 p.m. the frevloiu evenintr. Ihstallation of Officers Local and Personal Friday evening last the newly el- 'ected and appointed o^ricers of Prnce a «^!^' Arthur Lodge, No. SS\ A.F. & A.M., were installed to their chairs by Wor- Bro. Percy Leslie of North Star Lodge, Owen Sound. He was accom- panied by a number r c the Past Mast- ers of North Star L dge, who assist- ed him in the work, which was ex- ceedingly well done. Wor. Bro. T. Henry of Prince A: '.hur Lodge also assisted in the installation work The following officen were installed for the ensuing year, namely: I. P. M.â€" S. R. Pe(.!ar. W. M.â€" W. G. W. tson. I S. W.â€" C. N. Rich-.rdson. J. W.â€" W. R. Chaplain â€" H. A. McCauley. Secretary â€" C. F. Lawrence Treasurerâ€" F. H. W. Hickling. D. of Câ€" Geo. Long, Sr. S. D.â€" P. Hemphill. J. D.â€" C. Meldruni. L G.â€" W.. Heitmcn. S. S.â€" P. J. Thurston. J. S,â€" J, J. Eylea. Tylerâ€" J, Oliver. Auditors â€" J. Wiight Holland. Shaw, Artemesia; Thos. Mercer, Markdale; Robe. King, Walter's Falls; John McCurdy, Paisley; W. B. Hill, Balaclava and Robt. Lawrence of Kimberley, who was the purchaser of the best heifer for $130. Mr. Littlejohns was well satisfied with the results of the sale and the prices received. I- - - has been used as a town hall was' too small and could not accommodate the crowds. Shortly before the vote was taken it was felt that the by- law would have a hard time passing but the people of the village reali- zed the opportunity presented to them in the chance of securing a village hall that is easily worth three times the purchase price. The total vote was 88, out of a pos- sible ballot of 128, an therefore practisally three quarters of the rate- payers availed themselves of the op- portunity of supporting or oppos- ing the measure. The copious showers of last week were welcomed by the farmers. Mr. Jack Bloedow spent the week end at Guelph and Toronto, Mrs. G. B. Welton visited friends in Toronto for a few dajrs last week. H. Down & Sons have recently made several deliveries of the New Ford. Mr. Peter Dow of the Standard Bank staff is taking his holidays at present. A number of sports attended the spori day and races at Chesley on ' Monday. ( Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the for- " mer's parental home here. Miss Evelyn Ferris of Toronto Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville ' *P^"* *^« "^^^^ ^nd with her parents, motored up on Saturday and is visit- ' ** *"^ ^^^ ^"•^^l. ing with her parents, Jfr. and Mrs. D. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt are the McTavish. ^ delegates appointed to represent Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bellamy, accom- ^""^ ^'"« <=h"'^'^*> «* ^^^ Association panied by Mrs, Townlev and Col,,'" ^^'^^^^ '''"^ week, Myles, all of Burford, were week end , '^^^ Advance had a very pleasant and R, G. M. G. Orr Died Monday Death came suddenly on Monday morning to an old resident of Art- emesia township, in the person of Mathew Guy Orr, at the advanced age of 81 years and 4 months. The deceased was in Flesherton on Sat- urday and seemed to be in h s us- ual health and his passing on Monday came as a shock to his many warm friends. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon, June 8th, in order to allow some of the family from the west to arrive home. Service at the house at 2 o'clock p.m,, interment to take pllace in FUsherton Ceme- tery, ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr, Roy McCauley, and son Jack of Toronto are visiting with the for- mer's mother here for a few days, Mr, and Mrs. Lawson Bowles of Toronto are visiting the former's parents on tho West Backline, Ar- temesia. Mr. W. D. Henry of Markdale is to be congratulated on his appoint- ment as King's Council, Mr, Henry has had a very successful career as a lawyer, and the birthday honors are well earned, Mr. Robt, Wright, Hanover, Public guests of Mr, and Mlrs, W, Bellamy. '^^^^ °" Saturday from R^v. Geo. School Inspector for South Grey, vis- I Buclcingham of Ottawa, who was vis-jited on Tuesday with his brother, â-  iting with his brother at Maxwell. ; John, here, and gave The Advance \ Evangelist Alexander Torrie called ^^ pleasant call. at the Baptist Parsonage on Saturday I About thirty-seven members from while on his way to Bentinck, where ] Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F. & A,M,, he is conducting revival services, i Flesherton, attended the reception to Mr, and Mrs, The bank and post office were closed on Monday in honor of tha King, whose birthday was on Sun- day, June 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson of To- ronto motored up and spent the hol- iday on Monday with the Hcter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mark Wilson, 'Mrs. Thos. Fletcher of Toronto vis- i Mr. and Mrs, D. Watson and dau- "^^ ^^'« ^^'^ ^''^ ^"^"'Is i" Artem- Sound on Wednesday evening of last ghter of Detroit spent a day with^^^'* township. the former's brother, Mr. A. Wat- 1 Misses Marion and Betty Wright son, last week. : and Mr. Bob Kennedy, accompanied Mr. George Mitchell, Jr., Mr. C. ^^ Miss Binnie of Hamilton spent Aulph and Miss Florence Bunt of To- ; Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Boyd and ronto were visitors with Mr. and Ilrs. family. George Mitchell over the holiday. j Rev. S. G. McCorniack of Priceville _ Mr. and Mrs. A. Biggar, and baby ^^^ received a call from Arthur Un- ^"^'" daughter of Mrs. A. Cockburn and ^^'^^ Church conyrrc^gatiou and has ac- [1 >A1|/J^ Ull-to-date daughter, all of Niagara Falls were oepted. Rev. Ur. AfcCormack has ' - -*!»"»'-^ ^^ »* »" «" the guests of the Armstrong families ^^^ » very surcesisfu! pastorate at for a few days last week. Priceville and the people there will Mr. and Mrs, N. H. Durrant, and ''^ ^''"^ *" *•'''*• ^â„¢ P"''*" two daughters of Mitchell motored Mr. C. W. Bellamy and Miss Reta, over and spent the week end with accompanied by Mr, W, J, Henderson Mrs. Durrant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. """^ Misses Tena and Maybelle Hen- derson- motored to Waubaushene on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. C. White, Waubaushene. Miss Maybelle ' S remaine for a short visit. I ^! Swift and Mr and Most Worshipful, the Grand Master, J. S, Jlartin, which was held in Owen Ion Wednesday evening of last week. The banquet was held in the banquet hall of Kniox church and over three hundred Masons sat down to a bountiful dinner for wh'ch the Ladies' Aid of the church wora tho caterers. It was a big event in Masonic circles in Grey District. inn i-iPlFSBj i^ SIQE W. H. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Runstadler spent a day in Toronto last week and attend- ed the graduation exercises of their daughter. Dr. Marguerite Runstad- ler. Rev. M, Saunders and Messrs V/ni. Beaton and George Beecroft, Dea- cons in the Baptist church are attend- ing the Owen Sound association meet- ing on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mi*. Fred McTavish, manager of the St, John's, N, B, branch of the General Motors of Canada, was in I town a day last week, Fred was j on a business trip to the head office at Oshawa. Mr, W, A. Armstrong was taken to Toronto on Tuesday to consult a specialist. Mr. Armstrong has been in ill health for the past year. He was accompanied to Toronto by his son, Wes., Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, who will attend the Grand Lodge of the Eastern Star which is being held there this week. Several young lads in town have secured some queer pets the past few days. One boy captured a young porcupine, that had wandered away from its den, and a small ground- hog is the mascot the other lad se- cured. Most boy? are fond of pets and if these are trained to live in their new homes, as they grow to be adults, should make excellent com- panions. .^SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H, WRIGHT, Prop. Pineapple Week For Real Good Pineapples Try US For a full line of Fresh Groceries try-KENNEDY'S W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 Track Record at Chesley About 20 years ago Postmaster W, W, Trimble owned a pacing horse caJled Paddy McKinley and while racing at Chesley at that time ran the mile in 2,12%, a record for the track. This feat has never been ac- complished by any other horse since that time until the races on Monday, when ijlamona ^GrattJ:)n, owned Uy Dr, Whitely of Goderich, equ.-.lled the record set twenty years before, Mr. Trimble sold Paddy shffptly after- wards and it made a name for itself on the tracks in the United States, Jtost Distinctive or LowPricedCars f^M^. -^?^^-?S!^l Entertainment at Mt. Zion ; Mount Zion church will give an en- 1 tertainment in the hall on Friday ev- ening, June 15th, Maxwell Dramatic Club will render their popular play, "CranbeiTy Corners," With other features of the program, includin.? lunch, an enjoyable time is assured. Admission 35 and 25 cents. i'ro- ceeds to be appllied to roshingling, and other necessary repairs to the church. Everybody come and share in the enjoyment. Advertise in The Advance NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the an- nualmeetings of the South-East Grey ! United Farmers' Political and Co-op- ' erative Associations will be held in • the Agricultural Ha!!, Priceville. on! Saturday, Jime 9th, 1928, at 10 a,ni. j Picnic Lunch, tea provided, H. A. 1 Cilroy will address meetings on con- tract marketing, j â€"HAROLD McKECHNIE. | Sec-Treasurer. I BUILT on a wheelbase of 107 inches â€" four inches longer than before . . . swung low to the road . . . and with its hood streaming back in graceful, unbroken lines to blend with contours of the Fisher. bodies â€" the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet is everywhere bailed as a car of outstanding distinction. The new radiator is higher and narrower, and embellished witli a large, flat, all-metal radiator cap. The hood is longer and deeper â€" vividly interpreting the greater stamina, staunchness and flectness of the new chassis. Windshield posts are slender and graceful, bodies are beauti- fully beaded and paneled, hardware is cf period pattern, and roof-lines are smartly low. Interiors, too, are impressively rich â€" with new upholsteries, wide, restful seats, and a beautiful enclosed instrument panel â€" indirectly lighted. Come, see this great new car â€" and you'll know why thousands have acclaimed it the world's most luxurious low-priced automobile, c-ze-s-zac Tie G.M.A.C. . . . Crnenl Molars' own delerred payment plan ffrdt the most convenient jwj ecoxoakal K,iy oj buymt yeur " NEW'LbwkR PRICES Hoidllcf â-  • • 9625,00 Imperial Sedtn - • Taurias • • • 62S.00 CvnTcrtible Cibriolct Coup* ... 740.00 Cotn^acxcial Chaisu • Cottcli .... 740.00 Roadfter Delivery Sedan .... 83S,00 Ton Truck Chutii - Hoadstcr axptat ... ^650.00 All f rices ct Factory, 0.-.';j2i:, Cn'.irij. Gcvertment Taxes, Bumpers and Spvt Tire Extn, D. McTavish 81 Son FLESHERTON, ONT. L-\aROLET -»«-•.*, i. â- '*4ak,".M.»i!~» «*90.OO 86J.0O 470.00 629.00 633.00 ft PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMTTHD Special Offering Ladies' Hats $1.98 â-  30 only Ladies' Ready-to-wear Spring Hats-In a variety of popular shapes and colors Offering at !ess than half Regular Prices All at one price $1.98 KOTEX KOTEX I Special offering for a limited period of 30 days | I Three regular size pks. for $1.09 | I Sale of Aluminum Ware at 98 cents | H p ^aJ^ *®. ^" assortment of entirely new lines in Heavy Weight â-  m "ure Aluminum Ware. Some articles made in panel style, others | ^ P . .plainâ€" - All highly polished. ^ r5(^'i?x?5Jl^'5J.^^" ®^®'y ^ay use and the assortment includes: nnul^c^ol^'^TPrPc? r, '^^^ POTS TEA KETTLES •-^^^^ir^. .^21^^^^ ^ OASTERS PRESERVING KETTLES DISH PANS ETC. All at one price - 98ct8. EACH F. H. W. HICKLING .STORE CLOSED THURS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT.

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