Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1928, p. 4

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r WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1928 THE I'LESHERTON ADVANCE Tliree-Stone diamond ^in^ i SYMI'HONV of aparkllng. perrert match- JK ed 8tono8 and doiioaloly cbaacd mountlns of pure white gold or precious r'-atlnuinl The three-stono rlag always looks well on tho hand. It permits oi auch Ititeresting des^iri and Is at its b«st, alone. THEIRE is a delightful array of dccorattre three-atone rings In our Diamond De- partment, all with fino quality diamonds, benutifuUr mscched for color, brilliancy- and weight. Tht prictt art from $50.oa W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Jewellers and Opticans ' M Suspended Sentence For Taking Bananas Magistrate Armstrong of Markdale held court in that town on Thursday afternoon of last week and disposed of a case, the charge being n;ac!u by Joseph Caruso, fruit dealer of Col- lingwood against Frank Bondi, aUo a fruit dealer of Mount Forest, fur the theft of bananas from in frunt of A. Watson's store in Flesherlon. Car- uso left a bunch of bananas on the doorsteg for Mr. Watson before the store was open, and Bondi, coming along soon after was supposed to liavc lifted them to his own truck. Bondi claimed that the bananas were left by him earlier in the morning, and on his return from Ceylon, a little later on, put them on his own truck. Wit- nesses were present who saw Caruso leave the bananas and then saw Bondi taking charge of them. Mag- istrate Armstrong let Bondi off on suspended sentence for one .vear, and to pay the costs of the court and $3.50 to Caruso, the value of the bananas, the total amount being ovsr $16. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore of Mea- ford and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton of Durham, and little daughter, Jean were week end visitors with Mrs. SportsDayatKiniberleyi An excellent day of s;' irts was held i at Kimberley on Mond y, June 4th, under the auspices of the Women's I Institute of that place. Kimberley I swamped the Dundalk ball team in| a baseball game 22-2. Two softball | games were also played. The ladie/i Softball team named Or 'ilea won from Clarksburg 8-2, while the Heathcote men defeated the Kiml.jrley boys by only one run, the score being 11-13. The concert at nighi was well at- tended and filled the Memorial Hall. Peversham Dramatic Club gave their play, "Safety First," and which has had a gotfd reception wherever given. The total proceeds of the day amount- ed to $215.00. ^ CWtake ihllXl THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Cici/lation over HOC, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance fl.SO. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. •W, H. THURSTON, - Editor. F. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. GREY FARMERS TOUR The contemplated tour of Grey j County fartr.ers through the counties ) of Wellington, Wentworth, Lincoln, Welland, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant and Waterloo on June 20 and 21 should be welcomed by the farmers with open aims. The tour is being sponsored by T. Stewart Cooper, Ag- ricultural representative for Grey County, a-nd will be along the liifs of the one held by the Wentworth farmers to Grey County. It gives a person a fine opportunity to view the garden of Ontario at a favorable time and to see how others are firm- ing in sister couniies. A stop will also be made at the Ontario .Agricul- tural College at Guelph, and other places of interest will be Simco-;, Brantford, Paris, Gait and Kitchen- er. It is an opnortunity that should not be missed as every minute of the trip should be exceedingly interest- ing. I EDITORI.M. NOTES Most farms or streams have signs "no fishing or trespassing" posted to keep out intruders. It would bo a relief to find a place where a per- son would he welcome to fish.without tresspassing even if an cmuniation â- was given. It will soon be that an honest man will have no plc'.cc to throw a line. * « • With this is.suo The .Advance com- mences its 48th yrar in serving the i.nterests of the village and survourul- ing country and has seen n pnrind of steady growth and oxpansion. The present editor is completing hi« 40th year in the direction of the dtFtinios of The Advance and on looking back many fond memories can be recalled with pleasure. * • * Miss A. M. Wilson, formerly with the Farmer's .Vdvoc.Tte a' Londoii, is the new editor of Tho Chatsworth Banner and ertortd upon her new duties last wi!,»!{. We extend to Wilson a wolcnn-e to the editor- ial field of Grey and wish her success in her work. 5Ir. G. W. ('ollins. who had charge of fhe papi-r for the p-ist year, has moved to IHindalk. Grey Fanners to Tour Several Ont. Counties Markdale, Ont., June 2nd, 1928. Famers, Grey County â€" Dear Sirs,- Because of the interest aroused through the success of the visit of the Wentworth County farmers to Grey County last year, many have in- timated a wish that something simil- ar be done for Grey County fair.->ers. Accordingly, at the request of the Grey County Advisory Agriculture Council the Department of Agricul- ture, Markdale, Ont. are undertaking the organization of the first annual Grey County Farmers' Tour. Important points to remember are:- 1. Men taken only. 2. Dates â€" Wednesday .^nd Thurs- day, June 20th and 21st. 3. Large busses holding 29 men each will be employed if .suf.'icicnt numbers apply. 4. Places visited, O. A. C, Gueli)h Hamilton, Vineland, Horticultir-e .Station. St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Welland, Dunville, Cayug'i. Simcoe, Brantford, Paris, Gait Kit- chener and Elmira. 5. 400 miles approximately. 6. Total cost will not exceed SI 2. This includes, travellin,?, board far two days and room for one night 7. Application must bo made by June 10th. This is necessary to make arrangements for the busses. 8. If sufficient numbers apply which makes the trip worth while, a deposit of $5 which p!>ys for a seat in the bus will be rcpiired on or be- fore June 15th. This is tho fir>!il date for notifying tho Transportat- ion Company of the bus requiremontu of the Grey County Farmers' Tour. 9. Send no money till requested but send your ov.-n application and see all your friends and neighbor.^ at once. In as much as this trip covers tho Cdunties of Wellinfrton. Wentworth, j Lincoln, Welland* Haldimand, Nor- folk, Riant and Waterloo it should prove a real holiday. You tour with your personal friends so n real tini.5 will Ife yours should you come. Awaiting application, we are Yours very truly, T. STEWART COOPER Rep. for Grey County. H. Wilson. Fledlierton Public School Jr. 3rdâ€" P. Gibson, B. Bellamy. M. McFadden, G. Boyd, A. Lawrence, H. Bibby, H. Croft, B. Weltop, W. Littlejohns, D. Smith, E. Brown, E. Burnett, A. Turney, T. Dixon. Sr. 3rdâ€" C. Gibson, E. Patton, J. Gibson, H. McKillop, L. McEachnie E. Talbot, E. Warling, C. Thistlethwaite, E. Kertor. 4thâ€" B. McEachnie, M. Stuart, D. McFadden, D. McDonald, J. Gib.son, E. McKillop, B. Sled, D. McMullen, B. Patton, M. Ferris, V. MrMaster, A. Warling, E. Ferris. Sr. 2nd â€" Forman Lawrence, Betty Murray, Doug. Stuart, Georgina Mc- Donald. Jr. 2nd â€" Gordon Gibson, Fred Pat- ton, Everett Croft. Sr. 1st â€" Mac. Duncan, Nellie This- tlethwaite, Helen Love, Marion Mil- ler, Dorothy Whitehead, Doris Ker- ton. Jr. 1stâ€" Ruth Watson, Betty Mc- Donald, Fred McTavish, Dorothy Ker- ton, Elma Dixon. Primer â€" .Tack Welton, Doris Law- rence, Athol McKillop, Clifford Saun- ders, Doris Warling, Burton Bellamy* Muriel McMullen, Ivan McEachnie* Robin Goldsborough*, Geo. Loucks*. Pr. B â€" Bob .Stuart, Norman Loucks*. Pr. Câ€" Fred Gibson, Doris Podlar, Dorothy Welton, .T.-ick Loucks*. The names marked with an * were I'l-csent only a few days duri 'g the month. MRS. WM. FIKLD DIED Word was received on Wednesdny morning that Mr.s. Will Field of Toronto had passed away. Much sympathy is extended to the sorrow- ing ones. An extended notice will appear next week. VILLAGE COITNCIL The Village Council met on Mon- day evening as a Court of Revision. Thera wore nc appeals and only a •ouple of minor changes wore made in the roll, which were adopted. The Council rf.-« the lli,-d rcad- in,u: of the By-law, providing fir tho pu! chase of Chalmf.r's Church, for a village hall. A few small accounts v/cre paspcd .''nd the Council adjournad. A MASONIC FAMILY An unique event occurred 9t Stroud Ont., recently when Rev. Jns. E. Brown was initiated into Masonry the ceremonial cha'irs being occunied by four sons, a son-in-law and a brother, all of whom are past mast-irs, one now occupying the office in the Oril lia lodge. Circumstancess surround- ing this initiation are believed to be without precedent in this country at least. Rev. Mr. Brown is a minister of Stroud United Church. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Cardroas, Sask. Dear Editor:-We have had a very dry spring, the seeding of wheat wa? freneral on April 24th and the cnvp went in fine. Until May 2D theio had been only one light r.hower of rain since secdii'g r.tartod, and we need a heavy rain now, as some of the late sowing is coming unevenly. We are always pleased to got The Ad- vance, as it keeps us in touch with my wife's ol<l home. All being well we intend making a trip to Ontario this month. It is ten years sirce we came west, so expect to sec "(ome changes. Yours sincerely C. L H. JORDLSON. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those frienda and neighbors f.or their kindr.;s8 and ^ sympathy shown during the recent ill-j ness and death of our father, Mr. f. teeter. â€" Th« Family. ' THE tire that sives the most mileage hu, extra miles hutlt-ia at the fitctory. Firestone uses the best materials, purchased economicaUy, io the primary markets. Sjpecial processes, in* dudlng Gum-Dipping, add to qualicyâ€" yet cose is reasonable, due to modern factories and facilities. Onr prices are low and our service insures those extra miles. We will save TOtt money tod nrr* youMtter. 'Prettone /• J' /' w^ hardly i I Two Houses Burned Two houses in this district were' burned to the ground over the week ond. That ore of Mr. Chas. owne, end. Mr. Chas. Stafford, whose farm is on tho West Backline, Arte- the building, even the frames from mesia, lost his when a spark from the chimney on the wood shed caught on the front part of the house, which was higher, and before it was seen had obtained a good foothold. All tie contents were saved. Mr. Roy W. Fenwick of the 4th line Osprey lost his house Saturday even- ing, the cause supposed to be from an incubator. ' Before discovered the fire caught in the partitions and was too far gone to extinguish. All the household effects were taken oui of hte building, even the windows being saved. When a motorist is halted by a cop he'd better stop and not ar<rue about it. H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers FLESHERTON, ONTARIO A receipt from the Police Court Clerk is not nearly as attrac* five as one from a Brake Service Station who has tested and re- lined your brakes. When you pay a fine â€" it's a total loss. Paying for a genuine Raybes- tos Brake Lining job saves money, and >he knowledge that you can stop safely, quick- ly and surely in any emergency saves your peace of mind. ALL cats today seek to approximate Cau^-sler "72" performance y\ by patterning after Chryskr engineering. But after diree yean of striving, how dose arc they to the "72'» today? No elMtr than they were four yean ago. As they have stnig^ed to approach, Chrysler "72" Las pulled amay and gaDopa around and past them with more than the ease of the old original Cfatysler sensation-car of 1924. There may be pocket-book reasons lot cfaoonng cats rf lesser price than the "72." There tim;Jy cannot be a valid reason for payii^ IS much or more for any car other than the "72." a» 2«Mi. Coup. {wUh rnmbU sett). ^1995; Spoct Roail:tcr {with rwMt „mt), $2060% Royal Sedan. ^2060;4-p». Coup.. ^(WOj Town S«laH. #2205; Convertible Coop* {â- mik nmAU stat), #2265; Grewa Sadan. ^335. Att prices f. e. b. Wirndsor. Ontario, iadrnJing aw mJ ar J faetmy eiuipmtnt (/rngfa <mrf taut txtray Chrysleb!'72'' L. A. FISHER & SON, AGENT. FLESHERTON, ONT. M, m44l^y4^444TOTmi:|TO Try Finder's Bread Wrapped in Wax Paper )Sito«ti ORAKB U:ilNO H. DOWN & SO-.S FLESHERTON, ONT. Our bread, wapped in sanitary waxed paper, is far ahead of any bread you have ever eaten before. If you do not believe us, try some now. It is of exceptional qualitj, well baked and is very wholesome and easily digested. If you have been using any other products try Finder's Purity Bread and you will be elighted with its quality. Look for the name on the wrapper, and accept no substitute. FRED PINDER F L E S H E R T O N. Phone 8. ~\ JBEIBERUNG XXTREADS! Tune in on the Seiberling Singers From W. E. A. F. 20 Voices and a 20-piece orchestra EIGHT O'CLOCK (Standard Time) Every Tuesday Evening USED CARS 1924 Chev. 4 Door Sedan 1927 Chev. Cabriolet Chev. Touring Closed on SUNDAY from 1.30 Co 7 p.m. GEO. F. BRACKENBURY FLESHERTON, ONT. ^

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