Vol. 48 No. I ®l)je /tol)jett0tt airtiance Flesherton Ontario, June 6i 1928 W, H. Thurston & Son, Propriolo P * JUUD Diamond Wedding Celebrants MR. AND MRS. TUCKER PHILLIPS OF OSPREY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Phillips celebrated their diamond wedding anniver- sary on Saturday, May 5th, last when a celebration of the event %vas enjoyed. The above picture was taken that day. LADY BANK MAXWELL The weather still continues to be xhe Ladies* Aid of the United cool and cloudy. 1 church will meet at the home of Mrs. Mr. Herb McMullen, and boy friend Angus Morrison. Thursday. June 7th, of Alliston spent Sunday with his at 2 p.m. All members are request- mother and brothers here. I ed to attend. Visitors are cordially Mrs. W. Sample returned to h'jr invited, home after spending a few days with ' Miss .\nnie Priestly has returned her son, Clarence, and family at Is- home after spendng the past few lington. months with Toronto relatives. Mrs. William Poole is at present Miss Margaret Hawton of Fcwer- with Mrs. Walter Poole, who is sham spent the week end with Miss slowly recovering from a recent ill- Mabel Ross. "***• ! Mr. Benson of Toronto is the guest Mrs. Leslie McMuHen, accompanied of his friend, Mr. Douglas Kendall. by Miss Jennett McMullen visited, jj^ a^j m^. Angus Morrison with the former's parents, Mr. and|spgnt ^^^ ^gg^ ^nd with Toronto rel- Mrs. Wm. Ellis of Kimberley and at- , stives. tended the sports. | yf^\^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^rt Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. George Dobson, and ppojg ju ^jti, pleurisy; but we hope son, Mrs. Percy Dobson and Mr. P. ' ^^ g^^ ^^^ around again soon. Sample, and Miss Edith Sample ^ ^^^ ^ j ^j„ ^^,^ ^^^j^ ^^^^j^^ spent the week end with f rends at ^^^^.^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^, j,^^ j ^ CEYLON Oshawa and Whitby. I Kernahan, Thursday, June 14th at Mrs. Arthur Holroyd returned to g ^^ ^j, ^^^bers are requ.^sted her home here after visitmg -.^ith ^^ ^^ ^j^s^nt. her son, Ray at Collingwood. \ n ,^ . i. xt. T^• i • i. /-. mr. Chas. Fawcett and son, Delbert . D^"'* [°^«^^ t''^ '^'«tnct Conven- of East Mountain spent Sunday with *«>'' °^ *»>« W. I. to be held here on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. l**""* ^^^^- ,« Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle of We extend much sympathy to Mr. Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fenwick and family in the loss Ed. Harbottle recently. Ed. starts of their house by fire. The f're his saw mill this week. IN MEMORIAM Mr. Robt. Cook and Miss Millie motored to Otterville, Oxford Co. for the week end. Mr. R. Brown, Miss Anna White, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White, and lit- tle daughter of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. White. It is with deep regret that it was learned that Mr. James Ashdown, a former resident of this place had passed away at Notchill, B.C. when he made his home with his eldest son, James. For many years he was section foreman on this part of the division, a hard worker, never shirking his duties and a very high- ly respected citizen. He was mar- ried to Flora Mitchell of Dundalk to whom were bom three children Mrs. W. Smith (Alice), who died a number of years ago; James of Not- chfll, B.C. and Thos. of Peace River district. His wife predeceased liim one year ago. He was in his 74th year. The funeral took place on Saturday, June 22 to the Notchill Cemetery, wheer he was laid be- side his wife. The sympathy of the community is extended to his two sons, James and Thomas, also one sister, Mrs. Edward Wilson of Cleve- land and other relatives. Miss Gladys Cushnie. and Miss May Croskin of Toronto arrived on Monday night to visit Miss Cook. The Ladies' Aid held a very suc- cessful meeting on Wednesday last, at the home of Mrs. D. McPhail, in- teresting papers were given by Mrs. G. Arrov/smith and Mrs. Roy Piper, which were enjoyed by those pres- ent. It was decided to hold an ice cream social on Friday evening. June 8th at the church. A small fee of 10 and 25 cents will be charged and a good time is exx>ected. A good program will also be given. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. J. Collinson. Mr. D. Muir and Jas. McMullen attended the races at Chesley on Monday. Mr. J. C. McLachlan and Mr. J. Gibson of Collingwood spent the week end at their respective homes. Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Craw- ford of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with Mr. George who spent the past week here return- home with them. Messrs W. Meads, John Oiivc-, and Percy Hemphill motored to Owrn Sound on Wednesday last and at- tended a Masonic meeting. Mr. IJ. Ferguson is visiting wit!i friends at Caledon. Mrs. McDonald, who has spent t'- ^ winter months with her daughter in Oshawa returned the past week .-"- companied by her daughter, M.- . Cummings, who remains for a foit night to visit with friends. j Mi'. West of Kemble and Jlrs. Dar- gavel of Wiraton spent the week end with Mr. F. J. Collinson, and family. Mrs. Raney, and daughter Jean <if Wiarton spent the week end with ' her parents, Mr. McPhail returned to Wiarton with his daughter for s visit. I Miss Mabel Moore spent the week â- end at her home near Dundalk. PORTLAW (Last Week's Items) Mr. Robert Plantt has been serious- ill for nearly two weeks. It was a surprise to all when the news of his illness was spread around as he always was active and vigorous. All are pleased to hear that he is some better, and hope for complete re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blackburn of Mount Forest spent Victoria Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson. The gentlemen are .=ons of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Black- bum, and were bom on the farm where they visited. They were pleased to again view the scenes of their boyhood days. Mr. and Mrs. D. Blakely and fam- ily of Toronto visited with numer- ous relatives in this part. Mount Zion church people hava purchased another organ, and have now one for the hall, as well as the church. Mr. N. McCannell of Proton Sta- tion visited in this part one day last week. He took a stroll along the banks of the Saugeen, an J -mth line and hook and his winning ways lured a number of the artful finnv tribe into his basket. Those who enjoy an original iish story had bet- ter call on Mt. Mack and a real story will be forthcoming in either English or Gaelic. Everybody is still busy trying to wind up the seeding. EUGENIA FEVERSHAM Mrs A. Hanley and daughter. Miss May of Gait are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. This. Cooper. Mrs. H. McKee, and two children of Feversham and Miss Beal of Rob Roy motored over to Owen Sound on Saturday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette over the weeK end. John Speer and John Conron were on a business trip to Collingwood on Friday last. Mr. Ken Kaitting has gone to De- troit where he has got a position. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Otteweil, and two children of Lady Bank spent Sunday with Mrs. Ottewel''s father Mr. Sam Brownridge here. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, and son, Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury of Flesherton spent Sunday with friends here. Miss M. E. Heron of Toronto, who has been visiting with her sister here for two weeks has gone to vis- it with her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette in Owen Sound. Miss Clements spent the week end at her home in Kincardine. A number of people from here spent the holiday at Kimberley. started upstairs and made consider- able headway before it was discover- ed. Most of the contents was sav- ; We express much sympathy to C . ed. also the kitchen. 5 Staffojd, who had the misfort PEDLAR â€" In loving memory of Don't forget the Garden Party un- our dear mother. Mattie Pedlar, who der the auspices of the St. Mary's passed away on June 8. 1925. ; Guild, MaxweU, to be held on J-me , J J _ tv - 19th at the home of David Ring She was such a dear good mother, * So patient, kind and true. There never was r dark cloud. But she saw the sunshine through. Sometimes when we are all alone. You seem to be so near. PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks Sundaj'ed That we hear your dear voice say- at Mr. John Nichol's, Ceylon. "** Mrs. Hector McLean spent the past Don't grieve dears, I.m here. y,^^ ^j^h friends on the Sou'.h Line. Though death can divide us from mother, Nor sever the chords of love. She is resting sweetly with Jesuj, Tn the beautiful home above. Miss Wilda McCuaig and friend of â€"Sadly missed by the family. Tiverton spent the week end at her ____^____ home. Miss Esther McLean, and friend of Melancthon spent the week end at Mr. David Hincks, Willie, Gladys, Beth and Almeda vis'ted friends -n Arthur on Sunday. Subscribe to The Advance NOW. FARM AND BUILDING SUPPLIES home. Shim-Ftatt Lightning Rods-Prest- ! Mrs Harry Huston and son of on Metallic Roofing.â€"Gilson Furnaces I Peterborough spent the week end at Wire Fencingâ€" Fleury Plows and Re- i her home with her puents, Mr. and pairs, etc. Prices as low as can be . Mrs. P. Muir. secured anywhere. â€" Ed. Rutherford. ! Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Mc.\rthur and Proton Station. 'Phone Dnudalk pred Cook motored up to Haileybury 44 r 32. to lose his home by fire, which v supposed to have started from a spr. ': from the chimney on Monday mo- '- ing. Mr. Stafford is moving to an empty house nearby. MSss McMaster and friend. Mr. '". Lewis of Toronto, and Mr. Walt r McMaster of Maxwell were week r- I visitors at Mr. Thos. Stewart's. VICTORU CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gallaghar ~ :d family of Toronto visited the w> -k end at Wilfred Gallaghar's. Mir. and Mrs. Arthur Clayto;: of Toronto visited at Milton Banti. ;'s. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks end family were week end visitor:: at Milton Bannon's. The crusher and other machin;ty were taken out of the gravel -â- : last week, taken to Ceylon and lo- i- ed on the train for Kennilworth. There passed away suddenly af( â- only a few hours' illness at his hor - here, Mr. Guy Orr. Mr. Orr wh^ was over eighty years of age, althoug'i Bom â€" On Monday, June 4th, lOiiS, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold lalconer, the gift of a son. Mr. Chas. Park motored over from Detroit and spent a few days with his parents. Postmaster and Mrs. Park. .A. number from here attended the celebration in Kimberley on Monday. Postmaster Park was again lucky in fishing at the Hydro Lake, having captured another fme tj^jut, meas- uring 12 inches. Who says there's no fish in the lake? Mr. Clarence Williams has se- cured a position in Owen Sound. Mr. Bates Fawcett and brother, Ed. of Owen Sound spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound vi^ted recently with fbe letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick, 8th line. Miss Viola Williams, and friend motored up from Toronto and spent the week end with the former's par- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. TTer sister, Mrs. Elwood Partridge ;id two children accompanied them I ack to the city, where little Miss >idna will undergo an operation for ihe removal of tonsils and adenoids in a hospital there. We hope the operation will be a success. Mr. J. J. Patterson of Ceylon spent a day at Mr. Chas. Martin's last week, Mrs. Wm. Hyslop has gone to spend a few days with her sister, Miss Mc- Kenzie, at Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Dezell of Dundalk were Sunday visitors at Mr. Donald Mac Donald's. Mr. Purvis intends having the rais- ing of the addition to his barn this Wednesday. A number have been laid up with an attack of the "flu." Mr. and Mrs. W. Chilton is the name of the new residents in the â- "il- lage (not Clinton,) as published luot week.) K QUICK DROP IN EGSS There was quite a drop in eggs last •veek while J. Runstadler's truck was •jroceeding to Toronto with 1 S"0 dozen ' ?gs as a load. While proceeding ; n the Prince of Wales Highway, be- *ween Sheiburne and Orangeville the I rakes suddenly seized and swung the 1 .'uck to the side of the road into the V at gass, and nothing could stop it f -om taking to the ditch. No dani- E.ore resulted to the truck and the only loss was 62 dozen eggs lost when the load was brought home and the entire shipment of eggs v.-as cand- eled. It was a fortunate escape from more seriuos loss or injury. OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey Council sat as a Court of Revision at Maxwell, on Saturday May 26th. N'o appeals were entered against th« Assessment Roll and Council carried on with general business, Morrison â€" Edwards â€" Th t the Court of Revision on the Asse. raent Roll be adjourned to re-assemlle at Feversham, on Saturday, June 16th., at 2 p.m. Communications were read as fol- lows: Dept. of Agriculture-re We«d Control .A.ct. Wm. Brese-re history of Grey County. Edwards â€" Clark â€" That this Coun- cil place themselves on record as ap- proving the stand taken by the Reeve and Clerk, in stating to those inter- este<l in the proposed McMaster ditch, that the Township would re- main neutral as to the construct' in of the ditch, that this Council will ; be guided only by the enquirers ' award in regard to bridges or cul- verts, and that a copy of this res- olution be sent to Mr. McMaster and Mr. Findlay. Edwards â€" Clark â€" That the , Clerk be instructed to request the Engineer to set a date when he will inspect the bridge on the 12th con' . cession at the 25th sideroad and any other requiring inspectitn. Accounts were passed as follows: .Miscellaneous 5282.59; Road Accounts $622.34. j The Council adjourned to meet ag- ain for general business immediately after the adjourned sitting of the Court of Revision, at Feversham, June 16th. MARRIED WHITTAKER â€" RUDD â€" In To- ronto, at the home of E. W. Rudd. 163 Gorvale Ave., Mrs. Minnie Rudd, daughter of Wm. Taylor, Priceville to Mr. John Whittaker, formerly 01 Durham. L'se The Advance Small Ada BATES BUftlAL CO. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO No Extra charge for the use of our Funeral Parlors J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks "lottge of ianmf^ *^ o e ^ SEED CORN I Rennie's No 1 t Compton's Early I White Cap Yellow Dent | • Wisconsin No. 7 S Imperial Learning i RAPE SEED I W. J. Stewart & Sons I Flesherton, Phone 46 4- a Q s Ont. I IN MEMORIAM on Saturday and visited friends. They complaining of not being very well, j returned home Thursday. Mr. Gilroy MacLean of the Stand- 'ard Bank, Durham is enjoying a coup- le of weeks holidays. I Miss Beckie Nichol of London, and 'sister, Mrs. Kennedy of Hanover vis- ited on Sunday with their friends ^ »_. . â„¢.. and attendee^ church services. Q{/ b« rlKkt. ^ff I Mrs. Parslow of Flesherton sp^nt W» A . O C«_ the week end with her sister, Mrs. . A. Armstrong & son john xichoi. It is to the best interests of your mental ami physi- cal welfare that your eyes { b« rixkt. Jewellers A Opticians FLESHERTON. • ONT. Vac The Advance Small Ads. kept about his usual small duties. On Friday he put in his garden, on Saturday he walked to the back of his farm and home again. lie took very ill on Sunday evening and died on Monday morning at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Robinson is visiting friends at Berkley and Markdale. The world wants a Ford that'M sro the limit when going's good and take air when it's not. Some one should give him a "hnnch." In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Mary Tupling, who passed away, June 1st, 1926. In Feversham, softly sleeping. Lies a cold and silent grave. Where we laid our dear motler. Just two years ago to-day. She was such a dear good mother, So patient, kind and true. There was never a cloud so heavy and dark, But she saw the sunshine through. Oftimes when I think of mother. The seems to be so near, I hear her loving voice saying, r â- > not grieve, dear one, I am near. No death cannot divide me from mother sever the chords of love c is just resting sweetly with .Tesns, 'nt beautiful home above. â€" Sadly missed by Pansy * Nr In The Spring! Brighten Up! Paints and Varnish Renew your Furniture, Woodwork, Floors, etc. will: S.W.P. Paint, Varnish, Enamel and Polishes. We also carry Paint Brushes, Scrub Brushes. Wash Tubs, Pails. Mops and Washing Machmeaâ€" Electric or Hand Power. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54. HARDWARE mmmim tffiiliiMH