Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Apr 1928, p. 7

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f . Armutationof •vwrtliirtjr fmrm u at stuk* arMry tim* • ttackag* of Red Rom Oronc o RkooTooloaold. SohicMy la this raputation prizad that tho makara havo authorlsad your grocar to raplaca any packaga fraa of charga that doaa not satiafy you In avory particular. 6>B New Vegetable Hints P ATENTS Hat af "Waatad laTratleo^ •ad roll lafaraailoa 8«at Ftm â€" Itoq aâ€" t ^in maMBAt oo, Si*t. v. m aMk at, ottswrn, om ^f HUK,I I KS'THOH BRED' babv (^ Ov bmdmnt . WUiTIUiiSh!!. Ra^ Aw giaa<,ftif OmIigiijiM, WUa Vymtaau. lUmdoa. U0« Mtc ddnrctT (ouiMMd. WtlM tad^ fcf nm CMOC MORi ~ iajmE Tomlw avpairasiM does not bore to i b« aera«Md, taK the scalw on th« ; You Can Lay the Foundation of Bteon aliouU b« reinoved. Waeb In taCMUida VlUto for frMd*. â- cv^thafeUwrlC •r oiUlog ahowinc complH* liiM Of largwsiiM. K JSrant/bni VfenderXoncrete Mixer eooiA, aoiKaT a Muni CO. ui coid water uid dmhi tltoro«i«tlr. Tie in • bunoh, ateikd up In * tall kettle •nA flB- to wltlilu OD0 toeli of tbe ap« wttb botUna water, Cover and eook ff«ntil7 for 16 mnuteak leaTlns the tips to oook In steem. All one tMMVQonful of salt, oook anottier 5 or 10 minutes^ depeiDdtnc: on the (hlck- neee of tbe a^para^ue. Lift out. drain, untie aad remnve to hot ptate. Save th© water for- soup or aauoe. To Tarjr tibie flavor ct plain boiled greena. ooo^ with a daflh of season- bugs', Bucfa ae caraway eeed«, freeh or dry dUl, erovnd Klnger, ceietf!- aeed or curry. CeilcaT to the noa-waste vegetablie aad lis not an «Ttrarag9aoe even wben A SPRING TONIC iBritam Seek* AN AID TO HEALTHi ^"Advaiitage In Capital Ships W. C. Bridgcijian Denies It Has Superiority in View, and Regrets "Suspicions" Good Health Now by BuiMing Up Your Blood and Strength- ening Your Nerves Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The Rood old fashion of taking REDMSE 4« Undon.â€" W. C. Bridgeman, First Lord of the AAiiiralty, was the chief ?uest at the annual diinner of tlw, Institution of Naval An-hitett* last ' is ^ood tei^ tonic In the SprlngUme, like moat of ; irieht, when he expr-sst^ recw* that the cufltoms of our grandparents, la "unfortunate 6a»paciona- ahoufri' have baaed upon sound common sense and arisen o^•*r the rect-nt Brit sh c-v good medical practice. Winter la al- posal that battleship, of the fut^e ways a trying time for iboae who are should be not more than 30.000 t..r.„. not In ruKged health. Many men, their gun patbre not more than 13 5 women and children go through the i„cte« and the life of the Ji^ JZ winter on reserve strength they have j«ng«-. He aaad that the ^n^ J^ The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra cost, is extra good * In clean, bright Aluminum stored up during the aunny summer months, and grow Increasingly pale nerves at thla time will do much for hi^ priced. Every bU^o< It can be ^^^ , - â„¢ ^^ ^ ^ «ed: the lnB«r ^-hUe staTka «w. the i, , ^^ ^^^j^ for the blood and larger outer stalka »a a cooked vege- table, the leavee can be cooked as Sreene or, Uke the root, tfiirown Into BDupa, atews or aauoes to add arom- atic flavor. £>reii the w«.ter In wbicb celery Is oboked te ezecllient tor vtock or aaiicea WateMJresB Dressine: â€" 1 ciip Frencfa dreeelng, 6 apricB minced water-cnesB; 1 tablespoon dhopped olivest 2 tnbl o Bpoons pearl onions. The cowslip te a common enougb •wamp and water plant, ttaznliliar to lovers of the outdoors. Those who enjoy getting food off th« land wtll apf>reclate its special qualities. The youne leaves make an exceli- lent salad served with any variants of French dressing. Unlike otbep wild greens, the cowsdlp te set suit- able for cooklne. but the floiwers are excellent for flavoring eoupa and stews. CowsUp budst wiien salted British Budget Shows Surplus Of $20,000,000 { Qassified Adrertiaemenla BOV3â€" Have \E8»-=^Bftrn Buch people, by putting color In the i -,,.,__i„_;.^, ., •. â-  ,. u- , , . •^ ftuperiontj- of capjlaa s^hips whoch had *oeal made at Geneva last \^ar re- ceivwJ a "^ood d««! trf syn-.pathy" nwn Amencarjs and Jai.aneee. ) Denj^iigthatit>.T,. Great B^-itain-ip I National Debt Also Reduced ooect US Btvure any acivaretajje ' TOUR (jWN BC!?!- blr bonuses. Writ* btandard Com :)any, Box 601. Toronto. VBW BBUVSWZOK B I and pickled In vinegar, can be wrved like capers or nasturtium bud£. If dandelions dlBflgure yxMir garden, cut 'em and eat 'em. This i» prob- ably the mo&t comimon of the edible weeds, flouriehlng as it does on elegantly manicured lawns as weM cheeks and banishing that tired feel Ing that worries thousands of people at this season of the year. It Is Inpoaslble to be energetic If your blood Is thin and weak, or It your nerves are frayed or shattered. You cannot compete with others if you do not get refreshing sleep at night. or If your appetite is poor or you are losing weight, this time now, as we fering later of medicine, ter tonic than These pills tone and enrich tbe blood which circulates through every por- been settlej st th? VC e>fhingU>j\ Con- ference, he declR-ed: "Our intention fs merely t.o arhe at r. meawui* of iimrtat'^ion to a!l three c< vntr:« Exp;aininp why th'? BTStie* deleg^ tion to the d: -ar-.i-p.nier.t confej^ence at Last Year by the Sum of £69,000,000 iJRICLLTL-HAL EXPERTS SAY. farming opyoriur.l'.i«s ofI»rsd her* unBurpa»«ea anywhera. Another fact, r^heapest good /arms on aarth atlll hera. Burley a free b«r»a!n oatalof reudr. Alfred Burley Co, Lim'.lad. lit. Joha. Gene London. â€" Great Britain has reduced ard <«>.o^,y e^iuaUy f^^ ' i^^"»^on»l .<!*'>*. by £69,000.000, be- • CO vntH«^ •' I *'*' balancing its budget. This is ' e\nd«nced by a Government announce- ment that the official year er.ddng on Satrday doeed with £4.000,000 sur- nto-t GL.U>IOUL-3. D.VHLIA AND uTHER flowers. Glads flfty. Dahllaa «. or rosea 1, delivered. |:.00. Catalog free. M. a 0. DoudNf S.rr,;!^.!. B C rouLTrnT chip; Swluer, Qr&nton. Ont n 1931 vou r«iuire to consider i "-'^*"", ^ <"* ^ ^^^ »"<* 13 jre- cat»IOffue. Price 10c and ap. th.3ir d^pis two Veaa, ^o^^^^^^Znn^ ^""^^ Z "" ^"^ ^ tlon of the body, strengthening jided \ We have been perfectly frank in sUt-1 ^ ^ uhole^his forestalled rwenue' A. U. MOTxira aiTB sTO&AaE. nerves and rundown organs, and bringing a feeling of new strength and energy to weak, easily tired, des- pondent men, women and children. Mrs. L. Hupman, Summerville Cen- tre, N.S., writes:â€" 'Dr. Williams' Pluk Pills have been of the greatest bene- fit to me. A fev,- years ago I was in a badly run down condition. I became so weak and nervous that I could Not sick, and not well, either as in fallow pastures. It Is only in | scarcely go about and doing my house- reeeut years that we have admittea j work left me completely used up. the value of the dandelion . . . for its : Everything seemed to worry me. and j pdeasing flavor, not to mention lis tow : I was in a very discouraged condition â-  cost. It u-^Qs now attained he dignity J when 1 began taking Dr. Williams' ' of epecial cultivation foi- cxjmmercial i Pink Pills. I soon found the pills helping me. and continuing their use I fully regained my health. Since then I always take a few boxes In the Spring to build me up for the hot weather, and alw^ays I find the best re- sults. 1 therefore cheerfully recom- mend these pills as the best of health builders. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. I use, and may be bought in most cit*;- I markets, spring, summer and fall. • Natural sweetness of x>eas is de- If people so troubled only knew i ^eloped durln« cooking by adding a Warner's Safe Kidney I'^lZlTZT'''' ^^^ I T • rt J Rarely, however, is one served to- ^ and Liver Remedy | ^^,^^ j^ j^,^ ^^^^ ^,^^ ^^_ *Jet'e^nTp.SrfoTa^n''?ou.°ius^'thl';i°'^f*^..^^ T'^-""^' '"^'*^^ is-^osl^. , dull feeling of not being Just right. "Oh. ! ?*«'• ohll'U slice, spnnlcle with salt It will pass In a few days." has been 1 and pepper the belief of thousands who found out I tv.^„, ..t-, t, t . ,-._ •â- - tbe bitter truth too late to save them- t â€" Flom The Book of Green \ ege- â- elves. Too late! What a pity. | tables." by Mollie Gold and Eleanor Is It too late for you? Pcrhap.o not ' omk^-. yet. But the time to save your health is uUOeri. while you still have it. Cleanse out ' <>â€" those braln-dulling poisons from vour i StfrVolfe'r dX*^" ^h^fs" w^La^yo'S i ^mong the jurors sumn«>ned was a have them for â€" to keep you healthy. I woman who wished to be excused. For more than 60 years Warner's Safe ' uTi-nii niB^nni «rVii- Anr^'t i-#^,i â„¢rov.(- Kidney and Liver Remedy has been used ' *^^'' luauam. whj don t >ou want by grateful families who have written In to say that It put them bacit on their feet again. Why not? This safe, herbal remedy, bo pleasant to taste, was orig- inally a doctor's prescription. It Is as (ood to-day as It ever was. We can do no more than to advise you. It Is up to you to visit your druggist for a bottle of 'Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem- •dy now. Costs little â€" and health Is worth much. Warner's Safe Remedies Oompany. Toronto, Ontario. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy A peesimist is a man who judges ths unemployment situation by the vmtAtex of persons who are preparing tD run for office this year.- ^^ During its lifetime, the oyster pro- dacea aiwut 60,000,000 eggs. It's a good thing for quiet seaside r«eorts oyster* don't cackle. to serve on this jury?" asked the judge. "I'm opposed to capital pun- ishment." "But this is merely a case in which a wife is suing her husband for an accounting. It seems she gave him a thousand dollars to pay down on a handsome fur coat and he is al- leged to have lost the money at poker." The woman juror spoke up promptly: "I'll serve. Maybe I'm wrong about capit^al punishment." My little niece Is a funny little girl. The other day when she put on her shoes she complained of them hurting her feet. Her mother examined her shoes, and said: "Why. Daphne, you have got them on the wrong feet!" Daphne began to cry. "Well, mam- ma, they are the only feet I've got," she said. Ask your Automobile Dealer to show you the new models or write for list. 2388 Dundas St. Weat Toronto, Canada. J VIA fcllV iivw UiUUViS Vi mil Sully Brass Foundry Ltd. This Tonic l>oes Bf ore Titan Bring Bacli Healtli The English Sparrow. "1 understand the mayor of Chicago says every species of bird is welcome In his town as harbingers of spring but one." "And which one Is thatt?" "The English sparrow, of course." ILL THE MOVERâ€" PIONEER Dld- T.^NCE movers of Canada. Largest <'7:inaLia. HHl \_}\a Mo-.-er. Man was sentenced to iauor for life, that's undisputed; The rich are those who have had Their sentences commuted iri^ that \*-<e are not attempting to „ ,„i. • ... ... - _. .t TÂ¥ ga^n any advantage o%-er any ^^ ^ ^'«>t '"to the sinking fund. Howevc-r, JJ country, and I still hope and fl:^y : 'v^^^!^''* ^'"^'''^ '" fi"-""^*-"^"--!--* ?a7e«-' m^'tf odL '"two ?.Terien^? rme'n b«flie^â- * that we wiU comVto an agree- **\'** corner is now turned since i^'^" X KH load^ ins'^ured. B.yond rr^„t „^r\, iV^ .^v. » 1 *"* heavy eoet of introd'UCinz the gold compare for skill and care, before yau men* the other great naval -f__j._j i,.-, i,^„ ,^t ^r.A t\^ L.. move write us ,.r wire «n.l reverse rh. powers. standard has been met, and the gen- charges. Head o--flc» Hamilton Ontario. "I do not think we lort very much *!^ .*';",''%*''** "^ ^"^f^ ^'Tl "^ by our fail'are to agree at Geneva lai^t ^^^l^^^.^^riTt ^Z ." .^"'' year. We never quarreled. We hrft "^/*^ \^* ^^ tame been brought to off with mutual i^*p«t for one an-^'**"* ""'*,f"PP?.'-^. '^ ^77', O"* •'' other. We found a great deal of con^ » ^VT" "^t- ^'"f^ f^ Labor now mon ground, and we shall look for- P^'"*!* ^'^"^ shows that of Gre«,t ...»< .-;-u *>,« 1 K_» .J. . • ..u .<• i ' tj-rMain s milKon unemploved. no more ward wiJi the b«wr that IT. the future â-  J., ,-n n^r, «. j" \- â-  than ,0,000 hav^ ceased actively to I k)ok for work, while the remaino^r i form a fltictuating body in which ai\ \ the individuals are employed a part ; of the time. } Another Is that the total value of : the securities handled on tha London i Stock Exchange continues to rise. Baby's Own Tablets Declared to l»"ng been higher last monrh than 1. MT ii. .r.1- • 11- • . . ' sny time since 1921. The third is that be \\orth Their height depressed as are contritions in sonv^ of the main iirdustrie^. sign?? of re- rival are increasing- In South Wales, for example, where diatress has been we wiE come to an agreenvent which will be of advantage to all the coun- tries concerned." A WO.BERFUL TRIBUTE in Gold A mother has only jo use Baby's Own Tablets once to be convinced the greatest, -work has been restarteii that nothing else can equal them In at the Ebb Vade Company's coal pits, banishing the Ills of her little ones. 'â-  which were idle for eight months, also Once used, always used, as loug as in the Rook Collieriee at Glyn Neath. there are small children in the home which has been closed since Christ- â€" that is the tribute thousands of jn^s. Three steel blast furnaces at mothers pay the Tablets. i Swansea, cold for nearlv 12 months, Among the many, many mothers ; also announce their reopening, who are anxious to teil of their ex- 1 Going Fishing? Minard's i-* u rfiiabis^ nrsi .Hid for .sprains, cuts ^ud bniis»s. Also good for Iu.--ect bites. Put a bottle in your ki:. YOUNG mm Minard's Liniment for Backache. The St. Lawrence Waterway Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph (Ind. i: Tlie Customs House officer sat in the parlor of his snug home, awaitiner news of the important event that â- wae taking place in the next room. Sud- denly a nurse burst into the room bearing in her arms a snwdl bundle. "It's a boy," she said, "and every- thing has gone splendidly." "Ob, has It?" replied the officer, absent-mind- edly. Then in stern tones he address- ed the bundle: "Have you any wines, spirits, perfumes, tobacco, silk, opera- glasses, watches ?" * Witticisms are the la«t things one expects to find in dictionaries. But there is a decided le\nty about a mod- perience with Baby's Own Tablets Is ' Mrs. Griffith, of East Hamilton. Out.. 'â-  who writes: â€" "Shortly after coming to Canada I began giving the Tablets to my baby boy who was then six weeks old. The result was so pleas- \ If the St. Lawrence waterway te a good lug that since that time I have always i thing for Canada, then Cajiada. bav- kept the Tablets In the house. I have Ing regard aiwa.vs to her fliKuidal two children now and both of them ' capacity, should be wilUag to proci?ed are the picture of health. Baby's Own ' with It. If It Is not a good thing for Tablets are the only medictne they ' Canada, t/hen no tariff conoessious of have ever had and I really believe the \ any kind whatsoever &-om the United Tablets to be worth thefr weight In Siatee ought to induce u» to go on gold." I with ft. And the sooner Mr. King Baby's Own Tablet* are free from \ |g made to understand thJa the better all Injurious drugs and can be given ' ^ wi:i be for everyone. to the youngest babe with absolute ' * safety. They are sold by medicine i p^j ^^^ jijk^ ^.^re looking inhi a dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box jeweller-, w-lndow. "Mike" said I'at. by The Dr. Williams BrockvlUe. Ont. Medicine Co., A tilt, ijowerful ahrtative Is needed icgiUariy by every penon who has any Manifestation of blood disorder. For only by purifying and toning tbe blood can good health be restored. Bucy«y> TRij-BLOOP Is :i prpY«n coftcctive for weak, deficient or mpute blood. Fint succeasfuUy used as a doc- tat^ prtscriptMU, TRU-BLOOD Is high- \$ Mcommended for tbe prompt elindn- alioa ol all skin aflectioni such ts ftl>lct, blackheads, biotcba, ulcers, , abacesscs, tcscma, boils, salt rheum Md all troubles ariainc from Impover- isbcd or below-pat blMik ^ A characteristic tribute to the benefit of TRU-BLOOO is tbe foUowing: "I used two bottles of TRU-BLOOD last Spring. It built me up, and gave me new life, and u long as I live I shall never be without it." TRU-BLOOD b more than * purifier of the blood. Use TRU-BLOOD and skin troubles will disappear, tht com- plexion will become clear, smooth, color- ful. Buckley's OINTMENT is a mafic aid to TRU-BLOOD ia permanently banishing disfiguring blembhcs. Good dtuggists svtiywhcie cany both. lotU'S the TRUBLOOD Smuts and Status Saint... John. .Telegraph-Jourcal (Ind.): (^\^len Hertiog recently as- serted the right of the Dominion to remain neutral If Britaiu were Involv- ed In war, General Smuts asked: "How can the same King be at war and at peace at the same time In the - same Empire?"! The King cannot be at war and at peace at the eame time in tbe same Empire. The British famili:.- la the world's leading force for peace. It has no aggressive de- signs^ It Is the chief pillar of the League of Nations, It will never en- gage In unjust war. But Its defence, should the necessity arise, is and must : always be. a matter of common re- ] sponsibll>ty. Geueral Smuts' question j em standard work's definition of a ! Jlssipates the fog in which some peo- j sea serpent as "an enormous marine . P'* **'^'' '*' envelop an iseue about animal of serpent-like form, frequent- 1 ^''^''-'^ t^^''^ should be no manned of , ly seen and described by credulous ' ^^^' ^ f^*"* '" ^^ avoided In tlie i sailors, imaginative landsmen, and <!!=«^ussion of Imperial reliatlons is too common liars " j much talk aboin rights and too little I about duties and obUgatlotis. ♦ â€" Five-year-old Joan was at dinner at a neighbor's one day when she was surprised to see the whole family, be- fore eating, saying grace. At last she asked, "What are you doing?" "We are thanking the Lord for giving us this bread." said her hcateso. "Don't you give thanks at home?" "Oh, no," answere<i Joan, " we pay for our bread." "how'd ye loike to have your pick here?" "Faith,'' answered Mike, "Oi'd rather have me shovel." Corrugated Iron ASK FOR WHCCLER « BAIN "CouncO Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread ot galvanizing over every Inch of sui^ face. Deep corrugations. .'Vgenclea still open In some localities. Writ* us, stating alza of barn you want to cover. - WB PAY FREIGHT WHEELER A BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St.. Toronto 2 SUFFBIOSI These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pio.kliani's Vegetable Compound Ayer's CliiT. Quebec. â€" "I h.-vo been teaching fur three y:;i:->, and at t!;e vv-i of the year I al'.vaya feel tired and have no appetite. I v.aa awful sic'; each month too.ha% ing pains in t.v back until somi't'ti^e.-? I was oblged to stop working. .A friend r e c o tn m e II d e d Lydia K. P i n k- ham's Wu;t>table Compound to me and I heard many women teilind how good it was so 1 thought it would help me. And it did. Now 1 take ?i.i bottles every year and recommend it to others. " â€" Do.v.^LD A K.\.\TEl'X, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.â€" "1 had ir- regular periods and great sulTcring at those times, the pains causing vomiting and fainting. I was teach- ing school and often for some hours I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement in the paper.s 1 knew of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me. the troubles being completely relieved." â€" LAfR.\ J. Laton. Canning, King's G)unty, Nova Scotia. o Spain Curbs Beggars; Madrid Exi^s 400 Madrid. â€" General Martiues An- Ido, Minister ot the Intarior and one of the strong men of General Prlmo de Rivera's semi-mllltary government. Is determined to cure the professional mendicancy which shocks visitors to tbe principle cities ot Spain. More than 400 of these "never- works" have been seized by the Madrid police and sent back to tho places ot their birth, so that the streets of the capital will be comparatively clear for at least the time they need to find their way back. Use Minard's Liniment for Corna. Acid Stomach The AitgVer â€" "Didn't h«\'e much srpcrt that day. Iian<^d a three- pounder, certainly- â€" but what's a three- pounder?" Bored Ijistener â€" "Usually ab<>irt eight ounces, ian't it? " ISSUE No. 1Bâ€" '28 Exco8.'< acid Is the common cause of i less and tasteless and Its action ti IndigestloD. It results In pain and quick. You will never rely on orudf sourness about two hours after eatiug. methods, never continue to suffer. The quick corrective Is an alkali which when you learn how quickly, how neutralizes acid. The best corrective pleasantly this premier method acts. Is rhlUips' Milk ot Magnesia. It has Please let It show you â€" now. remained standard with physicians In the 50 years since Its Invention. Cue spoonful of Phillips' Milk ol Magnesia neutralizes Instantly many times its volume la acid. It is barm Be sure to get the genuine Phillips* Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years In cocrectrtg eKcess acids. Each bottle contain* i'dl Clroc- tions-^iny dru^stors. ^

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