* 4 * y W^t /leslj^rtim %inmce. Vol. 47 No. 46 Flesherton Ontario. April 18, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pioprietor FEVERSMAM Mr. and Mi*. Wm. Smith spent the week end with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cameron on the old homestead on the 10 line, four miles west of here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and babe of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mrs. Forsythe parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eby in this village. Mr. Ed Pey of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alex- ander. The teachers have returned to their duties after the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Conron, who have been visiting with Mathew's mother for the last few weeks have returned to their home in CoUing- wood. Mr. Jas. Eby spent last week with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Wttl Colquette motored over from Owen Sound on Saturday and visited with his parents, and Mrs. Colquette and children returned Hon c with them on Sunday after "a weeks visit with friends here. Miss Jean Alexander spent the week end in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen have moved to the farm Leslie rented from Mr. Jas. Davidson on the 12th line and they are welcomed to our ne'uhbor- hood. Mr. Geo. Ottewell h3s rented the Kaitting farm on the 12th line and has taken possession. j FARM AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Shim-Flatt Lightning Rodsâ€" Prest- on Metallic Roofing. â€" Gilson Furnaces Wire Fencing â€" Fleury Plows and Re- | pairs, etc. Prices as low as can be ^ secured anywhere. â€" Ed. Rutherford, Proton Ststioo. 'Phone Dnudalk 44 r 32. ' i If you are not sure about your eyes, make sure. Much poor health comes from imperfect eyes. W. A. Armstrong & Son*: Jewellers & Opticians FLESHERTON, - ONT. I Mr. D. D. McLachlan attended the marriage of his eldest daughter, Mary McLanghlan to Mr. Robertson which took place in Toronto on Thursday. The beat wiahes of this community is extended to Miss Mary and her hiubuHL Mr. Percy Hemphill spent the week end in Toronto. Mn. A. C. Mttir spent the week end with her parents at Berkley. Mrs. Myers of Allan Park visited with her friend Mrs. Jas. McWhin- ny on Monday. Hiss Marion Mivr spent Easter vacation with her sister at Peter- boro. Mr. John Wells of Hanover visit- ed with R. Cook the first of the week. Mrs. J. Carins, and two children of MacTeer visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns. Mr. Jack White returned to Toron- to on Saturday to his school duties. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. F. J. CoUinson. Mr. John McMillan is spending a few weeks with his aunt at Dur- ham. "Miss McPhatter of Owen Sound spent Easter holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Gorge Boyce. Miss Delia Marshall ,who has been visiting with her aunt returned tr her home at Roderickville. Mrs. John Gibson, Mr. Robt. Campbell, Miss Mary Stewart aad Mr. Donald Stewart, Messrs John and Dan Muir attended the funeral of a relative at Caledon on Monday. visiting with her siter. Miss Cath- arine Muir. Miss Hazel Binnie of Priceville is spent Easter holidays with her fviend Miss Jennie Chesney. Mrs. Geo. Carins left on Tuesday for Toronto where she will spend a while with her daughter and sister, who are confined with the mumps. Mrs. F. Marshall is visiting witii her daughter at Bolton. M'ss Marsraret McMullen , visited the past week with Priceville friends. The pastor announced on Sunday that a congregational meeting would be held in the church on Friday even- ing, when everyone is invited. A short program will be given. Advertise in The Advance THE NOW, when all Nature is donning new and festive garb, when the whole world is vibrant with life and color, when new beauties spring up all around us . . . Nov7, more than ever, people are tui-ning to the car that carries the spirit of the Springtime . . . the "Bigger and Better" Chev- rolet. Now, more than ever, you will delight in the thrill of your first ride in this luxurious, low-priced car. Go to your Chevrolet Dealer ! Let him arrange a demonstration for you. Get behind the wheel of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. Feel the happy miles sweep past -with ease and smoothness, and share the care-free, joyous spirit of the Spring. The GM.A.C. . . General Motor^ own deferred payment plan aJioids the most con- venient and eeonomical •WSJ of buying your Chevrolet on time. RSADT FOR PROMPT BELIVERT PRICEVILLE PROTOIV aTATmi CHEVROLET THE LOWEST PRICES IN ALL CHEVBOLET BISTORT Tourias Coup* â- OMch - Cafcriohl - ' - laipanal Sadia • CmmmkU Ckaate RoMbtOT DeH*«nr Toa Tnck Cbniii . . «62S4>0 . â- 629.00 . . 74O.00 . . 740.00 . . (iJ.OO Roadswc BxpMM , XO trkei €l FaOtrj, OilUmu Cctmmtnt Teim, Bmtm and Sftn Tin BrtK fOii-iOO 890.09 470.M 62S.0O t}%J09 \ D. McTavish & on ' FLESHERTON,0NT. PBODIXT OP GBNBtAL MOTOM 0» CANADA. UMRVD Last week in Toronto the Ontario Educational Association held its an- nual meeting and its sessions are al- ways interesting and inspiring. It has many departments and sections. Teachers in High, Public and Kinder- garden schools, a trustee section w '.h sub. sections, mathematical, science historical and other sections are all comparing notes and listening to ad- dresses from practical men on sub- jects relating to school or college room. Messrs Alfred Hincks, Wm. Ramage, Peter Johnston, Wm. Mc- Kenzie and Miss Marion Muir at- tended this 0. E. A. convention in Toronto. Mr. Alroy McLean of Orangeville Business College spent the week end at his home. This Monday morning the teachers and students are all back to work again after spending the Easter hol- idays. Miss Jessie Nichol spent the Easter vacation with friends in Kleinburg. Mr. Victor Smart of Sault Ste. Marie was a visitor at Mr. Colin Mc- Lean's and Mrs. Graham's and other friends in Priceville. Mr. Archie McQuaig (Jr.) visited a few days with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthur, and Mr. Ernie Bradley of Berkley Sun- dayed at Mr. T. Nichol's. A number of our youth and beauty attended the dance at Mr. W. W. Ramage's on Thursday night. An ideal time was spent by all. Mr. Wm. Aidcorn, and Mr. Mc- Ir.nis spen'; Wednesday at Mr. Archie McCuaig'."-'. Mr. Gordon McTIannell of Booth- ville visited on Saturday at Mr. A. L. Hincks. The play entitled "Pa's New House- keeper," put on by Bunessan folks on Wednesday night in the McKinnon Hall v/as a decided success. The characters were Messrs. Charles Ken- nedy Neil McArthur, John McFa;- kne, Misses Isabell McArthur anl Anna Mary McLean. Each one d.J â- their part well. Music was provided bv the orchestra and a duet by Thos. and John Nichoi Bag pipe selection by Mr. Mclnnis, which was much appreciated. M.-. Mclnnis is right from Scotland ar.,i is a real Scotchman. It was a treat to hear him play the pipes. Th' proceeds of the evening v,-ere ab >'. $25. Miss Rebecca Nichol has commeii ced school again. She has not son sine Xmas. She has only two uih jects to write this year and we wis! her success. Mr. Innis McLean returned back t Orangeville Business College, aftc- spending some time at his home her; Mr. Elton McLean and sister, Kath- leen Sundayed at Mr. David Nichel's Mr. Mclnnis returned back to To ronto after spending Easter vacatioj among the Priceville people. Mr. Mclnnis is a wonderful speaker and on Sunday night preached a very im- pressive sermon that won't be forgot- ten by all those present. He also offered a gaelie prayer. He has five exams to try and expects to fin- ish College in May. We wish him every success in life. Mr. Dan McKinnon, from the \ve.;t was a recent visitor at Mr. Alex. Car- son's. A JOKE ON THE TRUSTEES An amusing deception was pr:- - ticed on those in attend-ince at t;.: Urban Trustees' Convention in 1 - ronto. At the door of the hall whc q the convention was held, were pi':; of pamphlets and other literat.r-:! < f a more or less dry and dusty chi-- acter. But there was also a si a pile of modest books with bluo cov bearing the title "What I know ->- bout women" While the educatio â- .! literature was practically untouc' j, the small pile of blue pamphlet-? I ad to be renewed three times. The .al- eg-ites grrabbed thenr eagerly «iid peered expectantly inside. U ml;' pages met their eyes. At first <l' ap- pointmnt met them, until they had the satisfaction of watching their fel- low educationalists falling prey 1 1 the joke sponsord by the Toronto trustees. The books were for the purpose of note making. Mr. Herbert Corbett of Prot a Stat- ion attended the Ontario Educational Association convention in Toronto last week. Mr. Corbett was appointed last year as Vice-Pres. of the rural section of the school trustees i»nd this year the convention honored him with the office of President of that dep.irt- ment. Mr. Corbett informs us that one of the most interesting: resolut- ions under discussion was the Town- ship School BiU. The convention decided to send a request to Premier Ferguson that decision be deferred un- til after the O. E. A. convention next April. In the meantime the commit- tee will endeavour to have the qtiest- ion debated in each school section and also at the convention next year. A pleasant event in connection with the convention was a dinner given by the Robert Simpson Co. to the ofieials of the O. E. A. The Easter home coming visitors have returned to their various occup- ations, Miss Stewart, Miss McCan- nell, the Misses Achesons, Miss Eva Wauchope, Miss Gertrude Lyons, and her brothers, Stanley and Llovl Mr. Jack Neilson, and sister, Mr*. Irwin attended the funei-al of her brothr-in-law, Mr. Thomas Love of Emory, who was killed in an auto- mobile accident. Wilfred Batchelor, and hi.s cousi:;. Gordon Batchelor are vioitinpf at Hillsburg. Born â€" On April 4th to Mr .;n i Mrs. Bert Badgerow, SaugePii Jan't.. a son. .A-t time of writing Mrs. Badgerow is critically ill. Andrew Hemphill was ac- identlv struck on the face with a bat whik playing: ball the other day. A doc- tor was failed id found it noeessar;: to nut stitches into the woiird. We coTifV'atulate Arnold Hergott on his success in his recent examinat ions at the Guelph Agricultural Col- lege, also for winning first prize for neatness in his work. Arnold's ex- public school teachers were not sur- prised to hear that he had won that prize. KIMBERLEY Eastr had its usu.)I number of visitors: Miss Elvie Bishop of Georgt;- town. Miss Almeda Weber of Mea- ford H. S., Miss Bessie Stafford ot' Huntsville, Mr. Carl Carruthers of Meaford H. S., Mr. Stan Lawrence, Oshawa at their respective parental liomes. Mr. J. Taylor, Oshswa at h»me here, Mrs. Leslie Lawrence of 3arrie, the guest of Mrs. J.- Law- rence, Miss Marion Fawcett, Toront-j with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jrn. Fawcett, also Miss Lulu Hutchinson, av-home. Miss Viola Fawcett of Collingwc.o ' r;. & M. hospital h.;s completed h"r hree years training and was home for a short time, returning for a few exams. She will graduate in Jure. The school opened for the Ia.st term on Monday, but was closed for 1 few days owing to»the mump scare, until the M. O. could makoHiis rc- ^rt. We hope it is only a scare. Mrs. .\. Andrews of Toronto is vi--- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mr<. ,'. Plewis. Mr. G. Proctor has finished his fine lile of wood for the s;;on. About 80 cords. Mr. W. Gilchrist turned into tlio church wood-pile with his "buzzing" outfit and with the help of other helping hands cut about 15 cords. Mr. C. Thompson, our mail carrier is mskinf? record time these day.i with either car or 'â- •uck, going nearly every day to the station. Mcster R. J. Fav^'cett is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Fawcett. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Osborne in the death of her cousin, Mr. D. Ferguson of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fawcett vipitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson re- cently. Mr. Harold Thompson, Fleslu-rtjn H. S. spent the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompsson. We all enjoyed the W. M. S. ser- vice on Easter Sunday morniny:, also the regular meeting at the hop;e of Mrs. T. Abercrombic. The Ea.ster offering amounted to nearly S3. The members are enjoying the new study book, and readings from the Heralds CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKay w ;h to express their deep appreciation for help and kindness extended to th,.m by their many neighbors on accou.it of the recent fire. KEEP MARKERS CLEAN The Highway Traffic officers will be on the look-out for motorists who neglect to keep their markers clean. The act states that markers must be kept clean so that the numbers can be clearly discernable. This year there is very little difference, in the color of the markers, being but a shade deeper yellow than last year, and making it very dificult to dis- cern between the two issues. OSPREY U. F. Y .P. O. The Osprey U. F. Y . P. O. m.n at the home of Mr. Fred Spoffard on Tuesday March 27th, 1928. A good number were in attendance in spite of the bad roads and stjrms. It was decided to have a taffy pull at the home of Mrs. E. Madden on Fri- day, April 27th. A debate was gi â- en between the senior and juni o clubs, resolved "that youth has dc tcriorated. Abo a Mother's Day p o gram was decided. .\ collection 'v!ll be taken and members of all cl;:bf welcome. BATES BUfilAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. I O ® ® "jlottge of (Bualit p" SEEDS! - SEEDS! RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, MAM. CLOVER, ALFALFA, SEED BARLEY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT! THE QUALITY CAN'T BE BEAT! Terms - Cash WE ALSO HANDLE THE BEST BABY CHICK FEED AND STARTING MASH ON THE MARKET EGGS FOR HATCHINGâ€" Light Sussex Eggs â€" From Imported Stock. PRICE $1.50 PER. 15 W. J. Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont. The Spring! Brighten Up! Paints and Varnish Renew your Furniture. Woodwork. Floors, etc. with S.W.P. Paint, Varnish, Enamel and Polishes. We also carry Paint Brushes, Scrub Brushes. Wash Tubs, Pails, Mops and Washing Machinesâ€" Electric or Hand Power. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54. HARDWARE. ^^ne m& ® llier lofT-piice^ ear can ^proacli° New Chry»lcr "52" TuwDoor Sedan, $880 »70 Chrysler "Sa" New Lotver Prices < 870 ' 870 Coope • . Roadfter . Touring • • • 870 TwO'Door Sedan 880 Four-Door Sedan 930 DeLuxe Coupe • 930 (wUfcfMnMaiM) DaLuze Sedan • 1000 An trUm /. «• b^WMwr. UrtUihl ami IN PERFORMANCE, style and «iia|. ity this smart new Chrysler "52" is one with all Chryslersâ€" designed by the same great group of eng^eers that planned the "62," "72" and 112 lupw Imperial "80"" ... Its characterisde Chrysler speed ability and ptck-4ip aie linked widi a real smoothness. Flee^ ness and dash with true comfort andl pleasure . . . Ease of handling is unap' pnMiched by any car costing less tfaaa $1500 . . . Full-sized, roomy bodies o£ finest construction. Upholstery and fit> tings 1^ beyond the quality of those hk any other cars of comparable price . • • No other low-priced car offers Am positive safety of self-equalizing hy> draulic 4-wheel brakes, available aC slight extra cost . . . Sparkling perform*' ance, roomy comfort, smartness* Ctur^ sler prestige make Chrysler "52" today more than ever the outstanding viltie in the low-priced field. L. A. FISHER & SON Flesherton, Ontario When a man who is not used to thu ' tods lights a match and later I rows it on the ground, expects it t( go out. But when an experienced w 'dsman is through with his match it â- â- ; out. He does not leave it t3 e>:.;octatkm. He knows. QnTSler^' â- 'z-^-f. ^. : :. • > -â- - ^. -^^ ^:.1.V,^^..^..^. . ^....,t,„..a^,..,^aAi,i. i^ â- A^M ri^MlMiiiitMltfll