Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Nov 1927, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, XOVEMBEE It, > r J ^: i The Profit Lies in the Finish It pays to market cattle with the proper degree of finish. A quality pr«d"n always ciimmaads a premiom and i; readily saleable at a proritabte price. K yoc have stock which iteeds a little more time for ftnishin^. and the feed is scarce, see the local man- ager of the Standard Bactk. I: is a simple matter to arrange a loan to carry the stock ontil a favorable mar- ket vrarrante a profitable sale. THB STANDARD BANK OP CAJHADA. FIESHEXTOS BRANCHâ€" E. A. Pi«stoo, Mttnagtr CPJL TDfB TABLE ADDmOXAL LOCALS This Cat Had Only Oae Life is said tbat • cat has nine Imc, and rayone w1m> has titcd to mtoA p«i- her ham^ â- MtBiac CnMBMis via . fast whf Ham partkidaiqr «t race h^ bccB haaded do«B T time of awrimt Ekntiaas, -.'-.- •-â- at as aacrcdL . r-r^ectly heard of oae cat, ..u v-r _ ceased oaljr eae life ir.i "..-_a: •J-ij .-- -:t'?d out qnider than. TO a could say ;â- ;•- This ea: :•*- leased to th.s h:-;;-.:'! of Mr. AliSS. McMnDen. who lives a eo«|^ of frwm town, Mrs. McHoIIeB ^jalding oot h«r •- :â€", - -.h. hwitiwc water, as bttt:cr---a-.c7i i.>. to. kSD the dan gtaoo s -•..7. ;;? :^'-i :ii"ened the lid down wi:- i: :- i r j : : ^'n*; th« dire eoc_5e:-:^r.ri -r--. e. Pusy in her wandering came cl:-f6 :â- ! the chum, whec tie fceary steam ptessore inside blew tfcs pi"? -"c: 0: the cfe«in. This struck poor possy OB the neck near ier ear. when she , jmmpled up and passed sway wirhoJK a qaiver of a musck. It was a ' parr-fectly painless death, and a most ! remarkable one from every poinx of ; view â€" ^f or a cat. Trains leare Fleaherton Station aa| Mr. Wes .\nBstro.:g is in Toronto: toOowa: (this week. \- 6oiB« Soath Going North J The WJI.S. will m^et in the United f 8.08 ajn. 1152 a.m.' Church on Thursday at 3 pjn. 4 JO a.m. 853 pjsi^ Counter check bo<;':3 at Tne .Advance 8.31 p.m. 4.33 pjas. office. The maib close at Fleaherton as; Xhe Royal Winter Fair opens in follows: For the north at 11.00 ajn., Toronto to-day. •oath at 3.30 For looming train j Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Perigo and fam- mail closes at 9.00 pjn. the V.y oi Toronto st at Thanfc^iving ! T.-:th ilr. and Mrs. .Uhert Stewart- i iiiss Mabel Par-iow of Holland ; Centre scent Sonl -.v with ^Itss Beth Local and Personal ' ^= • ^'^ MRS. LIVELY RECEIVED MOth Iffevioos evening. Mrs. F. M. Liveiy received for the fiist tiaae since ho- marriage ob Sat- oiday aftKBOOD, Xorenbcr 54^ The callers vere admitted br Betty Morray and in ttodneed by lbs. Murray. Mrs. Lively^ who looked charming in hM' wedding gown of ivoiy sakia and lace, had recerriag with her, het hrtdesBuid. Iliss Mason of AgnMoart. Mrs. W. .\. Armstrong poured the tea aad was as^sted in the dinBiag- M Not Qrke Ens iOmge Valley Again Woa -^^-..^.iw^- Tte Or. Spronie Trajh, FleshfBtoa, the charge «aa laid hj A. L, BonsoB of LaadM stadler, it was aB«B<^ b<xl ed eg*s £raw varioaB idaOen 1 gncn theai a giadiBC alqp for ataaj ihi i MU «f it bdng (OMfesataod ^at these eget to be giadad later ak his wmn- Ite fiaal gia£ac acBt iftH laker. Uadcrthis â- teat, tte ragtoMer man^ find after gra^ig «aa iiaii|ihlid thax he owed 3fr. SBBstadlez' a haltace, «r it fifcdy Mr. cw« his saafcaaMT. The depocit was iwfairifd to rqcesMat as aeaity as codd he aaeertased ak the tiae;, the aetaal vafake that the eggs wain caaae ta, bat was not to' otheis are daiae the be legal J ei l as "fiaaT* p aja a tnL Doriag the haaeri^ As we sadesstoad fhe la^cetacs. tte ercd br Mrs. T. J ;::ietB)Sd is qnite aB right, bat it «^1^- ^ Hawken. Ca alleged that the dips paaaed oat belted, garni flrganizt >£r. SoBstadler wexe aevcr agaia le-jgaiv the iMad^e-? ferred to by c^tther W or has fiiiliaaii.i "•> she naqpectuea pcadadae several -^-^ which had halaMca which aever hac ^^ been collected aad so far if v-t ':' 'â- [;>:;- :: 'J-r^^i cooid flad eat, never anmU. T-; â-  r:; charged that this was hot a - - -"^ of getSag aroind the ewr-rri-. ^" " ?" : 7-=:: C-e'.TS-s Caimj . Rev. W. C. ?-:: c: - C7 :â-  -â-  I.;.:.- - k-i- â- ;--:â-  ai::-:-i- :--y â- i^ â-  f hith e m e haring : CeebettoB L. Ol L. ;i~ the €ap ftvm Oiani: year it is hoped tha: dK cooadr wrai joL- ttiaB. aOTT Aat &e: Rl BBER BOOTS FOR .4.LL F- i .-.:•: â- Â» :-i S:. will help :>er bot- :•:-.-}. and wiar. vl.-iii^ -ju W. L. MORWOOD ' De Forest Crossley . RADIO . ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SETS Sevea oatstaadiag aodek, prices $44 to $385 RADIO SUPPLIES 'â- â€¢â- ^i 'j.T~.IJ --.1- - â-  - â- ; Mr. rv in well. â- teBoa:$crate Mrs. WiU mil of Markdale spentj -^^ .>isj ^j g p^^^ Monday wiht her mother. Mrs. Parker. | jj;^ Marguerite Mr. C. F. Lawrence waa in Toronto j .j^ned to Toronto The L.O.B_\. wi ' hold their refnilar room bv Mrs. C. J. Crossley aad Ufo. ! met •in? on Mocdt.- evening, Novent- W. J. W. Armsteng. 'e â- <!v««itker Desrhe the disa;leea!^'.° liunstadler has re- <>^?' f^-rty ladies called. University to re- on Saturday. ' sume her studies. Mr. and Mrs. Will Field of Toronto . yj,.. Maurice Wr rht Bobcavgeon - . • l__i. w ' . . . ... . -• ADDmOX.AL LOCALS Mrs. W. T. Hodgson of IsHs^toB was in town las; week and visi-ed her mother. Mrs, TrimWe. in the Owen Mrs. W. W. Trimble was rertovec j :o the Owen Soanid hospital, after her recent serious accident in her '-â- â€" t â-  and is resiinsr as eomfortabiv as : were visitors in town last week. i risited over Thanksgiving at his rar- ,»- ^ ... . , Mrs. Aikenhead and granddaughter 'ental home here. . -^^ f T!'*'^\5"'"? '.i/^!?^ of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs.j Mr. Ross Smith, who is aaending S hS^w^A^^ bolrfayed m F. H. W. Hickling. | Xormal School in -oronto. spent the Mr. -Atistin Shsckleford is an in- J Thanksgiving hoiid.-.y at his. home in mate of Owen Sound hospital suffer- :own. •' ing from a complication of troubles. Mr. Orloff Howden of Toronto University spent Thanksgiving at his home. Mr. H. Keil and wife of Osprey left last week for Florida by motor, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Frank Tate of Laurel visited Mrs. Blackburn over the holiday. Her - . .,n. o many old friends were deUghted toj^*.'""-^ The i>un continues rts pros see her again. Miss Shirley Murray and friend, , ^. ^ . c. •â-  v tr t- • . Miss E. Bryce of Toronto were thej^o^id Chapter of the Eastern Star.msr m the Wa^terton r.os?::al. motor- miest^i of Dr and Mrs. E. C. Murrav ' P^^ » "*" »" ^^^e Flesherton Chapter ed :o their home at Marmora and for Thankssivimr * * ^'S Monday e\-ening of this week. .\ spec: a few days ther* last we«k. , ,T . -.r 1 J \t J 1 lunch was served the visitors at the «,.« rvi-:*,;,.. r. „.„>,.>•! ,.....>.) Mr. and Mrs. .\. MooJv and Mr. and* , J»r*- tRr.sttni tampbe.; passed Mrs. Alex. McEachnie Sr. of Toronto j "" ~*- . a'^-T at her home on the North Line. spent Thanksgiving with the latter-si ^^* P'*-"" ^*\* ^'''^*','^^*'°'^ .***-' A«*°»*«i»- '^" Tuesday ntorninx. ^^ here presented several times since November 15th at the age o: ;?4 vears ' VU, Fvnda Wilson teacher in ih« '^"J^^^^ ^^T^^ 'fv**** ?**'"°* *°*^ ^"^ months. The funeral" will Mi»s E%ada Wilson, teacner in xne j Lajj^^, j^j^^ ^^ g, j^j^^.^ United take place on Thur^av a' > oVl<v-fc Humewood schoo . and Ml Thurston. [^,^^^.j, ^^ j, ^^j ^^ j^ f»v- rPrSSle cem^ ' teacher in Rawlmson Road schooL ^^^j^ comment. t>tceville cemetery, spent Thanksgiving at their homes m. ~^^ j„^,^^. ^^j^^,^^ ^^ ^ ^^ *®'â„¢- t Richard Smith of Markdale are verv town. The Flesherton High School Liter- ^ j i. *â-  , arj- Society wiU hold their annual "'''•'^ kospnal. Christmas concert 03 Friday. Novem- ber 25th in the hi^rh school. .Admis- sion 35 and 25 cent.*. The Stayner Sur. has entered upon 51st vear of publication under the ^ expected under the .•--.â- .-?:'•.â- ;< editorial pen of D. G. Bell and has be- H« physicians have str. :; -t^- : come a decided intloence in that town ^^^ ukimate recovery. ..- _.._ ^_. ... â€" ^- ....- r-" itr. aad Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and I perity. son. Jack, accompanied by the for- ! .About a dozen members of the Owen ' mer's sister, who has f icished traia- s'egalatMBs and tkit the de: wasgaihy of an afioice vr.-- Xtx. Magistrate Laidlaw =- thcoght so, toa, as '- : defendant $S5 aari c; -< stadia- was nat is c .- iOaess. aad the was - -â-  ed the opiaian tha: Mr. SaastadBer^ arv .^- - dear vp aajrthii^, h.; -â- - PO«tp««B«BMat ocder. :: was pretty wdl pre it nonid do no good Ao^ ^ the Salter. J H. HcQaanrie of IfiddMna aad M^-KJtiarre. here, lepresoated the .Town in the case against Cl^^ds. •ad P. »eC<dlQagh ^ C_ of .Muk- (fale,. ateaiBst Rmeiadler. â€" Darhani Chianide. BftUSIC rhe :^dverTi>e in T~.e .^ r.-j-cc Largest Radie Maafacti in the British Eatpcre :ij iiir-i SILVER CI PS FOR HIGH WINNERS -»iT SCHOOL r.UR DPH©=IE11 9^. our Cotmtry Home â-  ir.::ec â- jitest On Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. D. McTavish. two children of Mr. and Mrs. C. McTavish of Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Chasj- McTavish and s^rry to know of the serious accident v â-  . r^ v , family -and Messrs. Stewart and Cecil which wcentiy befell her in Toronto. :^'^, t«P"^««- tV^^-sKv Jean and!es Stewart, also Muriel Jeaa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- Tavish. Rev. Joseph Harrower office MoTavis*. all of Oshawa. spent f where she and Mr. Smith had gone Thanksgiving at their pjir^f-ita! home ;,, spend the winter with their daugh- in town. â-  ter. Ina. Mrs. Smith, who was sub- . . _ The High Falls Hunt Club boys re- .'*«•"' to 'ii^^' spells, fell when taken '* ''^^• turned home last week with their full; ^"h one of them and broke her hipl John H. Mawer of Paisley will be quota of deer. G. B, Wehon captiir- '>^^!'<?- ^^e was taken to the hospital. . .^t the Munshaw House. FlcshertocK «« ed a fine specimen weighing 2S0 where the fractar* was redaced. Sa>e ! >»«>^nit>er 2lst: M&rkdale. Nov. 22: pounds : is at present at the home of heriColIingwood. Nov. 2ord: Thombury. _ , , , , ,, dat^srhter. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Nov. 2.tth and Meafon.i. Nov. 25th. to 1 -s,^ ~.-t\rav <ts.tMi^ .Mr. Burt Field paid his annual fall Mrs. W. J. Sce^^rt and Mrs. Hanlev sell .^ p.-rn-.aner.t o.tre for ^EA^â- VS ' ' ' ' ^***^ visit to the w^mxIs sround Flesherton ' ^j town. " I; s : \v N . ^ - | .. during the day time, and with Mr. and ^ - I,,; ,->... v--^-^ „.,,....,... Bendack. v:va V;?. -.;;; .^.; CoDingwooc. L.-r-T V-.- .5.- I>«by, Grace ? -:; _? : Baplurasia. Le<. : H.r.v k^nj. j? Eaphiasia. V;r-.i w :ey 5T EgiemoBt. Mjj^:e .\:ii^ 52 Glenelg. Isabel Finh 4^ HoUand. Reta Ssjitfr -_' Keppel. W. H-/; â-  T... . r t-; Keppel. S, LaV; ?-:.:..•,â- ;• ,•: Markdale. Sh r ;;. >,â- â- â€¢.•"-â-  -..' EJ.-v;.r-; \'^ u^< 74 Osprey. MerU- ? . -c-aâ€" S> Proto". Ir-s r -cv. i" - " S. Ptv:.-. :--^: >;.;;- ••. Sarawak. Ru'ry ?..-•;-.;.'.,: -â- > St. V.ncunt. V-.-vt-: ^t-.'.'ir !^-> Sydenham. F - • .r. ' 57 SaUrna, Elviv • ?. : ;. 50 Dkto ffaterSysttm atfiacitirs art grtatir â€" ixicis ere hxrrr. Durv^fsyju mont tcat/r at a low^r firke, L»mg-lifif, citrt-jTif wrruv /»draam«. ADDITIONAL H.X\VLS Mr. a-td Mrs. T. D. Berry aad Mr. aad Mrs. Win Hitl of Markdale iad-dy- ed in an ideal hunt this season. Th? «(natrtette went tip into Maskoka »nd took a oottage wichia a few rods of They- onip hont- A \Te«k aad secured the coat- Mrs. R. Best in the evening. Mrs. „. ,, . _. * iw ». »â-  -'^ fashion note says that women's Field and Bruce came up for the holi- ^^^^ ^^ ^j^j^^^^ .^^^^.^ ^.^^^ ^.^^^^^ "**• idv^es. One of those scientists had said Mijs Cora McFadden i» in the Owen that a wv>man"s head is e«iual to that Sound hospital recoveriiig from an of a man. operation for appendicitis, Cora was a clever student at the high school and this will likely set her back ser- iously in her studies. The official estimate of this \-ear"s wheat crop in Canada is 4oS,V30.000 o\-er last year. Oat*, it is estimatetl will this year yield 502.lin\0<H> bushels, barley SS,0<K'.000 bushei-. and prye 17.4(t!2.000 bushels. Mrs. R. Hoy has been in Toronto for some time where she und.'rwent a treatment for douloudeux. She was in the hospital for eixrht da,\-s and is now recoverinsr. Mr. Hov has also been down lookinsr after her. The Thanksgiving service in the United Church Sabbath School was of an interesting character. Pictures were thrown on the canvas depicting sceiiVs in the life of Mis* Sturd>-, missionary at Island Lake in North- em Manitoba. Mrs. We» .Armstrong read the deacriptions. while Dr. Mur- ray manipulated the machine. Mr*. (Rev.) Staples of Hanover, the President of Grey Preshyterial. met the members of Flesherton .\uxiliaiy at the hoate of Mrs. W. A. Armstraaic on Monday of last week and gave a moat interesting and instructive ad- dress. Those who were mtable to at-. tend missed a rare treat, A telegram was received here Fri- day last stating that Mr. F. T. Carr, a former reaiilent of Eugenia and w«U hnown in this district, was in the hoa- pitnl at Chapleau. Mr. Carr was on bis way from the West to visit his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Lawler, Maxwell. He »» over 80 year* of age and was tr«\-ening alone. For some reason he left the train at Chapleau and re- mained out o-> the track all night, being discovered by a station hand In the morning awl was taken to the hospital. > the stable, s- .<r sa'e. To-': Paislev. Ont. Both h<Kes got tiimr ti. know, they each OS with ni«cEU A kitchen sink with rsrmrai; wat«r under strosg pressure â€" a tnod- erri bathrcoci â€" ia up-to-date laun- dry â€" plei:ty cf faucets in convenient places â€" all available with a Duro Water System. Trr-r.V what this m^r.s in comfcrt and convenienca in your suburban or farm hcrae, Ehrrc systertts can be used with deep veells, shallow wells, cisterns or springs. They n:ay be driven from ti^h line cvirrent, farm light plant or gasdine engine. InstaHaticn qtiick and easy. Duro-ixe yoia- country home. Let us recommend the right water sys» tern of the proper capacity for yoor requixenients. No obligation. The Empire ^ass Mfg. Cot. Ltd. London Toronto Vanc-oiiver FOR SALE BY: D. McKlLLOP Prrssxxre Water Systems IKetST^a^te^s^^^g^^ViM^Sc^ ;: \r , lil!!!i!ii!!llilli Â¥' • Furniture Specials Owing: to the lack of spvnce to display cur Xnu;> GvxhIs we arc otteriiitr the tolKvowing Furniture at cost to make room. .? China Cabinets, Walnut finish, have sold rest of suite WiU seU for |23 Vkl $25 China Cabinet, Oak Fum^ finish. Regular $24.06 POR $19.00 Sliding Couch, Regular $13 for ^| \ QQ Baby Carriage, Regular $1S Sale Price $11 Baby Carriage, Listed in CattaJogue at $29 WILL SELL FOR $24 This is a,goixi time of the year to jrvt your pictifre framed for Xmas presents and we have the best assor- rment of framinjf material wv'ever had in stwk to choose from, so leave yowr picture in for framinjr and solve your Xmas pri>blems early. Those W. Findlay Furniture Dealer •:- -:- Funeral Director Mil IK i \mm NEW DESIGNS â€" SPECIAL PRICES Bet3 Spreads $1.75 smd $2.50. Pdlow Slips $1.19 and Sl.Sd pair. Linen Tea Towels 49c- Laundry Bags 59c. Ehresser Scarfs 39c. Luncheon Setts $1.50 and $2.80. Linen Guest Ton-els 49c. Oyster Linen Centres $1.00. Van- ity Setts 19c, Full stock of Einbroidery Cotton in boil-proof colors, Belding's Artsy I Rope and Royal Floss, Fall Millinery Novelties of Latest Desiga Just Placed in Stock. SianfieWs Xova Silk^erie. Slips, Xig:htg\>\vns, \"est->. BUnMners Xew colors â€" Peach, Flesh. Beigv. Champagne, Lovebin.1 Green, Comsilk. Special price ot\ Rayon Silk^^rie â€" \*ests ~5c.. BKx>iners $1.00. Colors. Rose. Com. Peach. Sand. RUBBERS FOR FALL. Leather Top Rubbers. Heavy Bush Rubbers. Rubber Invts. ♦ Rubbers to Fit .\U Shoes. Men's, Women's. Children's Golosltes. RaynKx->t<i in new colors. -Ml first quality and reasonably priced Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear SI.XGLE C^\RME.\TS .\XD WMBLN.VTIOXS- LIGHT. MEDIUM WO HF-\VY Ql'.M.lTlES W SUIT IXDCK^R OR OUTIXX^R RKQUIREMEXTS FULL R-XXGK OF SIZES L\ ALL QU.VLITIES. f Special Values in Men*s Blue Overcoats. Some new arrivals this wedc Come in and look them over. F. H. W. HICKLING PLBSH£RTON, ONl . I 'JfriiilHttlKlttttHlllHlllllllHliluHMHinO,!.,,,*'

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