"''TW' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE U Making /a. Canadian Dollar Go Farther fAan Ever Before IN the purchase of the com- mon commodities of life, the Canadian dollar has de- creased in value during the past decade. But, in the purchase of an automobile, the dollar is now worth one hundred to two hundred per cent more than it was seven to ten years ago â€" is worth more, in fact, than ever before in history. While constantly raising the quality standard of its products. General Motors of Canada has , CHEVROLET PONTIAC M<LAUCHLIN-BUICK LA SALLE increased the purchasing power of the Canadian car -buyer's dollar. ... ... by the economies of volume purchasing and production, ... by the close co-ordination of resources and facilities, ... by improved labor- and time-saving methods of manu- facture, ... by sharing with Canada the savings effected by increased production. In quality and in value, the Cana- dian dollar now goes farther than ever before in the purchase of a General Motors car. OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERAE" MOTORS ^r CANADA'*'- Home Office and FactoTUs: OSHAWA, ONTARIO OM-taSB sisiaiMisiaia5isi5isBis5i5iGisi5iaiaaasi3i5isiai5iais^ SIX HILL STORES qr, to|«ftllMr te erdar f ku individkMlljr. F.T.HILL&CO.,Ld. Markdale, Onlarto THE HILL STORE A Store cvariyn* inaUnct-l hrsly aMoaUtM.,with M|fi| quality raMrdhamiUo at lfh«| f aireit posaibln prilMs. Early Fall Bargains Our Buying Power Saves You a Lot of Money. Do Your Buying Here and Benefit by Reasonable Prices. LADIES' NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS Coats unexcelled in style, made of the finest fabrics and furred with a lavish hand. Their ma- terials are selected quality Broadcloth, Pile Weaves, Suede Cloths. Venice Cloth and Vclvelainc. Furs are applied with lavish hand in sweepinK shawl or crush collars with iiiatvl'.cl cuff,-, rf Aust,".!'r.n op- possum, Siberian wolf and Vicuna fox. All the new shades are here in the most wonderful assortment We have ever .shown. Come in and see these coats. NEW l)RK.SS GOODS FOR FALIi Wc are showiiitr an exceplionally fine rantre of Fall and Winter Dress Goods. All the new Aut- umn shades are here and we feel we have just what you want in dress Koods. Flannel will be Rood this year and we arc showintr all the newest shades. Lifrht weight woollens will be very fashionable such as French Twill, Santoy and many other lijrht weijrht materials. Come in and see this bif( ranf^e! MEN'S NEW FALL Sl'ITS AND OVEItCOATS Every style in all the newest fall weaves. All wool British Fabrics and fine workmanship. The new single and double breasted models for vounK men, for the conservative dressed man and for the hl(?h school lads. ClothinK of the type that the better drescsd men want. OVERCOATS ! 0VEROCOAT8 1 You'll find the trreatest assortment at the most romrlcable values ever offered in Markdale. Uls- ters and Tube models in blue, grey and Lovat shades. Beautifully tailored and trimmed with satin and the new plush fur. Every many in Markdale and but- roundintr country should sec these Cotas. Wonder- ful Mlection! Wonderful values I LADIES' IMPORTED FELT HATS Fashioned of evcellent quality Felt in plain and fancy effects. Featuring the newest and smartest type of crowns, folded, crushed, rolled and droopiner brimr. WIDE RANGE OF STYLES, NEW, DIF- FERENT. Attractively trimmed millinery with rib- bon or simulated leather. MEN'S NEW HATS FOR FALL By mnkinjc special arranjrements with one of the larKcst hat manufacturers in Canada, we Kot them to produce a hat which we think is the best value we have ever shown. This special Hat come^ in all the new fall shades and is made of fur felt, with the very bt>sl trimminfirs of Russian leather. No doubt you will be looking for such a hat. All we ask is for you to be the judge if thev are not the best value in Markdale. Special $3,9.9. SHOE DEPARTMENT For quality and ser\'ice see what wo have to offer in our shoe donartment. Needless to say we aim to compete when it's a question of price. GROCERY DEPARTMENT We sell for less. Quality considered" Pc-arl White Soap 4 hars lOc. Gninulat.'d Sugar 10 lbs. for 68c. Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. for 24c. I^ttt*"" 2 pkgs. for 15c. Salmon, choice quality lb. tin for 23c. or 2 for 45 Macaronic 3 jbg, for 25c. Good Black Tea p^r lb. 50c. Christie's Sodas n^ib. pijg. 27c. .Telly Powder 4 p^gg. f„ 25c» Young People Held • ConventioH at Dundaik The second annual convention of the Y'oung Peoples Societies of Grey Presbytery in the United Church of Canada was held in the United church in Dundaik on Wednesday, September 28th., afternoon and evening. During the afternoon splendid add- resses were delivered by Rev. C. A. Myers of Toronto, (General Sec. of Young Peoples work in the United Church, and Dr. R. M. Anderson, Missionary from China. An inter- esting half hour was also spent in Departmental conferences led by Rev. Myers, Dr. Anderson, Rev. McCormick Rev. Cracee and Rev| Coutts. Excellent address were delivered at the evening session by Rev. C. A. Myers and Rev. E. C. Hunter of Tor- onto. , The election oS officers resulted as follows: Pres. Rev. R. A. Spencer, Dundaik; Vice Pres. Rev. S, Martin, Chatsworth; Sec. Miss Olive McDonald, Owen Sound; Treas. Miss Myrtle McKiss- ock, Massie Ist Con. Miss McCartin, Holland Centre; 2nd Con. Miss Bum- stead, Owen Sound; 3rd Con. Mr. F. Maclntyre, Dundaik; 4th Con. Mr. Howard Graham, Markdale. Presentation to Mr. Young On Friday evening, Septembes 30 there gathered at the home of Mrsa. Whitaeoke Feversham a number of the members and friends of the Presby- terian church. The purpose of the gathering was to present Mr. Young with an envelope containing forty dollars in cash as a parting gift.An address wa read and the presentation made to which Mr. Young replied to in a neat and fitting way. Mr. Young had been preaching here for the past year and has endeared him- self to many who will not quickly forget hira. He has gone to Toron- to to resume his studies. We are sorry to lose him and we wish him God's richest blessings in his future studies and work. The remainder of ths evening was spent in games enjoyed by all., after which lunch was served. On Sunday evening Mr. Young preached his farewell sermon to a filled and over flowing church. The church was artistically decorated for Harvest Home Festival service. There will be searvice as usual in the Presby- terian church next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Everybody is invited to attend. PORTLAW sparys â€" Trustees, teacher and pupils, Ladies' Aid, Annesley Church, Mark- dale, L.O.L. 509, Wes Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harriason and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. Swanton; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Irwin; Mr. and Mrs. McFadden; Mr. and Mrs. Ran Brady; Anna Burrett, R.N.; Wreath, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law of Toronto; Flesher- ton Ball Club; H. Down & Sons; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Extinct; sprays, School Board; Mr. and Mrs, Goy and Mr. and Mrs. A. Beatty. Friends from a distance who attend- ed were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fenfield of Toronto, Mr. John Fry of New- market, Mr. and Mrs. Dunning and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyles of Aurora, Mr. Wm. Hutchinson of Em- ery, Mrs. Wm. Doan of Aurora, Mr. and -Mrs. Jim Fry of Nobleton, Mrs. Minanie Devine and sons, Roy and Davie of Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Will' McMullen and family of Owen Sound, Alice McFaul of Owen Sound, Charles Camack and family of Heathcote. Championships are seldom worth what they cost to win and defend them. Before long most champion* are merely "has-beens." FAR.M FOR SALE OR RENT Good behavior sometimes gets a man out of jail. But he got in through another door. 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art- emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, Broomed, with wood- shed, in which is drilled well, farm well watered small orchard.â€" W. J, Blackburn, Piwton Station. FARM FOR SALE 75 acre farm, half mile east of Maxwell on gravel road, heing lot 12, con. 6, Osprey. About 60 acres un- der cultivation, balance pasture and bush. Fine bank bam 44x56 \nth straw shed 30x26; also large seven- roomed brick residence. Farm is well watered with creek, and windmill pumps water into the bam. For full particulars communicate with â€" R. WELLAR, 134 Pritohard Ave. Toronto. Small Advertisements LOST â€" Brown leather case, contain- ing black rimmed glasses, IV* miles east of Flesherton, Saturday Septem- ber 24th. Finder please leave at this office and receive suitable reward. â€" From my farm on Con. 13, 1 year- ling heifer, on or about June 20 '27. grey in color. Finder please comm- unicate with W. Hawkins, Eugenia. LOSTâ€" In Flesherton. on Wednes- day last, a jet bracelet, grold lined. Finder please leave at the Advance Office. , FOUND â€" Light knee spread be- tween McZion church and Shier's cor- ner.â€" Jas. Hopps, Portlaw. BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for ser- vice. Terms $2, payable the first of February, after that date 52.60 will be charged. â€"EDWARD LCUCKS. LOSTâ€" In Flesherton, on Wednes- day night Sept. 28th, a car light re- flector.â€" Finder please leave at The Advance office. LOST â€" Umbrella between Rock Mills and Feversham on Tuesday. i Finder leave at this office and receive reward. FARM FOR RENT S. % lot 16, and lot 17, concession 13, Township of Osprey, containing 150 acres under cultivation, buildings consist of frame dwelling and two bams, one mile from Feversham. For full particulars apply The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay Street, Toronto. Mount Zion Anniversary Services will hi held on Sunday, October 16 at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. The pas- tor will conduct the afternoon ser- vice and Rev. Mr. Spencer will offic- iate in the evening. An entertain- ment is to held tha following Wed- nesday evening. > Mr. and .Mrs. R. Hannah of Berk- ley visited with friends in this part last week. Mrs. W. P. Jamieson has been vis- iting the past few days with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Jamieson and dau- ghter and Alvin McKenzie went down last Saturday and all are ex- pected to return one of these days. Mrs. Walker, son and daughter of Toronto visited their son and bro- ther, J. H. Walker. We omitted to mention the fact that Mr. Neil Mclntyre left some time ago and went for a visit with kindred. Mr. J. H. Walker and your scribe motored to Clarksburg "district on Monday. They visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Graham and en- joyed very much a social chat with their former Artemesia people. Mrs .McKenzie received the sad news of the death of her uncle, Mr. S. Halliday of Orono. LOSTâ€" Between Vandeleur and Flesherton or Proton and Flesherton, balloon tire and rim off Ford car.â€" Finder please leave at The Advance Office.â€" Reward. FOR SALB Pigs for Saleâ€" Young pigs for sale of the bacon type.â€" B. McKenzie, Ceylon, Ont. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Sljorthora bull for sir- vice at lot 6. Con. 9, Osprey, "Meix* Marquis" No. 179,185; Sire BoS Sdes'-iJr"" - '^""'"^' •'•~- â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Bngenla. FOR SALEâ€" Wood lots for sale, by the acre or half acre.â€" .-^pply to James Nash, Markdale P. O. ^ FOR SALEâ€" Cow, good milker, due about Feb. 1.â€" Mrs. D. Dow, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" General Purpose horse; will change on straight axle rubber tire buggy or colt.â€" J. Hopps, Flesherton R. R. No. 3. F.T.HlLL&Qo.,Limh d,llJlaHtd«l TheLatcJllf.J. Alcox ^ The death of W. J. Alcox of Orange Valley on Sunday evening, Oct. 2 was a shock to the whole community Mr. .A.ICOX had been in his usual health until a week before his death. The deceased was born in Euphra- sia sixty-five years ago. He marr- ied Elizabeth Fry of Nobleton thirty- ciffht years ago, and lived for a time in that locality, later at Vandeleur and for the last years of his life on his farm on the gravel road. Mr. .â- \lcox was of retiring disposition, but his gentle manner and great kindness of heart made his circle of friends larg? and devoted, as his funeral bore a testimony. Mr. Alcox was assoc- iated for many years with the Meth- odist church of Flesherton, later the United Church. Ilea was interested in all tilings that sought to benefit thj lives of the people. He was de- voted to the cnu.se of organized agri- culture and always sought to help his industry. Hcsides his wife five sons and one (laughter mourns their great loss: Ross of Vandeleur, Delbert and Leonard of Flesherton, Welly, Clarence and Stella at home. One daughter died in infancy, and a sister, Mrs. Georgina Miligan, lives in Edmonton. The funeral, from the Alcox resid- ence to Markdale cemetery, was held on Tuesday, October 4th at 2.30, Rev. Okc of Toronto off icitiing at the house and grave. The pallbearers were. Messrs. Alf. Harrison. J. Beatty, S. Gilbert, Chas. and Fred Boland and Herb Corbett. The floral tributes consisted of: FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed fowl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. Sltf BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ..«,- vice by Fleah«rton Bacon Hog Cli* the property of the Ontario Depart^ ment of Agricaitnre. -C. STEWART. Cwttakw . BOAR VOB SEBVKB No. 92-7W80. â- liin piff, both bMon on lot 176. K.W. T, Termsâ€" 11.00. -«. J. STOIBOir. FOR SALEâ€" Oxford Down Reg. Ramb Lambs, bred from ewes pur- chased from Henry Arkell of Hailton. -C. Akins, R. R. 3, Proton. FOR SALE â€" Solid brick 8-roomed house in Flesherton, with a stable, hen house and garage; is near the high school.â€" J. Thistlethwaite, Flesh- erton. WANTED â€" We are paying high- est market price for all kinds of grain and clover seed. We have seed wheat for sale.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday.- Graham Bros. Eugenia. NOTICE â€" Hunting and trapping on lots 176, 177, 178, S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot No. 17„ N.E.T. & S.R.! strictly forbidden. Any hounds found trespassing on said lots will be shot. â€"Thus. J. Stinson. PIANO FOR SALE Upright Piano from Heintzmans 111 the Very best condition. Beaut- iful tone, good finish. Can be bought for less than half cost price on terms of 12 months. Piano can be seen at Mrs. Blackburn's, Flesherton where It is left for sale. FARM FOR RENT 50 acre farm, 1^4 miles from Flesh- erton, V. mile from Ceylon. Lot 147, Con. 3, West Back Line, Town- ship of Artemesia. All under cul- • ut- imrni iriiiui.es consisted or: *''^''^'<"'< with good buildings. For Wreath, the family; pillow, the neigh- '**'' particulars apply to â€"Malcolm bors, north; sheaf, neighbors south; Ferguson, Ceylon P. 0., Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE RegMtered Yorkshire Bou for Mr- v.ce-.«dgely Bright Vim. iJo. SiSi --eroperty of Saugeen Bacon S^ Club. Terms |1.00. -C. HINDLft Lots 168-9. 8rd W.T.S.R., Ar^£ MIDDLEBRO & BURNS BarriBters. etc an? llsMS" ^-^ Saturday afteAjoon al GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED ACGTIONBEB For the County otf Grey. Twm.. 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaSd D ates made at The Advance oS BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Townt" and Roya, College of.DentalSu;;::^ tlt^ T- .^"^ ^'J'ninistered for teeth extraction. Office at residenca Toronto Street, Flesherton. """'''"'=• A ^"" ^'^''" ^°<^8e' 838, A.F & AM., meets in the Maaonic hafl, Ann- strong Block, Flesherton ever^lS- day on or before the full moon, Ray l^!^'^;;^_^;;;M^. Lawrence, Sec. ors^"eJe % "p^'^'^^^i^t^^T^^. ors, etc., -I. B. Lucas, K. C; W D ";"7'?-A- Offices, Markdale Luo«; Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundaik and Durham. ~^^lt^^f&~^,t,, Barrl^I^i;^. ImZl' S""? ^°""''' S**»<J*n> Bank I 'j_TelforJ^, J. F. p. Bim ie ! Wm. Kaittlng,"LU^«.,d An«tl^ for the countle. ol Gr,y ««i aboaom. farm and stock «^^ n Temu modarala- may b« lada m Hm , or b, I ii Mwa tn A local man was fined in police court last tveek $75.00 and costs for driving past the barricade and over the new pavement before the road was thrown open by the government engineer.â€" Shelbume Free Frew. '^OKBWW^MSlB^